HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-10-13, Page 7The Government's Armour. A itanuan'e W I
• r tten on the
teem the Leese lie= nUna,)
It is not always an easy thing to
measure with the eye the tome width
VV height of the forehead, hemlines tof
the volutne of hair which al ten omo;
erottettes toward the oyes; but it is I
haply safe
V temelude that the size nf
lorelteed has e direet relatiou to
hrein eripacity. Ties iti subject. only
64Don" Shnepard, writing ;r Satin, I
thty thus tuuraljos et ‘1,
Lawler it tour and its prolmble effects
oe the Governmetit:
The Before' rty ill OHO tills has
for many pees permitted itself to eft
put co the dettmeive, Whoever hi
their present titiviser it is evaletit that
be eederetnileits 1.1itopttigoing hot t ter
than many of the 'de prepliets of tbe
M. Laurier has gone tat t
o Loved Cluldren,
A man with three children entered
a restaura ant iu Gnomon towp, and
after they were all 4(.00 he said
Row children, ere you hungry ?
Would you like some sausages?
Waitress,bring throe sausages—two
for teryst,lf—that makes five. AbT
1Have tolgotten the breed. Waitress Pawera at the natives with whom she
to pm/mentions as to Intensity ' came ie coutttet. Her nephew, who
addreas the eleetore and is forcing tlie 1 activiry
Government int 0 r he unfortunate prati• I sidered. 4" ;4°?1"thei'rrovvitv.attNaQwsfo'lebtrnaYjingling of was atad"ng at 114 th° II reueh ClaPi'
which lived not Low lie elm- ;
time so lou g tee:aphid by the Opposi. : mid broad forehead deemed ineellec- 1, (41.1.101441rd and the
It may be fetid that a Wee I keives rum /arks, the seusages were et„,a,1)„,,,aft'itn.ad tf" hr aa ihrhatigH to oa
tion. le seems te me that Sir Jobil l tuality, with an acute nervous tem- ; were nil ever smiles. . Artist, Mrs. h'ioster wentoiceompant,
vlilldrell's fuzes ----r.,.01) itt,,en by ot famous ,renca
mit himself to Ine orotanired Lw I ' I in belelme A slight.IY oitTfilu" f °re"
Thompson ie uot well edvised to pee. peramout, 11151)0110 only too often lack j Eujov it, elk? tei by her nephew (and the phrase,
Mrs. Poster Ivo trout NO England
and regarded life very storlitsly, never
shirking or turning beck from the path
of duty which lay herore her, tut she
never realized that Frenob was at al
necessary until she visited. Paris. '
Then she 1)44 to rely on a plirase-book,
which relieved her ballad of ell care,
but greatly 0xcraised the tueutal
eDellilitS rota the tail end of his peaces.
sum. Bo lets just re -mimed from
Europe after huyiug shared ttio meg-
nificient victory in diplotnecy--the
Behring sea arbitratiou, It does not
appear to me that there is touch iu
What we are said to have guitied, but
like the old emu iu the bailee we Cali
At least call is ea famons vietory."
It Is not necessary for Sir John
Thompson to stump the constitueuees,
in fact am doubtful if it is wise,
Like Edward Blake, our Premier, is
lacking in magnetism, and nobody
head intimates aveilability of talent,
and when the slope its (noised by hige
perceptive.. lying over the 0yes it, may
also IRE taken as showing powers of
'men obeezvaticni. if the elope is
foiled without this lulleess over the
eyes it may be accepted, aS tint ft) i-
d0nee of weak reatiOnitigr powere, fur
the forehead is undoulttely the seat of
the mental faculties. el irtblu I wonteu,
with n like sense of the ridiculoue,
are its:telly marked by a distinct
promineeee at what may he milled the
upper e treers of the /4,11u -ed. Full,
could be guar, sure that he coni -l not t ness he emit) e, partly covered ti
more loved "sight and unseen" than
es a political iceberg atabanqnst.
