HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-07-28, Page 3• 7..r"or Tr`" , . v T. U :COLUMN. s(co:rl)t:(Jrele )3$ TTfF.b:INnir4tt nitkNcrf.l "1 For God and l:lula'cactrtfl ;lrtctii)e mini," Well call the attention. of the melaena and fosters to the tact, that the Woman's Christian Temper. IMO Milan meets overt' •+Monday at tree o'cloolr, ricireet it 4fl ladl s of inttdq�lwelcomee7lcer Pat. 1llondayyWe olofa every month, onth, exceptcovet tlng WltOn nthe last otherwise advertised, to which meeting we invite thegenerahv publle As the Editor has kindly Won us part of his apace, for our work, we assfriends of the cause to sen. items of Interest onatil moral gnostlons of the day to any of our i i to r, The Moth;<es Privilege. Be mils, ,Tnet. ICK.X.0 ich, [Read at Worltre Social Purity Con gross.] One of the foremost philanthropist)) of the age was want to say : "It is worth a life effort to lift a man frotri degradation 1 to prevent his fall sty better." This mink of pxes'enniou is in tbe highest eensa..the mother's pri; yilege. Site it is to wtionl is given the first oppertwxl•ity of influencing the man or woman that is to be; the pri- vilege of laying elle foundation stones' of their future (life structure. To heir is entrusted, tit,a..great measure, the, +ways. 3'ha boy or gion who is wholly working oat of i>God's ideal for each •dependent upon some one else for child in her eare,r:ctnd upon her will it' eetertainnlent; and happiness, who largely deemed whether characters' `does not know how to spend a leisure shall ue roeudetniu the fullness of a' !hour profitably, ,is in great danaasr. noble manhoocl ••or womanhood, ori ctueh au one is !warily Jed into dwarfed by ne;lest and deformed by; peruicious associations, and may, It is a t;restt rend blessed privilege only because of favoring ciruurnstafces to -start aright the one just entering; escape the path to rein. Each good upon the perilouiviouruey of life, The: trait of character, like each single hope of the wortd!Jies not so much jblock in a granite wall, fills aspecial purpose in making the structure strong ;to antagonize Vice. It must be remembered that all grossed with the -problem how to els-'t effeetive preventive work must be Tate purity and root out its antagonist,. twofold. It is not •enough that we evil.; but that'problem would largelY"tua':d the outer approaches of char•r solve itself for future generations did neuter, seeking immunity from evil by the mothers ,t;Yf this generation: flff•orts to keep it out of sight and appreciate to the nide their. privilege, , !knowledge of the young. We must and with eaurt'crde,iork of heart and life, instill into their heats high ideals seek enligbtrnent .arid fitnese for their; ' d purposes, and fdllrtlaeir minds with God-given work, kegir)ning at the very: pure and noble princeiples. .,Something 'outset of the lives tifrtueir children to will fill the mind, something will Ieave help them to heceeem h 4herr childhood lite impress ; if it be,r.►ot good it wilt and youth what they' ,sight to be as .be evil. As was foreibly illustrated men and women. tety the young matt condemned to death, It is the misforentie of many mothers whose mother, visiitin ebnn in prison, that they fail to rs«wstltru to their re. exclaimed, "Oh, toy hey! What has sponaibilities at rk .areflicirrntly early period in the lives.aof their children. They think, as that' .vwatch their little ones in their cradles, as they hold then) in their arms oi;gtitde their foot- steps: "When nanethilcl grows older,. I will endeavor to strain Mw wisely." . If for the present .ibis pltysieal