HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-09-08, Page 4THE. WINGHAINI TIMES, .SEPTEMBER, 8 . 1 1 L 1 A m s i rout.:;.....,,is,,,e,,,aurelinte toriliodneeyotoutthoet1 ur. wi 0 jam rtletlimiterr ali(!;.ii sold the alibi ) the other peeket to diminish it. While ' cheese of the Illuevale factory for 0 5-10 t Mr. Foster Steve at home to put on acute per pnuud. dales. in order tokeep out foreign goods,1 Misses Maggie aud. Nellie and Meter M. Boweli is going to Australia, to make Motile Hertley are visiting Mewls in - AN D - 1 arraugements to bring ia foreiga goods. I Woodstock. iilithee'e cot-eff policy, which wile i 3Irs. ,enclersou and Um. Imrie, of To- e ' DRUGGIST. 1. ignonainiouely rejected by the United I °Id°, aud. Mrs. Ishister of ii/orris, were I States, is not likely to find fever in Can- vit""ii (den" here this week. What is wanted M British free IIsi Seale 3/cOreekeu went to Toronto , ti mitt, I on Weduestley. s.; 1 Mr. Audrew Patterson ie ill with ty - tr sae. Harvesting is now a.bout over Mil Fif;ther d: Coe et Kineerdine, have emu - MIST . W. TELUBAKI to Turnberrf. phoid fever. pleted the repttirs ou Ussers Deft & Stewe . runswick House. !many farmers have sown fall wheat. hum of the threshing machine is to be i artei eawatill ana platter. The platter is 8 gh:tra, Ont I pretty well, but hardly as well as expect -I Mra. Robtng, Mrs. Rohe •Musgrove heard, and the grain is turning out luow in full bitist- Iaud Mr. done Farrow are attending the exhibitiou Torouto. - Mr. R. Stapleton to improving the look . * 'of his residence by putting a new coat ; t Mug am Imes of siding on it. Word has been received from Mrs. Fire lesurauce Company met in the Town 4 Jamee Elliott, who loft for the old coun- Teeswator, 20th August, 1893. Mem- Gnelph Central Exhalntion, prescribed for the Conimercial course This most popular exhibition will he held in the newly arraugea park on Tues. dey, 'Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 19M, 20th and 2let. A, tine and attractive pro. grenunn bits heel) errauged for each of the three clays, so tint visitors may de- pend upon enjoying tbernseivea at any one or all of the clays. The prize Het Iia* been thoroughly revieed, aud uow most complete and comprehensive in MI department% The now halt mile track has beeu baukod at a heavy expense thio year, and is admitted to be without exe ception the best in the province. Besides the flue programme ot speeding contests there will be pony races, bicycle grey-houud eoursiug, etc., and the many other features whore a determined effort is being made to stand in the front rank. The most attiactive musical organization of the present day is the baud mid pipers of the 48th Ilighlanders, of Toronto. These have by the kind perinissiuu GE the Lieut. (Sol., been secured &Wog the exhi- bition; the popular band of the 30th Battalion- The promenade concerts iu the perk Tuesday aud Wednesday even- ings, Sept. 19th and 20tb, will be the real- est an rarest treats of the seasote and I XI. The Eyeniug Cloud. no one ehould miss them. Single fares to XII. Tho Truant. the public ou all railways from 19th to XVI. The Humble Bee. 21st, good to return on the 23rd, and for XX1V. The Face against the Pane. judges and exhibitors, on preseuting ;mai- XXVII. The Battle of Bannockburn. tleate from 15th to 21st. Prize Lige end XXXIII. The Skylark. information from Wm. Laidlaw, Sec., Box 570, Guelph. XXXIV. Death of Little Nell. X.XXIX. A Psalm of Life. Changes in Public School Course. Li. The Heroes of the Long Sault. The following are some of the more LVI. The Honest Man. important amendments to the regula- LIX. Yarrow Unvisited. tions ot the Education Department: LXIII. The Exile of Erin. LXIV. Ye Mariners of England. HIGH SCHOOL eNTRANCE. LXIX. The Changeling. 