The Wingham Times, 1893-09-22, Page 53
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took of
ay, July
Another of etre pioneers of th
yl Unroll Pre bytet'y,
TETE WI GR, ..M ' M ; SEPTEM 3E11 22, 1 Wif
f7ot:nty of Rulon, in Giie person of `-L'iar's Presbytery held tt regale
eIttales Ref 115 en, I+;s9 passed meeting in mot" S
�' his ofd Jlot]]e ill tIr ad of nt]ssioilary meetings,
teat :Satarda at '� away Ii)ite a eptowber 12.
teat S to d #ILgllett, Mr, Braithwaite tern were recoallaac�pdedto exchange
was born lit Yorkshire, England, and p4jlpits for the ptti'posi ofpreibChieg
at the lige of twetxty two. Years was, 'lssioniary sergtoars,antt in tete absence
married there to the late 1 rb, Braith. ,or $quit sine() ngss that every r nisGer
waits.). who for ,core than half a esu. p)•eaah one() s twice s year on the
tory was the sharer of his Goys and olefins of tlzisg10 3,
toryoWs Ana sh Only As there is a
y pre(leded him lary ditte; afa of olatniou as to what const "
seven months. 17e Willi laic farrtily, tutor a fatufl , iii many
seven tett to Canada. about 44 yea_$•e reporting to the Assembly, a basis was
migago; they settled lire.. in out to soiree() upon for reskeinn s
of c); the i eettl wnelkip flea and ordered to be snob fend,
t, y, about 15 melee west r berated for the
of Toronto, where he worked at elite use of sessiat?e. A circular r to
blatekartlit,llinfrom Dr.
• From there he moved dead was read res-AHcting the amount
in about two year's, to the Huron team expected from this Presbytery for As -
and tJaeia sett11 d oil the sante lot, near seeable ]fuucl and the clerk was in-
aondeslmro, on which he nt a strueted to write to defaulting
nearly ever BinoC reside:] aatio n eotd;r,re-
exC t ti )s informing
them. There was ,also
} ep a tee ears orluing theta of
fvbazz ho was engaged by Mr. Jpfie 1i expected f he snot
i'Vhitshead, dezrlu;; tb' dotietrt=eti0 i read a Circular fn•ciu Dr. Cochrane
of the Buffalo and Lake Hurtle ,Rail, setting forth filo accounts apportioned
way, lie built a wart slice is the village this Presbytery for
home )erasions
of Londesboro, better known then as nod aiig)tleutations of stipends, viz.,
to.H*:;yards Oarners,atld carried ozi busi• 1,800 for the former and 3 for the
nese therefor some time in cona)eotioa latter. The cleric was instrnstracted to
with, the farm. About this time he was notify these congregations t]ous Nhieh ,Have
,appointed by the then Council uftltullett failed to contributeg ca
a tine offices of Clerk and Treasurer, tore some tt en fol,
of the church, and request ehem,to„
which offices he filled coutitioo,usly for contribute in the future,
the next. twentyin a call ayes r Moderation;;,
four years, or during granted to thecoti2 cp tion;
the a:ucumbeuey of seven Ree. of Bayfield. The estimate oftarlt
Morrow,, Monteith, Moon, Suell,x� Ma- lure was submitted and the &1i ice;]
so2t.11lc,Ylillan and Britton, fila be' committee nutborized to :arse the turn;
+cellae well versed in Municlpahlaw and rrq'lired in the usual wily, e,
was eonssidered a very capable town. meeting .of Presbytery is o belbel114 yd it) next,
,sbip officer. Mr. Braithwaite was a past terve on November 14w1> at habf?
man of more than ordinary iiatellimerice past tata•a. tn,
at]d'seizncaly ever missed a chance of
'try.i�n;ato learn something those with whore he co to sc from Wednesday of last week court totmarl that knew come in .eoutact investigation was held at Walton be -
more theta himself; an fore A, 2-ovenlock J. P..
•e reader, he delighted much by she .plow-,
in the evrightings of souk men as Far, ick Mutual to Insurance ie presented
xar,Burritt, Dritnlmoud s, .He had in reference to a claim presented b
squfte ar:turll for the stud;, of 'GeologyWin. Storey for $18, for the loss of a)
and on that account reada;Josel tyght ar ° hn Julied to leo
workst,of Agazziz and Haigh ;Miller Miller
on Julie the 1, th
LEI politics he was a lisforaxler,rbut he 1til ab aa,d Edward Bryant wee
took iso very active part therein the above, the h'uy,°ailed k
.he was•vvell read and could speak �n show that the, heifer was aids
t�eltigantly on the questionstof tate da to the tsDttie it was founts by t
But it owes, perhaps, in the y in lite ,held. There were rho ,marls Cay
A•, a tthttroh, he I the animal. The claire: W& i3eallowedi
was (most useful and hiood,,q,ualities
shone, the most being I bar the retaszistrate.
