HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-09-08, Page 1VOL. XXI.-
NO. 1124.°
—AT T11E—
Direct Dry Goods Importers.
'Tiae Been, August 30, 18e3. •
Buts. Joie wenn
Has decided to again open a Dress and
+dantle making business, at her residerme;,
Edward street, near Pringle's pop weekee
Satisfaction guaranteed. Apprentices
'wanted. 3m ;
IVLarria:go Licenses
'coria street, Wingbam, Ont 1 owituQs es
—Call at the' Star Restaurant for big
•assortment of fruit. JAS. Mels anvi%',
—Meet t•TeVeic uttou. has pm chased a
net:}pga f> o`inIYir. James Armour, on
Shia er''street.'•;
.•: «-The blink woe of Mr. J. B. Ferguson's
ZriJtise, S"'huter str et, was commenced this
=Cash for good butter and eggs at R A
Grahatu's market grocery.
—Mr. A. Mc mins, Minnie street, has
given his resident a coat of paint, which
greatly improves is appearance.
-•-The Agrieult ral Hall has been corns
plated and the gro Inds are being put in
shape for the she .
—Private moneys to loan on mortgages
fat. reasonable rate of interest. Apply' to
tf Josh RB:LANDS.
•'' —Mr, Jas, Morel ie, of the Star restaur-
ant, has rented the rating rink from Mr,
T. Bell, and will rw it this winter.
— We are glad to hear that Mr. John
Harburn, who has en suffering from an
attack of pleurisy, i on the mend.
—Watches, 'cloaks and jewelry promptly
repaired and Cully warranted by RALsi:r
PARK, Meyer Block, Wingbam.
—The Satnrday ex unions to Kincardine GoderiolY have en discontinued for
this season.
— Our base -ball tea will try conclusions
with the Listowel du , at Gorrie, to -day.
We hope they will be uccessful,
—The Wingbam f otball club is adver
tised to play with the Howiok Rangers, at
the Gorrie tournamen to -day.
—Ladies, havo your garments made by
Miss ?d, Johnston, Gregory block, opposite
the Queen's. Hotel, Latest stylus, good.
work, always first-class fit.
— The Ontario Go rnment has issued a
circular announcing heir intention ofl tak-
ing more stringent a tion to compel the
observance of the haw regulating the regis-
tration of births, mut; 4,40And deaths.
—Now comes tho'W ether when the wise
man takes his "en mer" holidays—in
Whirls he can walk road in the sun, and
,suffer neither•sunstr se, sunburn nor'mos-
—Farmers are usy now soeflft or pre-
paring to sow thei fall wheat. The recent
rains havo put t re soil in excellent shape
for seeding..
—The first num el of ,T$.0 "f stash ana-
dian, published i Torontii 4i id of wisiolt
Margaret L. Sh pliz red is the editor, lhas
been issued.
--The "Scott `" ed Company,," of Toron-
to, a concern wh' h eommehced lastMereh,
and worked the "word'coni,etition" fake,
and promised' a successful contestants
seeds, shrubs, & is to be wound espi,R,,,
(� C Cents Oa 'a will pay for T atss,'
4.0 for new subscribers, till the cud ef'�
the dear.
Mr. Thomas i
r kiting rink meol
ture faotory,-fropi
' dispose of tie peril
ell has purchased the
erty adjoining his furni-
Mr. Alex: Orr. -Ise will
building, if an importun-
ity offers, arsd,11 4/ it reeved.
Mildrnat tette : Mr. McKenzie is
pushing the wurl of pressing hay, and has
teams con prttl engaged hauling it to the
station. ' ief.`, grounds will soon be
cleared of hay. ;.'*,
—For iirst'olr '-tailoring and clue
gents' furnishi 3, try Webster. & C .
Remember the:' itco, only two floors narta
of the c:d staud'and between Ross' book-
' to .and Patterson's jewellery shop.
On Monde', last, Mr. S. Youhill, real
estate agent, \
cion 4, Turube
for the sum of
the property's
and consisted 'U
tends moving
—Toronto's gre
on Tuesday last.
—Methodist Ch
next Sunday, Mor
afar off." E.vonh
Fifth of the Serie
Industrial Fair opened
t is being largely et-
ch Fplp t ,'J opies for
irrg `"Following Christ
"Book of histol.".
