HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-09-15, Page 8H. McINDOO, j personal.. Tats of :sus Tows.—M. li. Me- ao's heady Made Mantles; words fail to vast/cote these royal goods, You mut ie and sea them personally, these won- ; of the tailor's skill, These fine hu- tted mantles, single and double-breasted, trimmed, in beaver, mink and sable. * braid trimmed, with and without ies. Ovar 2:i0 new styles to Meet from i prices from 54,50 to 080. You only 4 to comp and look to be convinced that ttre headquarters in styles and the dolt to buy from, DREsa GOODS. ,No pride ourselves upon handling the attest variety of Dress Goods, Silks, and Mr. sand Mrs. W.B. Hutton and daughter Evelyn hew returned from their visit to frietrds in Montreal and Quebec. e Mr. Albert Thomson left on Monday for Sea1'ortli, where he will attend the Celle- ' giage Institute for another term. Mr. Geo. Fowler, of Detroit, was in. town a few days during the week, renewing ac- quaintances. Ile left on Tuesday for God - oriole, where he will spend a few days be- fore returning to Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, A, Dawson left on Friday last for a short visit to friends in Toronto. They will also "do" the big show while in the Queen City, o Mr. Rowland Gordon is home on a short visit from Caledonia, where lie has been employed for some time, Mr. Robt. McIndoo is spending a week or so visiting friends in Peterboro and vicinity. Mr, Wtn. Willis, of Lucknow, was in town this week calling on old friends. Miss Mary Knepilar, of Teeswater, was visiting friends in town a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hough, Master Rowland Hough and. Miss Annie Jefferson, are taking in the Toronto fair this week. Mr. F. Korman, of the Korman House, is taking in the Toronto fair this week. Mr. and Mrs R. L. Lott, and Master Willie Lott, are visiting friends in Goder- ich this week. Mrs. Richard Arscott, of Wingham, is spending a few weeks visiting relatives in London, her former home. Gerrie Vidette : Mr. Jas. S. Found, our It s lent Sunday with s ,turnings and tri the best qualities, at the est prices for same goods. The steckis most complete and ready for inspeo- ., at M . H. MciHDOO'S. DJTIONAL LOCALS he funeral of Thos. Wadby,geuerelly fru as "Dr.", took place ou Tuesday moon last. After a long life mis-spout remains were buried at the towu's ex - se, and still the people will hceuso the of that which makes meu degrade lmselvee and disgrace those belonging item. Rev, Wm. MacGregor conduct, e services. The Board of Health held a meeting genial station ager , 1 friends in Hingham. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dane paid friends in Wingham a visit this week. � isvisiting ion uckl ' s C. Hamley, 1ev of L , Mls C , , friends in town. Mr. W. A. Spedding, formerly employed in the Bank of Hamilton here, was in town this week calling on old friends. Since leaving here, about two years ago, he has been employed in the head office of this popular and solid financial institution in Hamilton. Miss Maggie Hardy, of Kincardine, is a eduesday evening. Mr. John Hannaguest at Mr. Ales. Inglis'. elected chairman, and lie, along with Miss Dark, of Brussels, is visiting' the itary Iospectc.r, will make an inspec• Misses Rush, Josephine street. t of the town in a few clays. It was Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Cline and Miss ided to issue leaflets containing the Cline were in Toroxito a few days during the week. Rev. L. G. Wood was in Toronto the latter part of last week, attending the funeral ale brother-in-law. Mr. arid Mrs. A Roe were in Toronto a few days during the week. Mrs. W. J. Chapman left on Saturday visit. to several of the historic spots in 'last on a visit to friends in St. Thomas and 'land, and will be very interesting ren.