HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-07-28, Page 4TUE WING, AM TIMES, JULY 28, 1893, wi, _ malnbei' of the council of (grey ou bonwlal;yCrag,orp,registt art • .g,,our total relief,��iv aec,rotaty. I footed up ar41,7Z2 00 'J ha cocoa:reipts i"� � t t i :rotor dtulned Board of laenoral purposes ( ) aud found t tat uo et ve is tequlret te large culvert 1s.pu in a tc elected - Fete( subordinates et the time Was over cri • off aud that the work can be done by each 0. Mertiu, Woodstock ; J. E. :larding, 167,0011, while to•lee it is flat much or.er ICJ t oounall interested paying 610 eitelt for Stratford ; \Vin. Boat, Toronto; W. T. 010,000, so that our ideas of benevolence ditch aud culvert; also let a job of advert Tower, Callingwood; J. IL a 3urritt,.I'otu. beve expanded beyond our meal's. Yet at Wright'a corners to Peter Scott et 63 braise Appointed by grant} master ---Geo, the order has prospered Materially, as well andalso te job of greeting and gravelling 22 C. Davis, London; Allan AleLeeu, Bing- as nurnerieally, and taccutnulated la reserve DRUGGIST. rods ou east gravel vied to Iticlttard ,1titter. sten ;. Hugh Welker, Guelph; 1 E. I -i. Gunn, fund of which it has good rettson to be •s- -°° ' et 01 per rod; else that the job of raisin;; HIaamilton ; 'Thos, Sargent, Torouto, proud. In 1884, the first year that to re. roadie. Wytte's ,betaver meadow is finish- IIs tiiltun was chosen as *text place of cord was kept of the invested feuds, ed. : meeting. 310,000 was reported, while in 1892, eight Moved by Me. Gammill, secouded by t The following distrtet deputy graucl years rafter, 520,463 was reported. Iu 0 Me. Mundell, that Duff se Steae. , for lumber be paid less 3080 feet, got with- • W. afro. A. H. YouGuuteu, Chatham ; No dedicated to benevolence, end the mem- out order of the Council and amounting to' 2 district, R. W. Bro. P. Goodier, Watford; bership iu this great city, to keep pace 'p7 53—Carried. ' No 3 district, R. W. Bro. 2, W. D. Broder with her ambition in that respect, as well as the commercial metropolis of Ontario have erected to hall that is u credit to the order, and iu which we are the first grand oody welcomed within its portals. T trust it may proye a tower of strength in 'Toronto, and that the patriarchal family may flourish and increase in numbers aud wealth, as her postion demands," --AND— :%W.�."�iLaL�ilBdA ti C 1. Brunswick icuse. - _ - Ont r�],£L�l,Cia CA it's act aunt ' meet were elected. No 1 district, R. several place.: balls have been orected and r iRIDAY, JULY 98, 1803. 4.11?ITORIAL NOTES. !been definitely decided to take lithe ratepayers of Toronto on eon of whether the street cars e era Sunday or not in that city. 'livill be taken on the 26th of our Provinces—Ontario, Que- Scotia, and New Brunswick- -0 of population in the twenty 1591, wap25.5 per cent., ac - a recent census bulletin ; the insanity has been 31:4 per a chid increase has been in td this is accounted for to i4 by the undersirable class of 3s, dumped upon the Province. e of the Governor-General ,anadian taxpayers 593,000 a glary and contingencies,; the Cruickshank, that Timothy Hewitt be paid the several Lieutenant -Geyer- $3.50 for r•tugb box and digging grave for eegate 870,000; Ministers at Wm. Duncau—Carried. aw !383,000 in allowances a Moved by Mr. Dintent, secouded by Mr. } senate involves a charge for Gemmill, that by law No. 10, 1803, be passed, authorizing the levy df the sum of ted indemnity of members of annum.; and the Ontario Is 431,000 a year on salary uMoved by ilii. Gemmill, secouded by iek, London ; No 4 district, It. W. Bro. :lir. Cruickshank, that Mr. Dintout gat Wtn. Dawson, Sylvan ; No 5 district, small job of gravelliug ou 15th: side line W.13ro. D. Collins, 1 incardiue; No 0 and small job rpt B Hill—Curried. district, R. W. Bro. Dr. McCurdy, Nor. Moved by Mr, Cruickshank, secouded by with ; No 7 district, Jt. W. 