The Wingham Times, 1893-09-22, Page 7things. lot the Ir rum Le along , . is too t may for e sit at coming 1 .e genial used the he cams ,lent leu. tarn vias oiled iris bled vie• window, id agil,ast rbotties, land and side her. is loung- ?al maps Lid. Her 1 scuttle, , lame red - smoking to doctor of them , f smoke, a settled older and , L not have 00. not have be - a little diffi- 1 to it." goodness"- nends it." ears may do ,g girl must :rs. Westma- 1 be one law 1a?+" sinoke in the care for the ara?" ne Richmond pa, when you get me some o kind. I do a fitting habit of agree with point." who advised n. What is it ra?" :nom-.,...w.._.�. Eczema Form • Med, Hoo4Ua otiy Cured. is endured by uldren suffering npureblood, and o cure: This is 's Sarsaparilla is the foul humors estores the dis- dthy brightness. grateful parents: 11, mass.: parilla is the Most nkat for blood and Ideon suffered Wri- t Eczema gree phpslelans in them succeeded in Iviug thorn a little food's Sarsaparilla hildren were per- mend ;aparilla ins, and itould not teas. M. M. Soi.z ens, ,vett ills, sdnitipi boil, iaiWltt, tadI1Htioa.! DCaCQ11 sTal1es' Grievance, You'll excuse me, Mr.Parson, If I seem a little sore, .taut I have snug the songs of Isr'el For three score years and more, And it sort o' hurt my fcelin's Fur to see them put away, For these henna scartan ditties 'At is capturing the day, There's souther little linppp'nin' 'At I'll mention while Pm dere, Just to show 'at my objections All aro oftered sound and clear. It wasone they was singing, An' was dein' well enoggh-- Singing just as good as people can sine shalt an awful mess of Stott. When the choir gave a holler, And the organ gave a groan, And they left one weak voiced feller. A. -singing there alone! But he stuck right to the music, Though it was trying as could be, ,An when I tried to help him, Why the whole church scowled at me. Ton say that's so -low singing, Well, praise the Lord that I Grooved up when folks were willin' lo sing their hymns so -high. Ob, we never had such doin's In the good of Bethel clays, Waren the folks were all contented, 'With the simple songs of praise. Now, I may have spoke too open, But it was hard to keep still, An' I hope you'll tell the singers 'At I bear 'em no ill will, 'At they all may git to glory, It my wish and my desire, But they'll need sorne extra trainfn' 'Fore they join the heavenly choir. -Paul Dunbar. Our Public Schools Are the main -stay of our republic. In . them are being cultivated the minds of those who are to be our future law makers and leaders in every walk in life, How esential ib is that these minds should be ' united to strong, healthy bodies. So many children suffer from impurities and poison 4 • in the blood ,that it is a' wonder that they ever grow up to be men and women. Many ! parents cannot tiud words strong enough ' to express their gratitude to Hood's Sar- saparilla for its good effect upon their children. Scrofula, salt rheum and other diseases of the blood are effectually and permaneutly cured by this excellent medi- cine, and the whole being is given strength to resist attacks of disease. To Ensure Prosperity. One way to make times hard, cause distress, and to make people panicky, is for those who are able to pay sir debts to withhold sutras due to borer, butcher,baker and profession- al men. Money locked np and out of circulation is of no benefit •o anyone. A hundred dollars paid to la'torerre may settle a hundred claire, within a week. Keep the money moving. Pay your little bills arid thus help to keep the circulation np. Locking money up is like tarring tate blood from the human hody-it weakens the lean and caused titin to totter. Besides people always haus ,L x;o ).1 word for a elan who pays promptly. Dieted CVit1 Neuralgia for 30 Years, To the Proprietor of the Great South American Rheumatic Cure. DEAR Sin, -For over thirty years I was afflicted very much with Neuralgia and Headache. Seeing your great SOUTH ix> nIc,tx RnsIIixnrso CURE advertised 1 bought 1 would give it a trial -although I d not think for moment it was going to o me auy good after trying so many emedies without benefit. 