The Wingham Times, 1893-09-15, Page 3seseesise
�Go rAGLrri3n tax Tits lyamI4 Aiidkwn.)
Gold salol Home end 1! afft'a Land,"
well call the Attention, that mothers and starters
noes linlen that
to erroMonday Attsth ee trinook
sharp, formic hour, at Mts, flohn's residence, .Pat-
rick street. All ladies are made welcome.
we hold a month!impel
Mornlay o4 every monh, xceoctwtRheon the Inst
advertised, to which meeting we Invite thehpu otherwise
. ,generally public
spits fMel/atter haskindlynddIk friends en us part of his
send items or interest on all moroI the s of to
day to any of oar members, questions of the
Seoul Progress,
What thrift, high or low, would be-
gin to benefit the American farmer
like the existence about Bila of a corn,
mustily free front saloons and drunk-
• arils, with every member eatingn
three full meals a day, possessinghis
two or more good suits of clothes fend
sleeping ultder Ilia eheete and blankets
glade from the products of the faros ?
Thiele burdens the farther by inereas-
ins ins taxed, Drink narrows his
Markets just in proportion to the
poverty and uunabei• of the drinkers.
Banish saloons unci saloon legislators.
and you open to the fttrluet• the flood-
gates of prosperity.—The Voice.
Hereditary Drunkards.
It hi specie Ily important to note the
hereditary transportion of the craving
in the children of a father or mother
who rl:d net themselves possess this
craving, but were drinkers only by
eastoin or socialibility : also the fact
that in mental respects abnormally
disposed people (pyechopzttis), as a
rifle cannot bear alcoholic beverages
and become very easily inebriated.
There are many more phvchopaths
among drunkards than was formerly
believed. The poisoning by alcohol
and the psychopathy held and cause
One another --tire psychopsy became
, very frequently inebriated -_.and pro.
duce drinkers. This curse is to be
part Of the liquor (fester Anel tke
etudied adulteration of itttoaleants,.
thealeelvee intended to demand store,
and the promissticus sale private!), and
publicly of tite saute, is the fruitful
source of the far extending evils so
frequently described and so nianAeiitg
to the free iltatitutionts of our country,
—k'atlier Tiernan in Church?ro f,r.n
Facial Dishabille,
I ono° beard a woman say that she
,would as Soon think of leaving her
room its the morning before putting on.
be rdre'sa as before petting on her
face! When one stops to reflect on
the deputed, acrid or glum couiiten-
anees that confront one at breakfast
tables, does it nut seem a theeetaid
pities that snorewomen are not alive
to the positive indecency of appearing
at the breakfast hoard in what may be
called facial dishabille. ? Hardly any
one that oonside're her morning toilet
complete when she has done with tub
and dwttbefls, fixed her Bair and put
ou her dress; yet she would never ven+
ture beyond the threshold of her bed-
room until she has coaxed a smooth
and smiling retlectiou its the looking -
To do this, regardless to the mood
tat May possess us, we must first, to
tae a Dolsartean term, ',devitalize"
e face; that is, cast out the unlovely
pression in possession by eneourag.
g a sensation to droop throughout
e features, so that cheeks lips, -dila
d lids may sats heavily, while the
'ad is, as far as possible, a blank,
ter sozzling in this state of relax,
on for a few minutes,let us summon
a pleasing mental picture and thea
ow a little ttmile, rippling over the
e from opening eyes and parting
, to gradually bring the features
a place and expression. If one is
cted with obstinate facial de'ectiun --
aboltithed only by curing the inebriate 1 this
--that is,by total abstinence --because !pro h
a congenital abnormal disposition of pro
the germinative plasma cin ns such J
not be cured in an individual. The sive
insane drunkard cured by abstinence. shin
.-�,..�_..._, dins
should be repeatod several times.
ave known it to work in most un•
musing cases,
t is a lamentable fact that attrae+
coloring and a satiny texture of
mean infinitely more to the or;
ry run of women than do. the
es ,their feces are weaving
moods and tenses and thought
ts. And bow short-sighted this
renes its 1 These pour women
pletely forget that as the years go
to facial architecture alone will
in intact—that the tints must
what fade. The face is a fair
le, of whim we are the bniiders,
It Emerson said this in a prettier
etter phrase.
