HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-08-25, Page 10THE ;TING IAM TIMES, AUGUST 25, 1893. IVIeINDOO. Baugh, J. II. Dyk ,J. W. Pring, Messrs, W C. Hazlewood, Cevaua gh, Wm. I'ollerit, A. Woodman, J , o. Mills and Wm. Wray, 'IIB' SEn%LONS emcee. sun. to Feces—It is widely known that Wingbein, L• al errgt. • Loeal east,. Teeswvater, „ " 4. 14 reuse hes achieved awonderful success, -a roaster, De J. H. Dyke, " e ,geode. Daily we are complimented Brussels, L cal arxgt. t, tt i the Niger class of our dry goods-- t Walton,, Londesboro, =v Wm. Baugh, " ;Blyth. Leal axrgt, " " —the 'large increase in our entire „ SI Auburn, t " KW. Bolgrave, Rev .. A. McLachlan, " " tt on aNn Wrenn --Ready made mantles. Bluevale, L cal arrgt. " r before %n any single season liar there A. communi +, tion from Methodist Young People's Sooieak of Ontario, re Bible Seel - allele a maltiplication of novelties, and ety, wvas road, ,don motion of Rev. G. H. rimy never beforehas there been the Cobblediok, sec. . ded by Bev. -3. H. Dyke' etiou given in making pretty and e1e- it was resolved hat each pastor use his in - mantles. We promise you such a adiel display for the coming season as fiuenoe in obtaii ing as many young people as possible to s udy scripture lessons re- ferred to, and ale • to present themselves for have never seen ontside the city. examination on s me in January next. re have just passed into stook over 100 Superanuation Fund—Apportionments hent stylus of fall and winter mantles elle same as last year, the very latest styles and splendid les. bless Goons—A. very special lot of fall winter suiting in fanny and plain h Berges, chevoits and checks. le, It ,s goods in fancies, comprising the latest ves and trimmings to match, now, in 1'4D Mann CLorumG—We have just ed a large shipment of ready made ing in suits and fall overcoats at At H. Mol DOO'S. DDITIONAL LOCALS. 'flit `view of what Hood's Sarsaparilla clone for others, it not reasonable to ve that it. will so be of benefit 'to you? 1 ;Yew. postage stamp (eight cents) is The Board of Ex issued for use for registration fee and the Province, who ge of letter. combined. When the the Normal School of the pees:nt five cent registered written iu the Hig ps are used ' o more will be issued. inations, which iu istowel is g ving $1100 ih purses on lug and Aiatricula Luber' 5th nd Oth next. Races, 5th I ducted by the De ;, 2.35 and .22 classes; Oth--2.20 and have finished thei lases. EL tris close • September est. ations are univer es eligible Aug. 25th. Will.b two pass and honor, s ridid ort: a Department has -issued, int the enclosing of a ing servip the purpose of paper,.' or in -tiny, other tter passing at less than rate 1` _ e ,at law punishable ne of n• lose than 1210. Several tions ha e lately been had under °tion o the Post Office Act, and asters ar segnested to exercise the t'vigilan ':to prevent frauds of this ter. e great tethering of the clans will Ia,Ce at =know-, on Wednesday, ••6th next, when the Caledonian wall 'take .lace, under the auspices cf s of Soo land of Huron and Bruce es. It is petted that the leading of the' • orld will' be present and games. The 48th Battalion has been engaged, and a emont is assured. Liberal merits, and good accomrno- 'ytcays�gathe�iing. The adios Delighted.. ' pleasant effect and the perfect safety s may use the liquid fruit f Figs, under all condition orite remedy. It is pleas. d to the taste, gentle, yet passed in Latin nd French tenth f+ on the kidneys, liver and District No.4 , Seaforth. Prim i Boyd, W. J. Br. wnwell, W. J. C J. Campbell, A. 'arnechau, M. Cr & Jones, Buffalo, N. Y., 'Clennan passed in Latin Authors E. Dee he date of August 18th, vereaux, T.Esle , J.Forrest, A. E.Feittir s of the British apple E. J. Gemmell, '+• D. Hayes, R. Johnstone which they say : The 1I. Kelly, M. La ;mer, A. C. Lawrence, R. n abundant apple crop MoI>;ee, A. mein at, been realized, and J. R. Morrison, ince favorable within Bast, A, M. Pun the quantity will be Deans, W Fife, A Elliott, xi. Fraser, J Gilmour, Iltta Zebu ton, W Tucker. 