—"The Insaiy Binge'
25 Cents Oasll will pay for rrrE `'rhes,
for new subscribers, till ie end of
the year.
—The Cliriton E w Era is tre ting itself
to a fine new brick building as a home;
Bro. Holmes print a good, demi 4heet,and
we are pleased to a this evidence of pros-
—The Septemb r number of the Cana-
dian Live Stock a d Farm Journal is to
hand, full to over -i wing with good things
for the farmer and We stock raiser. Pub-
lished by the J. E Bryant Co„ Toronto,
at $1 per annum.
—An effort shou be madetoholdGospel
Temperance meetit s every Sunday. The
vote on the plebisci e will be taken on Jan-
uary first next, and he public should be
thoroughly awaken on the subject of
—Now that the hot weather has come,
people should come to the fountain and get
a fine drink of lemon sour, vanilla, straw-
berry, raspberry, pine apple, ginger, choch-
late, sarsaparilla or ice cream soda, one of
the finest drinks in the land at R. iiixn's.
—Clinton News- ecorcd : Mr. and.i42rs —The criminal s , tistics for the year
Janes Fair, sr., Mr 'G'os. Fair of the post ending 30th Sept.,1.A2,havo been issuedby
office, and Dr. Gun , ettonded the funeral •the Department of gricuituro. Allowing
of the late Mr. A. C niipbell at Wingham last 1 for an increase of opulation, the volume
Stiiiday I shows an extremely .light increase in crime
—Ssexeoon Soeeeres.—A full stock of High in Canada, as comp red with the previous
ana'Public School books, scribblers, exer- year.
rise books, inks, penellS, etc., at Chisholm's
Drug Store.
nfeteuoe of the Metho-
pltcinteil Sunday, Sept.
ce Sunday, when tile'
,• of recording every vote
ing prohibition plebis-
—The new arilal code is calouu-'
—The London ated.to deter those. ho have hitherto been.
dist dune's has . too ready to apprepi ate the fruit in other
17th, as Tempera people's gardens • r their own use.
Those who have beet in the habit of doing
moral responsibili. e
pOdaYble in the co so must beware, for he offence is punish -
cite will be urged. able by the term of se month and three
—The cats of P trick street gave a free years for the second • fence.
—It may be well to remember that any
concert on Mond y evening last. The next
time they give o e, it is to be hoped .that! person found captain concealed firearms
they will give tl = town more notice, as the 'without the written'p rmission of a enstice
a e was very interesting.—of the peace, will be imprisoned without
last one they gthe option of a fine. his will pobably put
a stop to the practice .f carrying revolvers
--The Blyth tandard flays some of the by persons who have o more use for a six -
residents of tlhvillage who patronize net shooter than a eat ha for a sills -pocket.
tramp printer om Preston. •The country i
is overrun wit, i pedlars, tramps, &:c., selling I —At the 'regular weekly meeting of
goods and soli, ring work, sect it would, be ; Anchor of Hope Lodr o, I. 0. G. T. held on
to the inter'est' of legitimate . business toI Tuesday evening, it as decided to hold e
give them ail ,1e "shake." box social in the empere,nne Hall, on
Tuesday evening, tie 1.0th, fust. Au euer-
- G T R trains for Torouta. and eat ti Heti° committee was ppointed to complete
leave Wingbam at 0.25 a m and 11•49 a •t. ;
arrangements. The: °Dial will be for mem-
1�+,•mj g
Klub. i bars of the Lodgo only, and everything
.-swill be free. A. good programme will bo
—Heim you e ar noticed that the ;• roan ! given.
who gets taken n by the elicit swindler I -A daring burglau y was committed last
Usually falls. n v ctim to his own avarocious- Friday week mCho s oro of W. Neal, 44 al-
ness ? If pooh!:could only grits ,:hie idea
ton. The thieves en red through a cellar
that men are . .t travelling , ntpnud the l
window and by way•f a trap door made
back concession seeking to fere tivay ten access to the stns. t •is rot accurately
dollars for five, here would '" victims
known how much t ey appropriated to
of tie .� fakir.
themselves, butt it s estimated. at $50.
