HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-09-29, Page 4`7UIE WIN(a HAM TIMES SEPTEMBER 200803
tlud the pro nlineft'agtvell to it iu Scott's Catena in retechea, and hero ia. the Hitt 'e Itains. loch and strewn*, .rind: after it is I ;t15; Vin MoCiraol.oa, plank, soo;Wm.
tE '1"ttverlev.'s !flits„4116 aro stuff ltround Bastion ort the hfghest peak of the °esti°.LI S 10,,
Mortal, building epproacle to Brandoxte
bridge $wi ll;; ellssee Expord, charity,
S7 50;.Jno Nethery, repairing' onlvert, pis;
Jno Nethery, remission of dog tax
wroPgfully colleotod, $1; Lewis Bolton,
halanoe Engineer's fees, $10; J'as Proc-
tor, to pay far ditch et lot 4, on 6th con,.line, 531 01; John McCaughey, ditch and
culvert on sideline between lots 15 and
16, eau S, $15.
The tauucil then aadjournod to meet
again on the Sara October next.
WV. OLAtttt, Clerk.
front whieh ep.'oudtd views of .the City ou
(vary tido eau be had, Here in the rooms
of the Castle ceu, be amen the Ropey. of
Smotlaud, and the place where awes IV,
of neotluud wail bora, with the date above
the fire plane. Also the Armory, with its
15,000 stand at arnit, with collections of
auoieut weapons, its summer tOS of l.'rinee
l.;inulie and Culloaeu, its trophies of the
at the battle of F10'1'1011; Mello behind long strut' gle hetwomu Welliugtou's )tad
y Tu is Robert the Bruee,ehitl with arulor lr&pt+lOOla'a gtiMorais, at Waterloo.,
beeoutirg the tune-, titroettag .his troops Of Edinburgh's museums of Science auci
at the+ battle of 11 sorter l:k7ttrn, irhicll Art, its mouutueets on Calton Hill, Bir
Walter lieott's on Princess Street -1S0
feet limb, with te marble statue of tat oseli
its the centre and his favorite dog lying at
his feet,--ot ]autos' niooumeut, where, its
soon as the visitor steps inside he irteats
with many relics of Sootlaud'a bard—wine-
T 4A [R iIR 'A F.' ,,,`,: t 0
Opp. Brunswick Hoose.
Ingham, Ont
enthig ciints
eIDA1', t I I'TEM11k.1B 30, 1893.
E, 1 low 1) Exxlo'rr, barrister, of
tit, hos been appointed junior judge
„+ t!atmty of Middlesex,
' noel: GEOI,un B. Kona of New Brous-
, t.. rOrtla Court has been appointers
mtiee of Dominion Supreme Court
rut e ot the lute Mr. Justice Patten -
1Ctr.. W. l': Ln.r•Yox, who has mnunged
;Winnipeg Free Press for the past
'pry years, has left that journal, and
needed by Gln Molneux St.Johu,of
real. Mr. Luxton was formerly
•neetod with the Seaforth Expositor.
with tunny lwrtrait3 of the Brags of
ieotlund, Ou the lett side, in consecu-
tive order, are the unfortunate Jutnes
the First who was murderers, the Seooutt
who was neeidoutnlly Milled, the Third
who \gas sla;u by a treaeheroua tae soon
After his defeat at the battle uC Sencide-
llnrm,atad the reedit who perished along
with many ot the mobility of eecoettnd
ri n ease of the Toronto Times
^gnst Det tat tee Archibald and t)onuty
len Attorney Carry, Justice More-
llos e latter have no
has loo
ided that h
to suppress the publ'::atiau of a -
espaper,but that in case Objectionable ;
totes are published, an action eau be
e n ngninst the proprietor.
?AMAX last, Hon. Wilfrid Laurier
hese ed the oleoma; meetinu of his
Hairnets for Scotland he: independence.
