HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-08-04, Page 5JSessre. Thomas, Joseph and Elij .ala
Higgins were in Iiruoetield, on Monday
last, attending the fuueeal Of .ii relati .vet,'.
Fall wheat harvesting istprotty'V veil!
eli:Along, The crop is a geod tone, ea flail regent arbitratioia over the, uestion of
being saved in good.shape. i.I the township's,[ aitn on theecount, for
A nuuaberof inembers os the. Canai .Baal 'Maintenance of4aridges, Jtat?ge Fergu-
Order of Perestors, •belonging to 0' ou l son di8wissed tette appeal with °Oats,
r• attended the demo t •a iia Morris has won twice glee and the
atKiu a ,y, ns a ' county should eu,eeept thi,e as final.
at Iiiuraldino,•on 1 Uniesclay last, ani 40 per cent. of'.. cost of censsruotion
report having • tegood. •bone, i.
was the decision of theaarbitrators,
Goxrie Judge Tanis dirteentin;.
M. Rev. Wee. Torrauee and elenghter3,af Mise Joaua+r ;;Ireland, 4Seaferth
Goderiebeevere visiting t ieudeee, town,,,tete is spending vt low days vacation with
w0ek her parents on the 8rd Iiire.
lYfe er Keine auddaughter, are oa re. lei; Fall wheat 'harvest Ise now about
to the t°rainie .Croviuce, over and the them of the threshing
All the pupils from tGorrieepulatic s cltwcc machine may ego heard as, of yore.
who wrote at the entrance :oxamin Mica
The Townabip Connell rilli meet on
Monday,, the 7th. August,
In the appeal of Limon county vs.
'Morris Township in refereuee to the
There wag paid for tniuietarial support,
$8.7,880„ ac increase of $650, 'fire
average aril t y is 020% The net de-
ticieney yin • ministerial auppot•t it3
Awong,>the xesolutions subtnaitted.
by the `1'•tsnperanco Committee ewes
the folllowang ;---
Resolutions from several ditat,ltbts
have been received by your comtigitiata
asking that streuuoue efforte be ,n4lie
to seenre,the largest possible vote %rfor
prof bition, in the plebiscite to ,be
takenat%the ensuing municipal Eden -
tions. Corr committee approve these
resolutions, and recommend to our
tninistetes end people that they etri•ve
in evei?y,>iegitiruate way to seem: as
large •asecte es possible for proi)f,ln•tion,
and that to this end, the second gratin -
day of December be set apart as stem.,
sta000edled.iu .passing, except..cne, . iii1gc :
Blow, who was 'recommended, h,a,lri
failed in ouly one subject, f$tteir naraua
and l:narks:axe as follows.: -de y Mclaa,ugle'
lin,•5Oi; Hattie Burns, 481, ;.,Arthur Craw -
feed, 4160 ; .Merle •Saudersou,.:I dgar• allow,
(rem) -414; 'Chester McLaughlin ,dee
Berman Evaus;,428 ; J3'rank tereeLaughliaa,
404. The ,,maximum ,nntmbcr of ,xnauke
was g45.
11fr, J. E. d'ahuskoa,,ettiter.aferthe ..Learns
ingtoe Bost, who acted as captain of the
Gerrie •eoonepauy at t txradou ;.,camp , this
yeae,teonveydall4s thauks.to.,tha,boys, iau+.o,
aeatdetter, in which.h:e.termseet'euyoalo..m
the members gentlemen whoa 'tae twines
st proud rto 'command,
Taatrnaater,:Farrow expects •,grovel
i,r'to,.the a avr o.ffiee neer t.svee :. ti
Tire pregr ni nee of Firer tie feet the:'9et14'
The spring 'mope are suffering for
the want of rain, During haying we peraueer3undey, and be devoted to
were more thaw liberaliyr %applied, but the ad].vocaey of prohibition, with
now there is ,neither rain or dew to special •ce_erenca to the plebiscite.
moisten the (parched grourrtd, T'heeerentrihutions to the Ootansx-
Our worthy weave and ce incillors are ionat funds, and also to the�t cvrrteri s
to be congratulated uponotheir success
Missionary land, were as follows.—,
in the Hama County vs. Morris Vi omen s Total 0utuex-
Dietfet, Missionary jeweli»nnels,
'township arinitrration case. Morris may Guelph-_ %400 71 $5Lr2fl:.00
feel quite safe with Reeve Mooney at Galt, 116 552202 ;Lr,
the helm. Start/fora.,...... 285 22 2642401
On Wedneeday of last, week, Mrs. St. gar-1th' . 348 27 29717408
Kitaoned3 a 55 44 180448
Geo Kerr net with an ttc>zident which
might have been more .serious if not
fatal. She was assisting'a'aer husband
to draw in Bartle hay and while driv-
ing the load to the hartilothe hay bee
gan to slip off ,and she went with it, vyiar en. ..
one of the wheals paasit g over her Owar.$aauid......
breaking her eaollar bone. We now T ,
understand she is getf:ing along .
quite nicely.
