HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-10-06, Page 3W. C. T. U. COLUMN. (coNnttc'.'E» SY TRip. wINOirAtt ItnANeil.) •° For Go, end Home and N«true Land." Well call the attention, of the mothers and sisters to tho fact, that the Woman's Christian Temper. once Union meets every hfonday at three o'clock sharp, for one hour, at Mr». Holm's residence, pat. rick street. AR ladies are made welcome. We hold a monthly gospel meeting on tho last Monday of every mouth, except when otherwise advertised, to which Meeting. we invite the public generally As the Editor has kindly given us part of Ms space, for our work, we ask friends of the rause to Send Items of Interest on all moral questions of the day to any of our members. The Plebiscite. Ye Christian people, rally Around the faithful few Who strive. for Prohibition, With hearts so loyal and true, Why stand ye by so idle ? The Master's call obey; Look not to past or future, But work, oh, work to -day: This is no time to dally With a question now so groat, Let the watch word, then, be rally! Till we know our country's fate. Ye voters, 0 bo faithful, For the right now firmly stand, Till from this nurse so hateful Ye redeem our native land. For God, and home, and country, Let this your motto bo, Till before the gates of heaven Sounds the glad cry, "we are free." MRs. A. L, Wingham, Out. The most womanly women on earth are W. 0. T. U. women. Why ? Be, cause their wofnan's special sphere— the home. * * * At a recent meeting of ministers it was soberly suggested by one of thein that the husbands of wives of talent be paid sufficient salary, so that they could put extra help into the kitchen and let the wives devote their time Jikand talents to help their husbands. Rabbinical laws required every Jew to teach his son a trade. He that teacheth not his son a trade does the seine as if he taught him to be a thief. Is there not a hint here for Christian law -makers? Only 1 would add,teaeh our daughters also to do some one thing well. In both cases it is a moral safeguard. * * * 41 We hear it continually repeated in ese days that good men do not go to the caucuses. In our ,judgment, the real reason is, because good men do not enjoy going where there is no good women; good men remain at home with their families. When good wo- men are invited to take part in cau- cuses, then they will gladly go, and where they go the good men follow, And what is most of all, the glory of this nation is that good men and women hold the balance of power in this country; nay, more than Lhat,they firm a majority. 0 * * The Eug{list! House of Commons di4 not adjourn this year for the Derby horse rat;:•; and 1. am told the number et shows and drinking booths on the course has been reduced one- half. Years ago the four -in hand coaches extended for 'a quarter of a anile; this year there was but one: There is the testimony of a man who has witnessed thirty-six Derby days. Over fifty thousand copies of tracts are other literature were circulated by ntfin sent out by Rev. Hugh. Prince Hughes. It has been wisely said by one who was there : If the Prince of Wales could be persuaded to keep away from these dreadful scenes, in my opinion they would soon cease. M , oc'roB R 6,1893. oven in the gourde of long lifetime,, to ( ducts from the leading Ontario fairs face a situation whore safety, per- Uapu life iteaelf depends on nerve coolyiess and the akility to take advan- lages of soles eircunistancee or makm. OHS to order, and bring what might otherwise have been a serious affair to a comfortable and happy conclusion. In many of the public schools chil- dren are so drilled that in case of an well asrivate individuals s evic alarm of lire they will file quickly and p l .l evidently steadily out at the tap of a bell, always presupposing that the teacher gets into a panic and is a thousand tines worse than nothing, for panic is more contagious and flied faster than any- thing else in the world. It might not be a bad idea to organize emergency brigades in our public schools, that email cowprehond something more than the dril'Iiug of children under suppositions fire -alarms. Hundreds of people are drowned every year be- cause somebody, in a panic, so clings to the rescuer that escape for neither is possible. Very few children in the average .I got a hint the other day from will be clipped here, so that something especially good may be looked for, Fruit eofltiuues to come forward very satisfaetorily,tind Superintendent Pettis has but few idle moment% Almost