The Wingham Times, 1893-09-29, Page 811oINDOO, DY MADE MANTLES. xN Tll:nl:.--- The pleasantest aur • u could expect are awaiting you relation,, to beauty and price; they emost of anything we ever exhibit - kis town. Every eaantle bearing the al of fashion, no limit of quantity. ve opened up our stock ofeP'ur Coats, Muffs and Caps, NoW is the time fursand get forst choice. THE WINGHA BVI TIMES, SEPTEMBER 29, 1893, and it is Ode : They are experimenting and pltyieg a high price for their export- euro. If Nie. Molntyre had taken a drive towards the Assiniboiue river, only a few chiles northwest of Alexander, to DRESS GOODS, r efforts this fall surpasses all our past 's department, as an evidence. of the Winless of the stook take these Paris rus in silk figured two toned Diagonals 'ool Crystal Cords, changeable ihix- The styles are exclusive and prices the farts of Mr. Robe and othersin the . vicinity, he would have seasoned his of fcraigu wheat is it, s:llet's flavor. there letter with spice ot a different nature. i is a good iuquity for American red winter Mr, Robe had several hundred acres of at 64 adveuee, Coru is in moderate du - wheat, sown with good seed, which was I mend. pent istquotedjatt. w 6d, u,January d old step, British Grain Trade.. I usees, Saps, 25, --•'Chu Mark Laee I K press, is its weekly review ot the. L'ritish grain trade, says : Iuoreaeed supplies of new I ugllsh wilrats have .caused an aver- age decline of 61 in valnte, The pr ice an excellent crop, and he had sixty acres ot land sown with wet seed, as an experi- ment, but won't do it again. There is considerable discontent among the farmers here and I blame themselves for it in moat instances. They are crushed with a high tariff, and still they send those who are crushing them back to Parliament when they have an opportun- ity ot making a change of representatives. They a'so put on too much style. top buggies being too common for the age of the country. The majority of the farmers here are sons of Ontario farmers, whose fathers at the age this country is, had to plod along beside a juniper drawn by a yoke of oxen, wbeu going to trade off produce for other goods ; but here, they seem to think themselves ill-used if they oan't have all the luxuries of an old settled country from the word go. Ur. McIntyre mentions the oats being a failure. So far as the part of the country he wrote from is concerned, he is about right; but he wrote front a part whsre wheat is the staple crop, and oats being the last sown gives thean inter- ior chance ; but in other parts where oats are the crop depended on, the case is very different. Where I am writing this letter the oats are a very good I have no hesitation in saying that Manitoba in a good country, if people would only. farm properly and act wisely. I would fain say more, but I fear I have. encroached on yogi• space too much al- ready. JOSN GREEN,fi Neepawa, Man. September lOth, 1893. READY MADE CLOTHING, `• overybody,mea's, boys' and ohildrens is and overcoats ready to wear for the t ,er. We have opened up a very large of fine clothing in all the different es and styles; also our stock of English, stoh and Canadian Tweeds is ready for r inspection at M. H. IGINIOO'S. prompt shipment, at 19s 6d, I3arleys are quiet. In some markets the grinding' serfs are quoted 6d lower. Oats, beans and peas are steady, At to -day's market English neer wheats were 0d dearer; old wheats were firth and there was a good general inquiry; Russian wheat was 3d. Other foreign wheats were firm. Melting and griudieg baileys were from 3d to 6d l. Oats were held, Cern aus was\ere held foret 6cladvance ; 3d arts offered. Rye was 6d cheaper. VOTERS' LIST COURT. Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to the Ontario Voters' Lists Ant 1889 by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the 'ounty of l;Jurou, AT 13LUEVALE, so the Eleventh day of 0 ober, 1893, at 0 c'olook in the f e Q00, to hear and determiue the seve' al omplaiutsof errors and ornisaious iu z' Voters List of the municipality of T nberry for 1893. All persona having busiuess at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place. Dated at Bluevale the 26th day of Septem- ber, 1893. JOHN BURGESS, Land cothe s itut d Ci Clerk of said Courof t Wroxeter• r. john :1. Barnard was at Wiughain uVeduesday last attending 'the meeting istrict No 31, Canadia.a Order of For - os, which was held, hers that day. /the arena entertainment to bq, given by to I. C. O. F. In the Pavillon on the even f Oct, 2nd, promises to be one of the. test events ever held iu Wroxeter. ,.he Wroxeter saw and shingle mill will (sold by auetio t ou 0:tob1r Std. u 'ugh am ,. 1. easels t?;?r tris tt aa, ey ruberry Bluevale t Wawauot;lt Belgrave th Town Hall xllett Loudesboro 'Killop Winthrop hfield Daugaunon derich Tp. Holmesviile r,° '!borne Town Hall ,R, ,..: t..yfield (,ny y Zurich. teephen - Crediton eter Town Hall borne " Wawauosh Duuganuou Isu.1D uley Towu Hall • ' wick derich " FOR INVALIDS whose system needs toning up and whose appetites are failing,a quick and pleasant remedy will i be found nU1NIN[ WINE. Q Prepared only by S. CAatPSELL S Co, Beware of Imitations MCNTRUAL. Id Manitoba Grain Standards. The Western Board of Grain Standards met iu Winnipeg to fix and decide ou the Untario. Voters' List. standard of No. 1 hard. It is it splendid s Honor Juega Torn) will hold JLavi- sample of Manitoba's best wheat. No. 1 Courts, as follows: Manitoba hard wheat shall be sound and well cleaned, weighing not less than sixty ntou Town Hall October 2 pounds, and shall be composed of at least " 4 two-thirds of red fyfe wheat grown in " 4 Manitoba. or the North west territories. If5 No. 2 hard has to weigh fifty-eight pounds to the bushel. Extra N1auitoba hard 11 must go sixty-two pounds to the bushel. 12 The samples indicate that the whole crop tt 13 will be covered by four grades: extra, 1''o. ••14 one, two and three. The last sample de- " 17 cided on was "extra bard." This sample I3 weighs 62:} pounds to the bushel. The " 19 board has not completed its deliberations. oo 2I Thomas Fawcett, the Watfurd bank 25 er in '88 elansferred to the late Alex- oo 24 •• 26, ander Johnston, the Strathroy banker TOWN FOUR COMM WED. 0 THL NSW YO .t Newdale, Manitoba. HALL IGH TS, cING COURT OF REVISION. FOR EAST WAWANOSH. Notice is hereby given, that a ourt will be held pursuant to the Out rio Voters' Lists Act, 1886, by His Hou' the Judge of the Comity Cou t o the County of I-Iarou, AT "BELGR' V ', on the Twelfth day ' f i etober, 1893, at 10 o'clock a, in • hear and determine the several comp nts of errors and orris• Pions in the Vote s List of the municipal- ity of East Wawanosh for 1893. All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and Place. Dated this 25th. YORTERFIl+eLD,393 Clerk of East Wawauosh. WORK HARD, PRACTICAL, ENTHUSIASTIC, HAS PLACND TILE The Forest City Business College of London IN THE FRONT POSITION IT OCCUPIES 'lO .DAY. CATALOGUES FREE. Gm J. W. WEST.ERVELT, Principal. DISSOLUTION SALE, The partnership happily existing between the undersigned for the past six years will close on the 8th day of September, 1893, by efful genre of time, and, owing to continued ill health of one of the partners, cannot be renewed. Therefore, the 001K, ENTIRE A'.xOUNTING TO ABOUT $10,000, 27 " 28 •• 31 Nov. 2 e 3 to to Mr. R. Toothe, of London, who, in his suit against Johpston, recovered a,judgment for $17,000. Under the belief that bankers Farren the Tisdale, '•A theirs among ye taken' notes of Clinton, had a portion ot the moue An faith he'll prellt•them:' 1 Mr. Toothe obtained an rnlun iii x, EtaToit, -•Lath not sure that the from the High Court rsstratntiiK the ve quotation is given verbatim, as o not happen to have the