HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-09-22, Page 44., cee - THE WING:HA:AI rrimEs, SEPTEMBER 22,18930 1; Will I IA rin GREAT SUNDAY SCHOOL. inspiring, but the simple souge that were 1 have otten heard the remark that S. IA Le Ls I% 0 CONVENTIONS. sena by 10,000 voivon thrilled hearts that, Louis is a wicked City. Well, he that as sror were never toueben befom re." tt may, oue thing is certain. that there pitched, the Tabernacle ot witness was grand work in helping their fellow Ma. Eorrour.,17011 bave tiskea mo MM... ...ST I au article on the great Sunday Sehool of ere (biog. Arrivieg at the gree0e. where the are thousanda ot noble hearted claristian ; Conventiops. lately held th the city a st. tents the Chiliren ot Istat were then and Weinee it it, who -AND- ' Louie, and ia tryieg to eomply with your put .inte poeition, and atter a euitable 1 re suest, 1 utuet simply give you a con - service in. it, thousande of people paesed ' (lensed aecount of part of the proceed - DRUGGIST • - • Ines of these conve t n inns.Th 0 hrst ' through it. Thirty-eight large tents • were erected around the tent of the creatures into better life, and those con. ventions just closed will no doubt be an iuspiration to them for still better work, as it will be to all who bad the privilege International convention 4 was le . in ' Baltimore in is, and triennial =evencougregation aucl were distributed Of being there. - W, E. Toms% among tee twelve tribes a tsratle eiteo tions afterwards et Ottawa, 'reroute, Winghane, Sept. 19th, 1893. of the tribes having the name Beating en CA. W. TELEGRAPH CO Louisvillehicago Pittebure and St. " C ' a banner from the top of a pole placed et Lee ie. The World's first convention f n, t Cuirass. th e roo one of the tents. Perhaps . Word has reached Ottlross of the : was held in London,England, three years es s. ,s .4, safe arrival of Mr. and Mrs. E Mac. omrle. eskore had Sunday school workers Ipit, Brunswick House. ! ago, and the second one nas just closed ic nits seen so real and beautiful an clouald in A.berdeen city, Scotland. ! in the same city as the last International. au" - u-- - object lesson. In the fair grounds there They report a pleasant tri. They were supposed to be between 50,000 and left here ou August 71h, und after 100,P0O people, joyous and happy, and spending two days in Torento, sailed among them .1 Caine across three ot or i to Montreal, where they also spout a late Wingliam residents - W. Henry few days. They then boarded the Clark, with his wite and daughter -who steamer Mumedian, Allan Line, and after a pleasaa sail down the SI. Lawrence reacnecl Quebec, Here the - steamer luy half a day and Mr. and Mrs..Maedonald employed the time in visiting the Citadel, the Plain. of Abra- ham, the scene of a tierce battle, ill 1759, between the English and French armies. They saw the spots where both heroes Wolfe and Montcalm fell and their inonuments, also the first ohurch erested in Oantida, and Montcalm's council chamber. After rate of a voyage of 11 days, Glesgo at was 1 91-100 mills; Municipal equivalent, of 18-100 mills; for in Aberdeen. reached and a day more landed thorn 4300.00, by a rate 1 To wnship purposes, $2593.36, by a rate of Tonuny Wilson, child of Mr. Red 34, mills; Speoial for schools, $2148.80, by Mrs. Thomas Wilson, is recovering a rate of 66-100 mills; also, sufficient rates from an attack of blood -poisoning. to raise the amount required by the differ. Mrs. W. Dawson is in a critieal can- ent school sections. di Lim 'Moved by P. Kuntz, seconded ,by J. J. Miss Mary Wilson in again in Johuston, that this council do now adjourn Winghatu attending the public SCI1001 to meet in the town ball, Teeswater, en there. Saturday, the 7th of October. at 10 o'clock Several of the second boys were in a, m. -Carried. Toronto at the fair last week. Okras. Burnes Tp, Clerk. Mr. and Mrs. G-. A. Pringle, of Cul. ross, left on Monday morning ea a Morris. . Mr. Thomas Carter, sr.. of Morrie, Waani, - - - Ont St' Louis is a well built, solid, prosper- , ous city, with a populatioa of 574,000, Its system of electric street railways is excellent and its street Illuminations at , , night are said to be superior to anything : of the itind on the continent, and on two ' . are now citizens of St Louis. , occasions these special illuminations