all sections of the Province are represented, the lova( direetors of the Fruit Growers' Association us taking great panus in collecting; and shipping; specimens to sustain the credit of the Province. Quite a number of samples of .new grain have arrived from Outario, of excellent quality, The new cheese is expected early next Mooch. In the official list of swards publish- ed this looming I find that the Ontario collection of tropieat pants in the 1-lortieultural building has been well pieced, as it deserved. The largo size and general excellence of the display bas been a subject of general remark among experts in that direction since it was installed inn -earl -v May days. family are ever taught steadiness of "Uncle John" Thorpe, Director of Floriculture, which is well worth knowing by everybody who has a garden, Mr. Thorpe stands at the bead of his profession in America, and the floral display on the wooded island and about the buildings has been one of the chief delights to those who have an eye fur the beautiful in this three - tion. Among the foliage plants are many tender species, such as vannas, etc„and 1 was a little curious :o kuow how it was proposed to protect them against the early frosts that are so destructive and exasperating to flor- ists. Mr. 'Thorpe informed me that he watched the temperature very closely, and when there was any fear of frost, he kept the water running through a hue spray nozzle all right, and thus prevented damage. The Breeders' (hnzt'tte, the leading American live stock journal, this week contains a full page illustration of Mr. R Beith's prize stailioo, Ottawa, which shows this lnagnifioent animal to the life. 0. W. YOUNG nerve, presence of mind in time danger or ever have practice in what to do if any thing happens. In some households there aro sets of rales what to do in emergencies pasted in some scrap -book; hut this is never at hand when wanted, and even if it were the moral and physical conditiou of the metnbers of the family absolutely pre- cludes any understanding of the usual- ly vague and too technibal instruction contained therein. Every child should be taught what to do in case of fire. If necessary all the thotious should be gone through with. It should be told what is beat to do first, the reason for doing it and the results of cool and careful action as compared with the always disastrous consequen- ces of haste, confusion and terror. It is a out ious fact that children who have received any reasonable amount of training in this direction are much cooler and more composed than ad tilts, `—hether it is that the young mind un familiar with actual terrors of the sit- uation is left more free to act or whether the interested curiosity of the thud is stronger that its fears, might furnish ground for debate; certain is is that young persons and children al- though unspeakably distracted and unmanageable without training, are of much more value as assitants in times of the greatest peril than many who aro of mature years. Danger seems to be something that one must become educated into; naturally one fears nothing probably because the conse- quences have never been fully realized, It would be but a shell task to teach children, habits of steadiness and Pelf -control in times of danger and it might be the means of saving many lives and much vfluable property. HorLowAY's PILLS are securities of health to all nations, of whatever clime. They have given hope, relief, and comfort to millions. 1n irritation and debility, generated by excesses of any kind, or in general prostration of the system, their effect is rapidly soothing, renovating, and restorative. They rapidly drive•fro,n the eystoni the isorbid cause of ailinent,and renew in the frame its' pristine animation, health, and vigour. They greatly increase the appetite, give tone to the stonaash, assist the digestion, and im- part elestieity to the spirits ; their essence enters the circulation arid, (tarried through its course,its cleansing power over every argon. In the lungs they ati-et most striking changes, coin verting the impure venous into pure arterial blend, by which the whole frame is recruited. Cultivate Presence of Mind. One of the pleasant little idiosyn- crasies of humanity is the indulgence in speculations on what we would do if we had been there. No matter what the emergency, the danger of the re- spite, we 'are much given to feeling Meetly certain that we would have boon quite equal to the situation. and thateverything would have been a good