Paharee atop , . .
Mount Jeorest
The daily taarl*ers °flute 19th ult,
mentioned the drowning et r;:uouisAbhey
inster-t tis ,a CTOod oaa€, il.p'>~ arda Of' an old 0. P. R. ,engineer, at Moose
$110 .bas been subscribed toamarde that -Jaw, NW
. . T„ teen Thueeday, July.
fsunda. ' 18th, but gave 'no particulars. Mr.
• Mr. .Peter :1'honpsocl,,attermer .,wed Abbey was well tleno•Wn in this town-
kriownrresident of Brw'sselesehas ,beeri.$hip as a thrasher and sawmiller.
appointed; Chief Bangeriin •oennecti.eee,
With :the .new .L.Provincidl Raznked:nawa.>i
a, as the 4...1gaLLquin National !Park.
$6100 peer anet•aum is the eselaryerettache,d
to the.elfice. The parlous riozi ted in
the 27jp ssingJJ )istriet. .
Dr. 'T. T. t 'oleroan ,:dried tat this
residence, "laillside," .srn : t114day,
ramming, last. I )r. Coles an.w.as,born,
in Tacalea, &related, 68 years .ago. 'Tree''
'came out Ito ,tbis-country •weben,;quite!
a yotu;ngoe:an and practiced medicine_
yy very aueoer fuIlys£or a nuurbsr,ofu^'ears' .stril;iug his head on a.post nnct. thence j United•States Treasury, has aoreen an.
11 in Sae -ander >and the neigh into the water. Tisa ,aeoisIent was !decision t'hat'eish caught in Canadian;
When ,salt was ,first discovered til, tube; nit, %sed by some parties t.a dis- waters by•'�.•►arladian fishermen %filth;
t 'tans, but before theysnou'ld +reach the nets owned by citizens of the United,
Couutg sof et7 uron dee was among al epoteehe vital spark Arad toast. The Staten cannot be imported free of
first to embark ibn that haaefi ens dei incense d was married in 18IIlltto the dut
Seafortlt and elaas,heen largelyemgugPd:' I I''
before Judge;
1 •eldest,danghter of Mr. f Diehard Arnr• W. C. 'RAC the Fergus lureliaee I
in it ever since. 4ltor many see. nidi®: atcorig, of this .township. .14 vwidow I
doctor occupied ebbe distin tum lAed and aye children, one girl .tun's four dealer, guilty
position of Calooel,et the 33rd Human: boys,.ivmain to mourn a loving abus- Chadwick at (Guelph, on Thursday, to
Battalion. He wasiths first reeve of! ,band:a d father.
the village .of Beafontb after its ineor-:
poration and was sheeted mayor of the
town on several occasions. In politica
Dr.Coleman was a Conservative and
,a took an active interest in the welfare
of that party. fele was a most ener-
getic and succeeeful a,rueiness roan and
. socially was cne of the most hospit-
:Able of Irishmeu. He was married to
„n daughter of the late Dr. Chalk,
tewho, with three sons, survives him.
Borne twelve ye.are. ago ltdtleft for the
Prairie Province. He ,bean as fire-
man with the C. It . R. Co, and after
•.three mouths was promoted to the
429 39 4142,.412
129 10 2050 55
124 50 1985,91
187 15 2011.412 •
83 85 6349482
79 50 2028492
1481 •,if
58 28 3223 ,26
2298 08 ;142410 ,6,9
One chrtedred and thirty 0. �?':fwt.
employees at Montrettl,to whom,noEsce
of dismissal was given a week `ago,
were ,teiri•reliareeel Satar•day.
Mr.9"+e.OBriegs has been aptacrint;+t1 ro
prosecute unlicensed practitioners t nxt
demist, in the counties ,of 'Bruee,
Grey, Barron, raid Wellington.
