HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-09-08, Page 2THE WINGHAM TIMES, SEPTEMBER 8, 1893. . ,ocking ]log feed pays. Let every tug f , i�'5 man try it and decide for himself ' `�' which is the best. In wet seasons she flow of milk is abundant, hut the fluid itself contains COAL SEPTEMBER g,1003, less than its normal per centage of solids, Atter Breakfast 'What Flowers. Sleep. To purify, vitalize and enrich the blood, g should flowers sleep ? asks imt Lubbock in "The Beauties of y and the. Wonders of the World iu," Why should some s oto so, and not others 1 More- Irerent flowers keep different Tne daisy opens at sunrise o es at .sunset, its name, "day's- ' The dandelion (Leontodon) is a open about seven and; close hive ; Arenaria rubra to be open ]vine to three ; the white water from about seven to ymphoea) r the common mouse ear hitwk- ((Hieraeium) from eight to three; 'arlet pimpernel (Anagallis) to at seven and close soon after Tragopogon pratensis to open at n the morning; and close just he - we've,. whence its English name, go to bed at noon." Farmers' ,n some parts are said to regulate dinner time by it. Other -flowers, contrary, open in the evening. x, It is obvious that flowers which ti.lized by night -flying inserts derive no advantage from being by clay; and on the other hand, hose which are fertilized by heel gam nothing by being open at Nay, it would be a distinct vantage, because it would render liable to be robbed of their honey ellen by insects which are not le of fertilizing them. I have red to suggest, then, that the g of the Bowers may have refer to the habits of the insects, and y he observed also in support of hat wind -fertilized flowers do seep; and that many of those rs which attract insects by smell, - scent at particular and give nerve, bodily and dtgestty strength, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Con- tinue the medicine after every meal for a month or two and you will feel "like a new x w,,." Tlt� . ,..�.� ..� IIS,,: ':: ::..+...r . •i»l: is proven by its thousands of wonderful cures. Why don't you try it? Hoop's Pius cure constipation. r They are the best after-dinner pill and family cathartic. The Lakes Rlsin , The lake levels are rising again, ig waters From the period of lu„hest w to in the seventies when the Si. Clair was up to the string piece= of the wharves along the river; and when a gust of north win cent the water to the base- ment doors of the stores on the river side of Front street, the water levels of the great lakes has fallen year by year until it really looked as if the St. Lawrence system was going dry. The winter of 1891 brought the water to nue ioweel, levet yet. reeurde.d. The very lowest reading was on the 4th of December of that year, when, accord- ing to the register kept by Mr. Turner at the Sarnia waterworks, the water of the St, Clair stood 4 fast 9 inches be- low high water mark. During last winter it fell somewhat, but this spring it took an upward turn agairi,and has 'n There ere R as a late been advancing. of t considerable rise in May, and, again in June; and a measurement made by ?1r Turner last week shows that the rise during July was four and a half inches the greatest gain for one month on record. The rise of the water level has been much more orapid than its fall. It has risen two feet nieke inches from the low water mark of December 1891, and is now within one foot, ten inches of mean high water mark, and within two feet six incites of the high- est stage of water ever recorded. Afflicted with Neuralgia for 50 Years. To the Proprietor of the Great South American Rheumatic Cure. • Dina Sia,—For over thirty years I was afflicted very much with Neuralgia and Headache. Seeing your great SouTix The "Business t F Illy"—Boys natural apti- tude e the Many boys ltav1? tude for business. They like to be in the world and of the world, to sharpen their wits against the wits of others, to combat circumstances and prove superior to • them. They are fond of saying that they are "up to the times," that they know a good thing when they see it. They take nothing for granted. Like charity they prove all things.. They are active, vigilant, ingenious and confident. They are fluent in conversation, and they endeavor to please. They have naturally an alert; manner, and are quick but