HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-08-04, Page 1.s`
VOL, XXL. --NO. 1120.
---The Woe r saw and sidngle milla
are offered fors le in another column.
---Mr.. Hugh ss, Of B1 ievale, Cautions
tltepublio ;gains negotiating certain notes,
in another cola u,
—Call Aeaeorttnaentt of'tfa ziStar Re nstrA2ol teta, .
-Mr, L. Ear y, the well•known bridge
builder, of E ter, was in town on best-
': on Monde ,
e-ITr. Peter 'sizer is able to be around
again, we are p1 ased to ees, His knee ie
rw* steadily improv g,
—.E1.merican money taken at par for
goods in my line, or will be discounted at
ten per Cent. R. Hirt,'
opposite Bank of Hamilton,
Direct Dry Goode Importers.
The Be=en, July 27, 1893.
moms. Join. i1;.R
Has cleoidad to again open a Dress anr..
mantle making business, at her residene2S
Edward street, near Pringle's pop works,
Satisfaction guaranteed. Apprentices
wanted. 3m
Marriage Liceuaos
Issued by A' neeot JCtt•.r.Gnsoia No 23, Vic-
toria street, Wingliam, Ont. No witnesses
T'ce 'rirla Bors azM . sirs.--.Trvo glasses
soda -water for 1; cents at R. Have,
Settle of our . cal disciples of Isaac
Welting have been naking some splendid
eat:thee of black b s lately.
w --Tenders are ked for the erection of
du: agricultural 1I in Wiugharn. See
advertisement in other column.
—The date of tl opening of the season
for shooting wood urck has been changed
from Augn t 15 to 'eptember 15.
—W t es, clocks and jewelry promptly
repair end fully warraitted by HAasin
Paula foyer Block, Wingharn.
Messrs Gordon & 'McIntyre make an
important annonuce sent, in _another ool-
umn. 3..3e sure and r .ad it, and no doubt
you will profitby so oing.
—The Wingham se ball team intend
going to Brussels on he'Jth instant to play
a matched game wi 1 the Listowel olub.
Brussels is giving a plendid programme of
sports on that day.
—Prieete moneys to loan on mortgages
at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to
tf • ,Torre NElsre:.ns.
-- Grand social mai onoert in the Pres-
byterian chureh, on ugeet 21JSt. Funds
to pay papering and painting basement.
This promisee to lee t Bret class entertain-
ment as both foreign and local talent will
take part.
—Mr. J. E. JJ>w
Clarke, town, who •
town for upwards o
Home fn,Engdaiu1, 1
'has not been haven
time, and it is hop
s nephew of Mr. It, C.
tae been residing iii
a year, retuned to his
at week, Mr. Lewis
good health for some
I the change will be
- Lauies, havo'vour garments made by
Miss M. Johnston, Gregory block, opposite
the; Queen's Hotel. Latest styles, good
work, always first-class fit.
he following re the eleetive•officeee
of Maitland Lo re, No. 120, 1, O.
0. r., Wingham, r the current ter
'V..T. Sheffield, J. P. '.; W. Mainprize, N.
G.; W. Hough, V. C .; . P, Groves, It. S,;
0,'. I ',
4T. B h tt
o p.S.;
W. .lir
r ackenaliire, "Tl
Itobt, Allan, Papas titativo to (reed
—The now criminal Cocde, which name
into force Ju1x Ist, 'yes prisoners the
right to testify in their o r behalf. War -
does, sheriffs, mayors, roe es, eouneillors,
just Cee of the peace, (ac„ ., re i_do peace
;facers by this Act, • and 1 we the Sarno
nights as a constable to nr a arrests. A
person roatelog to assist en li ofiioers,r*iheu
deniandsel to de so, is liab ; to six itionths'
itnprisontnent, and anyone who wilfelly re.
hints or obr•!e•„••ts any pea d ; officer in the
execution a! fats duty is 11 bto,;o two years
inep;rierarizrr tM
—The Clifford E ress justly lam=bastes
the tramp printer, ho dose envelopes and
things to the detri nt of the Borne printer.