By the destruction of tl'se 1Oa'nall%a
Fatetrt T+>r esu Company's Wo efts
Windsor e,rt Saturday rnorrtingla5 h"mile
are thrower. out of employment ,andez
Bah the method anderesults when
Syrup of Figs is taken; Itis'ploasant
and refreshing to ilieltaste,Janil• acts
gently yet promptly on:t7te Kidneys,
L• ivor and Bowels, dleanses:the sys-
tem efl'ectually,�dispelscolds, head-
aches and fevers:an bcures,lrabituui
constipation. Syrtiptof Figs isttbo
only remedy of .its;kind ,ever;prv-
dr teed, pleasing ,to :the-tasteanil. ae-
ceptable to the:stolnach,:pronzpit:an
its action and triilylbeneficial,in .its
effects, prepared' only�from• the most
healthy andagreealile substances;i!ts
many oxcellen`t,qualities,commend.
it to all and. have 'made it. tlie.mos t
popular remedy known..
Syrup of Figs ,i+s'ifor sato• in 75c
bottles by all Heading .druggists.
Any reliable druggist•whotmay,.not
have it et enti•will !proenre it
promptly 6e?r any, one -who wishes to
try it. MeadaetneeUtonlylby.tlae
T.r'r..A,.lr' i..A....L..a
Ontario 1 BY VIRTUE of a• warrant neared by the 1Ml.tyor,
Town of Wieghatn, ;-Corporate Seal of the Town of Wingham, to me directed.
To wit: ) date the Twenty-third day of ,male, 1893, cemxnauding nae
upon and sell the lande mentioned in the following list, for arrears of taxes due t
'hereby give notice that unless such arrears and all costs are sooner paid, I shall pr
o sell said lands or so much thereof as may be necessary for the payment of the tt,
ted costs thereon, at the Council Chamber, in the said, Town of 'Wha ;ham, on
TUESDAY, the Third Day of October, 1898,
At the hour of TWO O'CLOCK in the afternoon ;
Survey. of ',and, Taxes. Costs, Tot
No. Street.
23 Boland S
Part 1 Josephine W
21 McIntosh N
Scott S
Victoria S
5 "
38 Francis W
N• half 92 Carling E
9 John N
10 "
SAN tR'R'A'Nx5tSC O , CAL.
Blue -vale.
While wo+•king in his field on his
fa rem, last Saturday, Mr. Hugh Ross
h ang his veal •on atpost. When he re-
ts trued, the aback mail burnt out of the
vi est and a pooket'book , containing
tv reeve lauaa'ele*;yd dollars in notes and 1st—Itis thattemtarely el the best malleable iron and steel. 2nd—lt requite
ail rout twenty iivrs,rcbullars in,eaeh was no holes to he drilled in cutter bar. 3rd—It has no rod at the back to het:
'position of engineer. He , ryes that gone, The ronief els :supposed to have obstructions and cause clinking. 4th—The outside divider can be raised o
,position until two.+nr three years ago, sir; fire tm,the vest•to ward off sc,spie lowered at bac�k,or front, independent of lifters. nth—It has no springs t
,awltenheresigned and saccept.. aposition loss of:u)1}6 000 caused.
cic,n. get out off order. c6th—flash lifter nee a guard stay, and breaking mows
with the Electric tight f t„ of iden Moose I A. young roan was brnugiet before. glias Lamy ei'atgh,c f Glen Williams, guards is .m'„possible. T1rh—lt hay movable clip, and can be set in line with
r.Daw. On the evening of iiia accident, Mr. Justice: Beattie, of Se or *t. on is .spendi het iltoiirlcye.at home. tongue of 411acbane, .if -nutter bar dregs back. Sth—Each lifter is independent
to lroadfrom his i4' dstesdtey last and fined fee s4ta•ving}. z r,
home, and took tree arailroad track for tied hie bone to a shade ties ,calf the
13c:v. i f3.. tp molten„ •,,e ho,
ratfclyd, of the other and ,can lee raised or elotver ed in front, should mower guards .be
arrear cut. While ossitagrtiae bridge 'tied
and Allowing the animal tar beak) spent: a fee, Zapfs:here last week.. ons of line. Ouli—The number�e)f machines sold during the last seeeen, en.
'• :Kiss Maggie 1P�•iofrardson, of Tees- „•bees a large n,mdrr�ber of lead' f f Otestify t `t 't
the on;�Whe track, he in sarne•ttncecoun a N' �- water, is rrtltltttLttg „tit O illi -
Leet & Davis
P. Fisher's
C, T. Scott's
1-5 acre ,rw 3 26 b 1 75 5 5
47 07 0 50 54 1
1-5 11 72 4 23 15
1-5 8 00 2 (30- 10
1-5 8 00 2 60 10
1-5 11 72 4 25 15 9'
1-5 9 00 2 00 8 8
" 1-5 0 00 2 li0 8
E. Bower's 24 feet 4 80 2 40 7
{t 24 feet. 4 SQ 2 40 7
Leet & McKey's 1-5 16 07 5 10 21 17'
Leet & Davis' 1-10 1 42 1 75 3 17
et 1-5 0 00 2 00 8 68
1-5 0 til) 2 80 9 4:`
JOHN DICKSON, Treasurer.
