HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-08-25, Page 2THE WING I.AM M1 S,. AUGUST 11, 1893. Town Pennell. The regular monthly meeting of the Town Connell was Held on ItIoinday even- ing last. Mcmbera present -•--Mayor Gordon, own that Deputy -Reeve Brockenshire and Comicil- fulsuccess omplimented our dry goods --- ease in our entire ;ixn Werren 7. eady mads mantles never before in any single season has there been suelt a multiplication of novelties, and certainly never before has there been the attention given in ranking pretty and ele- gant mantles. We promise you such a splendid display for the coming season as you b the never seen outside the city, We have just passed into stook over 100 diderent styles of fall and winter mantles of the very fittest styles and splendid vaints, DM1SS Goons—A very special lot of'falt and winter suiting in fancy and plain French serges, chevoits and checks. Black dressgoods in fancies, comprising the latest 'weaves and trimmings to match, now in stock, R'ainr MADE CLornn o—We have just opened large shipment of ready made clothing in suits and fall overcoats at M. H. c DOO'S. Tors Uomuth, Gregory, McLean, Dawson, Johns, Herdsman, and Jerome. Minutes of last meeting rend and approved. State - trent from Treasurer, showing* number of dogs for which dog tax had not been paid during past year. Moved by A. Dawson, seconded by J. A.. McLean, that the matter of arrears of dog tax be referred to the Finance Committee, with power to act—Carried. The Mayor reported thet the factory loans had not been paid yet. He also re- ported that word had been received from hospital authorities, London, stating that they wanted Samos Johnston removed from hospital. No action was taken in the matter of the removal of Johnston from the hospital. ' 'the Council decided to have the Treasur- er collect loans ea instructed in April meeting of Connell. Petition from 3. H. Dull -nage and others, asking have the crossing to from Beaver Black to Brunswick Hotel repaired or a ceder block crossing put down, Moved by W. F. Brockenshire, seconded by J. 5, Jerome, that the petition of J. H. Dulmage and others, be referred to Public Works Committee, with power to put down a four feet cedar block crossing from Beaver Block to Brunswick Hotel—Carried. Petition from Geo. Blackwell and others, asking to have lane opened between John and Victoria street, Moved by J. A, McLean, seconded by A. Dawson, that the matter of opening up lane be referred to Street Committee, with power to act—Carried. Finance Committee reported as follows : The Advance, printing $4; Winghain Elec- tric Light Co., lights for July, $61.20; Alex. Campbell, labor on streets, $1.25; B. Elliott, printing, $17; P. Fisher, P. 0. box, $3;. A. Brisbois, repairing fire alarms, $4.50; Thos. Dodd, hauling hose real, $2; Ralph Rogers, work on boundary, $2.50; Ralph Rogers, work on streets, $10.50; W. & T. Moore, work on streets $30; L. McLean, lumber for streets, $253.82; L. McLean, wood, charity, $4.40; L. McLean, lumber, proper- ty, $13.50; Thos. Martin, work on streets, $1.25; Jos. Bullard, for Canadian Eieetrio Co., Fire and Water, $3; Pryor & Kelly, share gravel on boundary, $23; John Ams- ley, expenses re removal of Jas. .Johnston to Loudon, $0; R. Dreaver, repairing water - cart wheel, $1.25. Movedy Sperl- ing, ing, seconded by J. J. Homuth, that we recommend that 63 of John Amsley's account be paid and that balance of account be paid in full—Carried. Moved by 3. J. Homuth, seconded by R. C. Sperling, that the Clerk be instructed to send bill to Township Morris for their share of build- ing culvert on boundary—Carried. Moved by R. C. Sperling, seconded by J. 3. Hom- uth that the rate of taxation for the year be 21 mills on the dollar—Carried. Moved by J. A. McLean, seconded by A. Dawson, that the report of Finance Com- mittee be adopted as read—Carried. Bylaw No. 214, a by-law to levy the rs,te of taxation for the town of Wingham for the year 1803, was read three times and passed. Moved by W. F. Brockenshire, seconded by Thos. Gregory, that $500 be placed to the credit of the school board—Carried. The Council then adjourned. 