1. The examination on History will LXXIX.' Th© Capture of Quebec. be in Canadian History alone. No LXXXVII. The Song of the Shirt. questions will be set in British History, ice,. N, A Forced Recruit at Solferino. The Inspector shall see, however, that 3895. the subject is taught orally and shall I. Tom Brown. report tiny case of negligence to the V. v Pictures ot Memory. Board of Trustees. X. The Barefoot Boy. 2. Physiology and Temperance aro XVIII. The Vison of Mirza-Ffrst compulsory, and shall take rank with Reading. the other subjects for the Entrance XX. Tho Vision of Mirza- Second Examination. The now text book on Reading. this subject may not be ready before • XXIII. On His Own Blindness. XXV1. From "The Deserted Village." XXXII. Flow Gently, Sweet Afton. XXXVII. Tho Bell of Atri. XLII. Lady Clare. LXVIII. The isteroine of Vercheres. • LXXVI, Landing of the Pilgriros. LXXXIX. After Death in Arabia. XCI. Robert Burns. XCIV. The ride from Ghent to Aix. XCIV. Canada and the United States. XOVIII. National Morality: The Directors of the Culross Mutual Cuiross. try some time ago. She lauded safelY bora preseut except ear. R. E. Little. IDM , EI,TEMBER 8, 1891 and ie uow spending a splendid time President 10 the chair. with her friends. The iniuutes of previous meeting having Miss Emma Blackwell is visiting !beau read clad adopted Messrs Armstrong friends on the 2nd, of Howick. I aud Meliague moved that Mr. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jenkius are visiting Allison be appointed Director in place of friends in Whitby and will spend some I the 1,i.te Mr. Samuel Kirkland as provided days in Toronto attending the Industrial I in section 81 of the asurauee act of 1887. - Fair, before they returned home. Carriea. Me Joseph Gibson, of British Co'_- Armstrong-illeliegue-That all s.ppii• umbia, sen of Mr. H. Gibson, with. his cations for insurance be now laid before family, are paying a visit to friends and the board for iuspection -Carried. acquaintances in this locality. They McKague-Reicl-That Having carefully came by way of Chicago, taking, in the examined 10 applications found mid them staisfactory, the President and Secretary World's Fair. Mrs. Geo. Blackwell has gone on a trip are hereby instructed to prepare and issue to Manitoba, where she will visit her policies for seme-Carried. children, who reside there. Allison-Reia -That this board do now Mrs. Alf. Elliott is visiting her parents adjourn to meet again in Teeswater town in Clinton. hall on the last Saturday of September, at 2 o'clock p. m. -Carried. Master Will Fyfe, who teas successful ALEN. Amensoe, Secretary. a. eese DITORIAL NOTES. Meetings addressed by Hon. Laurier, in Ontario, are beieg W ettended. It is expected that r will cover moat of the Prorinco- 31 apeak, m Mitchell on the after - the 14th instant, and will be d banquet in the evening. 0 • Snsvt,wheze departe re from Mario Agricultural Col lege has been it for, because of his frietion with .bewsideet of that institution, has .a new position. He goes to the Mumesota, where be has .obtain - Professorship of Animal Hus- v*e' , in .the sltate Agricultural Col- has been reduced and the detaile et the I course modified, especially in Drawing. The examination of all candidates will he conduoted by the Principal of the High School and the High School teachers in oharge of such subjects, but a written examination will be requirod, in addition. on papers prepiteed by the Department. For 1891, any four of the books of the High School Drawing course will be accepted, and in case of cendidates for tho Primary Emnination, in lieu of the prescribed books of the now course, and any two books in the case of other patens. The work done in Book-iteepin,g in the blear books hither- to used, will oleo be accepted for 1891, 3. The whole of Euclid Book I. is now prescribed and will form the subjeot of examination in 1891. Minor details of the proposed changes will bo found in the Regulations. LITERATURE SELECTIONS FOR 1891 - mon SCHOOL ENTRANCE. From Fourth Reader. 1891, III. Loss of the Birkenhead, ota P. Pe management has made a in passing the 3rd class examination, is leitial reduction in the rates for now studying for a 2nd at Harristou High 'rt",1g grain from the Northwest and School. 