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VOL. XXL ---No. 1122.
• is through taking stock and wants to that
• you all most heartily for the way in which
you have stood by this store and the way
you have helped to make the past year a
successful business year, aucl would say
that in commencing another year, wo hi -
tend by strict attention to business, and to
your wants, careful b'lying and well assort-
ed stooks to merit a continuance of your
confidence and patronage. After stook
taking we find wo have a lot of remnants
that we want to get rid of; they are yours
at very low prices to clean otit.
Shop e;sriy.. Secure prompt delivery.
This store closes at seven o'eiook.
Direct Dry Goods Importers.
Tan 33zen, August 0, 1803.
Has cleoidecl to again open a Dress and
1 Cantle making business, at leer residence,
Edward street, near Pringle's pop works.
Satisfaction guaranteed.. Apprentices
wanted. 3m
Marriage Licensee
Issued by Flame PATERSoN, To 23, Vic-
toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
—Fon rile Bois efen Goes.—Two glasses
of soda efater f a cents at R. Hit's.
—Division was held in Wingham
on Wednesda e business only occupied
a few minute
—The Tbront Befalling Star has re-
sumed publicatioi It is a newsy sheet, and
we hope it will be financial success.
—Wildfong'n I, ghting Soap for cleaning
,clothes. For sal only by
G. H. max, Tailor, Wingham.
' —We ackuowl dge with thanks, the
receipt from S. E. Dawson, Esq., Queen's
printer at Ottawa, of a substantially bound
volume of Statutes of Canada, 30 Vic., 1803-
-Rev. Robt. Job ston, of Lindsay, was
present and took p •t in theprayer meeting
on Wednesday even ng, in the Presbyterian
—Scno u Sarre/ea-1e full stock of High
and Public School books, scribblers, exer-
cise books, inks, pencils,, eto.,`at Chisholm's
Drug Store.
—The Rev. Jas, L' ingstono, of II.incar.
dine, conducted thes rvices of the Wingharn
Methodist ohdreh ve y acceptably, on Sun -
stay last, the Rev. r. Sellery taking ll
work in Kincardine
—The Inclepend t Orcun. of Foresters
exoursion to Sarna was well, patronized,
upwards 'of 800.pe ons `tt,V zleit themselves
of the cheap trip., Over Lula 01 the number
went from Wingl `>tt.
—American ,monotr, taken at par for
goods in my line, ^`dl;'Will1,o discounted at
ten per cent. R. Hmn,
opposite Bank of Hamilton.
--Tile School of P agogy opens on Ceti
1 next, and will non nee in session unci
May 31. ,Afeepecial xaminatioiz will be
held in December r those who do not
require to attend t e 'whole term. Th
regular examination for teaoltei.s in art
a'will be hold alt he close of the session.
—Mr. and Mrs. . MeIrityre' thnd family
left last week for extended visit to Mabi-
and the ail TA* w 1 rerai4 With Nee tither
near Bran on ant ATtc Moitatyftfiill '
with neuralgia, nd it is hoped eurneVe
benefit him.
—cash for weal better and eggs at R A,
Graham's market grocery.
—11/r, a. 844 orison and son Charlie
visit to frienas otrolia and other point's
Lattibton 000111 They arra' acrose the
RV. t. W. Thigh s, Xdolaide, end spent
a pleasant vvinih with Ur. Iingliee and
nicely located in Ade-.
lade, a ettmll vi age about six mites from
$trathroy, and 'npeer to be perfectly ton.
tented and hap
--Miss Wallace as gone to the city to
purchase her stoo of fall millinery.
Read the arm uncement of the Forest
City Business 'ollege, of London, i
another column,
--Call at the Star .Restaurant for a big
ease • anent of fruit. Jas. McKnrvtt..
Mr.W. J. Dey ll, who has been serious.
ly i11 for a low we ke, wo aro glad to say,
is r overing,
-The brick w k of Macdonald's block
is drawing neo completion. The block
will present a h ldsom
e appearance,
—Private moneys to loan on mortgages
at reasonable rate of interest. A ,ply to
• Jorix Nnatnnans.