Only a shirt di.Mt:cofrom the picture
gr,lt:it+ry aro the apertitt 11ts of Moly,
Queen ot Scats, said, to be the most ie.
terestang sotto of Bunn o
"The ruse Trossaoh, dread defile,
Clpetts on liatriue's lake and isle.”
It is a bountiful sail up Loch Katrina,
where Klimek' Isle, the ceutral scow Irl
"The Lnedy of the Lithe," is finely semi.
Glasgow now obtains its supple of water
from here, At the head of the Loch
combo are in waitiug to taken passengers
over to Loch 1.tomoud, Ou the way across
I had pointers out to rue the house in
which Helen MacGregor was' bora, sud in
which she and her husband afterwards
lived for some tune. From the top of
Loots Katrina au to Loch Lomond the
country is less wild and rugged, tool wee
intimately connected with the successes
and niisfortnues of the MacGrogors, I
lt1 .0 t i sailed down Loch Lomond, well called the
First n t •, amber, ;'Queen of Scottish Lakes,"with Den Teith
It ipso rows her au Llt'e•t711,1a li e , ;lass, beer -sprig, sward -stick that lie carried Lotnoud on my 'lift, and other smaller
treasuring 31xel runt, Iia;hte 1 by two while exciseman, chairs, table, and stool— mountains, all tlte.way to Balloch, at the
Windows. The root i3 divided into panels, the leiter lie eat on while correcting his fent of the Loch, where I took the train
with initials and ertti%Trial beeriest's of proofesbeete—tile walls, too, tilled with for Glasgow. I thoroagbiy enjoyed tete
tunny distinguished persons. 'Tae walls pictures, a very flue one of Dare's standing trip o'er mountain, lake, awl stream, And
are slung with ancient tapestry, the its the most of the literati et Edinburgh never shall 1 forget those great and
colors et which however have all fardel at Um house of the beautiful Jot e,Duebess rugged hills of my native land, with their
:may ie. the lapse of time. to this rc'oui of Goraou, reading one of poems -all miniature lakes nestling at the feet of
stands the couch of Charles I., when these the traveller might speud days in thein,—hills, weeds, and streams that have in Wingham congregation.
resident of the Palace. This WAS, iu its viewing, The Grassmarket, too, where been immortalized by the mighty genius The applications of the Home Mission
,'iris, a1 very litre piece of furniture. hong many of the Covenanters were put to of Scota Committee for grants to aid -receiving
death; its OidGrayfriars, the S'Vestmiu- On Suuday morning, tha 6th August. 1
ster Abbey ot Scotlaud, where many of heard a good, sound, practical serinou iu
the most distinguished persons of Sootlaud John Street Bapttst Church front cue of
are buried, e. g., George Buchanan the Re, its members. At the afterxoou, at:l o'clock
former, historian, Latiu poet and tutor to the ;Triter preached. Rev. Mr, Kellock College.
James VI, ; Allan Ramsay the poet, oo has long been pastor here, and is Much Tho amount required from this Presby -
whose tablet Burns has ins=cribed the fel-' beloved by his people and esteemed iu the tory for the Assembly Fund is 6100, for
lowtug : city. Home Mission, $1300, and for Augment -
"No sculptured marble here; no pompous W, IIAeCxLtt mor.. anon Fund 5500.
la Glasgow, Aug. 7th, Arrangement for holding missionary
I o storied urn ; no animated bust. meetings in the congregations was left in
This simple stout directs pale Scotia's way Brussels, the hands of Kirk Sessions.
To pour her sorrows o'er herpoet'sdust"—
Rl Blair, and others, Here, too, is to A.gentleman was in town a short time The Committee on Conference was in
Hughago looking over the Smith pinning mill structed to arrange for holding a Confer -
be seen the Martyrs' Monument, and many with a view to manufacturing piano and ecce on Christian life and work at next
other points of interest on the spot or near
Presbytery oz Maitland.
