HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-09-29, Page 3•
W. C. 17.. U. UUKUM&
(CONAtr92 irir ]ix x21It N" ING+22ADI altabta il)
**Wm' f. o16rand I- lento and .ilratt.ae.Tanrl,"
wen call Like attertalot a the mothers spat sisters
+to•aite face, ti'hat filo 'Seaman's Christian, eeni nor -
once Unlo(r Musts every' t nday at three. o'clock
,sharp, for era hour, at 'Zr.,,Heit's residonea, .l'at•
,re*k street All ladleames made welcome, .
Monday of euverylnn;enxp , axonpttiwiron+ !Cori a
+adverthati o which uniting we invite tlae pubiic
.spncc, forrour worktot , wetCit friends us
the,. partoot
ause to
tend items of interest on ail moral questions of filo
'lily to A3 Y of oar members,
The .Al'olibislipp of Canterbury bee
heves tliet until the work oltt to tem.
penile() reform is tlonu,no other church
York •catr'he a!feoted,
During the/pi'st year there:has been
lees istroug drunk consumed innLOanada
per ,lread'oh the-populeitoni than iu any
:year of our history, It is not for
lniaught Wise tem perttic r ri,f'nrers are
at work, But yet there iseeniuch to
And still the temperance forces
ache "Anti -saloon Army"
is an association of men and women
whose object, is to overthrow the rum
power.. It' le organized on : the army
;plan, and &ewes no tracitiste, jet)) Or
'Creed sive ehostility to the liquor
traffic:" ;ft 'proposes to organize a
,poet'in every school district itt the
land, ,find ,will arrange for tho same
Wihene•versfive or more persona In any
Iloedlity send::each request , to head.
'quarters at Oli.ricon, Mo, God speed
this 'new +asilvation arrn I Jnion
‘Wonie,i:s • rights have won anoth
vliotory, this time in Japan, 1>Heret
fore•Irew hat required all b'pane
women thi..natrry before reaching thirt
•yee,rs of age, •otherwise the asithoriti
.selected dialibands for the tardy fa
an *compelled them to marry. Th
Mikado has jut granted woman til
'right .to liv'and din old maids if the
'choose, iEf '.they are sensible.modt o
them wj .i prelfer to be oid maid *.,unlea
there iis a better class of hnaheinds o
tha:market*•titian here. The girls i
Canada 'complain that they have ver
little to ,hoose from. Christie
y 'acconut of bheeitee of 111r,Velentine Masher,
es who has iteeena red of sciatica of 'nearly
it thirteen yaard'.standing,by Dodd's hand ney
pills, liver•gone'.who talkswitltiVIr.Faeher is
e speedily con sicced that his was a marvel -
0 lentil cute; 'lDho. general conclusion chythat
y there may bernauy more' like. hitt'„ who
f are using remedies for rheumatism, 00i,
silos, dropsyror,other diseases, batt failtto
B obtain relief, ebecaus, tbey do not ,attaok
rn 'the seat of 'the disease, which is fww,many
n of such eases, .the kidneys. Anyorse,tvho
). doubts the 'efficacy of . i)odd's loidney'
II pin s,'may soonrbe convinced by writing.to
Mr. Fisher ehi•ueself, or William Wileiame,:
Esq. Principal el the Colliugwood Colle-
giate Icaaeiente,iCapt. F. A. Bassett., tor A„:
H. Johnston., leg., all .of whom are welt
a acquainted with lir, !Fisher, and knsw,the
r history 0f has Maass. ii
A. Chiaget(Clause• of' Crime. j'
Often whea1-I have been asked what tare,
the causes, ,or ,w}hat is the particularesease•
that sends most men to prison, 1 have ofl
late years asasxterefi : "The want of &miili: 1
' is ; vs. Tvastirng.
I can't feel I'm saved,, rsaicl an anxious
Man to a frond, You , . I wish I were
like yea,
This friend banded !Ciao aebair,ard said,
sit down. Ile obeyed.