The Treating Custom.
nseens2'; of TRES P1;itNICIQUS
hy tl
The baneful effects of intemperance, rem
which to -day is so rife all though the tom a
land, steal upon its victims more in- p
eidIoudly perhaps through the prevalent I thin
practie of treating than though any and b
other channel. fo envite a Ivan to
take a drink at one's expense is the Ho
day, To put him thereby under the pr•eah
implicit obligation of returning the rivallP
same or of making hien feel uucomfor- bas b
tattle until he has balanced• in some way at of t
the kindness which he thinks be has la wit
received is an essential consegttence trout
' which to hien is very dishonorable to t'eeres
neglect or shirk. to the
This custom. and its consequences atlnaz n
wrap society in a clutkd. tai it . men .thet
move, e e, and through it the chief work of ,Th:;,--„-",
harm and of the disintegration of for any
charaeter is acoorphshed. In the of the
lower state of society it saturates the Cause a
very language 'that is spoke-, I robust
LLowAYS PIxLs,—fn cotnplaittts
ar to females. these Pills are en-
d. Their use by the fair sex
oceans so constant for the remove
heir ailments that barely a toilet
bout them. Amongst all classes
the domestic servant to the
s, universal falter is accorded'
se renovating Pills; their invigor-
nd purifying properties render
afe and invaluable in All cases
ay betaken by females of all egos
disorganization or irregularity
system, spedially removing the
ud restoring the sufferer to
health. A.; a family medicine
e anvatuable for subduing the
e of young and old.
t er-
vades tits very sir that is breathed. they ar
It shapes the sentiment most frequent- maladie
ly formed at home and abroad, Mul-
titudes of children daily grow accus-
tomed to it, and youths are fast fallint A ca
victims to.its snares,
Take any man who has found him -commit
self chained by the habit, the unquen- A cap
cbable habit for drink that is tearing board in
his very vitals to be appeased,, and ask was visi
him how this going the path of self and !ea
destruction began, and he will tell you seer's ad
if he speaks carefully, and exactly, Who
that it was not the love of liquor, that tiara.
it was not the need he felt for it, A stat
but that it was a personal pressure of An or
a custom brought to hear upon hang by But
the false obiigatioe under which he felt captain.
himself placed ro accept the "treat" A mat,
ar the Singularity and unmanly posi- speeches,
tion in which he was put in refusing That's
to accept the same.
Whatever or wherever may Jtttvo alrouaid
e pt
been the origin of We custom of nvltilt', b
treating now so pervaleiit in our coon, I know
try, whether it bo front the )riediteval up a brigl
idea of hospitality ,carried to abuse or who goo
practice introduced from a foreign 'speeches.
. land, it nitatters not to our subject,
but it has waxed strong with our busy,
hurrying American people, luau, Se
The Amerie"san scandal, the 'saloon , ltuown flt8 once it$ feederatid itspropagator. ` ltigltest reap
These to dreadful teetering sores on able.
our Soeiai and politic body, the enstoiis d&YA ago h
of treating and the saloon, must be kidney puts
eradicated or turned to pure ehatinele
where they may be cleansed- :fro -
tn euelr
dire habiliments atI Are hastening
thotieand to eternal ruin, The force'
of'tbis cotton, nnllntyined� with the
ab>rertdoos t'~nd aggro to gain oil the
Not a Statesman.
pital but rather unexpected de -
was once received by a school
tee roan.
tain who was ono of the school
New English seaport town
tin: the school one afternoon
rd the class read from Web -
dress at PEytnoaitil.
Tres Webster ? asked the cap -
moan, said one boy.
ator, said another.
wbat is a statesman? ask the
who goes around making
answered a small boy.
not just exaetly right, said
Ain, smiiing. Now 1 go
making - speeches once in
tit. Vat hot a statesman at all.
what a stittes Wan is, spoke
at little fellow. It's a man
e around making good
Good Endorser.
t. II, It 0 bonttghey is a well -
reheat here, and a Matt of the
eotability. Ilia endorsement
en or thing its, therefore, vale-
told your reporter a. couple of
at lie has been (lured by Dod]'a
of the severe pains he suffered
Is back for three- years past, Reim 1
given praoticai proof of his belief in the
etlieaeyof the pills by reeommeedingtherat t
tai ttereral friends who sutler as ho did, and
'whe acre new using the pills and ste being
benefited by them, Int the sato good
old story that is told after anyone uses this
magic remedy.
