The Wingham Times, 1893-08-25, Page 1nnnilintor-
VOL. XX.I.---NO. 1122.,
is through taking stook and wants to time
you all most heartily for the way in which
you have stood by this store and the way
you have helped to make the past year a
successful basiness year, and would say
that in commencing auother year, we in-
tend bystrictattention
to b ii ,
us nets and tad to
your -wants, careful belying and well assort-
ed stocks to merit a continuance of your
a c
confidence n I atroua
p ge A£t r e stook
taking we find we have a lot of remnants
that we want to get ricl of; they are yours
at very low' prices to clean out.
Shop early. Secure prompt delivery.
This store closes at seven o'clock.
Direct Dry Goods Importers.
THE Benin, August 9, 1803.
AIRS. JO}lK:@i K ER1t
Ras deolden to again open a Dress and
=.Iantle making business, at her residence,
Edward street, near Pringle's pop works.
Satisfaction guaranteocl. Apprentices
wanted. 3m
lrarriago Licenses
Issued by Present- PAmRSON, No 23, Vic-
toria street, Wingh am, Ont. No witnesses
—Fon erns Boss aan Gnms.-Two glasses
of soda water f 5 cents at R. Hun's.
--Division was held in Wingham
on Wednescla e business only occupied
a few minute
—The Tb:•on Evening Star has re-
sumed pubiioatio it is a newsy sheet, and
we hops it will be a financial success.
—Wildfong'e L ghting Soap for cleaning
+clothes. For sal only by
G. H. tvrx., Tailor, Wingham.
—We aekuowl clge with thanks, the
receipt from S. E. Dawson, Esq., Queen's
printer at Ottawa, of a substantially bound
volume of Statute- of Canada, 50 Vic., 1893*
—Rev. Robs. Jol stop, of Lindsay, was
present and took p •t in tbeprayermeeting
on Wednesday even ng, in the Presbyterian
—Scuoan Svri'nx s.—A full stock ofliigh
and Public School books, scribblers, exer-
cise books, inks, pencils,, etc.,`at Chisholm's
Drug Store.
—The Bev..Tas. L' ingstono, of Kincar-
dine, eonclactecd the s rvices of the Wingham
Methodist chiral). ve y acceptably, on Sun -
Ay last, the Rev. r. Sellery taking h
work in Kincardine
, —The Independ
excursion to Sean
upwards el SOb pe
of the cheap trip..
went from Wingl
Fit Order • of Foresters
a was welt patronized,
one ay axtecttltomselves
Over 150' oi' the number
American nnotran taken at per for
goods in my line,Ai'urill be discounted at
ten per cent.R. Hine,
oppobito Bank of Hamilton.
--The School of P agogy opens on Oct
1 next,. and will eon nue in session anti
May 31. •Atiepeeial xamivation will be
held in December r those who do not
require to attend t o whole. terns. T1
regular examinatio for toaollot's in aft
'll be hold its he close of the session.
—Mr. and hers. . McIntyre' and family
left lest week for a extended visit to 11iaiii-
toba and British C lumbza, 1'1rs MolnfVre
and the chi' si,nw tremnln With 11;40;144'
near Branoil ani Mr MOIhltyre 4ili
most of the luxe h silo Banff ;tlprlartg
leas been greet1 - trotted; fes` semen ti�1,
with neuralgia, tnd it is hoped ouratfve
qualities of the a famous springs will
benefit him.
-Oath for good butter and egge at B A
Graham's market greleery.
r, J. t{, 8t01 orison and sen �1ltarlie
returned on Sainte y from a two weeks'
visit to friends in . etrolne, and other pointli
in Lambton emu t They drovil' across the
country and on eir way called on the
new. j. W. Thigh s, at /ldelaide, and spent
a pleasant 'vrti'1 with Mr.'Itughes and
family. They o nicely located in Ade
]aide, a rinall vi age about six miles from
" Stratbxoy, and ;}pear to be perfectly con..
tented and hap
—Miss Wallace as gone to the city to
purehase her stool of fall millinery.
