HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-08-11, Page 2THE WINGH•AM X 1MES'. AUGUST 11, 1893 rfaf•, ., y� „�. , t gin$ Cfi DAY, ,t3.UQUsq' 11, 189e. asoxary 1n QUEQbeo.' author, promoters and puh- a the Outlines of the His Freetltasonry in the Proving ,ea',, (U 0$- 1802). cannot hu oriel( with cordial receptior tl to, the fraternity in. Europe and America. it1'4111y appreciative "review" rte by Wm. James liughan, th r of learned. English freemason rr i e t n ea d u the Masonic and pp o journals both in the old work l tl t1!•' new. im ert Freie, Gould, the celebrated yr of The FListory of Freemasonry le. claartn.], London, England, has eablisihed , lengthy critical review Quebec history, in the Trausac• of the Quarter Coronati Lodge, )076, E. R , London, G. W. h, Secretary, This is the scree literary Masonic Lodge in the Its English membership is ed to forty, but about fourteen ed prominent Freemasons in lands are members of its Oor- ndence Circle. It uutrivals in ways most of the scientific, c, and literary societies of our u any country. ving dissented from a statement e Quebec historian regarding the rs it the formation of the pre - Grand Lodge of England,Brother d comments In •letail upon each e twelve chapters in the volume 645 royal octavo). The follow - re excer`pts.tlherefrom:•- apter 11., headed Canadian Memorabilia, describes when the este towns and stations were leu, and traces in a clearer and popular form than has a hitherto ared in any publication with it I am acquainted, the frequent ions which were made in the cal divisions of British North rica. e items of information which the ;ea historian [Bro. ,7. H. Graham ohinond, Que.),has so laboriously red, are packed into such a linnit- ae, especially the subject mat- t chapter 117., that no single re- , unless, indeed, it were granted a poly of an entire part or number ose 'Transactions, could do the t3ustice to thein, It must suffice, fore, to mention at this stage, the additional facts published by its torian, both with regard to ental or travelling lodges,and the st stationary lodges in the orig- 'ritish province of Quebec [I758 - ill be found to be of the high, We to ail students of the .craft. ong the Masonic authors to Bra. Graham acknowledges his al indebtedness, are four members r own lodge [No. 2076 E. R.] , I am sure, Bros. Hughau, Lane, hytebead will allow me to ex - en behalf of the quartette, the are it affords us that our names id he associated, ever so remotely s the successful completiotr of such rduous midertaldug. i aro administrator, P. G. M. Gra- 's services have been pre-eminent ae ,jurisdiction of Quebec, and S is probably no other case on rd,where it has fallen to the lot of and the same Brother to attain 'narked distinction, both as the 1d Master and the Historian of his id Lodge.,•--fontreal Gazette. cold, s!'onld be placed to, the ice chest an hour before they are needed.. All fruits should be served its cold and Creah as possible, and with groan* laced rather than powdered sugar. 'Ike down on peaches is poisonous to some people, and eliottld be care• fully wiped oft. Thie fruit looks far 1 more tempting cut in halves than in stnall pie,os. el Moat and other articles of food that t;are damp or juicy should never be left I in paper. ' When thoroughly and properly of 1 cooked, vegetables are healthy summer e j food, Cold meats are more easily oligo, ted than hot, Cold coffee served with lemon juice is more refreshing and palatable to many people titan tea. To keep ice from melting rapidly, fill a box that will allow the water to escape through the bottorn as fast as it melts, with sawdust ; bury the ice, cover closely with newspapers, and over these a heavy blanket or piece of carpet. Ask Your Friends have taken Iood's Sarsaparilla what think of it, and the replies will be Eve in its favor. One has been cured ligestion and dyspepsia, another finds liapensable for sick headache, others t remarkable