HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-10-13, Page 5East Duron Fail Silo%
ThP I ,t Iitiron .I 'zt1.I Slfow was held
in Bros ia, on Thursday and Friday
last, The a eveether was tine up, till
abMirt One ot{i]oak, on Friday,. when
rain began to fall. Noewitilatauding
the rain, thine wits a good attendance
during the afternoon, €tad the show
was oue of the twist suocessftti hem by
the Sooteey. The following is the
PnrzF, Lin,
Houses,=.Heavy Dratught--.•Stallion
over three years, Geo (Ayer, 'Fisher &
Menzies. Brood Stare having raised
foal in '93, 3 F Dale, Jno Sbortreed,
Horse colt, Geo Dale. Mare calf, J 1+
Dale, 3 Sl1ot-treed. Two year old filly,
J F Dale, G 'VIoffet, 3 Shortreed,
Two yeitr old gelding, 31P Dale. Year -
.lily, Geo Dele, 3 Seortreed.
Heavy draught team, Geo Dale, .A
Gardiner,. ,Stallion over three years
with four of bis progeny for 1898,Fisla.
er & Menzies. Geo Giver. General
purpose ;Brood mare, having raised a
f to 9,,, James IZaZ.elian, 3 l+'.17taltt,
Jas Petrie. Horse colt, Hugh Ross, S
1.+ Dale, Thos Ross. Two year old Elly,
Neil Duncanson, J F Dale, 3 .Bolger.
Two year old gelding, Thos Roes, Jno
Brown, 3 McLellan, One year old
gelding, Jas Simpson, Jas 11cL'.tellatt.
Span of general purpose horses D
Walker, Taylor Bros. 2 and 3. Roads
aters—Stallion over three years, P
Scott, W Roddick. L3rnod mare,
having raised a fool in '93, Geo
Thompson, W Roddiek, T Strachan.
Spring foal (volt or filly,) H Zito', W
Knox, Ballantyne & Wilton. Two
year old filly, T Calder. Two year
old gelding, A Grant, T Deuuiso:r, D
O Ross. Orel year old filly. T Oalctet;
2 year old gelding, A Grant, T Derain- t EI Ilamrlton R I
Gold -
son, 1) 0 Ross, 1 year old Ray.,D 13 en russets 0 iezaderson, R Iz lis. i ha
Moore; 1 year old gelding, ° Spitzerahurg Mrs T Ballantine. Seek
g ,,, Gen Thorns
son, A. Strachan M Johnisefu• baggy
horse, Silas Jackson, Jelin Scott, W •Toltman farther,
Stewart, rietro3 Evans..
3 Dickson; roadster team, Juo Sentt {
Luke Sperain. Carnage R , Rilastori pippins, W Barrio, tGeo
Fisher & 112 enztesrestallion waderthree( Rott. Coiveet , W tcK neo 3 Apex.
years, & Menzies, P Scott; 2 Roxbury rubsets, 3 lucI innun. Alex
year old Fisher A Smith; , ander, A Smith, 0 Henderson: Duoh'.
Y, ,yearling helm• tiger of Oldenburg, errs G Nott, 0 iten-
ing, 0 Sage, H Kirkby, R Pollard; l derean, Fall pippins, 3 sioKinrarrn,
spring foal, (colt or filly), R Pollard, 0' maiden's blush, W srcA.rther, H Ham,
Sage, 3 Armour: carriage span .0 •D il.
dersou 1 * 2, W.yandotteta W Ti,ylor
i l & 2. 'i!'urlroye, Pr, Nichol, J Gook,
geese, Chas Henderson, Jae Harrison.
Roue") ducks, (r Irwin, J Cook,
Pekin duoke, Geo Irwizt, Jas I1arr'00n.
