HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-10-06, Page 8THE WI UI1.AM TIMES, OCTOBER 6, 1893. TDOOR GARMENTS. 'a importations of Mantles' y we've ever made in the past., neoessity for it, born (de doubled 'Our mantles have made en im- ' in the minds of all the ladies that dress well. They fit properly. your mantle to look perfect. We iJrlR to call and examine our stock and 5''Ir far ahead we are of any other tai Intelligent investigation now make r,bat our principle of dealing direct he best makers and buying only ;t* goods work in your interests as well 5. I FURS. cr'kness to find out the people's wants, tete facilities for handling large ' sties and the knack of buying right, us headquarters for anything in tn;vhioh are now ready for your in- n-on. n- tn. DRESS GOODS. 21:y are goinufast. ,No wonder, wnon rL 1)9e our immense assortment of fashion - toads. We are getting busy these days, rf'e want you to come right along and l,svill find we are headquarters for tunable goods, at is sa• ct'he Delineator for November is the �ipf the three Great Winter Numbers, ers a splendid specimen of this popular llzi e. All the neeas ofla ladies, misses hildren are fully considered in the s for the coming season, which are shle and beautiful in themslves, and iitlnost attractively displayed. A special 1 lee on Dinner and Enening Gowns will Two Menus for a Thanksgiving Din - The Tennis article treats of Mixed bbles and Tournaments. There is a written paper on Children's Associates n original Fancy -Dress Drill for an • number of boys and girls. An arti- euable to the housewife for its sag- veness is called. As Winter Comes On, the second instalment of Household vation deals with walls and floors. end the Tea Table treats. of .eurrent des, the Floral article for the month is aho culture of Lilies;.itnd entertaiiiaent .utumn days and relaxation., for the :er evenings is provided in A Harvest ne and a Geography Party. In addition &.is continued instruction in Netting, ,yttiug, Crocheting, Lace -Making, etc., This magazine should be in the hands very housekeeper. One year's subscrip- , One Dollar; Single Copies, 15 cents ess orders to The Delineator Publish - Co. (Ltd.), 33 Richmond St. West, onto. M. H. McINDOO'R. 'hristian Endeavor Convention. !lie Huron county union of Christian sleavor Societies held its second annual vention in the Carmel Presbyterian rob, Hensall, on Friday, September ireulars and invitations had been freely Medea among all denominations where 1:'eople's Societies wore organized, that delegates bo appointed to at- axia help to make this convention both antand profitable. Nor were the s disappointed, for the attendance good, and the deepest interest prevail- ughout the sessions. *morning session commenced at 10 with President Henderson in the e called up Rev. Mr. Swann, of Hensall, o address; of welcome, who on behalf the local societies, and the kind people 'Hensall, wished the delegates to enjoy extended hospitality. acknowledgement was then made on elf of those present, by the Rev John se, of Brussels. The minutes of the Wingham convention read and adopted. Then follirwed. re - from the Secretary and gar diffrdvlent les of the county, showing, theft the had made a very marked increase the past year, and inspired a determi- on for a most vigorous campaign the tg year. . Mr. Henderson was appointed dele- te attend the Provincial Convention, it; to be Reid in St. Catherines, on bear 10th, llth and 12th. afternoon session was opened with a and praise meeting, led by Rev. E. sly, Hensall, after which reports were of the Montreal and Cleveland Inter. al Conventions, by Pres. Henderson, call, and A. T. Cooper, of Clinton, fully. fallowing officers were then reported 11i Connuitte , and approv. , rafna�on: President, Rev. G. H. , ] Itseels; Vice4'resident, Mr. it d, Wiiillmwrna; ifscretary, A. P, atleassu 2ar, Min' 0, M. 01411 d'lkirs, 'Rev. W. H Bt,r!' J. D.1421124 Bad field, and Miss Mills, Lnekuow, Tho President's address was full of good 1 suggestions, and