The Wingham Times, 1893-08-04, Page 7TIIE SUNDAY SCHOOL,
and to them that were can rile:" 'alien, I
fore, when the false teacherwould come,
Seeking tlaeirs mut not thein, only wanting
to make something out of them, MA Carina
for thei r souls, they cold say: "Thais diel 1,ot
Paul. Ite never asked us for anything
hinuielf," See further instruction upon this
• point in II Timm iii, 8-10,
85. "I have ehewed you all things, how
aya Torsee, 31, SP—Bolden Teat, fieh. that so laboring ye ought to support the
weak, aad to remember the words of the
Oa 7—Commentary by tire Rev. D. M. Lord Jesus, how He said, It is more blessed
Stearns, to give than to receive." It is not recorded
that Jesus ever said just these WOOS, Fc
22. "And now, behold, I go bound in the that possibly Paul has here given us tiOrilt
Test of the Lesson, Acts x; SS-DS—Mont-
spirit unto Jerusalem, not knowing the
things that shall befall me there." LEO
week we left Paul at Ephesus alone, his
companions having gone to Macedonia,
Then followed the uproar, after which Paul
left for Macedonia, went as far as Greece,
tarried there three months, then returned
through Macedonia, and we now find Mw
at Miletus ou his way to Jerusalem, hasten.
Jug to be there if possible by Pentecost
(verse 16). Touching at Miletus on thoit
homeward voyage, he sent to Ephesus tc
have the elders come down to him, and out
lesson today to his farewell to them. He
reminds them of his manner of life among
tiatern and of bis teaching. Doing must
precede teaching. See Math. v, 10; Acts i.
1; Mark vi, 80; Josh. i, 8; Ez. vii, 10.
28. "Save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth
ia every city, saying that bonds and afilio
tions abide me." While he did not know
what particular events might befall hiin.
he had a general knowledge that it would
of the unrecorded words of Jesus. Thio
principle, howeve, was certainly in Hit
teaching and very prominent (Luke vi, 8O
ale, l3,14).
•. .
alio If:mown.
Few bushes in England are more timiaot
flowering than the common hawthorn,
have semi the heages in bloom -ahem and,
there, at West—art eerie as the middle of
and I have semi them 1D late as the
Middleof June. No donee he beds wait
patieutly for Klett weather As will Whig.
out in flambee% the particular flies on
ite a rule, they depend for fert.11izer,
• tam,
()u this. year of which I write I noted the
meat flynbroad on the 24t1t of April, while
the May blossoin broke into bloom on the
ettb. For—unist 1 tell the end treita?—
painful as it is to relete, the bawthorn
flowers are fertillzea for the most part by
carrion insecte.—Lougman's Magazine.
Haire Cit1 a Bat* .A.CConUt?
*We excellent advitiO givou to
tirooet a in an address' tecently d.direr.
ed 1 efore the Graml Rap'ils Beton
GrocersAssoelati•iti by a cashier of ft
bank in thee ona . so 1—we q tote
from the 1,'ort j, 'I,.. Paella:tit
Tr: deriman—Ttiglit here I wtte nrge
every grocer whi has. net ibatik
lieeoutit opsit oue tit num', Kurt to
pay all tells by elieek, awl tea With'
tnoney from the till, as telt I ioly is
that no way to lmild up your eredit
wi, a the cinn tClefll rld,, for the.
look upon you aM Sinn 1 potatoes, but
"Minding new" Is Gneil. kleither cat; yon Px ppm al heie eredit
Ituvestisattrez the Brain. Minding baby Is an expression that is wall the batiks lty doing lin eiliess that
When I was a student of medicine, 80 peculiarly appropriate to itself, I'm think. wn v its 1 hey no means itf nutting
In,,, for if that isn't just what bitby's care.
years ago, the brain was regarded as a tangle our at•ou.. yett B..ides K oh pe k , w lien
taker is doing the wlaole blessed, livelong
organ, and ite various functions were not;
thought to have especial localized centers of day. I'm very notch mistal:en. It's the
action, When the brain acted it was thought caretaker who does the minding in nearly
that the whole of it acted, just as the every instauee, while baby revels in the
liver or the stomach acts as a whole. Now freedom of hie own sweet wii1.-13uffalo
we know that instead of the brain being a New°. a,
unit, it is really a very complex organ. 13e- • eke old and the Now.