—Rev. T. B. allwin, ' of Stratford,
preached very ace° tably in the Wingliam
Methodist oilurch, n Srmclay last.
---Thistles and o er noxious weeds are
going to seed o vacant lots in town,
Should not the cot .oil attend to the mat-
ter? Tbose who ave gardens adjoining
flava neat reason complain.
The townsbil of Bast Wawanosh as d
orris are puttin on considerable gravel
on the road bat en Win`gbane and Blyth,
Mr. ,Jas, Cecilia, is inspector of the north
end between Be rave and Wing/min.
Messrs. Hut nee Carr intend making
some needed regi irs to .the dam at their
mill during thea r water. They will make
ample provision or the town's supply of
water for fine rotection during the time
repairs are in p gress.
—For first.e oss tailoring and ch'''ip
gents' fnruishins, try Webster & Co,
Remember the place; only two doors north
of the old stand and between Ross' book.
store and Petterson's jewellery stop.
Goderio Star is calling on the
proper autLoriti • . of the ,town to Ice"
horses, cattle an pigs from roaming elle
streets of the ounty town. ,someone+
surely, is not do' ig their ditty, when such
a state of affair exists.
—On ,Saturda evening last, a matched
game of football • as played on the park
here, between a ' em composed of members
of the Belmore : d Brickyard dubs and
the Winghem fo"tball team. After a keen
contest, the mat. I resulted in favor of the
Wingham boys ., one goal to none.
—Another no load of Massey.Rarri
twine at T. L. J b's, Prices rightgnalit
and quantity in i ength considered. Ale.
all kinds of mac' nary repairs for the licas-
sey-Harris, Patt. son, Wisner and D. Max-
well machines o s and. All hind of repair-
ing done to Varve ting machinery.
T. L. Joen.
-,—The following eachorsfrom thecoenty
• of Flurou have sac essfully passed their ex-
aminations at the t'oron;o Normal $013oo1,
viz.: Messrs. W. ogarth, Hensall ;S. B.
Smith, Cranbrook; l;dward Elliott, Varma;
Win, Kerr, MeK' lop; Thomas Forsyth,
Tnekersmith; and Misses Simpson, McKil-
lop; Morrison, CIz Lel13uret; Bethune, Sea -
forth; and Goven .ok, Winthrop:
—Now that the hot weather has come,
people should come to the fountain and get
to fine drink of lemon sour, vanilla, straw.
berry, raspberry, plea apple, ginger, chock-
late, sarsaparilla or ice eream soda, one of
the finest drinks in the land at R. Maras.
—Ori Thursday
Beigrave was be
J. P., charged wits
taining money in
law. She pleaded
—the lowest that c
the Ad—and costs
Post Office leaped
teas. Complainant.
determined to put t
the =`: tai laws, i£ p.
f last week, a lady from
re W. F. Brockenshire,
sending a letter eau -
newspaper, contrary to
guilty and a, fine of $fi10
ttld be imposed under
lvas inflicted. Assistant
Maloncy,of Stratford,
The Golterrrment is
atop to infractions of
of Morris, returned
be, the ether day.
of a good crop la .all
that he visited are
Me been very severe,
hat the wheat asap
indeed in all parts of
ted by the drought,
—Mr, John Blstot
from a visit to Mani.
He, says the prosper''
part of the Proving
poor. The drough
and i
. s estimated
around Virden, ai
the province vi
will yield only
bushels per acrd. '.
living near 'Virden
—Hanover leo ese team is exyeotecl here
slrortiy to give o ,, boys a match,
—To nuotber. oluntg, we pubii.b en in-
terestiug letter rem Rev. Wm. McGregor,
pastor of tbe n,gheto Baptist eburoh,
---Metleelisi Murch pulpit topics for
Sunday,d.ugus 6th. Morning: "The ,Lord's
Supper." .Ever ing : "The Book of Deuiel"
-second of tb series.