needs . are well supplied and idle enjoyment , of his waking hours ..assured, that is considered tl • con , ) 1 ell sulfide/eat. But in this the mother. is mistaken. Her golden opportunity lies, as did,tthat of Joche- bbed, in the sariiest yeers,of her child's :existence.. One of the most ,universal sources *from which arises the netreani of inl- rtpurity is the lack cCpri per training of ',tlle appetite, in that .ies,:,rrntilication is 'foot aide subservient tiro right and Treasonable ends The „appetite, litre of the appetite. Flow hardly, then, obeli the soul that has tkroygh year's of .wrong education in uilildlhood been itirborhdage to the appetftee and pro. positive, arise and 'shake uiI its. elr•uaklas,. and bring tl:e body under *hen the years of youth -and Iuaturity n..ry moiled 1 Wrong "tertdelheies, as well as right ones, ars, ooutinuonsly strengthened by exeretoe, The desire to gratify inclination and satisfy the taste doers not lessen with the increase of years, As has been aptly said, •"9;u pressious, iiiclinwtions, appetites, !which +t child may have derived from dais food, the turn it may have given to his senses, and eveinto Elis life as a whole, eau ()ply be -,set aside with eliflioultiee, when tbo age of self depen- ,t!eneo hits beau, reached. They are one with his whole physical life, there- fore iutiulately eenneeted with. his .spiritual life." The child who is taw:Olt to respect his body as the temple of the Holy. €lpirit,lent him for hia,zemporal use to be returned pure and 'mhdufiied to its !Creator, will find it far easier to exer- vise control in the nee of it. Self, ;reliance, early taught, will aid in making the child capable of self -enter• taintnent iu wbolesottte and profitable reformation as iin•iright formation. The minds of, noble and earnest meal and' women, the world over, aro en> brought you to tris mend end 4 The young man sternly replied, !'Mother, you are the cause." ki urstiug unto tears she sobbed, "Why.1 what wrong have 1 ever taught youfr' To which the son made the sad :v.reply, "Yon t night me no wrong, •ivutyou neRlacted testasach me any good,, .ae,[d, as 1 knew n•o better I have soak lour and lower, (moil J. am here." It is the mother's eiviuitege to walk ser ,: cloliety side 1 j aide with her elei,tdreu, starting with ethem upon their own level, and so .iurited in heart and, sympathy that she .array possess tharcaugli life their fedies;, , confidence, th•ue forming around Wein. one of the sures: and most lasetief ,, safeguards agaiest vice which it ie .possible for hutiesii love and wi.uaoam it0 construct. &id.,t3 mother of'growing ..ons, when :all natural instincts, is ..sla•sceptible of a"It'e' t.ihow she manag.•,d .to keep her ',education,'both its Ar)'igJlr and in a boys eio firmly attached to AL ome and 'wrong direction, This -fact is often so willing to spend Lew. earnings a; u,n.reeoguized, and tiae.chiS+,d.'s appetite there", "C live with thews ,and try to be :left to a chance develitlpins t, which not oz y a faithful tire;ty#a•et;, , but an hr•i,more frequently ,than „otherwise agresittile eon,paniou." Jf mothers .leaves tin) subject to it aaUher than eould,anly be made to a+etLl a what a !ruler of it. Depraved appetites are towearnee strength suck a. i,imnig with ofteninherit+.d,but are as often created their children may hec<une,, &to effort 'thrntr;gh lack of proper eine and train. would rhe considered tea west to •be ang,:sometin7es at tine .irony bP:giunirin spent iew•ouItivattiig this ;sympathetic of•lifts. Picture, if you wili,)the first relatiois,t,for it muse he cettivetted if it epooll. of