The Wingham Times, 1893-09-29, Page 7fi A Cglisideratiori of the Ziltas. Br .A.lu,r. bbit:rrzse, Whitechurcit, Out, Consider the Mice,how they e Ygrow,t1eY labor not, nor ar mp r irt Xet, Gott on therm Itis MVO bestows Braise frau his growth to win, , They keep the law, kle to them gave When first he .gave thetas light; Front then till now, they ,kept it have, rue f• t � : late aspitlul, strife. Not so by us, though better then they. I3eing national, by leave; We break the law day after dry, He for our guldauoe gave. And also His ttuavritten law, The law of social love, By allowing sin our minds to draw, nom heavenly things above. We late and early, daily toil, Sonia worldly thing to gain, Oft suffering severe turmoil, Because our thoughts are vain.. .Even tioloinon, in all his style, Could not with lilies vie; dxod's written law he broke'tltrou;lrguile, And love'e pure social tie. Alas! alas! how vile we lire--. How unworthy of his Iove ; Yet Ho ul,ou uteri everywhere .Sends blessings from above. Yea, on tho evil and the good, That all His love relay know; .Ana servo Him truly as their Got'(, In humble modest show. '0 may we like the lilies grow, In aur respective spheres; That we may modest beauty show 'l'o sufferers, having cares. And that we may in heaven bloom, With they inside the vail ; After the monster's killing gloom, Leaves dead, our bodies frail. 464411404.--6646406.44..14444166641 Le,, enol of the aOOkirig-G><ass, W110 '!lo evPi' helm' it said flirt; the lookitrgsglrrss Was first invented to spite t 4l t , t. p r. , pretty �. P Neuhow wculd it he possible to tipite. t %Ve Ilan by eltowleg her a perfect reflection Of her "Wt. dainty self? Well, accoid. in;; to Japanese Mythology, tittt deity presidhtt; (Ivor the tem and furnishing lights to the world heee.me+ hail riated at some trills and hits herself away in n cave, tliue depriving humanity of a very mioes+,ary element. In order to induce her to come out the mirror was iuveuted Mott pleeed in the cave, The beeotitu1 goddess seeing another iretantifAtl goddess within those narrow canes, inllrtn'dietly departed, and the people took care that never again should she enter the preeinets cif a crave, And so the most 'valued of Wotnnri's treasures Was invented for t+pitg, but for what a different purpose has it served. Now Well Strong. Sees,, --It is easy privilege to recoterneud 13.13.13, Per two year I was nearly trip. pled the kld ys with v$ ich six o bot a:3 of B ry disorder 1 ,B ,1 entirely freed me. I tem tiow well and strong, Aturd gladly recommend the 13.13, Bitters which cured tate after 1 had almost. given up hope. EMI= Jotl,Neros, Aberdeen, B.C. netcy to thou THE WINGRANI TIMES, SEPTEMBER 3Q, 18 Our Burnie Schools Are the n,atu•stay of our republic. La -them are being; cultivated the minds of those who are to be our future law makers and leaders in every walk in life, .pow 'esouttal it is that theme minds should be lite rempect`for ti Pithy Points. Justice to one is r s. ands. • Wo forget in labor. what troubles ase in rest. of yonth are the The toountains molehills of age• Life is a mission it is a submission, The tramp who professional pride. to serve; to most Will work has no united to strong, healthy bodies. So man others Gan never Y (uoinpensate you for the toss of your children s 'for Lrotu impurities bodes a,S poiAou in the blond that it is a wonder that they, own. ,ever grow up to oe well pod women. 'Slimy I Soule people can talk more religion pareutu uaouet tied wards strou:,= sung ' in ip minutes than they eau live in a week. When money ;eta tight it geue,'ally goes to the lock-up. 