However this may be, (Jim thing is
certain, he should not permit Mr. Lau-
rier to plan his eattipeign, If he
sat still at Ottawa for few ma ti
the heir, suggests good nature and
frientliimss, while roundness between
the hail line and the centre of the
lento plainly indicates abounding gen-.
erosity Dud sympathy. Most women
'aye, kill ae4/%4s appreciation of the
he would have the satisfaction of artiatie and decorative, and hence it is
knowing that the lender of the Oppoe i that to most faces ti 8°1'11 IL PituuPnes4
sition had burnt all the powder, and lover the eyebrows. A uoticeable
when occasiou offered ho could go i development 'llama half an inch above
forth and attack the Opposition chief- miter end of the eyebrows is
titin t d do
• hand; Mr, Leerier is to foree the I ieel per,onst.
Government bite defeesave poeture!
Sir John I i
up. 1, 011 the other lcharacteriel lc of pronounceable mus.
and(r).11k.tt It t.t.1 \vitt b
their hands full, There is it it old say
that a fool in five minutes ettu its
a statement which it would take
Wisest man an hour to disprove. W
the published list of meeting advert
ed for BirJohn is over it will be Well
take a rest. Touring the country
this season of the year is a mietake,
is a mistake which the whole policy
the governtiaent is exemptifying as
What they consider to be proper t,
tics. In fact I am afraid they
weakened, At a time like this th
cannot afford to let them joints rat
before the Opposition, Dignity a
reserve is the only thiug that c.
protect that from criticism. No tut
can work (110813 things better than S
John Thempsou. With dignity as
under shirt and official reserve as a
outer garment almost any man ea
seem exceedingly clever and state
AVE: i PrOill The War Norte.
lag In northern climates people are
ake subject te colds. out the mitural remedy is
book). Silo she knew Just
where to open it alid read her littee.
She wits int roduct.ci in PrOliCit to the
artist, He spoke in French, her
neplutv replied in French,. until the
dear old lady got bewildered. But she
felt diet slie .18t say something, so
she opeo0d the inevitable hook and
read off the firet sentence which Met
her eye, giving it the trail New flanap-
shire twang. The artist smiled sweet-
ly, her nephew aka smiled sweetly,but
as Mrs. Foster saw the trauslatine
LILCO some more settsageS?
Waitress, two or three tx.tare situ
WO ThS gar,St
Ioniered Pomo tteer, buying drunk this
ho torslt his hat nod stick and said. to
, the nieltit,.1 : Now, you tinier be very
1 gooa 21 teem, I teitte lie Moult di
I ucctly, nip gr,ing to get SOME)
I A !right!
Five annuli- s pas,eti it uart f •
a ice ntter the hen t.nce site needy
au hour, lila nu hoer, nen the
landlord said to :11e eitildren: Your
father te Iftilh ILI corning.
lie is net tour rather! We were
playing nutt,itio when the man came
U p to us 111121 asked us if would like
sumo sam.ages. We all shouted yes,
sod diet, the emu 1,rouglit us ill ilf`re;
--.i'tt- L.
highly '2rulsed.
(lave used your ThigyartPs
"Yellow Oil ami Int,ve found it unequalled
for burns,' sormus, scalds, rheumatism,
croup awl colds. I have recomrneuded it
to many tri d I
s anc they also speak ltigh-
I ly of it.
Afautreal, Que,
this also ptocluoed nt the Sallie climate. Dr.
very I
• i Woou'ojcorway Pine Syrup cures coil:ills, Apathetic Angler.
hen colds, hoarseness, bronchitis, and
64. all throat and lung troubles. Prieu 2f;e. The typical old native sat dram mill,
to reel 50c.
tt The Premium on Currency.
of - Matthew Ararshall the New York "Sun."
