HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-08-04, Page 2ling =bum AY, AUGUST 4,180$. Bern Mesllaerialri Exposed. .Ernest Hart--.Rpe of those fled Englishmen who does hate a humbug uncrushed ---was iu ately and read in the daily press Lays, of La ()barite hospital taliied such a development of ice suggestion as to accomplish sfereuce of sensibility to inert bjects. For instance, a perso hypnotic. state would receive tine that it ekes f water was f himself and weeptpable of seu- 'k't,k"11 tee glass would be taken ra sight, and t �t n conteined its `1gitttted, tiie llttient would ifily diet tweed, or even give eel. of matte suffering. 'i Other ivani- ol jests w ere ealiabtte of receiving trttrrasioes end theme was danger cis extertfltlizationtof the sense - it ons called, woutd come to be ed as an Ostablislled fact 1• ,y fate prominent sc•lentifie men, .:t'ra ireserination mid credulity aurid common sense. xperilnents were so cleverly sed that Mr. H.ar4 thoroughly ilio physician and a+ cool iuvesti- , was greittly impressed, and ed to seek out the cause or causes s wonderful occult force. it very short time Ile was per, d that the subject of there hype experiments were impudent tors, and that Dr. Luys was the n of gross fraud ler Love seem ye been iueliued •". to hug the ion, for, when it ryes proposed once simple tests should be ap- -- sued as sulletitutitlg inert tunes in the sealei tunes that fined drugs, with the necessary t potetcy to act or, the body • brought hi proximity to it ---he Lied to sct on the' suggestion, g that he could perform the ex. lents only in his own way and if fail to convince he could only be The Dandy. He has a due form and manly beauty, and the oilier eud or his life is to display them. With notable diligence. he raadstcks the market for rare and curious (Owlets, Icor costly Seals, and chains, and Huse, A coat poorly fitted is the unpardonable ski of is creed, He meditates upon oravats,,etnploys a profound disoritz• ivation in selecting a hat or vest and adopts his gonelasioas upon the taste- fulness of a button, or a collar, with the deliberation of a statements. Satisfeetoriiy caparisoned, the dangly saunters in fashionable gaiter - Ns, or daunts in stylish equipages, or it paredes the streets with simpering belles, or delights their itching ears a with compliments of flattery, or with choicely culled scandal. A gaudy in- dolent butterfly,; he flutters from flower to flower until' summer closes, And frosts sting him, and he sinks down and dies tiilthou, lit of and i mewent- hered. r. Hart then procured the attend of five of those subjects in hi ipartnients, and repeated the ex Dents in the presence of a mamba risian and foreign medical gentle He writes t o the London 8 of which every desire prompts the r prosecution. The great luxury of riches is, that they enable you to escape so much good advice. The rich are always advising the poor, but the poor seldom venture to return the compliment.— Sir Arthur Elope. Don't; You Meow That to have perfect healthyou must have pure blood, and the best way to 'nave pure blood is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the best blood purifier and strength builder. It expels all taiujt of scrofula, salt rheum and all other ha ors, and at the same time builds up to whole system and gives nerve strength.: Hoop's Ezia.4 may be bad by Mail for 25c. of 0. L J3 c d &. Co., Lowell, Masa. Bphorisms. Hope never spreads her golden icings but on unfathomable seas.— Emerson. R'sponeibilkty walks hand in hand with capacitygnd power.