The Wingham Times, 1893-07-28, Page 5410.
Hi ;,er Masonry,
Ismailia or T1tne. ROYAL •AiiCii OlIAP 'J R
—oiFFtattits cats an,
Ottawa, July 2.1, --Tho last of the
Ikfasoni'i bodies, the Grans, Chapter of
Royal Areit tiiaaeons, composed of the
VrOpresentatives of masteraMasons only r,
met this morn.iaag in Masonic Hall,.
about 100 bFiieg;presented. The grand'
Z. Mr. Harding, delivered his annual
address, showing that the receipts of
the year were:r2,1.28,an'eurplus of $5T5
over expenditure, andithat the chap-
ter's total surplus now amounted to'
$20,004. He urged'tho maintaining
of a hone for -aped and discressed com-
panions of ,the royal ttraft.
following officers were electe;Ql:
(AndZ, John E. )F larding;•Stratford;
grand I•i, johnRoss ZIllobertson, ''To-
ronto; grand4„1V1, Walsh, lngerstill;
grand scribe'TL,Thos.<£largant, Toronto;
grand scribe N., A. aClarrothers, ,Lon-
don; grand treasurer, !Hugh lklurrry,
Hamilton; brand past sojourner, ,.AV.
Walker, Toronto; grand registrar, S,
J. Wilkinson.„ Kingseen.
The grand superintendents chosen
by the distriot are:
St. Choir — Q,eo. Mtddleditch,
lldgeto w•ia.
London ---H, tI ..Simpson,. ,London;
Stnooe—J. Da. ,Christie, bimcoe; Wel.
lington—(i'r..I. Greenhill. Galt; awn.
ilton—Alex. Smith.; Huron—C. A.
Humber, :(oderich; . Niagara—Z. A.
Congdon,' nttnvilleeiGeorgiana-•.sJ1. F.
Macwatt, Barrie, Toronto—W. G.
Eakins, Torentq; tfnlntario--.G4.E. R.
Wilson, Colborne;. Prince Edward—J.
Ay1 awortk, Tamworth; Central—E.
B. Butterworth, t(Ottawn; Algoma—D.-
F. Fert;ustnn, L at Portage; Manitoba.,
yik L. Newman, Portage La 'Prairie ;
Australia—aJ...lkt. ,10IAmer, DrawaMel-
bourne; British Colambia—W.d)uw-
nte, V aaeouv r.
The elected members of the execu-
tive eomaaaittee are a as: follows: rL;cwitt
I11artyn, Rtncardiue; eA. E. ()gaper,
London; W. Gibson, M, P., ;lleems-
ville: W. G. .Reid, :Hamilton, and
A. Shaw, Kingston.
The grand:Z nemitte.ted the follow.
ing memhvere: tTnl. .4,ole, ..SaulteeSte.
Marie; W. Rut, it oranto;. P. Mf. D.
Bt'Oderiek, Loudon: ;David .1 aa-lor,
London; J. Revnolde,iBrockvihe.
Companion iioney walle eIected‘ alma m-
ber of the benevolent ,.committee, to
retire in 1896, and J..S. .Dewar, of
Loudon, in 1895. T1te•grand .OIiaestgr
then closed.
Presbytery or Huron.
'tThe Presbytery held a regular Meet-
ing on the llth inst. Rev, 4. Mc
ilonald was eleoted Moderator 4or the
ensuing six months. Ooeamissioners
no the Assembly reported in diue order.
t`13,eveds, D. 13. McRae, of 4)rainbeoolc
G. Thompson, of Hamilton, and J.
B. Taylor of Blyth, being present,
were invited to sit as correpponding
members. The following 'are standing
committees for the year: Home Delis•
sions,--Messrs. W. M. Matin, 13, D,,
P. Musgrave, J, 11, Simpson, ministers
R. McKaron, J. Haokne;,, 1 R. Calder,
elders. State of Religion—,Messrs. S.
