The Wingham Times, 1893-07-28, Page 8TJTE CX INGITAM TIMES, JULY LY 28, 1893.,.
MoIN 00.
Thie week we will offer some of tete
rarest values is Dress Goods. hest quality
imported French Dress Goods, worth al.25
for 90e. 20 pieces of fine Wool Dress
Goods in all the leading;. colors, worth rifle.
for 35o. This month we are .one at the
best and surest bar ,sin, spots in the town,
We buy in big lots and sell et primes that
favor you. We handle notluug but the
best elms of goods.
Suess, --Our Black and colored silk is
well known to be the largest and finest
stock in the town. Seemingly one bag of
Wingham's ladies bought silk here this
spring and we welt the other lialf to come
this week for Dress Silk or Novelty Silks
and; Trimming Silks.
Svur.ct:u.—,.White Vests, Fancy Vests,
Outing Suits, Outing Shirts, Outing Shoes,
Outing Hats, Airy Coats, Serge Suits, Light
Underwear, Straw Flats, and everything
:for co.:ifort in the .lot days of June..
angering. -20 dozen children hose at 5c.;
7.Q dozen Gents' Ties at 10c., at
In connection wi h the meeting of the
District Sub -Glia. ittee, a public 'zeal: -
bath School meetin will be held in the
Methodist church rIngbam, on Monday
July 31st, at 8 p. :,, when addresses will
be delivered by p eminent S. S. workers
of the District an. by Alfred Day, Esq.,
Provincial Secret ry, topic, "Eye Minded
People." Peron s, Sabbath Sebool
workers, and all nterested in moral and
spiritual culture .f the young are earn-
estly Invited to a tend. A collection will
be taken up to d •fray expenses incurred.
-Palmerston eporter: Home-made
law seems to have made another break in
its record last wee , when two of our youth-
ful "Jehus" were f ned $15 and costs each,
or six weeks in ja with hard labor. The
young delinquent refused to put up the
ducats, but parded our streets for two
Says waiting to b
parts unknown.
,loose somewhere,
give such weight
Such flagrant con
the law.
—Sunday last as a memorable clay in
Port Elgin. E angelists Crossley and
Hunter are thee. At 10.30 a. m. the
service was in the Methodist chur th. It
was a time of spiv: tuaI power. At 4 p. m.
about 500 men w e assembled in the rink
'to listen to these brethren on some special
'subjects, which p• rticulariy concern risen.
At the same hour about 400 women assem-
31ed in the Meth dist church. At night
v.bout 2,000, from all parts of the eouaitry
were in and aroui d the rink. Hundreds
ase professing c.nversion. Port Elgin
never witnessed tl e like before.
sent to jail, then left for
lere seems to be a screw
vixen learned 3, P.'s can
decisions and then allow
rcpt of the majesty of
Kineardin Demonstration.
Everything goon o show that Wednesday
next, 2nd of August will be a red letter day
in the way of celoln tions in Western On-
tario. It is expecte that the crowds prey
ent will run np into he thousands, Har-
riston, Brussels, Lis owel, Wingltam and
half a sooro of other towns will have their
eivie holiday on the rel for the purpose of
allowing their people ,. come here en masse,
Many of the visitin! courts of Foresters
will bring brass bands with them for the
grand parade. A splei olid programme has
been arranged, and eve •ything will be free,
the committee havin' decided that no
charge will be mad to enter the park.
One of the enjoyable f:attires of the day
will be excursions by t e steamer alonaarcb,
one of the largest reed best boats on the
take, Let our friends ram the surrounding
.townships so arrange their business that
all hands eau spend Wednesday, 2nd of
August, in town. Th . Foresters are on
their mettle and are eterminod to delight
every person.---Itepor r.
etonloving t Witighalh.