14 Watson, lD Weir, J. e. Warwick. The atteutiou of st ceessful o idielates is Galled to the follow Applications for Om g resolutious:—(1) Woo to a County daughter ot the lat 1DateLtl.r,--Sf.1te the bride's father, 166th, Mr George i3 t"lohn Thompson, levq, At the residence of t Marys, ou August ',mini'', of the Colliug. wood Collegiate I1 stitute, to Miss Annie, daughter of Il Fr •d Sharp, Esq. Dnwrs—Oeerii i+—•At the Rectory, ou August 16th, by t re Rev j W Hodgins, f12r Model Scheel statin; age lust birthday, James Dawes, to Ilse Lizzie Oldfield, all and choice of school if any, shall be re- 1 of Seafortb. reeved by the Inspee or uot later tban the Keneu'ree--lel: h—At the residence of. Lllzabe b street, 25th of August; but uo person shall be admitted who will u.t be eighteen years ou or before the oto 'o of the term. (2). The teachers.iu-trai Aug shall attend re- gularly aud punctu ly from the first day day of September ti 1 the dual extuuinatiou call Fairs. Western at London, Sept, 14-21. North Perth at Stratford, Sept. 28-29. North Waterloo at Berlin, Sept. 20-28. Center Huron at Clinton, Sept. 26-27. Toronto Industrial, Sept. 4-16. Central at Guelph, Sept. 19-21. North Oxford at Woodstock, Sept. 26.27. Morniugton and Ellice at Milverton, Sept. 20.27. M.ifohell at Mitchell, Sept. 26-27. Great Northwestern at Goderioh, Sept. 20-22.. West Wellington at Harristou, Sept. 27- 28. East Huron at Brussels, Oct, 5-6. Wingham at Wingham, Sept, 20-27. North Bruce Uniou, Port Elgin, Sept. 28.29. East Wawauosh at Bolgrave, Sept. 28.29. Hensall Oct, 7-8. Dungannon, at Dungannon, Oct. 12-13. Culross, at Teeswater, Sept. 19-20. Morris, at Blyth, Dd. 10-11. Results of the Exam;nations. miners from all over ave been in session examining the paper School district exam- ude the Primary, Leav- ion standards, as con, rtmeut of .Education, labors. The exatnln- ity matriculation, both nior and junior .leaviu the primary examina- ted corresponds to the rtificate examination. is about the same as on and takes the place lass. The senior leas - the old first year univer- nd first-class certificate, identical with honor e matriculation exam- enor, gives the suceess- entrauce to the univer- examinations, au true. The last na, add tbird-class c The junior leavin the pass matricul: of the old second ing corresponds to city examieationo- end is almost matriculation. ination, pass and ful candidates fo• in December, The followicg are tions for 3894, for ti e Publio School Leav- ing; from the Hi 11 School Reader: - 31, To a Highlaud - irl; 35, The Isles of Greece 51, Horst us; 62, Tho Raven ; 56, To theEvouing Viud; 67, The Hanging, of the Crane; 79, T le Loll oe Burleigh ; 131, The "Revenge"; 82, lIerve Biel ; 102, A. Ballad to Qum Elizabeth ; 105, The Return of the Swell sus ; 108, '1'o Winter. the Literature selec. 1 LN. Small—Iu Wingh• mean the 21st August, t > wife of Mr. Day d Small; a daughter. Seeren—Iu East Wawauosh, on . 17th Inst the write of Mr. Vllliatri Salter' twit' BOBS. SEILLCNG—In. Tees ater, on July 31st, the wife of eir..Jobe Slr,iluug; a sou. I - Luxes -1u 1, ulros ,, oa.the Uth inst., the wife of M .r. Albert • 'tines ; s daughter. I'tursxEitrOse—IU'lursberry, on the 16th iust., the wife of Dir John Rutherford ; a daughter. Levis -•In Cliutou on August `30th, the wife of Mr Geo avis; twiu daughters. Flxen—lis Chutes! , cu August 20th, the wife of lir Jaynes 11ucb ; a daughter. ton, on August 10th, Auarewrs, G 'I' R; a , on August Oth, the t daughter. uevale, ou the lath inst. son Thorutou; a daugh- tale bride's fathe sets, on August 1 Cbesley, Afr. L' izeie, youngest bcth of Brussels sity. The following re. tlie names . of those who passed at th different exarnivatfops iu the county:-, 9 District No. 2 Cl1$tiln'. Primary—W: Bagshaw, G. H. ielby,E. 11.