—Read the ann 'uncement of the Forest
City Business ollege, of London, il'I�
another column.
—Call at the
asso • rnent of fruit, tar Restaurant
McK for vie.
Mr.W. J. Dey ,II, who has been serious.
ly ill for a few we ke, we are glad to say,
is r overing.
—The brink w •k of Maodonald's block
is drawing neo completion. The block
will present a h intorno appearance.
—Private moneys to loan on mortgages
at reasonable rate of interest. A ply to
• Joitz sura ns.
—Quito a numb • of Wingham people
went to Goderich 'n the 17th inst., to enjoy
the big bicycle t rnament. There was a
splendid progra o, and it was well carried
—On Sunday next, 27th ins', a harvest
thanksgiving wi be held in old St. Paul's
church, Wiught n. Rev. Jas. Thompson,
of Kincardine, will preach morning and
—Ladies, have your garments made by
Miss M. Johnston, Gregory block, opposite
the Queen's Hotel, Latest styles, good
work, always ilrst•°lass fit,
—Methodist Chu cit Pulpit Topics for
next Sunday. Mo ing: "Winning Souls,"
Evening : "The B k of Daniel"—Third of
the series "The Dr am and its Interpre-
.—Au ice cream ooial will be held in the
Congregational lurch vestry on Monday
evening, August Sth, 1893. A good pro-
gramme during t o evening. No charges ex-
cept for refresh ants ordered. Everybody
welcome. Com -
Cents Cash will pay for Time Txxss,
for new, subscribers, till the end of
the year.
—The Wingh public school will re-
open after the ho 'days on Monday next.
Pupils should present on the opening
day, and parents voulcl assist the teacher
very materially b sending them on that
—Mr. Wm. C gg finished baling hay
last week, and this week has his press
going at Mr. Ge . MoKenzie's warehouse,
finishing up the ay stored there, for Mr.
McKenzie. Mr McKenzie is still pressing
and shipping at ildmay. Last week, just
before finishin up at 11 Clegg's ware-
house, the men put on an extra spurt and
in one hour th y pressed 3902 pounds of
hay, A. ton n hour is "considered good
—Now that the hot weather has come,
people should come to the fountain and get
a fine drink of lemon sour, vanilla, straw-
berry, raspberry, pine apple, ginger, choco-
late, sarsaparilla or the cream soda, one of
the est drinks in the land at R. Hum's.
—Dr. J. A. M
sent in New Yer
advanced course
ing the hospital
has resumed lli
had charge of 1
absence, has
Winnipeg hos
that city. Dr
town divine
Bees for
Bridge Apiar
Strong roloni
ber to suit p
useful co
-i%Xr. T.
merly of th
try, of this
Of anatrfmo
ort Wedues
The ha
ftl.• J`
town ilii
Like all
States, he
was in bit
Oouple of
ago. Sou
Ecru seatte
12000 int
ation of 0
lents ant
lectrio ]i
net our .
de son CI
drum, who has been ab -
for some time taking an
u the colleges and attend
retuned last week, and
practice Dr. Ross, who
prao et/Oaring the Dr's
cel,ted a position o the
tal staff and has left for
1Loss made many friends in
s brief stay.
ale or exchange, at the Ikon
and Greenhouses. 15 or 20
s of Italian bees, in any uum-
chaser. Will take hay or idly
dity. Cheap for cash.
C. Gntxrtic, Lower Wingluini,
• Sperling, of Meaford, for-
town,and Miss Louisa Coven -
own, were united in the bonds
y, at Mrs. Coventry's residence,
y, by the Rev. S. Sellory, l3.
py eeupjo left on the afternoon
n for t1 it future home m
The Thais'joins with their
fiends in wishing the newly
• a long and happy life.
Il. Dopp, f Smith Superior,
who' 'fo>•nt ly eparriecl on a
business in Wii;tgham, wee in
week renewing acquaintances,
there who are home from the
•eports• times very flat there. He
nese in South Superior for a
ars, and sold out it short time
x Superior is a suburt of West
ad in two years grow from is
d houses to a place of upwards 1
bitants, and now is as a km -
et 3,000, and all the improve -
luxuries of a city—street cars,
ht, gas, cte. Not long ago
ownsnlan, Mr. John l:lde:r, and
—De. Sinclair, pecialist, visited Wi
havi professiouall on Monday last.