Treasurer's Office, Wiughain, June 23rd, 1893.
The Best in the World,
3or the following reasons:
t bl tl tree Mr.John; Bur
,manner tripped and fefi?l,off>t!the bridge, ,MrC,u -tits, acting Secretary of •bbd,'. pays'
iD, N. McDonald, seatesinan, of Bel-
lmore Cheese and Butter Go., has sold
the, ake of cheese for the last half of
.lane and the first half of Jetty at 9�o.
:a lb
Wile following pupils ,ttf Inglis'
%school, taught by Mr, Jive. l; Hall,
havesucceeded in passing the En-
traaaee„Exam, The names are given
Bella 0. Darling.,
in order of merit:
Mary •• ,. Hall, May Duetow .and Grace
I. In€,alste.
Mr. Alex. Forbes, of Masatlall,
Minn., who for more than twenty-five
years taught school in or near Bel,rraoro
is spending the summer with his
daughter, yrs. J. G. Larnonby. As
a reward fee his length of serviee iu
teaching, lata. Forbes receives an ma-
nual pension of about one hundred end
sixty dollars, Although About seventy
'Tbe; eglish church hag tem:
Mx• ', lE. Moore, principal ad the
Wroxeter public school, Ilan resigned.
,'l•e ages;to T'eeswater.
re -
Row to lint. a "Sunlight” Picture.
Send 25 •'Sunlight"Soap wrapperra(wre-
per beari•ng.th.e words`` Why Does a Won as
Look Old $coater Than a dean") to Lever
Bros., Ltd., tt9 Scott St., Toronto, and yea
will receive by„post a pretty picture, free
from adventlsi,}g, and well worth framing.
This is an ,easy way to decorate your home.
The snap is,tne,best in the market and it
will outy eost.oee cent postage to send in
the wrappers,, de etou leave the ends open -
Write your address carefully.
,y Mrs. Tbetereee iti,rltitc and daughter
Mollie, of.Deite eitt,more : tsieing at•,l1lr.
R. . N. Dud's,, ilea:,w re¢ui
Miss Cr ei iltteatr,.of sateru-sets, • nd
G4iss Parks, cif t a,etarie,- ,pent Friday
fat Biuevale.
Mrs. deem, teff Wir3•ttttant, aeeutat-
praaated by Mr i..iarg rie,-i9;peut TuesdSy
.at, Mr. Waite, ilhetl,sefa,rd'e.
the charge of ,having endeavored to'
Miss Lizzt, 3.reti .e,"r•`ett, of T:,rontp,
purchase coonterfeit r money. The iswarieitinn f, are 1d tbav"•
Judge oil the plea of guilty being one Mr. John Hi tr eeren el'fi owinenviil?,
tered, passed sentence, Imposing a fine fnalinerly of Ti roller -tee ,iia visiting oId
of $500 and cost. fid •in t tus"t tIl it5,ti„ i'•-eeee).
The British lifilitary Tournament Mrs. Fle`nker were '"«tt"'sled from
co1414 aitobe '
willl)auV, now a t the 1VOr]d's Fair, �2 1vm titeesart rte ,bias place, wiLli
the fall. The company is composed broke,after the Lot, lays:.
of 200 men and '1100 horses. They -
are representatives of all arms of the '1Vaa reev of Be 'J+ to- ea p;s'ocl+ti fe•
seryice, and the enttertalurent consists
of a reproduction of the military tourn,l-
ment as given under the auspices of
the British army in London for several
years past.
The Chicago Titaaeas thinks the ,Host
the Columbian Company can hope to
Flo is to pay its bonded indebtedness.
The Columbian shareholders seem to
be content with the indirect benefits to
be derived from the fair. Allowing an
average of 100,000 visitors a day dur-
ing the 180 days of the fair season,
there will be 18.000,000, :admissions.
File dollars a day would be a small
average for, the portion -of visitors who
do not reside in Chicago. There will
he expended in Chicago during the
fair season somewhere between $75fe
000 000 and $100,000,000 besides ad-
missions. The shareholders heiug
men of property, will not lose much if
there are no dividends on stock.