Under the above he ding, the I• incardine
Reporters e tc
ws of � r
Mr. I . Jose h
Vanstone and family' of that town, who
will become residentsof this town in a few
days: Mr. Joseph' Vanetono and family
purpose removing to Wingham ill the
of a week o two. Eicbsra Van-
f barrister, and { William and Walter,
df Carry on an ext ilio marble and stone
ttilig business, rsf afro .loseph Van+
stone, Bane been its. & that town for
roma time. We lnmelt with the people
tows rogit,very.fanuell to lotto such
citizen& Mrs Vanstone has car•
on a very extensive{ business here, but
for some years hies health has prevented
hila from taking very much interest in
commercial matters. Holies been honored
on many oeecsions by the confidence of the
people, lusving sat for years at our comma
beand as a representative of the town sod
i. the county council. He has also been
for some time an honored nnember of the
beard of education. He is a luau who has
always evinced an active andd, iutelligeut
interest in public affairs and has been a
power to the Liberals at election times,
and lies done his share towards furthering
the prosperity of Aincardine. Mr. and
Mrs. Vaustone and family will leave Kin,
cardine holding the respect and the very
highest esteem of every person who hes had
the pleasure of their acquaintance. In
making this statement we are but voicing
the opinion of the community. Wesin-
cerely hope that Mr. Vanetone will remover
strength and be long spared to bis family
and friends.
Mr, James Moffat's olydesdale stallion
"Crosby Chief," bas been selected by the
commissioner to represent the Province
in his class at the World's Pair.
A stable on the farm of Mr. James
Couch, 9th concession, was burned on
Sunday. The contents were saved. The
cause of the fire is 'net known, `There
was no insurance,
The hay crop is a splendid one in this
township, this year. lir. Chas. Proctor
took thirty large loads off ten acres. -
On Saturday morning last, Mrs. Alex.
Campbell, of the, second concession,
passed peacefully eway, in the 76th year
of her age. On the 10th inst., she was
stricken down with paralysis, and died
as stated, on Saturday.
Mrs. 3. Ross lend daughter, of this
place, have been gtsiting friends iuLuck-
now for some time.
Rev. A. Y. Hartley, of Bluevale, will
preach in Knox ciurch next Sunday at
2.30 p. m. .
Farmers in this vicinity are busy with
the fail wheat h rvest, and baying is
practically over.
Miss Mary Hol iday was seriously in-
jured in a runaw y accident on Saturday
Mr. W. H. Hal , of Belletontaine,Ohio,
and formerly of t is place, was calling on
old friends in th village this week.
Bev. A. McLea , of BIyth, occupied
the pulpit in I cox church on Sunday
last in the alesenpe of the pastor.
Mr. Wm. S.
very nil, is now
Mr. and Mrs.
cott, are visitin
lilr. Geo. Bro
his holidays wi
Mr. John Gof
put up his new
moved out of t
down to make
A grand unio
will be held on
day has been p
day by the Ree
held at the For
C. P. R. is givi
ish splendid
A rumor is i
that one of ou
gone over the
Iittle island an
turn with one
Scotia to brig
tderson, who !ias been
icely recovering.
David Martin, of Pres -
friends here.
n, teacher, is spending
h friends in town.
on is' snaking ready
otel building, and ;bas.
e old one and will pullit
oom for ' the new brick
Sunday School picnic
he 2nd of August,whieh
oclaimed a public holi-
e. The picnic will bo
s ot the Credit, and the
g low rates and will fern-
accommodation for the
circulation to the effect
bachelor citizens has
riny ocean to that tight
, that he will shortly re-
f the fair daughter ot
en his home.
Dr. Sloan, o Toronto, is in town visit-
ing friends. His many friends were
pleased to se him looking so well.
Hay harv:sting is aboutfinished in
this section. It was a very heavy crop.
Some of the farmers have commenced
cutting thei fall wheat.
Mrs. H. • . Scarlett left on a visit
among frian, s Hensall.
Rev. L. G. ood, of Wingham, officiat-
ed in the Ea .ish ehnrch in this town
ole Sunday I. st.
Mr. A. V. Brown is having his resi-
dence on Qu en St. renovated up with
a fresh coat .f paint.