the iife of tbe Average child. is to be continuous. It crust grow ]Eatir>g is the first, and ,for.sotCietin,e with tih(saa;siildreil It ,mist broaden ;the elraef activity of his �bab,ybood, with tlte@r;yieara, and take its .their Dimling this period .of helplessness be play) the* playmates, their eteidies, is Aden season and out .ef ,o ation, their read,it;.g, their work as well as their pleasures, their jays and w.ithoi t thought or reguietien. Ex.lec.srows I,ressin,3s of pain and drscca•wt+fert are • and their deepest yearnings. Like a habitually rnet with proffers nfdaod, thread of gelid interwoven through. all ental tks tlgustatary sense, babitrl:slky the Yeats aide, it will formii ,In id gi'atlfl'.Hd Ito appease the demeans of of union between the mother and her all the ,ether senses, becomes minae child whielt will enable them to mak tregnatat .p opensity. The irnnledi,trte together to ov,eroorne evil and buntline result of this treatment is the anrani. a life, the haateety and symmetry elf oration, Lt¢he very outseof life, rafaviivlr will beatthe light Heaven. • disordered iiligestlon and a morbid t3 tttic Creek, ,l!1ieh, l condition dello stonrucll,whieh creates 1 a constant ()raving far the pleasurably English Spavin ltauurment removes all seeStttion produced by eating, taw herd, sOft, or calloused Lumps end J31ehn drinttfui;. The ultlntate outcome of Macs from horses, a'31ood Siravin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Been, Sweeney, StMss, such rtrenagear e t is that it tenches Sprains, Sore arid swollen Throat, (loughs, the child to eravas animal sensation$, •etc Save $50 by use.+af one bottle, War- sauteed by Ctiisholilx e onus; store. .and establishes a orninanee of appetite, a love to ;ratify tho senses for the sake of the sensation,- which, indulged in one direction, will he haul • to re. strain in othets, sad which Arid east its influence over hit entire life, The abnormal appetite ereatod by deranged digestive futr Liotta, opens a door, throut,;Enrich, of unguarded,the whole trails Of evils, gittttoh'k, iiltonrperanee and itripurity, may enter later on in Iiffl. ]'unity of boort is a eon;titi,m guise A great ntauy peo,plo'e morality re - smolder{ sign poste at the corner; of country roads. They point in the right direction, nut they don't budge an inch tltentsolve3. RtIF:n:ctA'CrSa Cultan IN A I)Ax,+-»Sciutit American' Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism and Neuralgia radidally cures iu 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system 10 re markable and mysterious, Lt ratl)ovua at entre the cause of the ciissitse immediately disappears. The first dose greatly bane - fits. 7ir eetitd, Warranted at 011ielleiltl'.s st.031iipittiltle Waft writs ii;l plctaertringdroi tors, E WINGTIAM a . ,, ES, JUT.Y 481 1893. vit .Ptg4WXswaralzr hubs r;, i''ratatorial is. }'Gilt, Salaradantetter% preseriptie* tor Iui u til .azul O91ildren. It contains neither Opitn;n, lorphiao nor clt3aer Naaxcotio stx1art tree, It is :t Iz min nslc;ss titn.bstituto ger 1 aregoricp Dropa,'Sootlring Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its :guarantee is thirty .yet:.r:r' eels© by lililesttaaas off 1P aothov's. lCastoria destroys \ o nis and allays fovenisle nese. Cnsto*in. prevents voraitinw Sour Curd. snares Diarrhoea. oxidt Wind Colic, Cat ox'ln relieves .. teething troubles, wares constipation . nen flatulency. Cnastoria, assimilates the >1:'ooet, .ree;ealnten tiers eitomucti and bowels, giving healthy and natural sloop. Casa toric le the Clellelreft'e 'alraaocrz lie DIaa f2tor'a; ?