HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-09-08, Page 3W. IL T. U. COLUMN, s Snag:Atm to Teaches. (ceKeertcaen arY TGIF wa:toljAnt iRarA140ai. I l and Home and Nar+lio Laf we'•attention, 1 1c1 a k the et to theathe cine ars and ai $ At, that the 14 , amens Chttathr Tor ease a"alga worts erect 'Monday at three o+t, akar rick a'tumt uAlt Waite are mule weleeineoneo, iye�halite monthly rr„s9el meeting on the Monday of .every month, except avhee others advra+tised,,ta which aueotinrt we Wits the p geueraily As the.Echtor has kincity given �us part of epees,.+for our work, we ask Wends .at the' caul sueddtonie of interest en all moral au2stiane of any .to any of our ntenmba:b. ) If teeehers mean by examination q'o show the ecllQlar's ien:11atfou, WN." Suck diffiy do cult ilii ngslte eskak bout These earQtlr is nes r .tons store 0 as a rale, Thu sit!, The teacherstask us in our school: ftoak•l What's the time in Congo State kat• t When Pereien clocks ars striking eight? last' Rave the square of seventy-three, else l Aud what Will the tenth of sixteen. be? ublte What \vas the .reason Charlemagne !ala Sent laic greet -grandaunt to. Spain ? e to Exl?]aiteykrat camp of the Gothic wary the And what the Tunis wore lighting for When Venice conquered Charles Martel, Auld ancient Goustentinople fell ? Name tlrelk�roducts of Peru, IIle And ail the rulers of TitnbuctQo, et, Green acmes ain't not :uiiat out the errors M rade of e curds; lit Mira eras, not the friend of he; a. Be liedn'e ought to written me. et Now, far :instance, we'll suppose The110 Then they'll bwish to lnow e glad of at fewellow suggetions or As too, set of useful questions. What slid one Columbus do In October, 1892 ? Will some scholar kindly say Which is Independence Day? What gttle girl will be so candid As to tell us when the Pilgrimsladed? The war of 1812, my dear, Was fought in what particular year? Kindly tell tis if you will, What nations fought at Bunker Hill ? Who eut,down a oherry tree, And who helped to make a nati ei free? Name a certain English queen Who still upon her throne ie seen. Theodore L. Ouyler says;--' grog shop ought to be treated as y low lever and Asiatic cholera are --p under,quarutrtitle, A !Kone gives legal protection to a public curse. L the .issue not bo license, but sale or sale—salecrr keeping; for everybody, saloon keeping for nobody.. 'What Drink Costs Canadians. .X,ev. Dr. McKay, in his new pans. phlet on ',The Orisis," makes the fol- lowing caleniatiou based uu :don. G. E. Foster's, ebtirnatea on the cost the consumers of the liquors ,drank pan- add le a single yeer. Canadian -made spirits. he calculates after passing trough the hands of the Wholesalers and retaiterq, are finally purchased by the consumer at an aver- age :price of about $5 per {gallon. His estimate was that our imported spirits average the oQnslmer six dollars per gattou; imported wines $5 per grliou; imported malt liquors $J per Salton and home manufactured beer GO cents per gallon, The quantities consumed according to the last official returns, are then given and these prices ap- plied: GAL. PIii4;£: =OMIT. Canadian spirits 3,521,194 65 1$17,605,970 Imported spirits 1,043,551 6.3 6,261,006 Canadian beer 17,053,077 .40 10,231,246 Imputed. beer 384,662 3 1,153,089 Imparted wines 546,610 6 2,633,050 Tetaas 22,548,004 $37,885,385 Processor Mari», Mitchell and J3eer. The great astronomer had wits in many directions, and microscopic as well .as telescopic judgment. Miss Mitchell had been in poor health, and her physician ordered lager beer. One day she appeared at her sister's house and triumphantly waved a small packet, exclaiming; in the plain lenge, age which the Mitchell fauridy. always use anon? atltemselves: What does time think T leave here l I'm saes I can't imagine. What? Lager heed'. Where did thee get it, Mania ? in- quired bet :sister. At that .greggery on the corner, re. plied the stigmas]:; astronomical light. My clear Maria, cried the more con. ventional member of the family,doesn't thee know that ladies never go to such a place 2 1 told the man, replied ,the consist. mat purchaser, that I thorunghly dis- approved of his traffic But, Maria, protested.her sister, if thee is to try lager Lager' as a tonio,why couldn't thee let a fiisnd order thee a dozen bottles 011, one is enough at a time,wss the temperate reply. Desiring to try her new medicine•at once the cork was drawn and the foam ing beer poured into a tumbler. 