Aylesbury clacks, Ghee Henderson 1
& 2, Cazaaries, Mrs T Ballantyne,
Gatne fowl, Jas Harrison: Geo Irwin,
IASNr,1.AirNTs, Patent firm wagon, 8
Pels Walker a 1 bone Lugo, covered,
covered, James Wel er,D Ewan, Road
, Two horse buggy,
' cart, Juo Wynn, Jas Walker, Iron
herrowe, S Plum 1 & 2. Turnip
saulffer; J J Gilpin, Turnip cutter. J
J Gilpin, General purpose plow, J
Heffernan, J J Gilpin. Double mould
beard plow, J J Gilpin. Subttail plow
J J Gilpin, Set daubletreerl and yoke, Jae Walker, 8 Plum. Rime z -
Mended, open baggy,' S Plum. Set
horse shoes, 5 Pluto.
Gomm ---White fall wheat, R .lylq
Gowan, Amos Smith, Geo Johnston.
Red fall wheat, Jas McCallum, R Me -
Gowan, Geo Johnston. Seting wheat,
any variety, Jas McCallum, Geo John.
sten; Geo Moffat, Barley, 4 or 0
rowed, Jno Brown, Glias ELe nderaon &
Son, P Robertson. Black oats, V
Forster, Jas Harrison, Geo Moffat,
White oats, George Johnston, Jno
Hewitt, .1 Burgs ss, Small peas, Geo
Moffat, Jno Brown, Large peas, Geo
Moffat, Ghee llettderson, Jas 'Speir.
read, Timothy seed Juo Robb jr, Jas Har M
risen, Argos Strath.
Celery, pizrk, Orr; F Stewart,
Delatx 1'itotluon•—,Tub bu
Wintins0u, 3 McLellan, 1-111
'Jas Lyons, Table butter, J lea
Jas Willlinsaai, D B Afore, J
son, Mrs Pi Stewart, Factor
0 Hen
tier, Jas
Nen AacLitut;lzlin, W A Edge;
made cheese, Jas Simpson,
DomEsrlo ll ,NurAoa'ozelrs
yawls llttnnoi, Airs Geo Mott
blankets, Geo Johnston, t) Hen
Counterpane, 11rs Geo Nott,
Stewart. Yarn, home spun, '4
Oraeketx, Jas McLellan. Gerl rl
suit, Catzadieu tweed, 1) 0
Maple sugar, J McLellan, J I
'Staple xnolasses, J Evans, lire
Honey, comb, G A 'Deadman, 1
strorn . honey, streieed or ext
Deadman, Chau Hien
Grape wine, 1) 13 Moore, F' 5
Strawberry wine, W 1:XI Alcor
Mrs T Ballantyne. Elderberry
Geo r
I1' >
Mrs Crt.
a .Nott, W H 1lc lr
Apple jolly, Miss 'McClelland,
Evans, Renbarh jelly. Mrs T 13
tynt•, Nellie Ross, Jelly fro
other fruit, Jas Evans, D B. a1
Baker's bread, white, Geo Tho
Horne made brr•ad,w111te,Jas liar
Ades T Ballantyne, Baker's
brown, Geo 'Thomson. Home
brown, Mrs T l3al1eutyne,
oore. Fruit cake, Mrs T Bernie
D 13 Moore. Jelly calve, Mrs
elver, Mrs '.1.' Ballantyne, Oat
ke, Nellie Ross, firs IVIG e
, InlraH
I11zs +'
-.-,.. Teo
Mrs E.
11 Ale,
G Nott.
V ,Srm
aeh u,
Allan -
m any
Frvl'r, t'aidwins, Jae Evans, Jno; Is.
MoKitznon, Fazneouse, not Icuown, leiiL
(Altmann of canned fratt,in glass
H McCracken, Fred 1Me0ra
xe handle, Jas McLellan, Geo J
IgQUs. King of Tompkins Co" W 10
eArter, H Idatn]lton. rlouwoth !1 W
pippins, J Robb jr. Northern spies, I A
Mrs Geo Nat . . -' ! st
greenings, W Barrie, J Evans. 1
rness, I 0 Richards.