Mr. Geo. Ilu res started for Lond
England, with al thele cargo of cattle
Btr. Joseph Clog , on Wednesday last.
—Watches, olocks and jewelry promptly
repaired and fully warranted by Hanes:
Per Meyer Block, Wingllain.
ng- —Mr. Geo. llugl
trip to England, on
on, the sea voyage agre
for—Mr. S. Jeekso11
tario College of Ph
gaged by Mr. Gordo
Hamilton, Esq., of
leen. See advertise
A cedar bleak
on John street
stables, Last we
phine street, frog
the Beaver Blatt �
—Prof. Golcl
opticians, may 1
wick House,
couple of wee
another o r ooh y
crossing is being placed
n front of the Queen's
k 1 one wasoz laced Jose -
p t
Brunswick I3ouso to
ei n and wife, practical
e consulted at the Bruns•.
here they
be for
advertisement in
2m Cents Gash tvi11 pay for TUE fixM,rs,
for new subscribers, till the end of
the year.
—Canadian ar ists have taken a high
position at the orld's Fair. Mr, G. A.
Beid's famous pi are, "The Foreclosure of
the Mortgage," t Ices a place of distinction,
Mr. Reid is an o Wingham bay, being a
son of Mr. Mat Reid, Lower Wingham•
—Tice editor the rl'Ixrs has to thank
Mr. John Salto of East Wawanosh, for
a quantity ofd iofons honey in the comb,
left at his resin nee a few days ago. Mr.
Salter is quite xtensively engaged in bee
culture, Levi' at present about fifty
—For first -clasp tailoring and thea
gents' furnishings;'? try Web•iter S
Remember the place, only two doors nor'
of the old stand and between Itoss' boo
store and Patterson's jewellery shop,
-The harvest ex ursions on the C. P. R.
to Manitoba and ti Northwest have been
pretty well pair nizecl this year. Oa
Tuesday week, the a were between fifteen
and twenty left tl a Wingham station for
different points in lie west, and on Tues-
day last quite a nl nber evaded tliemselve
--Our hose reel
ford this (Thursday
the firemen's t
place. At the tiro
not heard the resu
tlwere to comp
F --Last week, M
1 0 t
1gearof i
He put into the c
Til nay presentyear. Mr. Oleg
abou 0 seven weekMr. Geo. MojCenz
the season, we and
than that, he havi
gaged at it. Pile
the farmers itt the
bans for hay must
—St. Paul's C
scene of a very
soil was'united •
Shaw, daughter
There was a 1
churolt being er
performed by t
pu The bride and b
C li attired. After
k- Dir Geo Shaw, t
oft gheap trip. •
The Agrieult •a1 Hall, which is bein
erected for the Turnberry Agriculture
Society, is Hearin completio9It is not
very pretentious building, but will, n
doubt, answer th purpose for which i1 i
intended, for a fe years, when it can b
added to. The g sneers are being put in
shape for the sho , which will be held at
the 20th and 271 of September next.
—G Tit train for Toronto and efts
leave Wingham at 6.25 it m and 11.20 a m
via W G cit B Division, and at 6,40 ti re
and 3.45 p m, via Clinton and Guelph.
Good connections by all trains.
Wnioxi, lr.--W. H. Watson, Pastor. ,Ser-
vices each Sunday at 11 a, tt: , and 7 p. m.
Sabbath School and Bible Class at `2.30.
Prayer Meeting every Wednesday
at 8 p. m. Christian Endeavor Friday
evenings at 8 p. m. All made welcome.
Seats free. Strangers welcome. Sunday,
August 27th. Mo •ing subject: "Die.
appointment as an Educator." To
Young People—' Battle of Ebenezer."
Evening; "A wo derful ship wreck."