'There 1"' There I cried the invalid, before the tumbler was a quarter filled, shall never drink such a quantity. How tench do you propose to take she was asked in surprise. Oh, about a teaspoonful at a time, Was the absolutely serious reply. Miss Mitchell evidently regarded the beverage as a deadly and powerful drug;, in which view of it she xs sus• tained by science and temperance advocates. the waited for the foam to subside, took a single sip, and set the glass down decisively. It goes to wy head. I shall never touch it again. You inay have the rest, said she, And she never did, eltbotigh her brother heard of her prescription, sent her tt case of two dozen bottles of the best Milwaukee lager, which to this day stands covered with cubwebs in her sister's cellar. Selected, If teaobers only had the tact To hit upon the proper fast, Beoitations then would be Mora nr••editable to them and Atte, J. T. in E t..Nicltolas. No Moral in it. He 'was a sturdy young num with his trowsers in his boot -legs and h right arra in a sling, and while waiting at the lorry dock a policeman asked him if he had had his arm broken. Na, only chewed, he replied. Were you bitten by a horeey • Ne --a b'ar. By a bear! Have you been off nun ing l No. S didn't have to taunt fur that b'ar. He come along time road to where it sot on the fenee. And iso 111s rage he teekied you? No. In my hlalneJ foolishness I taekletd him, He was oue .of these perforatin' b'ars, you know, and three Of us smart Aieoks sot on the fence. We was feelin' mighty smart about the time the man come up with his b'ar, and we thought it would be an awful cote thing for one of et.s to roil that animal in the dust and learn {aim a new tries.. Berri' as I was the emart- est of the sines: Alecks I jumped down and picked him up. You mean you lifted hire up'? No, sir, it picked him up for a spring lamb. The feller who owned him hollered to :ane to keep otf, put 1 sailed right in and got hold. I was macula - tin' to astoeaieh that b'ar, but he didn't seen] to be a bit surprised. He stodd up and ieetemed his teeth into that shoulder, anal how many times do you think he shook me around and pounded me up and down in the duet ? is • t Ten tiniest timidly queried officer. Just seven thousand times, and I'll swear to it, for I counted 'em 1 They used up three long fence rails pounding his head, hut he didn't let ;,'o until one of the noys got tt pitchfork aid tiekled him. . Then you. you---! stammered the officer, Then T made a blamed fool of my self, and that's all there is to it, said the young man. There's, no great moral I'sson to stead out like a bump on a log, and I have no advice to ober other smart Alecks, I simply tackled a War. The b'ar was alive. 1 lived through it, and m.'bbe 1 know more'n I did and mebhe I don't. Good day 1 —Detroit Free Press. the. A. wonderful new combination is 1t. Stark's Ideadache, Neuralgia and liver powders, nice to take and perfectly harm- less. Mr. Alexander Ramsey. of the Im- perial Bank, Weliaud, writes: '1 have much pleasure in testifying to the excel- lence of R. Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders, and have no bolts-. Men in recommending them ta those who suffer from headache. They have been used in. our family with tbo most satisfac- tory results, giving almost immediate re- lief. Mr. John II, glass, of the well-known firm of Glass Brothers & Co., London l'ot. tery SVorks, writes : I httvo given your Headache,. Neeralgia and Liver X'owders a Our Public Schools thorough test, and find they never fail in Are the drain -stay of our ropublio. Te owing almost instantaneous relief. I have much pleasure n. recommending thein as being superior to anything I have h ever need. Pride, 25, cents a box. Sold by all medicine dealers. em are being cultivated the minds of those who are to be our future lav makers and headers in every walk in life. How esoutial it is that thee° minds should be united to strong, healthy bodies. So many children suffer from impurities and poison in the blood that it is a wonder that they ever grow Op to be men acrd women, Many parents cannot find \verde strong enough to express their gratitude to Mood' a Sar There was a gathering of exiles on lliondey at Gttelph, when solve 700 e c Guclphites met in the linyal City n Unpleasant Shock, 1 Beg ells! Of the Ir'or' sty Ulu; Design flobha wen famed S mle-xlat� Mayville and the surrounding towns for her extreme thinneaa end her uny quenchable desire to give advice; but she was quite unaware that she had attained fame in dither of these direc- tions, I must say I ne ver had sech a set. back in my life as I've Viet with to- day 1 she exolairned as she sank i leo ierohiptz covered reeking; abair and untied her ho ;Iiet strings one after,. noon. Her face was very red. What's the matter 1 inquired Miss Melville, when she lead liuisuad count.