LADIES' %Vo...-_ ascene work
double farm
A Strachan, Aire ailoKelvey, Appligna
work, Mrs A Stracban,Mrs T 13allt►n.
tyns. Braiding, Mrs G Nott,' Jarues
Ireland, Mtrtiu wool work, fiat, Mars
'P Ballantyne, Mrs McKelvey. Bertin
wool work, raised, Nellie Ross, Mrs A
Straolzan. Berlin wool and bead
work, Mies McClelland, Nellie IZ,,ss
t on, Variety of winter apples, D 13 and
Wilson, M Johnston: brood mare, K !Amore, Olias Henderson. Variety of Str
Pollard, 13 Leatlierdale, 0 Sage. '
(i:>'rTLI;.--Durham, ball over two ;pears, LurseT BallauHenderson.
ynd , Nellie `Ross E tx
year,D Milne. Bull under twt, years, !Plums, errs McKelvey, W FI :rzo0rack-
IanR Corley, D .Milne 2 and 3. Miieh len. °lusters of grapes, Chas Hend- a°r
cow, having calved since last show, 3 Arson, J Hewitt. Crabs, J Stafford, y
Artnoar, D Milne 2 and 3.. 2 year; 0 Henderson. Apples not in above art,
old heifer, D Milne, 1, 2 and 3. !list, Geo Johnston, R Inglis.
I year old heifer, D Milne. 3 Armour, 1 -re AND i oitb Onoi s - Early broi
D mime. Herd of Durban's, 1l
male and 4 females, D Miiue. i potatoes, J Bolger, .1 Mcllellan, W Ste
Jerseys—Bull over 2 years, G A 'HayMcOrra enInglis. nglis, pottrtoes, W ary
Deadliest'. Bull under 2 yearaef Coats, ! g p o atoer, Ros
11lileb baiting calved since last W Arwstron,;. collection of potatoes, Nott
net, Jas McCallum. Berlin wool
silk, flat, G A Deadman, Mrs A
adieu. Cane work. Agra E Stewart,
arvin. Cord work, Miss Mt0lel-
d. Mrs T Ballantyuo. Crewel
k, bars 0 Campbell, Mrs bleKel•
. Card board motto, Mrs E Stew -
W Barrie. Crochet t work, Nellie
s, Mrs 0 Campbell. Darned t,et,.
s McClelland, Nelle Ross, Etn-
dery, Cotton or muslin, Mrs E
,wart, Mrs (7 Campbell, Etnbruid-
on worsted, Mrs Geo Nott, Ne
hell. Black er,tyou drawing, Cr' A
Deadmttn, ,Aire A1eKelvey. Spatter
work, G A Deadtxtan. I'aiueiog on
pottery, Nf'JI]e Itose, -1?red .IcOrailt eu,
Painting on silk yr vo'vet, Mrs 0
Gatntpiarll, lilts'1.' Bullert,yn,t. Paint,
ing in plactlnes, 3 .A Dt,rulna►1r, 11Xre
Oentpbell. O1nnnzr•utr.] penmanship,
K' Men leer, a3ttsizleee !seamanship,
W llaArter, 1) 13 Moore, Girl'e pen,
1nenable, 1.) 13 Moore, J 1t Snaith,
Pl,owklts AND PLANTS. .-'Tattle ho -
giiet, ',Mrs 'X Rid Ientyne, illi,; >tt'Wert. JIsrecognised asth,,,,,,,,,,,,, ___.,. CRATIMIVt, ONT.
Hund bognet, Minnie ,`it,.w,n.t, J R
o JfDRT OF TRE fiE T m
Young teas tine women Wishingto ,
prepare themselves as bookkncl,a,'y'„u
• tnath• Batton hale or rlreee lu tl,tet °
Mutate Stewart, J R ynaitI, ' Gil•,
r, l irrN, t Inrrlfr sr, wart.
zips, ,llrK T I;,,ll.ltvnt', Minnie
fltpweri. Plllnx t)rrrntha null, Minnie
Stewart, Wtalter'f„)for Asters, Walter
Taylor, miunirt Strw.tr't. ,.Stocks. i'ars
A Strachan, Ulla.;; Uendereon & Son..