deal better managed had wo been able to take a hand in the affair and assns our perishing fellowmen in their desperate strait. As a matter of fact, there are few people who are able to count en what they would do in any startling emer- gency. however, col and collected they inay be under ordinary circum- stances, there is that in meet natures 'that makes it impossible to judge •of the might be. • One knight multiply instances and {sastons whore the people, who are steadigess itself in the' every. day rou- tine of existence, havinbeen guilty of nets of folly and desperation that would shame the veriest novice in the world. Not every one is called upon, THE WORLD'S FAIR. GENERAL GOSSIP REGARDING SOME OF THE ONTARIO EXHtaITS AT THE GRHAT EXPOSITION, CHICAGO. Sept. 28—(Ontario Press Bureau.) The Ontario vegetable dis- play, since the burning of the cold storage warehouse, has boon rather scant, but suppli.a of fresh stuff are now ceining in very freely, and the court is the centre of attraction, es peoia.liy to the farmers from adjoining States, who are never done expressing their wonder at the marvellbus produc- tions of our country. Some 75 varie- ties of potatoes, all of excellent qual- ity, are displayed on plates ; also marigolds. beets, carrots, cabbages, tomatoos, and other field and garden products. The sensational features, however, are a mammoth squash weighing 486 pounds and a mammoth red pumpkin of 146 pounds, both grown by Mr. Wm. Warnock, of God- ertoh and a longwaye- f i the largestof the kind on the 'ground. Major Walker of Anoaster, who is in uharge of the exhibit, informed me that next week the pink of the vegetable pro, Valuable to Know'. CONSUMPTN may be more easily �O preventei than cured. The irrita- ting and harassing cough will be greatly relieved by the use of flagyard's Pectoral Balsam, that aures coughs, colds, bron- chitis, and all pulmonary troubles. The farmers who are feeding steers for the British market will tie well to note the following advice given by the Scottisll'Farmar to its readers: "Big bullocks do not now pay the farmers. This is the doctrine believed in by the judges of fat stock at Brechin, and they have good grounds for the faith that is in them. Two of the heaviest and biggest bullocks we ever remem- ber having seen were placed second to a pair of compact, closely coupled, well -fleshed crosses, and there is no doubt that the fashion is wholly in favor of this class. No gentleman now desires to seo the same old roast doing the honors of his table for seve- ral days. The farmer who feeds hie bullocks loses on both .sides. They consu,ne more food than the small ones, and in the s000ucl place they are far more difficult to .dispose of to the butcher. What pays the farmer is the niedium'sized, richly -fleshed animal.” A Battle for Blood Is what Hood's Sarsaparilla vigorously fights. and it is always victorious in ex- pelling all the foul taints and 5iving the vital fluid the quality and quantity of perfect health. It cures scrofula, salt rheum, boils and all other troubles caused by impure blood. .A, Boy Again. , The director of one of our wise corpor- etione was in the habit of prowling around the office. One day Ite happened to come across the dinner -pail of the office boy. Itis cariosity led him to take off the coyer.. A slice of hotne•made broad, twoo dough- nuts and a piece of apple-pie tempted the milliouaire's appetite, Ile became a boy again, and the dinner pail seemed to be one he carried sixty years ago. Just then the office boy came iu andsur- prised the old man eating the pie --he had finished the bread and the doughnuts, That's my dinner you aro eating! said the boy. Yes, sonny, I suspect it inay be; but it's a first rate one for all that. I've not eaten so good a one for sixty years. There, lie added, as he finished the p c, take that and go out and buy yourself a dinner; but yon won't got so good aone,and he handed the boy a five dollar bill. For days after, the old man kept refer- ring to the first-class dinner he had eaten from the boy's pail. Afflicted With Neuralgia for 30 Years. To the Proprietor of the Great South American Rheumatic Cure, DEAR Sin,—For over thirty years I was afflicted very much with Neuralgia: and Headache. Seeing your great SOUTH AIOSI1TCAN RHEUMATIC CUBE advertised 1 thought I would give it a trial --although I did not thick for a momeut it was going to do me any good after trying so many remedies without benefit. 