`C'arEwright, E. Cooper, N. Cr ab, L. Cruiekehank, L. A. Cunningham, . Doherty, M.A.D.uukin, E. Hitch, W. Ho land, 8. Irwin,' L. iV1• Johnstone, C. 111 onald, M. McIntosh, D. A . MMKcenzie, A. 1 eTaggiert, L. lf"iygee, B. Mureb, A. Ross, ' . 0. Russell, C. i1: - eb- butt, E. A. Tar er, L. R. Whitely, W. Brooks, F. Ross, R. Kinsman (passed in Latin grammar) Junior Leaving—J. It. Bone, H. Dodd, ..1T. Richardson, W. J. Scott, L Snell, L. Stevens, 3. 'Weida Senior Leaving W. S. McDosualb. Ma- triculation—C. a cTiinnou, J. C1L Lindsay r. ary-11. arneron, w, J. J. 11 re. Will unlet; prospee son 1893, i omise of to the Pres wen/thee con two months gest for ma we have had 184 are avers e most imp membered th led the mar nd it nit be not by any eat be, a strike now olein , prospects d ANDREW$—Iu 011 the wife of Mr son. DaLY—Iu Ciiuto wife of Air Daly ; —In 13 TzIonNTev the wife of Mr. Ne ter. Soor:T--In Brus+els. on August 10th, the wife of Mr. Peter Scott; a son. ' 1ftZ3:D. a - n the iufant dough TnoureoN--At inst., John J Th n��tr++ntbs and 18 d Breams—In T Rodney St. 01 Belden, aged 9 y OVE tet the -residence Wiugl um, by the T C Sperling, ot C err—On the gird inst. of the bride's mother, tett S Battery, 13 1), Mr ealord, to Miss Louisa •' t.. Bras- th, by Rev, D. Perrie, of Nomas Kneehtel, to 112158 daughter of Mr, A. Iteid, DIED. sr am,ou le 21st instant, ANY IDEA OF TAKING A HAKE YLJ BUSINESS OR SHORTHAND COURSE 7 z- 1" z ..--'..i -�y,�..•y^� r 4:,...÷.-.:_ r ISS r s:=' °1 iE'1 ,�A • x "r ..--; f. s =�'' a bx� Y i , r. fit -�,�^,�,;_.,,,F?;,,"„� '-•..,,•moi' The Forest City Bus ` ess College of London Stands head and shoulders above the average business college for thorough practical teachieg. College reopens September 4. Catalogue free, .T. W. WJ STERVELT, Principal. Guz er of Mfr, David Small, Teeswater, ou the 4th nlpsen, aged 20 years, 5 rns berry, ou August llth. 'r, eldest son of Walter ars, 1 month and 1 week. SLEEPLESS NESS is and per- manently cured .y the faithful use of CAMPBELL'S QUININE WINE. Xt tones up the system and restores failing strength, Recommended by all doctors as a restorative after debilitating illnesses. , Prepared only by K. CAM PBELL a CO., ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. MONTREAL, CONSULT US. 1.114 PROF. GOLDSTEIN l a;D WIFE, the only practical Optician: hat ever visit- ed for he u r oso of arebep ten p 'u ht Wr , ZT making scientitle axes in ion of all classes of Defective'Vision, u • as Astigmatism—ln + lection of the Eye- ball. Presbyopia—Old Sight. Myopia—Near Sight. Hyporrnetropie—Far Sight. Apliokia—After Cataract is removed. , They will be at the BRUNSWICK HOTEL for two week. Coneultatiolr free. Braille. Junior CnIrrxc's —•- Is A::C • — Ou Wednesday, August end, at e residence of the btide's sister, by the v. S. Sellery, B. D., Mr. William Chittk, of 'reingliain to Miss Nellie blaucer, daughter of Mr. Charles Mancer, of 'Ger le. HowsoN—G Lrirsn—At Tara, ou the lst inst., Mr. H. klowson, of Teeswater, to Miss Emma alliher, of Tara. GRANT --Sur a—On Wednesday, August:• 2nd, at the res deuce of the bride's pareuts, by Rev. J. A. lnLaohlau, M. A., Mr. Robb. Graut to Miss Priscilla Smith, daughter of Mr. William S . ith, of Culross. ,SANDERSON— • 11Tc1IELL—At Back march, Invorkeithiug, Fifeslnire, Scotland, on the lith July, by ev. 301m G. Robertson, B. D., John W. tnderson, Wroxeter, to Leta Kate Gilehrls , fourth daughter of Michael Mitchell, Esq, HENDERSON of the bride's inst, the Rev to Miss Annie Young. OnasxsY -R 16th inst, by tl Chesney, of T Robinson. of S' HurcrrisoN— by the Itev L G of Ashfield, to i Whitechurch. Scorr—TnoME the bride's moth forth, ou