HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-08-25, Page 4THE WINGIIA.M TIMES, AUGUST 25,1893, idingant Eines FRIDAY, A1JGUST 25, 1893. Bas et Touched Bottom. Wheat 30 Cents a bushel on amain- , tem lntirket 1 One cent per pound. '' `here is not much encoaragenlent for #its Canadian fanner in this state of l' 't+hings. He .can hardly atlord to raise wheat at the price of horse feed. A pound. of oats fetches more money i, chap a pouted of wheat.. Reesou for the low price of wheat has been looked for outside of Canada.: The price in intiand Hrt .. xcl is fixed bytrio supply gpY P demand thea,, end pr' es through the world, if net fixed, areI largely affected by the price in Euglan , the great con- stuniug market. On he 31st of De- cember, 1892. the prtiye of wheat in Tto"dotl was 78 cents ler bushel, The average price :or the y ar 1892 was 02 cents per husbel.i The average price for 1889 was 90tents per bush- el. There may be, emporarily, a very low pries i11 a year when the aver;lgr price is low, alld in a year when the average price wheat may be occasionally sold at a h egh figure. But the general Ondeney eV wheat prices for tetany years has beer downward, as will be seen by the following record, which gives the averaeeprtce of wheat in Loudon and the average export price an New York per bushel in each year since 1871: Year. Lo don New York. 1871.........................1 73 el 31 1872 II 73 147 1873 .. 1 78 131 1.874 ......... ...... I 1 79 1 42 1875 41 37 1 12 1876. n 1 40 • 124 1877 ,i 73 1 16 1878 R1 41 1 33 1879 'I 53 1 06 1880 '1 35 1 24 1881 11 28 1 11 1882 1 37 1 18 1883 a1 26 1 12 1884 1 09 1 06 1885 .i 99 88 1886 ' 94 87 1857 ; 99 89 18gS...,.,... 96 85 1889 .. 90 89 189097 83 1891 li 15 93 1892 1 92 103 If the present law prick. of wheat is to be petnanent, as tile' above table would seem to indicate, Ontario farm-. ers would have to r rise something else. Thr.eir lialce is more restricted ellen it be used to be foie the � e i l v duties �1l�ue on barley, beans, iawl;s and horses shut thou out of thedreirican market for those products, anti before their cattle was scheduled by the British Gover nenY. But nepessity !cows no law, and there cannot be any profit 'ill raising wheat to sell at GO cents, under present conditioris in•Canuda. ti A Battto for $toad Is what Hood's Sarsaparilla vigorously fights, and it is always :victorious in ex- pe1}iog all the foul taintsetaud giving the' •vital fluid the quality and quantity of per- fect health. It cures ser' fula, :;alt rheum, .boils and all other trnubl s caused by im- pure blood. Purely vegetable—Hol n's Pins. Old. Acqualnfances. flet me tell you a pretty story. Among the visitors in New York, dur- ing the centennial celeb- uion from the south, was a gentleman on the i staff of the governor of Virginia. He e had written to a friend to engage a horse for him to ride during his stay -'STI. New York. A white horse. proud - stepping and slender limbed, was selected, and on the morning appoint- ed was led in company with a coal- black steed•to the spot where the. Vire gluier( gentleman and a friend were ready to mGunt, when, lot the black horse pawed the ground, shook his head, silowe;l great uneasiness, and altogether behaved so remartably that he attracted great attention. As euro as I live, said the rider of the white steed to his 'companion, you t. human that on cannot but be glad when a great pleahure falls into the life of this faithful friend of Ulan. --Our Dumb Auituois. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS,•.