careful in malting decisions. They are apt to discover quickly the more prominent traits of a man's character. Such qualities come naturally to some boys. They go to make up what is called the business faculty. , This term means these five things: Integrity good judgment, push and capacity for observation. Those who naturally possess these have every reason to congratulate themselves; for with the addition of one other requisite—prac- tical knowledge of details, to be ob- tained when the choice of occupation is made—they have,the ammunition ProgreSS1VQ £BlmOSky, Ho was a vary down -hearted and disgusted.,looking, boy with torn clothes and rnwpled hair, and a few suspicious bumps on his face; so I stopped and asked. Mian what the Id be matter was, and whether I eon of any assistance to him. Naw, yer can't do nothing far me; it's a business trouble, he explained. Ah I have you lost your position 'I 1 asked.. Naw; and I wouldn't care if I had. The president of our company is the worst old duffer in New York, Does he ill-treat you 1 Naw; he doesn't even know me by sight; but he came into the office cross as hornets tilts morning and climbed up. the seer*cdtary's collar the worst you ever see4fT Butihow'id that affect you 1 ed VU1 �v, don't you see 1 the boy all. impat ;ently; the secretary hac1 to get sour eomeltaw, so he jumped on the q cashier with both feet; and after the cashier bad thought it all over and got gdod and clad, he jumped oil the bookkeeper, and the bookkeeper jump- ed on the entry clerk, and the entry clerk jumped on the bill clerk, and he just sailed in and gave 'lie particular rats. And there `vas no one for me to jump on, so I thought I would go out and lick a district messenger. Well, couldn't you find one to 1ick1 I asked. Oh 1 I found him quick enough;bu t I didn't lick him. Why not 1 Cause he licked me.—Puck. Meaning of Colors. The Tiss:s and The Tutus and The Thins mid London Advertiser per year.. 1 GO 5 1 7. • year.. The Ttxus and London Free Press per y. Tho TIMES and Montrealllevoid per year ... 1 CO The Toles and Moi treal witness per year... • 1 76 TheTonss anu l,iontreal Family Herold and Satars Ino Deduced rates with all other weekly papers mentioned in the above list, JOB PRINTING Clubbing it•ates, 10:12c:‘' 1lin1am i ues TOrtlnto Gleba per year ...... $ 17,5 Toronto Empire per year..., 1 76 J INCLUDING rooks, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Beads, Circuiars, &a., &e., executed in the best style of the art, at moderato prices, and on short notice. Apply or addressIt,LTdOTT, T1Mu% Office, Wiugham. —IS PU BLl SIZED— ES ERY FRIDAY MORNING —AT T1111— TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE ST NV IN GRAM, ONTARIO. Sub soription price, $1 per year, in advance ADVERTISING ItATLS _ Space 1 1 yr._ i 6 mo._I_ 8 mo,_1 1 brio Ono'Column I $60 00 1 585 00 1 820 00 I R6 00 eat, ac uu zu 00 12 00 6 e0 Quarter " ( 20 CO I 12 00 I 7 00 4 00 600 800 200 100 — p� -_. _�`.+^_I One Inch__M__—. HERE Legal and other casual advertisements, 80. per lino Yo. E • forfiretinsertion,and80.perlineforoaehsubsequent insertion' e, ...no for first insertion and -- Locnl notiooe 100. p , 50. per line fore itch subsequent insarticn. No local notico will bo charged less than 25c, 1 I I InterestEer— Advortisrugs of Lost, Folnd, Strayed, Situations, andBusinessChanceswanted,notoxceedm( 8 lima I nonpareil,$1permontlr IIouses and Fauns for Snlo, not exceeding 8 linea, $1 for first month, 60c, per subsequent month These terms will bo strictly adhered to Special rates for to advertisements, or for periods. longer p . Advertisements and local notices without specific directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Tramdtory advertisements must bo paid in advance We are selling Changes for contract advertisements most bo n the Oleo by Wednesday noon, in order to appear LOOK Thi AMERICAN RnEUMATIC CURE advertised 1 White is lila. color of light, purity, thought I would give it a trial—although I did not think for a moment it was going to innocence, faith, joy and life. Black do me any good after trying so many means mourning, wickedness and remedies without benefit. i obtained a death. 