�'giextal, e•, "',,+r 7'a /4L1.T t. V• ..,,, ,a'Castello. inan czeellent.riedictirro for chit. ,trap. `,iotite: n Lave ro, t attitliy,ttud nue of its wed of ect upon their cl1:1oran" ;Dt..'G, sw; O=coon, Lo;ve,t, iiiaau. '"! Cantor:a f i the hest foo children of ,,*shish I inn accrminted. lltopett.to day l.; not star c:!ataa.,Wh,.nl:unthar, ni:lcoasit!erthioreal ante: eat of their oldldrou, ; :tal:usu Can.oria ia• stc^,dof thou .riot:ugtladirr+aestrunstrw;siellaro tt'restrosin„their loved ones, ,byforeinpopium, .morphine, soothing syrup :aurl,otherhurtful Ina onta down their thrown, ah,rreby sencana °them to premature gr- "' •w�es st.. .t oun ay., Ar' Tho Co=tatas Compar7, "E'".' C `lis. to1,°ia. "Castor:a $ane well adapted to c?till ren tiraa 1 reoomteend it:essoperior toting prescription. hnGtra to 24c." n. d, entente, 1n. b„ 111: zaDauloi•a Lt., I r,rord/n, N.Y. "Our pi:y.5101am; in the c' t1 `re' 'n 41Pptart. meat have a_w;:ca I.:;;;A,r a.: t„•: r v cin.:ti 3 encu [u their a^1st :.da qr»ctie•u , .:, ,•,,;,,,;1 u, and althotuf,t r :v only hay.: Innen ; 1na:d!cr:t np1ie<, • ,'huG i n l:uutrt as rt“ products, yet•w rtnr,) free to cankss time tate merits of taste:'i a has v'nn an to loot: with savor upon it.” Y+.\'ITI A .1RO$Prr4r. 4440 Di snitntmar noston, $Sass, ALLEN C. Sidra, i'rea„ IM?ureny Street, New 1r cox* City. • • wv. Rin • liVri:C;rorii'l:et ",t`".."i�y't,.... •�4: .. J.: ;Yr• -0:.n rpt,420e:'1 _wAriS7i: i6: esvali v A Woman's Tribute. Faith Fenton of tilos Toronto Em- toilechaving been at ebbe 1{ ite City writes of it as follows: i'•eo, it is really w,ondenful,.,how still and'reposeful this White'City is; even when, as on Decoration clay nearly the entire population was "within tits walls. The!.people walks tide broad evetaue in quiet, almost reverend +adtgsiration. Sometimes, as I watched them, I think t .att.the very beauty end .purity of the placerpermeates their dncntality to the eaadlusion of all that iia •rude ands base. `They throng the Act Building. mov- in:g.paietiy among the ,paintin and statuary they stand w.iteh alrnosevtrord- t•ess admiration aruong rthe •lasautit's of eilleeraand gold, of carvingsx s Intl pattrrr of eil is and laces in the Mantifaetures Staildieg; they watch with absorbed inters the flashing .cdlumus and wheeIsr,in thelectrfuiiey fBfiiiding; ttney space tbe avenues cilia quint eclat, or watchrtcle fountains or .sit in 'family grow,psht L on the stone steeps, :listening to•eesi'.tif the fine bends l}hat •Iflay,therc atilt there in the squares. This ttiie people de by llheusenassfind tens of cfpnsands every 4eay; ,an( I lime .erOsto see an, intoxerititHd mas to witness tv,,si.•iarrci or hear slough woade. Fvon Manzi light to dusk it isahsoltrsely a happy and a safe spot feu' the most timid of .women. Everybody. is too husy ts+eung ,amid enjoying.to interest himself to at I; that etla•erxielndy do save in a ;pood- 1latur(hd env, Thu Colombian Ganrris—•tfi,e igkij force of'this •White City—are every) where, 'I:et)eir camps tire upon the ground near Igo lake shore; and ,light'• and day they,.varch cease:essly. Yet their 'most onerous duties,en,s.I' siat in atrswssiug the questione that the gates open,iu this uiorni,tg until they shut out the last visitor at mid- night. . The Sparham Case. Remptville, Jely 1t1, Mach interest is felt by residents o'f,tihis Placed u the case of Mr. W.V. Sparbam,.of Ottawa, to wham reference wits made au an Ottawadeapatcth a few days ago, as ,st sufferer delivered from kiitrey disease ,1:y the use of Dodd's kidney pills. atlr. Speehem was born and (brought up here, and is Well kuowu and 'universally popular. flis