50 Notwithstanding the lerge arrival:5
of gold from Europe Mad the ifteretee
1r0 1 Of their resetVe, the lailik$ of 211w
uy city still refutte to pit5. tiivir depositors
tie 1111 curreucy, mitt will do no more than
IA certify checks: as good 'throng!) tin-
tn. Clearing House. Omisequently, cur -
to . rency can be had in consitieralde
ir I amounts only i!), paying, as it is said,
an i a 13rElaillitl II /pH it, K, Weil is UNW
8- bankft Kt threo pyr COlit, (IiI:CILMILIt, blEtt
la about three ppe cent, Ina transactions
n are really sate. te claims against tht.
The most effectual Oure for Gout an
Rheumatisei.—A frequent ems o
these complaints isthe inflarnmator
state of the blood, attended with ba
digestion, lassitude, and great debilit
showing the want of a proper circa!
. tion of the fluid, and that impurity o
the blood greatly aggravates these dis
orders. Holloway's Pills are of s
purifying a nature that e fevi dose
taken in time are art effectual ',revert
tive against gout or rheumatism, bu
anyonetthatbas an attack of eithe
should use kolloway's Ointment also
the powerful properties of which
combined with the effects of the Pills
ensure the certain cure. The Oint-
inent should be thorotighlv rubbed
into the parts affected at least twice a
day, after they have been steffieiently
fomented vt ith wenn water to open
the pores to facilitate the introduction
of the Ointment to the glands.
Some peopl24. are hero to ill -tuck.
Au old. woman who has pasted nearly
fiV43 tilOtIttand medical receipts in a
book clurittg the last forty years, has
not had an opportunity of using one of
them, because she •hes ilevar Veen ill a
day in 1105 tiro, and elle is growing
litmetteelsre entiED IX A DAT.--r•SoUth
Amorican Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism
and Ntsuralgitt ratheitlly cures in 1 to 33
-daye, Ito salon upon the system is re
markable and mysterious. It removes at
meet the comae of the disease nnmediately
disappears). The first dose greatly belie -
Ate, 75 emits. Warranted at Obiehoines
drug store,
An enterprising hosier has an,
nounced a new hutIon which lie mills
TIM Old Maid's Wedding. Why
your ask. Because it never comes oil.
RErauZ1 8xs. Ilouna.—Thstressing
'soy and Bladder diseases relieved in six
lieurs by the "Great South American Kid-. This new remedy is a groat
turprito and delight to phyaielans.on
tount of its exceeding promptness in re.
Itevitig pain br the bladder, kidney, back
every part ot the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
pain ill passing it almost im-
upon the !molt, end two rude poles
were set just in front of him. There
1 was no style ahout bite angling outfit.
His rods were the old familiar pawpaw,
and his litres were coarse end strong.
There was no red -pointed float, in
sight;the 111188 just cast mit rusty
old nuts for sinkers, and big, trout line
hooks, baited with little sunfish, ate
tached. There wee no deep lines on
tris weathar-heaten face, euct his hands
showed 'narks of toil. Half reclining
lotdf ing,under the shade of art elm,
lirst thought he was sleeping.
Any good luck, uncle? I called out
from iny boat.
Is to say, the moues which a depositor leu't this a good place for fish?
had to his credit ou Lanier; hooks a Iteceen. Water ginerally is.
month ago, and which was then worth I Well, is this good fishing water?
par. willmow only briug ninety cents I It loeks likely—.never tried it be-
en the dollar, with a prospect of a fore. •
14111 further depreciation, kf;tny de- Haven't yon caught anything yet
positors, therefore„ ihstead of buying Reckon I have,
currency with their checks, pay out hat kind?
the checks themselves to their creditor Chills.
who pusses them on in turn to other No fish?
creditors, and thus a. new kind ef Na •
currency leas been added to the tuts. Expect to catch some?
cellaneous varieties of it already in
cireultetiou. We had: 1, gold coin, Doe't you cans 7
2, silver drillers; 3, silver tractional Naw•
eoin; 4, gold eerti5cates; 5, old legal What do yon fish for, then?
tenders; 7. 811erinan Act Treasury For fish.
notes; 8, National Bank notes; anti
now we -have a ninth kind in certified
bank cheees, the issue of which on au
extensive Bettis: by the batiks of the
South and the West le proposed as a
means, in the absence of other money,
for Jnovinp crops to market. How
grievously our who currency system
needs reorganization and reform tide
bare etatenteitt of -its chaotic, condition
sadiciently tettifies, but we sewn to
have no financiers competent for the
A wonderful new combination is R.