& W. F. Dnlmage have Other houses in the neighborhood were
Sarane.e on the track this ransacked also by the sidelight marauders,
hursday last he took first
via W G Xr B Division, atu# tit Fl
tend8,4Cip m, via Clinton k(;ard�
Good conineotious by all treinte.'.
.Messrs. J. t
put their stallio
fall, and on
place in the 2.38
He took three
but no serious loss was sustained.
trot at Guelph, purse $200. ,
straight heats, the time —Last weeks Sealer lx .Expositor coin.-
tained the following:
made being 2.3 , 2.34e, 2.334. Messrs.
Beattie Bros'. le anda took third place in Nicol; of Boissevain,
the open trot r pe ee, at the same races. maria of Winghahn, in t
Best time, 2.231 Sunday last in town, the
Mrs. James Elder. Mr.
—The prize li. is of the fall fair to be held have been in the Provi
in this town on the 20th and 27th of Sep- about six weeks, and ar
tomber, under tl o auspices of the Turn—pleasure and recreation.
berry Agricult ral 'Society, were issued most of their time iu thi,
from the Trues office, this week. Copies relatives and friends, and
.tifl'eia0 list can b. had at Mr. Peter Deans' head quarters with Jame
flour and feed store, and from the Seem- of Rogerville, father o£
tary of the Soci ty, Mr. John Anderson, leave on Satnrday for
l3elgravo P. 0. spend some days doing th
—The official report of the Dominion" will return by Detroit a
ion at Ottawa is in the ceeding to their own hot
titer and will be issued in lake route of the Canadia:
will include a verbatim re- Mr. Nicol and his sons
miens and speeches, and a eantile, lumber and grain
he dolegatesin attendance. sovain, a snuart little tow
-il2r. R. Hill ha
to Dresden, this w
--Tlie new Eng]
be opened on the
—Regular mee
been shipping plums
eh church in town will
t day of October next,
ng of Court Maitland,
Owlet -lien Order of Foresters, this (Friday)
evening, at 8 o'clock
—The Wingbam 1
'part in the games a
Monday, they will pl
Teeswater club, on
Ball faced at 4 p. in.
—Gordon &
be continued
allow this
getting yo
he many
day. ,
—On Thursday, or
11.10 train from Luc
lenders pipers band,
treated anumber of
at the station, to so
music. It was expe
come down town, a
station to bring the
was so short that
being left.
croese team will take
Gerrie, to -day, On
y a match with the.
he Wingharn park.
re's great sale will
they week. Do n
porttu ity to pass wit
all au lies. Cost and tinder
es is wh t we aro doing every
the Methodist cht
will be held at Bi
Rev. S. Sellery, 1
dick, B. D., and
A., with a layman
and Teeswater,
committee to art
-Mr. John El
Thursday last, haul
months in Duluth,
Superior, Wisconsa
pretty dull there jt
the financial condit
says that real estate
effected, as it itt still
the arrival of the
now, the 48th High-
rliiah was- on board,
ur citizens who were
e of their splendid
tad that they would
carriages were et the
x down, but the time
ey decided not to risk
f the young people of
ch, Wingham District,
seals in the near future.
. D., Rev. G. H. Cobble -
Y. J. A. McLachlan, M,
from Wingham,Brussels
ave been appointed a
airge -date, programme,
ler returned home o
hg a spent the last.
Minnesota and West
He reports times
st now, on account of
on of the country, but
sloes not seem to be
eld at high prices.
Squire Snell at Exote
of unlawfully practici
4120 and costs. It is
professor goes about t
teeth free of charge, bt
lieve him of the resp
law, as it was shown t
the sale of medicine th
—A. change of time if
trains on. the C. P. R. t
day last, and since then
as arraigned before
recently on a charge
g dentistry and fined
ell -known that the
o country extracting
t this does not re-
sibility before the
tat he benefitted in
e advertised.
the running of the
k affect on Mon-
-he train, which is
tithed to reach here at 2 50 p. in. from Tor-
onto, has not arrived an - day until after
4 o'clock. The Toronto
on that train, and to
people are disgusted
putting it very mildly
"mixed" now, and doe,
a passenger and mail b
—The Warden's Co
erich, lately, to eonsic
Judge Ferguson in tl
ship vs. the County.