The Presbytery met at Wingham, Sep-
tember loth, Moderator Rev. G. MoKay,in
the chair. Elders commissions were re-
ceived and roll made up this year ;
Mr, McLennan, in terms of petition from
Langsido congregation, was appointed to
supply that congregation with Gospel
A. call to the Rev. A. McKay front the
congregation of onion Centre and Lochaber,
in the Presbytery of Picton, N. S., was de-
clined by Mr. McKay.
Leave was granted to moderate a call
round with rieh eurtnins. On this bed
reposed the head of the unhappy Pre-
tender, tuia later on, after Culloden, that
cif his ernqueror, the Duke of (lumber, -
laud. The room contains many ancient
articles of furniture, a chair belonging
to Charles I. being one of them. But
the elnef interest in this room centres in
the fact that the beautiful but unfortun-
ate Mary had her frequent and stirring
interviews with Jelin Knox, the Hameli-
n who, notwithstanding her pleasing
face tied eourtly position, was not afraid
to del:lare the verities ot Gad to her.
Leaving this apartment wa enter what
le cadets Queen !i miss bed -room. This theMagdalene Chapel in the Cow
is another
name for
and yields
congregations trade last March, were.
The elork was instructed to certify Mr,
B. A. Mackenzie to the Senate of Montreal
gin cases,
room is perhaps the most historical in 1t, its - James Walker is greatly improving the
p zs gate actin„ from 1503, with battlemented house he purchased from I). Ewan on
Scotlnuti. Its trolls ere hung with steeple and queer structure inside. Here p
tapestry, ita ceilings panelled off with,the gest General Assembly of the Church Alexander street. He has sided it adew
emblems and initials of royal personages.of Scotland mat under Knox and Melville, and it is now in the painters bands.
Here stands the bed ot the Royal Queen, Alter givin ; to the city all the title a+t:,lir. `trolly sr will move into it this Fall.
with its decayed curtains ot crimson Voters .Lists Court will be held for
my command, I came on to Stirling, Brussels municipality in the Town Hull,
damask, with green silk fringes and "Grey Stirling, the bulwark of the North: t • p y
tassels, their faded appearance in keep Netteron Thursday, Oct, 5th, commencing at
p,urio campaign, in Otven Sound, Isis hucfrom the main street is Rigb • 10 o'clock. There els 5 appeals to be
,h wits similar to others de3iverett sally with the ratio of sorrow awl of crime Church, which dates from the fourteenth
written on those+ wails. On its north century,where James 111. was crowned, heard.
week, an enunciation eta re- side is a small door, half concealed by the Win. Cameron, Morris township, has
t y Knox preaching ou the occasion, To the 3
lie tariff looking to free trade. He tapestry,through which Darnley and r9 Jobn a house and lot on the corner
e charged the T1lompsou Administm- g right of the castle entrance is the statue of purchased
his evil ti ociates entered and assscasssn Robert the Broca. He is sbeathine his of John and George streets, from Edwards
with scandalous extrav:agauca , a ' Danford, paying $500 for the same. It
ated Rict:io, finer a ecretary, in her pits- sword, ond ]ookin6 towsxds the field of
acltingenSirJatan T:hompsou sop his a desirable location,
e evade, :Sir, Limier declared than elle, Darnly torcibly restraining the Bannockburn, SA if his country was now
Qneeu while the victim crouched b+ehiud A change of venue in the Nightingale
Imo • f totals reform were at ::a end,. free, Principal tmoug the many rooms of `
' Ale for protection. - tinecastlelas olio?rn the cue where names Il, tinsurance suit has been obtained and
tires' , '' , Fords committers tl;e the case will now come up for hearing
rnui'ent to a tl .:t'i. tananee of the i . few minute's walk well take vett from stabbed to death the rebellious Bart of , at $t Thomas on October 16th instead
ia.. otos goo. 'sa theca rooms the Chapel of Holyrood, Douglas, in 1$SZ and threw his body out $ i, of at Goderich this week as was expect -
R. ot the window.
which is now in ruins, It was founded
a:, item Straw,. of4;allerton, i ed.