sides the portions concerned insight, smell' "I love yon but 1 doiet know whether
thought, etc„ we have four adjacent por- u love me,"•is the formula of the old
tions which are concerned in motion. One yen
roman .e. 5.'You love me, b t I
produces motion of the face; :another, me- i1On't know whethiar 'I. love you," thatuof
tion of the arm; a third, motion of the leg' the new. One is a problem of fact, the other
and the fourth, motion of the trunk. of psychology.—Maryie H. Pike in Kate
PieldYs *Washington.
How, it may be .asked, have these facts
be as it had been, and even so to the end. been determined? Has it not been by ob.
It was in his commission that be should serving the effects of injuries and diseases
suffer (Acts ix, 16), and large foretastes had in man? To a small extent, yes. But very,
he already in the stoning at Lystra and the very rarely docs disease or injury involve
scourging and imprisonment at I hili i
2 ----PP-• only one of these very limited regions of
24. "But none of these things move zne, .the brain. and the moment two or more of
neither count I my life dear unto myself, them aro involved our infereuees become
so that I might finish my course with joym
confused and misleading. Asa matter of
The ambitions of Chis servant of Christ fact which cannot be gainsaid, nine -tenths
may be seen in such passages as tills in of our knowledge has been derived from
connection with I Cor, ii, 2; Il Cor. v, 9; exact experiment upon animals, anxl in this
Phil. i, 20; Gal. vi, 14. To make known Oat way: A monkey is etherised, a certain area
gospel of grace, to make Christ known of its brain is exposed, and an electrical
through these bodies, to be ia all thing e current is applied. 'Ellis stimulation of
pleasing unto Him and have His service most portions of the brain is followed by
accepted of Him, these were His constant no motion in any part of the body. These
aim, and in these directions He exhorted parts of the brain, therefore, have nothing
His son Timothy (II Tim. ii, 8; iv, 15), and ite do with motion, but are the centers for
through His writings exhorts all believers. general sensation (touch), or for certain
25. "And now, behold, I know that ye all, special senses, as sight, hearing, etc., or for
among whom I have gone preaching the mental processes. But in one definite re -
kingdom of Gocl, shall see my face no more." stion of the brain called the "motor area"
In some way He knew that He would not the monfent the brain is stimulated by the
meet,them again till He should meet them electrical current motion is produced.—
at the juchrment seat of Christ, and there. Harper's.
An Awful Secret.
11 is time men knew it. Women
aro on a sort of strike. A kind of
secret understanding has arisen be-
tween them. They ,belong to a slater•
hood without lodge or badge, and be-
fore long old - bachelors will timl their
few.remaining,hairs rising on their
heads with astonieiment and young
noes will have au ",experienee their
grandfathers knew 14, of,
Women do not think so highly of
inerraige as they used to think. Love
Is just what it was and what it will be
forever, of course ; but Oat e was a
time when simply to marry was in all
femiume eyes to be a great gond.
That (ley has gone by. All over
nestly and waste no time on vain words, Il Preserving n Living Body.
\ the land are young women who have
fore He would speak to them the more ear -
when we speak to people, even in ordinary J. T. Lacy of Lavaca, Ark., the fol- i said to•themsel yes : 1 will only Inn rry
I if I truly love and boiler the nian who
Woos me, There are young women,
too, who have calmly made up their
26. "Wherefore I take you to record Call teinds'that, perhaps, not likely
and things eternal. people had a way of preserving tho dead.
• The idea struck me that, if the dead could
Canadian Pa01110
Just to hand, a car load, of No. 1
which We will sell at prices that ley com-
petition. Alio, first eleee
at $1.75 per Square,
quality guaranteed.