Acheson, J. S. Hendersen, M. Barr,
ministers; H. Reid, T.:t4Viellis, J.
Aikenhead, elders. Tertiperance.—
Messrs. J. A. Hamilton, 'M. A., A.
Stewart, 13. A., J. lie Siutpson, minis-
tars; G. Swallow, W. •Carnocltan, 1b,
Scott, elders. Sabbath ',Observance.—
Mrs. R. Henderson, 4...A. Anderson
B. A., A. McLean, ministers; J.Aik-
enhead, R. Laidlaw, J. ,'Symington,
elders. Sabbath Observance.—Messrs.
J. S. Henderson, N. Shaw, B. A., A.
Stewart, B. A., ministers; R. McLaren.
R. Soett, A, Whiteford, -elders. Fin-
ance,—Messrs. k'. Musgrave, N. Shaw,
J. A. McDonald, ministers; R. Calder,
J. Hackney, Thornae Y,Ellis, elders.
cttperintencanee of Students.—Messrs.
C. Fletcher,' M.: .., .11.. McLean, A.
Stewart, B. A,, ministers; J. Syming.
ton, W. Purdy, W. iFulton elders.
Systemtttio Benefaence.—ivfessrs J. A.
Anderson, B. A., S. A.•.Qarrier, W. M.
Martin, 1l. D., min.istese•; J. •Whiddon,
W. Carnochan, A. Whiteford, elders.
Christian Ela6 aawor —JDr. McDonald,
Messrs. J. S. Henderson, C. Fletcher,
ministers; G. Swallow, AL Reid, B
Laidlew, eldees. Thtir+rst named on
each committee to be convener,
Messrs. Fetcher., and .dviartin, with
their representative elders, were ap-
pointed to coneddyer a scheme for fur
nishing a bass en which to reckon
families in reports to :Aseernbly. A.
call trona die congregations of Leeburn
and Union ehnreb, ,Goderich Town-
ship, sit:'+ed by P1117 members and 57
adhereuts in fever ut Melt. Merdock
McKay, was snettiined. eMr. McKay
.leaving aeeepted the call„ his ordinate
ion was appointed to'.take place in
Knox church, GGsoderich., on the 1st
of August at 2 p. 811., the#,Moderator to
preside, Mr. .:Shaw to t preach, Mr.
Anderson to address thea,aninister, and
Mr. Hendersons the .people..—Seaforth
Romantic Wedding art _$At1171tt7n.
A romantic marriage took place at
Hamilton, the ooutractirag parties;.be-
ins Miss Elisabeth .Liacigely of Mon-
treal, and John S, lFoxtoo, . tHamil on.
Thr ceremony was the outeameeof
ova 29 years ,ef era>,rtship, and .alae
story of how the marriage. came .abort
is unusually interesting. Mr. .,Foston
met Miss Ladgely ion Brockville c
;years ago,aud there they plighted their
troth, agreeing to marry when cirruua-
stauces would ailjw. Miss J3adgely
went to Montreal as a governess and
',Mr. Foxtou wens, to Hamilton. Yeale
passed by and the two le;pt,up a ,re-
gular correspondence; but .every time
':h`oxton suggested marriage Miss Bad-
ley put oil the event and so the year
393 rolled around, without Ike twain
elk been made one. au .Monday`
f last week Miss Badgely +vretat tol
amilten and while strolling along
Victoria avenue eolith saw a house to
ete,whieh..she found belonged Ito her
allayed, to whom she however ,did mot
reveal her identity. Gallium upon
'eaten she said she wished to buy the
twee which was valued at $4,,U0.0,
nd.tlte two.went along the avenue
i,th the professed intention of seeing
ox.ton's solicitor. As they walked
longAlias Baadgely revealed herself
ad Geld. her faithful that she was
41y to marry. in the evening Can -
Cattail performed the uerenony,
d the two after their long and pe-
wit coaatUtship feel as happy as a bride
d bridegroom of 25.