t ree,rt ented South Brum in the in 3ia by David ,and was in its day .,re towers, within whose: cironit -dread
eareatieeinee tin elle diose of exceedingly handsome, the interior lee - A Dougles by his sovereign bled." ;
i dorned with many beautiful decor ]Yiorris-
aeus for some time, cre ttel ai sem- "" Ascendant to the ramparts, magnificent 4 Mr, H. C. Burkholder, 4th concession,
ations. Within its walls niangRings , 'nedofBannorkbaru LYailaceT,
st at tweeting ill pi:omanet't C'enst--viewsareobtatl * has rented the farm of T. Forbes, near
s at Wmeet*" ill
by anuou er- and Queens ot Scotland have been Mnuument on the Abbey the old :
i+crowned - herejttmes II. and James III Craig, Tirowntawn.
be mold no longer se port, the i ' bridge of Stirling, that is perhaps the most a Tbe Council met at the Council room,
trete married ; here is shown you under interesting in Scotland, and Cumbasseu.
nt c a iservarire Gzuvernment. It' the window the 'lace where Ware' ' 'Morris, Sept. lath, 1893, pursuant to ad -
be grated that for vane years greatp J Hath Abbey, where James III. anti his journment 1liem ,ers all present. The
plighted her Portia to the dissipated Queen el;trgaret of Denmark are boned-
1taw 11418 }atom in favor et mio-e ex- reeve in the chair. Minutes of last
Darnley, xlnd the spot where three of the Tho 'Wallace monument, tiis"t can easily be ;
meeting, according to standing orders.
The next meeting will be held at Wing -
ham, November 31st, at 11.30 a. m.
Joux MAc\Ann, Presby, Clerk.
Luckuow, Sept. 22nd, 1893.
,tic td traria relat:t±ns for tituado., aired q meeting* read and Passed
*hie eves not in aeoerd with the adro i Kliegs of bnc tlnnd 'ale buried.
tees et a policy a Moria protection, In," 1 gena here 3 passed out cn to the
utongate, and saw the house of J'obm'
tq 1rovieti it eentest of Inste0 he -:1n as i . ,
c} .lt:al Righter., Knox and St Gles Cathedra], where be
prea..betl In 0:eformerthere are many
Ali r Ew c iiia IV' 'g';1/arca a \ z'rr +
g , an,leresiang relies of the sterna praacher
d tesplauattalx of what is meant by j et righteousneaa : the wander from
'OiCrige and a ratio of h3 to 3, err. whic i he preathoJ, the chair he sat in,
yc; “ tree ''mentor e melelee trete ex his seedy, and peaty relics of the Re-
m tu+e'ery be11er ot builioa, t3acs : former. Cid plc ores adoral the waits,
fileo of having at, .:3iataal tet lei:u at ;one of which is Taros at the Court et
" 'obit without eb ;rge into : ] t::.- ; Mary, 'with tapiifted arm and pointed
e mettle The bolder of gold tnzileion L dn,,.e'r reproving the eourtaers for their
reucbed bythe eram•ears, erected in honor
47r. Wm. Kelly appeared in reference in Stratford, Guelph and 'Toronto,
of Sir W ll'altaoe, is a baronial tower et • to having Engineer brought on to locate
220 fest high in Scotti.3. style As you
Titania of the Ingersoll and Seaforth
Collegiate Inatitutes played football
here on Saturday for cite Hough Cup.
The house players, the present holders
of the eup, proved too much for the
visitors. Seaford' snored within ane
minute of kick oil, adding another in
about 15 minutes. The next.point
went toingersoU,aud a: halt -tulle the
score stood 2 to 1 in favor tiff the home
boss. In the rumod htlitSuaforth ade
dsd two more and the vaiters failed to
score. The cup therefore remains with
the bottle roam.