3,40 train for C
slippers and goo
their honeymo
western cities al
in Wingham on
returned from his
Tueslay, looking as if
1 with him.
graduate of the On -
Mr Sellery led 10 p
following well known
folly sustained their
ttttiOtis, viz: ;Hiss
rmacy, has been en- Miss Lottie i`ScK
, successor to A. L, Planer, town ; Mi
he Pitartuaoy, Wing- Mrs J Nicoll, town
eut next weak.
mpauy left for Stmt.
morning, to take part
ornament held in that
of going to press we had
of the race in which
Clegg loaded c
g 1
el the
xe has shipped this year.
r 191,ons and 881 pounds•
season ap 1s
Over f
pressed and shipped in
nearly 3,5O taus of hay.
has also shipped during
rstand, a larger quantity
g been a longer time en -
ash paid out this year to
neigbborgilood of Wing -
be cousiderable.
rah, Wingham, was the
ratty wedding, on Wed -
last, when Mr L W Ilan -
t i:tarriage to Miss Naomi
of the late James Shaw + Mrs. itlgrim. an
I were visiting at
ionto ; allies McI
Rev It Johnston
dress, and Roy
spoke for a
usual happy style.
and prayer by Rev
to a close one of
successful enterta
Bobo•un Sunday
roch a
all Sunday School
at 10 cents, the ha
taken in, anti, we
pensee are very
desire to convey t
thanks to alt who s
assisted there, citl
Ste, or by their rar
to the evening's en
Miss Ella Dean
attend the Collo
•ge number present,
wded. The ceremony
Rev L 0 Wood, rest
•idesmaids wore beautifu
inner, at the residence
ie happy couple took t
icago, amid showers of ri
1 wishes. They will ape
in Chicago and otl
1 will take up housekeepi
heir return.
the � t}, week.
Mrs. Rebt, 'Tent
°t visit with frienc
of vania.
01 Mr. and Mrs.
--The Epwort League of Christian En-
deavor of the IS: •thodist Church of this
membership of nearly ou
hundred, and :n adding now members
The young people of
creep interest in the
o church. They hold a
Byer meeting" on Thurs-
s town has now
„ nearly every wee
this church take
a spiritual life of ti
"young0 people's pl
nay evening of eao t week, to which all are
e , invited and will b made welcome. These
, services have peev • proflteble to old and
young, and, in fac . aot as a sort of heating
; apparatus to the cl urcli, An effort to pro-
f mote the social nit 'este of the church was
t , made on Thursday afternoon of last week,
when, on the invii ation of the 1. L. of C.
l E. the Sunday Soh,ol and the youngpeo10
of the church atter ded a picnic in Lower
Wingham. The x, 'Miler was just right
and the attendee' 'e very -good. Croque
and swings were k pt busy all afternoon
Lunch was saved it about five o'clock, an
the ;,clod things w re soon "out of sight.
Altogether the y tang people seemed to
1 thoroughly enjoy ltemselves. From seven
j to eight o'clock all open air prayer 1neetting
was held, c�induct d by Messrs. Ii, Groves
and John Kerr, a large number et th
young mets and w men entering heartil
into this -service of prayer and praise.
—Rev. Bobt. J• neaten, of Lindsay, con-
ducted the sere es of the Presbyterian
church, Wingha , oil Sunday, and deliver-
ed. two eloquent discourses. The church
was well filled at the evening service, and
the sermon was tae specially for young
men. BIr. John; on is a young man, and
he pleaded with t to young men to cast in
their lot with Ch ist. He pointed out that
Christ always int ted mon to a feast, and
not a famine, a most people seemed to
think.. The di. ourso, though rather
lengthy, was lis nett to with close attee
T' return wn tennis match between
Blyth at Wing am clubs •:vas elilayed at
Wingham V dinesday, 10th 'lythbeing
victorious + eeer° was as° ollows : F.
Tanner and 11 - .virion, B1,, bect,tDickin-
son ananiifehol, Vii tarn„ /Ii -1, 0--3, 7.5.