Castoria)Y iis. Dr', Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Xxi mss
and Chi/drain, Zt contains iueitIiter C1 lune Ifni ine xto
outlet Narcotic substance, it is a harmless (faun itzato
for Paregoric, regoric, Drops, Soothing
Ill is Pleasant. Its a SyrnYzs, and Caantor OiPa
guarantee its thirty years' use by
Minions ofli?xothexs. Clasteriai,destroys 'Worms and allays
feverishness, Castoris, prevents vomiting
cures Diarrh4ea and Wind Colic. Castorrelieves
tootliin trotalalos, cures constipaiion'' and flatulence's
Caasteria assimilates the food, regulates-
and bowels, .fMh. t,ulutetK the stomach
' gi -.� healthy and natural sleep. Casa
taints is tato Children's Panacea—the Mother's ,a'
.Ca J tori.a.
"Criteria is tutu excellentmedicine for ctail.
dreg. 1;others have repeatedly told ono of its
hood oecat upon their children."
BA. 0. C. Ostrom,
"C� to••'a fa tho 1>e, t ro,:tedy for a ildrea of
nPicb1 am ho Slto;>othodayisnot
for distantvlxeurxothors will consider the real
interest of Civil -children, and usoCesteria in-
stead of thovarious quack nostrurho}vbic0 aro
destroying their loved ones, bytoreiag opiu>a,
utorphinc, soothiag syrup and other hurtful
agent„ down their throats, thereby sending
theta to premature graves."
any prescription
X recommend i
'nese remedies have I ""
e stood the test of fifty years oxpericner avid re
��*'�(»'�it l�^^ k'uin*il�y-u�va,` i�•'� �•ar�• pronounced the host Titer
Purify the blood, correct a!1 disorders f Ltd � II,* 1,,I�^
invaluable in all ret,tpla3uts incidents! to femotes$o lI ages. ]iolYR# s
Is the only retiabta muds for bac) lens, soros
ITS the at, reliable ruf,L}S, oouy, 's, sores,
ulcers, and oldI wounds, .l
DISs1AdSll IT IlASleutX4V.ih. Manufactured only at 75Now TOI. RPONCte IB
and sell by all rlodielnc Vendors throughout the irorid. i hiYRLI I Oxford
v Oxloa'd. bate 6a$ .oxford street, la
'" Purllasere should look to tine Isabel on the Boxes and. Bata.
not On Uxford is treet, Loudon, they are spurious,
If the .xddrar♦
tom.,., -.,.n., a,,,,,
TI --Ii Oil\TTI\4.1V-ill
4 Blessing to Every +case . +lc .
i MESS r r '.,.'To`
of Kincardine have bought the Marble Business of Air T T tYatson, �o
Parties requiring work in their Jlne.w)ll do Waith•• formerly carried a7 by3Y is be.
roJariies qui will find our prices li are away doter;' railing
vorl them
t the very hest stock Ant) prices dealing hops to assure a liber oraeo or t one se their o»ago bete
t the very
who has hest, running. bye;the deals ss for the pant year, liberal
)e the
a public
ken o a use »o
al share tho public patronat e, A4r
t%all ani sea our stock andvetoes., SVtll roprasoat us on the read,
.{or >a +siazasl.iT
Ctaotar1a, hu
co well adapted to children that
t As supgror ke
known to Axe,+
II, A. Accuse, lei. D.,
111 Go. Orford Fit., Brooklyn, h . rr
"Our physicians iu the children's depart-
ment have spoken highly of thclt• erperi.
once In their outside practice with eastoria.
and although wo only have a non ,>,tr
inedierd supplies 'that Is known as re., r, „r
products, yet wo are freo to confess that tl; o
merits of Oostoria has won us to look with
favor upon it,"
Margo XlostuTAL AND Dismotesrur
Conway, Ar AxixC. Satrrn, Pres., Boston, M.
Caz•Ca;tt 'Compasiy, '4 `r t .array Street, Now York Cs
;Y:11lv'� �•
PLCking and Caring for Apples
Until Peeked. It Was All Gone.
As very many good apples are abus- �. Upon bis cheeks glowd
ed and wasted piekint;, and a perfect the tints of
theta until paded, the folldptngeotinad. , p morning.Her eyes were
s ' of fa >auntmein r sky.