„ ,a, consistent
'member of the Methodist body for 1 "'—"'
more titan 50 years, He tvaa a s -Brussels.
Ata aoonfvetbticl,) nt' North Grey pro.
hibttitions 4 Owen Sound on Saturday
7"obei•t ,Stark was nominated for the
tdonetncrns had Nic1101144 1 H1)d for the
At the Grr'y fall assizes Hugh Ilud
Thomas Bali, of Ayton,wen•a convicted
et cattle stealing, flub being sent to.
penitetltlary fur throe ys:ars, and
Thomas ti1lewed out on sespendea
The editor of an excbait a
covered that this is a v r ilea dies
i a
world, 11)131 describes the y•p culler
fatlews;.-... •i�ticatfotA as
Osie man is struggling for
justice and auotler is lleeieg from it.
.One nue is saving to build to house
auii another is trying to sell 'Ilia for
leas than cost to get rid of it ,O09
Ulan is spending fall the ttaoney he earl
make iii taking his girl •W, the theatre, I
and sending her liowers,iu .the hopes,
eventually, of making her his wife,
while his neighbor is spendieg:the gold
Ito has to get a divottee, One 1flts
escapes all the diseases that man is
heir to and gets killed on a railway.,r eseapas wittl,ut a scratch a�od
dies of whooping '•oott;,h, ()ne titan
oil' his creditors rtud goes to ,elle
World's Fair, while another pays his
debtsp Y
and stay$ at buena.
cheese .tidar]tets.
Woodeto0k, Sept. 13.—,Fotlrteen
factories otiered 2,e7:95 boxes Bret half
of August and .200 boxes of July
cheese. ,Salve ;.._.,Otte lot 200 boxes of
July and 100 boxes of Angust•at 9,tc;
1,075 boxed first le.lf August .at 9•s-oc;
market fairly a�cti.Ve,
Oe.densbur;;, Sept. 19.---II?o-da
1,000 boxes of .cheese offered; 400
boxes sold at 10 Lac,
Wutertowtl, Sept„ 16, --Sales 4 000
xes, leadt)g .Urias l0c; ruling price
of hy' 93c'
1, J..Rif London, Sept .16,—Twenty-seven
rectors oft factories offered 5".85 boxes _Ss•ugust,
oases • to} Sale: 1,490 at 1.00.
rpreviottsi Little Leans, Sept. 18•--,Basiuess
Ito owner] limited. Salei were: -76 boxes at 90.
943 at 9}c., 1,45.2 at 9ac., 9au,
1,623 at 91c., 480 at 29e,, e0f► on
private terms. Totai,6,167 braces and
650 ou ooritmisdio,r, and 4b0 boxes
at 0c. to 9. Butter fairly -active.
'•Bales: -82 packages creamery butter
at 25c, and f2ka packages dairy butter
at 23c. to 24c,
Utica, Sept.. W.—Cheese HEteady,
the bulk going at lie, and there was
a good general buyiug demand. ;Salsa.
—84 boxes at 91u.._215 at he, 197
at no., 4,450 at Sic„ 2,100 at ,10c.,
1,219 at 10s) -c- ,523 at 1010. ,Total
8;884 boxes. The mutter market was
strong ,tad active: 1123 packages of
creamery ,,utter scald at 215jc.
intendant of the Sabbath School, which
iflotanieked au well under his care,
:and for •many years the Recording
Steward of the church he lowed so well.
Although, like others, he had his faults
:yet it will be many a day before .w«
:see skis dike again. The family i)e
,leaves ,hehind are: allarrth ..3 and
The ITightiagale insuramee suit"
comes on at Huron Fn1I Aeinirces this
J. D. Ronald and Geotge Ia[•ewewere
in Godeih• on Wednesday ,of ;last
week bang examined in 40,nnectron
with a, euit•to be heard at the. ,mowing
Assizes ur .which Brussels c: nporation
,Ttthra., bluing on the old 6lomest cad, I is the J?Iintit].