Petunias, 11'nlrer 'Tni•'nr, t;ltals Hen-
derson n d;
Minnie Stewarrt, French marigolds,
?dint,u+ ttt+wtti•t, I)i•,,,ihus, Waiter
P+tylor,'Minnie Stewart, l3a lsants, 3
Evans, (xl'td;olue soma, Minnie
Stee art, (falter Taylor, Verbenas.
Walter'1'Ftylor, Pere: alai phlox, W
Taylor. Qolfeotioti of ornamental grits -1
see, home grown, Alex Stewart, 8th.
Catle0ssion of Grey Verity of flowers
not specified in above list, Minnie
Stewart, •1 R StTtita,
SPACIAL Pitlzl;S.._..W I3 I err•'s
special, for ;tread, Mrs '1' .Dili ntyne_,
For butter' Aare J Wilkiasan. W 1:1
moOraciceu's xpt'uial,r;ix a+trode turnips,
Jas Wilkinson, Jus (Lair, Si.' Jong
ra 1 hate%els, Mrs T I3„linntyne, Geo
Kelly. Six vadat.• ;.'lobe mange's, Jas
Me Yalinni, 3 R Smith
.lunars,—Grain and roots, J IV Mc-
]3nin, Atwood, .linos Smith, Moles-
worth and Geo Johnst,,n, Blut'.vale.
Vegetables, Chas Proetor, Bel:Trave.
Ladies' work. W D Smith, Atwood, 0
Me0lelland, Belgravia Horses, John
Cooper, Palmerston. Chas Henderson,
Wingham and Mr Mason, Guelph.
Cattle, Jim Anderson, 13eIgrave, Jas
Gaunt, S. Helene and R Parker, A.
wood. Sheep and pigs, Arthur Simpe
sola, Atwood. Poultry, 1l Elliott,
Wiughatn, and Jno Bretheanr, Wrox-
uantnea.s or liltot timed School in America, and vestry enperfor to
a contemporaries in Canada No better evldenwr of this aced he adnarced than the following
where stur,,rnts came from, who registered tiering the 10 dime int , 6 !fart
atiVertisemcnt: North Ad•,ms rJ n ediatoly tweet/Mit: the wring;;
' a, hlncar „ • ,cthbtdd: ,
Ilturtaville Aivaltok • aea ; La'aaoaot n ree = l main,
lftctltrx of l] i i 11i e, l,utl„en; Chetsnortb; Poen Clinton: bhat1"T'
Co,• Grey; Auhthn, Ca, limonScforab,.cotaeon, nindwor, Strangflcld itid;Glow iv
1, saanp .'Genera l sever Co„ 01,0,1,10.: Ili• h t f,al,lcr; haat
Last Friday night the saw mill and
stave factory of Ament Bros was burn-
ed to the ground. The origin of the
fire is unknown. This was one of the
best industries in Brussels, employing
a large number of hands. Their
purchases of logs, stave bolts, &e.,
Ilia j amounted to large sums of money each
year. The loss will be $6,000 or
$7,000, with an insurance in the Gore
Mutual of $2,000, The fire engine
was called into service again on Satur-
day afternoon. the wind hawing started
the fire up so as to endanger adjoining
property. The firm will not rebuild,
aa the timber required for carrying on
' their business is getting very scarce in
R this section of the country.
is. Embroidery on sill:, Mrs Geu
, Nellie Ross. Fine shirt, George
tt, Mrs Geo Nott. Fancy knit-
iu cotton, Mrs h; Stewart, hiss
lelland, Pitney knitting iu wool,
C Oarnpbeil, Mrs Geo Nott.