much prized lame at hand to make sure of it. How - r, I am drawn to the pen and paper give you a short letter, which I trust 3t4 will give a place in the next issu ,. Mr much -valued Times by former re - mats of the counticb of Huron and ace. have read a letter to the TIMES by ho G. McIntyre, wrote from Alexander, elan., which I think will be apt to in- 0 ice people to have a wrong opinion o ' aniteba• I can vouch for the truth fIr. Melntyre'a statment re the appear- ce of the crops around Alexander, as I days been in the district myself, and I Bust say, although a very pretty part of yGanitoba,the crops there were the worst ya: ave seen this year and I have been rev a large tract of the country. The • tops—as may have been seen by a letter wrote sometime ago to the East Huron Gazette—had an extra fine appearance t the early semmer,but a long -continued wrought, with a very hot sun, had a 1„amaging effect, and Alexander seemed 16 be the least favored with local showers It any part I was in. But there are her causes for poor crops than dry, me weather, and the people around 'tlexanderhalo been guilty of practising Mese eausels, and I ant sorry to say that ley are practised in very many instance ever the country. I will state a few of parotin here. Partnere in many instance eat in too many acres, and do the work imperfectly. Some sell their good tat and purchase frozen wheat for Some sow wet seed•- at least such n done this year -and a failure is reeult. I might mention othll a ed 5i nears. of disaster to the farmers of Mani god 5 t'veat u Blyth, ou Wednesday,Sept•, t 1 Will encroach too much on 2otlr, .1893, Clarenda K Sperling, wife of ' Je, g• lloweVer, T "dill ( iYe /14 A. J. Clarke, aged 80 years, 1 month and 1 the doings o f the farmers beige, 5 MO. ' Treasurer'e Office, Wingharn, June 28rd, 1308. of some $50,000 for "Hare keeping. Never having been able to recover the name, Fawcett assigned his right there• in the following b WEDNESDAX Evening, TnunsnAY Evening, FRIDAY Evening, "Jac SATURDAY Evening, " ant Hca epertoire: Sawyer." i the Slope." ette." xed Pickles." ADMISSION 15, 5 and 35 Cents above `bankers from disposing of this imagined estate. Under the auspice A Brick Homs in Wingham, being Catherine street, wa 8 rooms, pantry, awl The let contains one• patticulars apply to to w'inghaui P. 0. Boner. WALUER.—In Turnberry, on September 23rd, the wife of Mr. Geo. Walker ; a sou. MARRIP:D. BINE—RAMsex.-'4b t the First Congrega- tional church, Wing am, Ont., ou the 29th September, by the Rev. W. H. Watson, William Bone, esq.,toIsfiss Annie Ramsay, daughter of Allan Ramsay, esq., Londou, A h ULLIVAN—ADAMS•—In the North Brant Roman Catholic Church,on Thursday,l7th Sept., by Rev. Father Kelly, Mr. John Sullivan, of Wiugbam, to Miss Miuuie, youugest daughter of Mr. Joseph Adams proprietor of the Windsor House, Ohesley. Wnici T—RAW.—Iu Hamilton; on the 12th iust., by the Rev. James Allen, Ada May, second daughter of Robt. Raw, Esq., to T. 0. Wright, only son of J. 3. Wright, of the Poiut Farm, Goderieb. Bitooks—CAsestos:—At the residence of the bride's father, Clinton, ou the 20th inst., by the Rev. J. Livingstone, of Kiu- cardine, assisted by Rev. J. W, Holmes, Mr. J. E. Brooks, of Mitchell, to Miss Minnie, only daughter of Mr. W. Cautelou. VANCS--HOLLAND.—At the residence of the bride's father, Goderich township, on the •loth iuet., by J.tev. Jas. Walker, Mr. W. G. Vance, of Clintop, to Effie, eldest daughter of Mr. Jeptha Holland. DIED. FALCONER.—In Kinloss, on the 24th iuet., Aute B. Falconer, aged 6 months and 5 ; RciirLt.—Iu Turnberry, ou the 20th lust.. Mary, infant dangliterof Mr. Samuel 11 hill, aged 5 months. VA/Amt.—lu Turuberry, on September 27th, Terrasa Walker, wife of Mr. Geo. Walker, aged 26 years, 0 mouths and 21 days. JAS!IESON.--At Wolsely,Northwest Terri- tory, on September 16th, ,Robert Jamieson, eaforth, aged 44 years. urge. -.