Prof. Selwyn, director of geological
surveys for the Dominion, has returned
from north Edmonton. On . Tuesday
last Prof. Selwyn visited the scene of
the petroleum find at Egg Lake, 27
miles north west of •Edmonton. The
Professor says that lie is fully satisfied
that the find is genuine, but is not
satisfied es to ite extent. The petro-
leum sand rock found there is identical
with that found on the Athabasca, and
may be an extension of the beds ex•
isting there or it may be merely a
mass detached from the tar sands of
the Athabasca and transported to the
present location by glacial notion, ages
age. The lio of the country gives no
indication in support of either theory
and there are net rock exposures to
Mishit in deciding the . point. The
only way to decide 1110 matter ie by
actual boring',
make a tour 'through
Ontario in 1 °"•
• take ,charge of the al7Ir,iled-3t,kool iu Pem-'
Statistics CorateLxniug, Methodism.
The minutes of the Guelph Con-
ference have. been issued, under dir-
ection of Rev. W. Smyth, of Clinton,
and copies of the same may bra pro-
cured from the different ministers of
circuits. Therefrom we make some
extracts which will be of especial in-
terest to -Methodists, as showing the
standing thereof is tits Guelph Con-
The present membership is 29,873;
an increase of 974. flee quarterly
official boards are composed of affec-
years, of ago Mr. Forbes is still betel tine ministers, 122; superannuated,
and hearty; k.e seethe to have lost
none of his old r,iene energy and viva
An Epworth League has been or-
ganized ite connection with the Metho-
dist church in chis plane. Rev. Mr.
,Oobbledick, of Brussels, assisted the
pastor at the organization.
The large baths, on the farm be-
longing to W. J. Dickson, on the
gravel roach near Walton, were burned
to the ground on Sunday night, Yr to-
gether with over 00 tons of hay', a
quantity of grain and some farm im-
plements. The hay crop had just been
harvested. The loss will be $3,500,
1 u t ce of $' 000
a 26; uupernumerary, 5; probationers,
19; local preachers, 309; exhorters,
93; class leaders, 989; stewards and
repreeentatives,2012, Epworth League
presidents, 135; giving a net total of
The following connextoual funds
show an increase :--Meesioitary fund
of $433.36 ; superannuation fund,
x¢105.89, educittioual, $258,11; Sab-
bath school aid, $11.08 ; sustentatiou,
$25.94; women's missionary, $455.08
The following funds shote a de-
crease : --Contingent fund of $10,84;
Generai Conference fund,$48.11; anion
church relief, $9.64.
Tho net increase in counexional
funds is $1234 89. The grand total
en which t tore to ins ran •, +
on building and an ellual amount on • for all purposes amounts to $141, 07
contents. 67, being an increase of $3,552.80.
Thur.sttay, Aug. 111 le, a. .Sirrtr CIVIC
„ems, r„„,
e. v •,.£
4344 ,
�i e•, i u
There's Nothing
itlz; 'farmers O Ontario to es l y O its rues s.
Every machine isarrautted ,ernd.given on test. Call and see sample -
10 to 20 per Cent, re- . FANCY PARASOLS
at .ctual
duction on all
The balance of
%stock of Summer
away below cost.
for Blousing; and Triin-
inings at greatly re-
duced prices.
jj�l I! a eY
Black and Colored
GLOVES in . Lisle,
Taffeta and Silk at a
reduction of
•02.1.111,1.012011MOSMESMIt MIT
at lower prices than
any other place in
reduced from $1.75 to
Tweed and Worsted,
Suiting and Panting
runde to order at 15 10
20 per ,cent. less teen
any other house in
Pure Linen TOWELS
reduced to 5c. each.
Pure Table Linens from
20e., upward.
200 Hats for 'ilot,
and Boys. No two
alike. From 40c., up•
wards, wor'.h from $2
to $3 Fully half of
actual cost price. -
All sizes in Hen's and
boys' Fancy
at cost orad less.
alusltns and Curtain
Netts will be derated
out at less' ihan Cost
previous to $tuck-lak-
VS! 4
1 have just received:a full supply of Christmas goads, consisting of
and Jewellery of all kiods and latest designs.
BIG BARGAINS From Now Till Christmas.
All goods heu;ht far cash and ae cttt 541 as ohcap at the cheapest and
Repairing rromaptily Done and
parGi‘e me call.
Sat isfae .i[ox, 4Gl•iiAWOL keit
M pATTI.Ilu013.