'eine, and the whole being is given strength J If all men hail what they desire toresist attacks of disease. main,weol.1 not havethat which is now'theirs. mmore The Cost of Speed. ' Nothing makes a man ore eau - A break down, satut• tante ago, of 1 tions than the conviction that his advice 'one set of *leigiues of one fi of the Nit,' is going to he followed. trusts-Attautie liners eremitic"eremitic"a start. i Contetrtment is better than riches, ling illustration of the enormous cost but it relies about the stunt. amount Gi sof nigh ocean spuds. Part of the money for one as the other. trip during;wbieu the mishap occurred was finished with the star-I,ourd en- gines alone Comparing the three days run with the single, set of engines with a c trresponding period on the previous voyage with loth engines running, the'average ratio of the spends in the two eases was found to be as 0,82 is to 1. The loss of one- half the propollin:; power had the effect of reducing the spend by only 18 per cent. This, says the Mechanical News, ought to give this promoters of 28 knot steamship lines something; to thi.nlc about:to express weir gratitude to Hood's Sat.* sapat•ithe for its good effect upou their chiiireu. Scrofula, salt rheum and other diseases of the blond are effectually and perutttueutly oared by this excellent medi- Severn Diarrhoea Cored. Git.trnrutsia,-»I was troubled' with chror iodiarrbcea for over three years and re oeived no benefit from all the medicine tried. I was unable to work from two t four days every week. Rearing of Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry began to use it. Am now all right, sous Emus, ss, llracebrtdge, Out. t• I 0 1 Miss Priscilla Pipohin : I'd often heard of the power of the l.tnroan aye Upon ferocious animals. I fixed mine upon a lion at the Zoo,- and he instant- ly turned hi:i Bend away, The Linn {sotto tepee) : pit. I've Been some holy *tugs iir my time,but this old. woman's too hideous for anything A wonderful new combination is R. Stark'n Heariaoite, Neuralgia and Liv,er Powders, nice to take end perfectly barn less. 11Xr, 1111. '1Yfaynard,,.o Wonaa'took, writes as follows: 1'Thanlr you for the Headaches, Neuralgia and Liver Powders you sent me, which I bare been vert' uiat3' Of, once for my daughter. and this n7orn..1 frig far ;wag wr---••, who enirlAbe bg,q Buffered from headache for three ilnvp • Worth Reading, MR. W 17. McIsTRE, of St. Ives, Ont.,bad eleven terrible running sores and was not expected to reoover, all treatment having failed. Six battles of .13urdook Blood Bitters completetely restored him to health, Druggist Sanderson, of Sall' ary's, Out., certifies to these facts. Every temptationat is resisted, every noble aspiration that is euconr aged, every sinful thought that is re- pressed,every bitter word that :s with- held, adds its little item to the im- petus of thi..t great movement which is hiss -int; humanity onward toward a richer life and higher charsetgr. RELIES Ix Sri llouas.—Distt'essiltg, Kid• ney and Bladder diseases relieved in mix hours by the "Great South Arnerioau Kid- ney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight tc pbysieiaus on ac- count of its exceeding ;q „ prntnpt„esa in re- lieving pain itt the bladder, kidneys, back ttnd every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it. almost im- 1 mediately, If you waut quick relief and cure tbit is your remedy. Solei nt Chis• season be wet or dry, the farmer au ho)m's drug store. , drained laud has a certainty of an All the hest things and treasures of al'undant yield which enables him to this world are not to be produced by mature his plans without liability to each g ueratiott for itself; but we are fatlal•". The experience' of past all intended, not to earve our work in s"aeons of extreme drouth in some snow, that will melt, but each and all localities has fully demonstrated the of us to be continually roiling a • rear, fact that drain ige protects against white, 1gattrertn €now -ball higher and damage from this cause also, higher, larger and larger, along the Alps of human power. , Gems of Thought. 