1'• —The July number of the Canadian 4Advertiser, a journal which should be read by all who do any advertising, was received tt a couple of weeks ago. It is a neatly gotten up journal, is devoted to the art of adver- t tieing, and gives several pages of sample 1; Advertisements. Published by the Cana - a dun Advertiser Publishing Company, 75 ix 'Velvet street, Toronto, at,$1 per annum. -The Copntopolitsn gives no sign in the 71 August dumber that the reduction of price ? by 50 per cent.'has in any way impaired the value or excellence of this popular peni:ofieal. The first srtiele is an illustre- . `ted account of "The Intercontinental Rail- way," by W. D. Kelley. H. H. Boyesen ices an account of scene "Conversations th Bjornson." "A. Traveller from Alturia" 3i "4irilliar.: D. Howells has its tenth. chap - in this mouth's issue. 'Omega The tet Days of the World," by Camille animation is profusely illustrated by Rochegrosse, Guillonet, Sauuice, Miaule, Schwabe and others. Henry A. Herbert contributes an article on "Salmon Casts." Stoddard Goodhue writes an article ou us ''The Prairie Hen and its Enemies,"which the author illustrates himself. "How to Make a City Cholera Proof" is an article by Poulthey Bigelow. Francis Sanely, H. H. Boyesen, Andrew Lang and Thomas A. r contribute•short articles to "In the d of Art and Letters." The writers The Progress of Science" are A. E. bear, C. A. Young, G. H. Knight, S, D. illman, G. F. Becker and J. S. White. Beit Telephone Company's Property Assessable. it Judge Barrett, of Walkerton, gave a it decision the other day that will be of in - It, tenet. to municipal authorities. The assessor of Walkerton assessed the poles and instruments of the Bell Telephone Company. • !Vile -Company appealed against the assessment, and the Judge has given se • his decision that the property is assessable. ix' The Walkerton Herald gives a summary of the incipient as follows: The company eT rtx waa assessed for $1,200 under the head of i1 real estate. Auainst this the company ;appealed on the ground that the loles,wires, tt'k 'with instruments for generating electricity y` and, transmitting messages were not assess- able property nor were they personal pro- Tterty; that the polos and wires are part of the realty to which they are affixed, and 3e" rt; that they are exempt because they are part of the highway, and that the tele - hones are exempt because they form t of the realty of the owners of houses in which they are affixed. t the property p judge holds that i s per: tal; that it does not change its character being set iu the ground, as it is remov- will, remains the property of the }ny, and can be removed without in• jury to the freehold. Were it otherwise prol)erty in tate poles would pass to the acre of the land, Similarly the tele. hones are merely affixed to the freehold in rh a way as to be easily retnoved without jury thereto; that they are simply leased the triers and are removed when the es do not comply with the terns of the or when the Teases expire. The judge pestles to the que''tgttt of whether the forty is exempt and by many quotations references to previous decisions shows t it is properly emessal le. Ito directed to amend the roll by having the asseseed s mortal property and Be Brooks contributes, from his persoual 1 experience, a velnable artinle in "A. Chap- ter from the 1 ortl•West Rebellion," and E. Stewart,D. L.5., "A Camp Bxperienee.'