if space would permit we should like to have it printed in full. The Christina -1 Endeavor stood higher in num- bers, influence and power than ever bo. fore; the Society had more influence on present civilization than itsrailway system; it settled the question of questionable amusements by substit'ttional employment. The President elect, Rev. G. II. Cobble• dick, gave an excellent talk on "The Pledge. Why?" Although a subject that has often been talked from, yet the President brought to light many new reasons why this golden - bound pledge should be used by every Society. "Hints for the Prayer Meeting" was in- troduced Ly Miss Stewart, of Goderieb, and she gave such an excellent paper that the Convention, in the discussion which followed, knew of no other ways that the model prayer meeting, as described by Miss Stewart, could be improved on. Miss Grace Elder, of Seaforth, with the subject "The Country Society,' gave many new hints to societies in rural districts and which, no doubt, will be practiced by them during the coming twelve months. Ire.. Mr. Herrin, of Bayfield, on the sub- ject'•Evangelization among the young," gave bis personal experience of the work done in Liverpool, where he has, until a fen' months previous, resided, and took au active part in this important work. The evening programme was somewhat changed. yet it proved very interesting and helpful. Rev. J. 1V. Holmes, of Clinton, in the absence of Rey. S. Sellory, of Wingham, gave an enthusiastic address, although he did not kuow he had to speak until some twenty minutes previous to the titne of meeting. He said the greatest work to which on rt attention, the e eau turn our a tendo o place to be able to do important and re- sponsible work was to be ideutified with the cause of Christ. Rev. lir. Kerrie, of Bayfield, spoke for fifteen minutes, eularging on his address of the afteruoon•, an which was quite as i'cteresting. Rv. 3. H. Larkin, of Chatham, spuke on "Couceutratiou," since it was the part which the Y. P. S. of C. E. has emphasiz- ed. He mentioned Drummond as saying what the world wants is not more men, but a better brand of men. You could not offend Satan more than for a Christian to buckle ou the harness and jump right into active work, but this is what Christ wants. Good siugiug was provided by Miss Hoffman, of Staffa, and the fxodericb and Hensall choirs. The next convention will be held in Clinton, the; date to be decided by the Ex- ecutive Commictoe. WEST HURON LIBERALS. Clinton, Oct. 2.—(Special.)—A meeting of the Liberals of West Huron, for troth the Local and Dominion Houses, was held in the Town Hall here to -day, .Pre- sident Manning in the chair. There was a splendid attendance from all parts of the ridding and much enthusiasm was manifested. The following officers were unanimously elected:— President, A. H. Manning, Clinton. First Vice -President, D. A. Forester, Clinton. Second Vice-Presidedt, J. A. Morton, Wingham. Third Vive-President, Jos. Griffin, Ashfield. Treasurer, W. Coats, Clinton. Mr. Coats also acted as Secretary pro - tem., and, wishing to retire, the matter of selecting a successor was left with the Executive, Mr. Coats to act in the mean- time. In addition to the officers already elected, the following persons were add- ed, to the Executive Committee:—H. Girvin, Nile; J. P. Brwon and Thomas Brown, Auborn; John Neelands, Wing - ham; N. H. Young, Blyth; James Snell, Hullott; Robt. Holmes, Clinton; W. Young, Carlow; W.Proudfoot, Goderich; S. Ferris, Goderich Township. Mr. Manning after the organization of the riding had been completed, stated that the principal object of this conven- tion was to select candadates for both Houses of Pediment, and, as he had the honor of nominating Mr. Garrow on a previous occasion he had great pleas- ure in doing so again, and paid a just tribute to Mr. Garrow's fidelity to the Liberal cause and the interests of his constituents. The nomination was made unanimous, and was ratified by a stand- ing vote, thorn not being a dissentient. Mr. Garrow