'ngtisll Spavin S,tutinent removes allNever loose sight of an honorable hard, soft, or calloused Lumps and Blare enettay; he will make a good friend. Good Mat.'netrs, Sydney Smith said that the in pen s •A r iirl tho x t 11 alQW s f ' o virtue, ' ire, Wilily a utatt'At behavior iu, in Ytt 114eftsurs, the outwat'ct eXprreufoil what he really is, Coarse. speech Uttconrh dress- tell of the coarse oh atter, Tim Tattler said iliathepeintiou of geutlerrul.it is raver to affixed to a tiiatl''s c` ir'tsultistanoes, b to his behavior in them. 'That is tr and therefore, whatever' tt ruin's a eninstence, lie can be a. gstttlerua and the fact that he is a genrlen wilt rnattifest itself in his good fuss ;tarn. There ore persorirt who seem think it impossible to. he cordial anhearty Ili Matluvr without being pits, Won* or utmost rude. Delicacy of behavior and gentleness 1.a apeecit are 'lot iutposslhle to thorough cordiality,As a good heart expresses itself in Eons manners, so food manners react to increase goQdeess of heart. Good manners are possible to every One who is true, kind acid considerate. '.1'hei n inward qualities need to he uurt.,recl and their outward forma of exl�reseion cultivated. Study of the ohsrauters of gond people and observation of their manners Will do much to aid inacclair- ing a knowledge of the ways of really good society. Lel; the Mort be right first and the rest is easily learned Goad manners, in a bbi4h sense of the word, helps a watt far along in lifer, If you meet a king lie will repo nine Yo a th AO* taor- r;e nf and ttr, up. be ut ue, ir•r tl, an r+. ire d lai� ah Ae adv he we "turn out wet," and the ' coin s t t evaporation, keeping the laud cold, causes the seed to rot. If the season be favorable for the germination of the seed, and the young and tender- plants appear, then it may turn out showery, .and the land become so wet as to place it out of hes power to cultivate it, and the crop tura out badly ; or, if the season be dry in the after part, the land, which is naturally wet, will 'dry out and become hard, and the crop damaged. Hence it is that 5081, a farther must plod along and scratch, wet or dry, and depend ou uncertain- ties, accept his fate, and blame Prov', dente. But the fanner who cultivates land which is thoroughly underdrained, can break it earlier in the spring ; the soil i is loose and friable; and he can plant earlier with a positive certainty that 'the seed, if good, will germinate ; be can cultivate sooner, with a third less labor to both matt awl beast : etre be earring the soil in twenty-four, hour,] after a heavy rainfati. The 'soil is wanner, and prnrltotes the tttol're raped growth of the crop and is lest ti,tt,lt, to damage from tato frosts in t.pritie, or early frost; rtt autumn, practically lengthening the st'dr.,on for growth and maturity fully thirty days, or if the weather should be dry, the roots, cieueudiug deep into the earth, bring 1 up the moisture from bellow, produc- ingan ebuudant ylt,td. t'yhether,the ishes from Spliuts, RingtsBone, Swoon**,es, Biood ase Sages, Clharactergis ?a splend;r to youth, Sore and swollen Throat, (ameba and to wrinieted Sinn Mid gray hair. We gave Iter one of these tvanderft,t eta. Serve X50 use , I by e of cue bottle, War - powders, and itt a very short tiros Rhos aid ranted by Cbisltolnt'adrugg ttoro.. in an natnnia,ed )find of wnv.'Why, my Young Husband : I'in just about headache itt all turn adi ii." Mr.lIoracend 'Wi Wills. Chief not Yof dead from potting down this Carpet. - , T'olice, Wondstnek. sawn ;, "t have token Wife: 'rho 'rho carpet is not heavy. Y. .E1. Il;. Stark's 1'ieadache, Nouralarin, tui Liver No : 1)0 I have to Work in such e VOWriara, and find them n sire cure every t cramped position, Wife; Nonsense. two " v. 