cures of scrofula, salt to and ether blood diseases,still others ell you that it overcomes "that tired ag," and so en. Truly, the best ad- ing which Hood's Sarsaparilla re - Ns the hearty endorsement of the e friends it has won by its positive dual merit. ttgtlet Days Remember, That - Pod spoilswmticli More quickly in s., muggy weather than in a much rr temperature, if dry, ren vessels containing charcoal) al in a refrigerator or other closet 1 'e food is kept will do much. to them: dry and sweet, The chars tlaoutd be renewed at least every right. t ripen vessel of ciriillcitlg water 1 in the ice chamber of the re• *tor is sure to (sheer') odors from I» t below. Pat the watery iti, or what is more convenient, in ', rrrew�•top frtttt jars, pitchers and all dishes its nkt or food arse to be served Lacking ice, steaks, ,chops, fish, stnall birds, or other email pieces of meat may be kept nicely by wrapping them in oiled or paraffins paper and burying in it box of charcoal kept in a cool place. A pitcher of cold drinking water set inside a large paper bag, or in the centre of large open newspaper, and the bag or wrapping tied closely together at the top, and then placed on the collar bottom, will remain cool several hours. A promise from pater families that this is the last season you must do without a well filled ice-bouso will be a fine thing to remind him of next winter. HoLLowAY's PILLS. -The Hour of Danger. -Disease commonly comes on with slight symptosis, which, when negleeted, increase in extent, and gradually grow dangerous -a condi- tion which betrays the grossest re.. nhissness-when these Pills, taken in accordance with their accompanying directions, world not only have checks ed but conquered the incipient disorder, Patieuts daily forward details of the most remarkable and instructive cases in which timely attention to Hellos way's advise has undoubtedly savect them from severe illness. These Pills act primarily on the digestive organs, which they stimulate when slow and imperfect ; and, secondly, upon the blood, which is thoroughly purified by them, whence is derived the general tone they impart, and their power of subjugating hypochondriacism, dys- pepsia, and nervous complaints. Horticultural. Brevities. 1. Stir the soil to conserve moisture and promote plant growth,as well as to kill weeds. 2. Use hardwood ashes liberally on all garden truck, small fruits and or. chard trees. 3. Apply liquid manure to force rapid and full maturity of choice crops, 4. Nitrate of soda can be used with benefit on all crops. Itisimm i•diately available, and should therefore be only employed in connection with plants in their active stage of growth. 5. We must spray with Paris Green and copper compounds produce sound marketable fruit. 6. 'There is far too much nrtilclhing done, Small fruits, trees and garden crops are given a most favorable op. portunity for attaining the highest perfection and development when their roots are coyered with a- thick mat of leaves, wet straw, or ether sttitable material. 7. A good mulch keeps down weed, and renders the soil loose, moist and porous at all times, and that, tom, with little labor of cultivation. 8. 13e sure and commence early to thin fruit on trees and vines that have set the same too freely. 9. Remember that oftentimes by the removal of even half the: fruit, the re minder produce as much hulk and sell for more money tiara the whale, if all bad been left on, 10. When fruit is thinned,. the pare ens plant is exhausted far less than when the entire orop is pertnitted to remain, 11. Let the sheep and poultry run in the orchard to consume the wrmy fruit and insects. 12. Sort all fruit very carefully, and send same to market neatly picked in attractive packages. This must not bo neglected, 13. In making- sales get asneerthe consumer as possible', lYfany commis - shiners and middlemen's profits leave little for the producer W receive for his products. 