The Wingham Times, 1893-07-21, Page 7iristOwel. _.. A11 TIRES __._.., :�.__...,�.�...,�..;� Mt R. I3, 13ozvttr+ Forest ratepayers wil y, who is studyiiag mills ou the dollar this year nuallettie in Toronto, is henna on a fiery wee �'ntoiideys. Da' ictltwell attd fitrnil Q01,, are visiting y of Denver a P. [tot'ttwell, !Venin street, east.. Free.. Forster and Wife of Medicine Hat, N. W. T., are the guests of Mrs, Jas. Perrin, Iukorman argot, ltii'r. Stewart, el .Bluev,ale, fermerly a taahhor in the Listewel Kish school, spent Friday of last week in town. We uoderatancl that in the course of two months the post oflice will be Moved to the buildilag now occupied by the Bank of Hamilton. The Harriston lacrosse team came over last Saturday and defeated the junior laerosse team of this place by a score of 3 to 2. The football ,Watch, on Tuesday last, betweeu the Marlboros and the Galt club, resulted in a draw, each club scoring one goal. Melrose. Pali Wheat is eatohieg it with the rust. Messrs, J, Welwood, Reeve, and R. Marshall, were down at Stratford lately visiting the head quarters of the Hedge Fence Company and in- specting some of the mature fences. They brought hack a ver report and believe the7hed�e favorable ' 11 r. John Beattie of t0i11inton coming to be the, driving along the street the other fence and that its arrival is +Itis horse took fright at a passing bis not far distant. (,cycle, and turning surtdenly threw Mr. 'Miss Haneaah Porter is back agaiza 13eattie out, fracturieg one of his from Bay City. Miss R, Sla�¢urrie,lrom near Brussels. !!( arras was issiR, S last week at M. (es,1 •lolls T. Lee, of Clinton, wastiois'A, was ploy t tieing with a revolverflast tVednesday Mrs deka &tcICay is away to# afternoon and using + his left arm as a Manitoba ow atvisit to her parents and" Pest, The nutlet amerced the flealay other relations -and friends. + part of the arm, betithe wound is not Tho farmers ,are very busy with mer serious. hay just now,, and the fall wheat harvest! Solo,non Miller aft'iIullett, ha will be on is soon as the hay is out of thea ed away at the age of 73 year ray, was of .Trish birth and came to The peepte�arf,this seotioa were pained ads in 1828, In 1657 with his to hear of the :very sudden death of Mr',i and family he came to the taw Arthur Sinspreon, which occurred at Wing; of Bullet, barn, ou Taesdaty last. Mr. Simpson was! Miss Mal:ae, if /Tinton, whit a highly reepeeted resident of this team., driving with her twister, Mrs. Te ahip,aud his untimely death will be deeply' Was thrown out of the rig, through a' regretted by ttihe.residents of a large seotnonc runaway. Her area was broken, and of the towastarip, being in delicate ttea.ttih,ihe snocic rnrch The •regmlar ,aneeting of Culross'Star` prove too much forrjier, lodge, I. O. O.'T., was held on Tuesclep� evening last, Where was a good attend-,anee, and after,the regular business of the lodge had been transacted, an addr'�eea on the tempes'anee question was delivered by W. F. l$modkenshire, District Chiref~' Templar, of Wingham, He also gavel report of the heesinese transacted at Mee. recent meeting of •the Grand Lodge, and The contributions to the fund raised mala several aezggeatious ae to district,1 by the Countess of;Derby from etrb-' work. Mr. R. Elliott, of Winghsm, spatiecriptions by Canadian women to briefly ou the plebiscite, and urged �prkey wedding gift for Pei/mess May am necessity of mailing every effort to poll a to $8,7101, contavtw"uted as Poll targe vote on January first next, l523; British Columbia, $300• Ciina,dian Oztl,er of Foresters. A user LOBATE RATE. anew, Ir "�I00 Flow to Gec 4_ S t; A reference .to the last annual re-; Send 25 • Sunlight Soa hvra pers(w port of the (Amman of the Medical I ;per bearing the wordst'.Wl2y Does arWomai Bostrd of the Canadian Order of leor-s ILOOk Old Sooner TJawm a Map"} to Lever esters shown that •the deaths for tlrw Bros., Ltd„ 43 Scott let., Toronto, and you past year were t7t kfroz receive by post,, Peveitty pictuvv, fra out of a total l tfrom advertlsino, attrl well worth frawh g. membership of 1,6„395, a death rate of ` 'This iA an easy way teelecox ate your home.' 4.86 per thousand. And what gives the soap is the best in the maret and it' •emphasis to these figures is, the faet•; dile wrappers, ost if you 2leave�the endse op liWfat the death rate the past year is ; Write your address eterdfully. less than the averagetfor the past de-; •rade, 5.10, although the membership, A short time ago the United feta has increased from ,eq0 in 1880 to I .customs g 11eed that a frog . 