HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-09-08, Page 5Ontario's Veteran Premier Inter- viewer+ ; , the World's Fair. ides— As USUAL 11E PUTS IN A G400p WORD ,TOIL U18 OWN I'ItOVIN01i -- CJOSIlat RELATIONS WITIL TUE tSTATirS WANTED, h:' Culcnco, 111,, Sept. 8.—The Post publishes au interview with Sir Oliver hlowat,Premier of Otitario, and Hon, Jolla Dryden, in Cornlniesioner Awrey's office, in the Canadian write ion. Whitt do I think of the fair? said Sir Oliver, beaming uutii his beveled spectacles fairly ;;lowed. Why, it is magnilioient, wonderful. a triumph of art and industry, energy, gond taste and wealth. Yes, I stn pleased at the way that Canada, and particularly Ontario, has been treated, but of course we haven't got any more than we deserve. Out of the possible 104 prizes in cheese, Canada took 96, put in Mr. Awrey sententiously. And we could 1 believe, have taken the other prizes if we'd only had more cheese, Please to remember that I ata talking on On. tario. Make it clear to the American mind that we Canadians show in Provinces, even as they exhibit in States, and let honor be given where honor is due. We took first prize to, day in Devon cattle, and we took five prizes in Arabians with three animals, and then there was all the hackneys. Sir Oliver's kind, shrewd old face took on a proud, paternal look. EIe rubbed his hands softly, and a beatific smile radi ated over his strong features. Ay, this fair is going to have the effect of making Canadians and the people of this country better acquainted, he said. And they will understand how much more commercially importaut we Can- adians are then they and others had supposed, supplemented Mr. Dryden. But it will work both ways, said Sir Oliver, with a twinkle in his eye. They will also see that in many, very many, things we compete successfully with thein. We hope for an extension of friendly relations. We want them. We of the Liberal party desire the ut- most liberality of trade relations be- tween the two countries. Of course there are people who declare that clover trade relations would lead to annexation, but I do not believe that and.I am' willing to risk it. There is no unfriendliness between Canadians and Americans. We have, I think, about 90,000 American residents in Canada, They are a most desirable portion, and 1 have yet to hear one of them disparage our Canadian system of government as not being the equal of the system of the United States. As a Liberal, 1 can say that we not only desire but hope for rnore extended commercial relations between Canada and this great Republic. We do not ren THE WINUIT with a very dull and weak market on Monday, as tarbled,trade has r000vered. to soma extent, and prim for Cana• dire cattle here are now at 5d to 514, with occasionally f$ d. In London. 50 wits made on Thursday for some of the very choicest Oenadians, and up to 511 for States bullocks, The Do- ininiun stock lately has been poor in qualitee and the prices quoted are ou the whole very fair. In Glasgow the shorter supplies have enabled salesmsn to improve on recent returns, and with the dead meat market pretty well cleared up the outlook is decidedly better. The weather however, still keeps close and warm, but the nights are not so hot, whieh is something to be thankful for. «ihelesale buyers will cousequently be disposed to oper- ate freely, as the meat can be consign. ed to London without' fear of going wrong in transit. The losses tnado during the past couple of months through "stinkers" was enormous. Belmore- Mr. Jos Kirby has bought a house from Mr. Larnonby, and is moving it Tile official count of the cash •in the; ceptable to the stomach, prompt in to the rear of his new prick residence, iJnited States treasury, made pieces•• its action. and truly beneficial in its where it will be used as a kitchen. sary by the transfer of tire office of the effects, prepereclonly from the most E1 8, 1893, A. Hamilton Iran has been fined $b for refusing to answer questions put to him respecting itis income by the as sessor. Ms. Lordship, the 13ishop of Huron, has appointed Rev, J. W, Hodgins, Rector, of Seaforth, as Rural Dean of the County of Huron, in place of Rev. Mr. Craig, who removed to Petrolea. The Brookville Recorder is publish- ing the life of Margaret L, Shepherd, with many incriminating letters inter - versed, as a sort of continued story. The Recorder is the paper against which Margaret inetituted a libel suit, but failed to go on with it. To see the World's Fair and walk through the buildings the grand total is something in excess of 118,000 feet, or nearly 23 miles, Thi .estimate does not include State, 4. government or private buildings ; Cilie Rlaisanee is ignored and no aeedtlnt ie taken of the long Jumps from one building to another. A, walk of about 40 miles is necessary to do the whole thing tip. ONE ENJOYS Both the method and results when. Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptlyonthe Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pros deiced, pleasing to the taste and ac. Mr. R. Lane is making arrangements for starting up a chopper here, and part of the machinery is already on the ground. The cider mill is in order for the first apples which come. in. Mr. John Hartley, late teacher at No. 1, Howick, has taken a second at Harriston High (School, and has now gone back to try for a first, Flow to Get at "Sunlight" Picture. Se uci 25 •'Sunlight"Soap wrappers__(wrap- per bearing the words" Why Does a Woman Look Old Sooner Than a 11Ian") to Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St„ Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising, and well worth framing. This is au easy way to decorate your home. The snap is the best in the market and it will only cost one cent postage to_, send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address carefully. Must Provide for Your Family. Walter Impey, a Woodstock painter, was sent up for trial on Friday ou a charge of neglecting to provide the necessaries of life for his children. This was the first prosecution in Woodstock under the new Dominion Criminal Oode and it is of interest as showing the change in•the law. Under the new code (section 110) any parent or guardian who fails to provide his wife or children under sixteen years of age with the necessaries of life, is liable to itnprisonment for three years in the penitentiary. Under the old act a father was liable to imprisonment should he fail to provide "food, cloth- ing and lodging." The new act,it will be noted, is much hroade,r in its inter- pretation, snaking a father responsible not only for food and clothing but for medicine and medical attendance in gard reciprocity as a one-sided affair. case of sickness, or any other neces- It will be mutually beneficial, and it city. will not mean -annexation. Cheese Mar]cets. London, Ont., Sept. 2.—London cheese market 19 factories offered 4,- 690 boxes July and August. Sales 1,055 boxes at 9e and 150 boxes at 91c. Ingersoll. Ont., Sept. 4.—At cheese market, cm Tuesday sixteen factories offered 3,811 boxes. No sales; buyers and sellers .apart. Utica, N. Y., Sept. 4.—Cheese sales to -day: 200 'boxes at 81c, 825 boxes at 8 7 -Sc, 4,820 boxes at 90, 1,660 boxes at 90,215 boxes at 9*0, 200 boxes on commission. Eighty-one packages of creamery butter at 25c. Little Falls, N. Y., Sept. 4.—Cheese sales to -day: 1,540 boxes at 8}c, 82 boxes at 8e, 2,512 boxes at 8•c, 54 boxes at 8c 1,983 boxes at 9u 658 boxes on commission, 505 boxes dairy, at 8 1-8c to 90, Seventy packages of creamery butter at 25c, 17 packages of dairy butter at 28e to 25c. Blyth. On Monday there was to have been a wedding in the Roman Catholic church, but owing to the priest, who MIS to have officiated, meeting with an accident, the contracting parties had to drive over to St. Augustine in East Wawanosh to have the knot securely tied, after which the wedding procession drove up to Kelly's Queen's Hotel, wore mine host and hostess had prepared a splendid dinner for the guests, after which the wedding couple took the train going south amidst showers of rice. Live Stools lilaricats. East Buffalo, N. Y:, Sept. 5.— Oattle—Throe ears and some small lots on sale; two cars of choice 15 cwt steers sold at $4,80 to $4.90, and the, rest were peddled out.. Shoop and lambs --Four cars on sale; fair 70 to good 90 Ih lambs sold at $5 20 to $5 75. Canndian iambs are expected to Arrive it) considerable quantities at the beginning of this week. Only a few sheep on sale. Hogs ---The offerings were 13 loads, including several loads tltltt had over. atm yesterday's trade The market ruled with a fair demand; about all were sold;aoodltochoice Yotkers sold at $6 15 to $6 25, with grassy lots $6 to $6 10, good mediums, $G 10 to $6 -20; grassy lots of mediums and heavy sold at $5 . 76 to $6 as to quality. Liverpool, Aug. 26 --• 13egtnnitig treasurer from E. H. Nebeker to D. N. Morgan, has been completed. The task was begun May 31st last.' The enormous total of $740,817,419,78 called for by the books was counted, and not a rent was found missing. Some bags of silver were found to be healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 750 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not short, but the missing pieces were have it on hand will procure it afterwards found on the floor where promptly for any one who wishes to they had fallen from the rotten bags. try it. Manufactured only by the The dairy department of the Ontario CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO LANDS FOR TAXE Ontario ) BY. V IRTTal el rt warrant issued by the Mayor, order Town of Wiugharn, • Corporate Seal of fire Town of ' Vingbanl, to Ino directed, 1; To