All kinds of
properly endorsed, is lit itseit ,, receipt
DressedaftnrrdeRls°,114bOold11,331:Ce.,r, Lath,
of the atnontit paid, which Rm.)" times Barrels,
is very convenient wheii-it bill is pre- kept constantly on bald.
sewed the seeuid time f nr payment.
conversation, we felt that we nught not lowing to the St. Louie Republaii
meet them again in this world, we would 1 About 70 years ago I was toldlithat in
be more apt to say something about Jesus olden times, and even in modern thries, the
The Best aCTI1OdY.
Dints Seas, —I woe greatly troubled with
wi•altuese, lose of appetite. restlessileat and
aleepleeenetet, and ft und 13, 13. 13. the most
streugtheetug ane beeeticial trietlicine I
have taken.
NISH fleasree,
34 Huntley at , Toronto.
ore is got from ltoekt; on which
the t
Luh settlee for a fiblinitib end
in knowledge, than frill,' 111.en r
skimmed over by tvendernig flee. A
cottage flower gives honey to the Mao
king'e garciso none to the butterfly.
'Choice New Teas.
Wholesale—Gordon & McIntyre are teat
'condition to supply families or soeietse
with new teas, et jobbers .rices. Now is
the time to secure roar team.
that they shall'..lind ailyone exactly to
suit, and whp are cotnfortahly support-
ing tlietnselves, 'aud even in some
cases IaylPg up prdivision for the fu-
ture.- These women •ftre happy and en-
joy lift) They are not hanging upon
the parent bush, withering because no
one wishes to pluck them. If the
right man comes they will say yes ;
but if he does not come they can do
exceedingly web without him. And
they smile serenely when they hear
the men who have nor yet found the
key to the mystery lamenting that
there ate so many old maids 1,1 Ow
worlA, whom they pity. Henceforth
it will he the bachelors who should le
day that I am pure from the telood of all be m•eserved by drugs, perfumes and chem.
men," not only in the sense of having teals, why not preserve, the living? I told
wronged, corrupted or defrauded no man my friends and neighbors that I believed
(II Cor. vii, 2), but he had cleared himself the living body could be preserved as well
of all responsibility in reference to their as the delta, but as they had never seen it
soul's salvation. If ',sieves the messengers tested they were not prepared to give an
of God, faithfully declare His messages of
salvation, then we are clear of the blood, of . opinion.
I ccncluded to try the experiment, but
those -who hear, whether they believe en1 my neighbors said I would kill myself, and
not. See Mak. iii, 7-9; xxxiii, 17-19. they Advised me to let nature take . its
27. 'Tor I have not shunned to declare course, as I would die as soon as my time
unto you all the counsel of God." That came. I began the experiment regardless
which he bad received of the Lord he had of my friends' opinion and protest, and now
made known unto them without diminish. I can look back- and see that they are all
Ing a worcl(I Cor. xv, 8; Jer, xxvi, 2). He 1dead.
had kept back nothing (verse 20) through I preserved my body 70 years ago, wheal
fear of man. He believed in his heart that WaS 84 years of age, which,now makes rne
if his ahn was to please men he was not. 104 years old. How much longer I can con -
worthy to be called a servant of Christ thaw my experiment' and preservation I do
(Gal. i, 10). So he lived. and labored not at not know, I being, the first who has ever
pleasing men, but God, who trietli our undertaken the experiment. I guess that
hearts (I Thess. ii, 4). What a needful word I will be compelled to await the result.
this is, "Ile that bath my word, let him Should my death be brought about by my
speak my word faithfully" (Jer. xxiii„28).. . experiment, I would have nothing to re -
28. "Take heed therefore unto yourselves, gret, because I am nqw 104 years old. It
and to all the flock, over the which the Holy may be that I will be able to prolong my
Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the life indefinitely. Who knows and who can
church of Gocl, which He hath purchased tell what the result will be? I am satisfied
-with His own blood." One of the riset as far as I have gone.