C. Tanen): anci iln• ytlt, beat Smith
and Laingnee ; 0-0, 4-0, 0 -4 -
Miss Aa'nte11y,'t , `•s Curtis, Blyth, beat
Miss L. Gorr 3 sad Bliss Macdonald,
Win;ltam, 6-3 d---4. :hiss M. Reny and
Miss Within() ' Blyth, beat Miss I. Ger•
dote and : tewart, Wingbam, 2---0,
0-3, 0, 4, Its expected that another
matcli''will shor y be played bt tweeu these
Plums Wanted.
Wanted, at tl ity Restaurant, `Wing.
lam, 100 bu s of plums. The highest
easlt pri o til be said, Plums must be
delive. • from 1111ondays until Fridays.
No 11 1s wanted on Saturday. i'lunis
must e a little on g'ree't side for shipping.
Don't forget the place, opposite the new.
Bank of Hamilton. Rorie, IItte.
07,mice New Veen
i condition to supply. families or societv
; with new teas, et jobbers prices. Now is
the time to seeure our teas.
! —The entertain tient . given by the
&Vol 9f this town,
. on Monday eveniug last, was a grand. suc-
cess in every pullet Oue very import-
ant end ptactical le on may be dttewn from
tang erithusistic timing, viz: Tha
• thorough organizat is the sure way to
with this entertain lent were in. the hands
of willing, energeti and enthusiastic cons -
tion was given e
, room was very co
tably arranged.
spread pretty ree
gave to the sere=
clime room nice t:
ice cream, coffe
quickly and libel.
the body of tho c
profusion of fie
tastefully nerang
had been freely
all repaired to
where au =elle
in faultless style.
the chairman, w
ston, of Linde
Wiesslunn Aft
spent Sunday last
Mrs. (Rev.) Sell
ou Monday from
Mrs. Sollery's pa
11. lino, and took
visiting at Dr. na
Washington, wee
ig the past w
returned home la
sojourn in that fa
G 1 -Ie has dist)
Y tot and will sit
ily to British Col
Miss Ross, Aft
Miss Praline Ha
games at Ur. Jas.
Mrs. Jas. Lou
relatives in Ilettl
Mr. John Ellin
i a'vieit to hi
Presbyterian Suede
their several parts so
that perfect satisfae.
ery detail. The lecture
n the - platform was
Lula easy °bairn whie
liege the appearance of
throughont the spa.
bias were placeeitt con.
cake, the., Was served
Ily. Both here and in
welt there was a oaten
After the goon thing
artelien of amen efairs,
he body of the church,
progremme was given
On the platform, beside
e Rev, Messrs. II. John
J'as. Livingstone, of
liery and W I/ Watson, of
singir.g a hymn, Rev
yet, after which the
artists appeared and.
veil -established repu-
clean, of Iiensall;
lzie, town ; Miss
.Lennie Cargill, tow
Miss McKibben, T
izio and Prof.. Scot
vs an admirable a
J Livingstone, ars
reit time in It
The singing of a hym
W. 13. Watson brougl
le most. enjoyable an
nnents ever given b
loot vi !
� t zstandiugtha
cholars were admitte
dsome sum of 002 wa
ncl that the ex
iglzt. The committee
it sincere and heart
willingly and cheerfully
.r by supplying cream
gifts added so large]
s• 1
Mr. John Dais in town on a
Mr. Norman
on Tuesday, of
Toronto, Ilam
'den, of Detroit, lti
•bort visit.
arquharson rOturned
r spending a week or e
ton and other e
Miss Moyitti; of '.Toronto, who lute
spending aortae t me with relatives in t0wrt!
returned to her tome in 'lorouto, ort nes
Miss Maggie Mott, of Powick, is on
visit to friends '' town,
Mrs, Wm. 5 an, of Listowel, is on ej
ttto her son Mr. R. 3, Swan, Shute1
B ss Lou >:'e gegen Left on Monday ford
an extended vi it to friends in Moreisbur�g,„
Mr. E. H. D ver was visiting relatives ia,l
Detroit, Inst w ek, Mrs. Dever also spent a�
lonth in the 4 ity of the Straits,
Miss Mary r elaon spent a couple of-woon Stanley visi ing relatives,
Teeswater l\ ws: Mr. and Mrs. sins t
Copeland and . dies Russel spent a plait a4'
to civic holid y tat the residerice,of Mr.:3)
Sutherland, tae ngham. =f
Mr, and Mrs W. J. Gillies and daughte .,
of St. Mary's, n etul'nocl. hozne on Friday,i
August 11th a ter spending it week wI
Mrs. A. IL Car
Mr. and Mrs. J1, J. Swan and slaughter
are visiting fri ids in Toronto, Hastings
^nd other caste a points.
