HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-10-06, Page 5BEL&RAVE SHOW.
The annual fall show of the leant
1 awanoih Agricultural Society watt
i at Belgrave, on Thursday and
1 ,nye of last week. The weather
was delightful, and there was a good
attendance on Friday. The outside
show was good, in hursee,oattle, sheep
and pigs, The poultry exhibit was
not large, Mr Jas. HeArieon having
the whole exhibit, except one pair of
ducks, There was it NIP exbibit in
ituplemente, and Mr. D. Showers, of
this town, had a very fine show of
pumps of different kinds.
The inside departments were hardly
up to firmer years, in quantity, but
what was lacking in quantity was
made up in quality. .A. gentleman,
representing the Goderich Horticul-
tural Society, was present and select-
ed a quantity of the roots, vegetables
and fruit for the World's Fair. The
following is the prize list;
HORSES—Heavy Draught --Brood
mare, T Todd, Win Wellwood. Horse
foal, T Todd, Wm Wellwood. Two
year old filly, Wm Wellwood, Jas
Dow. Two year old gelding, N
Cumming 1st and 2nd. Year old
filly, Wan Wellwood 1st and 2nd.
Team horses, R J A1eKague, Jos
Foster, R Scott, Year old entire
horse, T Todd. General Purpose—
Brood mate, Jas Anderson, T Forbes
2nd and 3rd. Horse foal, T Forbes,
lst and 2nd. Mare fel, J Anderson,
T Ross. Two year old filly, J Wits
Hume, W J Fenwick. Two year old
gelding, T Rosa, D Scott. Year old
filly, J Dow, R Leishman. Year old
gelding, T H Taylor jr,D Scott. Span
horses, T H Thylor jr, Taylor Bros,
Jas Dow. Carriage Horses—Brood
mare, J Dow, T lirydees, A Scott.
Spring foal, T Brydges, A Scott. Two
year old filly, Walter Scott, Van Vane
norman. Two year old gelding, A
Scott, Van Vannorman. Year off
gelding, H Kirkby, Jae Harrison.
Baggy horse, J. E Swartz, Win
Geddes, back horse, Jno Barr. Span
carriage horses, £ Lott, T Brydges.
Brood snare, T 'Tedd. Team horsee,
T H Taylor jr.
OATrr-Thore' Bred—Best cow, J
Armour, R Corley. Two year old
heifer, G Sowlar, R Corley. Year old
heifer, R W Hastings, G Sowlar.
Heifer calf, N Cumming, D Cook.
Bull calf, R Leishman, J A.rmour.
Bull over two years, Jas Potter, J
Barr, Robt Scutt. Bull under two
years, R Corley, D Scott. Herd
cattle, R Corley. Grade Oattle—Best
cow, R Corley, J Armour, T Ro33,
Two year old heifer. Jno Coupes sr,
Chas Proctor d; Sons. Year old
heifer, M II Harrison, R Corley.
Heifer calf, T Ross, G Sowlar. Pair
two year old steers, T Ross, Chas
Proctor .& Sons. Pair one year old
steers, :ft Corley, T Ross. Pair steer
calves, T Ross, J Armour, Yoke oxen,
J & J Anderson, D Coolc. Hsrd cattle, ,
•R Corley.
• SHEEP—Leicesters and their Grades
—Aged ram, N Cumming, J Henry &
Son. Sbearling ram, Jne Coultes sr,
N Cumming. Ram lamb, J Coultes
sr, N Cumming. fair aged Pwes, J no
Barr, N Cummieg. Pair shearling
ewes, R Coultes, Ii W Hastings. Pair
ewe lambs, R Coultes, N Ctemming.
Downs and their Grades—Aged ram,
R IlicGowau. Shearling ram. M H
Harrison, Ram lamb, h, McGowan
1st and 2nd. fair aged ewes, M H
Harrison. Pair shearling ewes, M II
• Harrison. Pair owe. Iambs, R Me..
Gowan, M H Harrison. Fat sheep,
Jno Coultes sr, R Corley. Pen of
sheep, Jno Barr.