•Amd Mre. A. Laurence, Ifo and. I County ;Commissioner Ainsley is
flavine thearon) work of Srusseleibridge
over the Meitland painted, at; pee in-
a:ructioneicaff the June sessiot,.of:the
Diseoaxery of the faotathxtt the air• County (;oaancil,
.400unts of acme of the depositor& iu bassi
aJ":post nilicerb,autff savings aaank hera�, National F: Stewart'• has purchased the
were leoa ithan they should be was lL B ational Rol ler hill. Froin hie IOrno*-
what led ,to enquiry and the ;presencel•tad^e oft oke pl and his lame aloe airy
Imre cif Peat Office Inspeetoz H. G,La.
tanto with tees is as of this locality
Is3opkirk, •ef :his district. It ]bas been 'o good busin«ss is assured' from tib„
found that by forged di t withdrrawaI gppti- start. He has already set to work to
•aatl'ula tLre,•foUo gad sums have berm moire neeessainv changes and improve -
wrongfully .drawn irons the accounts
relents about fit and the dean. It is
of tate parties namr•ci: Norman I1i'iehol t7eid that IiokteGrabam will 1]eaas-
�' 50; Malcolm Nicholson, .$159;
Alexander Ilicholsou, $200; Mies
MacDonald, .100, All the pase,boolis
of the ttepos±tors have been called in
secreted with Mtr. Stewart. If so they
wall make a great team.
' for exaiuluatien, and it is thought all Tolle weather sethorities have favoa:.l •each, pions are very firm there be -
considerable' ,the toss ! sewers of rain Qt sold at enquiry '1'!te beat,
Lire Stock Markets.
Toronto, Sept, 11.1)• ---This market
was•rather better to -day, the prices
generally firmer. The offerings
unwonted 47 cite Joule, and nearly all
were sold; choice sttJl•�'tping cattle, ,sold
at 4-.c per lb., and geed to medium at
4c Eu -rake; butoher:a' ,cattle, sold acetic
to 3,►s., accordiug to vitality; calves
unchanged., at $2 50 to $7 clash, ,and
Irtileli wows at $25 to $40 ' esalt.
Sheep int good demand, ,with offerings
moderate; they sold ae• $4 to
$4 tib
LaIngelete, each, Lambs steady at $3 to $3 50
es tave'been discovered. ed us with a few h (Ing '
A unariinnomi call to Rev. J. 1Ic- i. o $6 30, artal medium at
ICay, of Luck/tow, frown the co,ngxeaa- Our' enterprising people: are makings $5 75 per 100 Iba
tions of Union ;fJentre a;acl Lochaber, ready for tho fall fair% East .13s; Halo, 0 —Cattle
r n t J, ,
e resoytec':y of Picton, N. S„ has s+ Dr. Wraith is builwdting a new office*Sept., " " o , cal
been forwarded to the olerk of .,*LiMeat- Ion his avnuises. Ten carsonsale,ul the hast of Monday's found sale .at full steady Jlonday's�
] d P 3 �' perces. The feeling is firm for any -1 of good Ilesh and quality but
Blinder the e,heaper grades of butcher's.
Sheep and lambs --The receipts of
sales stock are letting up. Only five
ears were received for sale do -day, and
Moony thirteen loads held over frons
yesterday, including; bunobed stock
and ends. Sayers! decks or fair lambs
were in the yards, good enough to ship
if wanted, but there were few orders
in, and a load or two of feeding lambs
were so1d, and city butchers picked up
second bunches; good native lambs, of
80 pounds, sold at $1 25; a load of
good Canadae of 87 pouuda weight
brought $4 75, but anything below
good quality, and :loNtr d
an resb 'ter .
Mr. George &swig* had the thumb
of this right haat almost severed by
the saw at the /Mingle mill at the 12u
con. of Ashfield, e,a Thursday morning.
The doctors have little hopes of saving
the thumb.
The building end iniprovensent!
i boom has struck the villa;o in earnest
this summer, and before the snow flies
a decided change will be made in the
►appearance of tura twain street. Mr.
,Vin ADM. wa understand contern.
plates the 8rreetioll ofia large Krick block
wherelii1 present implement warerooms
are and adjoining the new stores being
erected by Mr, Murray.
The Kinloss call fair will be heli]
here on October 4th and 5th next.