14. Live off the best your land pro- duces. 1)o not error yourself for the sake of having more product' to sell. , Get all you can nut of life. -Ex. The Sambro I4gittitonso 1S at Sambre, N. S., whence Mr. 21. I. Hartt writes as follows :-"Without a doubt Burdock Blood Bitters has done me a lot of good. T waa sick and weak and had no appetite, but D. IL 13, made ale feel smart and strong. Were its virtues more widely known many lives would be saved." Fighting the Horn Fly. The farmers of this country are be- coming so familiar with the habits and effects of the Horn Fly that comments along this line are unnecessary. By la letter from the pen of 0, H. DeLa- fosse, of Croslcaua, Texas, in the Breeder's Gazette, we must conclude that this new, very annoyiug pest has not by any menus reached its waist stages. He says: I dm a native Texan and have been iu the stook business all my life, have seen all manner of cow and horse pests, front the old big black fly down, blit have never seen anything to equal these flies. They bite the cattle from daylight till dark, and roost upon them at night. They 'do Wo effect the horn as some seem to think; they bite where the skin- is thinnest, where they can- not be reached by the tail. If those flies continue here (and I believe they will) and some way is not devised to destroy them, the are going to he a greater curse to the stockman than the army worm is to the cotton planter. Oiie of the most reasoua.)le remedies that has been proposed is given in the Breeder's Gazette. Prepare a stick as large or larger than a man's thumb, whittle a knob at one end, wrap a rag firmly around the end of the stick and tie firmly with stoat cord well rapped around do as to clinch down' behind the knob, and your weapon is a swab to apply the medicine with. An old paint brush will answer as well. Now elle :°emedy which has been successful lu keeping them off for a week at a Limp is: Crude cottonseed oil, say rano gallon, common pine tar,one pint, thoroughly stirred together over a gentle heat (be careful, it easily boils over and does not stop after it is taken off). Apply this thoroughly, rubbing it well over places where the flies con - grate most thickly, and the animal is safe for a week or Qo, unlessilwashed off by the rain. Another remedy is give's by J. P. Braswill, of Fremont. Take kerosene, spirits of turpentine, sulphur and cry• salic ointment, mix them well, and rub or sprinkle the mixture on the animals. 1 would suggest that a little tar can do no hares and will make it more adhesive. Don'ts for the Women. Dorothy Maddox in the Philadel- phia Inquirer gives the following hints to her sex : Don't get confidential. No woman ever gave her family affairs into another woman's keeping, that she did not live to sea the folly of so do• ing. Don't tell a woman how thin or how stout she is growing. Most women loathe either extreme. Don't let your curiosity prompt you to ask embarrassing questions alaout hair and complexion. Thts is the time of the year when coiffure and dein cannot stand too close criticism. Don't discuss religion, polities, or the divorce court, unless you are posted as to the inner life of your listeners. Don't tell a Sister that she looks as young as her daughter, This implies surprise that she has succeeded in alleating Father Time of his just per- quisites. Don't fall in love with your warm weather companion, The feminine sweetheart is a tricky individual, She dotes on you to -day and hates you to- morrow. In truth, nothing on earth I is more unstable than one woman's affection for another woman, Sumniing it lip all up in a- nutshell, if yon would woo end win friends, if yott would foster tenderness of heart and refinement of soul, cultivate tart. Ali, it is of alt links the most perfect in forging love or friendship fetters, It is the key which unlocks the flinti- est of Hearts, 1 o be able to say the right thing at the right time is to fright the foot that you aro in your