HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-10-06, Page 2THE WINOIIAM TIMES, OCTOBER 6, 1893 r4e:TedinOanICiints FRIDAY, OCTODER 8, 1893. l*T THE WORLD'S FAIR. )eleeriptive -'Letter by a Canadian " Visitor. Oa NEW CfI t Go A, COSMOPOLITAN tt1 C---azteueIatre BUILDINGS AND A. ¥:Ar.GRI1i'ICI;NT SYSTSai OF PARKS AND BOULEVARDS—SUNDAY A HOLIDAY— Taara TION IN FAIR ARRANGERRNTS. In visiting the World's fair one 1n,. Mentally visits Chicago, and the Windy City" in itself is well worthy a visit from the tourist, aside from s fact that it embraces within hie 1ta !f rnopolitan arms all the magnificent beauties of the fair, Situateas it is at he (lead of Lake Michigan, it forms a Market for the great west, tho growth -f which has been unprecedented. rhe growth of the city itself is equally e'onderfol. Ie 1871 it seemed alrnost wiped orit of existence by the great re, which destroyed, it is estimated, 'amething like $300,000,000 worth of roperty, but Chicago, with the push nd energy which has since become a haracteriatic of its citizens, looked ,bout it drew itself together, and ime ediately began the building of the jay 'which to -day is the second largest n America. Whatever may be the pinion as to its desirability as a place f residence there can be but one pinion as to its opportunities commer- ially.. A BUSY i'iETROPOLIS. When one elbows—for that is prac- ,ically what one does --their way down tate et., one wonders where all the eople have come from and where hey are all going. and your wonder ncrr'ases when - yell pass clung street fter street and find each one more rowded than the last, , every street ar with standing room only, and the lerks in eli the stores so busy that if hey can possibly find time to listen o what you want inside of fifteen 'Mutes you may consider yourself ery fortunate. A walk down South ater-st., during the early morning ours is worth the trouble one ex- erience3 in performing that feat. t is ie wholesale produce market, and hatever was not piled ou the side- vatks appeared, to be pulled on the agons, which, with their shacks to he sidewalks, lined the street on both ides as close together as sardines in a me On the sidewalks were boxes to ight of you, boxes to left of you, iled so high that you couldn't possi- y see over them. It1 the centre'there s left a narrow path' through which ou can pass providing you dodge into doorway when more boxes loom up n front of you oii a tr4k. I wonder - d why the merchanta rented stores, or to as passer by all eheir produce ppeared to be on the Tea. THE PARKS AND DOi.LEVARDS. After making up yotir mind that he World's fair vieitordaxe the largest art of the crowd in th4 city it rather aggers one to find that each day the hite city bas its full complement of liters. Chicago hada very pretty ystern of parks. On,e can make a ireuit of the eity without leaving the oulevards and parks, and one of the rives arranged for this year's visitors an extensive circuit of the city in a 'tally -ho" coach. . Unfortunately his drive is only taken on Sunday, hick of course shuts ont all Cana - lens, or at least it ought to. Lincoln rk is prettily situated on the lake front, and its winding walks, shady ooks, menagerie, lakes, etc., are fully ppreciated by the Chicago public. In this park is the very handsome !electric fountain given to the city by lyir, Yerekes, the street railway king, t plays only on Monday and Friday ghts, but on these two evenings t.bottsands of people visit the park to ten the riotous waters bubbling, groping and bursting into the air clear d pure, and then changing suddenly t absolutely into drooping sparkles f golden, searlet, purple and orange into, only to change again as sud- r1erly into other colors as it forces it• ''Half upward again with renewed vigor. he effects are prodneed by the pass. of colored lights of glass across electric lights which light the itairt from beneath. ADVANTAGE'S AND DRAWBACKS, tagnificent views of the city can be f1 - b ld high h n t 'orct the tops of filo fl sky scrapers they call them,--- m the, top of the Masonic ing especially good. The 21 storeys high, and on the by glass, ill RD 0170drvK• youa s faro t tory,o which can see u f m r on Lake Michigan anti as far over the city as the smoke will permit, which varies on different days Max O'Rell, in spettkislg of Cincinnati, says that it is built at tho hoteont of a smoke stuck—with perfect truth, t think, he eonld hale said tat) same think of Chicago. It would be diflieult to imagine a more beautiful site for residences than the lake shore drive iu Chicago. It