11Ir. Airgas • Sutherland, of Calumet,
icldgan, ret rned house on Tuesday,'
ugust 15th, fter spending a month in
Vinghatn and ucknow.
Mrs. Forstei • of Toronto, who rias been
toe guest of Mrs. John Neelands f* o.
ouple of Twee returned to her home on
Mr. Geo. M Tavisb, of Ltstowel, spent to
ouple of day: in town, last week.
Miss Magg: McLauchlin is Fpending_a
w clays will
Mrs. S. Yo
Toronto, a
Mrs. McFegga
time under th
Mrs. Mars
Manitoba, da
has been visit
time, left to -d
East Tawas an
after speudiug
will return to 11
has gone to Goderich to
ate Institute in drat
children, of Hamilton,
is away on a visit to
Creek, Michigan
t, of Altoona, Wisconsin,
percents and friends in
Messrs. Sextus. tent, Geo. E. King, C.11,
Griffin, W. H. Mazdonald and Chas.
tip the lakes to Mackinac Tiles had a
very enjoyable, td and app. ar to be renew-
ed in vigor by the • week's outing on the
waters of Lake I/ ron.
Mr. Dr. H. and obt. MeIndeo returned
from their visit a the World's Pair, Ittst
r. and Mrs. la be McIadoo, Mrs. Raba
Chas. Smith, Mrs. S. Chaney entlehildren,
Dinsley left on Pr ay last for a ten days'
visit to the World Pair and Chicago.
Mr. Ilarry Gar la, of Sarnia, Sundayed
in Whigharn, last 'unday.
Miss L. f Clinton, is the guest of
her cousins, Xis s A. and S. Nur, a'olm
Mrs. 11. Suttot of Drayton, is visiting at
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jolihston's.
Mr. B. Wills has i'eturned from his
trip to Manitob
Mise Hough on was visiting in Toronto.
leseons on the IVO organ, from Mr. A.. vogt,
Conservatory Music.
friends ha Brussels.
hill has returned from a visit
ompamied bY her daughter,
, who will spend ti „snort:
perentai roof.
'all, of Portage la Prs.irie,
ig at her father's for . some
Saginaw, Michigan, ena
ome time in those places, ,
r home in Menitoba.
Mr. A. L. Has iilton is away on te pros-
enpeets to visit Detroit,
its e,s aud. other point
pecting tour,
Chatham, St.
before he return
Mr. John Kerr
visiting relatives
Mi. -John Bad
Meyer Gornon
'Mrs. Tinsley,
at Mr. Jas. Melee
few days hitt w
gives you jukiwnat you a;s1"cod for.
rills will nate nreadaelie, Eilietiencss,
Sour Ste/mole etc. Ines there mace
yen will net t142 any other.„, rice
hex, at all drug eSoree-
Oils is the best Family Lini
world. Instant tem for re
Bruises. Bewere of hnitetien
Salmon's Englieli Wlilte Oils.
are safe and sure. 25c, a box. e
md Mends in London.
of Toronto, was the
Webstee for a couple of
Hamilton, iyas a guest
llealing Balsam
will cure tlie worst eold. Hancl1dis of
testimonials testify to its merit:a., Money
will positively be refended if Heathfield4
Healing Xlelatin dote -net do ail 'that is
claimed for it.
Dr. King's tkiseta
ery is the great blood purifier. -
make the blood pure and keep it'
Cures dyspepsia end all forme of sto
aud liver troubles. It is the best; bey
beet. Price oue dollar a bottle, bet
for a:oiciloillaIrts.
easo or mousy naiad