—J, G. Hol- land. Truly, this world can go on withont ns if we would bet think so. --Longe fellow. In religion, is in friendship, they who profess mast are the least sincere —Sheridan. •Say nothinggood of yourself, you TUE WING. ; TIMES, AUGUST 4, 1893. Portuguese Proverbs, Four reyes 011more see i )tile tliasi two. A men is known lay Ills laugh, Love is work not sweet words. A. wrong eonessed. is half forgiven. You. can't wake a dart of a pig's tail, A. scalded cat is afraid of cold water. The love of a boy is water in a. baehet,. If I spit at the sky it falls in my face. God writea straight with lines, The earth covers the physicians lois. takes. Adversity will disclose your false friends. A friend of everytiody is nobody's friend. �I Take your friend to be loyal and he will be.• God sends the colli according to the clothes, Women and glassware are always in. danger. Fortune gives her band to a courage• ous man. Uf women and sardines, take the little ones. it crooked If you want to mar �y well, marry your equal. Oil, wine and frier shin-.-tlie oldest is the beat. t'• One day's fast meas three days for bread. The stewpan that its much wastes the flavor. To be good to rase 1s is to pour water into the sea. Women and childre& slionld retire when the sun does. Talk little and well, itnd you will be taken for somebody. He is twice a fool who does wrong and then talks about i will be dlstrus ed ; say nothing bad of In the blind teen's Gauntry the one - yourself, you Will be taken at your eyed roan is the Icing. word.—Joseph Roux, He wbo travels by Short cuts is al. To be happyat home is the ultirnate `nays getting into scrapes. result of all ambition,the end to which Between the plate find the mouth overy enterprise and labor tends, and the soup is often spilleq. He wbo waits fur is dead roan's shoes will go barefoot IJl his life. s: a same phenornena were regre- t with sham real mite, with sub ed figures, with misnamed sal substances and with distilled and with sham suggestion, with ite suggestion, and with none at Every oneesen was at.le to nee himself fiat a the remits 1iown were without exception ater?, fictitious and fraudulent. some of the patie is were hyp- anc hysterical in high degree riot alter the fact,lthat from be - ng to end they all hewed theme to be tricksters •f the most aced kind ; some thein very r actors, poses {seg dramatic rs which might hav been turned etter purposes, n ° tst of them Iy venal, and some f them con, g that they plc ;.d upon the linty of Dr. Luys 'r their own roses, illy lately audiences ave sat for e itr Springfield, Mas =., supposing they were being treat d to an ex - ,Ion of mind,.reading while they being clumsily foolec4 by a couple Mier unsophisticated ebusins, who gotten hold of a few of the Her- a secrets and having practiced on ;redsiiity of a small county town ;ho termerity to try their precane d magic tricks in Springfield a there are plenty of people who studied out the processes of high. entnplisbed magicians, and tiow dream of fie° ani fortune is They are found out. tut the is that so many people were 5 to see °mind-reading' at all, that :essible craving for supernatural- end mystery should so crop out fe hardheaded Yankees. Pro- , Crooks of i nglend, the reading •one e-rporimens on what be calla forth state of matter leaves one !t headache_ has been a diagiple of maim m but, in his case be seem have •v I a almost neon the veil be. t mind and spirit, and we have tt in Shakespeare's: There are mysteries, etc.- -:N N. Y. ludepen. rz-»ez hence ' caret Strand. i% tstits,--t have Much pleasurein slrtifying that after sufferinRevere- 96 months from dittrrhat$t. WHIM; **het childbirth,prcyfon to Which Atttereid from , dysetitery. for eorn+, i was cured 3rq Dr, Fowler's Ex. I 1�ii Stra-rbetrr, le. mote Brin •"y ! India. No small portion of that which struts about under the aspects of right Everyone sings no and liberty and benevolence, is, in! ability and marries ac truth, derived from some of the most 1 luck. sneaking propensities of human nature —James Feu itqe Cooper. Tlie greatestq hypocrites are the greatest dupes. JJ This is either