friends There l;:ad heard of his illness end his failure to ol;taie relief Prop" all the Medicines, he tried before talon", the pigs. Their won• slonfut effect in his case ,trill make the remedy more popular in tktim vicinity, for eali 9.wee.sv are fully aware of itte,good proper tie 1.. The Clreenlend what' iewer has teeth but once, atic'l that is tuber, itis born, said a New Yorker, who was formerly ri whaler. !'host teeth are milk teeth, and when the voting whole is weaned they do not fall out line u baby's milk teeth, hut disappear try absorption in the jaw, and instead of being replaced by permanent tenth. Odell of haiet<tl, or rvbalehreeei ury substitutes for tient, New "Y'otk Sian. When a roan goes abroad to ;wake his fortune, and comes back bronzek3, may we csynotude that he's earned no- thing but coppers? Asestiler Record Nadia. For nearly .forty years Dr. Fowlex'•s lE'x- tract of Wild Strawberry has been the leading and surest cure for ciaolera,,eolio, drarnccea, dysentery and all suminer•oo:n- plaints. It is a record to be proud of. Vie I.A.KR ROf14'B TO THE WORLD'S PAIR VIA PICTURESQUE MACKINAC. Avoid the Meat and dust by traveling on the Floating Palaces of the Ditrcitia ', Cleveland Steam Navigation ,.Compatny. Two new'steel:passenger steamers lave just been iluilt:for this UpperLake:rau'te,! costingi$3O0i0fle each, and are guaranteed to be the grandest, largest, :safestcrisad fastest steamers on the Lakes; •speed:20l miles per hour, running time, 'batmen' Cleveland,'To1etlo and Chicago less libeeh 50 hours. Four.;trips per week ;bot Bert Toledo, Detr•.dit„ Alpena, Mack-rnae,Potos-• key and Chicago. Daily trips hetwee st' Detroit and Cleveland; during July ennui August double daily service will'be;aloin tained, giving.atiiaylight ride across Z:ikt± Erie. Daily service between Clevelanei and Put-in-33ay. First=class statereanl accommodations and menu, and exceed -i ingly low Round ;'Drip Rates. The pala- tial equipmetst,'thd luxury of the appeiint- merits makes traviflingon these steamers) thoroughly enjoyable. Send for illus- i trated pamphlet. Address A. A.. Sehnarte, G. P. A., Detrei t,i geveland Steam Nev. Co., Detroit, Medi. When we assert that Dodds efeeneWinveseene Kidney ':lllHs wl�afa�l�,ru,n,/�!3s.^r�s�,°u+•�s's�. Cure Backach, Dropsy, Lumbago, Brijtit's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all ,other forms of Kidney troubles, we are backed v the testimony of all \who have used tl m, lr.H£YCtiRLe'TO STAY tirtsEtp. 1I3sy zil druggists or mail on ren ' t o£ rice i3a•coAtO. Dr. L, A, Smith & Co..Toronto. . Blessing to Fsrery Frouseho UOLLOWAY's PILLS AND DINT These remedies hare stoodthe test of tlfty,- ycars experience, and aro pronounced the Family not, 111 Z PILI, $ rl Purify the irleod, correct all disorders of the Liven, STobIACiI, ITII);+EYS AND Invaluable i4a11 complaints incidental to females of, ell ages. O T 7. remedye , badeowe'tnd old t ' NUTHROATS, COis the onlv UQUIS(O SOOtTnit:JIIMATIll,uLAILAit $WELLUNISANDair10:4 iT nASNo lC .JAL, llatrutaetured ends at 78, New (Acord, 14011;13, t,:dord old bj alt MoCtclna vendors tltrougiiaut the world. >~3'Purlrasers should look to the Label 00 the Boxes and Pots. If the Jul Dot 533 Oxford Street, Lotidou, they are spurious. W1NGHAM MARBLE WOR MESSRS. VANSTON 13ROF. • of Kincardine have bought the Marble I3usiness ot Air T T Watson, formerly carried on by W Parties requiring work in their line will do well by calling on them or seeing. one ot their tNri lhrohesing. You will And our prices are away down our workmanship is unsurpassed. e et the very best stock and by