—Several Ingham Tennis players
played a neat with Blyth lovere of the
game, on We- esday, but were not suc-
cessful in the • endeavor to defeat there,
—Rev. J. Bclnlondson, of Belvidere,
Nov Jersey, ill conduct the services of
the Fresbyte inn church on Sunday next
at the usual ours, and the Bible class
at 2,$0 p. m.
—Weer an, ---A- servant girl for general
housework. Apply at Methodist Parson-
—Quite a nu her of Wiugham people
attended a ver successful garden party at
Mr, Buie's, B th, on Wednesday evening,
The feuds we e in aid of the W. F. M. S.,
au ver•660 as raised.
=fizz. D.
export cattle
load on Mon
load on Mon
ere none too
right along.
ewart shipped a car load of
n Th ursday, anther oar
y, ansa will ship a third car
ty netta,Though the markets
od, tlio buyers are shipping
---G T R trains for Toronto and east
reeve Wingham at 6.25 a m and 11,20 are.
via W G sac B Division, and at 6.40 a m
and'&45 p ne, via Clinton aid Guelph.
Gooct.conneotious by all trains.
At the las
ampment, No.
were installed b
follows : .7. F.
H. P.; T. J. El
J. W.; W, J. S
;egor, Treas.'
-Mr. Olive
Grand Rapids,
=tender returni
lucrative positi
tory there,"Ti
and neanT of t
ments are shu
account of
llneeting of Minerva, En -
7, 1. 0.0. 1'., the officers
P. C. P.. T. J. Elliott, as
•roves, C. P.; 3, W, Dodd,
ott, S, W.; Jas. Cochrane
efi'ield, Scribe; Neil Me --r
Gilchrist . returned from
iohigan, on Saturday. He
g shortly, liavii7g secured a
n in a targe furniture foo- u
Ies are very dull there now, nat
act n
establish- downin the meantime, on rya
e stringency of the money
Mr. Jos. Cie
export cattle on 1 onday last.
•--Wednesday 1 t was Wingham's eivio
holiday, earl it m• pretty generally obser.
vett. A great num er of the towuspegpie
wen; to Kinoardin on the Foresters' era
oursiou, and theeo bo did not do so spent
the day in the tea ter which gave .them
the most pleasure and satisfaction, it is
--Cash for good butter and eggs at B A
Grahams market grocery.
—There was frtir attendeuce at the
meeting of &nc or of Hope Lodge, 1, 0.
G. T. on Tues•;y evening last. The
oMoer$ for next erre were elected, and
a committee ail„ intod to arrange for a
picnic, whose re. urt will be laid before
the lodge at ne meeting. A full atten-
dance is rogues.:d at next meeting in-
stallation of offic rs, ice cream, cakes, and
a programme,
shipped a car load of
—"Pen and Stn .'gist Sketches," one of
the Grand Trunk Railway's many hand-
some publication bas been received at
this office. It is finely printed and beau-
tifully illustrated • uarto, replete with vela -
able information egarding the many points
of beauty and in erest reached by the line,
and which offe unusual attractions to
summer tourists The eornpauy's service
is now equal to , nytliing on the continent,
its connections •e complete from ocean
to ocean, and it •eves no effort untried to
sleet the public t .ishee in eomfer•t, conve-
nience and cost.
—e1 ineetiug
Tureberry Agri
Wingliam on
a good attendane
slpeet in fovisiug
fair, the plan.foi
was submitted
cided to ask for
the agricultural b
ceived up to Aug:
to be completed
ext. Mr. Win.
iou as Directo
copted, and Mr
nodi, appointo
--Bees,for sale or exchange, at the Iron
Bridge Apiary and Greenhouses. 15 or e0
strong colonies of Italian bees, in any num-
ber to suit purchaser. Will take hay or any
uaefnl commodity. Cheap for cash.