Invited tbaazure
vice and. sul;g aliens will be found very ; Her tresses, gather -
valuable to both grower and packet•, I ed in careless grace formed an aureola
for their interests are identical ire' of gold about her snowy brow.
maintaining the rsputatidn our applesy.
She was arrayed in a simple robe of
have abroad white that hid and revealed by turns
1st. Always pick in a basket with tt the lovely Outlines of her figure.
handle that will allots it to swing, l
in a voice that was like, the warble
Never pick in a bag, j of a bird she formally bade the young
Never drophp a orm
t apples in a basket, ntxit w@Ecorse, ,
lay them i -
other trorde handle theta as you would
Turn the nppl,. up when pinking; it
front the tree, instead of pulling it;
this will prevent• others from being
shaken oft:
Never lay apples ou the bare soil,
bedss or barn of straw or other materways riial ut awidelr
them, for the sod discolors and softens
them, and on the floor, when they be-
gin to sweat, the dust will adhere to
Make a.
r piles ! .
3'4 y
its largo p svgs asposvlFrit:
in pit shape, t'o that when they require
Covering less material wilt do it.
butn with your hand• t And trust we—
In itis ecstasy he still pressed her
—meet One coldly ? May 1 not—
Ells tones thrilled with passion.
fh 1Jsis ! of the nectar that clings to
Y p
She shook lier head.
No, she answered simply, you can't,
I am sorry to say, That was the last
drop of beer in the house. We have
Sbe smiled reassuringly,
--some good hard cider if you care
for that.
Ji the
bright heti.
coniof youth heawishedtliatabernacle
might fall on him.—Detroit Tribune.
should be covered imtitrdi',to.
ly after picking is finished, nel+'ee the 1 Our Publiccheele
pile is under the north of a thickly Are the waiu-stay, of our republic, 1u
foliaged tree, for it is nr7'1:17). to them are being cultivated the tnintls of
keep the sun from )hetet aseas t thuvtu who. are tubo our future law Int ere
frost, for ltotli will vet€tet, and destroyf and leaders in every walk to Iife, Flow
the frttit; or LettN • united l it is that etteve minds should be
Letter still, if they could united to stroug, healthy Bodies. So many
be placed under an open Shed, it will 1 .
p • hilclreu suffer Prate impurities ua,d poison
totem them and insure getting; cm i the bleed that 1815 a wonder that they
patched earlier, for it can he dour; when l ever grow up to be men and women. A4any
wet. , parents cannot find words elven; enough
1 to express their gratitude to Hood's Sar -
The apples should not lie covered 1a843441114 for its good effect
with nnythittg but cornstalks. which cltlid rPu. Scrofula, salt rheum surd other
alto diseases he Ettid rip tthrl dbwn Ott life diseases of the blood Axe effaeJle lv and
pile in order tet throw off the tt'et bet-. uptue and t bo owhot beinhes,excellent inedi-
tor, but where there are no corn stalks, tv give,i siren gth
t0 reiiat attaCky of disease,
and it is necessary to protect theta I I!
from feast, clothes or clean straw I '11e Score mold.
could he uee•i,iffirst tied up in sheaves!1
and laid on theta in the a4tne manner, Roger, aged 6, had been fishing with �
alaid ons J his father the day before, and a friend of
1ierp the diffarant varieties se ar- the family asked biro what luck, they
ate, and never put any fallen ups had had. ,
amongst tev r Pn picked; put tier Well, he replied, we didn't have very
inpans by tlaheed plc, thdy cast be good luek. The drat place we went to
pilon v • lt1 voters tvay tor what the the ratan wasn't home, and the other two
are worth, y places the man said he had'tt enough fur
his own family.
When the empty barrels are receive
et! or brought !tome, out theta ^ nndtr --
cover, for if left exposed the rot Over Fifty 'rears
y well Y Coll AND tVit
swell very mucli at the bilge, therefor
requiring ntot'o an lea to fill ri tlietn b
sides being' difficult for the packers t
Many paercere have suffered very
niiich from the Careless way thugrowe
has handled his fruit that, would not
lteep or bo lit tet bhip, bat if the abotte
advfae and suggestions are closely.
followed, the grocer will not have the
complaints to make against packeral
that have boon tirade its the past, Tt
and follow these ant and theresaltwi I
Convince you that a little extra labor
at picking time will pay you., hand.