that in estimating
cost for bridge me
by the county, no a
of the amount expe
'the committee do
this, an ,the rasa
teIr. and Mrs. E. Cour
anitoba, and for -
lis county, sponie
ghosts of Mr. a*d
and Mrs. Nicol
es of Ontario for
on a mission of
They have spent
county visiting
have made their
Bonthron, Esq,,
•e. Nicol. They
neap, and will
big show, and
1 Toronto, pro -
o by way of the
Pacifto Railway.
ave a large mor-
bnsiness in Bois -
about the size
of Brussels, in this cornute . They havo been
there about twelve year., and having pro.
spered andero wall please with tho country.
WilfredLaurier, the lead- Before going to Winghe n, Mr. Nieol was
r Mowat, President, the a farmer iG Tookersm tli, having owned
nd ether officers of the the file farm near Brn efteld, now owned
ose desiring to get copies, and occupied by Mr. /3t t1.
distribution aE the book
ate with .lames Sutker- A Railway Man., • ar 13aos.
man of tho Comnhittce1 "In reply to your question do my child -
i Printing sir Publishing
•nto, publishers of the
Ingham, sold lot 19, 00110ee- Liberal Canyon
y, to 1lTr, 4V11stf'reld Jermyn I hands of the pr about a week, I
12,000. The farm had been .port of the peso]
Mr, Tho as Watt,of Ethel 1 complete list of
42 acres Mr. Jermyn
farm I The book will b
tom town to his •
( at a lew figure
-Capt. Itatdi
shire, England,
latives, Mr. Wm.
Ile visited here,
has lost his life
going over to t
The Capt. is a gr
On Monday last 11
trip Yep the lakes.
for generations
1 There will als
go, Ilfercombe, Devon- portraits of Ilon
in town visiting his re- I er, and Sir Oli
Snell and family. Since) Vice -Presidents
e. couple of years ago, be I Convention. Ti
parit,nor, Mrs. ltardinge 1or to assist in th
majority in April last.1 should colnmuni
at lever of the'tvater,andland, ii1. P„ Clhai
and Miss Snell left for a or with the 13udg
The Captain'slancestors Company, Tor
ere waren. 1 omoial report.
issued in pamphlet form,
for general circulation.
be a bound edition, with
papers aro carried
say that Wingliam
r1 the service, is
The train is a
it freight, as well as
hmitteo met at Gori-
er the .Sidgment of
ease of Morris town -
This decision held
its proportion of the
ter.ce: to - be borne
eseecoot l 4d to be tekon
tied on the roads, but
ided to appea,1 against
ill now go tri the full
-Mr. Fitzgoral 1, Grand Matter of the
True Blue Associa ion of Ontario, paid an
official visit to F in Lodge, Lady Tine
Blues, No.19, Win +harp, on Monday even-
ing last. A numb r of the members of L.
0. L. 794 were Inv Led to attend and a very
enjoyable eveniu • was s» nr. 4 Grand
Master Fitzgerald isited Wa1trgi Lodge on
Tuesday and was ceompanied by a number
of the members of the Wingham True Bhio
1)'iRsx UormaaaATiouar, ;Jame
WxNo ata. --W. H. Watson, Pastor. Ser-
vices each Sunday .at 11 a, ixi. and 7 p. in
Sabbath School and Bible Class at 2.30,
Prayer Meeting every Wednesday
at 8 p. n;. Christian Endeavor Friday
evenings at 8 p, m. All made welcome
Seats free. Strangers welcome. Sunday,
Sept, 10th. Mornin„i subject: "Tho
Pathways of the Kin
"Clean Hands," Eve
ism."—To be followe
Mo + edanism.