PIGS—Large Breed—Aged boar, H
Edwards, J Potter. : Brood sow, Jas
Henry & Son, B Leishman. Boar
• littered in 1893, H Edwards lst and
2nd. Sow littered in 1893, H Ed.
wards, R Leishman. Smell Breed—
Aged hoar, J Armour. Brood sow,
Walter Scott, J Owens. Sow littered
it11893, Walter Scott, Jas Owcus.
Pen of pigs, Walter Scott,
POULTRY—Patr geese, Jas Harrison
1st and 2nd. Pair dunks, Jas Harri=
son let and 2nd. Plymouth Rocks,
Jas Harrison. Legliorns, Jas Harrison
1st and 2nd, Spanish, Jas Harrison
• 1st and 2nd. Homburgs, Jas Harrison
son 1st and 2nd.
Isieri r:ieNee—Farm gate, Van Van-
norman. Churn, H MoLean, Pump,
D Showers. Buggy, Jas Walker.
Double carriage, Jas Waiker. °atter.
Van. Vannorman. Plow, '1' I1 Ross,
J L Geddes. Gang plow, T H Ross,
J L Geddes.
GRAIN White fall wheat, Geo
Moffat, R McGowan, Red fall wheat,
J & J Anderson, R McGowan. Fall
wheat any kind, Walter Scott. Spring
• Wheat, Geo Moffitt. Six rowed barley,
Robt Scott, ,T & J Anderson. White
oats, .11 Ildwards, Geo Moffat. Black
oats, Jay Harrison, Geo Moffat. Small
peas, Geo Edwards, Geo Moffat.
Large peas, Geo Moffitt.. Timothy, I3
117oGowau, Jas ldxrrisou,
Faun IMO JT owltus --- Golden
l'111.1."0 apples, Corley, J & J Ander-
; son. Baldwin, Win Geddes, J d. 3
Anderson, Snow, Ill f i Harris,
Taylor Bros, R I Greenings, Walter
Scott, J & J Anderson, Maiden
Blush, W Geddes, Taylor Bros.
Northern Spy, Geo Sowlar,' :V Geddes,
()Diverts, IZ Corley, Jas Henry & Son,
Tolman sweets, Jas Anderson, M H
Harrison, Three varieties winter
apples, Jaa Henry & Son, M H Harri-
son. .Five fall pears, H Wightman,
R Corley.Winter pears, .II Corley,
Mrs, Dr. Tamlyn, Grapes, FI Wight
man, Jno +' Fells Crab apples, Jas
Owens, H McLean.. Plums, W H
McCracken, Mrs Dr Tamlyn, Peaches,
J E Fells, Jas Henry &Son, Collec-
tion of fruit, H. Wightman, Jno E
Fells, .Bouquet of flowers, Mrs. T
Anderson, Geo David, Flowers in
pot, Jas Harrison, Jas Owens. Col-
lection of house plants, Geo David.
MANUFACTURED Goons—Ten yards
union flannel, Jas Owens, Pair
blankets, W R Erskine, AI EI Harri-
son. Pair coarse boots, H Madden,
Roderus. Pater fine boots (man's)
F H Roderus, H Madden, Three
bottles glome made wine, Jas Owens, this place.
Mrs. James Anderson and daughter
Mary, of Turnborry, have removed to
their brick cottage and Mr. George
Oasernore, who formerly occupied it,
has removed into Mr. Joseph Pugh's
Miss Maud Roberts, of Harriston, is
visiting at Mr. John McOraet en's,
Mr, Robert 7'f'eo, of Tur•,nberry, a is.
very ill, at present. His daughter,
Fronds who has been away visiting
for some time, was telegraphed for
and arrived home Monday night.
Mr. Sehlew Fraser, who has been f'f
dangerously ill for some time, is con-
Mr. Wm. Smith is at preset;tt dig
ging a cellar on his farinsover which
he intends emoting a hunt before the
severe weather sets in,if possible. He
finds it very inconvenient living in the
Miss Srnillie, toaoher in the junior
department of the public school, was
unable to teach last week, owing to
sickness; but slaving recovered site re-
sumed her duties on Wednesday.
Mrs. John Paterson is slightly bet-
ter than she was lost week.
Mrs, John Collie has returned from
a two week's visit to friends in the
Queen's City.