The Tatibune says : On Tuesday
t, Martha, eldest daughter of Mar -
and Mato, litgles, who was spend -
a few days visiting the Misses
smell, diad very suddenly. Dee
sed had prat for 'some time been
11, but upon the night of her death
appeared batter and livelier than
al. She wets,t up stairs with her
pautolls, went into her room and
on the bed. Hiss Maxwell was
hy when she lifted her hand to
fees and said she wished she was
0 as she felt very sick, and before
hing could be done she lay back
the bed and wee a corpse. The
en takiug off of Martha Was a
saver° blow to her parents:
day dray ivaathe hottest day Toronto
slid for a number of yours, the
nouleter ranging between 03 and
ng a great part of the day.
How to Get a •"$ • Ugti erioture.
Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrappers(wra (a-
per bearing the words".Why,rioes a Woman
Look Ohl Sooner Than a Man,") to Lever
Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott:kit., Toronto, and you
will receive by post a,pre:tty t picture, free
from advertising, and ,well worth framing.
This is an easy w&y:te decorate your home,.
The soap is the'rest ,in the •rn5rket and its
will only cost one treat ,poatageato send is
the wrappers, if you.te; the ,ends open.'
Write your address..earefully. •
Dr. Coleman, of Seaferth, is again
seriously ill.
New wheat was sold on 'familia
market Thursday, the earliest date
known in years,.
An aged Philadelphia spinster ;re,
cantly willed her fevottito eat .,.';000..
What a snap for the fellow who adopts
the wealthy feline.
Hay in England is new quoted at
90 to 95 shillings per long ton, •,a de-
cline of 10 to 15 shrilling from the
price of a week ago.
One of the speakers at the (Orange
demonstration at Portage Ls Prairie,
Manitoba, declared lbimselfes, home
ruler. A lively .scene followed his
declaration, hut order was finally res-
A. youny man Rained McDonnell, of
Owen Souud, created a sensation at
Niagara Falls em Friday by -walking
out on Calyoriey's ,tight ',wire and
performing a cumber of triers,
Mr. C. W. Oheswright of ,Toronto
Uusversity, and 'formerly ecienee
piaster at Caledonia •High*.e1too1, has
been appointed science master of
Seaforth Collegiate Institute.
Experienced 'Bruit grower'sa•state that
if the peach -crop in Niagara township
results as present indication point and
prices are the same this season as last
over $200,000,in hard .oaeh will be
handed over to+t;tie fa'rmners of that
townshi 1..
A. Woodstock'farreer:eould yet no
farm help :at .125 per ,.a.sonth and
board„ and tbe,btratford•Iluerald says
around that section fro,ay.g l to $1.50 a
day and board is being freely offered
but even at'that i:l]gnre Pit is hard to
get :good help.
Mrs. Rxv. J. Packard analebildren
and Miss M. McCresiic, •af Fesrost, are
on an extended visit to ,friends in
Lucknow and vlciuity..
Misses Lizzie Lawson .aaad Cassie
McLaren accompanied evatlt Mr. Peter
,McLaren and Mrs. Dr. Kneela,tel, of
,.Ripley, ere taking a trig no the lakes.
Miss Harvey, of Hamilton, ,is the
„guest of Mrs. Win. Geddes, ,refeLuelt-
. new.
Mr. M. Campbell, jr., left tthi.a,.week
at'or Detroit where he purposes complete
ug his course at the Steaogrcipher
ekoadeniv of that city.