girl shirt, Mrs Geo Nott, Mrs .0
art. Feather flowers, Mrs Geo
Nott. Feather stitching, Mrs T B
lantyue,Nellle Ross. Hair flowers, J
Stnlch. Point laae, Mrs Geo Nott,
Nellie Ross, Lace honiton, Mrs Geo
Nott, Nellie Ross. Lambrequin, her.
lin wool and bead, Nellie Ross, Mrs A
Strachan, Lamp 'Inc a, Nellie 'Ross,
AT E Stewart. Leather work, t%f
C Campbell, W >1 laloOrackeri, Pa
woolen uaitta, Goo Moffatt, Jas Mc
Callum. Pair woolen gloves, Pre
McCracken. Knitting, Mrs E Skewer
Mrs `T Ballantyne, Tufted quirt,
Barrie, d ;Brown. Crochet quilt, Mr
E Stewart, Jas Ireland. Pateitwor
quilt,liiss aleClel]and,Mrs E Stetvar•t
Log cabin quilt. Mrs Geo Nott. Mis
McClelland, Fancy quilt, 'Airs '
Ballantyne, Jas Ireland, Knitted
quits, Mrs T Ballantyne, Mrs George
Rag gnat, Mrs T Ballantyne,
00 Nott. Itibtroscene, Mrs C
show. D cow, bait, U Thomsen, si, G A 10 Henderson, tt Garvin, W H Mea friofftL
Deadman. 2 year old heifer, le Iugles, ;Cream), Swede turnips, P Robertson, tirro
G A Deadtnao. Yearling heifer, D A , 0 Henderson. Turnips en other Mcs
'Lawry, G A I3ead,n,Ln. flnitar Dalt, 1 variety, 0 Henderson, G Johnston. Mrs
J R Smith, G A Detadman 2 and 3 °White $eld carrots, Jas i\loLellrin, J Flee
Bull calf, G A Deadman, Nrttivo or 1 Waikins, aw, r .tylornglzana carrots, D Stew
grade,--Qow, baying calved since last 1 B Me.or, W Taylor. Scarlet names,
show, R Corley, It Robertson, Two !carrots Taylor,
3 M , Early . born
year old heifer, R Colley, Clara Ire- ; carrots, W Taylor, 0 Henderson.
land. Two year old heifer, R Uorle { Long bIUod beets, 3 Gnats, W Taylor.
T Ross. Two year old steer, T 13,oss, I Taood lvz. turnip 1Vlate wets, J W tan, W
1 & 2, One year• oh,l steer, R Corley, f Cr !Taylor.
J McLellan. beets,ar Pars`ui ld Mo.
calf,T `1' Ito ;tie call,
Carley Ross, Fat cowetier or s, W
! H MLOraeken, Geo 'Kelly. Mengel
heifer, T R. R Calory. Fat oe or; ars H s, long red, MrYe Ballaut o
steer, T Ross 1 & 2. t H nIcC, ackeo, Yellow gtobn
1 mangers-. W H McCracken, Geu Really,
Seism. -- Leicesters --- Aged ram, i Rai globe mangers, W I1 MoOraaeken,
John Barr, Jas Speir, Shearling ram.: J McLellan, Long yellow mangels,
N Cuming;, D Crerar. Rrin lamb, N W 1-I McCracken, Walter Richardson.
Cunitag, J Speir, Pear ewes, having V GETAB AS. - onions, from seed,
raised iambs hi '93, N Cumin;;, P red, J Stafford, W I3 McCracken.
Robertson. Pair of shr'arlinr ewes,
Barr, N Cutrainl;. Pair of ewe Yellow danvers, from sand, J Stafford,
Iambs, J Speir, Cumin;. Downs— W H McCracken, Onious,fr•om seed,
Iamb ram,aliNOu & boos, J -{Grant Rocca, W Taylor, W H Mc-
Rain lamb, • Jno Smith It
Cr OCiten Onions from top Nets W 1-1
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft, or calloused Lumps and Biem
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Rrng Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
to 1 Sprains, Sore and swollen Throat, houghs,
it eto. Save 65!3 by use of one bottle. War-
ranted by Chisholm's drug store.
