The Wingham Times, 1893-09-22, Page 3THE WINGHAM TIMES, SEPTEMBER 22,1893«
W. C. T..: U. COLUMN
(cONDUO'i'l:D Jt); :7•'rrlC. Ammeter emoir.)
.e For God and FIf(mteandNative Land."
Well call the attention, of..tho mothers and sisters
to the foes, that the Woman's Christian Temper.
eance Union meets every Monday tit three o'clock
,sharp, for ono hour, at Alrs. Holur's residence, Pat.
rick street, All ladles arenuade WOICO!*IC.
1Ye hold a monthly r;nypel mooting on the lust
Monday of ovary month, except when otherwise
..advertised, to which meeting w ..invite the public
As the Editor has kindly .given us part of iris
.apace, for our work \mask frionds of the cause to
'Send itOrnS of interest on a1I.rnoral questions of the
,day to any of our menthes:.
Kentucky and Texas have at length
passed laws requiring scientific temper-
ance instruction in their schools. Only
Ave States—Indiana. New Jersey,
'Teneessee, Georgia •aiad touthCarolina
,are'without similar laws.
The Chicago Leger says: -="Brewer's
statistics rove that Amore liquor is
sold in Chicago in ona week than dur-
ing the whole year in 'Caused, and the
consuruptian of liquor in ,one .month in
that nity is greater theta the,a;;greeate
sales ;for one year in the .ae>7on pro,
hition •elates."
One .of the most gratifying things
we haae seen, as touching the World's
Fair, is the complaint of .the ,saloon-
keepers in that neighborhood that
visitors give them very little custom;
One inference naturally is that the
great body of such visitors are not of
the tort .from which saloons .draw
their patronage.
Iowa, in the United Stutes, has had
a prohibitory law for about ten years,
This law is observed outwardly, at
least, in Dos Moines, the capital. The
• Inland Christian Advocate refer to it
as "the largest city in the world with-
out an open saloon." The popch tion
is now 75,84(e—a gain in the p sent
year of 7,373. The Advocate says
with great force :—"The ePrelribitory
law is the best enforced in our oity
of any place ht the State, and at the
same time we are outstripping thein
all in growth, and yet our enemies
would melte the world believe that
prohibition would kill any city."
Scene in a Bar Room.
A young gran entered a bar -room of
s yillage tavern and asked for a drink.
No, said the landlord, you have
had the delirium tremens once, and I
cannot sell you any mere.
' He stepped aside to snake room for.
a couple; of young men who had just
entered and the landlord waited upon
thein every politely. The other had
stood byesilent and sullen, and when
theyhad fi. fished he walked up to tit
landlord and thus addressed frim:
Six years ago, at their age, I st
where those tvd(Z young men no
I was a roan of fair prospepts. Now
at the age of 28 Iam a wrec s body
and mind. You le me to d : alt. In
this room I formed to hit which
has been my ruin. No 'al me a few
more glasses and your, Werk will be
done. I shall soon be cit titif the way
—there is no hope for e. They can
be saved. Don't see to them; .sell to
nd the world, will
for heaven's Melte
em ! de
listened pale and;
ng down his decanter
"God help oro ! It is the
ill sell to anyone ! He
me and let me die,
be rtd of me. B
sell no more to t
The landlord
trernbliug, sit
he exclaimed:
last drop I �
kept his w rd.
±Drunken Mothers.
Whatever you do, said Granny
to young .Mrs. Mitrtiii as she sat
her first baby on her knee, .don't
to drinking ale or porter or any strong
"drink on the notion that it is going to
do you good. H there is one thing
more than another which mattes a
mother cruel, wicked, unnatural, it is
druuk•enness,und many are the mothers
who become drunken from there small
beginnings, ordered by the doctor.
A great many women take such
things, said Mrs. Martin.