3.g • ba. An equal reduction will also The other day, while Elliott Bros., of to 'de by the other roads. It is the Brick Yard, ware digging clay, they Y lad that the reduction will result struck a spring which boiled up and ever- ting= 4:.1iefarrner's of a quarter of a, flowed the clayhole. leeldollers it the yield is 10,000,000 I's '1, and a correspondingly greater antf the crop is larger. .• • D. FE111t.+ND HENRY is still en - his scheme for connecting- set0t. Clair end Erie by a canal near eidary line between Essex and sonties, Ontario, and nays he heel, . . e is capital in the west and easteto Iwo &Thecae. Gen. Poe, i;:tfl the no r .ittates E,FigrineRre CorpsAys the Uot worth discussing, as the begitiou of such a canal is far off in seem; atiqtated on goedputhority that the fib:34n Governmprit contemplates the rig, of a refifmatory of the first C613 es4rnnted cost of 8700.000. tehtire selected, it is said, near Alex_ between Montreal and "" The prison will be devoted to tir1018 of tender age and those sen - Min en, the first time. It is thus , to keep entirely separate the of: . Het convicts from the "old timers," dabeem under the present system. the e Here forced to associate. The e ivory will be tor the whole Do- t. , eie Advertiser : Minister Bewail Sent to Australia to try and open lied with the colonies there. Mr. t braid not need to ge there to effect wantrpose. Pull down the tariff cermet divide us from our Austra- Euindec 4113d all the trade that cutiprofilable will flow to and from bit as will as to and from every ialt.rtion of the wallet similarly the Our rulers put up high hererriers, and then spend time lo at lc money in the pretense that onlooking for avenues for trade! 3Ylorrie. Another of the pioneers of Morris paid the debt of nature cm Friday last, when Alexander Campbell, of the second con. cessionpassed peacefully over to the ma- jori ty:*aged 77 years. Mr. Campbell had i,:t.ot*been ill but a short time, in fact, only 'since the death of Mrs. Campbell, in July last. The severing of the tie that bound these two hearts Femme more them be could stand. The deceased was born near Aberfeldy, Perthshire, -Scotland, in 1816, and came to Canada iu 1852, first settliug in the couuty of Halton. After remaining there for two 3 ears, lie removed to Clinton, where he lived for four yearsewhen he came to Morris, in 1858. Here. by his iudustry, he made for himself and family a comfort- ablehome, and left to his family a good neano,ae well as considerable of this world's goods. He left five sous and two daughters to mcuru the departure of a kind and in- dulgent father : Alex and Jobe, who re- side in Calgery, N. W. T. ; Dr. James, St. Helens. Miss A. McDonald has returned to St. Heleus, after spending a couple Of weeks with friends in Winghans, Clinton and elsewhere. 'We congratulate Miss Annie Clark on beiug so successful at the recent examinee tions, in procuring a third class certificate. the first ot October, and this fact will be She is now attending the Collegiate Insti- taken into account in the construction tute in Goderich. Miss McOrostie, Mrs. Pritchard. and family, who have been spending several weeks with their paronts,left this week for their home in Foiest. Miss Gertie Lockhart left last week for Clark towuship, where she proposes mak- ing her home in future, with her grand - Take care that your drafts on Your physical .endurance don't cone back to you sew day 'narked "no funds." Tahe Of Pure CodLiver 0 il acHypophosphites to increase your energy and so make good your account at the bank of health. 17' CURES CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS and all forms of VYasting Diseases, Almost as Palatable as Milk.. Be sure you get the genuine as there are poor intl.. NV IN G‘IvItAsaisilolgt. se.