August Buggin, of Blyt Scott, of' Seafor YOUNG—At the residence other. Colborne, on the 16th obt Henderson, of Auburn, ouug, daughter of Iir Alex nzNsoN-1n Clinton, on the • Rev A Stewart, lir Saml kers:mai , to Miss Luciuda &forth. ° venuere—On the Oth inst, Wodd, Itir Geo Hutchison, Angeline Everette, of ,t nN—At the residence of r, in McKillop, near Sea. - 16th, by the Rev Mr. , 1ir Thomas Goldsmith h, to Miss iwiargeret Ann, Steam, Saw and Shingle Mill FOB SALE, on the river Maitland in Village o "NATIZOMEMIR•_ Unlitnted quantity of timber to be had in the neighbourhood, all kinds. The mill is infirst-class running order and com- plete throughout ; capacity, 10 to 12 thou- sand per ten haurs. There is also a sub- stantial frame house, stable, ete.,belongiug to the property. Apply on the premises. 6t MRS. ALISON GIBSON. 1 The partnership happily existing between the undersigned for the past six years will close on the 8th day of September, 1893, by efful- gence of time, and, owing to continued ill health of one of the partners, cannot be renewed. Therefore, the WESTERN FAIR, LONDON, SEPTEMBER /4th to 23rd, '93. CANADA'S FAVORITE EXHIBITION ESTABLISHED 1368. The, Oldest in the Dominion. LIVE STOCK EXHIBITS Entries Close September 7th. Tho best and largest stabling and space allotted on receipt of entries. Better Special Attractions Thou ever before. b. SrrcIAL. Excrlislo.N's Ino\; ALL POINTS. For Prize Lists and iuformatiou apply to CAPT. A. W. PORTE, Pros. THOS. A. BBOWNE, See. ,tE ;K, A. r.I CC NTI NC TO M;OUT $10,000, bb sold .. 4l� reserve AND AT MP BLOW COST. . A.s the goods are all new and have been selected ,with Meat TCarer. this affords an opportunity of securing SACRIFICE BAR(xATNS such as may never again be offered to the citizens of Winghaln and vicinity. This great sale will begin on at-urd.ay, ug. 5th, And continue for 33:days. Please remember 33 DAYS SELLING AT COST, • An? in many cases far below cost. Dei`i lot permit business of pleasure to keep you away from this store dura; tllese,33 days;" for it is the chance of a lifetime. The stock conic s;;of r very description of Dress Goods, General Dry -Goods, including ` Cur- tains, Curtaining.: and . a fine assortment of Carpets, fine'Worsteds, imported and Canadian Tweeds, Ready-made Clo: :- ing, Gents' Furnishings, &c. BOOTSTND SHOES and SLIPPERS- from the best makers. GROCERIES, pure and fresh, in abundance; •Lovers of good,,' pure TEAS cannot affod rto miss this mammoth sale. 'Come, ,now is the accepted time. GOOD BUTTER and EGGS will be taken as cash. -Any goods charged during this GREAT SALE will be entered at regular pries GORDONC& M' I RE, The Anchor House. Wingham, July 31, 1893. ley, A.. McCrae, 3. Miller, . 141nleahy, A, Prender- hard, II. ltobrnsou, 1ti. eaviug—LBallantyne, J. y years. Out of 270 Ballantyne, 1B, t . Beattie, M. Bell, le. his year 79 are over Bethune, M• F. •ampbell, M. Davis, A. es and prospects are Grieve, A. Killu an, D. Landesboro, H rtant districts. It Lawrence, 111. an H. Morrison, I. Mundy t the depression in H.',l'urnbell, W. Turnbull. Senior Leav et completely last ing—H. Fowler, W. T. Gemmell. Ma- dmitted that things triculatiou—J. A. Jackson. J. M. McKinley ears so bright as (passed in Latin, reek, fi:•at-class honors f most serious im- in classics), Wm. Rae (passed in Latin, sit among colliers. French), A, Tho ••son (passed in Latin, not favor extreme Greek, itis to be h ped that dealers District No. 5 ,, Goderieh. Primary induced to p. y too much in the ? H Austin, W 11, N Baillie, A Clark, A ;was the enis last season. Tito Cummings, A .1 t icksoa, W A Elliot, A. M of the crop tin .ugilout the United Ferguson, i't1.1'in , y, 13 Guest, IIF John. sections th s fax heard from, sou, J IcMurcuie If McConnell, M O'Neill, Iy. With he report given of Elia Patterson, 'i J Quinn, 11 hose,, W