Yes, and a great many perish by it
body and soul. i have a areae who is
one of the matrons in a womatt's
prison. She fella me that 90 in 100
of the prisoners get there • because of
strong drink, and of these 90 in 100
who drink 00 have begun by taking;
liquor as a medicine or a tonic.
We11,I wouldn't wish to he a drunk-
en mother, said Mrs, Martin, kissing
her baby.
Truly you night say that if you
know how cruel drunken mothers are.
One. I was hired to help in a soup of parting.
kitchen. A bis, rid faoed Woman,Nothing will trip the light fantastic
mother of four otarvitrg children, carne with, more ease than a loose brick in of entail pleasures, singe very few great
for bread and soup and regularly car- the sidewalk. ones, alas l are let on long leases.
tied both to sell for liquor at the drain -
Ie*vin- her pbatbies Crying There is no half wayabout a ,hysi- The joker has his plane. The
Cg poory - . . �
re realize
v roc 1. with him is he doesn'trA t
t hunger. 1 found it out and esti o,an s motto., It it .either a h e t h
eihhu ge y, p�,
children myself. She was so enraged
at that she began to maltreat the
wretched little.onee and threatened to
kill me. To save the limbs and lives
of the children 1 had to gall in the
children were sent to au asylum--
National Temperance Advocate.
:He .Did As He Liked..
Said Canon Wilberforce in his
off -band table talk: "Wo always do as
we like, we always seek the line of
least resistance. For instance, to a
good man the line of least resistance
is rot+o swear,for the bad man it is to
swear. They both do what they like.
The Lord bishop of Manchester was
fond of fox-hunting; he once went into
a hlacksnlith"rl shop to.have his lierse's
shoe fastened and mentioned that he
was going hunting. Then I cannot
go to hear you preach., for I do not
think it is right for you to be a fox
hunting cleraynaan. Very well, then,
I will never follow the hounds again,
said the bishop—and he never dad.
But I maintain that he did as he liked.
A Trifle too Leisurely.
She wasn't blessed,with much beauty
but she was dressed and had the ap-
pearance of being exact. She came
into the Union depot and tripped to
the ticket office. The big clock on the
will said it was exaetly—P. M.
What time does the next train leave
for Chicago'? she asked. •
It will start in five minutes.
How much is the fare?
Twelve dollars.
1 thought it was only ton.
Twelve dollars is the usual fare.
Will it be any cheaper
.Nota cent.
Well, I'll take a ticket !
Here you are.
Can you change a five dollar bill?
Yes, change a five hundred dollar
It took here some time to gather up
her change and stow it away. Whon
she had performed the operation, she
smiled and asked :
What time did .you say the train
went 7
The train is hone. There will be
another one to Chicago to -morrow
It was then that the woman vented
her wrath upon the . ticket seller, but
three other people who had been wait-
ing in line behind her, and who had
also. missed the train, smiled grimly.
—Pittsburg Dispatch.
to• -morrow 7
The Highest Priced Horse.
Keeping Streets Clean.
7L'armers'Illnder Twine Co,
Tho Woman's (Health Protective A.osorei- l The Canadian Farmers' Sun sari
Won, organized lately in Brooklyn, N. T«, , An important meeting of the trustees
is'Qne greatly needed, This effort is eine I of the Farmer's' Binder Twine Com.
ply to keep the streets clean. The women patty was held in Brantford on Sept.