1ted signifies fire, divine love bottle from Aust l y t Drug Storgot great this I and wisdom. Blue stands for heaven, town, and I must say that I got Kreat relief , from the first few doses, and was so over, truth from a celestial organ, constancy joyed that I determined to give it a good and fidelity. Yellow or Gold is the trial and continued taking it, taking in all I symbol of the sura, or marriage and six bottles. I can truthfully say that I faithfulness; in a bad sense yellow sig• - never felt so well since I was a girl, it bas Arid omit their not only cured me of neuralgia and head- thus Hesperus ulatronalis andache, but has also built up my system and. j for the battles of commercial life. it I feel quite young again. 1 most cheer- fini vespertine smell in the t makes no great eiffere.nee how humble fully girt, you this testimonial and consider no; and Orchis pifolia is particu the start is. Many of the most sue- you are the greatest benefactors to suffer - sweet at night.Ing humanity. cassful business men—men who have I am, Dear Sir, YoursThankfully, had their names known to half of the MARGARET BELL. mercantile world --began their coma Witnessed by J. H. Chisholm, Druggist. menial career as cash boys, or at the cross-roads store, or on the farm. Those who do not naturally possess the five qualities mentioned, need not be discouraged. The business faculty may be acquired in a large degree, - seats at their entertainments. There and it may also be cultivated and probably never was a singer or actor for othe time f Youth is Yo� nearly d.ora pianist who was not bored nea y molding; character, and nature is so I to death by these people, many of kind to an ambitious, determined boy I whom had not the slightest claim to that there is no telling to what degree I ask the courtesy they demanded. A pianist who was pre-eminently successful in his day, and that day was not so far back either, was ' Rub- A circular has been issued by the instein, who travelled nearly the whole Education Department calling amen -1 wide world over, delighting people tion to some of the more important I with his genius. He, like all others, amendments to the regulations of the' was annoyed with requests far compli- Educational Department. For some rentary tickets, but most of his time time considerable discussion has taken) maintained his composure even though LLOwAY's OINTMMENT AND PILLS he best, cheapest, and the most lar remedies at ail seasons, and r all circumstances they may he with safety and with the certainty iris good. Ernptions, rashes. and ascriptions of skin diseases, sores, ationa and burns are presently fited end ultimately cured by these ng, soothing, and purifying cements. The Ointment rubbed the abdomen checks all tendency ritatioa in the bowels, and averts lioest and other disorders of the tinesfrequently prevailing through wanner and fruit seasons. Heat s, blotches, pimples, inflamma- of the skin, muscular pains, Igie affections, and enlarged i; is can be effectively overcome by Holloway's remedies according lace at Teachers' Associations and I justly irritated. It is told of elm tha A Witty Answer. Those whose mission in life is to entertain the public are always pestered by friends and acquaintances for free of success he may attain. Sigh School Entrance Regulations. holy, Best Coal Oil at 12 1-2 that week R. ELLIOTT '�J PROPRIETOR AND PUIILlerfna cents per Imperial gal- ___. _---.___._--_-.._____ lon, or a can containing _ R MACDCNALD, the equivalent of five u American gallons for 50c., exclusive of pack- age. nifies inconstancy', jealousy and deceit. Green, the emerald is the color of spring, hope, particularly of the hope of immortality and of victory, as the color ofthe laure land the palm. Violet signifies love and truth, or passion and suffering. Purple and scarlet signify things good and true, from a celestial origin. e instructions accompanying every just before one of iris recitals in Lon, don he was accosted by an old lady in the entrance hall, and thus addressed : Ob, Mr. Rubinstein, I am so glad to see you! I have tried in vain to purchase a ticket. Have you a seat you could let me have 1 Madam, said the great pianist,there is but one seat at my disposal, and that you aro welcome to, if you think fit to take it. Oh, yes 1 and a thousand thanks ! Where is it ? was the excited reply. At the piano, smilingly replied Rubinstein. Live Stock Points. iled down, the largest knowledge t breeds