because they think onlyiof deeeiving others. and are off their guard,or because tbey Of keeping quiet one never repents, of talking he always dries. There is no more ddngerous water than that which makeino noise. He who has neither nor sister in law is we He who stumbles same stone is not far leis head. mother-in'law married. ording to his ording to his twice over the from breaking He who gets into wile, the chase, or in love, wilt not get out/ of it just whet, really know lithe about the feelings or be pleases, characteristics Ifo( others from their want of sympat y and consequent sa- mothers and }Purses. gaoity.--Hazlit` Alt who have the care df children should know that Dr. Fowler's extract of Wild Strawberry may be coni'ldeutty depended on to cure all summer c8,inplaints; diarr- hoea, dysentery, cramps, scolio, cholera in., fautum, cholera morbus, £baniter, etc, to children or adults. 1 Who* Say They? In popularity idreasing. In reliability the standard. In merit the first. In fact, the hest remedyor all summer com- plaints, diarncce, c yseutery,cramps, colic, cholera infautum,'1 ete., is Dr. Fowler's I Extract of Wild S. rawberry, All Inedi. 1. eine dealers sell it. i G Wri _ les. j of A young womal , disciple of t elsarte , Il urged the importance of keeping the face in drawing, by} which she means its normal, untwisted, uttconteacted museular coudition,tj as a preservative of a youthful app4rance. Wrinkles are only frequenly tkssumed, lines be. lie come habitual; even the lines taken on in laughing perpetrate themselves in erowsfeet. Frettin& and worrying make perpendicular furrows between horizontal lines onthe forehead, Bodily weakness', of course, hastens these unwelcome signals of age, since it is hard for the weak and suffering to control their moseys which often contract involuntariC from pain, BBut1na strong` healthy person have the option ne Of a smooth, placid brow in old age ort No title furrowed like a plowed field large' ty in their owe hands. ft Re Didn't B ow. Over 150 trains a dayicome into the rand Central Depot, and the other ternocn, just when fbusness was eaviest, and One of tlleslong-suffering station attaches was call'ng out the 5,- 15 express from Albaity, a women came up to hien her whiole figure a life-size interrogation pont. Do trait's from Conne,'ticut come in re? she asked. ''es tnadll•rn,replied t j station rrlau. Express trains ? Yes, madam. All trams? Yes, madam. bhe cogitated a moment and then asked : What time does the evening train from from ---oh .I've forgotten the MO of the town, but it's in Con• eticut and seventeen trains a day p there,you know the town I mean. ow tell me when the evening trait; om there eohnes in. iut,tnttditila,tnildly expostulated the ain.cailer, you haven't told me Yee T have, interrupted the woman. But, madam, I don't know Oh, that's it, she snapped, you don't ow, What are you here for but to ow when trains come int I'd be happy to tell you if—NERVE' No such thing, snarled the now BEANS thoroughly aroused woolen, you knew but you wontt tell me. You are a Ina., wtatela noun tinent reseal and 1. shall report you TflRLrrIri T! barrrf«We4e,eett4 once, Which she proceeded to do.� 1017 Ica W lira A w tont Ad vertu . ., Tomato, or tiro f.M 1M:1Pb] wia,rhx,t, Zr. fiA3ifiX014. The Worst Orin, Er Draa Sxas,--About til f o years ago I was troubled with dyspepsi. to its worst form,•. neither Toad nor medicine woutd stay on my stomach. and it refined impossible to kn get relief,I really t to • t one bottle of 1I. kn 13.11. and ono- box of l; ' ;lock. Pills, and they cured me eomplete . Mss. 8.13. S:II , Elmsdalk, Ont. Three thinga ruin it' lab : to know little and talk witch, t have little and per spend much, and to be orth Iittle end at preeutne much.—philia elphia, call. 