way a getutxs. Withotit the aid of oris. subtle trait one need never hope to be. Lome a todial $t1CCCeif. The Cheese Test et Oilloago, (Country Gentleman.) We are indebted to Mr, W. H. (rile beat for an elaborate statement in detail of the test in cheese making oondueted at the Colu pbian Expoei- tion in May last -the cheese having since been in proea'ss of ripening' and only subtuittect to the scoring of the judges last week. The plan for a ten- day test of twenty-five cows of each breed, was adhered to as nearly as the exigencies of the cave would permit. Three breads went into the competie tion, and by earefnl tabulation of 14r. Gilbert's figures, we obtain the follow- ing result : Pounds. Total yield cheese by Jerseys 0001 do. do, Gucrusays., 7lifi' do. do, Short•iin7241 The average quantity of milk re- quired per potted of chsase, was 8.70 Ib, for the Jerseys, 0.32 lb, for the Guernseys and 10.86 ib for the Short Horns. The scale adopted in judging the cheese was : Flavor, 55 ; Texture, 25 ; Keeping quality, 15 ; Color, 5. The following title allows the average of the entire score : Flavor. Texture. Koegi'g goat. Color. Total: Jerseys......4117 23 2 13 3 4 2 000 Quernse ys....48 0 217 12 3 4 1 87 2 Short -Horns .50 4 22 3 14 4 4 8 00 5 To Keep Eggs. One of dee most convenient methods for a farmer to pack summer eggs for later use is in boxes in some dry sub- stance. The use of salt, bran, oats or dry earth are very good. Coal ashes, wheat, chaff, etc., answers very- well. A layer of packing material is put in the hottoin of the package, a layer of eggs, set on end. is pub in so as not to touch eaull other, then the second layer of the packing substance ie put on sufficiently thick to keep the layer apart add so until the box is filled. Nail up tightly, and date, place in a coil moderately dry place, where there will be little variations of temperature; turn the package bottom -side up every four or five dans, and the eggs when wanted will come ont nice and fresh. 'Regulates the Stomach, Liver and'l:3owels, unlocks the Secretions,Pu rifiesthe 'Blood and removes all imn- purities from a 'Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. CURE DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS. DROPSY. RHEUMATISM. SKIN DISEASES COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. On the security of Cultivated Farm, Interest six per cent, payable annually. Any portion of the principal inc pal m be repaid at any tiro the borrower p paid by tho County. No person except the•County Auditors allowed to see mortgages or to know to whom honey is loaned. Apply to WM. I-IOLMES Goderich, Aug. 8th 1802. Co. Treasurer. CO NYN B OS, U NDERT AKERS 0 WI1 GHAM, ONT. Application painless and easy. el lei immediate This preparation 6118 a groat and lon'•felt want anronr those who sudor front piles. It is 8 remedy of tit:, h ig;liest merit, effecting, and 70110510, and has more than iiittt the anticipations of those physicians who have used it in their practice: PILsllONS Is A rostrivr. orate whoa other troattltents fail to relieve, 'resthnonials iurnisbcd. kriec tit, For sale by riruggista, or by mail on receipt Of price, STRONG, 'Sianufaetutinl; Chemist, 184 Dundas treett, London, Ont. TERVE BEANS NERVE BEANS are 6 tete des: cOvbry that cure the worst oaars of Nervous Debility Lost vigor and Failing Manhood: 'restores tlw weakness of betty' or mind Caused er overwork. er the errors or art• Sebes of youth. This Remedy ab - b 1uteiy cures alto most obstinbte casco when all other 'fR8ATMI0ITa havefeIisdovento rrliore, ;�oldbrdrut;. ,uses at $1 tar air ,irk for Qmatt 11,�,,� roan nn rcooilrt.if i h addarasf T]IE P 1)U31NE c:0. Torodta.O wr,Nf , plana idea poldirt-+ prey r ROVE. y y� Winirhatr., L.11AIBLTo1l R O '.1.. H:1,J.1�1. Clubbing IN The Trims and: Torsete Moire per year S 1 75 TheTatas andTerontq Envies per year1 76 The Tates and London Advertiser per year,1. 