1 obtained a ottle from Chisholm's Drug Store in this own, and I must say that I sot great relief rom the first few doses, and was so over, oyed that I determined to give it a good !jai and continuer) taking it, taking in all xiepttles. I can truthfully say that I ev r felt so well since I wase" girl, it has, ot ouly cured me of neuralgia and head• ebe, but has also built up my system and feel quite young again. I most cheer- ily give you this testimonial and consider ou are the greatest beuefactors to suffer - g humanity. I am, Dear Sir, YoursTbankfully, 1HARGAtnr:T Bess. itnessed by J. H. Chisholm, Druggist. Curiosity for Mathematicians. • Did yogi ever notice the combination f mathematic oddities unenrthed multip!yi::,; the number 37 4 If illtiplied by three.. or any multiple of p to 27. the product which results expressed by three singiliar digits. ee 37x :3-111 37x 6-222 37x 9-333 • 37x12-444 • 37x15-555 37x18-666 87x21-777 ' 37x24-888 87x27--099 It Will also be observer) that tate faduets succeed each other hi order digits as read downward; the; 1, 4, G, 6, 7, 8, 9; and that these 4 hexing multiplied hy-three, their umber of patters in the column, re reduce the multiplicand of 37, from Inch they result. Note:..... 1x8.8 ▪ 2x3.6 8x3--0 nd so on down the entire column. The people quickly recognize merit, and re he reason the sales of Hood's it itla are continually increasing. THE WI.t.1 GITAi,1'A. TIMES, SEPTEMBER Gant 1893, Tempers. Tempers are a great .trouble in this life, They can give • so snack and use, less pain, The touchy temper, that flies off at a look, making the poss. essor look Filly to every one else,, and very uncomfortable to himeeif or her- self, foreven the gentler sex are some - dines touchy. Then we sonletinles. run against an irritable temper, rub- bing ilia wrong way waren we think of good for its possessor, Now aild then a violent temper, bursting its tethers, rushes over evervthine,only to find that it or moll ado about nothing, a cyclone to sweep a doorstep. The sullen tern - per like a snarling dog, the disconten- ted temper, uncomfortable because it cannot And a reason for its discontent, the gloomy temper, linntIng ever for the dark side, the wilful temper, like an angry bull loose in the street, what an uncanny lot 1 They paralyze our better ambitions and take the heart out of our prayers. They take all the glow and brightness orf oar (habis,9nd make hard and repulsive what other- wise might have been a pleasant duty. For Over Fifty Yearn AN CLD AND SNL4-TRI$D Itsurur.-errs, win slow's SLothini; Syrup has boon used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their chilaron while V.(411111;4 with perfect success. It soothes the child softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is elebent remedy for Diarrheia. Is pleasant to tho taste. Sold by Druggists in every part of the World. Twenty -eve cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be. sure and ask for sirs, winslow's Soothing Syrup, and, take no other kind. • - After His Return. 11t+ had just come back from the World's Fair and his wife was explor. lug his grip with expectant face. Failing to find what she seemed to be hunting for, elle turned to hitp and said; Where is the jag ? The what ? he asked in astonishment. The jag. Airs. 1i. says her husband said 'he saw von in Chicago with a jet; ou. What- ever it is you are not wearing it now and it isn't in your grip Oh, that is all richt, I left it at .the Office. By the way, 1 saw a handsome hat in the milliner's shop and you eau look at, it aud if you like it you may have it. Faots bout 1Dysp opsin. IAIRONG action of the stomach and VV dyspepsia, iu turn givesrise to bad blood. Both these complaints are curable by B.B.B., which acts on the stomach, liver, bowels and blood, and tones and • strengthens the entire system, thus posi- tively miring dyspepsia, constipation, bad blood and similer troubles. • The Farmer's Advocate • says: .• Do not neglect the local exhibition -the county and township fall fairs. They are great incentives to improvement. See that all the classes provided are well filled. Do not neglect fitting up stock or arranging oilier exhibits till the day before the fair, pains to select only the choicest fruits., vegetables, grains, etc., and have everything ar- ranged in the ueatest possible package. Make your entries early and thug aid the secretary in getting through: his work without hurry or confusion. In case they be required, have pedigree certificates of stock at hand. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft. or calloused Lumps and Blem Ribes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeuey, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save 550 by use of one bottle. War- seated by Chisholm's drug store. Secret Societies. '1'ue following is the strength of the prideipal Orders in the United States, as per reports for the year euding Dee. 31st, 1892; Oddfellows 098,533 Freemasons • - 678,643 Ancien tOrderUnited Wet k m011267,611 Knights of Pythias 263,847 Knights of Honor 138,256 Royal Arcanum 118,454 Independent Order of Red Men111,644 Knights and Ladies ot Honor 70,418 American Legion of. Honor.63,751 Maccabees.........62,580 Modern Workineuof America 53,000 Jnited American Mechanics 48;517 Equitable Aid Union ...... 48,260 Chosen Friends 88,821 National Union ..... 26,300 13'naiB,rith., 25,478 Catholic Benevolent Union... 23,553 United Friends.................... 22,304 Golden Cress,. .................. 17,298 Royal Templars... 15,188 Druids......... 15,000 Ratter is Sxx ]loops.-Dtetressing Kid- ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six house by the "Great South American Kid- ney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on ac- count of its excoediug promptness in re• keying pain in the bladder, kidneys, back. and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and paid in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief :and Dura this is your remedy. Sold at Chis• hole's drug store. F. W. Robertson : Make but few explanations. The character that cannot defend itself is not worth Vin- dicating. Wary Grow Old? If of people d (ople ar o put on It good. meat dirt in the way of strong soup, beef tea, and animal food, and ouly just sufficient farinaceous food and fats and sugar to maintain the treat of the body, they increase wt'n+terlilly in energy, and, as they often a;tprese it, feel twe+ttty years younger. This is only untarsl; it is tt fund of energy: the food that (builds air ,:tuselu, nerve andconstitutional stamina. The requirements of Lata system in ' andmore harm is dope by taking too much food thou try taking too little. I neve known people considerably over eeveuty dr'rir" the greatest benefit from s thorough Oiling* of diet. It se,nts to rrjuvee,atu tht- .t. Of course in old age cure shouldbe taken that tate body. 10 not sul+jectrd to rapist chituges of temperature. When the nervous power is decresuhig lie the re- sult of tris, and the system is losing the power of combating coldand strain upon its energy, a stimulating titht in. vigorates, t'.nd is conducive in main= taining constitutional stamina better than any other. Any natural detail but from old age and general decay is all accidental cleatir;that is, it is due to causes which alight, and eveu perhaps could, have beeu entirely avoided and remedied in earlier years, But of course,all the secrets of attainiug extreme age are not even now within oar reach, and the few I have pointed out are . but a few; and those commonest. It is the inevitable law of nature that we must die. The vital energy that is implanted in the'body at birth is only meant sustain it for a certain ne bor of years. It may be hus- banded or wasted made to burn slowly ur rapidly. It is like the oil in a tatnp, and may be burned out tolittle affect in a little time,or carefully.hushanded and poserved, and thus to 1,ts longer' 7ind Imre ',righter.. y, It is a moot question 'Lhether every indiyidual is blot at birds gifted with the same amount of vital energy and . of life ,sustaining power. The probability is that each is. The cir- c.lnistauoes of the environment from the cradle to the grans determine its future destiny. The Doctor Passed Him. GRAVItNHIIB;T, Sept, 18. About a year ago the newspapers contained accounts of the •curious case of Saw Murray, it railroad brakeman, of this town, He was paralyzed as at consequence of an. injury received while coupling