were given in honor of the coavention. • The closing sessions of the Inter- : It is called a city of conventioue, and the national Convention were held on the Igrand stand in front of the grounds on : hospitality of its Christian citizeus will .h hue the afternuou of thesame day,auct among , V HURON I not soon e of y thoseof it. The the speakers I noticed our own Dr. Potts, IIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1893. RF3FORM CONVEX- had the pleasure oi„o partaking TION. i International convention convened in the Dr. Withrow, J. J, McLaren, Q. C., and - it*eforrn convention for West Au= ; Music Hall of the Exposition Buildig- Alfred Day, Esq., of Toronto. Dr. Pottsn • H f t a arand structure- on August 31 and and Queen's Counsel McLaren both spoke and made rattling good speedhes, as our Canadians generally do. Corning now to another part of the programme, I will try and be as brief as e P nearly 1500 delegates present from al- possible, On the walls of the music , EDITORIAL NOTES. most all parts of the world; from Great 43 the New York Sun: "Protection Britain there were about 30, and when g past praying for. It is as gocd the roll call of the various states and 'd already." countries was made and Ontario respond- ports were thus presented, as follows: le ricial figures of the Industrial ed with 20 or 30 voices "Here"-' good SUNDAY TEACHERS SCIIODARS TOTL A wt. a e Lesislatsve A.ssembly will t closed Sept. 2, -while the World's con - in Clinton on Monday, Oct. 2. vention opened on the latter date and ffort will be made to have Mr. closed Sept. Cith, all the delegates being the occasion. I members of both, Altogether there were hall were exhibited printed reports of the statistics of the Sunday schools of all nations. Some 30 or 37 national re - sellouts t Toronto show the receipts of the rousing cheer came from the audience. 37.201 538,457 0,275 02,994 3,584 27,740 so 310 212 513 506 3,043 6,553 11,534 1,450 3.500 5,001: 34,1 1,500 4,600 4151 550 4,390 11 65 83 777 83 180 5,750 17.200 1,637 6,910 ,selts to have been 872,601, an in- The hall in which the conventions yieLlaciel end evf $,C35 oyer those of last year. were held is a fine circular auditorium, seetimid :: ,1 1 1 -eland.. .. capable of seating 5000 persons, an meeting of the Liberals of Glen- - neleenn ,. willing hands had beautifully decorated teers,tmitii :: tounty.on Saturday,james Raysi de it with red, white and blue bunting. Finland.- nanimously nominated for the Cature. Hon. G. W. Ross, Minister Around the circular gallery railing were Fran"- •• Germany - TO banners, containing the names oreeees 'li.. t ng - Holland melte% was preeent and addressed .- , of the various states and countries repre- nave .... Anvention. w i OntarioQuebec, Newfoundland. New sented-prominent among them l were il°rwaY.--• (pm has just m been issued frothei Portuga.. 1 , Rus.sia.. .. tot the customs tariff of Canada, Manitoba, &c., Over the rostrum hung a saitseria.eli will be welcomed by business men , "globe" e • ft European largeand veer It oated the Turkey.... !rt of reference to and explanation Stars and Stripes and our own beloved eCauedian complex taiiff. Union Jack, thua representing the two igrieron 5.81t3 tig.ERTON Telescope: Sir john great nations who are united in the slum.. ...: rt bon, accompanied by a brilliant great work of Christian evangelization. Chin' 108 110.4 of Conservatives orators, is to Besides these were many of the flags of ACrernic14.rkey, 4.521466 • .i tour of the Province of Ontario. Ve tour he is in some respects imi- , 'Mr. Laurier, but there is one ina- t; ' t difference. Mr. Laurier travels Pt iiirdinary railway car at his own f mten - Brunswick, P. E. Islaud, Nova Scotia, glgga; • • t of Customs en analvticel 5,976,537 6,561,904 69400 75704 303,516 336,256 4,112 4,422 7.195 7,703 35,316 55,359 147,134 153.653 60.000 83,800 749,786 784,709 team mesa 03,080 1,066 15,324- 3,230 242,150 113,332 35 176 1,564 10,715 137,754 440 4,873 ea 809 1,053 0,281 330 7,019 2,450 25,833 5,455 161,394 other nations. and hanging on the walls NoRTII A-ItHRICA 107,600 11,623 03,070 1,129 16,301 S59,350 120,293 1,739 203469 17316 373 6,317 7,409 28,283 169,849 were maps of most of the countries ef ' sCanlda..tates 1.3 8,6 15g 9,r74,gioi2 11,S42t,t781 the world. Prof. Chas. H. Galloway New Foueliland 359 T, 2 275 22,976 25,251 resided at the organ and L.P. Lindsay, we4 Indies 2,185 9,673 110,333 110,908 , & Labrador Esq., led the singing. Central America MeNico 550 1,300 15,000 16,300 The Festival committee of the St. AlISINCA 5X1 SAO 150,000 153,000 Ole, while Sir John and his party in a palace car at the expense of citones. Louis Sunday Schools and otherS On- lusttalasia eaos 54,211 556.029 040,240 Young Conservatives Provincial of delegates and friends, thought that a Islands.. .. 