—Quite a numb • of 'IVingbaln people
went to Goderioh n the 17th inst., to enjoy
the big bicycle t rnament. There was a
splendid progra e, and it was well carried
—On Sunclay next, 27th Inst, aharvest
thanksgiving wi be held in old St. Paul's
church, Wingli n. Rev. Jas. Thompson,
of Kincardine, will preach morning and
—Ladies, have your garments made by
Miss M. Johnston, Gregory block, opposite
the Queen's Hotel. 'Latest styles, good
work, always first-class fit.
--Methodist Chu
next Sunday. Mo
Evening : "The 33
the series "The Dr
tation." •
cit Pulpit Topics for
ing: "Winning Souls."
k of Daniel"—Third of
am and its Tnterpro-
.--An ice cream mkt will be held in the
Congregational nzroh vestry on Monday
evening, August 8th, 1803. A good pro-
gramme during t e evening. No charges ex-
cept for refresh ents ordered. Everybody
welcome. Com
25 Cents Cash will pay for'I'm Titins,
for grew, subscribers, till the end of
the year.
—Tile Wingli public 'school will re-
open after the ho days on Monday next..
Pupils should present on the opening
day, and parents vould assist the teacher
very materially b sending them on that
Mr. Wm. C gg finished baling hay
last week, and this week has his press
going at Mr. Ge . MoKenzie's warehouse,
finishing up the ay stored there, for Mr.
McKenzie. Mr McKenzie is still pressing
and shipping at ildmay Last week, just
before flnislrin up at 1 Clegg's ware-
house, the me put on an extra spurt and
in one hour th y pressed 8002 pounds of
hay. A ton n hour is "considered good
—Now that the hot weather has come,
people should come to the fountain and get
a find drink of lemon sour, vanilla, straw-
berry, raspberry, pine apple, ginger, ohoch-
late, sarsaparilla or ice cream soda, one of
the ' est drinks inthe land at It. HILr,'s.
ent in New Yor
dvanced course
ng the hospital
las resumed hi
mad charge of
bsence, has
Vinnipeg hos
hat city. Dr
own during
—.Bees for
Bridge Apier
strong ooloni
ber to suit p
useful co
nierly of th
try, of this
of matrimo
on Wednes
The ha
wedded pa
Like all
was hi bu
ago. Sou
few seette
of 2000 lid
Wien of o
Ille1118 DAR
met our
hie eon CI
drum, who has been et -
for some them taking an
n the college.; and attend
, retut ed last week, and
.practice Dr. Ross, who
is prao cecuring the Dr's
tal staff and has left for
Itoss mode many friends in
brief stay.
tile or exchonge, thelron
and Greenhouses. 15 or 20
s of Italian bees in any num-
'chaser. Will take hay or any
dity. Cheap for caith.
C. Guanen, Lower Wingharn.
Sperling, of Meaford, for-
town,and Miss Louisa Coven -
own, were united in the bonds
y, at Mrs. Coventry's residence,
laa by alto Rev. S. Sellery, Bs
py eouple left on the afternoon
n for future home in
The Tnttle joins with their
rienda in wishing the nesvly
a long and happy life,
711. Dopp, Small Superior,
whoqforilier.ly&erriecl en IL
business in Wes in
week teneWing acquaintances,
tilers who are home from the
•eports tiiness very fiat there. lie
ness in South Superior for o
ars, and cold out a short time
Superior ie a asthma of West
nd in two years grew from a
Dr. Sinclair, peciaiist, visited Wing -
ham professiouall3 on Monday last.
-Mr. Geo. Hu loo started for London,
England, with at titer cargo of cattle for
Mr. Joseph Clog , on Wednesday last,
--Watches, clocks and jewelry promptly
repaired and felly warranted by Hinsur
P,ti ', Meyer Block, 'tVingltain.