13ro. Chas. Pet Mr. Dimwit, that Samuel Snell be allowed tiford. Guelph ; No 8 district, R. W. Bro. e5, as Turnberry share of cedar culvert, 3 F. C. Heath, M. D., Brantford; Na, 0, feet square ou Grey bouudary—Carried. trict,R. W. Bro. W. B. Saunders, Stayner; Moved by Mr. lDnteut, t.econded by :lIr. t No 10 district, R, W. Bro Danlos Noble, Mundell, that lir. Genimill put up at least Jarvis; No 11 district, R. W. Bro. George three notices of and let job of cleaning out Tait, Toronto ; No 19 district, R. W. Bro. Government drain on Francis Wright's, J. Armour, Lindsay ; No 13 district, place, con. 3—Carried. W. Bro. W. Webster, Belleville ; No 14 Moved by Mr. Cruiokshauk, seconded by district, It, W. Bro. Geo. Taylor, Gtutane Mr. Gemmill, diet j'r20 be expended iu oque No 15, district, R. W. Bro. Johu gravelling Oath sale line between lots 25 Graham, Prescott; No 16 district, R. W. and 26, cou 11, job to be let by Mr. Cruiek- Bro, R, J. Stephen, Ottawa ; No 17 dis- shauk—Carried. triot, R. W. Bro, It. McNab. Fort Wiliam; leloved by Mr. Gruickshttnk, secouded by No 18 district, Ii, W. Bro. W. H. Burgess, Mr. Gemmill, that Mr. Diluent examine North Buy, side line in 2nd concession aud get culvert The committee on audit and finance put he and rood raised, if necessary --Car- teported receipts during the year $21,522, tied and expenditure $17,482, leaving a Movedseconded by 11r surplus of 81,040. The surplus last year !-Blundell that lir. Gemmill let Iter lose, Tho funeral took place on Thursday afternoon, Rev. W. G, Reilly taking the service. j;aturday morning Patrick MoKanna was suddenly summoned away from time, Ho had been poorly for a few days but nothing serious was anticipated until Friday night when a physloian was summoned, The deemed was bore in the County `Tyrone, Ireland, and game to Canada with his parents in 1848 when about 15 years of age, He lived to To- ronto township with his father until manhood and took up a farm ou the 7th eon, of Morris township about 30 years ago. He was married to Catharine Hays, of Seaforth, a few years after. In 1882 the deceased sold his farm And removed to Brussels where he resided up to time of death. They had no family. Mr. McKenna was a typical son o£ Ireland but suffered from a monetary standpoint by trusting too implicitly to the honesty of othere. Mrs. George Readman, of Morris, and Mrs. Shane, of Orangeville, were sisters of the subject of this notice. The fuueral tool: place on Sunday after- noonntbe interment being made at the R. C. cemetery, Bushheld. The total increase to Membership dur- ing the six months ending June 30th, 18£3, was 53. The total membership at the end of December, '1892, was 3,378. The following statement shows the dis- position of the order:—Number of patri- archs relieved, 307; number of weeks sickness for which benefits wore paid, 1,970; amount paid for burying the dead telegram stating that l;e bad been 6215 ; atnount of special relief, 843.90 ; awarded a modal for butter at the amount of relief to widowed families, World's Fair. As medals were only given nig ; amount paid for the relief of pat to scored 97 points pat- riarchs, 83,445.19; total atnount of relief out thosef a exhibitors o whoit is evident that paid, 83,712.09; invested funds of rubor- tut product iab e1 Teeswater ent that dinates, ft20,463.10 ; total amount of the of a high degree of excellence— , by fir, DimPn , annual 'revenue, $10 221,61 ; the cash g a job of was 69,014, but there was special receipts. balance at the credit of the order on almost perfection. Mr. Brill's triumph ;ravelling 8 rods en east gravel road north The invested Grand Loage surplus of $7,•,. July ]5 Teeswater. On Monday morning, Mr. S.R. Brill,of the Teeswater Creamery, received a of Wright's corners— Carried. 