—•This cooking redioilte has the happiest effect when the blood Is overheated etnd a tendency to inflammatory action is set up in the eysteue; one Pill token before dinner does 'maw with indigestion, fulness and flateieucy—indietttions of a weak stomach or disordered liver. A few Pills taken at bedtime act as alter. atives and aperients; they not only re- lieve the bowels but regulate every organ cooneeted with them, overcome ail areid humours, and encourage a free supply of all lie secretions essen- tial to our well` being. Holloway's c t;uea d perfectly thoroughly el ,a s n p r y regulate the circulation, and beget a hotetiolatesfl fooling of comfort i ed high temperatures, ' 11ich is most de, sirable for preserves, yyon of health. The Fullness of Testimony. t The shrewdness o working up and presenting the remat able case against Lizzie Borden suggets the effort of a Southern Ohio lawye some years ago in adducing the Putt ss of testimony. The case was that of a young man on trial for murder, and he witness under cross-examination, a`young lady who had, so it was alleged, seen the young man running away ems the house of his yietitn. Said the attorney : Ah, now, Miss ermines, where were you on the eve ing of the 4th of December ? At home, sir, at m father's house. How far awayl A short distance, ser. How far? I don't know exact ly, sir. Don't you know tl distance in feet and inches ? N -no, sir. A -a -ab 1 Now, Mils Jennie<gs, did you see the defendanton that night? • Yes, sir; he ran past our door. How fast was he g ing ? 3 don't know exactly, sir. A -a all! Write thft down. Now, Miss Jenninge, how old are you? Nineteen, sir. 1 How old are your perents ? Father 44, mother 4. How do you know y, u are 19 ? They told— i Tut, tut ! No hearsay testimony gees in this court. ?What was the color ot your grandmo ier's eyes '1 I—I don't remembe�', sir. Ah -a -ha ! Now, ho v often did your grandfather shave? i ' Oh, I don't re - 1 Ab -a -ha l Write tl at down. + your Miss Jenuing how did your grandfather die? r He was kicked by aihorse, sir. What tiolor was the; gorse ? How can 1 tell you, sir? Will. The Court: A ill tet for attorney f t defence please inform t1ie court what he is driving at? Why—your— honor"-- aheen ! and may it please the courthere is it woe roan who will swear away the life of a young man, and I prom Ise to show by her own testitnouy hat her mem • or is not to be relied on. She don't Y pon. know, your honor whether her grandfather was killed 'v a Connecticut pennyroyal � or a Hang c, •y thorough- bred— o ) li h i o u 1r, bred— 1 The roar that foilow$d closed the cross examination long'•before the girl had been cumpelled to;give the exact day of the month til which Adana stole the apple and blazed it onto his nuoeent wife.—Clevela d Plain -Deal - r. Mining Neuss. Minim; experts note tido cholera never• attacks the bowels of theearth, but hu- manity in general find itjlecessary to use Dr. Fowler's Extract of gild Strawberry for bowel complaints, dysentery; diarrhoea etc. It is a sure cure. ' .. The Quebec live stoc' exhibit to the World's Fair leaves Montreal next week. There are 431 thoroughbred losses and 50 cattle, th') pick of the rovince. The 1J, Si Government lave clone away with the quarantine L the frontier on this Ctecasiou. p a are mounted on Black Diamond, Illy Own old horse! 8 Nonsense! said the other equestrian, P you wouldn't know Black Diamond now, and he wouldn't know you. By this time a little throng of spec- 1 Mors had gathered, .red, interested in the a aoene, 131ack Diamond's saddle was s taken oft, end under it was discovered j n Vttf old sear, and a little tuft of white t ,hair, which proved bis identity beyond 11 a doubt. When his old master mount. f i'• oil him, the horse fairly quivered with t 'alight, and gave a cry of gladness, Alli t the centennial roughten nell yiweek Beret two happy beings together, a' LI fad a horse, gild at Lease some. r A. wonderful new co bivation