Air, Walter Rutherford, baggage -
man on the G. T, R. train running
from Port Ruwan tr. Simone, spent, a
few days this week with his parents,
Mr. atmd Mee Walter Rutherford, of
H McLean, Bost cooking stove and
furniture complete, H McLean.
potatoes, Geo David,' Win Geddes.
Matchless corlies,Chas Proctor & Son.
Beauty of Hebron, Geo David. Peck
any other kind, Geo David, E Ed-
wards. Two heads cabbage, G David,
Van Vannorman,' Two heads red
pickling cabbage, G David, W H Mc-
Cracken. Two Leads culiflower, Geo
David, Van Vannorninn. Long red
beets. W H McCracken, G David.
Turnip beets, W kl McCracken,
G David. Mangold wurtzels, W
H McCracken, T H Ta;1or, jr.
Swede turnips, Jas Henry & Son,
Van Vannorman. Field carrots,
J Dow, Walter Scott, Early horn
carrots, Geo David. M H Harrison.
Parsnips, Geo David, W II McOraok-
en. Unions from seed, G David, W
H McCracken. Half peck onions any
other, W H 112oQracksn. Celery, G
David, Chas Proctor & Sons. Six
ears corn, T 1-1 Taylor jr, Jas Dow,
Water.melon,• G David,C McClelland.
Musk melon, 0 David, Jas Anderson.
Pumpkin, U David, Robt McGowan.
Squash, G David, W 11 McCracken.
Citron, G David, W H McCracken.
Tomatoes, 0 David, 0 Proctor & Sons
Beeps, J Hmirrison, W Ff McCracken.
DAIRY PRODUCE—Keg dairy butter,
J J Anderson,. Jno Williams. Crock
butter, J Williams, G Dow. Basket
of butter in rolls or prints, Geo Sow -
lar, Taylor Bros. Homo made broad;
Mrs Chas Proctor, Mrs Jas Harrison.
Five pounds maple sugar, W H Mc-
Cracken. Maple syrup, J Dow, T H.
Taylor jr. Oat cake, A Proctor, J
Dr Tamlyn. Crochet work, v1rs Dr
Talulyn, Miss McClelland. Bead
wnrk, Mrs Dr Tamlyn 1st and 2nd.
Hooked skirt, woolen, Thos Brydges,
Fancy knitting, Geo Moffat, Mrs
Dr Tamlyn, Gent's linen shirt, Miss
McOlolland, Geo Moffat. Gent's
fancy flannel shirt, 'Thos Brydges,
Geo Moffat. Braiding, T Brydges, G
Moffat. Pair wolleii atoctane:s, W H
McCracken, Miss McClelland. Pair
socks, Miss McClelland, W Ii Mc-
Cracken, Pair wollen gloves, W 13
McCracken, G Moffat. Pair woolen
knits, G Moffat, W H 1leCracicen.
Log cabin quilt, Miss McClelland, W
I1 McCracken. Knitted quilt, R
Scott, Mrs Tamlyn. Patched quilt,
\V R Erskine, Mrs Tamlyn. Rag
mat, A Proctor, Mrs Tamlyn, Berlin
woo, work, raised, Miss McClelland.
Berlin wool work flat, Mrs 'Tamlyn.
Sofa pillow, Mrs 'Tamlyn; lst and 2nd,
Card•work•,'A Proctor,. Geo Moffatt.
Leather work, Mts 'Tamlyn, lst end
2nd. Pencil drawing, Geo Sowlar,
Mrs Tamlyn., Oil painting, Misa
Owene, Miss McClelland, Hair
flowers, :'dhie McClelland, Embroid-
ery on silk,Mrs Ta.nlyn. Embroidery
on linen, Mrs Tamlyn 1st and 2nd.
Lame work, m'I.rs Tamlyn, Geo Moffat,
'!'wine lace, Miss McCtellend, Mrs,
Tanilyn.. Ras; carpet, A Proctor, Jas
Owens. 13est collection ladies' work
Mrs Tamlyn, Miss McClelland,
JUDGES—Grain—A Taylor, Blyth,
Fruit --J A Morton, Wingham.