wit: ) date the T+ ..uty-`,l r d flay o: ,lune, 11,93, fw,l 1.rling 1111' to upon and sell the lands Inentioucd in tllc knowing ;irt, for ei ra-rr,' f t r: eine thor 1 hereby give notice that unlcas such arrears ant all costs run stow r 1.1A, i eh it lit to sell said buds or so much thereof as Way be necessary for ti::,elf the t and costs thereon, at the Council Charrtbcr, 111 the said Town of 1' it.;;l,alu, on •r Agricultural (Jolie; e has let the con- SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. tract for a large newbuilding, to be LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK. N.Y. devoted to butter malting, milk testing I gym_ ®,..a..a . . -• . and dairy lectures iu connection with I At the June meeting of rho County the Dairy School, which is now so I Council a small grant was given to aid important a part of the work done in.! Goderich Horticultural Society to that institution. A!ready 112 apple=' collect and forward to Chicago for ex- hibition, samples of the fruit of the County of Huron, from tiruo to time as the various hinds because sufficiently advanced.. The president of the God. erich Society, Mr. J. T. Dickson, who we believe, was the originator of the idea, and the other officers have been indefatigable in their efforts since to secure a creditable display and al- though the apple crop is so deficient this year, all will be pleased to learn that they have succeeded remarkably well so far. The following acknowledg meet of the receipt of the last con - lots to anyone. Co-operation will he signment of fruit hos Leen received the rule iu everythiug. Apartment from A. H. Pettit,supertnICudeut ut'the hou'es aro being bulls in sections Outario fruit secuuu et Chicago, by and they will be conveyed to the town the President: cations for this course have been accepted. Both ladies and gentlemen are admitted. We understand that the prospects for a large attendance in the regular 0001,110 un the 2nd of October are exceptionally good. A colony of disciples of Bellamy, with headiluarters itt Wichita, Kan., have filed acharterfor their eo-operative town company, The scheme is to or- ganize a co-operative town somewhere in the Cherokee strip on the day of opening. They propose to crintrol the entire town, and will eefuse to sell TUESDAY, • hie Third Day OE Oorobto', L ,, No. Street. 23 Part 1 21 22 23 c3(3 '37 33 4 38 Francis W N half 92 Carling E 9 John N 10 • " At the hour of TWO O'CLOCK in the afternoon ; Survey. Boland S Leet & Davis 1-5 acre 6 3 26 i^ 1 75 Josephine W Foley's 23 feet 47 07 0 50 McIntosh N P. Fisher's 1-5 11 72 4 25 1.5 rt 00 2 00 1-5 13 00 2 (:0 1-5 11 72 4 25 1-5 (i 00 2 GO 1-5 0 00 2 (i1) E. Bower's 24 feet 4 410 : 40 24 feet 4 1:0 2 40 Leet & McKay's 1-5 19 07 :, .0 Leet &l; Davis' 1-10 1 42 1 75 1-5 (3 (:0 9 00 1.5 9 60 2 00 Quality of Land. .ewes. ('ts,1s. Total.l Scott S Victoria S 4, C. T. Scott's '4 5 01 54 17 15 97 16 80' 10 60 15 97 8 60 3 60 7 20 '7 20 21 17 '1 17 1360 9 49 JOHN DICKSON, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, Wingltam, June =3rd, 1803. site in wagons on the day than the Your cases of fruit received this a. I strips is opened to settlement. These !in. in good conditian, and L can assure apartments will be provided with one you they made a fie addition to On -1 large kitchen, m which all the cooking tario's exhibit. Two gentlemen from for the entire town will be done, and the dining room will be run of the same plan,as the entire population will dine at the same table. One big store containing everything that the people got the fruit placed nu the tables for will need will be conducted ou . the the judges when they;came to see our principle as outlined iu Bellamy's court. The fruit was iii tine condition, "Looking Backward," The inc?rrpor- carefully selected and packed, and it ators are all Populists, and it is said was a pleasure to receive it and place they have gathered together several it on exhibition. hundred of the visionary schemers of . Al r. William Iinu"h, of Owen the state who proposed to make a •Sound, has won about ;1,000 on his complete test of the Bellamy idea. Galloway cattle at the Wood's fair. your section (whose names 1 have forgotten in the hurry of my worn) I am sure were proud to see their sec- tion so well represented. I had just On Saturday, H. Ball, of Ayton,and his two sons were taken to Grey county for trill on the charms of cattle stealiug. The animals they aro adlegt ed to have stolen were the property of Joseph Walsh, Normandy 'Township, and had strayed away early in August. J. T. Lacy, editor of the Palmerston Telegraph, has been forced to retire from active service. The other morning Mr Lacy found himself snddenly deprived of the alm 1st total use of his lett hand and leg, and his medical attendant tells him that it is doubtful if he will recover the use of the affected