HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-08-04, Page 8.fie. -..i DOO.
errs --It is snidely known that
hum achieved a wonderful success
NO geode. Daily we are complimented
Tithe high class of our dry goods -
/a -the largo increase in our entire
This is a marvellous Qo
unapt* of eaeiueeriug s
:wee. 5o far see I odd
motion, the following.
osting : The whole leug
5,069 feet, with o width
iug a promenade for to
feet, two railroad tracks
passenger arra, propel
on Brooklyu side, and
vehicles, From high
bridge is a distance. of
is suspended by mean
of steel wires, 15*
Each tower nate up
yellow -pine timber ;
side is 45 feet, that o
75 feet below the su
The Brooklyn oaiss
102 feet wide. The
these fouuthtitions are
50 feet in width at t
the total height abov
tower is 275 feet. T1
in January, 1870, au.
itt alt expeuse of $15,
puted that about 120,
bridge doily. The far
is free.
From the bridge 1
wood Cemetery, comp
tifully laid out. As I
the great mouuments
of them illustrious in
upon the words of By
it`t> \VA:war Retidy made mantles
fore in any single season has there
tench o muitiplieation of novelties, and
axils never before bas there been the
on, given in malting pretty and ele-
ma:ntles. We promise you such a
strnotion; a tri- ( from bee etit
ill and peraever.:jog.
get hold of tutor- Mrs. EMI
ata may be inter. i Niles Magee,
li of the bridge is ing at Mt'. R
of 85 feet, iuolud ilia, Pea
t passengers of 3.3 Hazlewood o
on which are run, a, pleasant, ti
d from au engine son.
two raiiwitys for The council
wager to floor .of Belwore, July
35 feet. The bridge journmeat, M
01 four gables made Reeve in the c
ekes in diameter, ing read and a
u a caisson, made of tros' au arbitia
bat on the Brooklyn tween Howiok,
the New York side Moved by
age of the water Doig, that a d
is 168 feet loug by being Howick's
owers erected upon arbitration -Oa
140 feet in length by gusou, seconded
water line, while dash, be paid $
high water of each and declaration
work was started by Mr. Gregg, e
fiuished May, 1883, the Reeve and C
0,000, It is coins Howiok prebeut
00 persons cross the
to foot passengers
id display for the coming season as
v2 never seen outside the city.
e ii rave just passed into stook over 100
int styles of fall and winter mantles
the very latest styles and splendid
; a rucHiaed while paertte drew Hogg, ast t
aged. el.yiears& d 1on l .
Beseo;.-At '1'oroute,• on July 25th,
Ashanti, of Meore$eld, and. Mathew .A
Bunton, of Teeswater,
f i:'aliueratuua, itu0 vista- I aged 33 years, J mouths and 2n, days..
chard Meg: e's.
of Durill. to, and Nis%
rlm, e spending
e at
iston,\[r, Jaarhn Patter--
tet in Lamouby's. hotel,.
8th, 1,893, parsuawt to ad•
tubers all present, The
air. Minutes of last meet -
opted. Award of arbitra-
ion of school section be.,
rey and Wallace, read,
Gregg, seconded by kir,
benture be issued for $a,
roportiou of expenses of
Tied. Moved by Mr. k'er-
by Mr, Doig, that Mr.
for assessment schedules
f office -Carried. Moved
conded by Mr. Doig, that
erk of the township of
to the council of the
county of llurou our ctttiw for the reoou,
struetiou of brid
over in length a
for the said x
under sectiou
Municipal Act u
read from Lewin
re goveruwent
boundary and or,
Accounts pasee
lin;; Howick and
S GOODS -A. very special lot of fall
winter suiting in,l`lanoy ana plain
oh serges, ehevoits and checks. Black
goods in fancies, comprising the latest
o$ and trimmings to match, now in
faitened a large shipment of ready mede
fothing in suits arta fall overcoats at
t it tilcINDOO'S.
Y, C. train pulled o t of Buffalo depot
tr New York, with any passengers.
e.fter a pleasant jonrne much of it along
-cte Hudson river, it arri ea on time at the
tutrand Central Depot, N. Y.
ten the afternoon of he same day, the
rrriter, in company with he Rev. John L,
gampbell, pastor of the xington Avenue
ptist church, paid a. vis t to that church.
is church is one of the ost prosperous
the city, having a 1 e membership,
tisms almost every Sunday, a most
' Mug Sunday School of 1,200 mem-
-the infant class alone numbering 400
with 36 teachers in charge.