230 1,413 15 $0 Thera ogle. gaged in the reception and entertainment uFiewialli.lannds 1,474 2,700 42.909 45,609 Other Islands 210 800 10,000 10,500 T Tab and _ • Won, liel3 in oront o, hast week, presentation of the ernacle 1I10.5 as the roma ou boundary be tween Celrose. told Turnberry, eppoeite lot 20, is in ueed of repair, the Reeve is here- by authorized to eapend Iteu dollare oe it provided Turuberry grautai equivalent -Carried. The. finance repOrt was read as follows ; jarnes Kirkby, covering culvert, repairing approach, sko., lot 1., coucession A., Culroes share,1,37; Mala. Sproale, repairing road, Marob,1893,50 outs; Chas. Sproale,150 yards gravel at 7o per yard, 01.13; Autb. Voisin, 70 yerds gravel at 70 per yard,34.90; Robt. Grant, 50 yards gravel at 7c per yard,$3,50; Johu Clark,removing jam, repairing bridge, 25th aide road, concession 1, 335; Graham Scott, 71 yards gravel at 7c per yard, 84.97; Bortou, 40 yards gravel at 70 per Yard, $2.70; Geo. Armstrong, spikes foe bridge, 'Mete; Hart et Riddell, statiouery, 34,80; JanP. Scott, repairiug bridge, Iota 15 and 16, concession B, 319; A. G. Stew- art, printing, (to, 36.36; LL.Adampon, auditing treasurer's books frotn 1st Jan- uary to lst of Auust, 1893, 3i 0a.ya at 32 per day, $7; John Montle, auditing trea- surer's books as above, $7; S. Kirklaud, services as treasurer from February 9th to date, two trips to -Walkerton, postage, &c., 349.58; Blake, Lush & Cassels, services re Bryce vs. Loutit,511,90; Thomas Parker, shoveling snow, 31.80. The follewhig is the amount required to be leviea on the township for the year 1893: Couuty requisition, 34310.75, by a soniewlint extended pleasure trip. They will visit Toronto, Niaeara Philadelphia, Wilmington, Washington, and before coming home will take in Mw World's Fair at Chicago. The Oulross Council -met at the town hall, Teeswater, September Oth, 1803, an per motion of adjournment. Members all present. 'The Reeve in the chair. The mieutes of last meeting of Council were read, when it was moved by P. Kuntz, seconded by 3. 3, Johnston that the ininutee of last meeting of Council as just read be adopted -Carried. A report from the Rene re complaint of Mrs. McLean, was then read as follows. Mrs. MoLean, through D. Robertson, solicitor, Walkerton, notified me that the Pathmaster in taking out gravel from the road opposite lot 19, concessidu 14, had en- croaehed on her farm, the fence being on her property at that place and also that the road was left in a dangerous condition. Weak Children will derive strength and acquire robust health by a persevering use of the great Food Medicine SCOTT'S ErnuLSI "01.IITION.,,-Bsware of substitutes. Genuine prepared by Scott & HOW110. Belleville. Sold by all druggists. 600. and $1.00. WINDHAM. MARKETS. WlsoTIANt. September 2 I., 1893 Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs, . 0 1 00 to Fall Wheat per bushel, 55 to 391105 Oats, Old, Oats, New, Barley Peas, Butter, tub do Rolls, Fees per doz. Wood per cord, Flay per ton, old, Potatoes, Wool died ou Thursday, last week, having reach- ed the good age.of 86 years. Mr. Carter was a strong, rugged man, and scarcely kuew what it was to be a day sick until about two years ago,when he had an attack lot paralysis. Since then he bas not been as smart as formerly, but Was always able 1 to go around until about a week before his death, when he had a third paralytic I stroke, which proved too much for him. I Mr. Uv.rter was a native of Leeds, Eng- Ilaud, and came to Canada when quite a young mau. He first settled in Montreal, laud worked at his trade as it ship carpenter. He then came to Toronto, which was then known as "Little York." He there met 1 'the late Mr. John Hannah,of Tuckersmi th, Iand in 1832 the" two struck out for the Hurou Tract, and had to make their owu "blaze" west of Stratford, this part being then almost uninhabited. He took up two hundred acres of land in Tuckersmith. 