apple crop famished by the Reed, C Sprung, SiJlors, M Tiahborlie in Liverpool, which We stiblllft IValper, junior r saving—L Audroii•s, 5 ppears to us int the Canadian 13eekett,1'12 Cree e, O Coleman, J Hicks, A 1 find a heti r market in the Jeckell, L Kain. Ritaine, J Hinahan, than in Li erpool, Glasgow Latta, M. A Mcl - tyre, j 111 $tobertson, H ign ports, Mussell,11 A. R an. F Stmart,11 Salkeld, Ingham Finelu .L l District meet. J Ii Tigert. Se for Leaving—le Campbell, sthochst Ch rch was held in C 111 Eraser, It. Strang. Matrlculatiou— 'Tuesday, 22 d inst. Members 1:1% I.+" Armstrong, 1; Ball (passed in Latin), Alva. S. Seller , E. A. Shaw, J. J Witte (passe. fu Latin), 7 C Iteid, , G. II Cobblidiek, T. District I r.1 1, Wingluttn. Primary— J. Fair, •0, liu , i'llr• r Ailtaloy, SV C. mpbell, t3 Cornyu, 1111a EO. E. KING. see WE ARE CLEARING . PRINTS, OHALLIE , DELAINES, BLACK GREN ADI ES, DRESS GOODS, is D1,1x 1L Eespeetfully yours, GM O., M .0 '.+ . NEW FALL GOODS, NEW FALL. G00I35, NEW FALL G OF ALL KINDS, OF ALL KINDS, OF ALL I "CALL AND SEE US, CALL AND SEE US, CALL AND SI --AT THE— ORR & HISCOCKS, Direct Dry Goods Imp 'Tun BEAR, August 30, 1893. DRE SS AND MANTLE MI< MRS. JOILN KEItR. Ras decided to again open a Dres, ".dantie making business, at her res; Edward street, near Pringle's pop Satisfaction guaranteed. ApprE wanted. 3 Marrtago Licenses. ' .. Issued by PnrtNIr PATER401,l,» I b- touti street, Win ;ham, t Mho-witl required, LOCAL ,,.LV ",Wf' Ca11 at the Star Restll)rant fol uss went of fruit. 'Wee. McKee -tick sliboti>ag, 11 become legal in Qts rio on Sept° ber 1st. r. Allan Galb with is about oI rout a grocery in the tore one door no e. Mr P. Deans' flour'tt 4' feed store. Private neon to'•loan on mor. at retteonablo jell of Interest. Apply tf ee Jolter Nue —The Town Beii' drive a delightfu air cuileett on rric`ta .,?evening last. enatertailai'iients lire 1 glee, appreciate e em townspeople, I . t ^.:report of the ontertair held uu tbel?'iesbyte Ian -church, on day-evenixin, 2'lst: iu Inst issue, we tontly oiriltied': toention the nar Miss Ada, Cline, w110 gave a solo, and May Cline; '''Who presided at the organ —Sorrotlr: •Scn'rriss.. .A full stook o' and Public. School books,: scribblers, cise books, inks, r opens, etc., at Chial Drug Store. -The following n postmasters , from meat :—"The idea i in country places t a lower rate of post masters should do i this impression, whi mice lies been s the. postaffIce d more or less pre ut a letter may ge if loft open,. hat they cad 'to c h is Wholly, erre)] —Mr. 3. B. llole n, who had club the commercial new for the Terme! pire, hasleft that pa ser to devote his time to the Canaclia Grocer,. the Rar Merchant arid the y Goode Ile view McLean is ono of t1i best writers on tial rind oonitneieia natters on the dies; press. —Ladiess, hevo your garments ma Miss el, Johnston, Gregory block, op the Queen's hotel, atatest styles, work, always lied -clam fit. -The telegraph a a telephone an, trie light poles IO '•wn should be lt. ' and made presertabI It was a coin• able act of Mr. A.111 sbois, the otlie in removing all ad ising mattes the telegraph poles. They‘are one, enough 13ilrw, witlrou being covered all kfntla of advertisb g wetter. We sps&ol; the t0,w11wCe minors Inoue i titer .bf.having the poles painted 7 wilt be the roan to r ceivo the 'telex the t speople ill. ti is matter ? On Sunday nor in;; het, about o'oloclk, the Stehle of Mr.'. Finlay, ' Wfngham;was disco red to be 01 Mr. y;'inlay, with the assistan neighbors, succeeded i saving his I harness, eta. The ha , of . whish Vas a considerable upply, war stroyed, along with t re bnill*n1 Origin of the Jiro 9a n t known, I fluppoeed to be the vier of an inter There was no insurendo Tho town watt sounded, but ae th ilre was the limits of the wat work, 11 reels wets not taken out.