6,295 in 1898. Ten years ago with not a lish,randl that y `iel;e tomato is not re. membership of 3,00e, the death rate a «ineral but a vegetable. Now, the was 4.25, This should he extremely Inter State Commence Commission satisfactory to the members of this adds to the world's stook of knowledge thriving, order, as indicating that no the decision that celery ie a grass, not soaiiety whose wembeaasliip involves a berry. life insurance can fertiiser it at so ren- ife 1 e a rate, for the better the It would be well for ,those who ac' risks and the lower the death rate the con odate parties once in a while better the security. '!'lair condition with postage stamps. The penalty s :retlects great credit upon the .chairman for saltine postage stamps without a of the Medical Board, Dr. U. lel, licence ie forty dollars. Probably this Stanley and the local exans,incra, who is not,gerteralty known and it would utast exeueisr, the greatest eaare in the be we'll to be on the lookout, as there acceptance of applications. An ins are parties mean enough tk ,go rerouted orettee of membership nearly twenty, the country trying to catch pebplr, fold in ten years with a decreasing One deyrecently Miss Lydia Dresah, Beeth rate, also indicates that the a domestic in the American Rouse. neertal fibre of the members is of the Walkerton, was dangeronely burned right quality, leading to the practice in attempting to light the fire with of regular and tenxperttte habits of cord oil. „ ohne live coals were in the life, conducive to heath and longevity. ashes, which lighted the oil, and the The Ione death rate also accounts for flames reneited the Dao it exploded, the grand proportions of the arnottnt envelopin•, her comptetly in flames. at the credit of the Endowment ]Fund, This is another to the ' long list of all safely invested --x;252,784.47 in warnuigs that the cotel cif method o S98 as against $6,052,87 in 1883, an lighting fires is, very dangerous, trcrease of $246,821.60 in ten years, A decreasing death- rate and a rapidly Returns to attorney Lewisby Huron increasing endowment fund.in County cro�Vii attorney tvffor the Addition brat six months of 1893 show only five to the numerous other advantages, in- prisoners tried at the County Judges' in- dicate that the Canadian (leder. of Criminal Court 'tiering that period' richt Foresters is a desirable one to become t I Pay 22 ' The total number of births register, ad in Ontario during 1891 was 44,754, or 3,019 of a decrease front the rate of 1890, Tie total number of marr•iagept registered itt Ontario in 1891 was 14,109, in a population of 2,1r22,716, The average rate of rnarriagt's per 1,000 wan 0.7, or 13.4 for every 1,000 persons living. As compared with 1890 there was a deur•ease of 274 ruarringes in Ontario in 1891, or as compared with 1889 there was a failing lei, Gryspe J off of 091, s, (3l ing Among the Western Ontario teachers who passed successfully tit the Ottawa formal School were the le week II fo,lowing:—M, 0. Graham, London; 429 00 ' J. (kraut, Clinton; L. Baker, Green, way;Brantford; lack, Rodney; M. Pyke, A, Robinson, Lynedocl1., S. Daires, '.'hanivesville; L. Donald, ureal, the 1St. Marys; M. Mogan, Ilidgetown• S A, M +'wen, Henaall; I, McFarlane,' Clinton; M., McLane, Glencoe; A. E. Cameral, Vanneok; B. 0. Orthene„ London; A. M. Munro, West Lorne; J. T. Dodds, Seaforth; R, el. McCurdy, Statf-.rdvtlle• T. D. Henderson taide; A. J. Lang€ord Ade- , Granton; J•�, Hamit. i ulaugleter, ',nest, and M. Lange, fication i L+angf�ord. he four' One of the attractions at the Fourth e at the of July celebration at Port Huron evas a prize of $50 to any couple she would while be rnerried publicly on the race ,trraclt there. A man