° pl eR3S, eTr 7e;1000 Corrected ty P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs, 1 75 to 1 00 Fall Wheat per bushel, 0555 t1°) 5860 Oats, Oats, Now, Barley Peas, Butter, tub do 'Rolls, Eggs per doz. Wood por eord. Hay por ton, old, Hey per ton, new, Potatoes, Wool cold kugust 7 the Chicago Exposi- ted hood $23,967,752for construction eveldnistration. The gate receipts .t time were 53,117,037 and the t talc his, ;,rom concessions$1,178,54.6. The ? betipts from all seems now aver - telt; $80,000 and the average daily es, $15,000, leaving a net daily meet $65,000. As the Fair has less tutorionths longer to run, the total d bot to come cannot amount to d three or four million dollars. !amount the directors will have tow tgainst this expenditure of $23,- g. 11 consequently be under ten farreollare. This leaves a glaring 30abont $13,000.000 that the dire- °Week the horse Mr. Benbridge was n us44; 'Fair and the City of Chicago driving took fright at boy leading a cow, Erie• wrestle with. ot the examination papers for 1891. 3. The work in drawing is limited to Drawing Book No. 5, and in Writing to Writing Book No. 6. 4. The Publics School Leaving Exam- ination or some modification thereof, will be submitted for the present High School Entrance Examination soon as parents ; being such an active chino I h the results of the present changes in the worker, she will be greatly missed around Public School Leaving Examination St. Helens. . justify the Education Department ,,in Rev. A. McKay, of Lucknow, preached adoptin,g this course. in Calvin church, on Sabbath last, at PUBLIC SCHOOL LEAVING. 2,30 p. m. Sabbath School has been chang- The changes with respect to the ed from the usual hour to 1 o'clock. Leaving Examination are as tollows : Wroxeter. 1. The subjects of the Fifth Forin Mr. Neilson, our new principal of the may be taught in any school, irrespective public school, comes highly recommended, of the number of teachers on the staff or and since taking the position here has ,got the grade of certificate which they may a first class certificate. hold. Pupils may write at the Leaving Mr. Andrews, our new Canadian Pacific • Examination without having passed the Detroit - Duneac, 'Morris - , Archibald. on Railway agent, has got settled down to is 1 ee , Entrance Examination. the boniesteed ; Mrs. Geo. Terry, Morris ; new duties. Though we were all sorry • 2. The examinations will !..e conducted and Mise Kate, at borne. Mrs. John Per- part with Mr. Elliott, who due, smother daughter, died in 1887. The long with us, we welcome Mr Andrews to deceased \MR a member of the CVingham our midst, and hope for bis prosperity. Presbyterian church, end was a consisteut The brick for the Gotten hotel has cam - Reformer in politics. meneed to arrive. The stone work is about finiehed. The bricklayers will be Lon.desboro. on baud shortly. Miss Marie Riley returned to Clinton on Mr. John Bray is pulling down his old Monday after spending a few weeks et stable, and in its place intends to build a home. more commodious one with a driving shed Mitts Wiuuifred Young, of Clinton, is visiting at the residence of her uncle, Dr. Young. Miss Miunie Hayward, of Clinton, is visiting be r friend, Eppy Hoggit. Owiug to it being it wet night, the de- bate in the S. 0. E. lodge did not take elece on Friday night. It will be on the evening of the 15th inst. The Good Tempters purpose having au entertainment in the near future. There was no service in the Presbyterian church Sunday evening, Rev. J. A. Hamilton heviug to preach in Blyth. Messrs. J. Lasham, Cuming and M, Floody lett ou Tuesday for Manitoba. Mrs. W. T. Brensdon and Miss lda, Janie gar went on the same train, Miss Bulger will remain there. The wedding of Mr. J. W. Cavtvtight and Miss Charlotte Shobbrook is announc- ed for the 12th inst. As Mr. C. Benbridge and Mr. James Rag were corning hem Blyth on day evening evening between seven and eight Witness: The Canadian as apparently made.up the policy concocted bj . sine, who wasin favor of tztf ad restricting foreign trade traiffs and of encouraging it by means continental