Stark's Headache, :Neuralgia and Liver
Powders, nice to take and perfectly harni•
less. Mr. Pe Maynard, of Woodstook,
writes as follows: toThatilt you for the
Machette, Neuralgia and Liver Powders
Yb seat me, which I have been very gled
of, once for tey daughter, and this more.
ing fot Miss NI—, who Haid she had
suffered from headache for three dap',
We gave her one of these wonderful
powders, and in a very short titne O.:seta
in an astonished kind of way, 0,VIty,
headache is all gone.' and is du} not re.
If you don't care for fish, thee wit
do you fish for them?
For a 5085.
Just then the end of one of the paw
paws begun bobbing up nod down.
Yon have got a bite them uncle, I
Let 'ton bite, I'm resting, and th.ej
pole began swaying, and the line fair.
ly swiezled through the Water.
It's a gond one, I said,
I atlas( get big ones. and then the old
Reckon tt to he, When I'm tired
native rose up slowly anl' painfully,
and after tugging away for a Se00tIti
or two, lifting a big jack salmon out
011 the benk.
The chum feel fish °tighter to know
I'm tired and been a cbillin. 1 aline
said (hen) Jacks bad no sense, now 1
know 15, ,Ttlet lay right there until
the old winuito edmes down and gets
ye, pm tired Etna ,t went a rest, and
thee the old fellow sat down again he,
side Om tree,
Are yon not going to set that line
turn again,' Mr. Xforsee Willa, Chief of I ugain tend tette care of the fish 9 I
Polies, Woodstock, stays; "t heve teken eeetorod 50 n815.
R. Stark's Headache. Neuralgia, and Liver 1 , , , , .„.
Powders,aarl And them 138050 01350 every 1 4w1 " (1"1", setil firm and
time" S. Temple, 4(1 Catharine street Went a rest, I've been It chillin, nett
north, Hamilton, writest et have visa! least crime down here to hear the rod
Price, 25 Nieto a box. Sold by ell ineclieine
Powders, and line thorn 0 pure eure."1 to SPO tli; water 50n, and the sun go
Stark's Iicadaehe, N.curafght awl Liver hirds siter, 8011 (110 (pane whistle, arid
dealers, , down bebird that Waft No fish; just
rest is what 1 want.
t met As her led her away,
however, he conaratntared her noon
her in trrduct lot, mei her knewledge of
the latignage
But, &eery, erir.d his horrified aunt,
did you hear whet 1 stud ? I asked
him now soon emild we got something,
to est —that's atirri,d
Her peptise, (lewd he would have
liked to lattele Olt he replied., Did
you ? \Vele entitle, tt lesn't matter,
for,he asked Ili" what in thunder '()It
said,. and I. told ben I didn't
li'roin the "Editore. lerawer," 1(1 tier -
per's leliteseine f.,r October
(Qii2F1 cu' 12 54 -Via -gr...., 4
Curps Onntwarsotinn„ Oonglan, erstrtp.„ Sore
Throat. Sold b., an Druggists on a Guarantee.
For a Lame Side, Baca er glee Shiloh's Porous
Piaster willeivc great satisfactien.-25 Conte.
Mrs. T. 0.11trwitins, Chattanooga. Tenn.,ettyn:
"Shiloh's vttoitccr e.s.Aizt zo.r7
eonsiderit thebeetretnedyforacietatat4essatena
rover used." For Ditspeslit,LiVer Or .51duey
trouble lt 0=0E. Price 45 otS.
g'7g or F ri:oi!o;
121 i..t.,1,45,f,1
Cdp'' iffn. 1111-.