of chickens is this :---If want fowls for eggs only, get the orns, you want to raise market for broilers and roasters, get outh Rocks ani Wyandottes. heavy, general purpose bird, Licht BrahiYfa is the breed. S the poultry expert. Gere cattle are housed in a warm le at night, and turned out upon and ice on a freezing day they gold and get pneumonia mei con- -ption just as human cattle do if tad in a similar way. evelop the fast walking gait of t and farm horses. Much depends his, and it can be educated into vy horses. If a tithe of trouble e taken to cake out the walking of workhorses that the trotter runner get the training for their icular . movements, the farmer d be well repaid. reed worlt-horses for walking Train a colt to walk quickly tole the beginning without any g. fartner finds that skim milk is 30 unto fora hundred pounds used to produce ]Cork at present elsewhere with regard to the standard for admission to the higg schools of Province. It was contended by many that pupils who were qualified to pass an examination on the work prescrib- ed for the fourth form ofpublic schools should be admitted to a high school, while others hold the view that the whole public school course to the end of the fifth form should be completed in the public se boot, and that no pupil should bo admitted to the high school who had not passed an examination on this course according to the new regu- lations. It is intended to continue the entrance examination at the end of the fourth form, as at present, until it is seen that the higher standard of the fifth form may be substituted. Whether this can be done in two or three years will depend upon the number relatively who write for these examinations, Should parents desire their children to enter the high school et an early age they shall be allowed to do so if they pass the examination at the end of the fourth form. Should they,prefer their children to Continue their studies in the public school. then they will take the examination at the end of the fifth form, and in order to protect the child against loss of stand- ing the regulations of the department provide that pupils who take a higher examination shall be entitled to ads missionin all the subjeits of the ex- amination to the second `farm of the high school. •.•og breeder has observed that nsver eat their young at the time when green food is plenty, re'en fodder is scarce it can be by turnips and the various root crops. ear Stewart believes in ccok- WRBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL E„ tireiy New. - DICTIONARY Abreast ofU,eTimes. f! {.ra„d Educator. A Short Weight Story. `There is a little story going the rounds, says an exchange, which does not help to raise one's estimate of hutnan nature. A. curtain baker in business in a small town obtained his supply of butter from a farmer in the neighborhood. One day he discovered that the rolls, which were supposed to weigh four pounds each were not up to the` -standard, and furtl et examina- tion re'ealed a steady d'' inution, At .: ' last the alter lodgeoY"a formal com- plaint st the farmer, and the w64tFdMi89r�lI R9<I�IP�� plaint agar? , affair was brought before the court, "I -lave 3100 an scales 2” enquired the rnagistrato, i'< es," was the reply. "And havti 'on weights ?" continued the judo An answer this time in the n ive given. "But how did butter?" weigh n tr but ou nu Otoyour y y t, One Might reeently LI:Ir, Ilobt. Fox, o£ Diem', got lip in hie sleep, and American Axes, 50c. to 65 each. Crosscut Saws, 45c. to $z. per foot. We to -day reduce our quotations on Binder Twine one cent per lb. J. Ati. CLINE & CO, Wingham. c. 00 The successor of'tile a "Unabridged.,, Ten years were spent revising, 100 0 editors employed, , and over X300,000 expended. Rveaybody a should own this Dictionary. It an- ,n savers an questions , concerning the ]his 16, - tory, spelling, pro- .a nunCiat1a11, and `3 meaning of words. a A. Library in .Itself it also gives e , the facts often wanted concerning eminent t*` l 1 noted ficti ``'s • WINGHAM STUM PUMP VIORKS1 DUEL HOV7P$L PROPRIETOR WISGnAII, JOSEPHINE STREET, ONTARIO. �](T B. TOWLER, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Huron— Office Upstairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing• ham, Ont. 0f•rlox, IIoues.