Nliss Lou. Coiling, of Mitchell., .and',
rforinerly of Lucknow, has been award-
ed a firet•elass certificate in music at
the -St. Thomas Ladies' College. -
We are pleased to see that Miss
Vinay A. Lane has returned home Prem
Oshawa, where she has been attending
the r:adies' College for the past year
and leas been successful in passing t ki,
the.eaeaminatiuus. She also carrkdd.
off a,wiploina tri Fine Arts. i
Fnidaty last was Society decorations
day ;is the village, A large number of,
citizenseind members of the different
societies marched to the cemetery,
arid decorated the graves of their
cleparte.l .brethren
A raspberry social, under the aus-
pices of the Ladies Md Soeier.y, was
held at the residence of Mr. (x, W.
Berry, Ross street, on' Tuesday even-
ing last. Tile progralnnie consisted
of vocal ma insta'etnental• music, solos,
duets, social games, etc.
Tho nttendaanne was large and every -
One seemed to enjoy themselves,
In consegneeee of the law recently
passed at Washington providing that
no mote moneys be disbursed unless
American birth and American nation-
, aliaation can be proven in connection
with civil war pensioners, several
Londoners will take up thoir raaideuoe
in the United States. •
The severttysniitb anniversary of
the Battle ,of :Lan,ndytas ieLane was
celebrated Tuesday, .a feature of the
eoreat netnorattton being the,re.intertuent
of .the 'remakes of.,saldier-sewho ft -11 in
the fbattle, and which «fere recently
accidentally .exhumed.
Tkomae hullo, ,who eaeaeped from
Central prisen:a few ,days previous.
renamed the•.other••night ,Voluntarily.
He twas, swealahun; ry and sad. tie
toad the prison au.thQrities that if he
wenn taken iliac!: he +woaild not run
away again. d1iessaie1eoul+panction of
conscience ,made him ,return.
-n,.eii'LED ,oftrHis W4L•Y'a7GE CI1URc1 .
—A•ead aecidesnt occuvrod at23rampton
Snndne ntglxt.about 7 ,oielock at the
Queen street .o::ossing.00fthe5G. T. R.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 3I+•'eatherston
were ea their may to ckureh,.and no-
ticed ,the fast [.Chicago 'air,press ap-
proasiating. Mt. ;Featherston ,thought
there wets plenty of,r,.,,oss, but
Mrs. P',eatheretora tools ham .by the arra
and asked him ,temalt. Lae attempted
to cross, and jurat 'reached ithe center
of the track when he war strioris and
tustantlty•ki1led, ithe train atlacowing
him ai:.c•>,ut 25 feet. Deceasad was a
retired farmer, 7Ffl years of :ages. , and
uncle to Mr. Joe ph F'eatbertto.;t, M.
P. Mrs. gee athers; n'escaped.
A territeie state re affairs 'reported
from borne of the sgoicultureell districts
of Gaspe, where fes nearly as enatl,th
not a drop of rain tree fallen. In Alia
meantime the beat ssverages from AO
to 90 degrees, an. tho grass su
pastures, is burnt slip. In shaded
spots, were up to the present thea tern a
in,ve escaped this fate, they are betasel
devoured hy armies of grasshuppets 'I
To :slake matters worse, not a siu:glel
codfish has yet been caught, and, judg-!!•
nag by the present indasatione, it .isj
unlikely there will, be. B,ushfires are'
another element of distress, and the,
inountaine in the worlds of the gentle-
man who tells this horrible tale, are
like volcanoes. Some' persons liviug
at a place named Gros Motile, are said
to have no other nourishment than
herb -soup, no fish having been taken.
(Mosley, July 24.—At two o'clock
this morning Mr. Thomas Reid's
livery stable, occupied by James Arm-
strong, was totally destroyed by fire,
and before the fire could be got under
control four other buildings were de-
stroyecj..z The sufferers are as follows:
Thos. Reid, loss on building, $1,400;
insured for $000. Jiunes Armstrong,
losses all his sleighs and cutters and
harness, but saved liis horses and bug -
The next building to go was
Dr. Johnston's stable: loss, $300; in -
stared fur $200. Then Archibald Mc-
Oonuoll's agricultural implement store-
room, owned by M..1. Halliday; loss
$500; no insurance; contents saved.