(t- Buffalo. for our readers, and particularly those Mr. W. J. ,Chapman was in London on are acquainted with the places touch- business, on Saturday last. Mrs. Alex. Ross, Miss Meyer and Miss McKenzie were in Toronto during the week. Miss Maggie Elliott, of Howick, who has been spending some time visiting friends in Wingham,' returned to her home on Monday. She was accompanied by Miss Dollie Elliott. Mr. Wm. Snell, of Grand Rapids, Mich- igan, is visiting his parents in town. Miss Emma Hart and Mrs. J. F. Groves are spending a couple of weeks with friends in London and vicinity. Dr. Macdonald was in Mitchell on Thursday attending tbs great Reform meeting in that town. Hon. Mr. Laurier and others were present and addressed the gathering. Mr. Sullivan, salesman with Mr. T. A. Mills,was married in Chesley,on Thursday, to Miss Adams, of that place. The'T les extends congratulations. on, perdition, admenition, Justin, LiBtOwe1• hallucination, derivation, creation, station and adoption. You went Chas. Wilson has again taken pos. gh the 'rithmetic like the late cyclone session of the Station Hotel. through Kansas—you jist made clear Hay Bros., of Listowel, have rented irt' as yott Went. I'm much obleeged I the elevator at Norwich, and rill buy u for your inattention during my pre. grain and dressed hogs. ry remarks." As an illustration of the money paid iters as soon as they acquire a repu- , the September Cosmopolitan con- lessthan eight thousand words, for the sum of sixteen hundred and site dollars was paid. Ex•Presicdent son, Mark Twain and William Dean ells are the three whose work corn such a priee. The September num- more than one hundred illustra- giving the chief points of interest in Columbian Exposition, and the Pair is ed by more than a dozen authors, in• g thefatnors English novelist,Walter ; the Midway Plaisance, by Julian erne; Electricity, by Murat Hal - the Liberal Arts Building, by Kunz, moms gem expert of Tiffany & Com - the Department of Mines, by the of that department, etcetera. .A. of this number is a story by Mark entitled "Is ire Living or Is lie • THE WIN•GHAM TIMES, SEPTEMBER 15, 1893. erection of a large foundry ou the corner of Mill anti Edina streets Isere by Galles.S; Martin, The contract to be completed by November 10th. filth Act and the regulations of the rd, for distribution among the tesm- s of the town. We publish uumber two of the series of yrs from the pen of Rev. Wm. Mo- or, of this town, of his trip to Scot- t and England. This letter deals with Turnberry. ,A. Fawn social will be held under the auspices of the Wroxeter Ladies' Aid, Society, at the residence of Mr, Thos. Evans, Turnberry, on Friday, September 22nd. Tea will be served from 4 o'clock, Adatiasion 15 cents, children 10 cents. Peaches and cream will be sold on the grounds, A cordial welcome to all. Bluevale. Miss Maggie Burgess, of was visiting at Mr. John last week. Twenty nine tickets for were sold here on Tuesday. Matter Frank K. Scott had his face badly hurt by falling from a horse last week. Methinks that Bluevale boys are out of luck. Our juniorsjourneyedtoWiughamon Saturday last to try conclusions with the juniors of that place at football. When the books were olossd Bluevale showed a deficit of 2 goals to 0. Mrs J. Bnrguess was on the sick list last week. Mr. John Johnston, wife aid family of Goderich, are visiting here. Tbe Right to Buy. ( Wm, Paterson, 51,1„ et Wellington, Supporters of the Netionel Policy believe patriotically that we should use ouly Canadian tuatiefai:turt's, that we should wear nothing Int Canadian clothes. If Mr. Laurier comes into power, as 1 believe 1:r will, he does not propose to pass• a taw that