Christ's last words to Peter was a threefold , Some of the best known citizens of the
• exhortation to feed His sheep and lamb town vouch for the truth of Mr. Laey's
(John xxi, 15, 17), and Peter plisses it on tc story.
us, saying, "Feed the flock of God which a
among you" (I Pet. v, 2). Nothing can feed • Paisover Ceremonies.
us but the word of God. The written word About 8 o'clock in the evening the family
is full of Him who is the living word, and and their friends and Jewish servants, i
He Himself said, "He that cateth me, even where such are employed, assemble around
/ h 11 b me" (John 57). i table on which the various symbols of the Hear en will
when Baby was sick, we gale Ter Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cractior Castoria.
When she became etas, she clung to Castor!
sho had Children, sho gave diem Castor"
Gems of Thought.
allow no rutin to secure
ae s a live y vi, i
20. "Por I know this, that after my de original institution are arranged.
.‚arting shall grievous wolves enter in A shank bone of a shoulder of lamb rep -
among you, not sparing the flock." It wrie resents the paschal lamb, and an egg roast -
Paul's delight to maintain himself by hit ed hard signifies that the Iamb was to be
own labor that Ito might, have to giveto the roasted whole (Exodus xii, 9). A small
needy thing temporal and spiritual. But basin of salted water in which a sprig of
there were and there aro those who, pro- parsley is clipped ay the host and given to
fessing to be shepherds, not only do not each celebrant is an emblem of the Red
feed the flock, but take good care to live sea, while pieces of horseradish, coveted
-upon the flock—wolves in sheep's clothing. w
with a certain confection of almonds and
(Math. vii, 15; x, 16). • apples (Matthew xxvi,e3; John xiii, 20), are
80. "Also of your own selves shall men a reininder—the former ofothe bitterness of
arise, speaking perverse things, to draw our lives while in Egypt (Exodus xiv), the
away disciples after them." It is one thing ' latter of the bricks and mortar with which
for a man to be accused of drawing people . we wrought there.
after him, while his whole aim is to point ; The wine used is either homemade or a
theta to Jesus (I Cor. iii, 4, 5). It is quite 1 pm'e and absolutely unadulterated ire..
another matter for a man to live and labor • portation and supposed to be taken to the
for the sake of a following (Acte v, 86, 37), extent of four cups—nowadays sometimes
81. "Therefore watch and remettsber that minimized to four sips. These four drafts
by the space of three years I ceased not tc
, are intended to illastrate, however fend -
warn every one night and day with tearsal fully, the four difaerent expressions, all
Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and used in Exodus vi, 0, 7: "I will bring you
scatter the sheep of My pasture, stall the out." "I will rid you out of their bondage."
Lord (Jer. xxiii, 1). See also Ezek. xxxiv, • "I win reticent you." "I will take you to
2. Prayerfully, tearfully and unceasingly Me for a people."—Templo Bar. .
had Paul labored for their souls' welfare ,
and as he foresaw the possibility of false
teachers and smile ruineti and lost his heart 1
Was grieved.
132. "And now, brethren, I commend you •
to God and to the word of His grace, which •
is able to Wild you np and to give you at
inheritance among all them which are
sanctified," He knew that if they Would
only hold, fast to the word of God they
Would not waver nor be led astray. Tht
only safety then and now 15 1450 the lavt
end to the testimony. If they speak not ao
Cording to this word, surely there is tit
morning for them" (Isa. viii, 20, 11.V.).
83. "I have coveted no matt's silver or
old or apparel," 'Ka was not seek na
theirs, hut them, Ile wanted nothing front
them, but he had something to give them.
ThOttgh he was roor, yet he made many
rich; though he Eeetlied to
yet he poesestied all things (It Cor. vi, 10).
Irklan. any gave him rdfts, he WAS especially
glad for them. ,:e;,::s1 it was just SO reitteb
added to their aceount in heaven.
84. "Via, ye yourselves know that theirs
1011dakrivsz,Ister,,_ryl unto or noesettles
ha ppinees bv crime.
Behavior is a mirror in which every
ori,' displays his image.
ileal do iess than they ought, unless
they do all they can.
A Remedy 'Vol. Spitler 'Mims.