Do you feei.you aroos;n the chair? /,
lyes, of eogaxso I, do,
`you didn't -'intil.,yeat sat down, slid you,f!
No, certainly amt.
Nor will you feel'that you are saved un-
til you at drown On }Ole promise of God, anti
repose the whole. veight of your guilty soul
upon the arm of
'1.he Spirit ,blessed the simple illustration
the roan saw �the,tr ieth, and: found rest; trot
by waiting, ,but t;cyrbeiug willing to rest,'in
the ollair made • Christ from !:ifs cress,
0uslr 0ned wa,tll•loviug kindness and tender
mercy and covered with the crimson of
a perfect ,atonement, Come unto nue
all ye that ilabor,and are heavy in.dea, and
1 will give yousest, (Matt. xi„ 28), Rest
in the. Lord, J3salm xxxviii., 7), Return
unto thy -rest, Dimly soul, for the Lor dbath
dealt bounti:iullywith thee, (I'salme nl 7.)
How rnayty,are like this anxious one,,and
want to feel before they trust, forgetting
that they nzuatfeirst recline before they feel
repose, acgaudiug to that promise, Zhou
will keep him perfect peace, whose mind
is stayed oat Thee, because he tru'stmtlr in
ee, (Iseisih. n i,, 0). As the hymn nays
Ceaso,of,'tness to be drinking,
De Aao;longer try to feel;
It is trusting and not feeling,
net mill give the Spirit's seal,
Our fr enat:trusted the wont of another
when, he sat typon the Chair; we tract the
work of another:even God's Son, when we
stay our limner td repose our confidence in
the saivationacsf,JClrrist. The r•'esultin one
cane is rest 'to ,:the body, and in the tether
rest to the sett!.
A iTe paper Sensation.,
COLr,ieowoan, Sept. 26.-A big serration
was created iu this vicinity a couple of
weeks ago by the Colliu;;wood Ballettt'
0* *
moti+ee with pleasure- iglu til
Ltontloeia Temperance Record of the. St1
cult , etbat ehet a iteen, as a mark of her
•appreciation :Of his distinguished
aitervicti.,. bas coaf(arred upon Dr.
•ardsoa the of. Sir Benin minn'Ward
',l,icharil.snit, Mils is. morn narked
than .r,}ratifyii. because of his ,great
Ppranarrn*'nnee swat recognized 1eeder'of
the ten erenoet•r'eform. tVhiie'(rorni
,ear ponce •af mew titles count for gide,.
lin iill nglsrad 'theyi,have stgn,Iicaneeyand
the henerang,fhi*e ot- Dr.'Richarctson
by the %Risen nrsein a certain sansr,,the
honoring dee of the great reform,
winch hero conspici*oua!y ,represents. I
M ' ` , 'S, PT BER ..39, 1893,
hat is
Castoxia is Dict Samuel I itcher% prescription ?'or Infants
antra •O ulcer n. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other ;arcotiic substance. 1t is :t harmless Fn lystituto
f'or: P zregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor (Ail.
?it is
Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty yours' use by
r1llion,s of Mothers. Castoxiia destroys Worms and allays
ctveriisiianCss. Cas` ori& prevents vomiting Saar Curd,
cavi es 11arrritoca and Wild CoIie.� iCastoria, relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and fla.tzllcncy,
,Ca$tor a,Gsimilates tins food, regulate the stomach
and bo �, ols, giving healthy and :natural sleep. Cas,. '
»fonts is the Children's Panacea -.-the iIlotji.er's 3'riozu
m tstorfa is as et:ow:eat medicine far'ch'.1•
dron. mot'.icrs hate reeeatac?l tad tnewf its
good sleet upon their children."
Da. Q. C. Osaeon,
Lowed, ?lass.
'�'f:artorta is the bust remedy for chIldron of
which I ;n acquainted. 1 hepo tate day is not
fac.dista rtWheat:Iotherswili�considerihoreal
interest of faeirc:rllciren, and also Castorla
stead of the various quacknostrttme icitaro
dotttoying their loved ones, i,y%recur op}um;
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
gents down their throats, 3herolyy;seatding,
.�eaa to premature graves."