1 obtained a bottle from Chisliolm's Drug Store iu this town, and I must say that I got great relief from the first few doses, and was so over. joyecl that I deterrniued to give it a good trial and continued taking it, taking iu all six bottles. I can truthfully say that I never felt so well since I was a girl, it has not only cured me of ueeralgia and bead• ache, but has also built up my system and I feel quite young again. I most cheer- fully give you this testimonial and consider you are the greatest benefactors to suffer- ing humanity. I am, Dear Sir, YoursThankfully, MARGARET BELL. Witnessed by J. H. Chisholm. Potato History. It has been proved beyond a doubt that at the time of the discovery of America the cultivation of the potato was practiced, with every appearance of ancient usage, in the temperate regions extending from Chile to New Grenada, at altitudes vary- ing with the latitude. The name of the discovaor of the potato is unknown, but Du Candolle sums up the history of its dis- covery as follows: The potato is wild in Chile in a form which is still seen in our cultivated plants; it is doubtful whether its natural home extends to Peru and New Grenada; its cultivation was diffused before the discovery of America, and was intro- duced in the latter half of the sixteenth century into that part of the United States known as Virginia and North Carolina,and the potato was imported into Europe be- tween 1580 and 1585, first by the Spaniards and afterwards by the English at the time of Raleigh's voyages to Virginia. Hoon's PILrs cure all liver ills. 25c. Sent by mail on receipt of price by C. I, Hood tc Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mas. Thera is not much similarity be- tween our ways of earning; a livelinood, said the dentist to the paint manutac- urer. No, admitted the manufacturer, there is not. 'I grind colours, while you still grinders. , Highly Praised. GENTI.muc t -I have used your Hagyard's Yellow Oil and have found it unequalled 1 for burns, snratne, scalds, rheumatism, Droop and colds. I have recommended it to many friends and they also speak high- ly of it. MRs. H1GHT, Mantreal, Que. First Store 131: How do you like your new place? Seeond Store Boy: Don't like it. If I don't do %hinge right, they'll get another hoy, and if 1 do do things right, they'll keep ale doin' 'em. For Over Fifty tears AN Seth AND 1VRLL•Ttr st 1iaMtny.•-•i1frs. win years Scatting Syrup has boon used for over fifty slow' by millions of withers for their chiluren while teething. with perfect strcosd. It scathes the child setfens the ]rums, allays all pain cures wind colic, and is thebest remedy for Diarrluoa. Is pleasant to the taste. Said by Druggists fu every part of the Warta, Twontyfivo cents & uottlo, its value is fncaloulable, Re sure and ask for Mrs. WVluelow's Soithing Syrup and take no other glad. B. B. B. Stood the Test. I tried every known remedy I could think of for rheum atism, without giving me any relief, uutil I tried Burdock Blood Bitters which remedy I can highly recom- mend to all afflicted as I was. Business Precepts. PRECEPTS FOR EMPLOYER. Cultivate a cool judgment of hien and motives—There's millions in it 1 - A premium placed on politeness sendeth ill -breeding to flight and bringeth custom- ers. Spare all praise aria spoil clerks and cash. A Blessing to Ever' Iousebo1cL HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTM These remedies liars stegd the test of fifty years experience, and ars pr'esounoed tins best 51 Family use. Tick PLE.114S Purify' the blood,', correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND IIOWICLS invaluable in all complaints incidental to females of; all ages. 1111 --IM QIJ T3V,l..: "T Is the only reliable remedy for bad !cgs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR BRONCHITIS. SL THROATS, COUGHS, GOLDS, GOUT, RHEUMATl851, GLAPULAIS SWELLINGS AND .ALL se DISEASES IT HAS NO itquaL, Manufactured only at 7s, New Oxford, Late 133, Oxford Street, Lend and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world, I. 'Purhasers should look to the Label on the Boxes acid Pots. If the address not 563 Oxford Street, Loudon, they are spurious;. WINGHAM MARBLE WORKS, Mg -DM -VT HT1R,M.. MESSRS. VANSTONE BROS., of Kincardine have bought the Marble Business of Er T T Watson, formerly carried on by W Smyth. Parties requiring worlc in their lino will do well by calling 00 them or seeing one of their agents betel purchasing. You will find our prices are away down, Our workmanship is unsurpassed. We will use none but the very best stock and by square dealing hope to secure a littera] share of the public patronage. Mr T T Watson, who has been running the business for the past year, will represent us on the road. Call an I see our stock and prices. PRECEPTS FOR EMPLOYER. Strict integrity in minutest details fash- ions a foundation for a business fortress against which nothing can prevail. Patience under trying situations and when dealing with exasperating customers brings its own reward. It pays. 