!: Illustrated articles, likewise from persoutw experieuco, are A.H. Mooison's "Mauutein Mayall," giving exquisite pictures of scenes in the Ilimalayes,aud IL Spencer Howell' article on Hawaii ---the latter of special in- terest at the present time, In "Upper. Canada College," an illustrated artiolo by W. Allan Neilson, the present and past of the famous Toronto school is interestingly treated, Several excellent poetic contribtt- tions and other matter complete this num. ber of a national review and magazine, which should be itt the hands of every cultured Canadian who wishes to keep abreast of the political, sooial, and literary life of the Dominion, The Canadian Magazine is published by the Ontario Publishing Co., Ltd., Toronto, et $2.50 per annum, The Canadian Magazine for August. general excellence, the well illustrated and erlargedmid-summer number of The Cana- dian Magazine well maintains the high reputation wbieh this new national review has won in public estimation. Theleading story of the number, "The Baeksliding of Elder Pletus," by W. T. James, is illustrat- ed, and gives a graphic picture, evidently from personal acquaintance, of the inside life of the Shaker Community at Soutl Union, Kentucky. "Accused by the dead" by E. MacG. Lawson, is very original and striking in plot and treatment. In "Sir John Thompson and His Critics," J. L. P O'Hanly, C. E., makes a vigorous defence of the Canadian premier against the attacks make on that gentleman on account of his religious beliefs. "Political Lessons ,i from the Tinter of Cicero," by Edward Meek, is an able and scholarly article of much value and interest to thee politician and thinker of the present day. "Iteferen. dun' and Plebiscite," by Hon. G. W. Moss, Ontario's 1difnlster of Education, deals in a concise but cenzlirehensive manner with a question of increasing in- terest to Canadians, and will no doubt provoke a reply, In "A Canadian in New York," Elgin Myers, Q. C., reviews the history of Mr. ] rastus Winton. Under the peculiar caption, "The Ethics of'J Till. age," Dr. P. 11. Bryce writes,pleasantly ana thoughtfully, a eulogy of farm life. Mr, J. L. Payno's facile pen treats of the "Displacement of 'Young 14ten" by young women, and fears for the future of society. "Concerning Criticism," by Ilelen A. Hicks, is to most sensible and lively discus• Sion of the standards of criticism. Geo East Wawanosh• Mr. John Marwood, of the 7th conces sion, has purchased a splendid young Shorthorn bull for from. Mr. R. Corley,of Belgrave. We congratulate Mr, Mar- wood in having secured so fine an ani- mal. The East Wawanosh Voters' List for 1893 has bean issued. From it we learn that there are 350 persons in the town- ship entitled to serve on juries. In part one of the list—those entitled to vote at both municipal elections and elections to the Legislative Assembly --there are: in polling subdivisiou No 1, 127 ; in No 2,151; in No 3,118, and in No 4, 103, total, 499. In part two—those entitled to vote at municipal elections only— there are: In polling subiltvision No 1,27; No 2, 20; No 3, 22; No 4, 19; total, 88, In part three --those entitled to vote at elections to the Legislative Assembly only—there are : In polling subdivision NO 1, I6; No2,23; No3,9; .No4,16; tRtal, 64. Total number of voters, 651. KENNEDY ---in Clinton, ou holy 30th, Illery,relietof the late Archibald Eeuuedy, aged 58 years and 7 mouths, Si:ate.—In Clinton. on August 4th, James D., sen of James and, Seam Seale, aged 3 years and 8 months. Iltenes.