will compel you to purchase foreign goods You will carry mgt your patriotic principles',. and buy, 'Collodion goods, no matter what the prig. But you ask. "leo, you. suppsse we would be foolish - enough enough to do that ?' If 1 think it would he foolish to do that by your own free will, how foolish it would be to vote to have the law passed to cow pel yon to do that, for that is just what the National Policy does." pon. -According to The Sehnl.naster, "sta ;w" was recently defined' as being the ing up of a stable," wad an answer to question about - it surance had this ge : "The money is provided by the pany to defray exeenses by the birth of herein. the pe ;uniary distress." In mer it seems; the day is longer owing e,expaneion. of the heat;" and that n itself is thus explained : "Once a we hav^, the whole bright side of the turn€ towards us. Then it is summer. is in the solstice. and stands still." At the close of the school in one of the ate of Algoma recently the teacher on a trustee who was present for emarks. The official arose and said: avert, I am glad to, see that you have Bred ctar through -the 'rithmetic—be- g at addition and going through sub - d Brussels, Burgess', Toronto Ya 'or Over %t'lfty Years AN CLI/ AND tVELL.Tai(D REMEDY.—Mrs. Will plow's St.othine Syrup has been used for over fifty Yenta by Inil!tose of mothers ter their ehilercn while frothing, with pecZecteuccoss. It soothes the child softens the gurus, allays all plain. mires wind collo, and le thebost remedy for D,arrhom. is pleasant to tho taste. Sold by Druggists in orery part .f the Worlds rwenty.Avo rents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Ile sure and ask for Mre, Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. The Federal Government professes its inability to spare $750,000 for the building of a.pesnitentiary in which juvenile criminals can be kept separ- ate fromthese hardetled in crime, but this sante Government maintains on the statute book a needless Fran- chise Act which csots half a .nilliofi every time it is put in force. Affitcted. With Neuralgia for 30 Years, To the Proprietor of the Great South American Rheumatic Cure. Dna. Sin,—For over thirty years I was afflicted very much with Neuralgia and Seeinggreat SOUTHHeadache.Headache. your AMERICAN RsauMATxc Cum. advertised I thought I would give it a trial --although I did not think for a moment it was going to do me any good after trying so many remedies without benefit. I obtained a bottle from Chishotm's Drug Store in this town, and I must say that I got,great relief from the first few doses, and was so overs joyed that I determined, ,to give it a good trial and continued 1 eikitig it, taking iu all six bottles. I Dail 'truthfully say that I never felt so well Einoe I was a girl, it has not only cured me of neuralgia and head• ache,'but has also built up my system and I feel quite young again. I most cheer- fully give you this testimonial and consider you are 'the greatest benefactors to suffer- ing humanity. I am, Dear Sir, YoursThankfully, MARGARET .SELL. Witnessed by J. H. Chisholm, Druggist. A shooting match between the gun dribs of Brussels and Listowel took place here on Tuesday of last week and resulted in a tie, each club break- ing fortyfiie blue rocks out of a possible sixty. A return match will 'bt shot in Brussels shortly. Our exehanges contain an account of a sad accident whist befell Dr. William Sweet, of Shelbyville, 111. The doctor is a native of Outario',and a former resident of Exeter Dr. Sweet was called to see es id: hors' which bit hint on. the. hand Nothing was thought of it until the owner of the horse informed l'Ir. Sweet that it had Leen bitten by a mad dog that day. Mr. Sweet examined • the horse and found it suffering front rai.ies. it dviug the .same night. Nu time was lost in seeing a doctor who advised 111r. Sweet to go to Chicago and take the 1 asteur treatment, which will necessitate six- teen Flays to complete—to affect a cure or not. The horse bit a cow which also died, Mr, Sweet's chances of recov- ery are meager. my counterpart," the poet wrote ear child, the darling of his a clutch the stupid printer's it tap, "My pig my counterpart.