-0 to 12 a. m., 1 to 6 p. m., ordtt Residence, Diagonal -Street. TIt. J. A. MELDRTIM, LJ Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Gntario. Ofticeand Residence—Corner of Centre and Patrick streets, formerly occupied b1' Dr. Bethune. wnNGIIAM ONT I wish to inform the peopleof Wing - ham . n � that, ountr elle c , ods surrounding 7 ha ma I have purchased the Steam Pump Werke lately owned by Mr. H. Clark, I are prepared to supply all kinds of Wooden, Lift, Force &ion Pumps VANSTONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rates interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Block WINoI,Aot And attend to the wants of the public in anything in the Pump line. As I have long experience. in the business I guarantee all my work, and if not satisfactory will refund the money. I also deal in ALL KINGS OF WINO MILLS persons, ancient and modern; tions parsons and places; the countries, Soft water cisterns made on short 1 natural features of the f attended to. '� his �orlris Invaluable litho D. SHOWERS, 'household, Wing'hanl` fessional mau, anti self educator. The Globe, Toronto, says:— This ays: This new dictionary is the "best book of its kind i M the English language. For every family, the �e members of which have mastered the art of read- 0 Ing, its purchase will prove aproltable investment. 3 The Times, Hamilton, says :— It May well be pronounced the best working dic- nd tionary band the echeapest g s hooltand f in in Canada. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, &c , Wingham Ont /\g EYER & DICKINSON, H. W. C MEYER Q. 0, 1 E. L. DIOKINOON, B. A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., So. lieitors for Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners for Town and Farm, T of t 1 ar f Manitoba. tnkin�� affidavits or, Village property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage security at 07 per cent. Money invested for priyate persons, upon the best mortgage securities without any expense to the lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North. west. Office—Meyer Blocic, :tingham. 't' towns, and . � words phrases, and proverbs , etc., etc., etc t' Orders by mail promptly I 1 old and to the teacher, scholar, pro ,d 010103, globe; translation of foreign quotations: ccs notice. Have your Bookseller show it to you. as. & C. Merriam Co, Publishers, S1>,•i,tryfrelcl,Dfass., U.S.A. gr'Do not buy eheapplloto- graphic reprints of ancient editions. ]Send for free prospectus contatningspecimenpages, illustrations, etc. COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. On the security of Cultivated Farm, Interest six per cent, payable annually. Any portion of the principal may be repaid at any time the borrower wishes. All exhences paid by tho County. No person except the County Auditors allowed to see mortgages or to know to whom money is loaned. Apply to W0I. HOLMES Goderi0h, Aug. Sth 1802. Co. Treasurer. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY l UU L%I1 1 1'�I 61� tJ fl�rvu►r9 U N D ERT AKERS aieleyd the magistrate. Then the 1 ftieTner related that ever since the r� baker had taken his butter he had returned the compliment of buying, 'N ERVris I NERVE BEANS aro a new hie• 'INR IIAM, ONT TWO KINDS OF CUSTOMERS. "17 while walking about fell and broke hisbread. The baker supplied him with right arta and crit the side of his face very badly. He got bath into bed and knew nothirag about it till he woke up in the morning and found Ihimself diahgeted and unable to move lain artn.---RAeorrrd. for hogs. Ile says y *gement the general feeder h with raw cern 8 pounds, meal I0 pounds, with boiled taloa, with boiled meal 1,5 ei lisdoctorsper l dodoubtwhatiler four pound loaves, and he used thorn as weights for hie butter. "Its is his fault, not mine, if the weight is not correct," added the farmer, who was speedily acquitted and left the court in triumph with alt eeoort of f i ;r as. BEANS WIDE ,KIND BUY I AWAKE 'FROM THE City Fruit & Con Because they can right and up ANOTHER covert' that elite the worm eases of Nervous Debility,' Vigor andFailing Manhood; restores the weakness of body or m(nd emoted by overwork. or the errors orae ,,,,...�•..�. ceases of youth. This Remedy ate whitely cures the ;nest obstinate cases when all other TR8A3'MIttas here falledeven to here. otdhydrum. gisbe at $t per package, Or six fer or sr*6 rash no 0O., receipt. of ,odd � for pamphllle AMES 8* I Ia.