50 The Tuna onOE London Free Piess per year1 75 The Tues and ttextroat Herald per year1 00 The Tratasand M'outreal witness por year1 75 ThoTanisatm Montreal Family Herald and Star 1 75 Reduced rates with all other weekly papers not mentioned to tike above list, JOB I$RINTINC, INCLUDING "looks, Pamphlets, Posters, 1)il1 Heads, Circulars, &o., &o., executed is the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice, Apply or address B. ELLIOTT, Times Oitlec, 1Vingttam• LOOK HERE! This �ill InterestEvery- body�, We are selling Best Coal Oil at 12 1-2 cents per Imperial gal- lon, or a can containing the equivalent of five American gallons for 50c., exclusive of pack- age. American Axes, 5oc. to 65c. each. Crosscut Saws, 45c. to $z.00 per foot. We to -day reduce our quotations on Binder Twine �'opnFe�� cent cte gnt,�tl,Pper lb. J. . A. CLINE & CO, Wingham. WINGHAM STEAM PUMP VVORKSI ➢�NiE� SH�WER3, PROPRIETOR. I wish to inform the people of Wing - ham and surrounding country, that, as I have purchased the Steam Pump Works lately owned by Mr. H. Clark, I are prepared to supply all kinds of Wooden, Lift, Force & iron Pumps. And attend to the wants of the public in anything in the Pump line. As I have a long experience in the. business I guarantee all my work, and: if not satisfactory will refund the money. We also deal in ALL KINDS OF WIN® HBL.L .' 1 t b"Soft water cisterns made on.shor notice, Orders by mail promptly attended to. D, s}IOWE11S. Wrnham' TWO KINDS OF CUSTOMERS. fi WIDE AWAI{E KIND BUY PROM TRE City Fruit & Confectionery Store Because they can get goods that are right and up to the times. ANOTHER KIND ARE FAST AstB.EF But they are waking tip to the fact that I can give them goods that will please them, Full linos of Fruits, Oysters,Confectionery,&c APPLES BY THE BARREL Agent for Parker's Dye Works. Canted goods of every description al- ways on hand and my prices are as low as the lowest. Dorttforgot the place, opposite the new Bank of Hamilton. I Mill " n Q,tntCO -re PUUBLISHED-- UT LILY FRIDAY MORNING ---4T TUB -- TIMES OFFICE, JosEleettPIE ST WIl CII14l1, ONTAt LO, Subscription pncco,S1 por yorit,r,iuitcivaasoc•• _ ADVERTISING RATlES: Space _141 yr. 1 6 tno. I. 5 mo 1 1 nto , One Column 500 00 385 00 1. 520 00 is,. Mall " I 35 00 20 00. 12 00 0 0 . Quarter " 1 20 00 12 00 , 7 00 4 ° Ono inch_ 5 00 3 00 2 00 1 0 Legal and other easua advortiseutcnts, $o. per line for first insertion, and So. per !Meter each subsequent' insetttlon. Local notices 10e, pe...ne for. first insertion, au., 50. per lino for eaohsubsequent ,ihmorticr„ No. loos. 1 noWce will bo charged hese than ,.�, A reel ne d t se i urs o eisi lou , i=el, Situatiga: and Business Chances lyantad, nAt oxceedhlg $ +linear. nonpareil, 31 per month Rouses and Farms for Salo, tuft exceeding 3 .Mace, 31 for fitst mouth, 50c. per sub,:dquent month. These terms will be strictly.adhered to Special rates for lo adrfertisements, ore, tot longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without specific) direction, will bo inserted 11x1 forbid and charge rte accordingly. Trarwikory advertisements must paid in aaivanco Changes for contract adi;crkisetnents must be the office by Wednesday .ncgn, in ordor,tcr.appeas that week R. 1I,V.AI3TT,', PaerR1STOa AND PUBLIattER4 DR MACDONALD, JOSEPHINE,,'JTREOT,.. wtxeuan, - • , ON•rAR10.• �(•j f j-. D. TO WLER, bi,,D, j;1 -AI„ Member College Physic -41W and ,l; nrgeoss,,,Ontario -Coroner for.Ceunty og}f"�.Huron -. . Ofiice Up -stairs, next tp..,Mr Moiwon's Miles, Wing.. haat, Ont. Osman Houas.