Joseph Thompsotl's stable was destroy-
ed and his dwelling badly damaged by i
fire and water. D. Lillico's agricul-
tural implement storehouse, owned by
Edward Whyte, of Great .Falls, Mon,
tuna, was partly destroyed; contents
saved. The fire was caused by a coal
oil lamp aatplodinl; in Mr. Artnstroug's,
livery stables,
13otli the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; itis pleasant
and refreshing to tins taste, and acts
gentlyyet promptlythe Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses :tlte.sys-
tent, effectually, dispelsrcolds, head-
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup -of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro.
&toed, pleasing to'.tlte'taste.and ac-
ceptable to the etomaeh, prompt in
its action and truly'beneficial in its
effects, prepared •only:from the most
healthy and agreealilesubstances,its
many excellent qualities commend
it to all and havetma%lo it the most
-,,itul:Ir remedy known.
Syrup of Fi,as'is'for sale its 7,ic
tits by all heading druggists.
-.::y reliable druggist who may snot
have it 021 Iltunli 'will procure. it
1101111)0y for:anyone who wishes to
fry it. Maaialactured ottly'by tho
',r ORi1ls1 iEFG SYRUP C0.,
A Lander carter na mod Thomas
Hall tint his throat M orday, solo's
suffering from derangenten t, the result
of a sunstroke, FI' may rev/arr.
With a total membership of 0,488
the Odrlfe+tlows' belief Ai,soeietion, of
Kingston, Ont,, had a death rate
during the past year of u 86 per
1.000, The average e e of those
who died during the year was 44
One day last week, W. Blackwell, 11
hotel keeper of Rothsay, went dawn a
80 foot well to eteiul it out. When at,
the b,,ttont a loess's $torte f+'l1 from the
top striking hint on the headanflictinga
tet ► serious wound nod rendering him
insensible for a tittle+. A rope wee
lowered and when he lied parity re-
d he tied the repo around lits
breast aid wa$ beide t sap
19,T� S ILi.G"u'a`�':a S.4_1,10
Ontario ) ]3Y VIRTUE of a warrant issued by the Mayor, raider the
Town of Wingbam, Corporate Seal of the Town of Wingham, to zee directed, bearing
To wit: ) date the Twenty-third day of June, 1893, commanding ane to levy
upon and sell the lands mentioned in the following list, for arrears of taxes dee thereon,
I hereby give notice that unless snob arrears and all costs are sooner paid, I shall proceed
to sell said lands or so much thereof as may bo necessary for the payment of the taxes
said costs thereon, at the Council Chamber, in the said Town of Win;'ham, on
Port 1
SAN t�:t'd�F't+rCISCO, CAL. 38 Francis W
..ui ViLLE.JK%. 'NEW YORK. N.Y 3aTthalf'•92 Carne
l ifl JohnN
10 "
TUESDAY, the Third Day of October, 1893,
At the hour of TWO O'CLOCK in the afternoon ;
of Land.
1-5 acre
Street. Survey.
Boland S Leet S Davis
Josephine W Foley's
McIntosh N 1'. Fisher's
< 4
Scott S C. T. Scott's
Victoria S
Huron 'wad -teal Association.
The quarterly meeting of this asso-
ciatiot4 was held in Seaforth, on 110.11Treasurer's Office, Wirehair), June 23rd, 1893
inst. Dr. Weod,cif Mitchell president,1
in theehair,aw,tdlDr. Sinith,of Nlitebell,t+� —
anted as secretary. Two papers were;, 1{A E s AN G®L
Tame hosts. Total.