+, . It is reported that J. C. Hay and family, who removed to Chicago last spring, will return to town again. Parties visiting the Toronto and London exhibitions should not fail to see the fine display of Morris planes made by the Listowel Piano Co They Will find the company's ever obliging and popular salesman 13. L3. Srtrvt ,in charge of the exhibit and he will`; iii' pleased to see all old friends and bus. tolners. ,Tohn Livingstone, of the flax mills, and his namesake, John Livingstone, druggist and agent 0, P. R., ate now away on a short visit to lianitohe. A new front is; being put into the old American hotel building e Wallace street and otherwise fitted ttp. When completed' it will be occupied y Henry Rapp as a liquor store and dwelling. Tenders (tire being asked for the 1►IAlutikin. 1j31'ELTo�— KlrctiEat - At the Methodist z aisuua e Wroxeter, rCe r ou the le 12th taut by the Rev. Mr. Shaw, Mr. Wm. Pelton,of East Wawauosh, to Miss Maggie Kitchen, of Ttruberry. DIED• EADIE.—In Lower Wiughatn, on Septem- ber Sth, Robert Eadie, aged 70 years, 1 month and 28 days. ber 13th, Peter McArthur, aged 75 years, 6 months and 5 days. r:- WAunr—In Wiughatn, on the, llth inst., 'Thos. Wadby, aged 73 years. hvloAiiTEuit.—In Turnberry, oe Septem- WORK {HARD, PRACTICAL, ENTHUSIASTIC, RTAS PLACED THE The Forest City Business College of London. IN THE FRONT POSITION IT OCCUPIES LO -DAY. CATALOGUES FREE. AFTERelidleMMSAMI SICKNESS to tone up the �system, and bring back n healthy appetite, physicians recommend the use of CAMPBELL'S QUININE WINE. „ PLEASANT TO THE TASTE. :,Preparedoalyby a. CAMPBELL & CO.f' ticwarc of Imitationm. IvioNTEEAL. Gm .T. W. WESTERVELT, Prilleirld•. DISSOLUTION SALE, Cheese Markets. Ogdensburg, Sept. 9—At the meet- ing to -day 1,($00 t,oxes .^geese were offered. All sold at 9a- to Sac, ruling 9fte. London, Sept. 9—Seventeen factor- ies boarded 4,978 ' boxes of August. Sales : 144 at 9 -ie, and 69 at 9 -e. Utica, Sept. 11—Sales, 1,206 boxes at 9c, 3,376 at aka, 2,056 at 94c, 1,625 at 9p, 70 at 9?;c, 400 on commission. yes o creamery uter at THIS IS A CLOCK and active. 25i•a to 2511,e.c. The market is 4r, higher, • Little Falls, Sept. 11-517 boxes at Sic, 1,286 at Sic, 290 at 8c, 2,685 sat 9c, 100 at 9,14,c, 1,596 at 94c, 475 on cotnnlisiou. 509 of dairy at 8-e to Sic : 75 package's dairy at 22c to 24c, 86 creamery butter at 24c to 25c. 90 packa„ f y tter • old Greek water clock was a most iugenius affair, but it was unreliable and far from a handsome article. What a change in 2000 years! We now offer you a most reliable time. keeper, in Walnut, marble and euamal wood ; also the Wife's Favorite Alarm Clock, at bottom price, at -�„ The partnership happily existing between the undersigned for the past six years will close on the 8th day of September, 1893, by efful- gence of time, and, owing to continued ill health of one of the partners, cannot be renewed. Therefore, the WEST RN FAIR, L NDON, SEPTEMB R 14th to 23rd, '93. CANADA'S FA ESTA The Oldest LIVE STO Entries Clos The best and lar allotted on receipt Better Spec Than SPECIAL EXcuRsi. For Prize Lists a ORITE EXHIBITION sum 1868. n the Dominion. K EXHIBITS September 7th. est stabling and space of entries. ElvTIRE STOOK, AMOUNTING TO ABOUT X10,000, al Attractions ver before. J. R. MtJNSHAW'S, CAPT. A. W. PO