is very wide, and on the west side are the residences, On the east sidethe lake. A, very marked difference exists in the use to which Canadian cities put •their lake fronts -•-Toronto tor example. Tile lake is a great blessing to Chicago, purifying, cooling and Clearing the air. I am sorry the same oannqt be said of the river. if there is the;;host of a cur- rent it flows inland—hot toward the lake—and the water iaaleok, sluggish, slimy and highly oderi.erous ; in fact the most pleasant vvay to cross the Chicago river ie to go o er it as fast as you can and use your i aniikerchiet as a filter to breathe throieh while you are going. A. more pltfisant way still is to else the line of en le cars which run ander the river, al el so escape all the abominations above PEOPLE FROM EVERY CLIME. The population of Chicago is about 1,500.000, and is very ,'Cosmopolitan. It is the largest Bohemian city in the world excepting Praigue, and the lamest Polish city i . the world ex- cepting Warsaw.+ erinans seem almost as numerous is Americans, while Jews, Freneltuen, Italians, Chinese, Irishmen, a [(C;., help to swell the census roll of this;iimmense city. HOW SUNDAY IS/IHONORED. Chicago's Sunday' is not a day of rest. The daily newspaper conies to you larger and more interesting than on any other of the , six days. The theatres are alttiest all open; the street cars ere all running; and all crowded ; the fruit, candy, ant drug stores all opeu, and in some quarters of the city the small grocery avid dry goods steres also. All the "family resorts" and beer gardens are open, and there are enough of them to .•support the whole population of the city and perhaps the World'sfelr visitorstl thrown in. Sun- day is the day for popular excursions by lake to )Iilwaukee ,and other lake points. Picnics, plrblie and private, are the order of;heday by rail, by steamboat, by stree• car. The parks are alive with peop a and everythiug has the festive appearance of a holiday. The city is poorly supplied with Churches, and christien work is being carried on very vigorously this sum- mer. Mr. Moody hal brought many of the best evangelistslto labor iu the city, and nightly,in Pitlter Mr. Moody's church or in the Empire theatre Rev. John McNeil preaches to thousands, and Mr. Moody himself in the Hay- market tlleatre,Mr. Forepaugh's circus tent, or wherever he on secure ace commodation, speaks tie gospel mes- sage to crowed houses. a Many others besides ars doing similaa work. WHAT THE CITIZENS HAVE DONE FOR THE FAIR. It is Characteristic of the Chicago people that they have apptrentty gone one and all into pre.parie ions for the great fair. They have raised an ime mense amount of money .'• by private subscription ; they have gjven over to the use of the fair ono of the most suitable sites for an exposition wbicb could possibly have heen' found. in America ; they have planned the grounds and buildings one the most elaborate and extravagant 'scale; they have made every arrangenteut for the convenience of the visiting thousands. Prominent business men Nave given up their business, and society women have given up society, that f,hey might give their whole time to tile keeping of the best machinery of the fair in motion. It fact it is diffietilt to im- agine in what way the fair' and its management could be improyed. Too much cannot be said in praise of the arrangements which have been made for the comfort of visitors ; unless one were absolutely bent upon doing so, one could hardly go wrong. Directions everywhere, from the finger -boards marked To the Pair," to the guide- books (narked a quarter. There is never any crowding, the platforms are Ito wide, the cars with a door at the end of every seat so numerous, ticket offices so plentiful, entrance gates to the grounds in such nurebers,tlle walks through thegrounds and aisles through the buildings so wide, thlt with the exception of one or two exhibits °of special interest, such as Tiffany's diamonds or the Cape Colony diamond washings, there is not eveer the semb- lance of a crowd. Chiottgol has gent broadcast throughout tlyeiworld invi- ttls; to visit the Ooluiu an exp'oai. kiteiti so far as say oervaAton willing P � i 11 1 awl '1 11 went is perfectly Ot 1 I 4 1 d t l V Yt t ra 1V et -elle 1 r, prepared to fatal all she promises in any of there. In addition to the panoramas, museums, theatres, rnottti- mente, parks, boulevards, zoological garoens,etc., she offers this 1893 whet no one should afford te' lose—a visit to the \\'erld's Fair. To cure nervousness your nerves must be fed by pure blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes pure blood, Take it uow.. Christian Endeavor. TIIE SOCIAL CO1MMITTEE. This cein.ulittee is, perhaps, not so vitally important as the Lookout and prayer-ineeting, but it is well-nigh in- dispensable, and any so)ety attempt- ing to worst without It twill be badly crippled. What after all, is a lad Commit- tee for? Is it, as some imagine, sin- ply to make a violeut efl'drt to hold a successful social once or its term and then to ignoble casee. if so, th need for a standing cont we are convinced than tl more than that to be hrice during subside into 're is little itten. But ere is far .one • by the Social Committee that is' alive to its responsibilities, Not that we underrate he influence of a good social; it Is a vela/ important feature in our work, it -is essential that the members shoulcl}1 a with each other: and, iu any but th.. small so- cieties, socials are refill., necessary to promote this acquaint nce. To be successful in our eforte to bring in new members to the soc ety, we must first get hold of the stealers, and often this can best he lone through the social gathering. hen there are new comers to your chetah, and it is your duty to snake thele feel at horse, even if you cannot ltdce them to join your society; there arr. indifferent ones who may be helped aryl perhaps won through the instrumentality. of the social. Don't be selfish in your soci- eties; don't let your main object be to have a good time youaself; but in this as in all things remelxlber • the text, "Not to be ministered unto but minis- ter." Of course. it may be well to occasionally hold a social for members only, tbat they may get still better acquainted with each other but when your social is a general one, to which all are invited, or a reception to any special class, such as the students in your town or a neighboring society, remember your guests first'. And is not the great thing, ekte r all, in the true suceess.of a socials, that we shall treat all our guests as eousiderately as if they were visiting in our own homes not in a formal or a pitrouizing man- ner, but with true, Ifrauk, cordial Christian friendship? While the whole society is really the hest • the Social Committee it 'specially so and it in their duty to forget their own enjoyment, in order to ee that none are left out in the cold,, hat the com- pany does not divide in r cliques, that the stranger is introdu era to those with whom he will feel t hole, that the little things are to ed after. It is self-denying work, bu it pays. We have not space to devo a suggestions for programmes, etc ,bu would simply suggest that the progr mule should always he short, that p enty of time may be left for conve sation; and, above all things, let uss to it that our socials shall not hi der the dis- tinctly spiritual worked, i but greatly help it. 'But a very important' part of the cornmittee's work, is at lthe prayer - meeting, greeting both members and visitors at the door, and ;;seeing that none slip out the meeting without, a hearty handshake and ani invitation to come again. Societies', report ex- cellent results from a five-minute intermission for social intercourse before the close of the meeting. Let this committee take a special interest in our new members, and especially associate members; see that they get thoroughly acquainted invite theta to your houles,if they are etrangers,and to your pew in church; be sere to recog nize them on the street, or anywhere that you meet them. Your work is never done; in the old Methodist watch word, you must be "all at it, and always at it." We are eunvinced that the influence of our Christian homes should be used far` more than it is, especially with young men are exposed to temptations, as a counter attrac- tions to the snares of the devil. Let the social Committee loop after this as far as they can. And so ,the members of the Cern mittee can be working everywhere --- 1 greeting with It bandshake the strang- r er at the church services: showing by year actions that you care for lit ini; , speaking' kindly wherever you meet i theta ter those who neem encourage., " meet; in fa word, to ear "y the tinsel- 1rI fishnets and the joy ofour Master wItorniver the ga. nit,f ooitrae, is TM i be • of he a- tlednt ofeverymar) i t tl Y ciety. but it is especially the place of the Social Committee to endeavor to develop this spirit of Christian so- ciability among the members; and who can say that their work is not an inn- portant one, I liarkwell's Bronchial Balsam Will cure any Cough Cold, Bronchitis m• Asthma. Sheridan's Condition Powder KEEPS OUR CHICKENS. ;ICKENS. Strong and Healthy ° Prevebts all Disease. It Is absolutely pure. Iil,rhly conlentratod. In quan- tity costa tenth of a cent a day. N.