is R. tarp's headache, iVeu atgia and liver owders, uiee to take and perfectly harm - ors. iXr. Alenauder R soy. ot the Im• trial I3auls, Wetland, °writes: 1 have much pleasure in testifying to the cxecl- onee of R. Stark's 1Ieadeche, Neuralgia ud Liver Powdero, an have no besita•, iota in tecemenendtug thin to those who ufier from headache. hey have been sod in our f:tinily with t o most satisfac- ery results, giving alines�t immediate re- idf.:tlr. actin/ Il. Glass of the well-known irm of Glass Brunie'[, ee filo., London Pot. er Wet y tis, writes. : I have given your ieadache, Neuralgia ai=d 1; ver Powders 6 borough test, and find Choi' never fail in az ruing almost inst;tntaneoueteelief. I have lush pleasuro in recommending than as eine; Ruperior to anything : I have ever shows intelligence so nearly tnerdlie ue dealers �ute is (lox. Hold by all t white illteet, and on plu Gents of Thought. Home will allow no man to secure beelines by crime. ° Behavior is a mirror in which. every- one diepleys his image. Men lice lose than they ought, tuiles they do ail they can, Politeness has been well. defined. as benevolence in small things. The secret of making cue's; self tile some is not to k low when to Stop, The rays of happiness, like those of Reedit, are oelorlese when unbroken, What do we live for if it is not to make life less dilficuit for tacit other. He who boldly ;boars calamity is more valiant than a who dares to die.. Every duty whic some truth that k nawn The greatest evil of modern educa- tion is the evil witch it inflicts on health. we omit obscures we should have Fretfulness of tel (per will gennraily characterize those u4jo aro negligent of order. Honesty is ono pelt of eloquence. `eft. persuade others Itty ueing in earn- est ourselves. Liberality couaistss less in giving much than in gieing lin the right way at the right moment. The exact value of`i'any man's relige ion may be determin d by noticing the effect that it has on is conduct. There are Many d •ty roads in life ; but if you nee you judgment you may always be able, to find a clean crossing. •6 More is got from hpoks ill which the thought settles fir a definite end in knowledge, than "tfrom libraries skimmed over by wandering eyes. A Curet or Ise- pepea. DYSPEPSIA is a prolific cause of such diseases as bad blo d, constipation,headache, and liver cote taint, Burdcck- Blood Bitters is guarani ed to cute or re• lieve dysp3psia if used actiording to three. tions. Thousands have tested it with best results. 1 A Black Ile. Mrs. Johnston 11lacy one of the society ladies of Aut� tin, sent the colored boy elle has ehinloyecl about the place to Mrs. Flapjack's boarding house with a note. The boy carne back in aboiit an honri and . reported that Mrs. Flapjack e s not in. Did you see. Ther SiB err No, mum; she had tdoue e';one out too, WVei then, hP n didy t�- a ,, not give the. t note to some of the.b o rd rs a e . Na, muni; de boar ers, had gone out tone • Well, you could }live left tate note with the cook. De cook done left to, Well, now you inugi go right back and see if there ie noir sotneboby about the place and give thdm that note—do you hear? a The boy hesitated, And the lady ask- ed impatiently: What are you waitig for? Please, mum— a Welt, what is it? Please, mum, what Street does she lib on?—Texas Siftiug4. When Baby was sick, we ga e her Castoria. , When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Suss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave themCastorla. Sir Oliver hlowat,i acid Premier of,pntal by Mr. John Dryden] culture, will leave fo [Ie Western Tertit next week. Tali Oliver's first Nisi tMr. Dryden will go at Chicago before the tttoruey'General to, acconipauied Minister of Agri- Matiitoba and pries of Canada will be Sir t ese,•t. He and It he World's Fair b return. 