HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-09-22, Page 2THE WINGUAM TIMES, SEPTEMBE11i 22, 1893. Otiug Einic$ AY, SEPTEMBER 22,18`J3. ll ox Revenue Only. cinservativer; tell you that In tri rt,fertn the protective t the lines of protection. The. tell you that we are going to t on the lines. of freedom of Tht^ Conservetives pose as the of loyalty. They are loyal east in their language; but R them example, i of from the , but from the laid on the e of the Linc, I, lip the leader iheral party, slain'. also to he nun, but my loyaly does not elf any hoots. It. uo e8 not t itself everywhere] But I tell take our example f%'otn Great We are told by the Governs their own orgaiifthat we le sincere because" we cannot edam of trade in this country. that we cannot have freedom in this country the'same way ey have it in Engand, For ears to come we wi l have to r. revenue by costo is taxes, ie same time I tell y u that at moment we can ri'form our the lines of free rade. I be Government of t e charge • are levying duty n t for the f filling up the treataury, but to wive an advanta4e to some manufacturers. i object to y, and I assert tbalj no duty levied, and no d>'it.y will be len We have a I:1 'era) Ad- iatt at Ottawa; ext pt for the of the Governor ut of the There is this difference the Government c Canada fl the future Gove meet of hen the Liberals ar returned a day which 1 see coaling, do not pretend to be a pro,. t they levy duty not to put nto the pockets of sissies, we claim that not one cent of 'ould be. extracted from the f any titan except that money the treasury at Otta*a. This ad distinction bet een us tell you that the n xt battle ht is to be fought ' on that Hon. Wilfrid Laurier at -et. Don't You Know ,` ve perfect health you must have and the beat way to have pure take Hood's Sarsaparilla., the purifier and strength builder. II taint of scrofula, salt rheum ierhumors, and et the same gtip� the whole systletn and gives d ILLS may be had by mail for Hood oz Co., Lowell, Mass. ke Use of Your Pen. ays beet not to take auy- ranted in eases; of bargain - When you make a bargain ne in a trade, bbr with auy- o matter with whom, it is ve an agreement in writing, leave anything in doubt or arrangement. - How often son say: "Well, I suppose o the job for so "end-so",Wren• sum. "Dh, 4s for that," person addresiaed, "I cannot l,but it is of n consequence; the price,we' not disagree And upon the a ambiguous bargain is cons uded. of 'settlement coirhes,and lo! is nearly double what was Remonstrance ensues, but nae ; the answer only is : is as low as it was possible ; the work has been very e, and required far. more I imagined it would ; no- bles done it cheaper, and I can't make any reduc- alder these circumstances the tint be paid at once, or a ollows. The number of per- greenients and law suits r in this manner is beyond We say, therefore, take eare in making bargains to ns,•in doubt. Let the terms g, and on no account allow be imposed upon by such a ion as, "Never mind --we'll e about noyances which arise from endings created by the very of verbal messages byiated if the sender of the lel writea few Imes. Learn ofyonr pen. 1t is always send any message what - oath of the messenger, if the communication than a single idea. If tends to throe doghouses d obt+noea to one that it is not delivered correctly. The bearer, tilroul;l' Ilia anxiety to be useful,or his stupidity either tells too much or too little, or by his tone of language gives quite a different signification to the message. The lack of a little attention in a matter of 'this nature often leade to serious confusion. The way to avoid such troubles is to write a note; the writing of a line or two will be sufficient to make matters clear, Gives Good A ite: GENTLEMEN, —I think your valuable med- icine cannot be equalled because of the benefit 1 derived from it. &lftor suffering from headache and loss of appetite for. nearly three years I triedB,B,B. with great success. It gave me relief at once, and I now enjoy good health. Mrs. MATTnF.w Sewn, Dungannon, Out Household $eeipes, STEAMED -APPLE" PUDDINGS. Mix up a dough with one goad of flour, one pint of sour cream, one tea- spoonful of soda, and a little salt. Slice the apples and put ,hem in a pot, Put enough water in Io cook the apples. Roll the dough. out so alt to cover the applesclosely;i ake an open - log in the centre of the d ugh, so as to let tho steam escape. Wien done the dough will be raised up beveral iuches thick, Eat with sauce. t. PEACH