NIeGowan• lyttir of eliearlin. eaves i 1c roc •en, Teylor, Onions freta r*oft,
McEwen 3; Jones Jno Smith. .'rDutclt sets, W 1-X iVlcCrachen A {'Virg G
bell, Nellie Ross. Rope sills
/S ith. Pan S+ Top
of ewe lambs, It :.McGowan Stewart, anion sets, J Brown, L'rtmp
Geo Kelly, Duca sets, Mrs J Wynn, J Nellie
Pros--•13erkslairN--Boar over one
year, t Milne, J Shortr'ead, Boar t11u°rac],etar Potain (intoneP
under one year, A Smith W, 11er1`ilis
ter. Suw having litter in '93, W Ales
Allister, W Bryan. Sow under one
year, W bloAllister, A Smith. Yorh,
shire—f;oar under 000 year, R Nichol. al/later cabbage Mrs T 1iallautyne,WI woolen
Sow having littered iu '03, R Nichol 1 Taylor. Curled savoy, 0 H0Ud5t;soh Pair of
& 2. Sow under 1 year, W Barr t t': W H McCracken. Rad pieklins; cab- !errs 1;''
2. °heater Whites—Bur over one' bage, W 'Taylor, 0 Henderson. oauti, W ]:T
year, 13 Edtyarda, S Snell. Boar
under one year, 13 Ed*'ards, 8 Snell,
Sow hiving littered iu '03, 8 Snell 1
& 2. Saw under one year, H Edwards
1 & 2.
PontiTIV.—,G tinea fowl, Jae Mimi.
son. Dark brahuias, 0 EIentlers,atr,
Mo0racken, W Taylor. Corn, Yellow
Canada, J Sts ford, %V Taylor. Corn,
White Flint, W Taylor, W Id Mc-
Cracken. Collection of corn, J Staf-
ford, W Ii McCracken, 0 Ilenderso:i.
Ross, Mra A Strachan. Shell
work, Mrs Geo Nott, tare E. Stewart,
Sofa pillow, berlin
pillow, berlin wool, flat, Nellie
Ross, Geo affiberlin
wool, raised, Nellie Ross, airs A Stra.
erten.. Sofa pillow, patchwork, Nellie
Ross, errs A Str;tcirarr. Pttir stockings,
, Fred 7raOracken, airs G Nott,
stoekin„ e, cotton, Airs G Nett,
Stewart, Pair evens, woolen,
uo0raoken, Fred aieOracite
'Gower, W Taylor, LT Stafford. Pomp- fair so
kin, W 'Taylor, 0 Henderson. Squash, (x50 No
W II MuOrackeza, C Henderson. Oak tell. '1
!mien of garden produce, W .iI 114.,C`+anipbs
Craeken, SV Taylor, Tomatoes, largo, I John 1I
0 Henderson, J Burgess, Plant or' firs 0
cherry tomatoes, \V Taylor, 0 Ilan- I dowers,
cks, u0tton, Aire l±l Stewart, lire
tt, Straw hat, errs 0 Camp -
'fitting, lied A Strachan, ;tire 0
11, Tinsel work, Nellie Ross,
ebb jr. Tissue paper flowers,
Campbell, Jas Evans. Was[
sir's T Ballantyne, Wax fruit
n, errs C antiphon, Airs George
Re00utrtlnuded-•••Etuirina work,
urrie. Card board motto, G A
n, Nollie Ross.
Mfrs.-•-.Oalteotioa of stu:1'ed
case, 1t Leatllsrdale, Mrs Jno
Collection of staffed animals,
wraith. Pencil drawing, 1Jrs
bell, Mrs 1icKelvey, Writer
tidseape, Mrs 0 °anaphor!. Oil
landscape, Mrs 0 C latnpboll,J
i. Oil portrait, Mrs 0 Camp.