-IA Morris, cu September 6th, Maria, beloved wife of Mr. Zahn White, BARK ANTED. s of the Lacrosse Club. and Lot for Sale 11500 CORDS HEMLOCK BARK lot e5, on the East side of wanted at the Wingham Tannery. fella 2.hard house contains cellar, hard end sort water, $ 5 • ®® PER tth of au Sere. For farther to owner, on the premises, or J. R. OaitFr. A RARE CHANCE Will be paid ou delivery. Parties peeling 15 cords or over, can deliver half in summer and balance in winter, if desired, and same price will be to make from $15 to $25 ger week in selling our Hardy aid. Canadian Grown idweekl Stock. Highest Salaries p INCHA TANNING Cd. or Commission paid weekly. Complete rttirttr Gana, Special instructions to beginners. \\'rite;this Wreck, . for terms to. br Nurseryman M. 0. GRAHAM, eryfli n Otit 12t Wingham, May 10th. 1893. MARNESTS AND COLLARS • 1116. sold IAAbout reserve AND AT BELOW COST. As the goods are all new and have been selected with great care, this afibrds an opportunity of securing SACRIFICE BARGAINS such as may never again be offered to the citizens of Wingham and vicinity. This great sale will begin on 6Ilaviug bought out the Ambler Harness Business and started in his old stand, am prepared to furnish the public with everything usnally kept in a harness shop such as HEAVY, LIGHT and TRACK. HARNESS, NETS, DUSTERS, W Ii IPS, CURRY COMBS, BRUSB.ES, SWEAT COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALISES and TRAVELLING BAGS, 4c., &.c I make all my owu Collars and guarantee satisfaction. Give me a trial and I will use you right. G_ A_ 11"'M w' TON_ TR B STJ RER's S 1 =i3 LA turd.ay, Aug. 5th, And continue for 33 days. Please remember 33 .DAYS SELLING AT COST, And in many cases far below cost. Do not permit business or pleasure to keep you away from this store during these 33 days, for it is the chance of a lifetime. The stock conists of every description of • Dress Goods, General Dry -Goods, incic.g Cur- tains, Curtaining and a tine assox'tmlent of Carpets, fine Worsteds, imported and Canad-Tan Tweeds, Ready-made Cloth- ing, Gents' Furnishings, &c. BOOTS TND SHOES and SLIPPERS from the best makers. GROCERIES, pure and fresh, in abundance. Lovers of good, pure TEAS cannot affocl rto miss this mammoth sale. Come, now is the accepted time. GOOD BUTTER and EGGS will be taken as cash. Any goods' charged during this GREAT SALE will be entered at regular prices. GORDON & McINTYRE, The Anchor House. DS FOR T ' ' ES. Ontario Town of Wingham, To wit: upon and sell the lands rn I hereby give'notice that vii to sell said lands or so much. and costs thereon, at the Corn BY VIRTUE of a warrant issued ,y the Mayor, under the orporate Seal of the 'Town of Win, am, to me directed, bearing da • ,1893, commanding me to levy for arrears of taxes due thereon, osts are sooner paid, Ishall proceed cessary for the payment of the taxes e said Town of Wingltam, on the Twenty-third day of Ju lis in the following as such arrears and al ereof as may be Chamber, in do No. 23 Part21 22 23 36 37 88 6 38 N half 9 10 TUESDAY, the At the hour of Street. • S 'vey. Boland 8 L .t dr Davis Josephine W • oley's McIntosh P. Fisher's ft t• Seat V ctoria 8 rancis W 0 Carling 1: John N tt tk ay of October, 1893 O'CLOCK in the afternoon; C. T. Scott's tt tt B. Bower's 14 Leet 1licKay's Leet do Davis' rt Ci Quanity o . L;tt;d. r dors 2 feet 1-, 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 24 feet 24feet 1.5 1-10 1-5 1.5 Wingham, July 31,;x£03,. Taxes. Costs. Total. $ 3 26 $ 1 75 $ 5 01 47 67 6 50 54 17 11 72 4 25 15 97 8 00 2 60 10 60 8 00 2 CO 10 60 11 72 4 25 15 97 ii 00 2 60 8 60 6 00 2 60 8 60 4 80 2 40 7 20 4 80 2 40 720 6 07 510 21 17 42 1 75 3 170 2 60 60 8 280 949 JOHN DICKSON', reasurer.i GEO. E. KING. OUR FALL STOCK 18 EOINCOMPLETE. SEE OUR DRESS ''GOODS, TRIMMfNGS AND READY MADE MANTLES. speotiully yours, • +'0,. 3riivG:t