upsetting the buggy and throwing then tut. One of Mr. Ruddel's ankle bones was entirely dislodged from the socket and thrust through the flesh to the outside of the foot, causing a very painful wound. Mr. John Beattie, of London, for. mai), a well-kno ndry goods merchant died suddenly on Saturday at Mobile, d money oat *tone pocket Ala., Of heart disease. atteehed. He is already getting the tim- ber on the grouud for the new structure. which will be the basis of the examine - At a meeting of the village council, held tion and will be ready about the 1st of the other evening, the rate of taxation was October, struck at 12 mill.; in the e Inc all purposes. 5. Agricolture, Botany and. Physics Five mills of this is for the support of are optional subjects; the course in eaoh our sceool. *There are larger towns in the to be determined by the teacher, subject country who have a higher rate than oars to the approval of the Inspector. and less to show for it. 6. The High School reader will be used for Reading and Literature. The Public School Arithmetic will be enlarged to adaiit of greater practice in Commercial work, but no change will be made in its price. The additional exercises will be requirod for the Fifth form. The text books in the other subjects will be those authorized for Public Schools. 7, Candidates who obtain Public School Leaving certificates shall be en- titled to admission into the classes in form of a High School in all the sub- jects of that examination, and the Corn - menial course for the Primary should, if possible, be completed before they enter the High School. Candidates who fail at the Leaving Examination, but who obtain 25 por cent, of the marks for each subject, will be admitted to a High School. by the Board of Examiners having charge of the Entrance Examination,and will be paid for at the same rate per candidate. 3. Physiology and Temperance are compulsory, and the examination in this subject will include the ground covered by the new text book. 4. The subjects of Euclid and Algebra will be included in a small text book 04 to 34 29 to 30 35 to 40 50 to 50 18 to 19 18 to 19 10 to 10 1 7Oto 200 0 50 to 700 0 On to 0 00 00 to 00 A HARE CHANCE to make from 816 to $25 ver wool( in selling our Hardy Canadian Grown Nursery Stock. Highest Salaries or Commission paid weekly. Clempletc /Iron Palm. Special instruetions to bugihnem. Write this week for terms to, 14. 0. GRAHAM, N _unmWmatt, 121 Toronto, Ont World's Columbian Exposition. Goderich Horticultural Society have ooni- pleted arrangements to make an exhibition from the county of Huron of plums, pears end aoples at the World's Oolimblan Exposition. All exhibits packed ntlil expressed direct to Chicago from hero. Parties will receive full credit lin any exhibit tiler may make. All express or other charges for sending from any Part of the county here will be paid at this ond. Correspondence regarding number of specimen% time for sending, ,te., cheerfully answered by the undersigned. W. LANE, J. T. DICKSON Secretary, President. God °rich, July 20, '93. • Steam Saw and Shingle Mill FOB SALE, • on the river Maitland in Village o CI. Scene from. "King John." Uulineted quantity of timber to be had in sELECTIONS FOR MEMORIZATION-- the neighbourhood, all kinds. The 'ill m MEMORIZATION--1.3 in first-class ruuuiug order and cone- 701.111TEL READER. plete throughout; capacity, 10 to 12 sub- 1thou- The Bells of Shandon, pp. 51-52; 2. •litanteal frameit house, able, etc.,belonging sand per ten haurs. There is also a To Mary in Heaven, pp. 97-98 ;. 3. Ring to the property. Apply ou the premises. Clare, Out, Wild Bells, pp. 121-122 ; 4. Lady 0s pp. 128-130; 5. Lead Kindly Light, MRS. ALISON GIBSON. ListoWel. Messrs. Gilles & Martin have got the plans of the new foundry prepared and have submitted them to the Council which has approved of them. The work of building the foundry will commence at ouce. Mr. Sohn McKenzie, ;merchant tailor, of Guelph, formerly of this place, in trying to board it trolley car in Toronto, on Tuesday last, was thrown down and one of his anew badly oriented. The rate of taxation has been struck at twenty mills en the dollar. . Mr. J. A. Hacking, town ticket agent of the G. T. R., sold forty-two tickets to Chicago lost Friday. e' Thelgraie. ltev. J. H. and Mrs. Dyke have gone on a short visit to MrsDyke's brother, Rev. J. Call, of Fairmount. 