'Temple, 46 Catharine street J-ost imagine yott are on your bicycle. north. Ramilton, writes: T have used. t tark's Flendnohe, Nanralgitt and Liver , Itltlitntaxlsn Crenae ry D,tv. (South .p'owdera, nnr3 ftna them a Pore rnre," InteriC5tt IlheumaticCare of lthournntism Price. 25 cents n box. sold by all medicine and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to ti dealers. days. Its action upon the system is re /t markable and mysterious. It removes at (ft Oe,rnor s. was tr aplentti4 Inwvor, once the cause of the disease immediately and Once made an Ploqu int speech for tlisappeare. The first dosis greatly bene• tt horse stealer. The jury, whir tfaree drug store. fits. 7yeeuts, Warranted at Chisholm:" gave A. verdict of "not guilty," A friend stepped tip tt the prisoner volt; • Weil Yoe have Bottle jelly or i. tali, aE►t - 'tJirrr, tbt, danger. is poll didn't dear ? Jelly twice, first, please. you steal that horsef 'Nell,'otzl, all along lr tliounht i tool: that horse, lett velum) 1l heard the Gover'nor's speech, r on't believe 1< did, The surest and shortest aay to prove work possible is strenuously to set about it, We are always complaining that our days are few, and noting as thou.{!; there would tie tto ettd of them. ' . Circumstances forms obaraeter, but like petrifying waters, they too often harden While they fora;. Nature has written .t letter oferedr�i upon some melee faces,wltiluh is Itotrdr- ed nlinost Wherever pr,'sonte,t If you have great sorrows Beet) thou to yourself, unless you live some bosom friend that wilt listoTi to 'y'ou with ;a synpathetia ear,"` Itch ou human a.ht1 horse:' and all nisi. The t'.LJNnt +if sece,Sse ie nothing mats 'cured in BO minutes by Woolford's ulnen Olin g' Or n doinlin y,)11 eau do well Sanitary Lotion, 'i Itit never bails. 'War., j anti doing ;wall wilts; over you do--. touted at fhittholdi'a drug +store, without a thought of Note. To be full of goodnevs, fall of cheer - 1 fa r to is full I of nt al , Y tl full p of !t to lh of e. cause.; :z matt to carry bfv1 Tugs of which he hinrbr:lf la a; uncon- scious as a lamp is of its own light. Just to baud, a ear lou It is en error t 1 tiup me that a rasa', dot No. 1 bsiongs to himself. No wail does• t t r Iia l.niau s to Ilia wife or his eb titanri I or his relations, Ur 11' o s �� t society in some :;9��YR �a furor or another. SfitES SHINGL ES1� W. a make unlovely all our days II J wttIcb WA will atilt itt tuiros that defy seas,• the little soul we put futet our efforts, 1 e ►tion. Alec, first•cluss hy the way in which duties posit tis ;NORTH forwttrt1, by tack of that sotnetbitl„ SHORE' which .makes all words, all deeds, at $11. 4646 , , � � cLEs quiver and glow. )t>ti Square, quality guaranteed. Nevar rilet Or aseun.o a particular cbttrtieter, for it will never fit yon, b pr'oba'bly give you ridicule; but lea it to your ttoudu,.t, youe virtues, yo morals, and your ixiaun"re to give yo olio. Oh, thou that meth i t the itupri ailment of tit4 actual, and priest bitter ly to the gods for a kingdom whyreiu to rule and create, know this of truth: the thing thou seekest is alread with thee, Bore ur nowhere, eouldst thou only see, HoLLoay:tr's OxsTclt wr own PILLS. ---Sudden changes o temperature surely try all persons piroue to rheum- atism, sciatica, tie doloreux, and many maladies sottreely less painful, though •porter duration. Cin the first at. t of ' stiffness or sfHnring in any we, joint, or nerve�`1'ecourse should tediously be had ti fomenting the of disease with tot lull;•+ HIM Wing itt this rettnrl?nblet Ointment, eh will assuage the'uueasiness of the , subdue illiiiict,[t,l�.tion, nod reduce swelling. Tim 1. lt)rt, btllt[r,iLu• nay taken,}viil reoitycoutittttrotlltl it•t,anar's tied reri. w the strength. 