000 now was bearing interest at 4e and 5 Moved by Mr. Ditnet.t, seconded by Mr. reg cent., payable half yearly. Besides Oruickshauk, that a job of graveling on this there was a cash surplus of 56,580 in File's crossway be let to Ur. John Wilson bank, making a total surplus of $81,580. —Carried. The committee on the fraternal dead }loved by Mr. Diluent, seconded by Mr• reported feelingly of lasses by death dur- ing the year. Special mention was made of Brethren R. Bull, of Hamilton ; N. G. no doubt but the voters' lists oration will be used for the `n: to the Ontario Legislature. he case, it is most desirable ists should be thoroughly and revised. The name of ion the list wbd is not legally heate should be removed, and avy who have the right to osenames have been omitted outs; the proper steps should tgaken to have them put on. Tuxnbe;ry. 6012 for special school grant. By law read three times and passed. applications for relief granted to private The following accounts were passed and lodges or boards, totaling 87,880. The orders en Treasurer issued : applicatious granted the previous year Mrs. Johnston, gravel, $3.15 ; Elijah numbered228, totaling 67,600, so that the Higgins, gravel, 810.55 t Wm, Messer, expenses showed little change, but whereas spikes, 42.07 ; John Johnston, gravelling, the board refused ouly 19 applications this 830.38 ; Joseph Leech, gravel, 52 28 ; John year from local lodges, it refused 76 the Rolph, grttvelliug, 827..15; Robert Auder- year before. In several instances, the re - son, gravel, 61.80 ; James Johnston,gravel- poet gn'', eviceesive gums had been paid by ling, 842 ; Bet, Ringler, gravel, 61.38 ; Wm Mala, gravelling and culvert, 819.10 ; Jas Parish, grading, 642.50; Hugh McKay, gravelling, $11.96; Jas Parish, culvert, 52; Richard Miller, gravelling, 822 ; Robert Leggat, repairs to bridge, 8813.50 ; Geo Walker, culvert, 34; And. Reid, ravel and damaged, 65.3.55 ; Alex McDonald, t,cil }net in McDonald's hall, gravelling and damages, $1.50 ; Jobe Gem - Monday, July 24th, 18e3. mill, gravel, $1,50 ; Ira Etcher, gravelling .1S93, was ,8,1,3 Officers wore elected as follows: is the only Ontario exhibitor to whom Grand chief patriarch—A. H. Blacks- a medal was awarded. This is not the ley, Galt. Ifirst tithe thatTeeswater has been heard Grand high priest—S. S. Merrick, of abroad. In 1873 at the Centennial Carleton Place.•Exhibition, Philadelphia, . Ilettle Ss In- t:.rand senior warden—.E. T. Easory. , 1 glis received a medal for choose, and i later, at the Paris Exposition,"Mr. Alex. Loudon. prize for wheat° 'Phos it 69 I is further enhanced by the fact that he Grand scribe—M. D. Dawson, London. McKee aeon a p . Bigelow, J. A. Wills and J. Stone, of To- Grand treasurer—Edward Boltz, Lon- , will be seen that in three great interne - Grand treasurer—Edward rayes, of Port Hope; Dr.N ichol. dun.t tional expositions Teeswater has won a of Listowel, and Wilkinson, of Knighton. Grand junior warden—J. J. Roid,Mon- i share of the honors. --News. The report of the board of beuenolenne treat. The following is from •the Toronto stated that during the year theca were 250 Grand representatives to the Sovereign 1 Glebe of Tuesday last The C. P. R. Grand Lodge—Fred Doggott,St. Thomas • train from Teoswater, which got in at and D. H. Moore, Peterboro. 19.30 o'clock last night, bore with it the The new officers were installed and ! mangled form of Train Baggagoman the grand chief patriarch appointed I Andrew Burton of Teeswater. At 5 p. Peter M. Caudliss, Hamilton, grand I m. Burton, who is a married man .with marshal, and J, M. Lang, Winclsor,granci ACUTE or CHRONBC, Can be cured by the use of S C rr •'�,_JLSI of pure Cod Liver OH, with tizc Hypophospltites of Lime and Soda. A feeble stomach k kindly to it, and its takes continued use adds flesh, and makes one feel strong and well. „Q ,tea ggGiv. ,—aognro of oubetitntoo. BGoolleville. Sold Illy all Soot uggi Ce tvne, 50o. and $1.00. WIN G EIAM'1 MARKETS. wtxxen ittd+luly 27, 1803 Corrected by P. Deane, Prottued•lloaal �.7G to Flour