Da Y:If.. lord son,
!Conway, >_r
"Oratorio, is no well adapted to ehlklean dust
I recommend it as superior te any prescription
knowra.to eros"
Ix. A. Anemcn, j. D.,
111 So..Orford St., llroolclyn, N. Y.
"Our physicians is the children's dApart-
lamb baso spoken highly of their experi-
ence in their outside pri.utico wit:, t"antoria,
and althou;h xvo only have among n':r
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet no aro free to confess that ire
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon 11,"*
iJxrrna liosrmox. AND Drsrousdnv,
Roston, Mssq,
-;AtLa.,r C. Surra, fres.,
City. 'no Content Com' ', 71 Murray Street, New. York City.
'iKeeping the Mind at Rest..
;I6iis never well to deceive a a.& Ink:persoa"r,;
apart frem the moral aspect of,.the.oase the
k1ecljption must be discovered -sooner or
later, .and then all confidence •ieadostroyed.
.If. kere is bad news to he tol-dext.should be
•tokttgently and quickly. All but:persons of
.the.,weakestfibre will summon ..fortituide
enough to meet it without serious ,harm.
The ..mind should be tranquid;end.at ease
hpiatlroiding petty disputes and .-shut
outlbeusehold worries. The esnvales
s welt a state to be of use in. ,dem
mergencies and should not he ,trot
1Tieitors are a fruitful source rof e.
menteand many an invalid is liter
nearly .,talked to death. A ti ei,t.fro
1 Like to help People.
A woman was walking along a street one
windy day, when the rain began to conie
down. She had an umbrella, but her hands
were full of parcels, and it was difficult for
her to raise it in that wind.
Let ore, ma'am; Iet me, please, said a
bright -faced boy, taking the umbrella in
his hand..
The astonished woman looked on with
ting satisfaction, while he managed to raise the
cent rather obstinate umbrella. Then taking
estic out one of those very handy strings which
bled boys, carry, he tied all the parcels. snugly
into one parcel and politely handed it back
ex to her.
pleasant sensible friend who Witl,stay
discipline." • •s ortrtime and talk cheerfully rn,an enter
The indulgeneetdit the father and to er' `tatiisn,g way, is a refreshment indeed,.aiter
who allow time Alibi; to grow up without, ;the tnonxotony of weeks in a s ck•e„arom,
1 any discipline to fcirrn character leads. al -;1 `C•
neerisitor a day is enough at Carat ,and
Thank you very. much, she said. You
Lura are very kind to do so much for a stranger.
,for• i Oh, it is no trouble, ma'am, he said with
t a senile; 1 like to help people.
Both went their way with a happy
ing in their hearts, for such little deeds of
kindness are like sweet-smelling roses
blooming along the path of life
I We all have our chances day by day, and
shall one day be .asked how we have im-
proved them.
most inevitably teat! ways, and cowls -I
quently to prison. i
I The child, even.oftiteader years, who as;
in its natural waywmudness, and who lis
allowed to say to its lather or its mother
`"I will,'; or "I evoa',t,"lis in a fair way to
become an inmate of , our penal institu-
Parents are also reep4, risible for the way -t
wardness of their ,cliil,dren which Ieads,
them into a crime fauna practice of de -1
eeiving them.
The intelligent child, when deceived by
nits parent iu small tango, is likely to form
•evil habits, which in its (future life will not
be easily eradicated.
This Cannot be better itllnstrated than by,
011ie growth of fruit and •other trees. If
they are allowed in the finet .year of their
growth to become crooked, ,distorted, and
out of shape, it is found meetly or quite
meiossible, in Iater years, tho bring thorn
sate symmetry and to make ,perfect tree's
tet sof them.
Seavith the child. Its ,early training
lastsffor a lifetime; and- uuleee there are
elemeetts in its character;, -and swill power,
to cotvteet its evil bringing up; lit naturally
grows worse and worse as it•grorwns older.