SWEET MCI, LE, Pare peaches that are'nearly ripe, weigh them, and put in',a porcelain kettle with half their quantity of sugar, a pint of vinegar to each po<ind,cloves, allspice and cinnamon, and(cook them until the syrup looks a title thick. To a peck of peaches twelse cloves a teaspoonful of allspice and one of cins namon will be sufficient. r EGG PRESERVER,: Put one-half pint of slt, one pint of uuslacked lime and three gallons of soft water into a six•gallon vessel ; mix well and let settle. Put the eggs in slowly so as not to crack any. If any rise, take them out -as they are spoiled or stale. Fresh eggs will al- ways sink. If you put in fresh eggs you will certainly take out good ones. This recipe has been used for over twenty years and never foiled but once when the quantities of lime and salt were reversed. The abot'ie is sufficient for twenty-five dozen of eggs. TO KEEP PLU318. Select perfect plums, which are riot too ripe, and fill a large crock, putting them in carefully so as not to break the skins. Then cover- them with water, which must he poured ou boil- ing hot, and turn over: them a plate which will sit into the cluck easily, allowing none of the plums to raise above it. The water should be level with the top. licep the crock in the cellar and cover it with a board. A scum will raise on the 'plums during the winter, which helps Co keep them. When wanted for o use scald them pour off the water, add more, and stew until tender. Sweeten to taste. Looked Like A Skeleton. GENTLEREN,—Last summer my baby was so bad with summer complaint that he looked like a skeleton. Although I had not much faith in it I took,'a friend's ad- vice and tried Dr, Fowler'sExtract of Wild Strawberry. He soon got better. I truly believe it saved his life. Mrs. HanVErSTEEVEs, Flillabu rgh, N.B. An Unhappy Mian. Harkina found Snooper standing at the door of a large dry good store the other day with itdeep scowl on bis faee. What's the master. Snooper ? Confound this rain ! It won't hurt you. Run for a car. It won't hurt me, but my wife is in- side the store. That's all right. She's dry there. She can wait until the rain is over., That's just the trouble,. She went in for a moment to get a paper of pins or some other inexpensive purpose. Now it's going; to rain for an hour or two, and she'll stay there till its over. Well, what of it? What of it ? It's easy to see you're not a married man. Why, my dear sir, she'll overhaul the entire stack in the store, and goodness only knows what she won't•buy. Great bcott,man, this rainstorm will cost me $50 at the very least 1 And Larkins went on, leaving Snooper writhing his hads.-<)=1'arper's Bazar. ltneniu lsyr CURD IN it DAY, --.South American Itheumatic Cnrelof 1theuniatisni and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action, upon t system 1$ re markable and mysterious, It removes at Once the cause of the diae, e ttnmediately disappears. The first do greatly bene- fits, 7d cents. Warranted 't Chisholm's drug store. People who are alwa�l generally pay about doub they got.—Milwaukee Jot scheming for what nal, Position During Sleep. Almost Avery one has a.favorite posi- tion, during sleep, and no 'end of them.. ries ante beliefs are indulged in on the subject of too proper position, location and general conditious for that sleep "that knits up that ravell'd sleeve of care." Many physicians argue that one should cultivate the habit of sleep. isle on the right side, especially if ate has indulged ina full meal late in the evening. The food makes exit from the stomach ou the right side and it is for this reason claimed that position is more f,ivnr. hle tri digestion -einem effort. This is ituporcant, as all of the faculties and functions should have a certain amount of greet, and in no way is this as easily; attaniable as duringthe is hourR of sleep. Other authorities say that ort should always lie on the back; but th a are excellent reasons why this is nt wise. The weight on the stemacti and its eon - tents rests upon the spate, which often effects the nerves. Sooie severe cases of insomnia have been•cured by the habit of sleeping on the tface. This is easy to do ; and is the most comfort- able position if one dispenses with the pillow. One young mail, who had exhausted all the skill of the doctors, fell into the habit of lying on his face with his right arm under his head,, which was turned slightly to one side. By this change natural rest soon came to him, and he entirely recovered, Whatever position one may choose to take, a little practice will make it com- fortable, and the experiment is well worth trying. HOLL0IVAY'S PILLS.