00 Irwin, Light hrehmas, .leo demon, Butter beans, J Stafford, wV ooileotio
Irwin, 0 Henderson. .Black Spanish, 13 MoOrecken. White beans,. Mrs G Nat.
OHezzderson,Jas 1srrianlz . Plymouth
Gott, W H ,AIc()rnaken. Any other John 0
teaks, 0 Henderson, G live;,.., White verities beans, J Hewitt, W F1 .1Ia. I Deadnaa
s3hnrns, W Taylor' 1 & 2. Brows Craekert, Citrons, round striped, 0
leghorns, W Taylor 1 & 2, Silver
spangled lianthurgs, J Harrison, 13
Garin Mack hamburg+, 0 Hen -
demo, Jas Harrison. Bantams, D A
Lowry, Geo Irwin. tioudans, Cleo
Irvin 1 & 2. Dorltings. Geo Irwin,
Jas Hudson. Langshans, Gema Elan.
Uienderson, Mrs 0 Oainphell. Citrons,
long Californian, J 3vans,G Johnston,
\Vatvrmelans, Mrs 0 Campbell, W H
McCracken, Muskmelons, W It Me-
Craeken, C liondereon, Oneembere+
birder in
It Leatl
0 Cramp
color la
(; Heudertaon, W Taylor. Celery, painting
white, 0 Henderson, W Taylor. R Smhl
Wash Day
No Steam
ANDthe work
so Out down
thata young
girl or delicate
woman can do a
family washing
without being
is Litt'
You Soya
4°04'04 tb gay tar$et,ioito
Ns awe your oars ideas nett washday
real try the easy, Glean, ".o/L////Y" rvay,
BUM .4, ityhatit.
A;dhore, Brampton,i11v3iaeton, Glencoe, Cnrdi;be111a FoC
PI r,1;9, (atntltarn and 111411y 1,oh,tslu the vicinity,
Two of America's best penmen argon;; the members of our staff,
Good hoard , gentlemen i2.60, We
private fannies, and hove .the places in readh,ess for the students secure
when they a figures .ttte very rtran3i
catalogue and specimen or penmanship 411,1 t,, convinced of the superlofiy of this institution
schools fife
C of o to
s [ r f
a aim' grade
a kind 111 Canaan, bJontfon where you saw this advertisement and addrees, eves
D. ArcI,ACIII,4N, Chatham, On4
atiAT TA. to
for ladies
at $2 00 CHATIiAM,
M per,
area i s1
A full stuck o: 511 funds of
for both High i:n,t Public Schools, just received;
Also, n large wool, of
Scribblers, Exercise Books,
OOopy Books, Slates,
Pencils, Tons,
Just received a June consignment of "Quentin Durward."
a full stock, as usual,
ThePopularALEX. ROS S
Jackets,:► orketv
All styles and prices in Black, Brown, Fawn and Navy, from $4,
upwards. 1 have just received a large shipment of
and they are now open fur your inspection, As this is the first sears"
I have imported this Oases of goods, 1: am anxious to have -
every pe"son examine theca, They ars marked at a small
advance on actual dost and I ani confident you will
find tllenr from 1() tt, 25 per cent. less than
usual price asked for this (-lase tai goods.
rens ... r cods
Ilopsacking in plain alrt? F'ai'ry (;1io'ks and Silk effects,. All the new
colorings in Shot Sieges. Special ]Griew and etyles in Black Goode.
trom 23 rents a yard upwards. •
in all the shades at 51 25 a yard, word. $1.75.
at a small advance an cost.
Poll range of
Fes' and, G
y ,d t6I)r
must bo cleared out before the season advances.
50 dozen Men's All Wool Shirts anti Drawers hi Fie5
Iz and Grey at
49 conte each, 1n'st, goods Artie sold last season at 75 cents. Oet
your winter wants supplied beiot•e they go.
tiy'1)1 teeei'o a discount of 10 per cent, on all Dr Goods, etc
tongs vire stirs. Sec .leis stock before you bta r Your in.