'Ne Types anct P'rinting. Italic 1• about 14type sae first made al' Aldus Italian printing was first practiced at Itaciaco in 1405, The Biblia pauperuin, a block hook was printed in 1400. Printing was introdneed into Spain at Baroeluna in 1475, Oiliness movable type were first made about A. D. )72. Printing in different colors was first done by Faust in 1405. John Faust established his printing office at Mentz in 140. The Roman charas ers were first i used in types at Rome Zvi 1476. Printing was introd Milan, and Venice in ced in Paris, 469. In A. 12. 1000 pr,ntit g had become almost universal in Ohi a, Until 1460, all the ty ea made were black letter or old Eng! h. Ift A. D. 989 the •me Classics were printed in China b k form. Gutenberg's Bible f 1456 was printed on vellum; 637 p; es. The first London press was set up by Caxton in Westwinst , 1470. Hebrew characters, in type, were first made in ItIeetz about 1482. In 1459 printing is said by Collier to have been inttoducedyin Oxford, Gutenberg invented mit metal types and used them at Mentzer 1450, cast in types by Faust t Mentz in The Greek characterl were first 1465, The Durand' ;Rational , the first book from cast types, pri ted lli 1459. The first Latin Bible rith a date was finished at Mentz by Faust in 1462. About A. D. 593 the Chinese in- vented block book piloting, one block to a page. Tn em, rinted a o en Cawo, %STEAM PUIFBOOKS Ilaarleln, printed a boo lvitli wooden types. clubbing .4tatug a Tho Truss and Toronto Globe por year S 1 76 Tho Timis and Toronto Empire per Sear,,,, 1 76 The Tom and London Advertiser per year1 50 The Tluris and London Fres Pieta per year.., 1 78,,, The Tolls and Montreal Herald pet Year100j The TIM1It and Montreal Witness per year., „ 1 76 ThoTlussani Montreal Family herald and Star 178 Reduced rates with all other weekly papers Poe tuentioned In 8110 above list, JOG PRINTING, INOLUUING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill .1_ )loads, Circulars, o„ kc., executed in the beat style of the art4 at moderate prices, and ou short nutiee, Apply or address R' une °mee, Winebsin, lyratingOmit —113 I'UIaLISIIka— EV`T,',RY FRIDAY 240UNIN . --AT enst—, T3M S QFFICE, 40sEPHIN $ r• WINC.WM\1, ONTARIO. Subaoriptionprioe,$1,por year,14.04110106 • ApVklaTISxNO ltATI S: space 1 1 y.i I c oto• 1 s. oto. 1 I no o;,0 OoIunu,� ""$uo"oa" half 86 00 20 00 12.00 6 Quarter $$ 20 00 ItI 12 00 7:00, 400 One Inch 6 00 3_00 2.00, /''� j� _ � 1 ao LOOK l K H E [�C ! Lefial and other casual a$vortisemc,abs,,Re: per line �I 3 ` . for first insertion, and 80. perJineforeaeh,su)segnent insertion. Loco notices loo, pc-, .me for tush insortian. all t Io. per bnsfor each subsetiuent insortie6, ago loco ' Tnotice win bo chart ed Iess than 260, . AdvOrtisemenllain ost,FOund,Stralted,Sltnattt and BusinessChaneostYarted 1 not ovaooelf , �lSwill t B fn � � ��s$ I i e nonpateii, 08 par mouth Houses louses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding S Nes, 01 for filet month, 60c. por subsequent month These terms will he strictly adhered to h hod?' Special rates for 10 advertisnneenss, or for tenger eriods. o p Advertisements and local notices without a sect% n directions, will he inserted till forbid and chiarire accordingly. 'Trarwtkory advertisements must, We are sell paid in advance g Changes for contract advertisements must be i, th..,.,H o by Wednesday noon, is order to appear • • Best Coal Oiliat 12 l-2 that,tank y� �v R. ELLIOTTceut,7 per rnp`er al gal- I'OeenIOT6n inn Petunias; ion, ora can, containing —R ""'''"IA __._..,,_ the equivalent of five American ` allons for JOSEPHINE 50c,, exolusi ,i e of pack- age. • American each. Crosscut Saws per foot. We to -day quotations wine one c J. A. CLINE Ax ; s, 5oc. to 65c. 45c. to $Y.o0 educe our Binder nt per lb. &co, Wingham. WING AM For Over Fifty ears v t 'St' Y Ah cue Ass WELL-Ta1ED 11 tis»y. =Mrs. Nin slow's Soothing Syrup has