Mason flock, Winghitnl. T NS PROM ALL POINTS. d information apply td TE, Pres. S. A. BROWNE, Sec. HARNESS AND DOLLARS. ill be sold withOlil reserve AND AT . BELOW COST. As the goods are all new and have been selected with great care, this affords an opportunity of securing SACRIFICE BARGAINS such as may never again be offered to the citizens of Wingham and vicinity. This great sale will begin on Having bought out the Ambler Earnests Business and started in his old stand, am prepared to furnish the public with . everything usually kept in a harness shop Such as • WAVY, LTG EIT and 'I eAox HARNESS, NETS, DUS PERS, �V Ii IPS, CURRY COMBS, BRUSHES, SWEAT COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALISES and TRAVELLIN Cir BAGS, tbo., de I make alt my own Collars and guatxnt'ee satisfaction. Give; i* e4t trial and 1 will use you right. G.. A.. 1\TV+ " "tY' O.L`Nl" Saturday, Aug. 5th, And continue for 33 days. Please remember 33 DAYS SELLING AT COST, And in many cases far below cast. Do not permit business or pleasure to keep you away from this store. during these 33 days. for it is' the chance of a lifetime. The stock conists of every description of Dress Goods, General Dry -Goods, including Cur- tains, Curtaining and a fine assortment of Carpets, fine Worsteds, imported and Canadian Tweeds, Ready-made Cloth- ing, Gents' Furnishings, &c. BOOTS TND. SHOES and SLIPPERS from the best makers, GROCERIES, pure and fresh, in abundance. Lovers of good, pure TEAS cannot afiod rto miss this mammoth sale. Come, now is the accepted time. • GOOD BUTTER and EGGS will be taken,as cash. Any goods charged during this GREAT SALE will be entered at' regular prices, GORDON & McINTYRE, The Anchor House. Wingham, July 31, 1893. mow GEO. E. KING. OUR FALL STOCK IS NODI COMPLETE, SEE OUR DRESS GOODS, TRI]MINGS AND READY MADE MANTLES. LES. Respectfully yours, CI -MO. moi+ - ICII\ a - '4 • VOL. XXL We want especially tion to our new fall s They are acknowledge seen them to be the fir shown in the town, a leading colors and wea away clown to et show you in all colors all wool Serge,at the 1 five cents a yard.. A sure and ask to be sho The staple stook of ] complete. Groceries full and fr The 35 cent tea is as strong as ever. 3 pour fifty cents. ei ••' 44;4 " -.,,,y, OEM & HI Direct D Tau 33i..tn, September DRESS AND NSA MRS. JOIL Has decided to again ,untie making busine Edward street, near I Satisfaction guaran wanted. Marriage Issued by PRANK PA toria street,Winghau required. LOCAL —Call at the Star assortment of fruit. —The Ontario t ,ri re -open on the 2m Oc winter session. —Mr. Peter De ns at the Cuirass foi. at nesday. • —The word "la ter in the criminal la el "theft" now covet however largo or s la' —Private moneys t at reasonable rate of tf —Rev. Wm. Ma ston on Monday a e: Home Mission Bo rd for the counties o H —Mr. H. W. C Me home, in Calgar last. A number t' station to see hi off -You must re, 'ft' all the local news I for it. If you ar a subscription paid p —For first-class gents' furnishings, Remember the plac of the r'd stand an store and Patterson -The season for etc., opened on the that class of shoot ducks, on Dec. 15t in on the 20th of • the 15th IsToverhbe —The third let ,o Was McGregor, a t. this issue, It def , .leen, Scotland, as Forth bridges, ' ,desortptive of E. —G T Ii trains leave Wingham at via W G $3.1B Divi and 8.45 p m, vitt Good connectional --"Mal::and bf characters: Ram'. ars that Mary, the is now Mrs Tyl The lamb died ab. ,original verses Wei stone, of Boston. —Circulars hay, Union Prohibiti on October grd in :effort to "secure to Oration of the p tion at the comm, And society is Alves or More in Of Members. T and ehtdroh ergs' representation, given, by the inti