—A cedar biotite crossing is being placed
on John street n front of the Queen's
stables. Last we c one was placed ou Jose-
libine street, fro the I3runslviek House to
the Beaver 13Ioc
—Prof, Gold. ein and wife, practical
opticians, may a oonsulted at the Bruns-
wiok House, .here they will bo for
couple of wee . See advertisement in
another Colum
r) M Cents Cash will pay for Tin -Trues,
for new subscribers, till the end of
the year.
--Mr, Geo. Hugl
trip to England, on
the sea voyage agre
—arr. S. Jackson
tarlo College of Ph rmacy, has beet
gaged by Mr. Gordo , snecessor to
Hamilton, Esq.. of he Pharmacy,
ham. See advertise ent next weals.
—Our hose reel • mpany left for S
ford this (Thursday horning, to take
in the firemen's t ttrnainent held in
place. At the tine of going to pressw
not heard the resu' of the race in t
tl were to comp te.
—Last week, M Wm. Clegg load
largest car of hay to has shipped, this
IIe put into the c r 10 tons and 881 pa
The flay pressit g season is over for this
year. lir. Cleg pressed and shipped in
abou seven week: nosily 3:,0 tons of bay.
has also shipped during
rstand, a larger quantity
g been n longer time en -
ash paid out this year to
neighborghood of Wing -
bo considerable.
s returned from his
Tues:lay, looking as 11
with ,tint.
graduate of the On -
Mr Seliery led in p
following well knowu
fully sustained their
Wiens, viz: Miss
ea -1 ittiss Lottie iIcIi
A, L. ! Fisher, town; al
GVing- ` Dlrs J Nicolt, tow
mato ; Miss Mc
last_ Rev li Johnston
part dress, goad Ilov
that spoke for a
o had usual happy style,
vlaiola and prayer by Rev
to a, close one of
d the successful enterta
az'. this Sunday Bobo•
ads all Sunday School
at 10 cents, the ha
taken in, and, we
penses are very
desire to convey t
thanks to all who s
aasi,ited them, eitl
tee, or by their ray
to the evening's en
Miss Ella Dean
attend the Collo
Mrs. Pilgrim an
were visiting at
Mrs. Eobt. 'foal
visit with friellc
Mi•, and Mrs.
spent Sunday last
Mrs. (Rev.) Sell
ou Monday from
Mrs. Sollery's pat
Rev. S. Sellery,
ing the parental
tu•. ing on Mons
sIr. Alfredlloe.
is home from So
been for the past
business not at a
iVe position as bo
u a few weeks,
Mr. end i42rs. G
nd someWiughat
are eon -ming on th
near Kincardine, t
Mr, J. Str•utlter
Teeswater, was ca
ono day last week
drug store on Bat
r. P. Maccion
left on Monday 1
as far as Duluth.
R. line, and took
Dr. and Mrs.
siting at Dr. Mt
Mr. and Mrs. D
asltington, wet
ng the past tv
Ir. Thos. H. al
turned ,tome las
onrn in that fa
❑. Ho has disp
`n and will sir
to British Col
Miss Ross, Mr
ss Fannie Ila,
—Canadian 7*5
have taken a hi ill Mr.Geo. MKez
position at therld s Fair. Mr. G. A. the season, a und
aviReid's famous re, "The Foreclosure of gtage taat,Ire Teithe Mortgage,"s a place of distinction,gaged at it. The
M. Reid is an ingham boy, being a
of Mr. Adaid, Lower Winglmm-
--The editor
Mr. John Salte
a quantity of d
left at his resid
Softer is quite
culture,` Ilavizl at present about fifty • church being er wiled. The ceremony was
performed by t 'Rev L C: Wood, rectokJ
—For first-class tailoring and cheap The bride and b •idesmaids were beautifully
gents' furnishings try Webster ce Co,' attired. After' . inner, at time leaidouce of
Remember the place, only twu doors north
of . the old stand aucl between Rose' book- kir Geo Shaw, t to happy couple took the
3.40 train for C . icago, amid showers of rice,
slippers and goo wishes, They will spend
their honeyinoc in Chicago and other
western cities ar win take up housekeeping
in Wingham on heir return.
the farmers in the
ham for hay must
the Tom has to thank —St. Paul's C rch, Wingham, was the
scene of a very retty wedding, on Wed -
of East Wawanosh, for neaclay afternoo last, when Mr L W Item-
ioious honey in the comb, soil Was'tlnited ' z caarriare to Miss Naomi ,
ace few days ago. I19:r•
' t e aivol engaged in beo Shaw, daughter of the late James Shaw-
y g gedThere was a 1
ga number present, the
store and Patterson's jewellery shop.