1the unlatisln in ho Yinees, SIIttI,—About two yearp ago I took rheum- atism in the knees, whi6h became so bad that I could hardly gop or down stairs without help. A11 anedi6inns failed until I was induced to try 13.1. B, 13y the tin o I had taken the seclnd bottle I was greatly relieved, and the third bottle thoroughly retnored the loin mud stiffness, Amos Bic itST, terrl sburg, Ont.• Tara has lately rejoiced in the ' os. Jip sesame of a white -robe ghost which was tvatit to walk at th midnight, hour. The ghost had It queer penchant for visiting an unromautie laughter house belonging to the Mess . Dolphin, and after its visits the pro deters Lound that tho meat therein 1 d always stif- feted more or less dimni tion. 'Inquiry into the phenomenon 'exulted lit the eaeture of the spirit, wh proved to 18 a wofnau of the village wrapped in a r bent, A Sermon lac Wevos. Every bride lcuowsher powor; overt' wife comes to know het' weairneas. A good proportion of the lletirtbrealt of early merriodlife is due to the fea•aueut of their knowledse. Cite poor child whose lover gave up hie cigars and his club with sasb angehe meeknes8 Nide that her husband can smoke like a chimney and leave her alone nights in order to spend the evening .with his men friends. She irnarinee that he cares less for ber than he did,which is a mistake in most Cafes. Steen ant of tett ellen love their wives better than their sweethearts, It is simply that their presence. is not the absorbing excitement that it was when love was new. The chances ore that the wife is bco e me a dozen a ti neces- sary i s more 1 I l e c s sary to the man that% ever the sweet- heart could have been; He would feel her death far more keenly, but he doe% not need to abjure his heart to "sit still" whenever his fancy summons her itnage. In short she se ben„me the bread of his existence in place of the elixir. Now, most ori us who have sense would prefer to be bread rather than elixir, but there is no question that more funis madeover the elixir. --N.Y.Recorder. History of 15 ars. For fifteen years we hay used Dr. Pow. let's Extract of Wild. rawberry us a familymedicine for summa complaint stud diarrhoea, and we never had anything to equal it. We highly recommend it. SAatunr, Wspn, Corbett, Ont. The idea that anybbdy able to work hard can be a farmer \ has long ego been superseded. WJBSTRR'$i INTRRNAT ONAZ Entirery New. DIC ,lONAR.Y .tbreaat elite rinses. 1f Grand&ducator, Th t, L' uccessorofthe abridged.,, Telt years were spent revising, 100 t ditors employed, and over $300,000 expended. _everybody should own this Dictionary. It an- iswcrs alt questions poncerning tete his- ttury , spelling, pro- ltunctatien, and Meaning of words. 4. Library in It is It also gives the facts often 'wanted c ncctning eminent persons, ancient and in darn; noted fiett- tious persons and glee s; the countries, Cities, towns, and natur I features of the glebe; translation of 1 •sign quotations, words, phrases, and prov . •lis; ate., etc., ete. Vila Work i 1"21.-zltrabde in the, household, and to the teacher, scholar, pro- fessional man, and self -educator. r. Tho Globe, .,.OY OYYLO 1.°:— Z' � u This new dictionary is the bast book of Its kind in the English language. Fre every family, the members of widen have most „rd the art of read - lug, its purchase will prove a gettable investment. Tho 2'innes, Ii'arriltor, says:— It may well be pronounced t le beat working die - i:, tionary- and the cheapest boo' in the world, and c shouter be 1u every school and amity in Canada. Iiave your Bookseller Iter of I3 o e G..0 C. Merriam Co. Publishers, Sprinpfield,Vass., U.S.A. Wilt) not buy cheap photo- graphic reprints of ancien editions. containingspect,uen ages, illustrations, ole. how ittoY ou. COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. On the security of Cultivated Farin, Interest six payable ,or cent, c annually. An • portion f the 7 . 