The annual lkwor t,ereicta in eon
nectiun with the S.tl,t,ath Schools of
Seaford' and R•txbore' was held in
the First Presbyterian Church here on
Sunday lust. Each scholar from the
smallest child upwards, contributed a
beautiful boquet of flowers, to which
was attached a text of Scripture. The
boquets were a rtistieally arranged be-
fore the altar, presenting. a beautiful,,
bright bank of color. These flowers
will be sent to the different hospitals
Of Pure Norwegian Cori Livor OH
and Hypophosphites.
'Impoverished and impure blood is ab -
ways effectively restored to viforotae con-
dition by thiswondetfsrf rerttedy. Cures
CottU7is, (Olds and Wasting n
/Di r
Almost as palatable as Milk.
Prepared only by Scott & iloone, Belleviile.
lVu:enet. September 23, 1503
Corrected 1,y P. Deans, Produce Dealer.
Flour per 100 lbs, • $ 1 GO to 1 80
Fall Wheat per bushel, 0567 to is
Stei'..0 to 30
, Ole, 28 to 29
Oats, New,
Pea35 to 40
50 to 51
Butter, tub 10 to 20
do `atolls, 18 to 1
19ggs per dos. 11111 to 2 11
Wood per cord,
Hay por ton, • 0 00 to (3 50
Potatoes, 40 to 40
Wool 18 to z2
Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887,
chapter 110, section 38, the creditors of Alexander
Campbell, late of tho Township of Morris, in the
County of Huron, and Province of Ontario, yoewan,
who died on or ahoutthe 1st day of September, A,
D.,1803. are required to send to J. A. Morton, ot the
Town of wingionn, in thoCouetyof Huron, Solicitor
for the undersigned Executors' of the said deceased,
on or before the 18th las• of October, A. O., 1893,
their names, addresses and descriptions; the full
particulars of their claims; a statement ot their
accounts and the nature of the securities (if any)
heal by them; and notice is hereby given. that the
said Btoeutora' will isumediately after the last men.
Coned day proceed to distribute the assets of the
said deceased among the puties entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claims of which they shall
then have had notice.
050110E TURVF.Y,) Executors,
J, A. MORTON, Solicitor for Executors.
Wingham, September 18th, 1893. 4a
a drain from south hall lot d, con,
i undertaken COis and this as
ascend, a r l;> ed b
the first bill is a reception room for On motion of Callback, Secondy
visitors; the second is decorated with ; Howe, the clerk was instructed to notify
.ancient ium.ir; the third Li called the the Engineer as soon as the necessary
"Hall (rf Heroes," and contains marble requisition is flied.
Oasts of really eminent Scotohmen, ns i. Moved by Caldbick, seconded by Proc-
Scott, Carlyle, Watt, Knox. Livingstone, tor, that R. 'Lang be granted an order'
for VFd3, being payment in full for build -
non, etc. u`rona the tower may be :,ten on lug Brandon's bridge -Carried.
Burns Adaxi amide, Chalmers, Booban- -
a clear day the banks of the Firth, the Moved by Proctor, seconded by Howe
gnat privilege ner, The free o:ea., z ±:,rDcolities, while >oosetDi mst::nans terror Valley of Monteith, the Grampian Hells, I that the Reeve be granted an orderTor
Srknares t;eaire that it be ex#meets t ; upon alis 'tee iters. 'pita latter, St. Den L to gad, Ben Leda, Ben ternaciroloas18,
to pay for ditch and culvert oppos tr
• aer3 $iver bnnlbn xu.'
cx lGiles', i8 a r os., i:uposi and beanzi'ftY:,
rte meets the rebatiee weegbt at ,vh:el: 0 , entering one is struck with its male-
° tlii'tor 17e seeeto+i. In e'er eev- I i1,..,_e _. Along t..,a` misses there are
and many mmount:one in the far distance.'. lots 1=, on fath Con. lne.— arrl
Ticar to 'one, was, I think, the finest sighs 1 I Moved by Kirkby, seconded by Howe,
Jever bebeid. This hall :contains, too, that ',that .John Mooney be reappointed Col -
Bug, teeinage tee ratio :S 13 to I. Thee j m3 ♦ tablets of blas, fretted to the 3 most interesting relic,thn swora of Wallace looter, at a velar) of $S5, on furnishing 1
y, we put bee weight sixteen times es , ors and soldiers who had tame, in ' that was taken from iaisn en his betrayal. 1 satisfactory sennrity to the amount of
salla 3 silver afo a 4,1‘1:::41" as we e.il onaor , •t'r'dind erre, wounds or disease and capture. It remaine3 for a ion rime 1 i4tl0O.—Carried.