- On Saturday aft
Walter Simpson, of H
the C. P. R. at Ge
Turnberry, his buggy
" To young people
ing : "Brahman -
by Confuciousisii,
noon last, as Mr•
ick, was crossing
mill's crossing in
as streak be the
engine of Toronto trai , and the seat and
top, with Mr. Simpson, wife and cllild,were
thrown into the ditch, bile the horse and
balance of the buggy, nils a wheel, eseep•
ed. The horse ran am y and broke the.
shafts and got loose fr in the bug , but
was soon naught, not e the worse `she
rossin is a dangerous , no and MiSiim Simp-
gS p
son says that the signal was not given at
a proper place, and that 'Ye didunot see the
train until it was atmoson him, when be
gave the horse e, cut wi h a whip, and it
—"If your :incl
nephew whose i
married to an
sister, whose gran
same town with.
whose son -iii -law
should at once re
with a view of
hes all t,nnt who has an.
fe has a cousin that is
d friend of your wife's
father used to live in tint
t nld playtnste of yours
ow lives in Chicago, yon
.w your acquaintances
ving hotel bills while at
the Werld's Fair. ' Snell is Cho advice•"
the Wallaceburg erstei,
jumped forward, and, n
occupants of the buggy
death. etr.Simpson,we
consulting a lawyer,with
doubt, saved the
rom an untimely
derstand,has been
the object of taking
action for damages ag inst the railway
company. Mr. Simpso , • wife and child;
escaped injury, except eing pretty well
—A sad and fatal nee
ou the farm of Mr Tho
concession 10, East We
morning last, by whi
lost his life. Messrs.
James Marshall wore
Mr. Armstrong, and
forty feet. On Tue
found that there
water in the well,
down to dip it out.
the bottom, he orie
filled with foul gas
went down and fa
iusensible,in the bu
and a small girl, th
present, hauled hi
thein to hurry, as
him. They got L
out of the bucket,
shall to get into, b
deadly work, and
alarm was at one
was secured from
V71.1 s restored to c
To 1*pet relas,
headaches and fevers, to cleanse the
system effeetnally, yet gently, when costive
or billets, or when the blood is impure or
sluggislh, to permanently cure habitual
constipation, to awaken the kidneys and
ren object to talti.ng Seott's Emulsions, .1 liver to a heti by a ftivity, •witbont irri-
say No! on the contrary, they are fond of it tating or Weakeninl thew, use Syrup of
and it keeps them pictures of health." pigs, -
rrenee took place
as Armstrong, of
anode, on Tuesday
t Mr. Jas. Marshal
James Leaver and
sinking a well for
tad got downe about
ay morning it 'was
as about two feet of
nl Mr. Leaver wont
As soon as he reaejt
for help,the well being;
the bottom. Marshall
ened Leaver,who was
et andMrs''rnitr ong,
only pereefireavho were
n up. Marsnall told
he gas was afleeting
aver to the surface and
then lowered it for Mar -
it the gas hail dew its
e was insensible ejThe
iven and me seal aid
Wingbam and Leaver
usciousness. The body
of Marshall was di twn un from the bottom
of the well about, 1 -
down, with gt'a4?p
were taken to the
Quinn, who resides
Thursday they v'
ham cemeteay.
one time resided in
his father had a ee
aro both dead, and )
are all in Manitoba
Tito young man was.
and his sail doath h
the community.
o, hours after he went
in; irons. 'elle remains
home of an uncle named
near I3lyth, and en.
•e interred i.o the Wing-
Tarshall's parents, at
Lower Win•l:am,where
hot shop. Itis parents
is brothers and sisters
land the N orthwest.
bout 24 years of age,
east a gloom over
Plum, Wanted. .
Wanted, itt the C ty Restaurant, Wing -
ham, 100 bushels o' plums. The highest
cash price will be said. Plums must be
delivered from 3N udays until Fridays.
No plums wautea on Saturday. Plums
must be a little on green side for shipping.
Don't forget the ,lace, opposite the new
Bank of Hamilton Rowe. Him..
Miss Mead -Hay
week, after visiti
She was accompei
Mr. n. Leminex
Smith's Falls, Ont.
visit to his parents
Blyth Standard :
of Winglunn, is the
Mr, John Lawso
friends in town thi
ing friends in town
Mioes D. L. Lie
Stella Griffin are
visiting' friends an
1Virs. Chas. Ve-
in London, last w
Mito4 Magpie Mc
recovered from he
tlinda to her .dttti
urn arrived home this
iea her friend Mi4
end friefideeihtown.