—Di Stanley, cat July 28th, •Afilis.T.,widow of the late Joseph Higgins'. aged GO years. Deceased was tt cousin of Messrs, Thomas, Toseph and Bligah gins, of Turobsrry. JAcn.sot,---At her residence, iu the town- ship of Goderich, near Bayfield, on July 20th, Sarah Isabella Jaeksou,aged 85 years, mother of 3acksou Brothers, of Egmonde ville; S. 3acksou, of Ripley; and T. Jackson, Of Bayfield. Londesboro. Mr. R. B. Jeffrey, station agent, has returned from his visit to the old country, and luoks a,S if the trip did him good. Sir. A. Woodman was at Bluevale and Wingham on Monday, accorn- panidd by Mr, Wm. Nail, of Toronto, and fortuerly of this place. The brick work of Mr. R. Adams' stoxe is ahuut completed. " Mr, Bond Lawrasnn is away for a couple of weeks' holidays. He will visit a number of the temperance lodges in the district. W w. Grainger's celebrated short -Born cow, Fair Maid of Hullett, in the nutter test at the World's Fair, gave the largest flow of tnillt riven by an Ontario cow, namely, 50 pounds per day, and which was only equalled by a cow fr'rn tht. state of Kansas, 1f it hurts you, dear, said the sur- geon, as be applied the splints and bandages, cry all you warts to. You will feel better. Thank; you, doctor, replied the little Boston girl. I never weep. it wrinkles the feet'. BORN. In variety of topics, in interest and TnonNTUN--Iu Bluevale, ou the 4th inst., the wife of itIr. Nelson Thornton; a daugh- ter. Bowtns--In Orangeville, on the 8th instant, the wife of 14Ir, T. E. Bowles ; a daughter. 1l F s:--Itt Henfryn, ou JnIy 22nd, the wife of Mr. Frank McFee; a daughter, Horntss.--In Clintonon July 28th, the wife of Mr. Robt, Etoit res, of the New a; a daughter, GlttLnts.—In Culross; en the 3rd instant, the wife of Mr. Hugh Gillies; a daughter. AFTER SICKNESS to syatern P qua bring bank a healthy appetite, physicians recommend the use of r'CAMPBHLL'S QUININE WINE. • ` p"„ PLUICtANT TQ TIM TASTE. 44. • yPrepared only by K. CAMPB.fta. & VO.,' Beware of Imitations. Morrranar.,, A I RADE CHANCE to make from 515 to VA l:er weak Manning our gardy Canadian }liar Stook. Highest Salaries er Commiesiou paid weskty, Cempinte orrrrr t,css, Special instructiet,s to hogtnners. tvrlte this week for terms to. x. O. GRAUAM, Nurseryman, 12t Toronto, Ont: Steam. Saw and Shingle Mill FOB SALE, on the river Maitland In Village of Unlimited quantity of timber to be had in the neighbourhood, all kinds, The mill is in first.claos roaring order and com- plete throughout; capacity, 10 to 12 thou- sand per ten ltaurs. 'There is also a sub. stauttal frame house, stable, eto,,belonging to the property. Apply ou the premises. 6t MRS. ALISON GIBSON. Money and Notes Lost or Stolen. Lost or stolen, ou Saturday, July 29th, a large leather pocket book con tai nine about $30 in money and the following notes: One note drawn by Thos. Coultes in favor of Hugh Ross, for $400, $175 had been paid on this note and endorsed on back of same; one note dram' by Albert Hughes, in favor of Hugh Ross, for 6200, due on or about 20th Match, 1894; one note drawn by N. J. Kerswell, in favor of Hugh Ross, for $50, due on or about August 26th,1893; one note drawn by Alex. Ross, in favor. of Hugh Ross, for $778, due on the 15th of August, 11893. The public are hereby oautioued against negotiating any of above notes, as payments have been stopped. Any one giving such information as will lead to the recovery of the above property will be suitably rewarded, HUGH ROSS. Bhievale, August 1st, 1893. 3t WESTERN FAIR, LONDON, SEPTEMBER 14th to 23rd, '93. CANADA'S FAVORITE EXHIBITION EST:\I3LISiir» 18118. The Oldest in the Dominion. LIVE STOCK EXHIBITS Entries Close September 7th. The best and largest stabling and space allotted on receipt of eutries. Better Special( Attractions Than ever before. SrscetL Exotrnsiovs Cron ALL Poxnvs. For Prize. Lists and information apply to CAPT. A. W. PQR .'B, Pres, P S. AB. RO WNE, Sec. d J. Om CU MINS Begs to intimate to his numerous cus- tomers and others that he intends moving to the stand lately used as a boot and shoe store wunatna). Two Doors North of Post Office where will be found a large stock of MAcnoNAtn--SrstrsoN- Iu CJulross, en the find instant, by the Rev. A. Y. Hartley, Bluevale,I'Lr,Ewan Macdonald,of Aberdeen, Scotland, to Miss Robina Simpson, only daughter of the late Arthur Simpson. DIED. A ict.Ns--In Wingham, en the 10th inst., 'Walter Murree( Aikens, eon of Mr. I obt, Mkens,aged 7 years, 6 months and 10 days. Fensrett.