—G-ood l.)igess tion,—Holloway's Pills a`'e universally acknowledged to be the selfesst, speeds iest, and best correetive fbr indigestion loss of appetite, acidity, flatulency, and nausea are a few of tyle inconvien- ces which are remedied f with ease by these pnrifying Pills. They strike at the root of all abdomijial ailments, they excite in the stomach a proper secretion of gastric jui;�ce, and regu- late the action of the liver, promoting in that organ a copious supply of pure, wholesome bile, ,to neces'eary for diges- tion. These fills remote distentation and obstruction, and from their harm- less composition are peculiarly well adapted for delicate persons and young children; whilst casting out impurities these excellent Pills strengthen the system and give muscular ;Ione. Worth Reading. MR. Will. McNEE, ofd St. Ives, Ont.,had IYt eleven terrible running sores and was not expected to reopver, all treatment having failed. Six bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters completetely restored him to health. Druggist Sanderson, of St.Mary's, Ont., certifies to these facts. Chemically, the apple is composed of vegetable fibre, albumen, sugar gum, chlorapbyl, malic acid gallic acid, lime and much water. FOthermore, the German analysts say that the apple contains a larger perePntage of phos- phorus than any otherfruit or vege- table. The phosphorus. is admirably adapted for • renewing i the essential nervous Matter—lecithin — of the brain and spinal cord. It is perhaps, for the same reason, rudely understood that old Seandinevian traditions rep- resent the apple as the fruit of the gods, who when they felt themselves to be growing feeble and lnfirw, resort- ed to this fruit for renewing their powers of mind and body. Also the acids of the apple are of 4ignal use for men of sedentary habits,f whose livers are sluggish, in action; these acids serving to eliminate from the body noxious matters, which4if retained, would make the brain heavy and dull, or bring forth jaundice hr skin erup• tione and other allied troubles. Some such an experiences musti have led to our custom of taking apple, sauce with roast pork, rich goose, an4 like dishes, The malic acid of ripe apples, either raw or cooked, will ne reline any excess of chalky matter en endered by eating too much meat. I is also it fact that such fresh fruits s the apple, the pear, and the plum, when taken ripe and without sugar, diminish acid- ity in the stomach, rather than pro- voke it. 'Their vegetable sauces and ,juices are converted into alkaline cars bonates whieh tend to counteract acid- ity.—Medical Age. rtatkwon'a Bronchial Balsam Will cureany Cough Cold, Bronchitis or Asthma. One characteristic ofgood old Elijah was his raven-ous appetite. ---Cleveland Plain Dealer. loather Everything I say to you goes in one ear and out the other, Little sort (thoughtfully) le that what little boys has two ears for,papa? Ludy— I wish to select a pet dog. Dealer—Live in the city. I suppose, mum. Yea; I live in a flat, '.then I Would •adviee an Italian greyhound; mum. No matter how rnuelt you feeds a greyhound he always stayer narrow Wanted. sz B0Y. A jolly boy. A boy full of vire. A boy who scorns a lie, A boy that despises slang. A boy who call say "No." A boy who is aboveboard, A boy who saves his pennies, A boy who will never smoke, A boy with shoes always black, A boy who takes to a bath tub. A boy who is proud•of his big sister. A boy who has forgotten how to whine. ' A. boy who thinks hard work no disgrace. A boy who stands at tab head of hisofass. A boy who does ohoresk without grum- bling. A boy who believes than an education is worth while. A boy who is a stranger to the street - corners at night. A boy who plays with all ing play hours. A boy who listens not fromany one. 4 boy who thinks his mothers is the model. A boy who does not know m the rest of the house. A boy who does not think it to mix praying and playing. A boy who does not wait to be called a second time in the morning. A boy whose absence from Sunday -school sets everybody wondering what has hap- pened. •t "I beg your pardon, bu! you played second base, die "Yes sir." "Baseball choir?" You want those shoes shi ed? asked a t;ity Hall boot black of a an with enormous feet. Yes,of tour e. Well, you'll have to pay by the ho u•. Som,t one has discovered, or thin Lis he has discovered, the skull "f Sopho- cles, andProf. Virchow has b en asked to examine it. This phrenol.gical ills vestigation is a great.' houo for the professor, but be isn't a bit •rniptious about it.