* ffi Wlnithatrr, At. POAMfLTON. DENTISTRY.— J S. JEitOME, \:1001100, Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite plates of the bestmaterial ns cheap os they can bo got in the — Dominion. All work warranted. Painless extraction of tooth by the use of Electric. it-- or Vegetable Vapor. TAKE NoTtcE.—I will extract teeth for 25 cents each. OFFICE: In trio Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. fectionery Store get goods that are top�the �ttinies.��,r KIND ARE Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's Hotel, Wingham. Will visit Gorrie 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. EAST ASLEEP Taut they aro waking up to tho fact that I can give them goods that will Full lines lite please them. o Fruits, Oysters,Confectionery,&c APPLES BV TIE BARREL. 'Q'CiIN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT W1�GnAM, ONTARIO p. DEANS, Ja.,W0NGIIAM, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charges Moderate. Agent for Parker's Dyo Works. Canned goods of every description al- ways on hand and my prices aro as low as the lowest. Mont forget the place, opposite the new 13ank of Hamilton, ROB'S'. Lxs« JOHN CURRIE, WINGHAni, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTT 00 HnROIT All orders left at the TIMES office promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable. FAMES HENDERSON, Liman AticT1GNEER FOR COUNTIES HURON AND BrucE, All sales attended to promptly and on the Shortcut Notice, Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Ouaranteed. All necessary arrangements can be glade at the Tutors' office WlN50Aoo ONT • DR. J. MCASII, M. B. 'Parente, Members College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, BELGaAVR ONTARIO Vtoney to Loan on Notes. Notes Disco.lted AT REASONABLE TtATES Money advanced on Mortgages a r4 pet cent with privilege n i ilego el ayingtat the end of any year. Note. nom,. 1KOINDOO nearer Block Winghtmri, Ori. W B T. U (CONleet:T1;11 1lx Tn5 .aTrr;` lied rtnul2Tmn wei'1'call the attention, r to tiro Maes, that the Wo mice Union meets 00000 sharp, lo0 one hour, at Dir Acle street. All ladies ar, We bold aanonthly gns Monday of evory month advez+tlsecl,--to which Mice, u t g e c al1 v As the .Editor has lclnd spaoe.dor our work, we as send hems of interest on. day. to any of our member Theodore L. 0 grogehop ought to low fever and Asial under ,quarantine. legal proteetiou to the issue not bo lie sale—saloon keepit saloon keeping for 'What Drink C Rev. Dr. McKe' phlet on "The Crib lowing cal(mitt time E. Foster's estirilat consumers of the li g Yr edit in a single a o Canadian -macre after passing throe wholesalers and r purchased by the c age price of about estimate was that average the eonsun gallon; imported w imported malt lit) and home lnanufae per gallon. The t according to the It are then given and plied: G Canadian spirits 3,5f Imported spirits 1,0 Canadian beer 17,05 Imported beer 31 Imported .wines 59 Totals 22,1 Professor Mar The great antro many directions, a Well as 'telescop Mitchell had been her physician orde day she appeared and trioaraa,pbantl: packet, exelaianint age which the Mi use among Ithemse What does the l'rn sure I can't Lager bet r. Where did thee quired her sister. At that .greggel plied tile slioraing 110 dear 14mria, T ventional member thee know that la a place ? 1 told the Iraan, fent purchaser, tial approved of his to But, Maria, pr thee is to try lage couldn't thee let: dozers bottles ? Olt, one is enol temperate reply. Desiring to try once the cork wa, ing beer poured i There 1` Ther( before the tumbl• shall navel' dri How ranch do she was asked in Oh, about a t was the absolute Miss Mitchel the beverage as f drug, in which tained by scie, advocates. She to subside, too the glass down It goes to my touch it again. rest, said she. And she neve brother heard of her a case of tee best Milwaukee day stands cove her sister's cella Our T: Are the main -sat them are being those who aro to 1 and leaders in eve esented it is that united to strong, children suffer ft, in the blood that ever grow up to 1 parents cannot 11 to express their; sap:trills, for its chc t children. ,� rof diseases of the bl, permanently Our, chno, and the wh, to resist ettacko ,