T. 0. G AIIAJr, Lower Wingham.
On friday at ming last, about 10.30,
the fire alarm we i sounded, when it was
found that fire was in the roof of Mr.
D. Shower& p p factory. The firemen
wore on hand p .niptly and the water was
soon pouring ,n tl}}e fire, which had not
made much he lway Within five'miuntes
from the first . rind of the alarm the,fire
,vas extinguis d. That is what we nf.iuld
call quid: wor , when it is, considered that
the hose cart 1 , cl to bo drawn about three
blocks, and al ouplitigs niado._ The wind
was bdo'sving f .m the east at the time, and
had the fire m de much headway' Vetere
being discove d, it might have clone con-
siderable dam ge. As it vas, bet little
damage was 'ne.
The bills a d progatiltni $ are out for the
games and errs ata,pesals next Wed -
et. '.CtzVe'football' matches
in filo forenoon for purses tale,
etween Wingharn and Oran- Pair
orris and Brussels. Base- Thee
ill take place in. the aft;
wen and Wiaghttni bein
330, and the Unions an
like sum. There will also b
.eleven foot moos, comic an
r oath prizes. No entrants
15 nems admiesien to Vic
Speoial rates on G. T. R
be good and closely co;
are expected. Seo pro
further particulars,
nesday, 9th
will be play
of ta25 each,
brook, and
ball games s
noon, List•
thatched fol
Brussels for
a water figh
otherwise, f
fee to game
toric park.
The fun wil
tested gam
grammes to
—Court Wingb
Order of Forester
ments with the
Company, to ru
to the Sarnia tun
12th. T11e fare f
Windham is p1•
01.30, and tickets
day following.
years of ago, ha
Winghatn at 6,40
and Belgrave at
enjoyable trip, a
can visit Detroit,
for the rotted tri
O Lnacliei 1 resters.
Seco:Sara. 1,11:1#x1 arnt p:' .tr rcretaul,;,te,
On Wednesday las a very successful
demonstration was 1101 in the town by the
lake, under the aus.li,•e: of Derztoeetiation
District No. 1, Camelia, ter.Ier of Foresters.
The town was in holt,
fuse display of huedmade, t.Iaarly in the da
to All with visitors frons
country, and the exeunt
east were literally peel=,
on a. days outing by the
Huron, so that by 0n0 Wel
the largest that has visit
many a day. On the are
train, the visitors were 1n3 at the station
by the Reception Cone rittee of Court
Lakeview, and after lie •ty greetings, a
procession was formed zeaded by tile
bawls, and a most
calf Ilumpiaus, and alter shore mne arch the
market square was reach: , when an ad-
journment was had for elb er.
The second excursion tr in.arrived about
one o'clock, and brought , e 33rc1 Huron
Battalion, band from Sea .rth, and a large
number of visitors. Aboi, 2 o'oleek a pro-
cession was formed,consis ng of the Mayor
and members of the Tot n Council, and.
some members of the Big . Court of Pores -
pant, Hincarcli : and tiler pi
drove their Owl r:,e g,:ng Team
place to aloes which is a very cq
manner of Sun er touring.
Urs. John '' :Meson, of Torts
Mrs, Me,&llist: , of Grey, were viii
town one day . at weer.
Tee Hattie r Cid returned on
tba visit with ftiy
t and other 'places iri;
ittou, of .Ganauoelea,'
of the 0auadiau rla
the guest of Mr. Jot
esday night last.
ay attire, a pro- Iasi from ani
4 and iia is beingPetrolia, Pore
the town began 3 toMr, C ll. 13
the surrounding 1 fJbief Rangel
n tains from the : Foresters, wa
1 leuds, eu We
with those bent
waters of Lu
ck the crowd w
Kincardine for
al oe the airst
ke "Jtteize % to p
as We take t11:
Hincarclii e, Brussels and ingbam brass
tens, In carriages, and a rge number of
Foresters, accompanied by four bands,
After marching throng the priucipal
streets, Lakeside ,Park w a reached, where
Mayor Barnett read au a. dress of welcome
and extended tbefreedorn /the town to the
visitiug Foresters. 1l, al , wing, D H.C
E., Palmerston, replied of behalf of the
visitors, in a neat speech.