parts again. Mr. Lacy is upwards of 70 years of age and has been, connected with the Telegraph for nearly 16 years. A Kansas woman who has been elected police justice of her city has adopted a novel solation for the tramp . problem. The first tramp who was brought before her for judgment was 1 senteneed to two baths a day for ten I days and to hard labor on the stone- pilea, with the order that he should be fed if ho worked and starved if he ' shirked. The prisoner survived the ordeal, bttt now the first question it tramp asks on approncbine a 11ansas totvu is whether the police justice is a than or woman. Devizes. A number of the members 01 Court Devizes, No. 356, Canadian Order of Foresters,went to Guelph on Wednesday, 30th ult., on the Foresters' excursion, They report a good time. No, 356 initiat- ed two moniber's last meeting and expect two more for next night. British Grain Trade. London, Sept. 5.—The Mark Lane Express says in its weekly review of the grain trade to -day: The latest estimates confirm the opinion that 6.- 500,000 qrs will be the uttermost wheat production of the United King- dom. New English wheat rather more than old; both are in the finest condition. New white wheat' realized on Wednesday in the eastern countries 28s to 29s; new red, 25s to 27s; old white realized' 27s to 28s; old red, 25s to 26s. The mean price of wheat in I+:diuburgh last week fell to 22s 8d. The August average for old wheat was 26s 3d—the lowest yet recorded here. The foreign wheat market has recover- ed slightly singe Wednesday on the expectation that the final defeat of the silver men in Congress will be followed by tightness in holding the American. crop of 1893. This expec- tation, the Express thinks, is rather shortsighted. The article continues A comparison of grain prices on Fri, day, the Bret day of rho central year, with these of 1891 and 1892, shows a geckos in 11)0 last year of fis in Oalifor• nig and 16s in red whiter. at A. 5s duty in 1891 would have given American producer 10s a qr more profit than the present prices, resulting from fierce competition. BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT, SOAP MAKERS you wish. Linen to be White as' Snow, .night a Soap Will do Xt. TO HER MASEST$ THE QUEEN ® ® 0 0 • O Why, Because SUNLIGHT 110:11' is perfectly pure, and contains no Injuri- ous Chemicals to injure either your clothes or your hands. Greatest care Is exercised in its lnanufacttu'e, and its quality is so appreciated by the public that it has the Largest Salo of any Soap in the World. How Can you test this? IS you have never tried SUNLIGHT SOAP, ask those who use it what they think of it, then try it for yourself. The re- sult will please you, and your clothes will be washed in far less time, with Less Labour, Greater Comfort, and will be whiter than they have ever been before, when you need ordinary soap. Is . That not tho best Way to de- cide the matter? Pint by enquiring what the experionoo is of those who already ilio it. Seoondly, by a fair trial yourself. You aro not committed in any way team the 908p; all We ask ie : Don't. Delay, try it the nett washing day. 46 • • • • • E WHITEMAN PEA HARVEST est in the For the followiu„ reason 1st—It is hull 0utirely c,f th no ho'cs to la drilled In cntter hs obstructions and caure choking. 4 lowered at back or front, indepe•u1eu get out ( f order. (.;t11 --Each bite guards is ilupessiii:e. 7111—It I tongue of inaohiue, if Centel of the other and can be tai out of line 91 h—'('Ue' 1 abler al lane' (lowlier n' i, tit nI1(110,),.1 E eery u,s1li' iron 14nd steel. 2n01 -1t r+•quires t has no 4.0'1 01 the back to hold he onttLie dive tr 1 cbn 1,4 rais#d or — lifl,.ls. 5t1,— 1 has lilt rprings to i 'aril stay, e,,0 br4.e Id ng ntower r,l,d can id" set in 1,ne with I,—Eno ii lifter is independent' houlet aloe er guards be the meet. seeten,. • ene ilk loi•smerits. has a; ivav:,i,h, r d, rigs bor:. •41 or lowered in front. 1nh,•t• of w,r0.h1n-s sold slur, loading farmers of Ontario to is a+ arr',ut.'d auu e.iVen ou ie.'. ()iii It 1t)eChiiia. et•e ;att1)1r- c WM. GANNETT, A<, -;ENT, W Ft 3a 1 1111« TLATEDISPITONtSALE FOR A PACKAGE of 6 TEA SPOONS WORTHoe A PACKAGE OF 3'TABLE SPOONS woRTH $ tOO, Cogan mg SEPTEMB J 1 ■ •A PACKAGE OF tri , 31':FO R K S: a+,cRTli :.1 3459 Sets p D.NT. MISS HISOPPOfiTJJN1TraG• ,' 9SpoonsTeas oons Table and Forks; pSugar Shells, Butter Knives, Pickle Forks, NAPKIN RINGS, DOTTER DISHES, PEPPER OR SALT CELLARS) GREAT Plated Spoon SALE,.. 'Atte Metal. Harder then Steel and Double Plated. Value unprecedented; 6 Tea Spoons, 3 Table Spoons.. 3 Forks. - IN PACKAGE. ONE NAPKIN RING, In Balk Linde Boa, DNE SUGAR ' SHELL,=1 ." "" < ONE BUTTER KNIFE; - "aIt D1W PICKLE FOBR, Si •` "" PEPPER AND SAID QBLLLn ; CHOICE 0 Per packag?.1, CHOIC?j; .. , Come early,JS/:1.5. r , . ?' the assortment is complete. . 4 111