Manufactures --W Robertson, Wing -
ham. Vegetables—D McKinlay,
Wingham. Dairy Products—R C
Sperling, Wingham. Ladie'm' work—
Mrs J B Ferguson, Wiugbam; Miss
Nellie Ross, Brussels. Iinrmlements—
The reeoponing services of Johnston
iVlethodist church, let line of Morris,
held on Sabbath last, Oct. 1st, and
Monday following were in every way
successful. On Sunday at 10.30 a.
m. and 3 p. m., Rev. J. B. Wallwin,
13. A., of Stratford, (a former Pastor)
preachers excellent and appropriate
sermons; in the morning, showing the
place, character and work of the
Christian church, as the conservator
and discriminator of the truth, and in
the afternoon, the duty of the strong
to help the infirmities of the weak. In
the evening, Rev. G. H. Cobbledick,
M. A„ B. D., of Brussels, gave a tell -
ling discourse on "This plod is our
God for ever and ever; He will be our
;aide even over death." All three
sermonswero characterised by thought,
the influence of the spirit was made a
blessing to the large audiences who
listened to them. The music for the
throe services was furnished by the
choir of the church and was excellent
in its character, both as to selection
and rendition. Tho organist, Miss S.
J. Johnston and her band of helpers,
deserve great credit fur their valuable
help iri this direction. On Monday
night au old-fashioned tea -meeting
was held. After ample justice had
been done to the abundance of provis-
ions furnished by the ladies,the people
gathered in the church mud were treat-
ed to an excellent programme. The
building was crowded to the doors,
large numbers standing in and around
the porch. Addresses were delivered
by Rev. 0, H, Cobledtck, B. D , on
"The Church and its work"; by Rev.
J. S. Cook, Ph. D., of Ripley, on
"Personal influence," and by Rev. I.
B. Wallwin, B. A., on the "World's
Fair." All the addresses were good
and suitable fol• the occasion. The
people were delighted to meet two of
their formerP[tstors, and to hear them
doing so well 111 giving sermon and ad-
dresses The music for the occasion
was furnished by the choir of the
Methodist church, Brussels, temid was
of a high order. Time choir represents
some superior voices in all the parts
anti in full chorus, aro very strong and
powerful, besides adding sweetness
and artistic beauty. it is not to much
to say their visit was very much ap-
preciated and the people will be de•
lighted in the future. The proceeds
of tea aid Sunday collections amount-
ed to $100. The church has been
thoroughly renovated and re -modelled.
An addition of eight feet has been put
to the front, a porch erected the
exterior bricked, the interior painted,
plastered, seats changed, mnakiug throe
rows instead of two, a new floor and
pulpit platform, new carpet, pulpit,
softs and chairs, give the church a very
nett and comfortable apppearanee,
The people of the neighborhood de-
serve a groat deal of credit for the
zeal and enterprise they have showtm
in connection with this work. The
total cost will he $400, which is all
provided for in rash or good subscrip-
tions. On Tuesday night a social Was
H Davie, Wingham. Sheep and Pigs held, bat owing to the threatening
—Jas Lane, Lanes ; Geo Dalgarno, attitude of the weather and the num-
Marnoch. Oattle—Jas E Gaunt, St. ber of threThiug•maehines in the
Hexons; gleet Medd, Auburn. neighborhood, it was not yory well
Horses ---T 13e11, Wingham; A T bilc• attended. Some $9 wore realized to -
Donald, Auburn.wards the funds and some music, from
the choir with a few selections, with
• social intercourse, made up the pro-
-'8ub>reribe for the Trues.• granirile of the evening.
govigq $HO1 T OF THE BEOT JiUOL , J1Q
Y auk. umt t and women wi lmIm,; to prep :rn themselves as brxtkkerl„ gra and
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly= the Kidneys,
Liver and I3ow els, cleanses the sys-
tem effectually, dispels colds, head-
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro-,
glued, pleasing to the taste and ac-
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend
it to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c
bottles by all leading druggists.
Any reliable druggist who may not
have it on hand will procure it
promptly for any one who wishes to
try it. Manufactured only by the
• Londesboro.
Mr. James Manning left on Tues-
day to visit bi- brother in New York
Oity;hie erand•rlaeghter, Miss Lawday
Young acconmpsui d ltt rt,
B. Lawmen was w,:y attending,
the opening of the new A Belleau church
in 1Viueham lest 'Send iv.