-The harvest ex nrsions on the C. P. It.
to Manitoba and ti Northwest have been
pretty well patr nixed, this year. On
Tuesday week, the o were between fifteen
and twenty left tl a Wingham station for
different points in he west, and on Tues -
clay last quite a lir
—The Epwort
deavor of the 11
nbeteavailed themselves i town has now a
hundred, and as
of tlz pbeap trip. 1,
The Ftgrieulti
erected for the
Society, is neaten
very pretentious
doubt, answer th
intended, for a fe
addled to. The g
shape for the silo
the 26th and 2711
League of Christian En.
thodist Church of this
membership of nearly ou
adding nese members
The young pcopl'e of
sleep inter"est in the
•al Hall, which is being nearly every 'cveo
Turnberry Agricultural this church take t
completion It is not a spiritual life of ti e churelt. They hold a f i
building, but will, no ""young people's pr yer meeting" on Thurs.
purpose for which it- is "ay evening of Cao i week, to which all are 1 a
years, when it eon bo invited and will b ,
ands are being put in l services have Ince ✓
oyer, after svllieh the Mr. John Bae 'den, of Detroit, i [iebig,.4
tort visit.
'arquberson returned ho
r spending at week or se
tou and .other east
artists appeared and is in town on a
roll -established repo- Mr, Norman
McLean, of Rensall; on Tuesday, of
izie, towit; Miss C Toronto, Hata
Jennie Cargill, town; points.
Miss MefCibben, To— Miss McVi:tti.
azio and Prof. Scott* spending some t
ve nn admirable ad- returnee. to her
J Livingstone, also day last.
ort time in his Miss Maggie
The singing of 0 hymn visit to friends
W. R. Watson brought Mrs. Win. S
to most enjoyable and visit to her son
lments ever given by street.
Notwithstanding that
cholera were admitted
idsomo suns of $62 was
nderstancl that the ex-
iglit. The committees
it sincere and hearty
willingly and cheerfully
'r by supplying cream,
gifts added so largely
has gone to Goclerich to
ate Institute in that
of Toronto, who luts be
me with relatives in tovozim
tome in loronte,
an, of Listowel, on el
llliss Lou Fe guson left on Monday for;
I an extended vi it to friendi in Morrisburg
I Ont.
1 Mr. E. H, ver was visiting relatives
'Detroit, last w elc, airs. Dever also spent 4,
I month in the ity of the Straits.
I Miss Mary le elzon spent couple ofewnease,
I in Stanley ViRi ing relatives.
Cooehtud and iss Russel spent a Nat
the civic holid y at the residence, of Mr. D'..)
Mr. and Mrs W. J, Gillies -and dtteigater )
of St. Mary's, 1 aerned home on Friday,„
are visiting fri do in Toronto, Hastings
and other easte n points.
Mr. Angns Sutherland, of Calumet,
Michigan, ret riled home on Triesday,
August 15th, .fter spending a month in ;
Wingham and uoknow.
Mrs. Forstei of Toronto, who Las bee
couple of wee , returned to her home on
Mr. Geo. 11 Tavish, of Listowel, spent a
couple of day in town, last week.
few de.ye witl friends in Brussels.
Mrs. S. Yo hill has returned from a visit
to Toronto, a otxtpanied by her daughter,
Mrs. MeFegge a who will spend ts. „short
time under th parental roof.