Perms a Prayer.
Why do we aaso,a,pnayer book in chursit,, i
instead of the uiirtieter • making up the
pryers as he goes ,a1on,,g ?
We use composed players, and in putilie
regular church. ser'aii is prefer them fes
extempore prayers for many reasons :
Because it has beentthe custom as a ru3.e
from the beginning, t1 ,the world. ii
Because our Lord ,tai;<ght us a form of
prayer a,nd habitually ejdined in formal ser-
Because the prayer orf the Christian
Church for 1,800 years !bas been in a writ-
ten form.
Because written prayers preserve sound
deotrine, and keep the telec ister from erring
in them.
Beoause our prayers are the treasured
heritage of the past, and the best wisdom
at present.
Because the prayer -book takes in all pos-
eible needs of each congregation.
Because we wish to pray from the heart,
and therefore don't wish to invert new
ideas at the time.
I3ee(ittse the ltyniue are forms ;also,wIrielr
Do one objects to,
Because we want the congregation to
join in, ehioh they bannot do if theprayers
be not Written; for then they can only Re-
Beoause we aim at all worshipping God
ens Chrtstianb, and are not heatherns, ask•
ing some tine else to make up prayers for us,
Sunnier Weakness
And that tired feeling, loss of appetite and
nervous prostration are driven away by
7d:eod a Sarsaparilla, like ruist before the
'morning suer, To realise the benefit of
thio great tnedicine, give it a trial and yon
with joie the army of eutltusiastie admirers
of Hood's Sarsaparilla,
!lure, eilleient,easy..Iteon's Plug. They
•hooia be ie every traveller's ttrip and
t+vftirq leanly iaiedioine threat, 266, a box.
Afflicted W tilt Neuralgia for su Years,
To the Proprietor of the Greet South
American Rheumatic Cure,
DeAn Sra,—Par over thirty years I was
aftlieted very much with Neuralgia and
Headache. Seeing your great Seem
Amenta,ne Rriguarsero Chill's advertised 1
thought I would give ita trial—although I
did nett think for a rotneu;, it was going to
do me any good after trying so many
remedies without benefit, 1 obtained a
town, from
1 Inustisayrs that 1 ggotgreaatore t in
(rain the first few doses, and was ea over,
joyed that 1 determined to give it a good
trial and continued taking it, taking in all
six bottleta. 1 eau truthfully say that 1:
never felt so well since I was a girl, it has
not only cured rare of neuralgia and head*
ache, but has alae built up ray system and
I feel quite young again, 1 moat oheer. l Oh, sister, answered the Child, did she
fully give, you this testimonial and consider tell you that t and then burst out 2
with a
tthoseanho confine their conversation to
4amentatious on the changed appearance:of
•the,invala,d, or recitals of similar ,eases ,ef
iillnessciv, their own or their friends' de,irai
it mi
should heat be d nal ted a second time.
7:1re.nur,se should been the watch og lest 1 F'aets boat Dyeps pats. -
fatigue.wuirl send the visitor away at the WRONG action of the stomach and
dtrst.aign. f weariness. YY dyspepsia, iu turn gives rise to bad
11:she-says pleasantly that the Dr. does blood. Both these complaints are curable
not i by B B B these
sevlsitate person will take offence. If any
n' patientto taut too hong no
o4�eas:Silly/enough to be offended tate frien+d-
altne.sooaaely worth retaining.
:leer Over Z'ifty, Fears
lits eon .trim WELL -Tante IIEa1Euv.--ltrs. tt'irt
trio."'$ b, otiilnes0yrup has been used for over afty
pears Roy vigil of m others for their chiluren while
teething.,.witir•perrect success, It soothes the child
softens (the nunte, allays .11 pain, cures wind coils,
and�is+thebost rcnnody for Diarrhea. Is' pleasant tn
the tasty Saidtby Druggists in (,tory part of the
Works. Twentydive coma a uottle. Its value Is
ineelevfla:lrle, So *sire and ask for Mrs. Winslow's
Soettrir*4; tayutnp,„w;ui take no other (rind.