•otherkin,l is iilro is Sample for 26 ens, in stamps, live pac ran, byy mail X1.20. Sex ing•graane, I. S. JOIiNSbl.� & CO., 020ustom Hou 551. Large21-4rb. S. express prepaid. e St., Boston, Blass UWLER 9s E.Xi.OF IL; y 'RANAIB CURE S , C Off, :� • RA CHOLERA- M .) RBUS SE m ' ' IRO COV1-4 ANTS C! LDRENAD ULTS price .35 •� 6.E.WARE. of IMITATION �v E WEBSTER'S 1 INTRRNATIO1NAI1 &,rrtrety Nem. DICTIONARY A J Abreast Ute Times. ,1 .f GrarrdEdrtcatar. The S4CCSSOr of Ma bridged." Ten years were ee spent -evising, 100 editor employed, r? and er $300,000 5 expen.eti. {x Everybody c• should owls this Dictionary. It an- ,p swers alt questions rF concerning the his- tory, shelling, pro- tc nunciation, and ' lneauiitg of words. A I,,ibraly in Itself 5 It also rives e the facts often wanted concerping eminent o, (:), persons, ancient and modern; notett ficti- c tious persons and places; countries, c, cities, towns, and natural Natures of the S globe; translation of foreign &notations, e0 words, phrases, and proverbs etc., etc., ete. n 2V/1S Work is InvaInable iii the t' household, and to the teacher, scholar, pro- f essional ro-fessional man, and self -educator. is Tho Globe, Toronto, says: - This new dictionary is the best ook of its kind �aa9 e in the English language. For eery family, the y, �, members of which have mestere the art of rend- 0 ing,its purchase will prove a prod t le investment. • Tho Times, Hamilton, s, s: - y It may well be pronounced tho be o t workindtc- tionory anhe cheapest boot: fn ro wrldg d t , and c should be in every school and lentil ' in Canada. II -aye your dioolrsellershop, ittoycl.. "tin G. e£ C. Merriam Co. .Publishers, Stn-lnefeid,Afass.,U.S.A. $S. i Man, bnycheapphoto- {;sniffs rcpruits of nnclent e; editions. �5+ [:'Fend for frer prospectus cmuniningapeelnrenpages, fllnstratlons, etc. rrmlr✓v�rrsarr,re�.rr e erfm ca ���. .• Z1t 4,1 BSTER'S D" t4 INTR..PTIO\.lL Di `TI0M7Rl' ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedairr Posts. Car Load Orders a g Specialty. WOOD delivered to lay part of Wingham. it3rOrdersby'mall promptly attendo to GEORG; THOMSON, Box 125, Wingham P. COUN'T'Y FUNDS TO LOAN. C1nbbing states, The Tntks and Toronto Globe per year.....$ 1 75 The Tains and Toronto Empire por year.... 1 76 The TiMae and London Advertiser per year.. t 50 The Tutus and London Free Frees per year.. 1 78 Tho Tien and Montreal herald per year.... 1 00 Tho TIMES and Montreal Witness per year.... 1 75 TheTui5sanq Montreal Family Herald and Star 1 75 Reduced rates with all other weekly papers nos mentioned in the above list, On the security of Cultivated Faro, Interest six per cent payable annually. Any fortiori of the principal may bo repaid at any tinier, the borrower wiehes. All expences paid by the County. No person except the County Auditors allowed to see mortgages or 0G know to whom motley is loaned. Apply to WM. IIOLMES Goaerioh, Aug. 8th 180.0. 7 Co.'lreasnrer. • JOB PRINTING, INCLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, B111 Beads, Circuiars, &c., &c., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or address R. ELLIOTT, TIMES ORSce, Wingham. LOOK HERE ! This Will IntestEvery— R•p •�� VI EANs area foes dig* eoverg bit etre the worst oasoe of Debility' Lost Thor and 8E Nervous y ger BEA NS Failing Manhood; restores the L 3 weeknrss of body or mind warned by over -work. or the errors Or eur• owes of loath. This Remedy ab- solutely curse the most obstinate eases when all other TrocArxsrys have failedwecato PaUevo. Sold by drag. gists at at. package, for sixfyo ,6 or sent mafr on ,ao t& of pries by ad treee ng TI1 Jiityy AMllleMffiOIOSN'S 00., Toro**.Olat.. Writ. fortantiplwlct. Bo4d1* w iteghatr,'7,ro.HAMILTON. body! We are selling Best Coal Oilat 12 1-2 cents per lmprial gal- lon, or a can c ,ntaining the equivalent of five American gallons for 50c., exclusive of pack- age. American Axes, pc. to 65c. each. Crosscut Saws, 45c. to $i.00 per foot. We to -day re puce our quotations on Binder Twine one cen per lb. J. A. CLINE SCO, - • i Wingham .Gank' m STEAM PUM VORKSI BM HO77EflS, PROPRIE OR. I wish to inform the people of Wing - ham and surrounding country, that, as I have purchased the (Stearn Pump Works lately owned by Mr. H. Clark, I are prepared to supply a,1l kinds of Wooden, Lift, Force &,Iron Pumps And attend to the wants >krf the publi in anything in the Pump line. As