been sed tor over fifty years by millions of mothers f0, heir ohilaren while teething, with perfect success. • t soothes the child softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and Is thebeirt remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to tho taste. Sold by Druggists iri ovory part of the World. Twenty-five cents a uottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and tato no other kind. Morgue Keeper—Looking for any, one? Visitor—Orin leo"ug fur my dear friend, Nloike Moon hen, who's mysteriously disappeared. It'.nd break toy heart to foind him dead. Oi loved him like a brother. Alas he any marks by which you gonia identify Iiim? Yis he do hay his forhead where 0i brick, EOM, PROPRIETOR. I wish to inform the' people of Wing - •ham and surrounding 4ountry, that, as I have purchased this Steam rump Works lately owned byjiMr, H. Clark, I are prepared to supply all kinds of Wooden, Lift, Force & iron Pumps And attend to the want of the public in anything in the • amp line. As I have xlt long ex' erience in the 1 my work, and 'end the money. I in ID MILLS. made on short a big scar on business I guarantee if not satisfactory will r it 'itn wicl a Wo also de What do we live n^r if it is not to make life less difficult Fr r each other ? COUNTY FUNDS " 0 LOAN. On the security of Cultivated per cent, payable annually. An principal may bo repaid at `any t' wishes, All expenses paid by person except the County Auditot mortgages or to know to whom 1 Apply to ty; Goderiob, Aug, 8th1802. nn, Interest six portion of the to the borrower he County. No allowed to see onoy is loaned. . BOLMES Co. Treasurer. CORNY11168,1: UNDIERTA 413S, WINGHA , NT. DVD.I.a DOSE &SPE TIVE And it persevered in 1v 81 Positively Cure the Wo t Cases For Saler by All Drug fete And Wholesale b 114:! NON D)11l1G CO., r ontiolii ' i ltltit. N f1tV;k iIiIAttS at t► new Aro boyar, that curb the oases of Nervous Dbbliity Lot • Vigor And railing Manhood r , es the weltiptesii of body or n1 • , caused. by oV,eirr twbrlt I, the d ,err ore,r d#r6stit. nut Thio '•.reedysrt. he an other aby drug._ 1MAa on irre ALL KINGS OF a rSoft water cister notice. Orders by mail prom STREET, Wrxerfear, •- Oxresio, i'A'r ii. TOWLER. Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for Coast), of Huron— Office Upstairs, next to Mr Morton's ofiice, Wing. ham, Ont, °r$IOs HOURS. -0 60.12 a. m., 1 to 0 p. 01., twat Residence, Diagonal Street. DRE . J. A. MLDRIJM, Honor Graduate of Toronto tlnivsrsity, and Member of tite College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oftice and Residence—Corner of Centro and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. I3etlrune. WlxarlAar . • OtiT 'P) • VANSTCNE, BAR6ISTER, tSOLICITOR,t' Etc.. Private end Company funds to loan st lowest rate interest. No commission charged. Mortgagee, tow and faro, propertt bought and old OFFICE—Beaver Block WiraonAnr J. A. MORTON BARRISTEIR Sic , 18' nghrun Ont It/. EYER ,ET DICKINSON, H. W. C. Mevea Q. C. 1 E. L DICKINSON, B. A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITOR;S, Etc., Etc., So, lioitors tor Bank of Deni on, .Commissioners for taking affidavits for Mani bba. Perm, Town andVillage property bought an sold. Money (private loaned tin,nortgg�ago eorlrity at 60 pCC eelit, Moneylnvested forpr1yate arsons, upon theheeb`t tuortgagc securities tvltho t any expense' to the lender. Lands for sale in h tnitoba and tho North. west. Office—Bent's Block, tying ata. DENTISTRY.—J S. JEAI 111;, %%10011nAr, Is immured ing Celluloid „M;� Vulcanite plates of the),estmateri Plates,. ITh �y .44 as cheap as they can beNgIn the Dominion. APainless extraction of teethiby the use-worktofI etrlu- sty or Vegetable Vapor., TARE NOT(CE,.