and woman, whe:gave day their,atamee as Thos. Barr and .,lane Seymour, of Onatliaui, appeared a`iowi n the Iirize, and the ceremony was ;per- I formed by Justice Robertson, 1 kissed the bride at the close. eft has transpired that the parties have been Interried some trate and live at ;ge.rnia, the man being a recon-la,atid 'dealer there, and have, emelt-en of tt L Grand Lodge T, O. O. r. meets at Niegera Falls on Wednesday, August 9th.. The World's Fele is to be closed ou Sunday, and will. open no more on the firs: day of the week, A new 100 miles bieyole record, 4 hours, 43 rimier, 58 seconds, is re- ported from England, The counties of Winona! and Bauaventure, Que., are from drought. The 0, P. Be tr'afiic for tl ottdittgJuly 14 amounted to 0; same week last year, 8421,000. Affront $20,000 worth of Canadian reslsberries will be exported to the sterns this season from t11on finer earload going forward next tach• The Seaforth commit harp adopted the Automatic Telephone •system of :los alarm; they also passed the second reading of the bylaw for s+ingigg the curfew bell, Postmaster A.datu Brown,of tion, has received official not, of kris appointment as cite of t ,pages for the British IEmpir Columbine Exposition. ON NJOYS ,loth the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasunt and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet prolnptlyorallie Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation, Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro: el:iced, pleasing to the taste and ac. ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, preparedaanly from the most healthy and agreeable substan cos, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular relnedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in Tile bottles by alti leading druggists. Any reliable druggist n ho may not have it on ,eland will proeure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it, Mamanfaotured only by the, CALIF01�lit i FIG SYRUP CO., 11he Port Huron I rets own. SAN :PANCtSCO, CAL. GUlatlli;t.;E„jKY. NEW YORK -ALS peep a are wonder•- !'Illy worked up over the fraud,ltratetic- ! _Brussels. p e:tn. Brit tn'tey wil,l,in i] ylr. J. G. P,a r er 1. 1-5 U 69 Owing to the action of the United MI% LOOkinu., of Clifford, b I States Government in vale:ell:nig pen. aged 70,fell down ou fq11141,dinvot 1 a bollt 40 person'. in Hamilton. him , eion$ to persons living in Oenttela, i Axton on Thniaday tine ano itt . :. one in every '41 residents is in IrlelmiNel” ithi jeftetneolluelpotei,ved of their income from Ili Toronter eceoedinef to the I; Timothy Pepper, n farmer living I of Peldie aid, r, youth had accidentally broken off. near Hensel', bee been hoed $20 mei i Amore of wages amounting to #1 costs for brutally beating his soe with 000 were paid to the employeee' la tooth from au iroe reke which the ist; (.10'e. faetory et Wooestoek, 1 --or-- LANDS FOR TAXES.: (arterio 'BY VIRTUE of a warrant issued by the Mayor, under tlze'' Town of Wingham, ) Corporate Seal of the. Town of Win barn, to nee directed, hearing. To wit: ) date the Twenty-third dayof i upoia nand sell the lands mentioned in the following J nee, 7arrears of taxes d e to lav I hereby give notice that unless such arrears and ll costs 2are soonerpaid, Ishalltproceed to sell said lands or so much thereof as may be necessary for the payment of the taxes lacaltoosts thereon, at the Council Chamber, in the said Town of Wzngrham, on TUESDAY, the Third Day of October, 1893, At the hour of TWO O'CLOCK in the afternoon ; 'No Street. Survey. 23 Boland S Leet & Davis �iT'•art 1 Josephine W Foley's 1 21 McIntosh N 1'. fisher's 22 ofLand.an 1-5 acre Taxes, Costs. Total,. 