Our band = ave us a few selections on
the market e. care on Pr
iday evening
The English Chnreh Sunday School
of this place spend holding their picnic
at Manohest: on Thursday.
The garden party under the auspices
of the Epwor h League of the 1V.lathodist
church was h hi at the residence of Mr.
T. Ashbury .n Wednesday evening. A
good tiro wa spent by all present.
Ona 14C0nda • Messrs. W, Kelly, It ,A.
Scarlett and . ll'. Gidley Wt here for a
trip up the la es.
tvtr. Robert i' Klee, . of Kincardine, was
. in town the pa -t week.
The lull letuiin, of the Alexandria pounds of cheese. rhe factories were
competition at l.+isley, England, shows; divided ; 255 butter, 1,155 cheese t1
that tnc Qnta•t:l.nns have done even j 213 mixed.
butter than ale; et first t eu;lht. The I ,t3elleville, July 25.—At the cheese
total prig,,, mow.). won by the Cana-' market to -cloy 1,760 boxes were oriop,
diens in thi4'•oinpetitiost is 1'44, while sed.` Sales 1225 at ne; t10 at 3 3 16o,
with eight prize withers last year the and 560 at Vic •
1893. SPRING 1893.
Canadian recused 423. Thus it will t
he seen Haat in tiles Alexenclra they Canadian. Cheese an La doge.goRll 0
have done vfery tench better than last,
year, which is some alight consolation: p
far having triled to improve eel last
year's record in the first stage. cif the
Qtleen.'s prize.
Rebecca Wilkinson, of I rownsvalley
Ind., says : "I had beau ie a distresse,
condition, fur three years from I+iervotid
uess, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia
and Indigestion until my health was gene.
I bad bean doctoring coustantly without
relief. 1 bought one bottle of South Am-
erican Nervine, which done ine more good
than any 830 worth of doctoring 1, ever did
in my life. 1 would advise every weakly
person to use this valuable and lovely rem-
edy." A trial bottle will convince you.
Warranted at Chieholm's drug store,
Mr John Ballard, of Listowel, has
u couple of Duchess of Oldenberg
apple trees for early apples, both
hewing the same year, and the year
following he would have no early fruit.
A London correspondent writes:
"Ohsese is cheap ; London the best
market. In Glasgow bnyers holey as
6d is toQ much for white Canadian,
and 47s to 48s for colored, and hang
off, while at Liverpool there is no
rush, though arrivals move oil steadily.
But in London there is a clearance on
landing, and buyers conte in freely at
the quotations, which allow a very
fair margin for retailing at a profit,
There is a lot of money being made
here out of Canadian cheese, and one
firm boldly advertises "Canadian
cheddar, fins quality, at 84. The
market quotation is 46s to 48e for
white, 47s to 49a colored, the latter
being in smallest supply, and there
being a good demand for it. ly.iany
people want to get inside those figures,
however, and for parcels obtainable
from 42s to 46s, there has been a
good 'inquiry this week.
Last spying be thought he would try
an experiment alid cut off all the -=—m
blossoms off one tree. This year this BORN.
tree is laden with frnit,while the other Heannasox.—In Morris, on July 17th,
one had practically none, It is a A.,fhe wife of Mr. George Henderson ;
experiineot worth remembering as i�
often happens that orchards bear
early fruit some years to over abunde
ance and other years none. Th
[hatter is easily regulated to secure a l Taylor, of East Wawanosh.
supply ryery year. DIED.
0 5012.
mA Utia5D.
Guar—TAYLOR—Iu East Wawanosh, at
he residence of the bride's parents, cm
July 18th, by the Rev. L. G. Wood, Mr,
Wm. G. Grey, of Wiughatn, to Miss M.
Live Stock Markets.
East Buffalo N. Y , July 26.—Cat-
tlr•—The "iferin:::f sale cattle were
11 loads, The hulk of the supply
did not g' -t in until late. Good hardy
1,050, Ili steers sold about $4, or about;
steady open prices for the week, an.
light lots brought $3 65 to $3 80, with
Kentucky stags at $3 05
Sheep and Iambs—Six cars on sale;
market fiat; demoralized A. deck of
paid lambs of 62 lbs sold at $5 35;
fair lots $4 50 to $5; values fail 15e.
to 25o lower.