per 100 lbs, 7a to Fall wheat per bushel, G8 to Spring 58 to Oats. • 30 to Earley 0 to Yeas, 14 to Dotter, tub 14 to do }tolls, 0 to Eggs per doz. Wood per cord, Hay per ton, old, Hay por ton, new, Potatoes, Wool ti present. The Reeve in the and damages, 52; Mrs Eadie, gra.el and d'niftnttes of last meeting were damages, 0012.65; Ed Ferguson, culyerb, efed aud aigoed. $4; Polak Elliott, printing, 618; Wm Me- e f reporter} that he had goue to Pherson, le Wright's drrain, 62 ; John ase time appointed but did Wilson, lumber, 81.15 ; John Burgess, F they of the parties interested in Wright's drain, 62; Thos Agnew, gravel - two children, was at Kennilworth en - sentinel. deavoring to couple two cars, when he slipped and. •,•fell beneath the wheels. It was agreed to hold next year's local lodges for funerals, reducing the meeting on the fourth Tuesday in July j His left leg, lett arm and right hand ' at Chatham. I were horribly crushed. It was decided j BARK amounts applicable to the living. The + ,-_- , to bring him in to the hospital in Toron. 1 board deplored such misapplicatiou of the i to, though it was scarcely hoped that be j benevolent funds of lodges. One of the -Brussels. would live to reach it. He was alive, I most important reports was that on the In response to a largely signed requisi- I however, when the train came in,though 1500 CORDS HEMLOCK condition of the order. Is showed in the tion of residents, the Reeve has appoint- the baggage car in which he was brought 18 districts of Ontario a total of 348 lodges ed Wednesday August 2nd, as the civic I with 22,000 Masons in good standing, and holiday. `in located like a slaughter house, so great stated that there was a steady and healthy The East Huron Agricultural Society 1 was the loss of blood. The ambulance growth of the order in all directiong of theremoved him to the hospital, where at a will hold their fall fair in this place on I late hour last night he was reported to Province. It then went extensively foto Thursday and Friday, October 5th and t be still alive, though very low. Should details of the year's working. 6th. The officers elected were iustalled byTen stalls will be built on the Driving he survive the night it maybe necessary Past Grand Master John Ross Robertson. b th D• ec • to amputate the limbs to -day. The fol- I Parties peeling 15 cord); m• over, can Tile Grand Lodge then closed with the siugiug of "Auld Lang Syne" and "God 1 00 60 00 34 34 56 15 . 15 10 7 75 to 2'00 0 GO to 7 00 G OO to 560 33 to 40 1.8 to ':2 NEW TAILOR SHQJ3 CEO. H. IRAN Wishes to announce to the people of Wingham and vicinity that he has openeda, tailor shop IN THY, STORE ONE DOOR SOUTH OF MR. R. HILL'S RES- TAURANT, ES TAURANT, and lately occupied by M. Patterson, watchmaker. All clothing made in the latest styles. W0RKMANS 9P AND FIT GUARANTEE©. The patronage of the public solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. GEORGE H. IRVIN. Wingham, March 17th, 1803. WANTED. BARK wanted at the Wingham Tannery. $5.00 PER CORD Will be paid on delivery. 1r rt and found that Turnberry ling, $18.75; Wm aoby, gravel, 66; Duff , Save the Queen.' rt`0, if any, iuterest iu drain; I d Stewart, lumber, 611.53; T Hewitt, 1 rough box and grave, 63.50. Oddfellows In Session. Moved by Mr. Mundell, secouded by Mr. Gemmill, that this Couugil do now ad- TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING OF TEE GRAA`D ENCAMPMENT OF ONTARIO. jouru to meet again iu McDonald's hall, -.