—I will e�r1•traot teeth for 25 cents each. Ok'FICE: In the 134er Block, opposite the I3runswick'House. tly attended to, Wm. H8 Maul t nald L. D. S,, re SHOWERS, DEN7rST. Winghatw TWO K NDS OF OUST jAERS. wxliE AWW 8333 KIND BIl"V P Gity Fruit & Confe Because they can g right and up t ANOTHER O1i1 •E fl g tionery Store t goods that are the times. IND ARE .PAST But they are waiting I can give thebi please them; Fruits, oysters,C tete 1p to the fact that oath; that will lull lines of tifectioliery,&G APPLES BY , E CARREL, Agent for Parker's ; yo Works. Canned goods of every desoription at. rays on hand and my prices aro as low a the lowest, Muttered the plane, opposite the new tank of Itauiiltoti, ItO T. ALL. OFFICE, - J1SON's BLOCK. Opposite the Queen's otel, lvinnham. Will visit Gerrie lst and 3rd Mondays of each month. CIIN RITCIIIE,.. GENERAL XNdlIRANCE AGENT W1x01ta.1, 85.15 DEANS, Jn., WIVe1 -;,1, LIOENSED A7JCT10NEE + r!e, 'TIIE Coon•rr OF HIJoN. Sales attended In nny p;rt of the Co. Charges Moderate. JUftNC � B, yVi GRAM, MT, LIGE: mo 4tror'ro\tan y,g TGR coeNTV Or POab All orders left et the Turas Wilco promptly attend ed to. Teams reasonable. FAIIIIS IiENItERSON, — ei Memo Atrcrtoxy50 rod 001151ias Swum Min All sales attended tW promptly and on the Shortest Nouse. All li0eesModerate/andaM ntsf cans be m, de at the Tens' olitcc Wleotet sx Mostar., lyt. R. I. 3103811, IA, R. Toronto, Aie,il'ere College Ph - Burg ons, Ontario, l yslcians and 4 DE/AN/AVE . • 1 OSteitIO Money to(g Logo. . ail Notes. Note& .Discounted A+1Cng AsOX•AI Lj XtAi,' S Motley advanced' on Mortgagee ail- pet cent with privilege 66 payingr at the end of any 1000. IsIotod and tteeountsecll,leIt d. leo k, -►tln rlrtoil. enc, • rtl %rtabo $' 1'r CI T1 ,•{CONiri7CTED DY TIMhies God and. ,fir; 1118'11'1 ?yell soil the attontlon . of til Ata•el,e face, that the Wguian5 n a ce U111oo 111eotrr o • ,s tett beano )tarp, fo1•orlo hour: at alts, tFlu Oak street, All ladles are lend old a ttIOnthty uospbf •n :c10,703:1.13,/ of avory utoatit ,o io, dsed, to which inset}.4 u is. As tho )kilter leas khrdiy .git *epn t items 01 interest ori i lt• ilo "flay to airy of Ont reelnborb- P1'actical C tgoev, Theodore was for may years ''best and (Goat prim • tet7lperance our. ke tpositiou 111 regard t ,Tomperenae rIt seems to We tle +is as clearly bound • Hess and the castor "drunkenness as it ie • or infidelity, or Sa -any other soul,destr ,not -merely a bodily damning sin that against, And in tb `the bottle there is a t. broad common grot ministers and ethur -.able to stand tooth • of:0hrist should ante • the,ftram shop, but, only -the saloon, bu ,Tho .enemy is at our •lies in wait for your tees.. It is destroyiu i,antt,other evil in the :Art ,old story, do y. „and ,so is every sin !The remedy, totd,, is a Lao batter has bleu church of God weapons --Gospel °fru ,anenta'loving persobal ( power • -of a clean exa l them ',fearlessly and 'every ,,prayer meetin aught to be remember ,as the• sacred Cause o (Christians skull: awe »gantie,sin and curse, til aselves.•as cowards. ,,Barred by* hUr L. one timidrss. e 411-1 Ort to me tosfi' hbp,tt °yin d=sea we a isLv;' safe' incl, coxes er. gorz bhe t •til ,O•w. *eon ire tlan oaf 85 a,:id• ells l 4,ot rJh, srl yl t tswtggu 'w1Ihich_ youaa.ari ;see° inugly all`cyl Hotel feeding on garbage. feed on gaubage. The •wife.at the prison was a tlrish woman,twho fed h , tie 8 noneot aline, z the warden. H0 con '.the wife of one of the pr crept in with leer, an' sa ,yj,use behind the bars, a Stayed ever since. She him.away. He knows .she aaya to nye. an' lie' ibis ta•come out. Mete .anti &con;fttitions ]Botts. ;Such dogs ou '23beylee, no good ao' gny i.Suttbe plays wrath the Sheered not tell the llg.tried to g"'t hate til ever-tlle,doors w..re,open veher.:liicked ous. Cut vutiio,i ,tosthe poor a'rot him) toucltad Mrs. Mane head. "Ewes God made eh must latve,dt, use for int the ev,arcten went on to Jes 'e wade, a w. -alt‘ •