A splendid prognt n na as then carried
I out, consisting; in a lacros d match between
1 the Directors of the' Mitchell and Kincardine, ; rt which the lot-
nitaral Society was held ter was victorious by dare goals to one;
aturday last. There was Pe1•formanees 011 the tra :se by Prof- De -
and after some time f Alva; slack wire porforiva ees by Prof, De -
lie prize list for the fall 1 Alva, arc. Teo aquatic sp ,rte woro greatly.
app'hs new show building !the perforrmannthe ces of Prof. wdDe&lva,alealso
approved. It was de- i splendid steamer; the lion rah, rave exeur-
uders for the erection of ;stuns on the l,ilta tiuriu, the leve
11, said tenders to be re- were largely patrufifsed.
During the afternoon, 41 District meet-
st 8t1r, and the building! iug was held, at winch re was a good
the 1st of September t representatiou. It was ecided that the
sidster sent in his red,1 annual eelebratioe be bedd ou the
which, ou motion, was; first of July, if poses e. This year's
demonstration was pos
IL Deacon; of East Wa-' count of • not `being
in his stead. 'railway accommodation of
! vote being taken, it was
m, No. 505, Independent next demonstration be h
baro completed larrange- The election of officers re
oned on ac-
ble to secure
that. day. On a
eeided that the
id in Brussels.
cited as follows :
Grand Trunk Ttailtva I Adam Reid, Brussels, oh . irman ; D. M,
Y Gordon, Wiughain, vice Marmon; H. P.
grand cheap excursion Chapman, Ilil,ley e'
el, on Saturday, August Rer. J. J. Noble, Eilniel,
r the round trip from auditors' report show;
n•as iu a solve
cod at the low figure of , transaction of othetl butes
ood to ',mane on Mon-' Accrued. The ente-tai
Children under twelve + iug, in tI.a tclvn hall,
faro. Train will leave : Comedy Company, dr
standing room telae at
rotary -treasurer ;
1 en,eha Iain. The
that the District
u, and alter the
ass, the meeting
meet in the even -
by the DeAlva
a full house,
premium. The
t avas of a, higu
iug, 'Sir. 0 i1.
g1r Cbief 'tenger,
, which was well
a. nl.; Whitechurch, 0.12, ; olltertaineient througlio
.55. This will be a most , order. During the eve,
those desiring to do so : Britton, of Gituauogne, i
going by boat for 50 cents ' e I aln a ldress one I)'olesti
For full partionlars,see ' received.
The members of tI
—The seconc annual gathering of the celebration,tdiirilall intact let
Sons of Scotian of Bruce and Huron will the demoostratiott a gr
be beld at Luck ow, uudee the auspices of iabortfool proud of
Albyn Camp, or Wednesday, September 6. i
.Am interesting d attractive programme;
of athletic ap
daIlcing will b
res, pipers
who have„
e, with th
rts, music and Highlands. Ferro
pretiented. Theieading F; iIr. Thos. Bell leav
and claimers of Great Brr- the World's Fair.
en attracted by thoWorld's itrs, Mcxl.ndrew, of
o expected to be present. at Mr. Thos. Bell's.