3 26 X1 72 47 67 $ 0 50 1 75 354 011 1'' 11302 435 1597 23 ,t 1.5 60 10 fi0 36 Scott S C, T. Scott's 1-5 S 00 2 00 10 60 37 ., 1.5 11 7 3 4 25 15 97 3 ° ,t 15 f; 00 2 00 8 00 4 Victoria S E. Bower's feet G 00 $ 60 5 4 tib 2 4Q 381-5 Francis W Leet & McKay's 2 5feet 4 80 'L 40 7 p N half 92 Carlin; E Leet it Davis' 1.10 20 07 5 10 21 17 9 John`N „ 15 1 42 1 75 317 10 t< 000 200 860 2 80 9 49' e„ to on th !,�t4bat.ijit a Popper attending ,the ,, ri ' to Can. i (eweeenoaent „has ape, A• ilk., at "Ottawa this week, - b wife ,pointed Mr. J. J. Kelso, of.thr; Globe i Two hay •pr.,eses started *ork in nshita ; steta to the new office of superintendent Brussels this week f Messrs,G s pace s, isle . ]` y have to grin and beets t. meeting of the Greed Lodge A F. se She Ontario neglected ane, dependent children.' e 01' pres ra- of seg p ,. hater d: V'amt�ouN, They The new law u er +r1ueh th Y preen about e out ,l works provides for elm protection of I tons are stored here tor haling. tad e officer 20 tons per day, Upwards or .SO diced, + .children from cruelty•alae rob b Dr (x JOHN DICKSON, Treasurer: '" Treasurer's Office, Win ;barn, June 23rd, 1893. empreommomworairgagamom IHARNEss AND GOLL2 'r Having bought out tbo Ambler Harness Business and started i s 1 am prepared to furnish the public with everything usually kept in in shop 'such as HEAVY, LIGHT and TIIACK IIA.RNESS, NETS, DUSTERS, WHIPS, CURIA' COMBS, BRUSB.ES, SWEAT DOLLARS, TRUNKS; VALISES and TRAVELLING BAGS, &a., sec I make all my own Collars and guarantee satisfaction. Give:me a trial and I wilt incyyou right. During a thuuderstorm on Saturday morning the barnelf Mr. Parson, of Harlock toWnshi�p,o,f Hullet, was struck by lightning and Warned to the ground, together .with sheik and fanning plements. Insured in the Mcleillo{1 Mutual. .; ,p t ,tion 'ibaon, a recent gr•+rtlnrite . of tehild 1 nsurance; the ere•vering of Queen's LTi university, was in B.wassel parental relationstiiplavllere,such step i Iasi weak entl purposes locating •here is.neeessary in the•beat interest of the, or, ribs place, ;teas 1 i4lr, ,Tas.rStinw, •ohild; the placing emit of •di iendent ! been appointed General Agent of the children in foster houses instead of + Oonfederaauinn Lite Ass ,cation far the oriphauages ; the appointment of : County of Duron. •ebildren'a visiting eonuaittees,in every + Thos. Query }azul rf,ingtiters, of electoral district in the pras'i,eoe; the . Brussels*.•mere attending. the weedding, organisation of children aid -societies; 1 of a relative. at :Yu,, t.t,.,•li hast •woeJt. the granting of cansta uJary powers 1 \Irbile gai"W to rh,. ,ler•ot ter tithe the to officers of child•renee shelters; the 1 train tlrr ,carni „t+rtcln"t JO rhe .. s,riarate trial and confinement of youth- I away:mei r i,re,v ,;,•• „patvat ori �, i ran awn ful ofienders aguifst 'preyier:eel laws.I Mr. Curry shad hie, left lee iejrat•,ed,b 'ower as g ! „iven the trrtw !receiving a +l,ad sl.r„i,,. The ,a .idnnE the i adopt the uurfeve law. ,paLtlea to was oceas�iearrtrl bye 'VI•iifll••tree i,meak- ount8I ,The Presbytery ,(1f f?letrow Mild art:-' in;; acrd letA�”" the ',u.gue of the rig ass.: ,I+ 1�i d. et • McDonald wee apfloira�teteneoder- I ltl le �' a .—.� FAl1 i anular meeting rte Blyth,ou .the ill inst. i to the grew i i1. • Ontario$1,276;Qwebec $862; Mani cotia,$400; Nortel -West, $180,Pr gati.ans of I,seberee and l- niusstCttnl•ci. scientific e,c,Fx,ritur'nts and has access Edward Island, '6110; and Br „ ,• - a or for the etartang sex oaenths. A II WIer. Noir IVOUCIX Fox TEE r1ara,2+II mace ,�,te l was sustained from the elontere- j D1' IT —Ally reader who is fond of N•esv ( oderi.11 townselijd, in favor of Rev, i to a he. hi "e suaj test >, pieces of I eturdock McKay, probationer. Mr.! formation g9men by a writer in 1)he :L 1t.ay having nceepted ale call his ( Scientific Mr• .,ziim, l -le asserts while iad•ection was appointed to octiee,place I any ops harletlM ibis breath he is proof a,ruox Church faode I s 'ainsr tl, ,. tide, on .Aug. 1. g 'e Forme,,., of u 17 _that the et cep. nt. Tier e:tanclt:i;; coaaaa23ittues I bee stay i e aiiehl bl• rhe leiea, acrd f'.:r +the year were stupoiutexi, +mf .which atonal' it snag tory Ti, :, ii,' it will never the ,totlowing are the conveners' succeed rittiil the l,re,rrh i, repelled., when it will ,aeconil,l,ta its purpose; with speed and ewe e,1 r i' ; J,lort,e missions. Jt r. Martou; state of of i relittion, Mr. Acitaison, teuapera2nee, J. A..Hamilten; itis,+berth school, /II. 0. Iite.udersou; Sal,batlr ot+servanee 11 tes, is DY c-nmCT.TTO , lieotirrsott; tinauaier, Mr. tlusg 