6326 6175 5501
47 97 6 50,., 54 17
1-5 11 72 4 25 ' 15 97
1-5 - 8 00 9 60 10 60
1-5 8 00 GO 10 60
1-5 11 72 4 25 15 97
1-5 6 00 2 00 8 60
E. Bower's 24 fent 4 80 2 40 7 20
24feet 4 80 2 40 7 20
Leet & McKay's 1.5 16 07 5 10 21 17
Leet & Davis' 1-10 1 42 1 75 3 17
1-5 6 00 2 60 8 60
1-5 G 69 2 80 9 49
:',JOHN DICKSON, Treasurer.
read at the morning session, the first' gS
by Dr. Mcl auughlin, of Auburn, and . '
the second by IItarcCitlnpbell,of Seaforth.• Having bought out the Ambler Harness Business and started in his old stand,
Good discussions .were held on each: am prepared to furnish the public with everything usually hept in a harness shop
paper after w.hichthe meeting adjourn- j such as .
ed until two •ciietock. At the aftere'aHEA VY, LIGHT and TRACK HARNESS.
noon 64188101; ,nineteen medical men?.
were present,, ndiuding Dr Eccles, df,,,1
London,and L)•r,. _McLen i, at Br;aoklya,
N. Y. A rtipoat was given and 414
specimen wastlerer8bnte,i by Dr. Bethune,
of Seaforth, aftt•+r ,.1, blob Dr. Cutnpbet4
road another tpeper ,toil presented! I make all my nwu Collars and guarantee satisfaction.
seeral patients.. (Good dismission took j•Give;me a trial and I will use you right.
place on all the•`se. rhe great feature1
of the day was a piper by Prof.)
Eccles, deseriiksing operations which heij
performed. it twits very interestin,. F
and provoked a ilongtly discussion.'i
Drs. Elliott and Smith, of Seaforth, I
then gave a r, -port of (.their lato trip to,
the States, after w.hi(th IDr. Eccles was
made an honorary ;member and Dr.
Elliott, who as mewling to Chicago,was: ELVE.
granted his eertid epee of membership,
with a high recommendation to the
profession of Chicago. Dr. Elliott
arcade a sui,ueltt ri•nl'g'„ after which a
vote of thanks was 1-ei.e:•',I t•+ J T Gar -
row, Esq., 111. 1.'. la., 1.4,41r Itis conduct in
the Heinle in r.•raenr;,.e t e recent
medical legirlucion
W1llioat, 1'
Women ease at
for all Lourpozna
Laundry and
and •e td it a
great comfort
• and saver of
Has no equal
for purity, nor
for cleaning and
sweetening, nor
preserving the
clothe3 and
hands from in-
jury, nor for
general use.
a0 to 20 per 'Cent. re- FANCY 1'.A.RASOLS Black end Colored
GLOVES in Lisle,
duction on all at ictus Taffeta and Silk at a
reduction of
The balance of our
stook of Summer
away below cost.
sin (1
for Blensinu end Linn-
,enings at greatly re-
duced prtcee.
iwdneed from $1.75 to
Tweed and Worsted,
Suiting aatcl Panting
diads• to order nt 15 to
20 per cent. less ti am
any other house in
rat tower prices than
any other place in
��•�..�...,�,. ,ate,
Pere Linen TOWELS
reduced to eye. each.
Pure 'fable Linens from
20c., upward.
200 Harts for Men
and Boys. No t wo
alike. From 40c., up
wards, wc:i' 11 from $2
to $3 Fully half of
actual cost mire,
All sizes in Mei.'s and
8 Boys' Fancy
at cost and 1"ss.
i•luslins and Curtain
.Netts will be chased
out at less theta post
proriOue 10 att ek-tali•
7�iRT I 4U 9 CPmil ma
1 have just received a full supply of Christmas goods, consisting of
arrd Jewellery of all kinds and latest designs. •
BIG BARGAINS From Now Till Christmas.
All goods bought for osRli and we can sell al cheep et eh •, 4:1leapebt and
Repairing Promptly- Hoose sinal Satisfaction t uttaxanteeti
g "'Give tuts call
;4t P 1 hESON..