that belong to tliis association go about�and. ,'�,., ,when the results of the past year's
ask their neighbors to be particularly care.) business were made known. The pro-
ful:about the ash barrels, a duty that ,de- 1 tits ,are greater' even tbau was anted -
mends no ordinary heroism. The neigh.; patod, for after holdinii down the
bore tell us that.tltoy will put anything 1 prices for twine during the season
a baadson,e margin is still Available
for stockholders. Four trustees,
Messrs. Stratford, Hope, Currie
and Ballantyne, lire now in Chicago
arranging to handle .the Mee
Cormicic reaper next year. Another
$100,000 will he needed to carry on
the business seem:sl'n41y, raid there is
no reason wiry every dollar hhonld not
nishe&,•of handsome appearance, with the be Subscribed -in n month. It will be
initials.of the association au the side, and a standing disgrace to Patrons if the W! C EAi�
they pay a fee so that these barrels can be balance of stock needed ie not sub- `�.e7
furnished to all who cannot afford to buy scribed for voluntarily without the
them. The members promise to burn up holding of meetings anywhere. Let
waste paper; to hire Igen to act as inspec- there be a prompt and generous re -
they chose into their ash barrel, and they
widla that other folks would attend to
their own business. The women make
corn:tilaints to the at1'thorities where there
gross untidiness, and they aro not pat
off by'the official smile that awards femi-
nine protest. They fight against the throw-
ing of;fruit skins on the sidewalk. They
themsslYes use barrels of hard wood, var.
A Blessing to Every liouseholc
These reinedjes have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the hoot
Family use.
Purdy the blood; correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND BOW
invaluable In eil complaints incidental to females of; all ages.
Is the only reliable remedy for bad legs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds, ,FOR BROtiCHI%
DISEASES IT IIAS No EQUAL. Manufactured only at 75, New Oxford. Late 533, Oxford Street,
and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world,
Purliasers should look to the Labe] on the Boxes and Pots. if the
not 5311 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.
tors in the streets; and they have issued a sponse.
circular that is a Macedonian cry to glen,
it is one of the peculiarities of things
The Record in Ontario. in general that the freshest men goner.
(kion, A, S. Hardy at Leamington.) ally tell the stalest stories.
Turning to Provincial affairs, he A sound discretion is never so much
said that during the twenty years that indicated by never making a mistake
Sir Oliver Mowat had been in power as by never repeating it.
they had endeavored to give rho people
a fair, honest, business -like Govern- "Wigson tells me that he has a soft
rnent, they have endeavored to give place ot last." "Bahl Always had
the people a good Government, for any one, his head."
Government with Sir Oliver Mowat at It is astonishing how many old
its head roust he good. They had no school fellows a successful roan always
Mick or Nick, no McGreevy or Lane
vin or Caron, no Quebec harbor job finds he used to have.
or Kingston graving dock, nu Esqui- The diamond cutter's trade affords
malt dock or Cement bridge ; none of proof that it takes hard work to
these were upon their consciences nor achi:ve brilliant results.
their records. George—This is the hour that grave
A voice—You have a Parliament yards yawn. Ethel Knox—I'm sure t I
building. don't blame them.
Mr. Hardy—Yes, and every roan in
the Province is proud of its history, Friend—Don't you permit your wife
They have held investigatiues with all to have her own wayt Husband (posi-
the documents and evidence, and ,vhat I tively)—No, sir. She has it without
have they found?
A voice --A few eggs. One of the largest forests in the
Mr. Hardy—"They throw eggs at world stands on ice. It is situated bo-
os because they have no other to' tween Ural and the Okhotsk Sea. A
earhave no friends and parasites er well was recently dug in this oregon,
enrich. I defy theta. No Minister when it was found that at a depth of
lines his pockets. No member of 840 feet the ;round was still frozen.
Parliament has been legislated into
riches. No private citizen has beeti The Occident : Birth and °iroum.
permitted to carry away the assets of stances of early life do not make a
this •Proviuoe without giving full value great man.
for them. We have husbanded them,
and they have gone back to the people The prize housekeeper is a tenant
fur education, asylums, charities and who can hold on for six months with -
The arrival in Ameria of'the emper-1 other iniportent public services." out paying any rent. — Galveston
or of Germany himself would not Continuing, Mr. Hardy said that Sir News.
have created the excitement in horse
bideding rnd racing circles that the
p'oming of Ormonde did—Ormonde,
the great racing stallion who never
was beaten. The $150,000 paid for
the horse by Mr. W. O'Brien Mac-
Donough inarks the California ranch..
man as owner of the highest priced
horse in the world, Ornionde is now
10 years old. His sire was Bon d'Or,
dam Lilly Agnes. Aa a 4eyears-old
Ormonde had won $145,000 on the
turf; then h.� retired to the stud. He
is probably the greatest horse traveller
on record. Three years ago he was
bought from the Duke of Westmin-
ster by SenorJoseBoc-tn ofBueaos Ay-
res for $50,000 and taken to south
America. Then he was returned to
Quebec' and sold to his present owner.