dei. ander tz:e ratio of lx) to 1 cr., ' in lodta, Scuth African s d Eg pt:a m in Dtiulbar :on Castle tin transferred hese. + Moved by Caldbick, seconded by
eettla lee t ewer sty clops :is much. h. ''Tule earapaiges, wl'Oi.e away above, htuf-5r a ` From Stirling 1 went on .o Callander and 4 Proctor, that the Clerk be instructed to
dela eeinage is rat tae rate of eeee to up the great riiars. are the flags et i -G osgaw, via the faretamea Trasach the notifyti
'lir. Dickinson #list, he is required
Hig:i1ut,] rng,aem.s and not'bars, uttered lan1 of Sas: s picture -poem, "ale Lady i to go en in defence of the ?arbitrators'
• _. __ - _ .. -- std tom with si,ot and. ,(bell; some . et the Lake. • The read t3 Lodi Katrina, Award, and that he employ whatever
Nl id G I and STIRL-iN . 'ahem a m ,st :n sarcbs, with suitrabbe in- ' runs westby lbs River, Loeb '4'enraachar legal counsel he deeais necessary in the
be enty et it linburgll pas been eael+.ea s.7ri 'gots nnderaeath en brfAa harps. end Aebre.y. Ibis isthe district rendered j matter—Carried.
Athens cee Seal^.:::1. L' eater is is re, nos tete f at, J'emmv Geddes flag flag' historic by Senn. We semi resell Berhas- ,, By law No. la, IS'33, was duty read and
rut t.el 'to taie donated: n as tee stxix1 at eco Bishops 'Tad .for t`i ::ring to ; =]e, where lea -ease -Le elm :.crre:3t tshioh ', Vessel
keeleee el tea:e er and 3f ease a:f i say tarts at her lege" The iiden' nlapat "Srea's Broth tie plain au3 tease.ass . Accennts were order t,O be paid, .es foi-
e sea laws: For rtyel—S. l.a_ia-er,, l; Jr,o.
1 ll: i ort pereparee l `af5 ,bnt :f was po nt?d ,sat to v, a d i 5t hark et' xt iumlastleti:a arnGnlder3nc lanes
thero k•!..111i'l9 4,v taCC-SI:a>n, that a +t :h ° the ,rent at: e;1rrl .s n plate 5 ip1,y -where-11=p: the empre setts the world,
roost 1listrr'.z int •. It . Ler:.cr. -taar;;t+. xis a sir,.,.. plate, if ywre Ler ea;;bewings unfurled." Hewitt, z,.; A. Melionald, 63515; ;(see."
S 1 11 ^"ar brass pl_a: r Jackson,:,it'• Chas Wheeler., :t, H.
ee •. , genes t r tes ' T' n :+ w „ a a
■,re$ w.>:1i1 tiC rt t+ .AC- a..'lz llr'._;L`.7 are #:.:E9 t::,3-8i.2r:., . . $y i1;t'J We yeas yP.ar Cavi intt?;1! ',C+t , ' •Yarn, rY , +„_
A_1i ti,<ir.st, Q' 3! '1 :r ;; rte the grave t rene7t, vinoSJ rearieese .hail's a tinost guar3,'•'tbe „Gene ,ef the , Javi s n, % e , Geo. Sae1ton, 6190; D.