I have long experience in the business I guarantee all, my work, and if not satisfactory will refund the money. I also deal in ALL KINDS OF WIND MILLS. tl Soft water cisterns Tilade on short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. D. SHOWERS, 1 Wingham• TWO KINDS OF CUSTOMERS. B 5 (Lilt diiingkamaues EVERY TIMES OFFICE, WINGHAM subscription _ ADVERTIS1NG Space -18 PUBLISHED- FRIDAY MORNING —AT TUE— JOSEP,MINE ST ONTA1tIO. 1 1 'v' $6 00 6 00 4 00 100 price, $l per year, in advance r_ RATES: 1 1 yr, 1 0 mo- 1._• 3 Ino. One Column Half "" Quarter'• One Inch 350 00 3e 00 20 00 6 00 335 00 $20 00 20 00 12 00 12 00 7 00 3 00 2 00 Legal and other Casual advertlsements, $e. per line tor lint insertion, and 30. per line fereach subsequent insertion. Local notices 10c. pe...ne for first insertion, and le. per line for each subsequent insortice, No local notice will be charged less than 250. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations, and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines nonpareil, $1 per month houses and Farms for Salo, not exceeding 8 lines. 31 for first month, 50o. per subsequent month These tame wi lbe strictly T t h 1 lot adhered to Special rates for to advertisements, or for longer periods, Advertisements and local notices without specific directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged l7 accordingly. Trau.ory advertisements mustbepaid in advance Changes for contract advertit :ments must be n the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week It. ELLIOTT PROPRIETOR AND PGDtssi,i .-_.-. __. ...___ _ _•�e DR MACDONALD, Ll JOSEPHINE STREET, Wnicarmt, - • • - ONTnxro. W B. TOWLER, Af,D•C.M., Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario -Coroner for County of Huron - Office Upstairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing ham, Ont. Omen HOURS. -0 to 12 a. m., 1 to 6 p. m., oral Residence, Diagonal Street. DR. J. A. MELDRUM, Honor Graduate of Toronto University, an, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons o Ontario. Office and Residence -Corner of Centro and Patricl streets, formerly, occupied by Dr. Bethune. . WrNOnAM - ONT B>u. VANSTONE. d BARRISTER, SOLICITOIR, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, tots, and farm property bought and sold OFFICE -Beaver Block WINos,es .- J. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, &c , Wingham Ont E. L. DICKINSON, Barrister Ei" te. SOLICITOR TO BANIt OF IIASIILTOy. SIONET 51 LOAN. , Office -Meyer Block, NY Ingham. WIDE AWARE •. KIND BUY FROTe1 {CHE City Fruit & Confectionery Store Because they can get goads that are right and up to the times. ANOTHER RIND ARE FAST ASLEEP, But they are waking up t. the fact that 1 can give them good that will please them. Full ines of Fruits, Oysters,Confeptionery,&c APPLES BY THE BARREL. Agent for Parker's Dyo orks. Canned goods of every r es g tri tin o al- ways 1 ways on hand and my pri es are as low as the lowest. Dont forget the plaett, op osite the new Bank of f'Tatailton. ROB ELM. e 71ENTISTRY.- J S. JEItOSlE, WsNau Ac, Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite plates of the best material as cheap as they Cali be got in the Dominion. All work warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric- ity or Vegetable Vapor. cach. TARE NOTICE. -I will extract teeth for 25 cents OFFICE : In the Beaver Blocs:, opposite the Brunswick House. Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S DENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's Hotel,;Wingham. Will visit Gorrie lst andj3rd Mondays of each month. m JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 1VINGHAN, . ONTARIO p DEANS, Js., wrxOHAM, 1 LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY Ob' HUROA7 Moderate. Sales attended in any part ?of the Co, Charges JOHN CURRIE, 'Ware ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY or roMION All orders left at the TIMES ofliee promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable. 1 JAMES HENDERS0N, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR • COYNTIES HURON' AND BRvca,y" All sales attended to promptly and on the Shortest Notice. Charges Moderate Satisfaction neessaryarannentscabaathe Titxs' office iVrNollArr ONT DR. J. WASH, M. I3, Toronto, Members Collead; Physicians and Surgeons, Ontartn. BELaRAVE • '• OttrARdO Money to , Loan on Notes. Notes Disc unted AT 1,EASONAEL; Money advanced on Mortgage privilege of paying at the end and accounts collectei. monmnlrtklo°. sear Mock wheaten, one reA,Ttee a ti per centwlth nay rear. Nota* ,.J