Hogs --Ten curs on sale; prices rul-
ed higher on all grades and sales rang-
ed as follows: Yorkers, good to choice
selected ]icht lots, $fi 90 to $6 95,
with good weight Yorkers at $6 80 tie
86 85; mediums brought $0 20 to $6.-
25, and Mixed Heavy and mediums,
tj 6 15 to $6 20.• .Buyers are still dis-
criminating agaiust the heavy hogs,
and this is tree notwithstanding
quality. Relight $4 75 to $3 20;
stage, $4 to $4 50.
Toronto, July, 26.—Business at the
western cattle market yesterday was
steady and cables front the old coun-
try were a Halle better. But nothing
went above the best prices paid last
week. Ofa.rtr es were heavier, which
had a tendency to keep down the
market. There came in 61 earloads,
which included 800 sheep and lambs,
400 hags and. about 25 calves. Re-
ceipts for the week ended Saturday,
July 22,• were; Cattle. 1580; sheep
aud lamins, 1100; hogs, 479; weigh
fees, $33 16.
Cattle—Fat export, per lb 4c to
4ic; Butchers' choice, 3 to 4 -ac;
Butchers' medium to good, 31c to no;
Bnlls and rough cows, Sac to Sic.
Hogs—Good straight fat,, per cwt,
$6 60 to $6 75; Stores and light fat.
5 75 to 6 50; Rough, 5 00 to 5 20;
Sows 5 75 to 6 00; Stags, 3 50 to
8 75.
Sheep—Butchers' 4 00 to 4 55;
Spring lambs, 3 50 to 4 50.
Calves --Extra choice veals, 5 72 to
8 00; choice veals, 4 50 tit 6 00;
medium, 3 00 to 4 00.
Milch Cows and Springers --Super-
ior stock, 35 00 to 45 00; ordinary
stock, 20 00 to 30 00.
Cheese IIQarleets.
Oatnpbellford, J
cheese board meetin
night 700 boxes of '
ed, aud all sold to
Belleville at 9e.
Ingersoll, July 25
y J
market today 24
4,686 boxes of Jul
167 boxes at 9 e; 001
in some cases, 9ritt,
Men holding for
claiming that the dr
reducing the zea
large attendance of
Albany, N" Y.,
Department of A.
Witter and cheese
as f.allows ; Wheal
in State, 1,623,
pounds of butter , and 180,991,810
lttiy 25—At the
held here to.,
hite were board
Warrington, of
At the chEese
ctories <'oarded
make, Satee—
n freely bid, and
at refused, sales-
salesmen all
weather is greatly
There was a
both statesmen and
my 24—The State
riculture reports on
production for 1892
number of factories
caking 19,497,8917
HAnnxxa.—X11 Eemloops, B. C., on July
14th, Rev. Free/nett Harding, formerly of
Howick, aged 50 years, 11 mouths aud 5
days. ..
CAI:ABELL—Iu Morris, on July 22nd, A,nn
Campbell, wife of AIr. AIex. Campbell,
a ed 75 years, 9 months, and 6 days.
RoraitxsoN.—In East Wawanosh, on
u1y 26th, James A. Robertson. youngest
son of Mr. Dayid Robertsou,aged 23 years,
8 mouths and 2 days.
Gnnr—In Lake Michigan, of Iron Island.
on July (itti, John Gray, aged 21 years.
Deceased was grandson of Mr. John
Kelley, of Turuberry.
McLain—In Brussels, ou July 15th.
Patrick MoKauna, aged 55 years. .