Mrs. Mars a 1, of Portage la, Prairie,
Manitoba, da gliter of Mr. S. Youbill, who
hes been visit at her father's for . some
time, left to -d for a visit to her sisters in
East Tawas an Saginaw, Mehigen, S.nd
after spendiug . me. time in those. pla.ces:
will return to r home in Manitoba.
pecting tour, a expects to visit Detroit,
Chatham, St. romas . and other points
beEore he return
children, of Hamilton,
Irs. Herdsman's during
Lilt is away on a mouth's
in Ohio and Pellnsyl-
. H. Green and children
with friends m Goclerioh.
•y ani, children returned
few weeks' visit with
nts in Fergus.
B. D., spent a week visit_
hoine in Kincardine, tes-
ty last.
jr., better known as "Joe,"
Francisco, where he has
hree ears.. Ile reports
1brisk He has a. Mora-
le -keeper and will return
A. Newton and children
and Londesboro friends,
shores of Lake Huron,
is week.
of Toronto, formerly of
ing onWingham friends,
Mr. Struthers has a
urst street, Toronto.
ci and Mr. Jas. A. CIine
t for a trip up the lakes
They went by the C. P
e boat at Owen Sound.
Horsey, of Ottawa, are
, which will be held on Ynnng' and! in !ant
of Septefnber next. apparatus to the cl
and 8.45 p rn, vite Clinton and Guelph. B. the Sunday Soli
Good coneections by all trains. ; of the church alba
mo e t le social int
WIeroue.m.a—W. H. WAtson, Pagtor. Ber- ; and the attendee very good. Croquet ;
vices each Sunday at 11 a. it. end 7 p. ' and swings were pt busy all afternoon. yi
Sabbath School and Bible Class at 2,30. Lunch was served it about five o'eloels, and
Prayer Meetin,g every Wednesday the geed things w re soon "out of sight." tv
at 8 p. in. Christian Endeavor Friday I Altogether the y ung people seemed to cl
evettings at 8 p. tn. All made welcome. I thoroughly enjoy hemselves. From seven
Seats free. Strangers welcome. Sunday, to eight o'clock en open air prayer meetin
August 27th. Mo ing subject : ems_ SVILS 1.101d, dincluct
appointment as an Educator." raa ; and John Kerr,
Young Peeple—' Battle of Ebenezer."1 young met and w
Evening:: wo derful ship wreck." into this -service of
ducted the eery
church, Winglia,
ea two eloquent
was well filled at
the sermon was
men. Mr. John
he pleaded with
their lot with Ch
not a famine, a.
think. The di
lengthy, WaS lire
--The return
Blyth alaktVing
Tanner and.
son anaoffkohol,
C. Terinor ami
and Laingessa
Miss Aaalteliya
Miss L. Gov ,,„eand Macdonald,
0-3 4r-4. Miss M. laelbrand
Miss lareliinin Nytls, beat Miss Gar -
don and 'thwart, Wingharn, 2-0,
0-3, 4. tt expected that another
matclewill sbor y be played between these
profitable to old and
act as ft sort of heatieg
urch. effort to pro.
rests of the ohurch was
afternoon of last week,
ol and the young peopl
dad a picnic in Lower
ather was jest right
a by :Messrs. R, Groves eei
a large number of the men entering heartily
prayer end praise. ustou, of Lindsey, con- 'Choice Now Tea*.
es of the Presbyterian Wholesale—Gordon et: McIntyre are in Lt. :An
011 Sunday, and deliver- condition to supply. families or soeietee
; with itew tees, at jobbers prides. Now is
diseottreee. The church
the evening serviee, and tile tinso to ewe:0 row, tees.
ne epecially for young! —The entertain pent given by the
on is a young man, and Presbyterian Suudt Sc400l of this town,
e youug mon to east in on Monday evening
' I. Ho pointed out that I cess in every partici
ted men to a feast, anal ant and practical le
mod people seemed to this eatilosistie
ned tq with tame ease".