--. Bluevale, on Mouday, August 28th, at 10 The 24th annual session of the Grand o'clock a. no—Carried. Encampment of the Grand Lodge of Joita Bcneges, Clerk. Ontario, Independent Order of Odd - fellows, was held in Toronto oat Tuesday last. There were more than 100 persons present from all parts of the province, re- presenting a membership of 3,000. Grand Chief Patriarch Fred. Doggett of St. Thomas called the Assembly to order, and Mayor Fleming, on behalf of the city, exteuded a most cardial welcome to the visitors. An appropriate ackuowledgmeut was made by the Grand Chief Patriarch, VpViugltam and Cranbrook, and Brussels and addret+suitable to the occasion and Gorrid ; baseball contests, Listowel were also delivered by P. G. P. Horuibronit vs. Wingham, and Brussels and their aud D. D. G. M. Oliver. The Grand old competitors, the "Unions." Also a Patriarch's report stated that although no water fight, foot races, &c., Su, R. new encampments had been instituted Leatherdale is chairman of committee ; during the year be was in correspondence W. D. Hart, treasurer, and W. II Kerr, secretary. A canvas of the town is be- ing made by Noble Gerry and A. Cousley for funds. They are succeeding very eaorted having let te job of 116th line to John Johnston at i5E'od, including grayel; also let YCriug culvert to James Parish :lib that along. with the Clerk tired Government drain, on ulit's place and found that he newt it out or allow any other be work so that it will be Masonic .ssrotinerhood. ail Couuoil to take immedi- The Grand Lodge meeting was held in clave the drain cleaned out; Ottawa, last week. The Graud Baster, dl irerk of repairing Eadie's and Hon. J. M. Gibeou, gave a splendid report, as also did the other officers. Tho re- ports showed the order to be in a flourish, ing condition. The reports were cousider- ed and adopted. "hos. Agnew at 3'7 cents per W. Bro. Ferres, Hamilton, moved that WI. t a job of culvert in Gray's any question once decided affecting the line, to Wm. Prior at 83, coustitutiou, shall not be open for recon• rt.ieh material; also that sideration at any time within five years u has finished job. of gravel- atter such desision, except upon a vote at to hill • in a very satisfactory an annual meeting to reconsider, such vote t to be taken without debate, and supported se reported that he had let a by a majarity of the members present. ig,)n 13 line east, to Wm. This was carried. is per rod, including gravel ; Woe. Bro. M. Gibbs, Toronto, seconded ee epairing culvert to Wm, by Dr. Bullock, Peterboro, moved that o let job of gravelling 24 intoxicating liquors as a beverage be pro - vel road to Wm. Prior at hibited at refreshment tables in counectio n ; also let a job of gravel- with Masonic lodges. It was shown that a 'W'ingbam boundary to subordinate lodges had the power to pro. Cents per rod, ineladiug hibit in their own hands, and that two - to pay half ; also let a thirds of them had passed resolutions vette on 13 line east and against liquors being used, and the Grand killer at 86; also that Lodge, by a majority, voted down Bro. finished culvert on B line Gibbs' resolution. The election of offieera resulted as fol - ted having let a job of lours : Hon. J'. M. Gibson, Hamilton, re- t and 10th concession elected grand master; Hon. Speaker balk at $11; also Id job on 10th concession at 34 cents per rod, Is has been finished. °Yr -peeve reported that he had r Robertson, of East Wawa• °friary and bad let a job of Park along the east fence, y e la ' lowing is from Wednesday's paper : The tors, for the use of horsemen. They also• C. P. R. baggngeman, Andrew Burton, talk of levelling a circle inside the track 1C. was so terribly crushed while coupl- for the use of carriages on' race days, fall t 1 ing cars at Kennilworth onMVMnday night fairs, etc. • • succumbed to his injuries at the Toronto The following were the successful General Hospital about 3 o'clock yester- pupils belonging to Brussels school at day morning. The body was returned the Entrance Examination t he Warnes to Teeswater later in the day for burial. being arranged alphabetically: —Maud Cliffe, Reggie Fletcher, Clara Hunter, Bluevale. Leon Jackson, Willie Leatherdale+ Muss Mary and Miss Bella Boyce, of Myrtle Nott, Frank Smith, Dan. Strac- LIalnilton, are visiting atel Mr. Wm. han and FredWilson. Thursa