.l.en 13 +i teeoa ?a_ane. e1.t:s ~ ct:ai.' Li 7 the that Farquharson, 5150; L. Hewitt, S17,; P
I lirarlai el n Lis w}fl trStas 23at entx a.rtr, br:.rvren £aierick Dhti sn8 VI :50• ,J Leech
aruiei by clorn:s d;;., g' r..1 bit ' +oy ?7:8 gave, i,e-nda 1 sz3nan Fa Jarrsu and BnG n' Tnr1t where the
3at;l:O8 X,. aria keg} :a0ya 1'aa *fitr mlaerEn ng H "s ¢ reef Law in this en$tis:snan sof flan► chase '
by Croisfinell a •r .hSers. u: e
'ratien.Jniece been it Las l ib
mN.sure rFst ru1 Tr:e twit. r
iv and turning V the Ilett
tines zntzsct in 1.1.
mode :amens t:Lei the .art
CIarr'es tlie',Pretendet•*oa thefa 9+[aeXienslal wore prevent,
Oakley, $3'S5; Lewis:3WDonald, *2; Geo.
't. - ,aP.
,_ - $1 DO; Geo. aeaoocl. g'"1 0, Cor ratio
l n xes e3 `„?,•e Castle, `.bot ata is 445 rlisceverel that be bad out.trip .ed all the East 8Vawxnoeh,-,.','S0; SVm. Martie.
fen nabsce the scs Level. with a rages ethers. 33; F Souch, $4 @,i; Jas Proctor, .3 t0;.
t varies r, r; , s'i s;3 s. t)a . B Little"sir, ditch and culverts 121 41;
draw y ar:J _!. ' •. ',em wt'ere the nYr.+g iera.`dicyvng lar,
in,ythe u7e+i7.b:ti:l;e Lana gar.r3.limnse fire i That rrae7"s3 the iwkce et Venawes+ar; Wm. °aicdey, rel+ainwg cdirert, :r4;,,
cgs tto t'.:egate over which is the ell Stats` ?itis ashen the 3;r.; of Took wax woo, `isVw. Shedden, lumber and repairing
pr,E)n, *here ootabie prisoners bare been T1te beady r"'t•I' au :o3e .adore.' f>tilt!5t't,. G 40; Jasiiaes liae113°14 culaerti
r; n8
red. A talc farther or, to tie left, 4 Tore soon the 1 eaak Kota reacted,' between kin 5 said $e ° $'B; JDo
tit ori *robed ;gateway, Um at beseatiant saibos, surrounded 'by 2091515. ]ger ref, 'ditch opposite lot 14, con 11,
Both the method and results when
Syrup ofFigs istaken; itispleasani
nndrefreshing to the taste, and acct*
gentiyyetpromptlyonthe Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the :sys-
tem, effectually, dispels colds, head-
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro-
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac-
ceptable to the et ' each, prompt in
its:aetion and truly beneficial ficial in its
efl'ects, prepared only from tL c most
healtlyanda,greeablesnbstances, its
natty excellent qualities eminent'
it to it and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in V vo
bottles by all leading druggists.
Ally reliable druggist who may not
hate it en hand will procure it
promptly foiranyonewllo wishes to
try it, Manufactured only by the
San F*A $C1'i 0, CAL.
LotildiY'ILhltC. hRY. Pit* Y*ilit& N.y`.
An old Greek water clock was a most
iingenius affair, but it was unreliable and
far from a handsome article. What a
change in 2000 years 1
We now offer you a most reliable et er, 1 , marble
k 'u walnut ns tie and enamel
wood ; also the 1Vefe :t Favorite Alarm
Clock, at bottoiu price, at
Mason Block, Winghani.
J. O. CO1i PCS
Begs to iutimate to his numerous cus-
tomers and others that he intends
moving to the stand lately used
as 'a boot and shoe store
Two Doors Norio of Post Office
where will be found a large stock of
Musical instruments,
Sewing Machines,
Washing Machines
and Wringers,
with :ail oeeJe3 repairs.
Also a loll ;meet
Store will be opened
ou Saturday, July
J. l3. Ct ll%MINGS
Wia.ghw7a. ante/ '28th,'9e. SM.