square dealing hope to secure a lioerar share of the publics parts IT Watson, who has been ranging the business for the past year, will represent us on thereat. .:all ant see our steel; and prices, VANS T f3NB MOCOLLS OII.,S E s TJ ARE TILE BEST Y 1V1 AO 1.A 01 (J 1AMPION GOLD MEDAL 01L OF THE DOMINI McCol3's CYLINER OIL wear twice as long as any other make' TRH !)INEST HIGH GRADE OILS ARE MANUFACTURED BY CCOLL B &COI, TORN FOR SALE EY ALL THE LEADTNC DEALERS JN THE '0 HALTED 80 BiiNK OF liAMI WINGHAIVI. E3 A - � ' Capital, $1,25(},000, Rest, Josephine Street • - Wh ham, Ont, rcsPreentd—n—_Atio. R UtsAY J. A. HIALSTED, � W. Scorn, Etount Forest, Listenner Deposits Received end Internet allowed.. Money Advanced to Fanners and Business I#icen, Oa long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security, , Sale notes bought at fair valuation, Money remitted to all i parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Icial Attention Given to Cot-, DTEtECTOICS Toad Patooron, Cnas, Ooiunxr, G3,20 R wooer, A. D. Lae (Toronto), Cashier—J. TUBS11ULI.. Seossofttuedt1. Savings ofand pardsrceirs, 10 v allowed, Special Dello/sits also received rates of interest. Drafts Dns .:rent I3ritaiu anal the i1 bought and sold 13. WIL' LS'O i1u tulip afr DICItINSOld, Solicitors. lectiug &Cm'otlnts and r'1 otea. i ZE ,g LAN D S j grunts in Canada-.. he ivdercitarate..aavlc Li E ffo6tic�t) I Pro of Canada aides. flours --From 0 a, ni, to h 31. se, !COWAN, A. E. SMI'T'H, Lumber of all kind�y JL' Anent l First-class Shi and Cedar 10a lad Cited 4i CLP.' 4'f DTII DIV. C0t71tr, Co. Timex, AUCTIO)7EEli. WOOD delivered to a.iy ISStJEit, of MARR1AG1: LICI;iVSES \1' iugh am. 1 arnr'ordcrs by mail promptly atteudo to; Coataaasrosen rX 11, C. a., 13Te. Witoxiari;n, Orr. t9oitall Via Box 125, Win l e)wa inane penning know that Ripans Tabules, now solar1 ely advertised and used. are sin favorite flirt seri lstitelr of their family doctor prepared in a racier. of a mariner and a foi'rn convenient fi, lir) •k:rrtdt:e)'linc't!, preservation and use? In the great hospitals of the metropolitan cities wlr we'atth;r eked hatter me than in their own Iuxurious homes,the ingredients of Ripans Tabules are aim tail to thou,,,anda of r'icl, and poor alike with beneficial c'fleet, They are the main dependence (,f tli eminent l,)h}' .i„ iati:s in e ages of derangements of the digestii*e organs, such as dyspepsiiz,consti sati0n bili .inti ()trier ills 4'irit)rei:ti'cl with the stomach, liver and bowels, For some years one of the )l•incipal h in New York Citi' has used a formula, differing slightly from the common one, that i as been fc Unn$tifl 1;f1ia•a ', 1`itt'<)tt;;11 COtelrnendatit,ttg of physicians its mission of healing has been so wld rapidly extemilit:r that h filially seemed desirable to prepare the prescription in lit convenient form snake it available to the whole public at a moderate price, and to announce the fact throe Yh the'>rtyc' medium for ite[Kiriti e pubiirity'—advei'tiseme:nt in the eolunms of the newspapers ()ft li land, r done,and lu v thedistant family . • intelligence ,cl, CI to Ir a )� time is not tar dl..tant ri lien every fa�mtly of tntelhgenco ;t�utll bn, s1S certtiil) to �}) cupply of Ripans Tabules as, a clock or a cooking stove. They are already tij be found on sale alines shlrl•e, and any druggist, isr or• dealer will supply there. A. box, containing siK vials, is sold for 71i cent gross package, eontrt;rrting'fourr boxes, for $; . They will be seat by nil, poen mini, to any address, wipe of rice, by ltlit) liipafs Cbetnital Company, No. I.0, Spruse Si, New' Yiptlx,