\vie tennis match etsveen
ani chtbe was aPlayect
apre was aslonows *ion eves gavels in e
Blx4tbeat room was very co
ankit-1, 6_8, a_ea, tatty arranged.
yth, beat Smith spread pretty Mg
(dons room Mee ti
venient distances
lee email), to&
quickly end Mier
the body of the
profusion of flo
tastefully Arran g
had been freely
all repaired to
where an excelle
in faultless style.
seems. All the
with this entertain)
of willing, energeti
dlionees to a, place of upwards ....
liana 100 bu
dtael8iiviePrri e rein :Mondays) until Fridays, the chairman, Nv
No p s wanted on Saturday. Plums don of Lf,ds
must e a little on green side for shipping, „. ' e. „
Don't forget the place, opposite the lieW -11311earnIn°,
13ank of Hamilton. 110731% Winglimn. Aft
er 3.000, and all the iinprove-
lit, gas, tte. Not long ago
ownsman, Mr. John Elder, and
PlnItte Wanted.
s of plums. 'lite highest
11 he paicl. lainms Must lie
ar. One very import- t
on may be drawn from
Ltheting, viz: Tao,
1 is the sere svay to
ent were iu the hand
and enthusiastic corn
their several parts s
that perfect sittisfec
ery detail. The leettlr
n the plutform Wu
anti easy chairs, silk,
Rugs the appearance o
n throughout the spa
Wes were placegat con
rem each other, eviler
cake, tan., VMS served
Ily. Both here mid it
itch there was a great
. After the good thinge
artalten of down stein,
he body of the thureh,
t programme was given
On the platform, beside
11, Rev. Messrs, It. Jahn
y, 1as. Liesingstone, of
fiery and W II Watson, of
t singiAg hymn, Rev
Mr. John Ratio
on eavieit to hi
Visiting relatives ud fidends in London. --
Mr. John East of Toronto, was the
nelkEss'irs7TTiihisliel'7,Iaj Hamilton, nes a pest
at Mr. Jas. Mart chile's, Shuter strepteter
Messrs, Sextus
up tho lakes to
s very enjoyable tri
- ed. in vigor by the
Mr. AL IL and
0 from their vigil
Chafe Smith, Mre.
Dinsley left on Fr
6 Mit te the World
Mr. Harry Gar
1 in Winghant, lag*
Miss L,
her cousins, Me
Mrs. It. Suttoi
Mr. B. Wills
trip to aranitoli
Miss Houssh on was visiting in Toronto,
last week. Wh' e in the eity she was taking
lesson); on the ipe organ, from arr.A. Vogt,
Conservatin7 Music.
Macdontsla and Chas.
on Mo
,y from a trip
Tiles had a.
and app isr to be renew-
. week's outing on the
/old. Mein/too returned
o the World's Fair, last
S. acey and children,
Duffield and Norma
y lest for a ten days'
Fair and Chicago.
itt, of Sarnia, Sundayed
1 Clinton, is the guest of
es A. anti s. Kerr, John
fteatIrea his aro
him fee 0,A,bottle of SOoli, Emulsion he
giyos you jiistiwnat you to* for.
rills will owe I-feadttehe, 13ilicrusneSS
Sour S'tornaels, etc, 1.7k theitt 01100 44
yon will not ase ansr otherasaPriee ate.
boa, at all drug ateree.
Oils is the best Family Link
world. Instant arra far
33ruises. Beware of knit:alarm
Salmoe's English 'White Oils.
are safe and sure. 25o, a boa.
ralfc nth ReItl's Healing Balsam
will eure the worst eold. Runelreds of
testirrioniela testify to its eneritte; -Money
wit' positively be tefuntlecl if Reathileicl"
Healina, Balsam deeasnot do all' that i
make the blo-iia putt and keep it'
Cures dyspepeia, and all forme 'of sto
and liver troubles. It is the beet; hetes
best. Price one dollar a bottle, six
for five dollen.
, of Drayton, ia visiting at
and arra. J. Johnston's.
has returnea front his
Dr. litinieg lty2.5nom Pow
Ilowthfiritrs Waling
Are ellAtlit.tille medicines and
prietors .geottaritee satisfaction( in
ease or money nista.