"So perish monument
So pariah all in turn
The burying -place of
to me, conspicuous.
elle covered with gera
of roses lay at its
monument -by hie ON
was needed. His life
befitting one ; more en
From this point I
"Grant's Tomb," ove
On arrival, I saw tl
China's great tribute t
great General. The f
of ferns and immortelle
officers in charge whe
immediately handed m
from the wreath, sayi
sir, you are more hono
passed ou to Green-
isiug 50 acres beau-
ent ou looking at
the dead, matay
heir day, 1 thought
of mortal birth ;
save well.recorded
tinder the wise and energetic. leadership
Bro. Campbell, the church is a center of
Thence we mile our way to the Lenox
brary. This library is ne of the noblest
elections that New ork owes to the
Mr. James Lenox, o e of her most
thy citizens,and one o her greatest coi-
n of art and. literar treasures. The
Hang was begun in 1 70, incorporated
a same -year, and ope ea for -visitors in
77. The ground, collet notions, and fur-
s hags, evete entirely d end by him at a
s ot $1,000,000, with permanent ele-
ment of about $250,0 0, while the con-
ts, as rare oollectio s of books of all
oriptions, 'first ns of the Bible,
figrim's Progress, and lton's Works, an
ginal letter of Col bus, in hie own,
ting; a, Latin Bible of Mrlanothen, full
ion Bible and. New stament, together
gifte. To every tr yeller, chief among
pictures stands unkacsy's Blind
Itort dictating "Par dise Lost" to his
tighten, This wa thought to be
fuaest in the Paris Exposition in 1878.
Not fax fr0111 t110 library stands the
tropolitan Museu of Art in Central
e study of the line ts, at a cod of 0500.
0. It is built of re brick, with granite
amentations, and two stories high.
-ant soulpture-a tiquities of Egypt,
es. insoriptions, d bronzes, in rich
... There ar memorials of Egypt,
Itniest days, rought to light for
nineteenth centu y.
the second. floor conspicuous among
e the ' Ruins of Paestum,"
ely rawn, and with so
it wonla be inipossible
rive it to be made of
one -Voir," by the
the "1807," repre-
brit, and given
"35,000; there
roo, by the
ter is very
etry, amen.
ust placed on
Peter Cooper was,
he grave was liter. -
time, and a wreath
ead. There was no
a wish -for none
works are a most
taring than marble.
dek a street car for
ooking the river.
President's and
the memory of the
•mer was a wreath
When I told the
e was from, they
some of the fermi
ed than a resident
"Joneseost-Iti Stratterd, on Italy 19th,
W. H, Wesley Joheeton, aged 22 yeara and
Wesley, Ben of L. A, hod Mary Masou,
aged 10 mouths and 4 days.
of the United States, fo • he would not get
these." I shall prize tl
of my visit. The New
proud of the memory of
that, n tat to Lincoln, p
fication of their nation,
pates or expeuse to per
in the erection of a ma
Vermont marble, 185 f
solid concrete 75 feee
front of his tomb, embo
tere of black, while the
covered with immortelle
cant and laconic words :
Of New York's. °bur
missions - the Ba.ptie
annually -her Central
walks, drives, and ric
wealth of NewYork on a
here -its fountains an
its obelisk, the gift of
Egypt, aud on which th
may have gazed ; its
not the time nor the s
oue thew my attentio
Webster, facing Fifth
sized figure of himself
ful, imperial in aspect,
"Liberty an
One and I
On Saturday morni
off on time in tile good ship “Circassia,'
for Moville and Glasgow. At Sandy Hook
the "riampauia" passed us at full speed to
overtake the "Paris,"1 ahead about three
miles, for the race cuirass the Atlantic,
We had a good voyage e.nd emooth sea all
the wav, but fogs and cold over head. ,We
had services both Sundaye on board, one
by au Episcopal der pilau from hear
Chicago, and the other
anchor at the Tail of t
being too late to catch t
em as souvenirs
orkers are justly
heir great leader,
ucl are sparing no
etuate that name
ificent statue of
t high, built on
sed in large let-
ack-ground. was
"Let his great
lee, her gifts for
s spend $50,000
Park, with its
only day is seen
artificial lakes ;
t e late Khedive or
great law -giver
ace to speak. But
, that of Daniel
venue, with a life -
upon it, tan, grace -
with the meinor-
g,Tune 3rd, we were
es oae huudred feet and
d demand a percentage
.onetructiou as allowed
3 of the Cousolidated
1892 -Carried. Report
beau, Howick ond Grey
,reci to be laid over.