was unable to be present, being unavoidably absent at Seaforth Assizes. Mr. W. Proudfoot of Goderich then nominated Mr. M. C. Cameron as the standard-bearer of the Liberal party for the West Riding of Huron for to Domin- ion ?aliment, seconded by Mr. Hugh Gilvin of Ashfield. This nomination was received with loud cheers and the greatest of enthusiasm, and as' the ?mei: dent tendered Mr. Cameron the nowdtr- ation the applause was se great that it was several minutes before he couldt a bearing Mr. Camoron stated tDbtat ,r" when coining. to the tuceting ho had 00 intention wlintev, r of n•;ain nein„ a candidate, oe tu:.( to ialirmity of year, and tor other ro;t:unr, but the reception of his name bad t,c•ru tie %vertu nn.t cord- ial and generous, tette the etlthusinem of the gathering t'u,•n hu. he felt con- strained to say r, att. if his health and private atfaird tiii,v;,,'l, he would ;accept the nomination n hen election tlInO ettulo around. This enuuut;cententi 0118 vocifer-• ously applauded, ittet indiuntcd tont the° Liberals of \1't• lluruu tiro determined to redeem the reeling fur the Douunion at the next election. A resolution of confidence iu the able leadership of the Hon, Wilfrid Laurier, and endorsing the platform of the Lib- eral party of tttrritf reform, Was unnni- mouely carried, as was also one support- ing tke policy of Sir Oliver Mowat ill general and the course of Mr, Garraw in particularly. Three cheers and a tiger for the candi- dates and the Queen closed the conven- tion._ -- Wroxeter. The fall show of thee Wroxetter Hor- ticultural Society was bold on Tuesday and wednesclay lust. On Wednesday there was a very good attendance of visitors, and the exhibits in tlae outdoor departments were good, some splendid stock being exhibited. The exhibit of poultry was the best ever shown here, some splendid specimens of different breeds being on exhibition. The inside display was hardly up to last year, but there was some splendid samples of grain, roots and fruit shown. Ladies' work and plants and flowers were also well represented. The consort given in the pavilion, on Monday evening last, under the auspices of the I.O. O.F., was. musically, a grand 'success, but the attendance was not what it should have been Mies Jessie Alexander,hir. W.E. Ramsay and the Sago Family fully sustained their well-earned high reputations. Turnber: y. Th: f ]leren report Skews s the etanding of the pupils in school Sec- tion No. 0, Tu' berry for the month of September. The names Are placed in the order of merit and the numbers correspbnd to the nuniber of days the pupil was present during tile mouth : Class 4—Esinie Wheeleus 13, Aggie Mitchell 18, Willits Campbell 11, Alpert Porter 7, Mary Bryce 8. Senior Class 4—Visa Elliott 17, Foster Fyfe 17, V Ina Kelly 20. Junior Class 8—Lizzie Bryce 19, Norma Blackwell 18. Wtuuio Porter 19, Mary Cowden 20, Zor„ Vtude 20, Andrew Mitchell 90, lda Homuth 18, Edward Johnston 16, Hngbw John- ston 16, John Fextnn 6. Class 11=CIera Elliott 15, Frank Elliott 1G, Euna Hawse 29, I''recidie Elliott 17. Senior Class 2 -Jae Kelly 19, Chas. Blackwell 17, Jennie M1tchall 19, Willie Foxton G, G-or•ee Little 14. Junior Class 2--Ne;,ty hryca 18, Willie Kelly 20, Lucy tMcKa.cue 18, Alice Little 15, Harry Goy 9. Class 1—Fr,mnkio.1nhnstou 20, Ber- tte McKagne 18, Pearl Stapleton 17, Maggie Holmes 10, Eddie Elliott 16, Herhie Elliott 16, Tummy Tees 15, Frances Foston The average altoudance for the mouth was 31. HATTIR A. Ricin, Teacher. To Subscribers in Arrear and Others. A number of subscribers are still in arrear for their subscriptions for the current year, and a certain number for two and even more years. We urgently request all subscribers in arrear to put them- selves right on our books as soon as possible. Those indebtad for, lob printing and advertising will also confer a favor by an early settlement. We Lave large payments to make and would like those indebted to us to nut us in a position to meet them. .If you owe us anything, don't wait for. an account to be sent you, but call and settle or remit the amouut 'at your earliest conve- nience. All remittances should be made by express or money order, or sent by registered letter to 11. ELLIOTT, Thins Orme, Wingham, Ont. Win ham, May' 10th, 1893. i g BuitN. Bu'rrox,--In Culross, ou Sept. 18th, the wife of Air, Jas. Button; a sou. Lowax.