Cesniaox.--In ,Morris, on July 15t'u,
Alexander Cameron, aged 34 years and 10
Bunouss.—in Brussels, on Tuesday,
July 13th, Jane, beloved wife. of Henry
Burgess, aged 49 years. .
i ` FOR 1 'AlviT 3 EDS
whose system n ds tonin;; up and whose
appetites are fa' tag, a quick aud-pita.:aut
remedy }vii be ouudia
rrepa d only by a:. Caa;pee:.r. S: Co:
Beware o: imitations. • MONTREAL.
s'a•r'#' ?Y::,,k?a�1 ,,¢�s, ,r31t,,lay.•y,
J S. C U M
Begs to intimate to his numerous cus-
• tomers and others that he intends
moving to the stand lately used
as a boot and shoe store
Two Doors North of Post Office
where will be found a large stook of
Musical Instruments,
Sewing Machines,
Washing Machines
and Wringers,
with all needed repairs.
Also a full line of
Store mill be opened on Saturday, July
GIVE 1111 '' A CA.LL.
Winghatn, July 2Sth,'08. 0tn.
V'bters' List, 1893.- Municipality
of the ToWnship of Turnberry,
County of Huron.
Notleo is hereby given that 1 have transmitted Or
delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5
and a of the Ontario Voters' List Act, 15bfa, the
soptes required by said sections to be so transmitted
or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act,
of all persons appearing by the last revised Assess.
meat Roll of the said Municipalities at Elections for
members of theLeaisittivo Assembly and at Muni.
Cipat Elections; and that said list was first: posted up
et my office at Eluevalo Y. 0, on the 17th dayaf
July, 1803,- rind remains there for inspection.
Electors are called on to examine the said list
and if ahy oi'nitsiens or other errors are found
therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the
gala errors detracted ateerdin;t to iaw.
JOHN MiiUtoitss,
Clerk of Turnberty'. •
Mita this lith day of July, 1883,
Are now opening up the finest.
display of
in all the different - departments of
their large trade that- they have ever°
been able to price beforethe public.
Come and see the beautiful
Dass orooaDs
in all the latest tints and textures that.
the European and American markets'
offer the Canadian. trade.
We offer great attractions in every
All goods marked in plain figures
and at cut prices.
The Anchor House.
Respectiailly yours,
The Best in the World,
For the following; reasons
let•—It is built entirely of the best
malleable i
and steel.
li r,quires
no holes to be drilled in cutter bar. 3rd --It has no rod at the back to bola
obstructions and cause choking. 4th—The outside divider can be raised or
lowered at back or front, independent of lifters. 5t11 ---It hes no springs to
get out of order. 6th—Each sell lifter has a guard stays, and breaking mower
guards is impossible. 7th --.1t has movable clips, and gen he sot in
tongue of machine, if cutter bar drags b back. , line with
st Sth Each lifter is independent
of the other and can be rinsed or lowered in front, should Irao,w
out of lino. 9th ---The number of machines sold duringthe last
guards be
ast 'Sea$(ari, Ani
ables a large number of leading farmers of Ontario to testify to its merits.
Finery machine is warranted andivetl on test,
g Call and see sample
ilcGi'1ltA.11 t.
Has decided to a
ldantle making b
Edward street, n
Satisfaction g
Issued by FrcAN
totia street,Wir
—Pons;'mur Bo
of soda water fo
- . ome of of
^!F :eltou have be
aatehes of blacl
Tenders :sr
au: agricultural
—The date of
for shooting wo,
from Augu t 15
—W t les, c
repair and In
Pante, Toyer B.
—Messrs Goi
important ani?
umn. 13e sure
you will profit
—The Wing]
going to Brussi
a matched ga
Brussels is giv
sports on that
—PieVate ri
at reasonable i
tf •
—Grand sot
byteriau ohm
to pay paperil
This promise
went as both
take part.
—Mr. 3. 1
Clarke, town
town for upw
home in Eng
lies not been
time, and it i
1'liss M. Joh
the Queen's
wk eltvi vay
he foil
of A2aitlal.
0. F., Wi,
W. J. SliefC
G.; W. lion;
'I ',Y, Elliot!
Eobt, Alla
—The a,
into farce
right to tee
(10118, sheri
jnstiees of
officers by
rights d,8 a.
person ro'
Mete or obs