: A. Hord, for gravel-
•nto boundary, $32.50;
con 17, Renwick mid
,10; H. 00Wan, cutting
tootle, repairing hill, lot
. Hubbard, culvert, lot
ubbara, culvert, lot 14
$20.50; C. Edgar, repair -
by the writer. On
r ship dropped
e Bank Greenock,
e tide for Glasgow,
People and invalids win Dnd
A. pleasant Testo.rative and appetizer. ;hire
and witoicsoute has stood the test of yearn.
t•epared only by K, CAMPEELL St Co.,
Beware ofTtnitations. MONTREAL,
Notice to Contractors.
SEALED TENDERS will be received
by the understgnecl for the erect on of an
Agricultural Hall in the Tow ot Wing -
ham. Plans and Specificati ean be
seen ot Peter Deans' Flou wed Feed
Store, opposite Quee • 's Ho 1, Wingham,
and all necessary in arm ion eau be se-
cured from Dunce.. t inlay, inepeotor
of said, building. A tendon must be
recenved by Thee August 3th, 1893,
and be marked " Tender for Agricultural
Steam Saw and Shingle
on the rirer Maitland in Village of
ane,lumber for culvert,
R. Lane, lumber 311
iber, gravelling Howl*
and Wallace boundati
ug boundary, Elowiek
eon, gravel and repanneg culvert, $12 ;
O. Rogers, approa.
culverts in Gorri
Derrnott, charity
Menzies, culvert o Howick and Wallace
boundary, 68.
Moved by IYIr.F
Graham, that the
to meet iu Newb!
nesthey in August
"Unlimted quantity of ti
the neighbourhood a
is in first.class r
plate throughout
fiend per teu ha
stantial frame house, stable, etc.,belonging.
to the property. Apply Oil the premises.
and froin there thci Inc tor Line sent us
on by special train to lasgow where we
arrived that evening.
01 this comruertial ca ital, I may again
got on
u. Uracgaeston.
Glasgow, June 3.5th, 1 3,
Miss Vietora Coo er is spending
her holidays with fri as in Alma.
Miss Ellie and Mi Magnin Road.,
house are visiting in olton, etc.
Wm. Albert MeDe mitt, of Miehi
gan, has beon enjoy ng a few weeks
vvith his parents an friends in this
vidinity aria the even ng previous to
his clopetrtnre all met and had a very
eajoyable time.
This neighleorhood has been repro.
genteel at the World Pair by Jas.
Dunlop, nRq , who vi ited his son and
his brother, Joao& Dunlop, Edit
of Chicago Dispatch. Hs would enjoy
VW:biter trip.
Mists bewail Pars is suffering
The part.pership happily existing; between the, undersigned for the
past six years. will- close on the 8th day of September, 18$'3, by alai -
(Jenne of, time; and, owing te continua ill bealth of ism of the
partners, eamiot be renewed.. Therefone, the
er to be had in
kinds. The mill
a order and corn -
putty, to 12 thou -
There is also a sub -
h to Gorrie bridge, three
and culvert, lot 30, con
others for gravelling,
th of Gerrie, 0147 ; John
rguson, seconded by Mr.
oancil do now adjourn
n eat- Carried,
NVai. Dees, Tp. Glut.
In the case of D
after due coneid
is guilty of a;bre
has therefore fine
veld mite, as
His worship cons
was practising de
any line between
fessional features
art of dentistry.
Money and Notes Lost or Stolen.
Lost or stolen, on Saturday, July 29th,
largeleather pocket book containing about
330 in money and the following notes :
One note° drawn by Thos. Coultes davor
of Hugh Ross, for $400, $175 had been paid
on this note and endorsed on back of some;
one note drawn by Albert H ghes indavor
ef Hugh Ross, for $200, d on or about
20th Meech, 1894; one uot drawn by N. a.