1 ) 4 e 1 1 principal malt be repaid at any time the borrower wishes All e.penees pa;d by the County. No person except the County Auditors allowed to see mortgages or to 1:now to w m money is loaned. Apply to WIt. HOLMF.S Goderiah,•Aug. St111092. Co. Treasurer. UNDERT :KERS, WIN GHAT rf ONT. EVER And if ECTIVI: tel Positively re orst Cases r Sale by All b 3 'Wholesale Ii 1<)Jt JG CO., Lolls ggists ONO N on (sq. NERVE BEANS NERVE 1i rover, that c, Nervous D b Foiling Mo. weakness of - by over-Yoork. oP ceases of youth. Th._, &Dint l a ,a e y own tl. 'Moist Obstinate cases Wh_. IIMA.Tsthav'a hare fatted evert to relieve. mit Ws et Other package, or sir for or tontb y receipt of pried by *damning THE J'AMDR MIDI__ 00., Toro**, 04. Write for trrnpiilet. Sold in.. Winghstr, AD. HAMILTON. A16I aro a nem dee re the wast eases of lity Lost visor acid gQd; restores the or xrhtdau canoed L]•tdra Or O.L• tbiledy an. U other drug* CO 1111 Clubbing gates. The Tines and Termite Globe per year $ 1 75 The Totes and Toronto Empire per year1 75 The 'rums and London Advertiser per lean, 1 50 The TMs and London Free Press per your1 75 The Tunis and Montreal Herald per year..,1 60 The Toms s and Montreal Witness per year1 75 TheTtaiesaua MontrcalFamily herald and Star 1 75 lteduced rates with all other weekly Mora not mentioned in the above list, JOB PRINTING, INCLuolNa Books, Pamphlets, Posters, )1111 J. leads, Circulars, &c„ spa, executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and ou short notice. Apply or address R. ELLIOTT, TIMES Office, Wingham. LOOK HERE This Will IntestEvery— b; We are selling Best Coal Oi at 12 1-2 cents per Ti fsrial gal- lon, or a can containing the equivalent of five American gallons for 50c., exclusiVe of pack- age. American Axes 5oc. to 65c. each. Crosscut Saws, ..to $i.00 per foot. We to -day reduce our quotations on Binder Twine one cent per ib. J. A. CLINE CO, f1 Wingham. WING AM STEAM PUMR V'ORKS1 ANL SHO�EBS, PROPEIEIOR. I wish to inform thpeople of Wing - ham and surrounding ountry, that, as 1 haveur p chased thtl Steam Pump Works lately owned by'Mr, H. Clark, I are prepared to supply al kinds of Wooden, Lift,orce Iron And attend to the want: of the public in anything in the ump line, As I have low* expe in C a loll 0 h P the business I guarantee alllmy work, and if not satisfactory will refuFdthe money. I also deal i ALL KINDS 1OF WIN DILLS. eVreSoft water cisterns made on short notice. Orders by marl promptly attended to. D. SHOWIiRSg, •ti �in lla, ' TWO K.IW:DS OF GUSTO ERS. WIDE AWAKE KIND BUY FROM HE City Fruit & Confection y Store Because they can get goodthat are right and up to the tirr is. ANOTHER, KIN LAST ASLEEP But they aro waking up to the act that I can give them goods that Will please them, Pull lines t ARE Fruits, Oysters,Confectioi ry,&c APPLES BV_iHE 66REL. Agent for Parker's Dye Wort Canned goods of ovary deser tion td- ways"an Bland and my prices a as low as the lowest, Dotltforget the place, h o Bank of Iiatnilto PP sit the now EBT. ILL. 4.)12egliingamEittles —IS PUIILISIIFID— EVFt11Y FRIDAY MORNING •-•^AT 7lil;•-- TIMES OFFiCE, JOSEPHINE Se- WING1:UJ1, ONTA1tIO, Subsoripttoularioo, $l nor year•, its advance o ADVERTISING RATES: Space 1 1 yr, 18 mo, 1 x ing,_ i 1 „styOne column Stilt/ 00 $30 00 $20 00 Half " 35 00 20 00 12 00 $b oo Quarter " 20 00 12 00 7 00 4 00 One inch__ 5 00 8 00 1 2 00 1 100 Legal and other ensue advertisements, Po. per line for first insertion, and Se. per line for each subsequent insertion. Local notices 10e, pc, ..no