cars, and for two years wile unable to wont. Several doctors, among thein sotue Toronto specialists pronouuced him incurable and his case hopeless. The (rand Trunk Company paid him his total disability claim, aud the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen was about to pay a similar claim, when Murray astonished everybody by a return to health. It was proven at the time, boycnd the possibility of a doubt, that )Hurray's recovery was due to Dodd's kidney pills. A few daye age, Ylurray applied to a life insurance compauy to take out a policy on itis lite. Two physicians have just examined him, pronouuced hire a, desirable risk. and recommended the compauy to issue is policy. That's the kiud of work Dodd's kidney pills do. That Old Froud. She was a very Ayoutliful bride and hal ,just gone to housekeeping. One day a girl friend ran in to have,a little 7ossip and found her in tears. What is the matter, Nell ? she ask'. ed anxiously.. C have had a serious dif-difference, sobbed the bride. Not with Jack ? No, with the cooking stove, and she showed her friend a bad burn on her hand. A wonderful uew combination is B. Stark's Headache, Neuralgia„ and Liver Powders, nice to take and perfectly harm- less. I'dr. Xi. Maynard, or 1Voodetook, writes as follows : ''Tltitnk you for the Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders yen seut me, whier' I have been very glad of, once for uiy slaughter, and this {Horn, ing for miss M who said site had suffered from headache for three days. Wo gave her one of these wonderful powders, and in a very short titu:I sheCatd ie an astonished kind of way, 'Why, my headache built gone,' and it did not re- tura again." Mr, Horace \Vitas, Chief of Police, Woodstock, says; "I have taken 13. Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders, and find them asure cure every trine" J. 7!etnple; 4ti Catharine street north, Hamilton, writes: "I have used Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders, Curl find theni a 'sure cure," Price, 25 omits a box. Sold by all medicine dealers. Robert Hari : We shall be judged hereafter, not by what we have felt, Lot by what we have done, evil ams; neva) frown Remedy, greatest eine On earth, guaranteed to eure general Nervous nebil:ty, Rheumatism, Neuralgia t'aral.sit, etc. I3e what it may, lot the first. whisper of the internal monitor bit listened to ns An oracle; as the still small voice of nisi] heard when he wrapped his fade in his inentle , reet'g• eizln.g It to be the voice of Intl ..... Robert Halt. 1 i3evere Diarrhoea t.ered, tette . tr►�. •y tna, I was troubled bled i with u I b c been• io diarrbcoa for over three years and re- ceived no benefit from all tate medicine 1 tried. I was unable to work from two to four days every week. I3aariug of Dr, 1Powler's ;Extract of Wild Strawberry 1 began to use it. Am now all right. Joon '' n t, Sr.�: axes, Iiracebrld a Ont, Seeker: He enjoys muoll,who le thankful for little, A grateful mind ie a great mind.. Itch ou human end horses' and all ani. Mals cured is nu niuutos by Woolford's finnif.lee "ttee. Thin,uover fail:;. Wed - ranted id (.hisholm's drug store, Chinese .l? rev 1.0): Vent citrsine can bo tilled, hut the heart: of man can never be satisfied.. when Baby Sens sick, we gave her Castoria, When olio wits s. Child, she cried for Cnstoria. When she became Miss, site clung to Castories, when she had Chirdreu, sato gave thein Castoria. London's constant fog may be caused by tl,e continuous rein,. -D Mas News. Now Well and Strong, Sens, -It is my privilege to recommend B.B.i3, For two years I was nearly crip- pled with au inflammatory disorder of the kidneys from which six bottles of B.B.B. entirely freed u:e. I am now well and strong, and gladly recommend the li.l., Bitters which cured me after I had almost giveu up hope. BPWArtn Jorx sroN, Aberdeen, B.C. If a hen goes to roost on a roost every night, isn't the a rooster 4 --Ches- ter `limes. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a reliable remedy that can always be depended on to cure cholera, cholera infantum, colic, cramps, diarrhea, dysentery, and all looseness of the bowels. It is a pure Extract containing all the virtues of Wild Straw- berry, one of the safest and surest cures for all summer complaints, combined with other harlriless yet prompt curative agents, well known to medical science. • The leaves of Wild Strawberry wore known by the Indians to be an excellent remedy for diarrhoea, dysentery and looseness of the bowels; but medical science has placed before the public in Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild Straw N erry a complete and effectual cure for all those distressing and often dangerous complaints so common in this change- able climate. It has stood the test for 40 years, and hundreds of lives have been saved by its prompt use. No otl: r remedy always Cures summer complaints so promptly, quiets the pain so effectually and allays irrita- tion so successfully as this unrivalled, prescription of Dr. Fowler. If you are going to travel this Summer be sure and take a bottle with you. It overcomes safely and quickly the dis- tressing summer complaint so often. caused by change of air and water, and is also a specific against sea -sickness, and all bowel Comlaints. Price 35c. Beware of imitations and substitutes sold by unscrupulous dealers for the sake of greater profits. col teURg14,14 Q`' FROM oHOI a�;PDpCty4'. v BILIOUS & SICK 0 AD ACV'''. 1'- •cc ��/ d ospRNE4 , s rl'pLE Setas • NERVOUS ilEA DAC;' N -°6S% cset NevkfiNE,1014- SFF CERTIFIC- k�yNOERFUL G' 5 vvA O Not only a relief but a cure for all kinds of HEAD PAINS, SICK STOMACH AND BILIOUSNESS $armless. Contain no hurtful drugs. d wonderful Compound. Mico to take. Sure death to Bain. Be stub you got STARE'S. PREPARED BY R, STARK. M, 0.0. P., CHEtesr FnOM GLASGOW UNtVE5ui1`v, SOotLAND, FOR THE R. STARK MEDICINE CO. 250E,,,,.. a Jtteapnire Sold Coutbnnd t 1'ro s )teeter y frr teirrrh to ibe ti Rest. 1 tris.'. to live. end r'hg apt c{ Igls„n !.9 t .v ' j ee,sss se.sss sans, .cid c,) ntte}s,•1 u: Aria Dy 66c. 11.'i'. hail t:i..s, Wm ren, 1St, SHINGLES, SHINGLES1 Just to baud, a car load of No, 1 �8ritish Co1u��ia Req Cedar rIa*.L GEES, which we will sell et prime; that defy com- petition. Also, first-class NORTH nn SNORE �. � ., ,� RTH SNOSeiiriW� at x$1,75 per Square, quality guarauteed. 'Dressed and Rough Lumber, grans oLumber, Lath, f Barrels, Wood, &o., kelt constantly on hand, PAINING AND MATCHING DUE cheap as the chea pest. MCLNAN & SON. Wiueham,'Jutte 7th, 1803. PROF. SCOTT, MUSICAL LEADER PRES3YTERIAN CHURCH gives Private Lessons in Vocal Tratoinr, both in Stair and Tonie.Sol•Fa Notation. Open for err:ngoments for Concerts or Church meetings. Terms moderate. Apply a SIRS. R. Bfnnflow. , Patrick St lvingham Oa 'li as c1 R ata a to I' . fl ..+ail. wa, TIDale TA131a10. Trains arrive and depart wry. tas:wit i blIAvJNo AUX SIM a. in..........For Taranto ....... ...6•3, tt. I05 p.m +. 1., 6 2:50)). ni.......... . Vor 7 eeswnter 2:fiit • 1030 tt. in "0 111:40 .. Cr -MA. GSTTa TR'G7, T .E.4: - —..TIME TAS'. E.^,..^...^ AN,ttrn Al' e'.'I'ntt.n.... .,� ,i;.^,., a tu. i'uhttereton, Gtu•il,h, Toronto, et, 5'35 I p: In i .. r ,. .. ii 11.4 ) " D:55 p nr, .. „ „ , r!p. m 20:-.1 11, n,, nti:rcd for Illi caidhtr 11.::0 it et S.37 p. 1i. for Kinardine 3.37p,, nt lung m , ., ,. 10 07 p 11: rat n Ir,, London, Clinton, rare., 0.40 isiels m, •, Scientific American AgQnoy 'Per CAVE/1T%, T14At3S faARISS, DESIGN PATENTS, CIrbr information and free nanebook wrriite to 10UNN & CO., 361 BnoAnwer, New. 'foam Oldest bureau for seeecing patents in America. very patent taken out by us is brought before the public by anotice given free of charge in the gzitutifir Largest emulation of any sGientiSc paperin the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man sbould be without it. Weekly,A13.00 a, year; $1.60 sin months. Address MTJNN PUBLisuxus, SOIL xiroadwas, ',jaw York City.,. FOR THE 1 OR URED HATS, S, EST VALUE IN GO TO --- 171 1-7 CAPS, COLLARS, SHIRTS, CUFF Cheap for KA.SH, ATWE 13 S rill K1 t S toves :; o es, Stoves All intending purchasers of stoves for this winter will save money by buying from D. SUTHERLAND. Having bought a very large variety of HEATING AND COOK tem to choose from It.,,ery stove guara.ntecd against breakage and to give complete saisfaction. 11 MIT:REMAND. Winghean, August Tith, 1893.