55 to 30 to 28 to 35 to 50 to 19 to 18 to 11 to 3 75 to (1 00 to 40 to 18 to 181. 59 55 8) 28 40 50 '20 19 11 2 00 6 50 40 02 NOTICE. Notice is hereby elven, that a court will be held pursuaut to t e Ontario Voters' List Act, 1889, by H' Honor the Judge of the County Court the County of Huron, at the Town Hal ,Witteham, on the 4th of October, 1893,at eu o'clock iu the forenoon, to hear and de ermine the eeveral com- plaints ole ro s audoraissions in the voters' list of th innicipality of the Towu of Wingham 1893. All per s having businese at the court are requi d to attend at the said time and place. J. 13. Vanausos, Clerk. Dated at Wingham this 21st day of September, 1893. at Teuts of Israel:' as described in the Old ma World 224,562 2,237,733 20,203,993 22,593,661 133,300 1,999,562 17,715,212 10,715,931 1 went and inspected the place snd 'found Mr. Thomae Certer, jr,. now lives on one very harmonious. Before the kir the neeetun, the "gag" was so Testament, would be both interesting These figures may be dry reading to that in taking out gravel a hole had been of the farms on the Huron Road, and Mr, made on the road allowance, but bad done Wm. Coleman on the other, ou the 2nd no injury to tbe fence and the Patbreaster concession of Tuckersmith. By dint of had left the road quite safe for travel and industry, perseverance and economY, in my opinion the fence at that place isou whicli characteristics were so prominent the road and probably the whole feuce en- among the early settlers, be 'succeeded in croaches ox the road allowance. I would 'converting the forest land into a beautiful, therefore recommend that the Engiueer I cleared homestead, He remained then be employed to run the proper line and if 'until about twenty years ago, when he !v- ibe ?athtnaster has gone too near the fence moved to the tewnship of Morris, near that sufficient of the hole be filled up to Brussels and settled on a farm there, on preveut damage to Mrs.McLean's property, which place be continuai to reside until and that the Clerk notify Mrs. ,McLean lila death. Mr. Carter was a shrewd busi- thabher complaint will be enquired into. uses man, was well read, and dearly de - Moved by Wm. Reid, seo.onded by P. lighted in friendly controversy. He was Kuutz, that the Reeve's report re the Mc- an obliging neighbor and a good citizen. Lean communication be adopted and the He nail twice married, and his second wife recommendation acted on, and that is copy pre -deceased him by about two years. He of this report be sent to D. Robertson, Soli- had a family of niue children, all of whom citor-Corried. are grown up and doing for themselves. Moved by R. McKay, secondeo by P. The towuship fathers met in the hall last Kuntz, that as it is reported that the road Monday. on the 25t11 sideline, concession 6 and 7, is . Councillor Coldbeok has returued from in -need of repair, that Wm. Reid have his recent visiit to Manitoba, and the West. the same repaired in any way he sees W. 3. Soucb, 3rd line,met with a painful best-Cerried. accident the other day. He was watering Moved by 3. J. Johnston, seconded by his team beside another team at the creek; P. Kuntz, tlaat Andrew Sharpe be road the horses started kicking at one another commiesioner and inspector for the gravel 'and he got a severe kick just below the north of Teeswater and John G. Scott be knee, which will lay him off work for two road commissioner and iuepector for tile or thtee weeks. 14011111of Teeswater, to Superintend the On Friday e.fternoon of last week, Conn - gravel let by contract to Robert (rant aud cillors Kirkby and Proctor let the contract Peter O'Malley and others this 9t1i day of of °peeing the side road between lots 20 September, 1893 -Carried. and 21, in the 3rd concession. Frank Bell Moved by P. Kuntz, secouded by J. 4. and 11. Senate got 60 rods of willow swamp 3thuston, that a grant of ten dollars be et $t per rod, W. Bray, 20 rods at 70 cents Ly applied, in the shape of ruling rs out of order and choking tbession, that a dozen or so of the netes got up and left the meeting in t. They said they refused to be el by delegates from the Empire hnd those in the employ of the ailment. The efforts of j. Casten sOins, of the Etnpire staff, to