—In Brussels, on Sept. 20th, the wife of elr, Daniel Lowry ; a daughter, *Econ.—l0 Morris, en Sept. 20th, the wife of Mr. Joseph Robb; a daughter. DIED. 'lttr.---Iu Wroxeter, ou Sept, 19th, Jane Killough, beloved wife of Mr. David Rae, sr., aged 73 years, .4iiisire—In Last Wawanosh, on the 2nd Lust., the wife of her. Jas. Sheil ; a daugh- ter, ixxsx.—In Whitechurch, on the 2ud -lust., the wife of Mr. Theop. Planet' ; a daughter. UN -NERVED, TIRED People and invalids will find ie CAPIPBI;LL'S QUININE WINS A. pleasant restorative and appetizer. Pure and wholesome, it has stood the test of years. Prepared only by K. CAMPBELL & Co., Beware of Imitations. MoxTREAa. STRAY MARE. Strayed°from Wingha on September 27th, a small bay nare ' ith a large growth down one of the or . set. Anyone giving such iuformat'.1 as will lead to her recovery will b= itably rewarded. R. C.ARLSPING. A Brick House and Lot for Sales in wingham, being lot 65, on the East side o Catherine street, ward No. 2. The house contains 8 roosts, pantry, ani cellar, hard and soft water. The Int contains one•fifth of an acre. For further patticulars apply to the owner, on the premises, or to Winghaut P. 0. WORK {HARD, PRACTICAL, ENTHUSIASTIC, IIAS PLACED TIIF, The Forest City Business College~of London IN THE FRONT POSITION IT OCCUPIES '10 -DAY, CATALOGUES FREE. Gm J. W. WESTERVE.LT, Principal. DISSOLUTION SALEa The partnership happily existing between the undersigned for the past six years will close on the 8th day of September, 1893, by efful- gence of time, and, owing to continued .ill health of one of the partners, cannot be renewed, Therefore, •fli' :.. E TIRE ST OK, AMOUNTING TO ABOUT X10,0009 .7. R. GREEN: - { illbo A RARE.i GRANGE t " without roserveto make from 515 to 925perweek in selling our lardy Canadian Grown Nursery Salaries or Commission pard weakly. Complete Ouirir Fault, Special instructions to beginners. write this week for terms to. E. O. GRAHAM, Nurseryman, 12t Toronto, On t VOTERS' LI Notice is hereby giv bo held pursuant to Lists Act 1889 by His the County Court Huron, AT BLUEVA Eleventh day o at 0 o'clock in the fo determine the severs and omissions in the municipality of Turn All persona having are required to atte and place. Dated ,tt Bluevale th her, 1893 JOHN 13 Clerk of the To and coustitute COURT. n that a Court will he Ontario Voters' Honor the Judge of of the County of E, son the October, 1893, en000, to hear and com•,laittts of errors Voters List of the erry for 1893. usiuess at the Court d at the said time 26th clay of Septet's. RGESS, nslnp of Turnborry Clerk of said Court. COURT OF RE SION FOR EAST WAW NOSH. Notice is hereby be hold pursuant t Lists Act, 1886, by of the County 0 Hurou, AT BELG a welfftl(a dal' at 10 o'clock a. m., the several oomph Wont; in the Voter' ity of East Wawat All persons havi are required to at place. Dated this 25th d P. yen, that a Court will the Ontario Voters' is Honor the Judge urt of the County of AVE, on the ff October, 1893, o hear and determine pts of errors and omis- List of the municipal- osh for 1893. ma business at the Court nd at the said time and of September, 1898. ORTJ8RFIELD, lerk of East Wawanosh, BARK WANTED. 150d CORDS wanted at the $5.00 P ' HEMLOCK BARK Wingham Tannery. ,' ER CORD Will be p Parties peeling deliver half in s winter, if desired, paid. aid on delivery. 15 cords or over, eau ummer and balance in and same price will be W NGHAM TANNING CO HARNESS AND DOLLARS. Having bought out the Ambler Harness Business and started its his old stand, am prepared to furnish the public with everything usually kept in a harness shop such as HEAVY, LIGHT and TRACK HARNESS, NETS, DUSTERS, WHIPS, CURRY COMBS, BRUSHES, SWEAT COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALISES and TRAVELLING HAGS, Al , be I snake all my owu Collars and guarantee satisfaction. Give me.lt teal and X will use you right. l.