'S ulrelte 1)aaxnr,� }firs. win
e (flow's Sc,oth)nr Syrup has boss used far over fife
yea by utllttont of >nothe,'a for theft• clriiererr while
R. t+etbInp, with perfeetsuceoss, It soothes rho child ,
softens the galas, allays alt pant, cures wind colic,
0 aid is thehest remedy for Diarrheas.
VAi1YsTQl4`Ll' BROS,
The Champion Gold Medal 011 which cannnot
p be Excelled.
Ma00LL'S X L 1 N 7'"�
Ask your dealer�� TORONTO.
for L,ardfn.e" and beware of
GH.�t.M, ONT.
I Capital, $1,1250,000, Reet, $650,000.
r President—
Vice-t'restdo,rot--A. QA t%Asaw,
i Toss Paoorec, Cuss. aua,., t;l•u ROAM, A. T.
WOOD, A 1; ,
a to
R. Las (Torono) .
^,d;-'ill`v.�g `a .^ .+i". "fir eztr .i`,:ar,T2 -Sas `M' xe e SA.v
Inds Bauic--I
_ 7310;k-41'0
.. 08•
1. ,
Deposits Sat
a turd• •
pp a) � d
�' ' ` , tlaa'etl. tY of .,I and uptracda rewired aid interest
_ i Special Deposits also received at current
rates of interest.
Drafts oh Great Brume and the United States
bought and sold
Alita Eli, & Diag.1..1S01 LL po i Aonxr,
When we assert that
voFu s.O.O. boy
Kidney Pills
Cure Backache, Dropsy,
Lumbago, Bright's Dis-
ease, Rheumatism and.all
other forms of Kidney
Troubles, we are backed
by the testimony of all
who have used them.
shier CURE TO STAY CUardp,
By all druggists or mail on receipt of wee,
so cents. Dr, L. A. Smith & Co., Toronto.
Avoid the Heat and dust by traveling
on the Pleating Palaces of the Detroit `dt
near Steel passenger steamers have
just been built for this UppelrLake route,
costing$300,040 each, and are guaranteed
fo be the grandest, largest safest and
on the Lakes, speed 20
tbo mato, sold by Druggists it two. Is pleasant rift to
Work,. Tx ants •flu a Banta a wattle. Meer p f the 5
Toledo, Detroit, Alpena Miackin
ae Pots
�bletroit and Cleveland; xlurin :lily and
Cleveland Steam. Navigation Company,
astest ateatnera
mites per Hour, running tinio between
Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago Tess than
0 hours. Pour trips per week between
kep and. Chicago. Deily tris ' s,
�' p between
tt'oi'1 n bottle.
art e
incalculable. lie ante nn) Its i nsl o i$
Soothing n;g tiyrtrp and take w)nsiaw's
/tothing Bisb Appropriate,
9 i i r ask
for ling
a ata other kind.
What shall we sante him, 'Hiram ?
sold the wife and mother,
The pool', hones t,hardworking husband a
and father looked tet his fourteenth 1
olierub, blinking helplessly in its cradle,
sighed. n
I think,, Mary,sano, .he said, well call it
hint Dennis, C
mgust double dally service w 11 be main -
tamed, giving a daylight tido aeross L kti
Z;rie. aily Service between Cleveland
anti piit`iix Bay.,. First-class etateroo n
CeotteiodatiCate and menet and exc d•
ng17 lows hound Trip .states. Tho pa
1 equipment, tiro luxury of the appoint•
onto makes traveling on these steamers
hotougbly' enjoyable. Send for illus,
°ated pamphlet, Address A, A. Sokailts,
C ,. A., t , 1cb�01eVelitud Stettin Nat
E3-,4.2mji s..
Josephine Street - - WifIghant, pini:
J. A, lt;r,a9'tnn,
J, W. Scoiw,
Mount Teresa.
Deposits Received and Interest'
Money AdvanCed top'arrters and
Business Men,
On long or short titne, on endorsed notes
or collateral security. Sale notes bought
at a fair valuation. Money retnrtted to all
parts of Canada at reasonable charges,
,Special Attention Gillen to Col,
leetitig •Aoeounts troll Notes,
Agents i,8 usiyiadu h Mer
eitrtitts' $g>,k
of Canada
()(flee haute..4'8otn OD. rn, to 611. na
fo4SEXi COWAKr .
C:xrsr art Oen Drs.. Coons, Co, Ilurto
AV0:lIOXE' 1t,
tCorvratrssioveir or IT, C. y.,