weld the sections, each section being preceded Buchanan; Nova Scotia, by Mr. Pearson; 0 Into one harmonious who..e, do by a band ot music and each school bad New Brunewick, by Rev. A. Lucas; P. E. lam to be very successful. a marshal on horseback. A part ot the Island, by Mrs. D. Stewart; Manitobreley -vta ills Caeada seen from. Procession of boys carried the boards Rev. A. Andrews. Reports were also s the Hamilton Times, are of her and poles for thewalls of the Tabernacle, given from. England, Scotland, France, t.opieli imposing. Are our taxes while men carried the pillars. Then , Germany, India, Mexico, the different A.. We turned out a Government *Mowed the golden vessela, next the states (Atha union, Sm. .A. delegate trona vied as15,006,000 and put in power laver and altar, then the oxen and cart, Sweden produced quite a bit of mirth at levies -635,000,000. Have we a with the ark ot covenant and curtains,- by addressing the audience in his own i!debt ? We deposed a saving pre- and tent of the congregation. So the language, and then endeavoring to give Ind cabinet for that almost doubl- 10,000 marched in holiday attire -the the same in English, but he could not Iler taxation added 8120,000,000 to rich and poor -the young and old -black , find wards in our language to express Inutry's debt. Have we slow de- and white-wavind flags and floating ; his meaning, so made some laughable tient f We have voted against open hauliers bearing mottoes such a "Jesus i mistakes. Excellent addresses were e with the whole world; why the Christ," "Jesus the Light of the i given on "The Training of Teachers," by I the world do a ene-sided business World," "jesus only," a. b ! j. b. Hurlburt, D. D. of New Jersey; no? Are times hard and taxes I cannot do better than giveyou a quota- "The Teacher and the Class," bY hire. J. Why should a country who tion from a St.Louispaper:`-The Autumn- I S. Ostrander, New York; "Sunday industry wonder why it moves al Festsval Sunday School Parade yester- School Mission Work," by Gee. M. Boyn. et i ot , Canadians reap what they sow; day morning was without doubt the most ' ton, D. D., Mass.; "A. look at the Fields," i foave the remedy for their own ills imposiug event of the kind ever attempt- i W. Reynolds. Hon. P. F. Betsey, of ir own hands. ed in any state of the union. Probably :Rochdale, England, president of the - no procession so democratic in character world's first convention, gave a capital LarAowel. ever pnraded the streets of an American ' address, as also did Dr. Gibson, England, Ionday morning last, the house City. It embraced representativesotlHon. G. White and Edward 'Ciawors. also Sateuel Martin, near Gowans. wealthy churches and poor missions; the . of England. Rev. j. L. Phillips, M. D., as burned to the ground and color line was not drawn to the exclusion I ot India, the first S. S. Missionary sent rtin'S remains were foiled tunong of colored Sunday Schools, wed decrepit 1 out and supported by Sunday school- made tO clean out the culvert eta ditch A suspicion arose regartileg old women marched to the same music 1 Workers, gave an exceedingly interesting opgosite lot 5, concession 13, and that j. J. 17, on account of the disappear- and sang the same hymns as ladies 1, and thrilling address on India and the Johnston get the work done as he sees a boy named Albert Thomas,who , olothed iri fine apparel-ohildren sup- i work there. Mr. W. A. Smith, of Scot; eetit-Carried, 1* with her. On 5ronclay, parties ;110ttOd by charity, without parents or I land, an address on "Boa's Brigades e Moved by 11. Malay, seconded by Wirt, b October the country searching for the : relatives to care for theta, bore the same ; "The Teayohere Work," bJas. A. War- RN eid, that by-law o. 0, be uow read it third . and instructive ; so, at an expense of sortie people, but they are of very great 41,000, the whole structure was erected, interest to the Christian world. Mr, full size, on the fair grounds just in Alfred Day, of Toronto, secretary of the front of the grand stand, and on this Ontarie Sunday School . Association, ground the most attractive event of the _ nresented an excellent report for the ses3ion took place in the form of a grand province. Similar reports were also S. S. procession of the schools of St. presented by the other British provinces, Lo&s-10,000 strong -divided into three snowing progress. Quebec, by R H. A RARE CHANCE to make from 515 to 525 rer week in selling our Hardy Canadian Grown Nursery Stock. Highest Salaries or Conunission paid weekly. Complete OlrfEIT FRIO, Special instructions to beginners. Write this week for terms to. B. 