,Miss Anal,/ MeLeen,
uesteff•Miss McElroy,
of Wierton, its visiting
Leeknow, wee visit -
his week,
Mabel Kent, and
n Toronto this week
seeing the great fair.
d was visiting relatives
I3lytli Standited4
Wingbam, spent 5
Dr. James Cants;
calling on friends i
Mr, J. B. Dull=
week taking in the
Miss Letitia Wil
visiting Mende in t
arrived home last
Miss Vine Rush r
weeks' visit to frie
Saturday last.
Mrs. W. H. Kerr
sole, spent a day or
week, the guests of
Mr,Z•red.Davie, o
Davis, of Chicago,
Mr. ]I. Davis, on P.
Mrs. Williainso
guest et the reside
Mr. J. L. Coutt
town this week, o
Mr: J.
xday in tov
ell, of D
own, this
e was in Lis
amsan, who li
i vicinity of ilt
turned from - su:
de in 'Kiuoar
nd son Leslie,
A in toWil du
Ilos. S. Seilery.
Mitehell,and Mr.
ere visiting their't
onday last.
of Kincardine, .,
cc of Mr. H. Dan a,
of St. Themes, we.
lliug on friends.'
Dr. said Mrs. T •wler ars away on a
to St, Louis, Mis'ouri, and they will
the World's Fair before they return.
Mrs, Jas. Irwi , of ilfarquette, ilimllt
is on a visit to f ends in town.
Mr. Thos. J. °Lean left on Sat
last to visitfrlenc . i1i Alt oma district. F•
petted to attend a great Canadian Orde
.Foresters' demo stretion at Tilessalote,-
Tuesday last
Mr. Geo. Ids lavish, of Listowel, tip
1,' during the week,v
few days in tov
Rev. Wm. Ga
ing 00 friends 11
reverend gentl
Presbyterian oh
Clinton New
wlto has been v
month, has rete
Mr. L. D.
agent of the Co
sedation, of G
tpwli.sel-few day
xn de'ise nto, t
Cdr tit'o1'Y .."N
Kehr of Win
Miss Elia So, derson left on Thursday o
a visit to friend: at Sault Ste. l'Sferic, t):xll
Miss Herr, of rues Mines, is visits
friends in town.
Tesswater Ne
Wingham, Mrs.
Miss Lottio Wit
weeks' trip to 0
the Exhibition a
Miss Gordo Y
day in town, the
Miss MoQuoe
Ripley, is at Mr.
lagher, of Ayton, uc�a
town, on Tuesday. e
an has charge of
arches at Ayton and let
'ea;: Mrs. 3: B. Rambo
siting in Wingbam far
rued to town.
intent, of Exeter, genes
enant Mutual Benefit
esburg, Illinois, was
this week, oii'business.-
older is visiting r„ letiv
s weak. -
ws-Record : Mr. ,Atka
m, was in town on Mr
auehlin, Who has fully
recent illness, has re-
in New York City.
formerly of this
near Blyth, pr
s : Mrs. T. T. Watson,
eimmins, ofRinevale,
'an have gone on e
awe. They will Atte
Toronto . on their wa
ing, of Gorrie, spent Sun
guest of Mrs. W. H. Mo-
of the Huron Manse
sey, of Cincinnati, 'Ohio;
wn, is vieiting friend
formerly of Dolores is,lieme On. a vieit,
trees on Monday task,.
rills will cure Ifeadaehe, Biliousness,
Sour Stomach, etc. Try them once en
you will not use ony other. Priee -251.t. a
Oils is the best Family Liniment in the
world: Instant cure for Spreins and
Bruises. Beware of intita,tions. Ask or
Salmon's English White Oils,
will core tik worst cold. Ilona:x.4s 0
testimoniels tettify to its merits, Mons.,
will positively be refunded if Ilerttlilield'
Healing Balsani does not do all thet i
claimed for it.
.e. Dr. Itt,intem Medical oisecov
1,y is the , great blood pori9or. It. wil
maire the 131,* Imre and keep it p4re,
Cures dyepe la and all forms of stoma
and. liver troubles. It is the best; buy t
best. Price one dollar a bottle, sit bottl
for five dollars.
'Williams' Little ItOstudt.1101
riZtiLioniss Iluilislii ilto
°11)1:: )(titles i*""torimi INivitildill
Dr. "titles Ittedietil
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