• ach,
!liver, bowels and blood, acts ° and etonesmand
strengthpuv the entire syatom, thus posi-
tively curing dyspepsia, constipation, bar!
iiilood and 41nllitar ti oublex,
Temptation. ,
(One of the greatest dangers of temptation
is its soddenness. It comes down upon us
without warning, at a time and from a
quarter least expected. Being utterly un-
prepared we are easily overcome, and are
led enptive at the will of the tempter. But
Forget It, 1 how can we escape this danger, a danger to
On my way fo,one of the ferries I passed which we are all the time exposed? There
two little girls;alseut eight years of age. is bu,b,one protection, and that,is the tires -
They . were evidently confidential + once ,of God, Els grace and Iiia grace ,
friends, and one,lavith ap indignant look on I alone can shield and save us in every peril.
her face; was telling the other of some un- I The soul that lives with God iu constant
kind word spoken by a little playmate, communion and fellowship is always safe
wh, well, return.edher companion calmly, It will never be surprised or overcome,
and soothingly, don% think of it; forget it. either by the suddettess or the power of
The words rang in any ears all through ternptatioaa, .
the hoors of the day, and sinee then have
not been abeeut from my memory.
Did not the little one give good advice?
How often we, in our intercourse with a
dear friend, take offerees at a hasty word
arid in our indignation breed over it until
our hearts were filled with bitterness, and
tho friendship of years, it maybe,ruthless.
ly destroyed, the only remembrance of our
friend being the hasty word. Our dignity
bas been insulted, and we have no desire
to forget it.
I remember hearing a lady reprove her
little sister of seine hasty word spoken to a
you aro the greatest benefaowors to suffer,
ing humanity, grieved expression, If she had only ninon
I ani, Dear Sir, YouraThankfully,
"kis o
'Witnesses by J. , G'hiaholn.D ggist
A Blessing to Every Household.
These remedies have stood tho test 01 fifty years experience, and are pronounced the hest
family nee,
1X-IZ 1- r dr
invaluable in all tottiplaints incidental too�females
--of�f, all apes.
IfUOAys, COUGHS, x "OtD8, GOG'T i l,triifATl`151, r3LA11r'LAit SWELLINGS AND Al
AISLASES IT 11A8 NO I;tiUAL, Manufactured 1K +actured only At id, New Oxford, Late 013, Oxford Street,
and sold by all Medicine. Vendors thromrhout the world.
T'Purllasers should look to the Label ou the Boxes and Pots, If the addrel
not 11133 Oxford Street, Loudon, they are spurious.
!Purify the blood,' correct all disorders oe the LIS g*ti. STOMACIi, ItIDN1iYR AND /SOWS
Is the only reliable remedy for had legs, eonulcers, and old wounds, YOU RRoNcan
1\TM-NAT ,b M
of Kincardine have bought the Marble I3Usihess of 31r T T Watson, formerly carried on by 11' Satybi
Parties roquiring work in their line will do well by coiling on then, or seeing one of their agents la
purchasing. You will find our prices are away down. our workmanship is unsurpassed. We will nae:
but the very best stock and by square dealing' hope to secure a literal share of the public( patronage.
T Watson, who has been running the business for the past year, will represent no ou the road.
Caii.anr see our stock and prices,
in OIL,
The Champion Gold Medal Oil which cannx,�
be Excelled. '
YLJ DER OJL” ivracoLL's A%`
Ask your dealer for "Lardine" and beware of
W�la1 GUAM, ONT.
When we assert that
Dodd 's
aierai.A14. q.4var.,w
Kidney Pills
Cure Backache, Dropsy,
Lumbago, Bright's Dis-
ease, Rheumatism and all
other forms of Kidney
Troubles, we are backed
by the testimony of all
who have used them.
By all dcul,+giats or mail on receipt of price,
so cents. Dr. L. A. Smith A. Co., Toronto,
VIA P1C1'URusquR MACtail(AC.