Canadian. leaders, sliolild : Mrs. Reynolds, Le
present a field o competitor's unequalled in ' Thomas visiting ftiei
r; the history of S .attish games in Canada for : Sheriff Bowles, c
, physical prowe.- and skill, and whose eon- • town last week visiti
0 tests will assur a a national character, Iu Mrs. 1V K. Snide
d addition to the titereet that always attends visiting nor marry fr
a well conducto programme of Scottish : Misses Welch and
gauzes, arrant; meets are being trade to , . Bayed in Wingh
secure the prose co of 48th Battalion bend d 7'r. J'. S. Amine
of pipers as a c 'araotoristio feature of th , to the World's Fair
gathering. 1 Ile says the Pair is
reported to be.
.Clinton owe -Record : Many faring
tri this scoti. x, we are•infornled, have an
areperohasi g American -steel ranges. The
»rice avarng s about 1174, We are surprised
that the far ing community will bite at
such ,prices. Steel ranges, as good as can
be msec, ttr:
sold 9n
Olin u for 2"
o less. Farmers >,ttliats that
carnet pay the cash to foreigners will be
ready to gi . their notes. Every day our
farmer frig cls are being wnrued agaiust the
Titillated to . the humbugs. All have heard
f the sem wheat, hay fork incl picture
frame sw Idlers, and some in this county
lave pais dearly fou their foolishnese. Buy
coni re )on911)10 hasinees men at home.
n nine . sea Cut of ten it costs the per.
Maser 1::s money and ono hundred dollar
otos to 1 riot loom tip when dice for ono
housan dollars. •` '
—Lo ken PSunday Cuing, July 23rd,
Curves • the ebyt an_ ebnrch and the
oat a ae au 13. lVebb'e tesidenoe,
pair £ • • ironed glasses. A small
teas as en aif the right; Pirie piece.
uy nes t
tiding tame will phew leave,
1s , With Xn acids. 1 Mr. .7. 13, Fergus
Yes - with iuvelicla the appetite is Capri-; a few days, last we
d •
mous and needs count that is Mrs J 1) Sill
manufactured in Canada and
m eight to; twelve
r. Elston lies a, son f
elm • 11
11 is vary important iri this age of vast t
material progress that a remedy be pleasing b
to the taste and to the tiyet easily taken, p
acceptable to the stomach and healthy iu 1
its natnre and, offects, Possessing these ,
qu alities, Syrup 0f rigs is the ono perfect
Tintive and Bloat gentle diuretic known. '
i3. B. Webb's or any of the
g, just the
reason they improve so rapidly under Scott's'
Etnnlsion, which is as palatable as cram
watt Pairs.
Western et London, Sept. 14-21.
North Perth at Stratford, Sept, 28.29.
North Waterloo at Berlin, Sept. 26.28, ;
Center Heron at Clinton, Sept. 26.27. 1
Toronto Industrial, Sept. 4.16,
Central et Guelph, Seet. 19.21.
North Oxford at Wooc'lstock, Sept. '26.27. '
Morningtoa and Ellice at Milverton,
Sept, 20.27,
Mitchell at Mitchell, Sept. 26.27.
Great Northwestern at Goderich, Sept,
West Wolliugtton at Harriston, Sept. 27.
Fast Huron at Brussels, Oct, 27.27,
\Vinghlani tut Wiughale, Sept. 2617.
Cheiee:atzses `titia,
Wholesale--t;ordon dh itletutyre are that
t sedition to wupply families or tsocmetse
with new teas, at jobbers prices. Now ie Fow-
6he tithe to seeurat Sotte tears, o
ucds in Lietowei
Mr. J. M. Jere
Chica•ro where
1 or ds' fair and
IVrti•. and Mrs. G
o, cit .,u
Mrs. John Law,
(Gorrio Vidette :
Wro,i ter, ere visi
Brussels Post :
McLauchlan, of W
apectively, were vi
Goi•rie 'Villetto i
of \'rluglrani, pa
Snt1i rIaud a visit
following front the W
aft. Richard nderson of this town
hfr. Joseph. Anderson of tbis el
received pert culare of' the deat
Hutchinsou, who
us "dashed to death,
tore/Bic tome o, uear Willianastow
sas, as descri d by the Kansas Ci
eVienspeg re ers is imputed to t
ration of the alamity irons the f
the deceased 1 dy nudes; eirele of
January—so three yeare ;Igo.