�-t� '.. A.. ZiTO V �. 1 AND AT BELOW COST. As the goods are all new and have been selected with great care, this affords an opportunity of securing SACRIFICE BARGAINS such as may never again be offered to the eitizens of Wingham and vicinity. This great sale will begin on aturdy9 ug. 5th, And continue for 33 days. Please regi 33 DAYS SELLING ATS +OST ber And in many cases far below cost. Do not permit businesS.or pleasule:w to keep you away from till... store during these 33 days for,lit is the,: chance of a lifetime. The stock conists of every deaerlp±ion of Dress Goods, General Dry -Goods, ixcludin.g Cur- tains, Curtaining and a fine assortment of Carpets, fine Worsteds, imported, and Canadian Tweeds, Ready-made Ciith- ing, Gents' Furnishings, &c. - ' BOOTS TND SHOES and SLIPPERS from the best makers. GROCERIES, pure and fresh, in abundance. Lovers of good, pure TEAS cannot affod rto miss this mammoth sale. Come, now is the accepted time. GOOD BUTTER and EGGS will be taken as."; ph. Any goods charged during this GREAT SALE will be entered'% ,»;; ,pular prices. GORDON & McINTYRE The Anchorlouse. Wingham, July 31, 1893. GEO. KING. OUR FALL STOCK IS NOW COMPLE TE. SEE OUR DRESS GOODS, OrrIVIMINGS � AND READY MADE MANTLES. aroinewinkokire respectfully yours, C24 -n M. 1 VOL, XXI.---NC We want especially to draw ion to our new fall stook of I They are acknowledged by all seen thein to be the finest also shown in the town, and comb: leading colors and weaves. Tb away down to suit the show you in all colors a fine (11 all wool Serge,at the low price five cents a yard. A decided 1 sure and ask to bo shown them Tho staple stools of Dry Cooi complete. Groceries full and fresh as 01 The 35 cent tea is as fine a 1 strong as ever. 3 pound for of fifty cents. ORR & HISCOCF Direct Dry Goo: Tun. Be.tn, September 14, 1898 D` S AND, MAN L lei Ill14• S.4 Has decided a cin open a .chafes m ng b less, al; h Edwar street, near rde'( Sat' action guaranteed. nted. Marriage License Issued by FRANK PATERSON, toria street,Wingham, Ont. : required. LOCAL NEW —Dr. Sincla r, the spot be at the t..en s Hotel, from 7 o'c :o k Monday venlber c t' , until the o'clock i the aiternooz November 7th. Consult rile plastere •s are at 1 1 Ad'onald Bloc , pushing it it.j1casible. =Call at the tar Restar ssortment of fru t. JAB. Mr. Peter Dea s:\vas a jt at.tlxe llotvick she v, on Sat, U' eerie. -Work was con menced at on Monday, after ome time ins needed repair on the par —$1.75 cash will secure 9 Toronto Weeldy Globe from 1st of.January, 1895. Subset Work on the n •w sicdowa eet.was commei ced on Al( e "the walk will likel be finish( —Rev. S. Selle , and Rev, son, of the,Metho ist and C churches respecti ely, will ex. on Sunday eveni g next. —Messrs. C. ' enderson, o road, fund Waite Taylor, of extensive exhib ors at ` the show, in 73ress s, last week. nislmed rooms far.lady and g Or;ren•:. l000tio Tile maolii fats are at v the machinery n the Win; ' Light power 11. lee in Lowel will not be lon before tele supplied from he new wore —It is expo ed that a lot? of England B lefrt Society ized in town ii the course the application for a charto seat Its -this hes ! office of th —Mies Hatti. A. Reid, wheel in School section N( has been re-eng ed for ane trustees were 11b lily pleas! gress the school has /nada —Watches, clocks and jc repaired and tally warm PAiur, Moyer Block, Winger ' ---I1 is said the the Govi doing away with lie large postal cards and ssuing a 1 stead. This i! (1 no in vie universal demnai d for the" causes a loss of evenne. —Mr. and Mr . A. i;;. Si sago "doing" th World's 11alstecl, of Mt Forest, is place in Messrs. llalsted 1lir. Itaisted is one of tb successful bush ass men 1 whhleli 1i0' l:..ai es, end at position the o Reeve, a 1 lies held for carp. or 3 furuif private hot ntleman. i? 1