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman, 1215 Toronto, Ont A Brick House and Lot for Sale in Wingham, being lot 65, on the East side of Catherine street, Ward No. 2, The house contains 8 rooms, pantry, and cellar, hard and soft water. The lot contains one•fifth of an acre. For further particulars apply to the owner, on the premises, or to Winghron P. 0. per rod, Geo. Turvey moves a small bridge for $6 and D: Errington does all the levelling that is necessary for $10. The work is to be completed by the 20th of , and late that night Thomas. banners of the brow as the boys and • den, D.D.,Ponn; "Home and Class," Mrs. time, passed, signed and sealed -Carried. novr to Got a "Suntight" red a d Was immediately taken girls who are raised as tenderly sae hot- J. W. Ford, to,; "State Normal Classes Moved b P. Kuntz, Recouded by H.1 Send 25"Sunlight"Soap wrappere(wrap. el. He at first denied haVing house pleat. The scene, Was sonWa.. and Annual Graduation," by 'Ittiv. 11, M. McKay, that by-law klo. 10 be now read al per bearing the words" Why Does a Woman g to do with the affair, but after gmiriu, atd the key to the situation was ; "Kindegarten principles," first, second arid third time, passed, signed. his recent cuarrela with Mrs. geknowitaged that he had acknotvledged to be the sitople faith that by Mrs. W. P. Crafts, and very Many awl sealed -Carried. old lady and then fired the clings f,o the Emoted emblem, borne upon others, but my epee° vi11 not permit tne Moved by Et. McKay* bacon ed by m. Whether he stole the 000 the banners of 'various Sunday 8013001 to mention more than one more,tbat o Mild, that the Collector hand in hi* bonds classes, and which. adorns chute& and Miss Atniie Ilarlow, of hinse., tauteir. properly executed to the Clerk before nett **house bee not yet trom. th5 Cfhriat. The music Of the bernis was metboda." • %Loved by IL litaltay4 soeoncled I Write- your itdirtie carefully. Whighant, July 28th, '93 Look Old Sootier Thau a Mau") to Lever Bros., Ltd., 48 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising, atid well worth fratolug. This is tin easy way to decorate your home. Tbe soap is tne best in the market and it 41 mime as ores will only cost one Oellt postage to send in ft throughout the entire cathedral, the universal cross of 1eirus piece on the eubjeot of "Primary class meeting of couted-Carried. the wrappers, if you leave the ellcis open :r. It. GREEN. id's Columbian Exposi n. The pleted a county a World's Co and express will receive fi make. All exp from any part o this end. Correspondence time for sending, undersigned. W. L&NE, Secretary, Goderieh, July 20,' Goderich Horticultural Society 11 e 0001. an2,ements to make un exhibiti • from the uron of plums, pears and. pies at the mbian Exposition. All e ibits packed direct to Chicago froi hero. Parties credit for any e bit they may .ss ,other eh gee for sending he county he will be paid at rarding umber of specimens, chee ully answered by the 2. T. DICKSON President. SAL EN ANTED To represe as in tho sate o a choice lino or HARDY CA DIAN GROWS 3101.71 EXpOriOlICO not neJessary We want real workers Wit to all such WO offer vrinammt sitiutton at good income; with c nee of advancement. As we ow liaa over 700 ac •s under ClittivutiOD, Wd eau gi our sales. 17100 ant superiOr advantages. We a desire to Sec e a good man in your district to sell e ItorAnv P1», for which we have the General Age y This' is mething new and indispensable cc It tamer or ruit grower. Send for terms and te menial c* 0711111. STONE & WELLINGTON, Nurserym Tama tct, J. B. CUMMINGS Begs to intimate to his numerous 0113- tomers and others that he intends moving to the stand lately used as a boot and shoe, store Two Doors North of Post Office - where will be found a large stock of Musical Instruments, Sewing Machines, Washing Machines and Wringers, with all imoded repairs. Also a full lies of SCHOOL SUPPLIES GENERAL STATIONERY. Store will be opened on Saturday, ,Inly 29111. GIVE ItiE A. 4. B. CALL. ink 444