- ing the stitches in the border of crochet shell. It was a new patterix and quite complicated, but Klass 1l,'alvin tone wag interestinga', :ar and sympathetic. lay, I've been eall'in' on Berea Jones'ewife's °Quoin that's vie'tiri' her, f I didn':t sat out to go there, as you're known to but Mis' Kingsman wa'n't to home, an' I was so near the ;ones' I thought 'twas a pity not to jest step in. Well, you know how fat tit :'cousin r is —Perkins her name is ; • she's a real sight to behold, an' her Bosh has ` increased an awful let since J er last visit here. r •he's so short site can't ea•ry off even as much as some folks could well' au' she must weigh considerable over .9. hundred and fifty, treokon she'd got above that, last time I see her, said Miss Melville. Well, continued Miss Robles, Everett's wife: wa'n't there when I ,fust went in, an' so Iliad the.epp'tnni. .ty I've been wantin' to speak to .Miss Perkins. t knew how she must !late to bo getting so felt, an' so 1 began to tell Iter how she could reduce her :teed]. JT .told her about Aunt Annie, an' how Ailed lost 40 pounds by doita' sn and so ; an' I handed het the Gist of things to eat an' not to sat that I've been carrying round fur the last ten days against a faverablr, opportunity teagire it to her. :Au' I told her what ,had helped G ausin Philander ; and I sympathized wiytl] her,au' told her 1lrnew there me- thods would bring her dower just where she'd like to be. An' she smiled at me, so't I said, real enoounagin' : I shouldn't be a Mite surprised if by this time next year you was as satinn as ti bel Ari' what do you suppose that crne- tur said 2 Miss Malvina,, shook her head, and f©rbo•re, to snake any conjectures. Why, she looked me up and down an' says she still smilin' : Do you think that would be exaokJy desirable, Miss Hobbs 2 Why„ I couldn't believe any ower ears 1 ,acid bliss Keziah, growing still redder, with a wave of angry recollece tion. All I gen» say it, she added, as she rose and straightened the folds of her dress over her gaunt, spare (rame, if she don't know a tasty, slim fi„ger when she Bees it, why I give her up.— Youth's Gmnpsnian. Oft 3n Peril. j r,zs of children are often endangered 8.. by suddeu and violent attacks of thoroughly enjoyable. Send for illus - cholera, oholera morbus, cliarnccea, dysen- Crated pamphlet. Address A. A. Schantz, tery and bowel complaints. A reasonable G. P. A., Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nay. and certain precaution is to keep Dr. Fow,. Co., Detroit, Mich. lees Extract of Wild Strawberry always at haus, mv� When we assert that Everybody knows the ,pretty little forget-me-not' and likes the flower more perhaps heeayse of its ttarne than its h cal lk. Row 1 Igo was' yltt3 acs ' Germane account for it by called? ebft pathetic romance, It seems thea once upon a time aknight ere I walking by thehank of the tt elaDunube whiin the latter asked her a"gallant gray" to pluck for her rt tidy blue flower wl,iela she caw growing in the stream, NO. $QQmmer meld than done, but time knight. ovorbaianciug, felt into the river, and owing to the s"ippery nature of the bank and the weight of his own armor Was carried away by the toa•reet. As he threw the bowers ashore to the lard) tib onset out with his last ►areuth, �. Va'sgiaa mein relent 1" "Forget me not! e And ,aver since the Mower has been loniked .upon RS an anabloln of fidelity. • ebeeca Wilkiusca, of /how': alley Ind., aye : "'I laud been in a etresse, corrditi for three years •rn Nervouc3 mess, Wen s of the ;Ston , 1 , xlv •pupsia and lndigestn.' ail My {, 1 ndi gene. I had boon .act•' �. 01 kxSaisly without elief octle' f South Aarr- erivatr me more good than au 50. orth ofi dbhr�ing 1 ever did iu nay life -- would a vice very weakly person to,ase this vals:aolo andFly rem- edy.” a ybottle will couvluc you. Warranted at Chieholtn'e-drug store, The Johnson annrily visit the great White City.