--At Brampton, on August 5, Jane Wilkinson, beloved wife of William ii'orater and aunt of Mrs, lobo Neekauds, of this town. 1CrantA:rs,..-.In Teeswater, on July 27th, Samuel 1iirkland, aged 61 years and 6 Months. JArinrNni.--In Corrie, ou luiy 2gtlt, Gil - herb Jardine, aged 01 years, \timer:. 13russels, ou August 1st, Edward Vareoe, aged 62 years, 2 months and 21 days, 1ETArritA.-=Icl'Toroute, en August 2nd, the wife of John Hanna, of Morris township. SirsteAter'.' -In Brawls, on Atqumm 2ndf Annie, beloved wife of Alexander Stewart,. aged 50 -years, 7 months and, 11 days. M sical instruments, . Sewing Machines, Washing Machines and `stringers, with all needed repairs. Also a full rico of SCHOOL SUPPLIES GENERAL STATIONERY. Store will be opened on Saturday, July 29th. GIVE ME A. ALL. Gtlttlset Ie Clinton, on July 29th, 1,B. Ou LM.• OS. William Wilson, aged 24 years. Ingham, Jaly 29th,�03, oto.. ISSOL ION ...o,a3uxm,azrs.ocmaa„gm4n. The.p,artnership happily sestina between the uaa�tersignea for, the past sic,. Mears will close on the•Sth day of September;.] S9 3; by effulT ;encs of, time, and, owing to, continued ill health, of one of - the partners.. cannot be renewed., Therefore, the ENTIRE i' T i ,,K, A'- OUNTINO TO ABOUT $10,000, 11,1b6 soli without rosorvo AND AT BELOW COST. As the goods are all new and have been selected with great care, this affords an opportunity of securing SACRIFICE BARGAINS such as may never again be offered to the, citizens o£ Wingham and vicinity, This great sale will begin on aturd. 379 ug. 5th, And continue for 33 days. Please remember 33 DAYS SELLING AT COST, And in many cases far below cost. Do not permit business or pleasure to keep you away from this store during these 33 days, for it is the chance of a lifetime. The stook conists of every description of Dress Goods, General Dry -Goods, including Cur- tains, Curtaining and a fine assortment of Carpets, fine Worsteds, imported and Canadian Tweeds, Ready-made Cloth- ing, Gents' Furnishings, &c. BOOTS TND SI;OES and SLIPPERS from the best makers, GROCERIES, pure and fresh, in abundance. Lovers of good, pure TEAS cannot affod rto miss this mammoth sale. Come, now is the accepted time. ,:a GOOD BUTTER and EGGS will be taken as cash, Any goods charged during this GREAT SALE will be entered at regular prices. GORDON & McINTYRE, The Anchor House. Wingham, July 31, 1893. E KI13 WE ARE CLEARING PRINTS, - C ALLI T:J Si ,LAZE. T , LAC ,�■ D S:GODS&e _ fly yCC,oul's, C4- HARNESS HARNESS AND GOLLARS. Having bought out the Ambler lioness Business anti started in his old stand, am prepared to furnish the public with everything usuallykept in a harness shop such as HEAVY, LIGHT and TRACK HARNESS, NETS, DUSTERS, WHIPS, CURRY 0011113$, BRUSHES, SWEAT COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALISES aria TRAyerzwa BAGS, elle., ,rt;c I make all my own Collars and guarantee .aatisfaetiou. Gire,tne a trial and I will use you tight. ",f• kto VOL, XXL ---NO, 1122. THE is through taking stool. and wants to that you all most heartily for the way in which you have stooct by this store and the way you have helped to make the past year a successful business year, and would say that in commencing another year, we in- tend by strict attention to business, and to your' wants, careful beefing and well assort- ed stocks to merit a continuance of your confidence and patronage. After stook taking we find we have a lot of remnants that we want to get rid of; they are yours at very low prices to clean out. Shop early, Secure prompt delivery. This store closes at seven o'clock. ORR ea HISCOCKS, Direct Dry Goods Importers. Tim Dena, August 9, 1893. DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING. MRS. JOHN KERB Inas decided to again open a Dress and „3antle making business, at her residence, Edward street, near Pringle's pop works. Satisfaction guaranteed. Apprentices wanted. 