Gibes Good Appetite: ! Avoid the heat and dust by traveling
Gra;rr itiatEN, --1 think your valuable toad• ( on the Floating Palaces of the Detroit d.
inine cannot be equalled because of thy, , Cleveland Steam Navigation Company,
benefit 1 derived from it. After eufferin;,+, y
ri`wo nets Cites! or thea er steamers L tvo
1rotn 1t'adache and lost' of nnpevite Int, ' Lust been built for thisnpperLake route,
nearly three years 1 triedl3.13.13. with great ' tcostingb00,000 eaoh, and are guaranteed
success, It g,ase Inc relief at once, and 1 to be the grandest, largest, safeet und
now enjoy goon health, i fastest degmets on the Lakes; speed c
Meel10w Msernew Smoot, Dungannon, Ont , miles per hour, running timbetween
r 1 Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago less than
1 rofaftertr .Polite : 1! ver stone orf tJ 80 hours. Four trips per week betwixt(this shelf T get myself from the Toledo, Detroit, Alpena,ltackitsc.1'eto;.
IJon • i key and Chicago. Daily trips botwcen
got r I (1=r. Aliso Eva : What awful „Detroit and Cleveland; durinft July and
6a6 l ' August double doily service WIlll be Main.... tamed, giving a daylight ride across Lake
looked Like li skeleton, Brie. Daily sortie° between Cleveland
Cryarrrtn(rtx,-Lur;t,sutntner to babas was etediremodations add ?ut$n.Bay, First•elass stnteroonnrip
so bad with Knottier ennrplatnb that be in I ow Bound and menu, and e:iceed.
looked rike a n.kelo.ttn,, rklth„ugh 1 l 1 Itaies. Tho eft)'t
had tis equipment, the luxury of the appoint. •ADOT'IONBt';,It
fief much fstrLii in it I took re friend's ad` nrentft makes traveling��!,
bared the many hind words spoken dant 'Hot mus tried -Re, n it x.i. rant of S u 1 on these steamers ISSUERt CSF r
thoroughly i1,1
rouglf'y solo abl S AGIR ItICT.�'S
dray, and not thought So tonsil of drat un.hef cote ibry Ito
believe it satied tis r y ,
B,i , ,c. OF H MILTo
Capital, $1,250,000. $1,250,000. Rest, $650,00
President-4one STUART.
Vice-President—A. G. RANBAR,
JOIrx PaecToa, CUM. OrRNRy, GEO ROAca, A,'.
Wool), A. R. Lot (Toronto).
Cashier --J. TUII,NRULL,
Savings Bank.
I, Geposity or;a and upptutards recei10 to vedtand inter
Spo,;ial Deposits also received at carr
rates of interest.
( borDilra till sold on eat Britain and the United Sts
1s. 'WILLSON, Aeete
13A1\T 11;1x_
Josephine Weal • - rj ighanti Oni
J. A. IIA tame,f d. W. SCOT
Mount Forest. 1 List/me
Deposits Reoeived and Interes
Money Advanced to Farmers and
Business Men,
On long or short time, on endorsed notes
er collateral security, Sale notes houl;ltt
at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all
parts of Canada at reasonable charges,
Spools' Attention Gxvest to Col-
lecting Accounts and Nettie.
Akenttt( 1b, Crattado,.'rho ivtorehanta' null
of Canfatla
0llioo xioure. -yroni i# a, M. to b t,,
A. B.Sl►IT,H,
i OS1;rII CowAN,
Omuta Ont Drv, Comm,"Co. I✓lootort,
kind word 1 -
soon got better. I truly traced pamphlet. ,enla,e Sehants, ,
is life. A D Catarsrssiovtalzxi,r �, C. figs. Eno,
Mrs. IlAitvesSreaviee, ,lirllsburglr, N.1;;,
Detroit C ltoiinrnn,
fv'o,, Detrait,143ic1i, t`1s7t,
1e'velaitd Steam Nev.