—Paterfamilias (entering the gate at the heed of the procession) —Great 1a', Gloriab l .I'd a, gihen dart spotted mule eh none for the contras' ob whitewaslain' dis yes place 1 haEnglish d g soft, or caitou ed Lurnps and vBlom ee l isbes frour Horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Spra us, ore and ewellen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save ,5501ay use of one bottle. War- ranted by Ohisholm's drug store. Sally Do you like a mustache Dolly—No ; I always deet my face against a tnUstat:he, van Wither --Miss Gladys is a love- ly girl but she has no heart. Von !liner.—Yes, she has—mice IIlal.ii;.rArrsar GOURD ra A DAY, -,-South American Rheumatic Cure Of Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures iu 1 to 3 days. Ito action upon the system 15 re markable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause of the disease Immediately disappears. The first dose greatly bene- fits. 75 cents. W8rranted at Chisbohn's drug store. THE LAKE ROUTE TOTHE WORLD'S FAIR ViA PICTURESQUE T,IACKINAC. Avo d the heat traveling e `therFloating Palace of thd dust e Detroit dee, Cleveland Steam Navigation Company. Two new steel passenger steamers have just been built for this Upper Lake route, costing$300,000 each, and are guaranteed to be the grandest, largest, safest and fastest steamers on the Lakes; speed 20 miles per hour, running time between Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago less than 50 hours. Four trips per week between Toledo, Detroit, AIpena, Mackinac, Petos- key and Chicago. Daily trips between Detroit and Cleveland; during July and August double daily service will be main- tained, giving a daylight ride across Labe Erie. Daily service between Cleveland :and Put-in.Bay. First-class' stateroom accommodations and menu, and exceed- ingIy low Round Trip Rates. The pala- tial equipment, the luxury of the appoint- inents makes traveling on these steamers A good many folks in dis world git credit for boin' clever, dean bredreu, w'en de fact ob de matter as dat dere cleverness 0Qneists in dere ability to keep de. world from iindin' out bow ignorant clay really are. A ,Lottor Front Emerson. "I have used Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry and 1 think it the best remedy for summer complaint. It has done a great deal of good to myself and children," Yours truly, Mae. tet. WHITELY, Btnerson, Man. Little Dot ---Old folks has every- thing just right, but children never has. Little Dick ---Guess that's so, Little Dot— Course it is. WV"en old f olks shoes gets old they feel ocmfor- odd s �,arvoro, Kidney Pills Cure Backache, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and 411 other forms of kidney Troubles, we'are backed by the testimony of all who have used them. THEY CUBE 'TQ STAY CURED. $y all druggists or mail on receipt of price, se cents. Dr. L. A, Smith ,Sc Co., Toronto. n Blessing to ,.,,,.r Ron HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND 01' These remedies hese stood the test of fifty years experience, and are prbriouuoed ^t k'ana*tlyy use.. ���t^.� 8 Purify' the bleed,! � I+f-,a..f•-4 ,, correct all 4teordcrs of the i ivgt, STODIACII, EIPNEY$i AND invaluable in all complaints incidental to females of, all ages. T OI is the only reliable ronicdy for bad lope, sons »leers, and old wounds. FOR TIRO TIiltOATS, COUOUS, O'.OLVS, GOUT ];I:k;UA(ATISM, OI,Ai]Ui,AI5 SWEt I,7N(38 DISEASES IT IIAS NO EQUAL. Aianulecturcd only at 78, New Oxford, Late 1 i5 , oxh and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world, trR'13urliasere should look to the Label on the I3oxes and Pots. If the not 503 -Oxford Street, London, they ate spurious. WJNQHAM MARBLE WORD rw MESSRS. 'EI ANS JL O��i E ,B . `,4 of Kincardine have bought the Marble Business of Sir T T Watson, ;Formerly carried as by W .1 butParties requiring work In their line will do well by calling nn them or seeing, ono Of their a purchasing, You will and our prices are away down. Our workmanship is unsurpassed, 'Ws w the very best stock and by square dealing hope to secure a Hoare' share of the public nutmeg T Watson, who has been running the bestows. for the Nast yka,•, will represent us on the road. Call ani see our stock and prices. VANSTO�; E BEA LARNE MACHINE The Champion Gold Medal Oil which canny be Excelled. - MccOLLSCyLINDER OIL i13Aly U FACTIJIth;D BY I IAS ilficCOLL B RO& ' 4 Ask �r CO.,q � ��®� your dealer for Lardine" and beware of Imitations. FOR SALE BY ALL THE LEADrN 4 DEALERS IN THE COi7N HAL8 T E J SCOTT IR., r _ Josephine Street • - l;�g(�am, Cant, J. A. HArsra», j J. W. SCOTT, Mount Forest, i Listoca et Deposits Received and Interest allowed. rSavings Ila a upu ucds received aliel yg„ allowed it !BANK 1u�`� ��XX/rrr raj BA�1`t,wl. OF AhA1VMAT, WINGHAM, Capital, X1,250,000, Rest, 5660 President—Jon:n STIrAxr. Vice-President—A, 0. FtAarsAY. DIRECTORS Ion Pao0T0a, CIIAS, Qrassr, Giro it0Abrr, Woo», .A. B, Lae (Toronto). Cashier—J. Tern 7BU'Lx. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security, Sale notes bought at a fair valuatiou. Money retnitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col - looting Accounts and Votes. 1 Agents tnpCanada-..'rhe Merchants' .na»k of Canada OtMe hours --Froin 0 n. nn. to 5 p. m. A. E. SMITH, Agent. JOSEPH COWAN, Chaim OTU DIV, t;ovlir, Co, ]Itanorr, AUCTIONEER, ISSUER O>' MARRIAGE • LICENSES vvIng unrn. Colnrissrosas he i1. C. r., LTo, S8rorderebymail promptly attends, to WrroxiTen, Orr. (manes THOESON, Box 1264 \Vinghans Special beposits also received at c rates of interest, Drafts or. Creat Britain and the Trailed bought and sold B. WILLSON, A . METER & DICKINSON Solicitors. 2ETLAND SAW MI GEORGE `tH OMSON, Proprio Lumber of all kinds., First class Shingi, and Cedar Pos Car toad Orders a . Specialt \VOOD delivered to table, hut Children grows so last their r _ B shoes stay tight right along, w many persons know that Ripens Tabules, now solar,rr'ly advertised and A Coro for Flea daehe, favorite escteptlon of their family doctor prepared ill a scientific manner d f a nor all a Iino. con\ ease, 1)teservation . and use ? In the great hos'Iit: s of the me p t ell ter fbOeleatl • 11'eadache arises from constipation, bad I blood, dyspepsia or liver complaint. As wealthy tans tlteet'own luxurious llorr]es,tlreararrl'ecl :nes Ii, B. B, ourea all etter ease than i of rich and in cases ted these eclm !gluts i is of or alike with beneficial clues:. They are the naturally the most successful headache c ' ouzo osisti Once the cause is removed eminent pl]ysicia derangements of the digestive organs, the headache vanishes. earl other `1! .� moans, such a dy ills conn th the stomach, liver and bowels, For some y earl i in New York City 1 JSht1 a formula, differing slights ' from the 001 is Snoli`erly. --2 hear Bliss Daisy Dimple' unusual efficacy. Thr *li commendations engaged again, It is a fact I Gold- Ira rapidly exte efficacy. tb ened dens of physicians its iilis,' 10 bug --yes, I ituciw it i>M 80. Snoberly t y it 'ally saettied desirable to prepare the pi'escr d ell, t$1. y p a p millLe itavaiiable t the wt. e, Mille at a moderate rice, and to an ' from all over the Province, end lead n feet y sa rnotice ed as et. metlittln fOr serer' g publicity' ` , seearine for rte good effect upon their grand .time. She has been engaged at one r n�dveittselnrrrit In the columns of Children. Sorofule,'aait rheum and other tithe or another, to almost ever f ,done,un(i now t e time is not ta 'distant w �" cine, e, a % of the bleed are effectually1ul and itch on human and horses anda t lien every family of all (Mi. ill Harlem Who is her last victim 1 euPlaly of Rip Y Tabules as a sloe r.or a cooking stove. TI parmausetly °deed by this excellent mall- male cured iii 30 minutes by Woolford's Gofctbug—.,r am, 1 where, and ' y airq r<r'g , r , supply " Dine, and the whole being is given strength Sanitary Lotion. This never fails, 'old'. i �„I t at dealer tV t° resist attacks of disease. ranted at'flhfsholnq'sdsug store, in arkwalt a a]ronehial 13ntsau►1y311 oarsany Coach . gross, package, collie,+Than four boxes, Colds 1ironabttls ar Asthr la. of tion i elide the o liowspa.pe ntelligetie wz's are already- to ill sX, containing,six vs be,. ed, are simply t rex venient for ha__ opolitan Cities, where t ens ',l'abt:les are adlxlinist in dependence of the t. epsi s,,eopst panda, bilioti;� s one of the pi ihcipal hoopiit n one, that has been found ea ing has been so widely 1. convenient form, so a. act throllgll the inoogni of the land. This bas'b be as certain to posse Tend on sale almost e sold f:. _ cerhtar, or $2. They will be sent by mail, potialst�Iti , tit+ p� tit p 111, i,)r t' 11 I. Tans Chemical Company, No, 10, Sprtute St„ New York, *,,,14,