Rave you Catarrh? Try. thishemedy. It Will
ositively relieve and Ogre you. Price 80 Et's-
This InJector for its successful treatment is
furnished free. ReMember,Shilola'sitemedies
are sold ou a a-natant:or:: to 01vo nmrisfention.
INS THE SYS -r824, ALL loneerri es AND rout
Humans. AT TH8 SALEM *mac SORRECT•
ec es, otzenscss, eiteTeUR N.
SALT ngent.t, ertveopcuts, 0080..
TIVE INFLOSNCC OR ntirrinoCit Et.00n
14tuRilt 4,14
'W.414FUL 014' -
Not only a mite but a our() for all kinds 0/
1E0E110E1. Centainl no hurtful drags. A
'wonderful Compound, Nice to take.
Sure death to pain,
33.3 sun you get STATEra.
PREPAR6fi 11„ STARK, fa.0.0,P" CHEW
rico tii.Aactovi UNerefairtY, soorrt.may,
And yen went up the Ithine, I sup- e t tn sitting by the 6.4,itatlii.6 IhOtar Alibi 10'411 lenentrolatti
Old elin, while the big jaok salmon ratted** neve teeneoeuil
pose 2 said Mrs, Malaprop Inducd,
Water alld
rcediatery, If you want quick relief and
aura this ia your remedy. Solil at Chia c.
holm's drug store.
; utici it was beautiful. And did
ott sec any rhinoceroses ? 'rho many truthful tcfpi111011i1116 be-
et .. 151)0515 5110 dry helves,
half of !load's SarSapotillt) prOn211 t that.
Williams' Koval tirown Remedy, are4telt *pre it
arth, guaranteed to curs women' Nervous Docility, ,
con Anni4, even ellen all others fail.
Illiguitigism, Neuralgia Past:rats, rte.try nom
cons was.; ALL mr,
eet vomit tirroo. Witt% c.445d, t:e
gt, In tia,e, ty tint- Iste.
; 1"N020 'rPTION'
to liana, a our load of
DritidColuzilaZ�, Qdar
which we will sell at prices time defy emu
petition, Also, first,class
at $1,75 per *mare,
quality gnaranteed.
All of
Dressed and Rough. Lumber, Lathe
Barrels, Wood, 480,,
kept couttans ly }mod.
eite„p,1511 the Clies pest.
Marg.A.N& SON.
Wiugliarn ,:;Tune 7th, 1805,
gives Private Lessons iu Weal Training, both )n 851)5
and Tonle -Sol -Pa Notation. Open fn. engagements
for Concerts or Church meetings. Terms moderate.
31118. Is, AfaallOwlI,
Farrier rit Win"ham
Trains arrismnd depart 3.0 ham',
.For Toronto
3:05 p.
10:40 p.
M,811': AT 1,11A
0;:ri•o iii,k4liamneli,Plielpil0140.
11:20 " •r
E:55 p 111. " ls
10:15 A, fl, " mIxerlfor ifit•carfline
047 p.111, for Kinardiun
1002 "
ii;o0 a.rn. Undca.,Clinton, Sc.,
8:1523,113, if 22tf
Solentific Amer
Agency for s
ror information and free handbook write to
NUNN .k CO.. 551 BaeADwAy, NEW Eottsd
the puhile by a notice Wen free 08 0)1131-811 In
"cieutifir qktrerigiti
Largest *Initiation of any netentif19 panel' in
worm. iwenclicily in stinted. .603 205901505
year, 4.50alm months. Address minsily
Cheap for KA SIT,
E 1=3 s rrl
.:71,4r,troen.a.........f.lyrneklm:,••••:•••t=r•vrelnryea, •t••,•• ol•••••./. tNati,
01 0% j,l1rrt!, ge.,,.A
Vi Vete.
ve „ '
oh.; ,„ "
All intending purchasers of stoves for this
winter will save money by buying from
Having bought a very large variety of
-ST-0 -Cr
to choose from
roe* stove guaranteed against breakage and
to give complete satisfaction.
D, ]flL-,
Wingharti, August