Gerry was Master's. recommended. Dan. Strachan won the Mr. John Gardiner, jr., has returned silver medal by securing the highest from Chicago. number of marks among those who wrote Miss Etta Corbett, of Fergus, was at Brussels. visiting her aunt, Miss Annie Corbett, Wednesday,aeugust 9th, is the day of last week. • a good programme of games and sports Mrs. Brownlee and daughter, Hazel, to be hold on Victoria Park, Brussels. of Glencoe, are visiting at Mr. John There will he football matches between Farrow's. with Deseronto, Aucaster, International Bridge and Harrietsville, with it view of establishing encampments in those places, The report also contained alist of decisious nicely. A tip-top day's sport is expect- pondeen, ce in onLec },ranted had instar- ed. The admission to the park will only pondauce in coni.ection frith the reinstat- ing of Allan Mcl±ee by Moira Encamp' be 15 cents. Watch out for the bills and meat of Belleville. programmes. Keep the 9th free for the The Grant} Scribe's report was a most fun. satisfactory one, showing that good pro- Jane, beloved wife of Henry Burgosa, gress has bean made by the order during Brussels, passed to that bourne from the past year. Here is an extract from whence no traveller returns, on Tuesday the statement :—"Itis eleven years since Morning of last week, aged 40 years. the Grand Eneatnpment met inthe Queen She had been ailing for the past two City. 'At that time wo had 52 represents, years, having had a stroke of apoplexy. fives. and about 2,000 members. In the The deceased web a slaughter of Richard Carter, bloGillivray township, Middlesex Co., and after her marriage resided rn Morris township for a nunlblr 01 years'. They removed from the farm to Brussels. tad havingmot hurray, Hlamilton, grand treasurer ; It, J, paid out $1,243.51, while for the year end. A husband,5 daughters and 1 soli mourn esters. White, rembroke, deputy -grand master; last decade we have nearly doubled our 7)r. L. 5eeord, llrantford, senior warden ; encampments and membership, and Peed. Cook, junior warlon ; Rev. L. A. trebled the amount of relief expended. gravel. 'tette, Brookyiiler r grand chaplain • ;Hugh For the year ending June l0t1t, 1882, we Mrs. Ira Barclay, of Michigau,.is visit- ing at tho home of her father, Mr. Wm. Messer. Mr. and Mrs. }Toward, of Winnipeg, Manitoba, wore visiting at Rev. A. Y. Hartley's last week. Mrs. (Rev.) Pring has returned from a trip to Palmerston. Mr. Albert Guert, of Detroit, a former resident of Bluevale, is visiting old friends in this neighborhood. Londesboro. The Salvation Army are talking of attacking this place. The pupils of No. 8 section have pass. ed the entrance examinations, as follows: Alvin Brogdon, Elva Adams and Mabel Bell. Wheat cutting has been commenced, the haying season being finished, Mr. H. M. Scall has been appointed delegate to the 'District meeting, which in to be held in Kincardine on the 9nd of August, to represent Court Pride of the West, No, 31, Canadian Order of Por. deliver half in summer end balance in winter, if desired• and same price will be paid. WINGHAf TANNING CO. Winghant, May 10th, 1893. Tr s s e s, Shoulder Braces, Chest and Lung Protectors. A large assortment •at very reduced prices. HAMILTON'S DRUG STORE. Central Telephone txchatige SALESMEN WARTED To represent us in the sale of a Choice lino of IIARDr• CANADIAN' l3tto\is (licca. lsxpertenco• not no/o>;sary. \Vo want real worloia rag all such the offer a 90r155nent situation at a ;;god income with elidnco of advancement, As we now ante ever 700 acreN under Cult4vtttton, the can 31v0 our saleta• 11100 .uahy superior ttdvaftta,cs. 1Yo ti1Po deairo tb eeeare ,t guod mando your district to soli rho i{e61V°t Pone, far whisk we ante the OcnurAl Ageuey. Tale is somethingnew end reliisponsnlsle tc tlna former er Itutt rtrower: Sent} for fenny grid toatimenixl t0141 k>{S7titti.tNG}xl1N Iiarle Z'ii 6e'Ci .