'lite desire to not bo outrivaled is a laud- able ambition. Set thy face steadfastly towards the mark. FOR nOTH. Golden rule: As ye would that others should serve you, also serve ye thetn.—Dry Goods Economist. Itch on Human and horses and all ani- mals cured in 30 miuutes by \Voolford's Sanitary Lotion. '.Chin never fails. War- y ranted at Cliisholm's drug store. Banish Sorrow. There is, perhaps, no passion of the hu- man mind so deleterious to bodily health as that of grief, especially when it is doep> ly seated and long indulged. By enfeebling the whole nervous system, it depresses the motion of the heart, and retards the •circu• lotion of the blood, with that of all the other fluids. It commonly debilitates those organs which are necessary for digestion, producing dyspepsia, and disposing to every disease that may arise from oxtreine relax, Mien. It preys on the mind as well as the `, ie bymolal encs and is nourished body, a g by the utmost degree of harmfulness. "The phoenix thus aocelates her doom) Panning the flame that must herself eon - sumo. VANSTONE i$ROS. � .lGlCei LA h! E MACHINE 0119 The Champion Gold Medal 011 which cannnot be Excelled. McCOLL'S CYLINDER OILH's QUAL MANUFACTURED BY TOLL BR S. _ CO., TORONTO. Ask your dealer for "-Laraine" and beware of Imitations. FOR SALE BY ALL THE LEADINg DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY. CO YE1 BROS., UNDERTAKE RS WINGHAM, ONT. BANK NK OF HAMILTON WINGHAM. Capital, $1,250,000. Rest, $650,000. President—Jona STUART. Vice-President—A. 0. RRAMSAY. ,DIRECTORiS Ions Paocroa, CUA8. GuaNSY, G8.0 ROAM, A. T. WOOD, A, B. Lis (Toronto). Cashier—J. TUIRNBULL. crairE _vmrc4 Savings Bank—lours, 10 to 3 ; Saturdays, 10 1. Deposits of S1 Rad upwards received and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current otos of interest. Drafts oe Great Britain and the United States bought and sold When we assert that Dodd's 1AA deign, vedlu -AI • Kidney Pills Cure Backache, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all other forms of Kidney Troubles, we are backed by the testimony of all who have used them. THY CURE TO STAY CURED. By all druggist, or mail on receipt of price, so cents. Dr. L. A. Smith 8: Co., Toronto. THE LAKE ROUTE TO THE WORLD'S FAiR ViA PICTURESQUE MACKINAC. Avoid the heat and dust by traveling on the Floating Palaces of the Detroit 65 Cleveland Steam Navigation Company. 1 Two new steel passenger steamers have I just been built for this Upper Lake route, costing $300,000 each, and aro guaranteed to bo the grandest, largest, safest and fastest steamers on the Lakes; speed 20 miles per hour, running time between Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago less than 50 hours. Four trips per week between 1 'Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Mackinac, Potos- key and Chicago. Daily trips Between Detroit and Cleveland; during July and August double daily service will bo main- tained, giving a daylight ride across Lake i Erie. Daily service between Cleveland and Putin -Bay. First-class stateroom accommodations and menu, and exceed- legly low Round Trip Rates. Tho pale: dal equipment, the luxury of the appoint. l meats makes traveling on these ateatnors thoroughly enjoyable. Send for illus• i tested pamphlet, Address A. A. Schantz, 0.11. A., Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nay. , Co., Detroit, Mich, Li. `VILLSON, AGENT. MEYER & DICEINS0N, Solicitors. HALST COTT Josephine Street - W;ngham, tont, J. A. HALM)), J. W. Scow, Monet Forest. I Listowe Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, On long or short time, ou endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale totes bought at a fair valuation, Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col- lecting Accounts and Motes, Agents in Canada- Tho Igerchants' Banit of Canada Office Hours—From 5 a. ni. to t p. m. A. E. SMITIi, Auetit. 0 J 08551i COWAN, C CLHfttt 9Tu Drv. ()OMIT, CO. Thinott, AUCTIO1 E1,lt, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Concxxstxoxala nit , C. 7., ETc, Witox.xrxu, ONT.