3m • Marriage Licenses Issued by FRANK PATERSON. No 23, Vic- toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. LOCAL NEWS —Fon nut Bora ANn Gifu s. --Two glasses •of soda water fli5 cents at R. Hine's. Division on Weduescla a few minute —The Tbront eumed publicatiot eve hope it will bo was held in Wingham e business only oeoupied Evening Star Inas re- It is a newsy sheet, and financial success. —Wildfong's I, ghting Soap for cleaning 'clothes. For sal only by G. H. I tvra, Tailor, Wingham. —We ackuowl d;o with thanks, the receipt from S. E. Dawson, Esq., Queen's printer at Ottawa, of a substantially bound volume of Statutes of Canada, 50 Vic., 1893• Rev. Robt. Job stun, of Lindsay, was present and took p t in the prayer meeting on Wednesday even ng, in the Presbyterian church. —Scnoon Surrnirs.—A full stock of High and Public School books, scribblers, exer- cise books, inks, pencils, etc.,`at Chisholm's Drug Store. —The Rev..Jas. L' ingstone, of Iiinear- ; dine, conducted the s rvices of the Wingham Methodist church ve y acceptably, on Sun - n ,day last, the Rev. r. Sellory taking h' work in Kincardine , —The Indopend it Orcter. of Foresters exoursion to Sarn a was well patronized, upwards of 800,pe one ser acictct themselves . of the cheap trip..Over.l.r.t� of the number went from Wingl fen. . —American ,zuotrajr;'taken at par for goods in my line^mutt'illbe discounted at ten per cent, it. ,U'tra., opposite :Batik of Hamilton. —The School of P agogy opens on Ootl 1 next, and will con nue in session anti May 31. 'Arxspecial xaniination will be hold in December r those who do not require to attend t e whole term. Tb regular examination for teachers in art ar1� ill be held at be close of the session. —Mr. and Mrs. - iticintyre and f tinily left last week for a extended visit to Maui British tobaand i, I t C lun'bia, girt, hCoTntt;yre end the dill •en w 1renlantwitlil>j;rggtl e near Bran on one itIe. MeTutyreekleteleeel most of the ntne It. lino J3atri"r.Sj;x_Y has been grentl trnuliled for'eonze, with neuralgia, nd it is hoped cuint('ve qualities of the e furlong springs will benefit him. —Cash for good batter and eggs et It A. Graham's market grdeury. Mr. .1. ,IT. Stat onion and son Charlie returned on Saturc y from a two weeks' visit to friends in etrolia, and other pointk- in Lambtop count They.drog across the. country and on ieir way eshod on the Rov+ 11. . lTugh e, >tt Adelaide, and spent a pleasant zohtth with Mr. Hughes and farnIly. They 'e nicely locatod in Ade, !aide, tt sma11 vi age about six miles from Strfthroy, and ;,pear to be perfectly ton. tented_ and hap puroh —R City anoth, �--C assn ly ill f is r o —T] is dra will pr —Pn at rest tf —Q, went t the bit aplend. out. ---0 thank, ohurcl of Ki evenin —L, Miss the Q • work, --M next s Eventt the set Wien. Congr, evenin gramn °opt fc welco t25 he ye —T open s Pupil; day, a very n day, —M last going finishi MoKe, and sh before house, in one hay. work. —N, people a fine berry, late, s the sent i advant ing tin has re Batt of abseil Winni that town , --13 Bridg, strong ber to useful morly try, o o£ ma UrnW hies fc `•iittme �tveclil Wise buteb Owe Like :state was i ooupl ago,. Supe fews of 201 latiot ntettt elect' met his s,