for first i nse rtio nAnd nd 5o. lerlinefore each subsequent hum:tier No ,oca 1 notice will be charged less than 26e. IAdvertisements of Lost,F ou n d Strayed, Situations, H and Business Chances anted, not exceeding 8 lines FT nonpareil, 81 per month houses and Farms for Salo, not exceeding 8 men, 1 $1 for aist month, 50e, per subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for 10 advertisements, or [et tenger periods. t Advertisements and local notices without specific Idirections, will be insetted till forbid and charged accordingly. Transitory advertisements must be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must be n the office by Wednesday noon, ill order to appear that week R. IoLLIOTT ___ _... - .. _.. .. _ PROPRIETOR AICD RUMLI811ER DR MACDONALD, 1V JOSEPHINE STREET, wiSeirAtt, , —`. ONTARIO, W73. TUti'LEIt, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Buren— Office Tip.stairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing. ham, Out. OFFICE ItOuxs,-0 to 12 a, in., 1 to 0 p. In., orsat Residence, Diagonal Street. TIE. J. A. MELDRTJII, and Member o'or f the College te of Physic ans nto and Surgeons of Uutarto. Office and Residence—Corner of Centro and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. WINGIIAM • 057' T. VAN STONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private and Company fonds to loan at lowest rate, interest. No commission charged,. Mortgages, town and farm property boutrht and sold OFFICE—Beaver B1oek WtNsu t,l J. A. MOUTON BARRISTER, &c tl'ingham Ont MEYER J: DICKINSON, H, W. C. IVIvrER Q. C. I E. IOKINS0N, B. A BARRISTERS AND SOLIDI , Etc., Etc., Se. licitors for Bank of Hamilton Commissioners for taking affidavits for Manttob Farm, Town and Village property bonght and s ld. Motley (private funds) loaned on ntortgage'seclirity at 51 percent. Money invested for lrf ate persons, 1 y p fis s, upon the bete tnortgage securities without ;any expense to the lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North. wort. dd Office—Meyer Block, t1ingha'il. DENTISTRY.— J S. JErtoI�E, iy1N411am, •�, manueact I ng Celluloid Plates, t�%tit'' i i:`$ .117u)canite pintgs of the hesttnaterial *Mfiitri • ii cuca]) as they can bo got in the Dotnluioi. Al work warranted. Painless extraction of tcetl,by the use of Electric. ity or Vegetable Vapor. TAKE NOTICL,—I Will ixtr et teeth for 26 cents t each. OFFICE : In the Beaver ,flied', opposite the Brunswick use. 11 Qy_ Wm. H. Macdonald, L. i3. S., DENTi5T, OFFICE, - - ASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's Iotel, Winghare, Will visit Gerrie 1st Ind 3rd Mondays of each month. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURAN1E AGENT WISEMAN, • oierano pDEANS, JR„ tVINo1AM, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF HU; ON. Sales attended 1n any p.y a of the Co. Charges Moderate. JOHN CURIRIE, Wx, dirAar, ONT., LICENSED AUOTrONIIER F R TIIE COUNTZ of 1017110 Alt orders left at the Toms nice promptly attend cd to. Terms reasonable. JAMES ItENDERSON, LICK:MD AUCTIONEER POR Hance, All sales attended to proulptl Notice. Charges Moderato and Satisf All necessary arraneenlent5 Trams' office wtxntisst 1"114, J. MoASII, M. 13, Toronto, Members Coll Surgeons, Ontario. UNTIES Heston men and on the Shortest eidtanbuuCathe ONT ego Physicians and BRtorAVA .... 1V1011ey to Loan ONTARIO n Notes. rotes Dist anted ItEAS011A3 L Stoney advanerd on Mortgages per cent with privilege of paying at the oral of y year. n Notes and accounts coiiected. Dearer Died', velvets" o»o 1 oiNDoo' t. W. C. T. U. C C L U J fCONnUGTR]A ilr TH>; W11174II,,12fll,, "For God and?`lottto,cenrl tirtftive Wrdl call the attention, of ,the mothers 8 •104110 face, that the Woman's Christina ,altco:Cnion meets avert' Monday At tht•e ,sharp,. for one horn', tit Airs. 1Lcitn4s reside. 