The list of attractions offered will be
best over secured by the Society,
,ci oattelt,
The barn of Mr, Dunlop, eeoond
ooneesaiou of Howiele, wag destroyed
by Tueesd y o1f teatthweek. 'The e aettaon's afire
was paused by a steam thrasher, which.
had lomat placed too close to a stack of
unthreelied grain,
Aft. Tilos, tnglis, tho well-known
battle buyer, of the 17 eon. Howiek,
Intends starting for Scotland with a
fide load sof cattle this month, He
viaitOhicagu before Morning.
A nusr,har of the young people spent
a very pleasant ravening at Mr. A. Me-
IIlrlrlon'd, last week.
Mr. P. H. MoGrogaa attended a
wedding is Belmore, Wednesday,
Miss ;Matte Taylor arrived home last
week after being absent during the past
year visiting friends in Hartney, Main.
Her many friends ,are pleased to see
her home again.
Mr. Geo. Cottle, of Wbitpohurah,
thrashed a good crop for Mr. Jas.
Crowston,sosee oats yielding fifty bush. -
per acre and weighing forty one
Ms to the bushel. We consider this
very good, considering the drought
and grasshoppers,
Dalry l;iarl5ets:
Listowel, Sept, 14.—Cheese fair here
today; 84 faetoties boarded 10,700
boxes July alld August cheese; the
July were sold: 320 boxes at 0s�-c and
240 boxes at 9 7.16o; except iii a few
cases the bidding for the August dict
not go ober Ole. the factory/Meg ideas
being 10c and 104e, Some of the larger
factories holding at the letter figure
the sales of August were 600 holes a'
94e end 925 boxes colored at 10e nine
buyers presenit,
Brockville, Sept. 14.—At to•dny's
meeting of the Broakvflle Miele At -
sedation only 300 boxes rsl"Aria to Were
i'bgititelted; none sold,
o cull and
thorough stock sold at as low prices
as at any time of late Only a few
sheep were on sale of fair to conation
quality, which brought about steady
Prices with earlier sales of the week.
HogsTlvelaty care on sale; goo,,
lots of hogs tailing down to a few
gassers in the lot sold to packers and
et.bthetta heavier on
at $6.85; heavy part grassy etds,$0,50
to• $6.60; light weights ruled slow;
,York de>nautl was too limited, and
the best hogs sold at $13.80, with part
grassy lots at $6.60 tb $6.70, and pigs
generally slow of sale; fair lots $6.50;
the best, $5.00 to $6 06; roughs old
esti $5.75 tb $5.66; stag*, $4 to $4 50.
Both the method end results'tvliea
Syrupof Fig's is taken,; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and nets•
gentlyyet promptly on the Kidneys,
f ivox and Bowels, cleanses the sysp
tem effectually, dispels coldsa head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation, ,syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro-
d; teed, pleasing to the taste and ace
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeabJesubstances,its
many excellent qualities comments
it to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known,
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75e
bottles by all leading druggists.
Any reliable druggistwho may not
have it on hand will procure it
promptly for any one who wishes to
try it, Manufactured only by the
A grand concert will begin in this
place, on the 2nd of October, under
the auspices of the Independent Drde
of Oddfellows Miss Jsstsie Alexander,
the celebrated elocutionist, and Mr.
W. E. Ramsay of Toronto, Mrs, and
Miss Sage, anal other talent will take
A. good contingent from Wroxeter,
and vioiuity left on Friday, last for
the World's Fair. They were W. 1-1
Brawn, A. Munro, J. hiller, R. Mil-
ler, J, Fox, T. B.' Sanders], R. Black,
J. Davidson, A. Miller, W. Wilson,
W. Brennen, T. Rae, T., Gii►son, J
Pauline, W.-ESvans, \P, Sanderson.
They drove over to Wingharta, where
they took the Grand Trunk Railway,
We hope they will .,nioy themselves.
$ow• to $ill the normally
A bulletin finis been issued I
J. Pletcher, Dominion evrtoutoliy u iStt,of,
the "borntiy." Tale rattle h q
,p is now
causing much loss to eatnners and stock
raisers in Ontnl'n, µ1,1i
Quebec. The
ratnedy whten Mr. yletctter provides
is as follows; Spraying of tattle. by
InOaus of force ournp,with au emulsion
ofOoal oil, two quarts; rain wa:er, one
quart; common bard soup, two our:ces.