-9 ta..12,a. 10., 1 to 0 p. ns.; ergot, Residence, DiagonalStreet- BIt. J. A. 11lk tpR,1711, 1J Honor Graduate. of Toronto .University, and, Member of the Collego.of Physicians and Surgeons off Ontario. Otiiceand Resldp300., Cornet ()£Centra and P510105a streets, formerly.ocougied ,by. Dr,. naskl,uo-„ �l e vANSTOAktr. BA1tltlS2•ER,. ,a^ULICITOR,,, Etc,,,, Private and Company Dinnds.,to.loan.,atlgaeat.xata interest, No.comtuissiolrgharged.; Mortgages,„rota and farm property, boueha and . old OFFICE-'aeav,araloolt.. WzNeup,;t„ J. A. AI°RTC5 . BARR/STEIt Sco , W rghanl:. Out Et�'id;,'0` Ax;('r1i;C1�+fiIk.I7h, H. W. G. Ni,E11iEh: , Q.41. E...1,. D.towesee, ILA BA1;,RISS:.AND. S.OL:;CITCRS,,Etc., kto:,, So. Bolters for, Dank . of • I Iamiiton, Commissioners for taking atlirlaxlts, for�.ithinitoba. Farm, Town and village property bought and sold, 24pney (private funds)loane) on mortgage seentity,at 51 per cent. Moneys invested for private persons;. upon the hest lender. mortgage a¢nda foC Cales e without Manit0b4-6115 ISa Hnom be west. Office-1>;ent:s. Block..13Ingham. J'1ENTIszar,.-.1 0, JEN.UI1N,,t4tNonaaa, l,'� 'ti.'r. Vel. najire pc arca 05ISalbes material as.cnoapasthey. caro be get in the Painless extraO ion of. teethlkl) the user of Electra,. sty or Vegetable vapor,. YAKS Noriea.-1. ryall sxtraet teeth for 25 cents eaC11, OFFIC$ :. In the. Beauar Block, opposite the Brunswick,Ilquysr, Win,, d .,. tila.cdana,14, L. D. S., DENTIST.. OFFIC.Ea, - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite. the Oreee'a Hotel, iVinghatn. Will; visit Gorr,:se lst and and Mondays of. eaar'o. month., Jews RITCHIE, J GENF.P.z1L• INSURANCE AGENT i+Y7NnIIA1Y, , STAR i DEANS, Js,,, ivsxoruar, 'LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON, Sales attended In any part of the Co. Chargee Moderate, JOHN CIIRTtIB WiNo]xAlr, UNT., ractusnn AucTIONEL�k NOR Tan COUNTY of mum All orders left at the Tarns otllee promptly attend ed to. Terme reasonable. JAMES HENDERSON, tttottislin AUCTIOSSUR 705 comma mount me Bunce, All sales attended to promptly and on the Shortest' Notice. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All necessary arrangements can be made at the MISS' ()aloe aa'LNGnnnt Dee DR. !R. R. J. McASI , 1(1. B. Toronto, Meridiem College Physicians and. Surgeons. Ontario. BELOnrwlr . • ` ' ONTARIO l �x r to Loanon Notes. Totes Disco uted M lit ASONAIIIM 1:cATi f� Money advanced ea 3Lortga es a 5 per neat with privilege of paying at the en( of any SCar. :Nntte and 0CCounts eoJ1ectcd. xtbti37c 11toril7t000 a0k,-Wintrium, tine. (coNusti szrn ux "For God .and to tholtngt, , Whale the •v1(.0 UltlOn, elects err sheep, torone,hour, at Viet( street. All ladle: Alliday,ofold a everyltino r • Adrortfsorlyto„which n _generally As the;$liter has k ••space Tor: onr work, we -semi,lteniscgf.11010 est 'dew to alYwof-our mem Wm-tr. -'i-•Licei atestrtaint it, ono ( w• eau under ; L oo11:1 .-*ee y Tinto these death- , •1lquor saloons -.•oz; rldee him aS �he tur Slee dhltn'as l.te•tur stupefied, dazed, i any mime, eager yperllaps, ,rbef,re •tli t the trlarit of Cain tgtand tuition the low; end Ion sten dant wards, fL}quo What matters you' "My non, toy son 1 ()mild 'leave died for to bring ,11ian •then: keep dee 1places -opt bring biz .fearful You etre .0 :cense were :oi:le Of the, warrant, lC.hristiat medleys, •call.'t:yau see how :this atpplie. °rest's, 'TheTe a . At the annual c Woman's Liberal .F tees of Abeedeen , „e,,,.l.. 700 delegate .,_ ansoluerouts been encountered. the enfranthieemen be a material 'help temperenees bat the power into the luau olose the liquoi slice iy the greatest zse,r pleasant garden Al deuce, was much al of the constant dee of a number of tes, prohibit/0444 who lo day he came to this SCOW! upon his face here, sir those p InY garden again thine, and I want to thate'I'm going to s''',good sit, cried the is very unneighborl My hogs natty be in assure you, sir, th it Pray you What teg. you they are root roared the saloon - over. It can't- be Pone show yo went to the eardei each of the animals with the municipal what's that got to d ed the other. Does vent 'ern from destrc it ought to, at least yottr saloon front de; st A few years ago hist festival in the Tokio, Gospels W.5 safe outside the pm court by a colporteut "'Ile was badly beaten which had come do , son for generetion Why should any ro and redort to perm&