—Philadelphia Ledr,.r• is might—dur- to unclean stories moth r above all ;e than all consistent you said you not?" or church WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL Entirely New. DICTI(NAR Y "lb 'east op he T,raet. A Grau arose. tor. These "Una Ten spent r editors employed, and over 5300,000 expend0d. c. :essorofthe e ridged." 2 rears were q wising, 100 E rybody shoul own this d Dictio :try. It an- rl' swots 11 questions c) concei ing the his- "'' tory, spelling, pro- nnuci8tion, and meanl ig of words. �+ It also gives ing eminent 0, noted ficti- e countries, tures of the 5• quotations, ) tc. etc. etc. A i1ibrainyin Itself. the facts often wanted sourer persons, ancient and modern tious persons and places; t cities, towns, and natural fe globe; translation of foreigl words, phrases, and proverbs ; This Work is Invaluable in the household, and to the teacher scholar, pro- fessional man, and self-educa or. The Globe, Toronto, say il:- This new dictionary is the best Book of its kind in the English language. For a"ery faintly, the members of which have mestere the art of read - tug, its purchase will prove a:profit ble investment. 2'he Times, Hamilton, s. s:— It may well be pronounced the best working dic- tionary and the cheapest book in he world, and should be in every school and fa , t y in Canada. HaveyourBookseller sh r wit to you. G. & C. Merriam Co. Publishers, Sprtngfelcl,Mass., U.S.A. gr ph net bprints of ancient editions. Send for free prospectus containingspectmenpages, illustrations, etc. ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Ohingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders al Specialty. WOOD delivered to any part of Wingham. Rarordersby•nmil promptly at endo to GOR 5 THOMSON, Box 25, Wingham P. COUNTY FUNDS C0 LOAN. On the security of Cultivated per cent, payable annually. A principal may bo repaid at any wishes. A11 exponces paid by person except the County Audit mortgages or to know to whom Appy to t Goderloh, Aug. 8011802. Farm, Interest six ere the borrower tho County. N0 s allowed to 856 nonev Is loaned. . HOLMES CO, Treasurer. R`a R V P NEItv'E i3L cover, that e Norroua Debi BEANSg Failinss Mofach weakne by oyer -work. ceases of you iolutelr erns the most obel ntato TIL.EATMSNTB hero faded even to r gists at $1 per package, or gig for f0 receipt of price by addressing THE 00., voro>rto, Oat•. Write for psi Wingham., i►It, AA1iILT01 1 i7 ants neW dde• the wont cases a! r Lost Vigor and restores the or Mind caused r the errors or ea. Thiel Remedy ab• acs when 111 other ere. Sold by drug, SMEs MEDICINE hid. Sold tn-� Clubbing gates. The TI,cua sod Torentd Globe per year tt 1 78 Manaus and Toronto Empire per year.,,175 The Taus and Landon Advertiser per year., 1. 50 The Toms and London ie rte Ptese per year., 1 70 The TIBER and Montreal Herald. por year..., 1 00 The Tulsa and Montreal Witness per year1 78 THE TIMES anti tfontreal Family Herald and Star 1 75 Itednced rates with all other weekly papers 5)01 mentioned in the above list, JOB PRINTING, TN:LIMING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Heads, Circulars, dm, 6a., executed in the beat style of the art, et moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply. or address lt, ELLIOTT, TIDES Oltlee, Wingham, LOOK _HERE! This Will InteresttEvery body! ; We are selling Best Coal Oil at 12 1-2 cents per Imperial gal- lon, or a can containing the equivalent !of five American gallons for 50c., exclusive of pack- age. American Axes, 50c. to 65c. each. Crosscut Saws, 45c. to $x.00 per foot. We to -day reduce our quotations on Binder Twine one cent per 1b. J. A. CLINE & 'CO, Wingham. WINGHAVI STEAM PUMP 1ORKSI ANL HO%EI PRORRIETORI • I wish to inform the pe le of Wing - ham and surrounding coup ry, that, as I have purchased the Seam Pump Works lately owned by M H. Clark, I are prepared to supply all kipds of Wooden, Lift, Force & Ire Pumps' And attend to the wants ofi the public in amything in the Pump line. As I have long experie ce in the business I guarantee all work, and if not satisfactory will refun the money. I also deal in ALL KINDS OF WIND MILLS. 