The new bridge just is rm u of tl e
village is completed.
Miss Sophia Whitely is in Clinton,
learning the tailoring bu=mess with
T. Jackson. sr.
There will be a merlin; of the Exe-
cutive of District lodge, No. 24, 1.
0. G. T. held in W. F. Brockenshire's
office, \1Vingliam; next Tru-sday, 10th
instant, at 1 p. ni.
Regular reet.iug of the S, 0. E.
lodge to -night.
Jos. Stevens is going to l,ui'd a few
nutters for John Brunsdon & Son.
J. klrunsdon & Son are busy getting
ready for tate Blyth Fair.
The next meet I, If of District Lodge,
No. 24, 1. 0 (. T.. will he held in the
Temperance 11 ail, Y1'ipham,'rat-sday,
Oct. 17th, R-.. .1, C. Madill, U. C.
'T., will be pre -tient awl take part in
business of the mue,-title. Every lodge
in the Distriet einni,t he well repre-
sented ,.t this mewing
R. 13. Jetlrey, „nr sr.ittionmaeter,has
been oblieed to quit work ler a time
owing to ill heenim.
Jones, whoa next seer neighbor
keeps a torn' ['rm,v+, in ti + '-,• l8 0 martyr
to the caws
There's 14 thing
Is recognized as the peer or any Business or Shorthand School nm Aumerica. mol • v .stir su`{ ,rlmr
its contemporaries in Canada. No better evidence of this nerd he advanced than 11,. follu`711g
where etnd mts came from, who registered during the 11 dace immediately prcr, ding tlin w
advertisement; North Adams, Mass ; N'ashita:ton, Mich.; i,uthbrld.'r, .Alta.: Berlin; lair
Huntsville, Muskoka; Kincatdine; ltuth emm; Chatt,wnrtb; Bonney; Clinton: Strathrr.c; alaar;
Co, Grey; Auburn, Co, Huron, f eaforth, Bothwell, Windsor. Strar;firld, l:ldgetr r:,, wnrat ler,
(:amp 1'ahner, ii;ssu : Co„ Glel 1tae, lii;ar_ate, Aldborn, Brampton, Alyinstmr, Glencoe, (lantbsk
Springs, Ohnthalu and minty points in time vicinity.
Two of America's best penmen among the members of our staff, means a „rots deal to our
Gooboard for
es at -elrmbp. Wo h sEswith private hllirsdhavetheplacdineadinessfor he tudentswhenrd tyarrive.fito fur
catalogue and specimen of penmanship and be co nhind of the superiority of this in titutlart
schools of a similar kind in Canada. Mention whore con saw this advertisement and address,
D. Ncl.ACHILAN, Chatbaaw,
ehool upplie
.A. full stock of all !ands cif
for both High min) Public Schools, just received
Also, a hirge s:oct: of
Scribblers, Exercise Books,
tt Copy Books, Slates,
Pencils, Crayons,
Just received a large consignment of "Quentin Durward."
a full stock, as usual.
The Popular Bookstore, Wingham.
MI styles and prices in Black, Brown, IF'awn and Navy, from
upwards. I have just received a large shipment of
and they are now open for your inspection, As this is the first se
I have imported this classs of goods, I am anxious to have•
eve) y 'lets= examine them.4 They are marked at a email
advance on actual cost and 1 am contingent you . will
find them from 10 to 25 per rent. less than the
usual lar:ce aek d for this elass of gods.
ress Go.d
Hopsacking in plain and Fas'ey Cheeks and Silk efle,cts. All the
colorings in Shat Serges. Special prices and styles in Black Goo
from 25 cents a yard upwards.
in all the shales at 81 25 a yard, worth $1.75.
at a small advance on cost.
Full range of
d 1 1 6
o ~
and Gentbs
must be cleared out before the season advances.
50 dozen Alen's All Wool Shirts and Drawers in Flesh and Gis
49 cents each. Theee goods were sold last season at 75 cents. ,
your winter wants supplied before they go.
telests are oill's.
receive a discount of 10 per cent. on all Dry Goods, etc. Yoi
See this stook before your buy.