1 r,>rTAIcrrs • y„ alli,:atendent , 1 soa ti> nIs marts' I;' Ta l It if st:udrnts, 14$r. C QIIEFSIQ in: f connected with. one for false pretence. Four ween committed out of the five, The tbre.0 Hon, Thos Greet:await, prernier of for laroenp were all sent to the Central iV enitoha, spent few days last week in Prison, n, file one for false pretence* ,. t .r. � p e �kktefi tet the !Mercer ii4fortisatot'y. tot entbazzlement,three for larceny and .,_._ , wM Ftete•her; systematic beietiei:tri , J. A. Anderson; Cht•Istnica Eudeavnr, ter. McDonald. Rev. Messrs McRaae, of Cranbreok, Thompson, of Hamilton, and Taytiior, of Blyth, being present, were itiv+ited to sit as correspondi.:g members o o O e o! Q NJ if you No one need be afraid of the extreme' see eseeees of visiting the World's I+'air. '!'hat Chicago :caterers for the public corn- your fort were .prt•pared to charge enormous}� !�L prises is certain, but today living; ist as cheap in Chicago as in any city on the continent, if one knows how to do, it, and doesn't take lona; to learn Room accommodation is much in ex-. cess of the demand, and in hundreds- of first- class hotels, within oast' walk- in„ distanee of the fair, clean and eontforttable rooms can be had for a dollar a day, or lees if shared by two or more .persons. Livid; on the t Lure poen plan, one can have exceliettt steals for 50 cants each in anaequily wide range outside the grounds. '191e teataurants within the walls are high priced but not excessive when every, thing is taken into consideration, The Ontario commission has among its other departments, a bureau of infor- enation, the details of which are at, tended to by Adam Armstrong, for- merly of 'Toronto, who feat been Ooni. tniesioner Awrey's right hated man ever since the work here began, Mr. Arrnstroeg has an intimate knowledge and can locate any number of visitors with goaidcluarters at the shortestnotiae, Linen to White as Snow, Wight Soap win do hy, 'Because SUNLIGET $OAP 1s perfectly pure, and contains no Injuri- ous OItoxnicals to injure dither your clothes or ,your hands. Greatest erre i etanssta,cture, g ndni is Lytlepuis blic that it Iia, the Largest Salo of any salvia the World. How Can you test this? Ti you have never tried SUNLIGHT SOAP, ask Chase who use it what theythilik of it,then try afar yourself. The re- sult will please you and your clothes will be avnsbed in far Iess time, with Zone Labour, Greater Comfort, and will be whiter than they Lave ever been before, when you used ordinary soap. Is That not tate beet way to de- eldetlie matter 7 Mat by enquiring What tine experience is of those who nallbyy it yfair trial yourself, Xou are not to it a tthe soap; allWwe ask is: Don't Delay, try it the next Washing day, 606666* TWELVE SPECIAL REDUCTIONS. 10 to 20 per Cent. re- duction on all SUMMER PRINTS. Thr, balance of our stock of Steamer DRESS GOODS ,,wry below cost. A LADY'S FINE DON COLA KIP S HOE, rednoed from $1,75 to 81.25. FANCY I.A,EASOLS at actual COST PRIDE. SHOT SURAt-i and FANCY SPOT SILKS for Blousing and Trim- tnings at greatly re - ducal paces, Pure Linen TOWELS reduced to Se. each, Pure Table Linens from 20c., upward. Black and Colored (3 -LOVES in Lisle. Taffeta and Silk at a reduction of 20 PER CENT. Iwn RIBBONS and LACES at lower prices than any other place in town. An sizes in Mr'ir's and Bove' Faney SUM el Er SHlii,i'S at met and less. Tweed end Worsted, Suitingwe and Priming a, 200 Hats for ellen acid Boys, No r ave el ()slips rand ck.e - in mode to order at 15 to alike. .netts will be cleared 20 per cent. lesa than From 40e„ up wards worth trate $2 out et less time cost, any other house in e . $U, roll half f previous to stock -talc - town. y is f ing. actual COAL (,Flip M. RSO WATCHMAKER AND s 1 have just received a full supply of Christmas goads, cousistlug °f WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE and Jewellery of all kinds and latest designs. , BIG BARGAINS From Now Till Christmas. All goads bought f:,r cash and We can :sell ai cheep at the cheapest and cheaper, ire ittil'xirig 1<'iomiitiy bone and $tttisfitetitln Guaranteed rr. 'Give mea dill M. PAYiT +rRSON.