0"Soft water cisterns made on short notice. Orders by mail promptly at ended to. D. SHO S ERS, fnghane TWO KIND OF CUSTOM RS. WID E AWAICE KIND BUY FROM THE City Fruit & Confection. ry Store Because they can get goo s that are right and up to the ti es. ANOTHER KIN ARE FAST ASLEEP $ut they are waking up to the fact that I can give theaa goods thea will please them. Full line's of Fruits, Oysters,Confecti tnery,&c APPLES BY THE iARREL. Agent for Parker's Dye V) rks. Canned goods of every dq cription al- ways on hand and my price are as low as the lowest. Dontforget the place, app 4 ' ite the new Bank of Hamilton. ttOETI HILL, e thna� (uuc h --IS I'Ul1L18101D•-,. M'BRY FRIDAY r4QltNING —Az TuIC.^- TIMES OFFICE.,, JOSEPHINE ST WINGHAIII, ONTA1tIO. Subscription price„ $l por year,3n advance ADVERTISING RATES: Spaae :03'000.11' Yr• li:1". ®tHo 18 mo. 1 l roc One Q:Iunm 360 00. *2 00' *20'00 p,6 o0 Rolf "f 35 00, II 20 O0 I 1e 00 0 00 stomia " 11(1 00 00 One Inch %V 5 00:li 312 O0UU 7 J 2 0o i o0 Legal and other casual advertisements, So, por line for first insertion, amine. per lino ter each subsedgont insertion. Laval notices 10c,. pea ..no for llrst insertion, and 5o. per line foreachsabsenttent blsorticr.. No focal ice wl l b h r not v o awl, ad less than 2Ge. Advortlsestente otLost,S ound, Stra ed Situat Y buff, and Business Chances Wanted, not ex eddiiug 8 lime: nanparcll, 61 per month Houses and Farina dor Sale. not excoeding 5 linea, l for f,r t mot }t $ s it 500, por subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for to advertisements, or tot longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without specific directions, will he inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Transitory advertisements must bo dl in advance Changes 10, contract advertisements must be to the office lay Wednesday noon, in order to aPPOM that week R, ELLIOTT PROPRIETOR AND PUBLISHER Dat MAODONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, iYINtlrIAil, ONTARIO.. WB. TOWLER, M,D,C.M., Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Huron— °MeeUp•etairs, next to Mr Morton's otlice, Wing. ham, Ont. OFFICE Houtts.-0 to 12 a. In., 1 to 0 p. m., otglht Residence, Diagonal Street. TAR J. A. MMELDRIJM, l� Iionor Graduate of Toronto University, and Menlhet• of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Residence —Corner of Centre and Patrick streets, formerly, occupied by Dr. Bethune. WIAOIIAM 7, VANSTONE• BARRISTER, SOLICITOli, Etc., Private Wind Company 'funds to loan et lowest. rates interest. No commission charged, Mootgages, longi and farm property bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Block WYINeuAi1 ONT J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, Sc, Wingham Ontl EY.ER .r DICKINSON, H. W. C. MEYER Q. C. I E. L. ICKIHS^0N, B. A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Eie.. Etc., Sc. licitors for Bank of Hamilton, Cmimissioners for taking affidavits for Manitoba. Frill, Town and Village property bought and sold: Money (private i funds) loaned on mortgage security at 51 per cont. mortgage securities without any, Money invested for ria p y to person upon the bout expense to the lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North, wes0. Office—MeyerBlock, Vvinghanr. DENTISTRY.—J S. JEROME, ,MNonAii, Is rnanucturi,,faof e11uloid Plates, e sucheap as they Bart be gotin the. Dominion. All wort., warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by tho se of Electric- ity or Vegetable Vapor.. • TAKE NOTICE.—I rvfll extract tact for 25 cents each. OFFICE: In the Beaver Blocic, opposite the Brunswick House. Wm. H. Macdonald, DENTIST. , D. S., OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK o Opposite the Queen's Hotel, Wingham. Will visit Gorrie lst and 3rd Mondays of each month. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE WrxGIIAM, am, DEANS, JR„ WINGIIAM, • LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HE COUNTY CF HURON. Sales attended in any part of th. Co. Charges Moderate. ENT ONTAr.Ie JOHN CURRIE, WIeenenr, NT., LICENSED AUCTION> FOIL Tie COUNTY OF 0U1ONEn All orders left at the Toms office promptly attend cd to. Terms reasonable. JAAIEs IIENDERSON, LIOENSRD AUCTIONEER BAORitnos. Coso te6 HURON AND All sales attended to promptly an on the Shortest No. Chaticerges Moderate and Satisfactl., Guaranteed. A11 necessary arrangements can •. be made at the TIMES' office MEGRIM oNT yr DR. J.iiIcASIi, M. B. Toronto, Members Coll e 1'hysielans and Surgeons, Onta o, BGLeltAVR , ONTARIO Money to Loan on Dotes. Notes Disc Ari' REASONAB' Matey advanced on Mertgaa privilege of paying at the end and accounts collected. ROD Beaver 1310th Wingham, Ont. united i'tATES s a 5} pet cont with f any year. Notoo' litoZNDoO. esriet