1 'emedy Heretofore idiscov "red has i e! so eifectivo ,t. the Omttoent .Pi11ts fur ren,avitt oriuty, rilen,n- 1 , uud eori,tttJon:'tttcttcka. Mt ngutit, are coututoldy ',sired Itet dititry.11� Susceptible Youth (tu Professor) , There, that's toy ids i of n woman, What a splendid wife el , wnufd lnalrt', The Profess,;' : Yes, tit•t.r's what I thought Itrfut';t I Inert ie'i her—read she 1 u A11 kinds of ve 1 Dressed and ktau h ur J 8avrels Lumber, iritth, ,Wood, &o., kept oonstar,tly on haa,1. s, I FAIT AND MATCHING CH I G DONE cheap as the cheapest. y Winglfam,;7u,,o nth MtJ. & SON. tris • Williams' Royal Crown Remedy, 8reetcst core on earth, guaranteed to curet:rueral Nervous Debility, Rheumatism, Neuralgia i9n•atl sit,. to. Ali, Adele, f love ynti like-- like— like--;Nell, think it over, err Fritz ; arftaps.�von can cell Inc rn. unrrnw 1 p Y.� N.iiiiw•+Y..frA Sr1. ¢u.wr«Mrnw� • ry1 .tit I .r.1 - ;:..r 6 A f Cj r r"~ • !I; l! fi j Ja Jfli ]f ti t i2 cry ��.�tr �' '\COLIC Uhf o u t ra ta:.cr�yBA u 4,, CHOLERA— �yORSUS IAR� II Ck DYSENTERY um plER AHDALL l , s "ADULTS I� 6i C OREN price 33 c rs BEWARE of IMITATIONS 4646,.... e stle.:;r140i'' r;R?t? i � 4646. PROF. F. SCOTT, MUSICAL LEADER PRES3YTERMAii CHUM eines Private Lessons in Vocal Training, both In staff and Ionia .Sol•Fa Notation. Open for engagement: far Concerts or Church Meetings. Terms moderate. Apply a MRS. rr. hmai;ntvg Patrick 51 wintrhatn Canadian nB aol Elft TII11l'' '!'ABI,,.K. Trains arrive un(111%118'174 Weise iatrisu fi A'1 n. 81 . For Tomato lo. d:so;�,'„t;' . , ........ I'or Tceswater' gt to3o p. nt 4646 i,li2'"E[7N1 I Intern Ta Ai g, - -M. Altltjr1: ,47 Wrigti t;. ' 631 a ut,1',Anueraten,iluelpl,,Terouto Atlnt�w:8t 11 se '• „ . 11.2.1 eirgi p if la io nf, a, m. ” mixed frtr Igh,earrline l3 8.87 p, tit. for iilnareiee • ., least ,4 w lisle a In, t ondon, Ciiuton, te., l 5'4 1 8218p. W. 4, ,. .4 Scientific American Agency for TRADE PAAI?iiS,. CIESICp PATENTS, FortnformatsonandfrCOAWSRCHr , eta motor $ CO. 361 ]sac DWAY, Nnvrtte to Oldest bureau for securing patents lea. 2tvery patent taken out by us is brought before' Vac public by a .ori 0o given free of 04rge IA tWtp ri nUU4th ctei Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No Intelligent man 8110u1d b0 'without it. weekly,83, s veer; *1.40 six months...domes MUvN 0 0., kr rArssuuas, $Cr113rOadway, r?epr ;melt elty. POE THE BEST VAL ETP D. : ;. CLOTHIN t CO RATS, ,,ryry,,{{''�� CAPS, COLLAI S, Cheap for KASE rr e...,2 +.....,w-46`46 �ww.�.•.n. ,S ves kr apRpuG G��tiS Not only a7Lief but a cure for all ;rinds of HEAD PAINS, SICK STOMACH it AND BILIOUSNESS II`armleas. Clontain no hurtful drugs. A r wondorfut Compound. Mee to take. Sure death to pain, 8e euro'oit get 5'i'ARi'S. Pitsesetit ly R. STARK, M. C. C. P., CHEMIST t:aoM ht.r+socw UNIVtArittio, sooruRNo, FOR THE R. STARK MEDICINE CO. 25G0v! n box, sem by alt ttrrrtrtiisits ! Egtirery flew (1otuyounri ai Pi'SO` S r r:l'I',l t' ce CURES t4ltsE ALL ELSE FAILS Beet Cough yrt11), Tastes Hood. 1tt tints. mold by druggists C C� Nit pli )d0 fi ',s l�3CV a'•• Aliintending purchasers of stoves for this winter will save money by buying from. D. SUTHERLAND. Having bought a very large variety of HEATING AND 000K to °hoese from kvrery stove guaranteed against breakage to give complete satisfaction,. D. ST ''ELAND, 'Ingham, August 'ai;tit,18Q3. :�r