Having read of the man in Jersey City.
bitten by a spider, I would suggest a mane-
dy that bas never failed in my treatment
for that trouble. It is liquid ammoniaand
whisky. Rub a few drops o thetot.
ammonia on the hitt& part, and drop 8 to
12 drops in it good whisky dram, and re-,
peat two or three times if neees.sitry every
25 ot 80 minutes. Repeat also, rubbing the
part bitten several timett if the pain lingers.
is a very sitfe remedy for snake bite,
the mocensin's eSpecially, if the treatniout
is used hi 10 or la mieutes after the bite of
the snake. It will relieve the painaand
usually prevents the sivelheg. 4.,Ntry a
ily where there are children sbold keep
t.P1(t!hiekt1141qT:111'tet;.tnecn1 ottliezulsnetytititoiy;
on the shady side of yearS, latvO bach
active practice of medicine, chiefly iri Vir
Onto, for over 50 years, and t can belly say
the remedy above mentioned is safe and
atm.—William T. '1eet, itt A, in Neve
York Sun.
1 •
cheap as the cheapest,
Witigham, Jame 7th, 1893.
1 Trains arrive and depart wife/lows:
.5:24 a, ..........FurToronto .....
8:40 p. " 10:45
1:85 p. ....... • For Teeswater 8:4e
10:48 p. in
71"1:ZI,T INT
1.e:35 iu. l'.dinerston,GuelplaToreeto, 40.6:25 I,
1:80 " 0 1110
16:55p. in. 4,
le 41,a. 10.
8.87 p.
8 ao p
gives Private Lessons in Vocal Training. both in Staff
And Tonle.Sol.Fa Notation, Open for engagements
for Concerts or Murch meetings. Terms moderate.
Apply at
inns. IL MORROW'S,
24 Shuter St Wingharn
Dr. Fowler's
E.t.a of 'Wild Strawberry is a reliable
remedy that can always bo depended on
to cure cholera, cholera infantum, colic,
cramps, diarthcoa, dysentery, and. all l
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containing all the virtues of Wild Strew.
berry, one of the safest and surest cures
for all summer complaints, combined
with other harmless yet prompt curative
agents, well known to medical science.
The leaves
Politeness has been well defined as
benevelente in small things,
The secret of making one's self tire-
sowe is not to know when to stop.
The rays nt happiness, like those of
light, are colorless when unbroken.
He who boldly bears calamity is
mon • valiant than he who dues to
Every duty which we omit obscures
some truth that we shouldj hate
'known ,
The greatest evil of modern educa.
tion is. the
ev.i which it infliots 00
rretAulness of temper will generally
characterize those Whit are negligent
of order,
Honesty is one part of elequence.
WP persuade others by being in earn.
est ourselves.
of Wild
Strawberry were known by the Indians
to be an excellent remedy for diarrhemt,
dysentery and looseness of the bowels;
but medical science has placed before
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Liberality censtats less .n giving
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' at the right trionlOnt.
a complete and effectual cure for all
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complaints so common in this damage-
able climate.
It has stood the test for 40 years, and
hundreds of lives have been saved by its
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summer complaints so promptly, quiets
the pain so effectually and allays irrita-
tion so successfully as this unrivallea
prescription of Dr. Fowler. If you are
going to travel this
be sure and take a bottle with you. It
overcomes safely and (pick -1y the dis-
tressing summer complaint so often
caused change of air and water, and
is also a specific against sea -sickness,
and all bowel
gion rosy be detertnined by noticin
The exact yalue of any man's
the efrtot that it has on his conduct.
.12.1 "rat•C.
14...s Ade
Price 35c. Tamale of imitations and
substitutes sold by unscrupulous dealers
for the sake of greater profits.
4: it
Not only a relief but a cure for all kinds of
Ilarnaloss. Contain uo hurtful drugs. A
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Euro death to pain.
Be euro you got Walimaila
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All intending purchasers of stoves
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25 otsrn box. gold isy nil Ortigrg s
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soki by oreames or sent by man,
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for t14
Having bought a very large variety cf
MOM \tir MAI
to choose from
Ittrery stove guaranteed agai
to give complete satisfaction.
D. sirrli
Whigliate, ectober 8th 191.