Ormoude is a pure bay, the;only white
spot about him being a tiny patch
* tog the saddle covers. He is 16.1
lands high, Mr, ��IacDonongh will
retiin his prize upon his own Califor
nialiarm for breeding purposes only.
With Ormonde arrived on the steamer
nine thoroughbred mares. All had
either colts by hire at their sides or
were believed to be in foal of his get.
America is probably the only oouutry
possessing a citizen at Once rich enough
and risky enough to pay $150,000 for
a horse.
my permission.
The averse farmer's boy leaves no
stone unturned, except the grind stone.
The most successful dentist must
expect to run against a snag occasion-
What, a darling world it would be
if everybody were as polite as a candi-
Flatterers are the cleverest thought
readers ; they tell you exactly what
you think,
The skillful mariner, strange as it
may seem, is hardly ever grounded in.
his craft.
When a lover throws his sweetheart
a kiss he is generally in the Last throes
Oliver Mowal was pre-eminently quail.
lied to be called the father at his
country. Not in 100 years would the
Province get a mall who would so well
fill the situation of Premier, and, as
long as bis strength permitted him, he
was willing to retain control of the
Gems of Thought.
To think well is the way to act
To delay to du right is to decide to
do wrong.
In prayer it is better to have a heart
without words, than words without a
The greatest grace a gift perhaps, is
that it anticipates and admits of no
Envy not the appearance of happi-
ness in any man, for thou kuowest not
his secret griefs.
VVe should not shorten thee present
life, which is very short, not negleot
the future, which has no limit.
Advice, like snow, the softer it falls,
the longer it dwells upon, and the
deeper it sinks into the mind.
The true wealth of a man is the
number of things he loves and blesses,
and that he is loved and blessed by.
Learn, in your dealings with others,
how not to treat a passing mood as if
it were a permauent characteristic.
Sincerity and earuostnesv, it► fact a
certain degree of enthusiasm, are
essential to give effect to spoken
Adversity has ever beencotisidered
as the state in which a matt most easily'
lmeanie 5 Aegnallitecl will► himself,
particularly being free from flatterers.
No human being eau come into this
world without increasing or diminish-
ing the sacci total of human liappilfesa.
The chief serret of comfort lies in
trot suffering trifles to vex tint, and in
prudently cultivating cur undergrowth
The woman who never had a baby
of her own generally can't understand
how it is that a mother can be so fool-
ish as to let her baby cry.—Somerville
Young Men's Era : The right of
"free speech" often means that a man
has the right to lie about you, but you
have to tell the truth about him.
of Kincardine have bought the Marble Business of Mr T T Watson, formerly carried on by W Srn,
Parties requiring work in their line will do well by calling on them or seeing one of their argots
purchasing. Ion will find our prices are away down. Our workmanship is unsurpassed. Wn a+'ill us
but the very best stook and by square dealing hope to secure a liberal share of the public patronage.
T Watson, who has been runnin the business for the past year, will represent us or the rood.
(:all ani see our stock and prices.
S ��T'ERS!
W. E. Channing : God be thanked
for books ! They are the voice of the
distant and the dead, and make us
heirs of the spiritual life of past ages.
Canon Liddon : The life of man is
made up of action and endurance ; the
life is fruitful in the ratio in which it
is laid out in noble action, or in pati -
took the bread and soup to feed the
sseOetls Or'a dente fsi1uro. tk ties ashy of remtrtihing in lei.
Champion Gold Medal Oil which canna:
be Excelled.