The soap and watr.r are to he boiled
and while boiling the coal oil is added
and stirred rapidly. As it cools 27
quarts of cold water is added, This
sprayed on the cattle or applied with
a sponge will kill the fries it touches
and keep the cattle fret, id flies if ap-
plied twice a syr,: k,
APPOIN'.L'14ENT - 3E1ZYt reernSTY
OAP SdAFS3i3'a3 v) T33.11 QUEEN
if you
flim to
be White
as snow,
will do
SOAP tis perfectly nlurre
and 0Ontain9 730 metre
eitl,er youralclothes31or
your hands. Greatest
care is exercised in its
manufacture, and i is
quality is soappreciated
thbe La thegestiBal sof any
Soap in the World,
Can you test this? If
you have never tried
those who use it what
they thinly Of it, then try
it for yourself, The re-
sult will 5,lartso you, and
yo,tr clothes will bo
withdLe farless
Greater r
WiII be whiter ti n they
have aver hoot, before,
when you used ordinary
snot the beat wa to du.
aide the matter 2 Firs*
by onquitleg what the
experieueo is of thefts
*rho already 3390 it,
8eoofdlj, by 4 fair trial
yourso]i. Yo11 are net
committer) tri any ,ray
to nae the sed t all .re
ask is; I,o)t't Delay, try
it tiro aloft Mash ng day.
To a?
Ot3t*rio131 V I1.rl of a warrant issue.,? i;y .^�
Town, of Wingham, ) Corporate Fut.! of the Town of W1ne;hn)n t) ,,,,Molt, , d, bd r sib
2'o vet: ) date the Tweets•-tif,t1clDay of June,13`Ui.�i ,,: t tl,
upon arta sell the lands mention is In tate following ,, -) t• e
1 herellsr give notice that uttlesssuch arreartx nerd a)1 t'Oeth130 'L3e,•,10 1., • ee Li. ;,.7-.v8.s1 ,ctza-• t3lnrr��r,
to sell paid lands or en witch thereof 08 111(' k for 1 ,il p)'t x11*
end meta tbereou, at the Council Chamber, inlbthetsaidi'Awn 0I tie-, aeliain• en •
the flax
TUESDAY, the Third Day of October, ' 3,
At the hour of TWO O'CLOCla in the ufre:a„ _0,1 ;
a -
U. Street,
23 Troland S
Part 1 Josephine W
21 McIntosh N
Scott s
38 „
"Victoria S
fi „
88 Prancis
N half 92 Carling E
9 John N
Survey. Of Land.
Leet & Davis
I oley's
1', f'isher's
C. T. Scott's
E. Dower's
Leong Mc1 y's
Leet .Davis'
i1,::!ry. �:t".1 (,• Total
5 Olt
4 17:.
15 97
10 dP
10 60
15 97,
S eo
7 10
7 2O
21 17
3 •17'
t3 60g
;1 49
1-5 acre p 3 :'sl i i 71
333 feet 47 07 0 :',0
2.5 t, (10 s 0r1
1.5 3 (til - 00
1.5 11 72 4 5
1-5 i; 00 3 l:e)
1'6 (i (lie 2 iia
24 feet r1 SU., 4.9
24 feet 4 iia 2 40
1-5 10 137 .; 10
1-10 1 433 1 71
1-5 0 till 2 03)
1-5 009 „s ars
Treasurer's Office, •Wieghain, Jam .3rd, 1853,
o 01
,1,CKE y.,,.) #fi7 rzF:,-f`•,..'.;.7✓ �rt,.S
ai ►,L I� , • f,
Biu, f}fN7
A full stock of all ]rinds of
for both High and Public Schools,just t)'oc ivu,,l
AltU>; )(tree a
e sack of
Exercise Books,
Copy oe s, Slates,
Pencil; "'t .� ( "—
Just roc, eyed' at I0)'g,- com:i•,(,Irat,nt t !• ,t(ln.'a.iila .I') :rasa ,j "
A 1,1;3 st,•ek, as
1'he Popular Bookstore, Winglrane
fi a �) y
Plated Spo�
WORTH $ 1.00
A•1AC*AG, Of
WORTH $i,00
• A eAcKAG( or
Commencing SFP T;r DER 1.
Dow. MiSS:1,113 OPROB,Xilati .z! 3450 Sits,
Tea SSpos,
- k.and�'or�a
Sugar Shells, Butter Knives, Pickle Foes,
White Betel: Raeder then Steel utd Double Plated. Value nnpreeeihnta4
6 Tea Spoons cKA8E, OHO/C7
3 Table Bpoons, , - (1-g
%� Forks,
r 4
I:rf i
Pet packagei,i
141401 Lined Box, Citoxl
'^ t
Wt r.1
ea as *r el
u ire i
Come early,while
is complete.
V3, Wi.,.