moue was the Miss Sadie' E99011;
she attended the services of glen
during her st here, some a the me
her. Her pa ente were formerly
county of Pet •boro, and afterwards, '
moved. out to ANA% where her
and sister stil reside, :Ostia twen
years ago. iss Eeson was mai
John Hutclan on about IL year ego.
The calamit that the Lute
family is repot ed in t;ie Remits Cit
as follows :
"At the en of tbe track of the
lived the Hato. Inson family, in two
close together. Old Mrs. litathieet.
a son, Robert, three cleughters ata
little grand -chi hen =award. into thos
just as the hen was torn from its a
ation and ton into pieces. Nolte
family was hu Another solo Join
barn. Stowe': was carried one lzu
feet and killed. Hutoulteson
straight up the air, he a
hundred feet, tut ammo tante
twenty-five fee where he was sirt,
Mee. Sadie Hu Wasson watt iA
s picked up two 11
eg being tool fez=
el etizne
11A) <felts
a, path about font*
eznilree to five 11 T1
path 01 the &torn
, poultry, colts ane.
1, killed, fermee clests
non blown eta fruit
through A cemetery
'Williamstown and
bstones are. even ea
male, t It ree-gearice
ether, mother, 01,:l
Kincaid were kiflett
;meal Was found in a so
ad fallen after it be e
mile by the storm.
ma) Eveee
Wge 'was fatally 51
(Aida of bis sen all e
louses Wel.) destreyeil
niece, Mrs- J
1 of the ten per
mangled body
yards awey; ono
body and lodged
The clothing o
froze their bodi
The storm de
the evening thr
village of
the northeese
long ana from t
feet wide aud. 11
farm house in
left. Calvlss,
farm animals w
and the bark
The storm. pass
kVA Many tO
One Out in the
mile anew, A
ry, where it
rried half
one house o
id the dead
an were lot
Thirty fitha
seVen perm
an who wer
, local Court of b
nenagereent of the
eir power to make
d sueeess, and can
e tesult of their
to -day for a. visit to
Hamilton, ie a guest
old street, is in St,
Oraugoville, was in
g friends.
of Toren to, is in town
Farrell, of ListoweI,
na, last Sunday.
etarited from bis visit
on Monday evening.
he grand success it is
id daughter itee visitieg
Ms returned from
e wee taking in the
siting relatives.
. Newton Sundeyed In
(lay last.
1 Sarnia, is visiting in
The Misses Brawn, of
ug in Wieghate.
Tess 'Martin ana Freek
igham and Detroit re -
'dug et A. Coueley's on
Mt and Mrs. Hutton,
1 theit daughter Mrs.
his week.
n town this week
has gone to Boston for
to recuperate his health.
a slime time with hat
s in Dittman, Now
Willia, us' Little !'>availe.
Pills will cure Heath. " .
Sour Stomach, ete. theet
yon will not use any on, lee 1.
box, at all drug stores.
Oils ie the best Fauna ;. . eeet
Bruises. Beware of 1 'a. ttsua. seals
Dr. Ring's 'Worm Pow
will cure the worst cola Hunt. , ,1
testimonials testify to lie merit:. a
will positively be referee if 1 lee • I:
Healing Balsain cloes net do all th
claimed. for it.
Dr. 1King's Dim
erv. is the great blood . I
make the blood pure and keep it
Cures dyspepsia and all forms of e
and liver troubles, It is the best; b
best. Price one dollar a bottle, six
for five dollars.
Winiatutte tittle! Wind
Dr. tines Worm PO
Are al' tale medicine% and i
y refunded
mg tour to yth, Wing- et,