Ask your dealer for "Lardine" and beware of
eat perseverance.
She (sentimental)—Which would
you rather do, paint a great picture or
write a great poem? He (ot the mod-
ern school)-1•Vtitch ever would bring
the highest price.
There never did, and never will,
exist anything premauet,tiy uohle and
excellent itt character whi,:h was a
stranger to the exercise of resolute
The Phrenological Journal: Happi-
ness comes from the true rsdjustment
and the right use of faculty. Running
water is pure water. :'here may be
a sort of dull content iu stagnation,
but never ,joy.
Jonathan Ilayseeds: Not how minis
years, but how etany souls rr,aelted,
is the tree measure of it life. 11 you're
at lover of truth you'll court her. If
you're only an intellectual eoxcotnh,
you'll expect her to coins and court
The world is full 'of resurrections.
Every tight that folds us up in dark-
ness is it death; and those of you that
have been out early, and have seen the
first of the dawn, will know it—the
day rises ont of the night lilts r. being
that has burst its touch ami escapes
into life —George 11a•'doneld.
If two envie were gent down fr.lm.
heaven, one to sit upon it throne, and
the other to sweep the str, ets, it woul 1
not natter to the annals which WAS
the sovereign and which the seuvett>tiet,
but Low latish performed his dtties
would Metter.
w a s ES
When we assert that
Kidney Pills
CureBackache, y,
Lumbago, Bright's Dis-
ease, Rheumatism and all
other forms of Kidney
Troubles, we are backed
by the testimony of all
who have used them.
By all druggists or mail on receipt of price,
So cents. Dr. L. A. Smith 3: Co., Toronto.
Capital, $1,250,000. Rest, $650,0
President -Jour STUART.
Vice.Fresident-A. G. 1RAMSAY.
Ioux PROCTOR, 0ii.4s. GURNEY, 0,'o ROACH, A.
Woob, A. B. L'ae (Toronto).
Cashier -J. TUItN BULL .
Savings Bank -Hours, 10 to 3 ; Saturdays,
1. Deposits of y1 and upwards received and inter(
Special Deposits also received at curre
rates of interest.
Drafts m, Great Britain and the United Sta
bought and sold
Solici tors.
Josephine Siireet • - 4 Ingham, Ont
.1. A. HALM'S»,
Mount horess. I
Avoid the heat and dust by traveling
on the Floating Palaces of the Detroit a;
1 Cleveland Steam Navigation Comp. ;; .
l' Two new steel passenger steamers h :vuu
just been built for thus Upper Lake roe,
costing$300,000 each, and aro guaranteed
to be the grandest, largest, safest and
fastest steamers on the Lakes; speed 220
miles per hour, running time between
Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago less than
50 hours. Four trips per week between
Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Mackinac, Petos-
key and Chicago. Daily trips between
Detroit and Cleveland; during July end
August double daily service will be main-
tained, giving a daylight ride across Lake
Erie. Daily service between Cleveland
and Put -in -Bay, First-class stateroom
accommodations and menu, and exceed-
ingly low Round Trip Rates. Tiro pala-
tial equipment, the luxury of the appoint -
month makes traveling on these 'steamers
thoroughly enjoyable. Send for illus-
trated pamphlet, Address A, A. Schantz,
G. P. ,A... Detroit AI Cleveland Steam Nab,
Co„ Detroit, Mich.
Liatow e,
Deposits Received and Interns
Money Advanced to Farmers and
Business Men,
On long or short time, on endorsed note:
or collateral security. Sale notes bough'
at a fair valuation. Honey remitted to al
parts of Canada at reasonable charges.
Special Attention Given to Col•
letting Accounts and Note*.
Agonts an Canada- The merchants' :Casal
Of Canada
Office hours -Prom 0 a. In, to 0 p. in.
Canna DTit DIV, CounT, Co. Ileus,
Ail'CTION E lr'11,
CoswrsatoNvrs rtt 1I, C. Z., ETC,