Kerewell, in favor of Hu Roes, for $50,
due on or about Aug Oth,1893; one note
drawn by Alex. Res n favor. oi Hugh
the 15th oE Aegust,
. Portend!, of Lucknow,
isieg dentistry without
Barker, of Kincardine,
ettion of the evideuce
ed that the deteudant
h of the dental law,atid
bitn in the suai of $20
ovided by the statutes.
ere& that the defendant
tietry, and aid not draw
le mechanical aud pro-
hich go to make up the
1116 sold without rosorvo
As the goods are all new and have been selected with great care, this
affords an opportunity of securing SACRIFICE BARGAINS such as
This great sale will begin on
the recovery of the above property will he
suitably rewarded.
Bluevale, August 1st, 1893. 8t
Rose -Ie 13rues
wi of Mr. Roder
wife of lilr. Satt 11
wife of Mr. John
BE wens -In Toe
the wife of Mr. N
MoOltE-In Ten
wife of Mr. Geo,
Dar. Wne, Sohn sob, of Lnndesboro, to
Miro Mary Ann ackson, of Westfield.
ALLAS86:4--BNY Ne -In Clintou, on July
250, by Rev. 3. . Pairlie, Meade. Allan.
son, to Hrs. Stir h Ewing, all of Clinton.
GUANT-Consi r --In Clinton, ou
Grant, to Mrs. •ndo. A, Cornish, all of
Ona -In Wing ani, ou ;Nis, 27th, Annie,
relict of the late alert Orr. or., aged 80
131PiON-iu oghatn, on the 28th Jay,
oy, youngest A of Mr. Itobt, Simplon,
aged I year and months.
hiteohurolt, on the 2nd:'
ward, son et Mr. Edward
molars andl day.
StFTEMBER i4th to 23rd, '93.
XASTABLIS nu 1868.
The Oldest i the Dominion.
s. on July 25th, the
s, on July 14th, the
oss, ou July 14th, the
woter, on July 18th,
water, on ;July 26th, the
oore; de -tighter.
rday, Aug. 5th,
. And continue for 33 days. Please remember
And in many cases far below cost. Do not permit business or pleasure
to keep you
chance of
Entries se September 7th. '
The best a d largest etabling and spec:
allotted on receipt of entries.
Better Special Attractions
Than ever before.
For Prize Lists and information apply to
Begs to intimate to his numeroue cus-
tomers and others that he intends
moving to the stand lately used
BA a boot sod shoe store
ay from th16:store, during these 33 aays, for it the
oods, General Dry -Goods, including Cur-
, Curtaining 'and a fine assortment of
arpets, fine 'Worsteds; im.ported and
Canadian Tweeds, Ready-made Cloth-
ing, Gents' Furnishings, Ste.
BOOTS TND SHOES and SLIPPERS from the best makers.
GROCERIES, pure and fresh, in abundance. Lovers of good, pure
TEAS cannot affod rto miss this manaraoth sale. Come, now is the
accepted time.
GOOD;BUTTER and EGGS will be taker, as cash. Any goods
charged during, this GREAT SALE wjll be entered at regular price%
The Anchor House..
Wingham, July 31, 1893.
Two Doors North of Post Oboe
where will be found a large stock of
Musical Instruments,
Sewing Machines,
Washing Machines
and Wringers,
with ell needed repairs. /
Also a full liuo of
ResPectiully yours,
August, Dem
Dvarett, aged
Store will be opened on Saturday, Suly
Having'hong it out the brobler Harness Dusiness and started in his old stand,
run peepared to furnish the publio with everything usually kept in a harness shop
such as
Intake all thy own Collars and guarantee eatistaetion.
Veple a trial .1,1,a/ will you right.
is throt
you all
you ho
you ha
' snows
that in
tend by
your w
- that we
at very
'This etc
Tim Be
Has deo
Issued 1
toria at
will be
toil, eau
sure, on:
.one wee]
on Augu
The o:
and job
for job V
T1: ue_tn e De sa
at the 4
m. tint
of soda
at Brtne
King's I
the Inai
that not
hot be p
have ire
do a ore
out alai
the Yin
to the I