3. B. nunter occupied the pulpit in Sunebine and Belgravesket Sabbath after- noon and evening. The steno wall is finished under Sun. shine church; Mr. TheWell did the job. V p. 145 ; 9. Before Sedan, p. 199; 7. The three fishers, p. 220; 8. The Forsaken ANTED. Merman, pp. 298-302; 9. To a Skylark, p. 317.320 ; 10. Elegy, written in a country churchyard, pp. 331-335.. The Public School inspector will send 1500 C a copy el the complete regulations to wanted at the Wingham Tannery. each teacher as soon as he can get them from the Education Department. a e ORDS HEMLOCK BARK amsamonneotsanronmassatratmasmaramanitaiareasta A Brick House and ot for Sal e 85.00 PER CORD. Willpeedbe on delivery. • ; Parties peelthe 15 cords or aver, can in Wingham, heinr Catherine street, Ward deliver belt in summer and balance in winter, if desired, and same price will be paid. 8 rooms. pantry, and The lot contains ono-filb1 of an acre. For further particulars apply to the owner, on the pruMises, or to Wingham P. O. 11. GREEN. , on the East side of 2. The house contains ar, hard and soft water. J CU 1. 11V MS Begs to intimate to his numerous cus- tomers and others that he intends moving to the stand lately used as a boot and shoe store WINGHAM TANNING CO. Wingham, May 10th. 1893. WESTERN FAIR,' LONDON, SEPTEMBER i4th to 23rd, '93. Two Doors North of Post CANADA'S FAVORITE EXHIBITION Office where willsbe found a large stock of Musical Instruments, Sewing Machines, Washing Machines and Wringers, with all needed repairs. Also a full line of SCHOOL SUPPLIES GENERAL STATIONERY. mon 8011001. ratumiy. 1. The course proscribed for the Pri- Store will be opened ou Saturday, July wary examination with the Science 2°11* option may be taught in any Public GIVE ME A. CALL. School, subject to the approval of the Trustees and the Inspeator. I. E. CUM M rbms :Za."' 2. The amount ot the echoed work WEngliam, 3uly 28th,193. 6tn. ' 8 ESTABLISIIED 1868. The Oldest in the Dominion. LIVE STOCK EXHIBITS ! Entries Close September 7th. The best and largest stabling aud space allotted on receipt of entries. Better Special A.ttratetionts Than ever before. Setae. Excensures emu Ate, Nixes. Pot Prize Lists and information apply to . CAPT. A. W. PORTE, Pres. THOS. A. BROWNE, Sec. ESMEN ANTED0 To taproot 58 1,3 tho a 0 of a ohOlee ono of Timor ()Ann if GROW.' STOeBXV lt. Ori011te net necessary. We ant re workers and to asu ll ch we offer a tarmac 1111 tuation et tt good 0l00400 chance of adv einem.. es we now Imo over 700 acres under cul 10,1O4,1 (4iVe, our sa104- men Many super! vantages. We also desire to secure a geed m in urtifstrict to sell tileltolwV Piller, for whic' WO Fav the General Agency This IS something ow and In 8l)0110111110 to the tamer r. Send terms and testimonial O1't1 &WEUJINt - ON, Nurserymen, %meet°, P # .Ontaric Iriert publish( Oliver N Hon, Jo Awrey's ion. WI; at Sir Oliv «pectacl magnith art and and we way tht Ontario Course we dese Our c cheese, Awrey believ if we'd to reme tario, mind t Proving States, honor day in five pri animals hackne; Sir 0 took rubbed smile feature( have th and the acquair And inure c( adieus suppose But Oliver, They w many, with th of frier We of most 11 tween there clover annexa and .I a iS 00 14 and Al about 1 Canach portior of then of gove of the As a L only ds coronas and tbi gard r4 It will will nc Lon cheese 690 bc 1,055 gae. Ings market offered and si Uti to -day 8 7.8c at9c comm Eiq butte! Lit . sales boxes boxes boxes at 8 : ‘0' at 25 28o t Es Cattl lots I steer test 511 salq; at $i are f quar 'met inclu von rule' to gooi lots 76 t