'left street. A11 ladies arc..114do welcome. Wo hold a monthly gospel meeting on Monday of every month, except when c .advertised, to which. meeting we.ititlte th drettei'aely As the Editor ha tindcygiven 115 purl tipete, ter our Work, frlonds of the agar) items oe interest on :in moral nursteo, daY teanyof otirll1011litCrb. iced and the saloon keeper :agree about anything. Where are men ,who starve •cit' lI d1 reg • to help 'the ,brewer fact boo rsos. .' • ,lt is riot the last drink 'that Du lt da•unkard, but the:#irst. 51 ac ;It takes more brains to han spick and shovel ,intelligently th •does.to deal in whiskey Toe chief of pollee of,Uttlti 'says. ho never found ,bays in the ,00eseantil lager beer .was .intro( . .and gauzes -prepared tri iutioe the) :People walce•a,.greal tnistalce i ling•)iquor int ,case ,orf sickness. use of Lindner •in sigkuesa has 'known to snake rnen:drunkards fo .rest of their liver, .We begin to Wonder if,there 1. !really •widespread •di•easter .now -to,the ltnenan family in :which alcoholic 'fiend istoot .ptesent as it tribu.tirtg cause or to iincre,ese tb sulting,nsisery. ea es What.ls the good af,moderatte d ing tiny w.ay you .phoase to look a Oatilt,meu utaninge, ,to .besootnl out stiolting their rnose,s ,ill the beetebattle or pouring some ref saute diery ,fluid into their stoma Ont ,Upon such social ,OUst01lis .0 requileimen to run the•risk of sots in•order to be social. * * , Is it not quito there to -say to ,- .inonstt<otls evil not only., thou .not exiet under authority of late, also, thou 811411 not waist do deli •of law f Too lo,g lass this dreg scourge ,been peernitted. 1It is .duty and ,the pilege of the peo .God to denouuce 'lt, detytit, overt -and elestotey it. >r * *a A brand of whisky tis advert lealed "Bonn of Plenty:" v•r t OI tl ttempet•ance twriter renaaehs that ha P v. chosen the name w.ieeiy, fol f the thing ddesigti ted shall carne ' * * 1Plenty of penalty, plenty of perm. • Plenty of sorrraw„ tyilenty of siaame, ,:plenty of broken:hearts, hopes .doome sealed, '}enty of graves.in the potter"e;fi;eld Now ;as the Time. Tow is the time to look hack t1a.e•year that is gouts and see weha ba.we done that we wish we had not. It de the privilege tef livery one to t'''oot t iistekes wlaeit correction is etbl mid regret fey 1 e r et tit ta eterusiue they shall not beaa Ogaiu. This is character buiidie We ,cannot, be we ever so ricin, a good character ; but be we eve poor, we can carve otarselveti one. m Damaged. A sign,, advertising damaged g of one pined and another for sa not an infrequent sight, In letters, painted in strikie,g colors, announced that certain articles, o entire stock of some 810x0, has . damaged by fire, water, ere, and be sold at a great interlace, Things that are damaged, and. have not their former value, are limited to auction stores and lir where fire and water have made hi ¥en walk the streets of every city do not need to have sign be strapped to their shoulders, anne ing a damaged body and charnel and, therefore, that a great sae of moral worth may be made. is a young ala) with bloodshot bloated flesh and unsteady Step, has been burner[ out by fires of in perarce. '1'o another, the strange destructive fascination for galnb fibich begali..,with agamo for the c g Pot the driul.a,e- or, alas, coo oft the polite fortes of gambling in s life.-- whioh so called society 1s ho ed to have designated by it pr name, has heen the agency thee ih he elite been has , nen alalic a shag failure, ending in despair that g ally finds relief in seif•destrection And so *8 might go on, amain( things that damaged men • s toes, dishonest praatiees in busi )holy ambition, aovetousnas