The Wingham Times, 1893-07-14, Page 8MoINDOO
I try the shale get well a la tho poor get rich,
loyelones and frosts
s week we will offer some of the i known. A. huodred t
• valuea in Dress Goods. Best quality I
' ars oer acre is made
iwith irrigation. Th
ied French. Dress Goods, worth $1.2a I Water Exchange of
De. 20 pieces of ane Wool Dress 1large quantities
st in. all the leading colors, worth 50e. which then plant, ct
ten years, paying yo
rek This month we are one of the
tandeaurest baagain spots in the town.
teay iahig iots and sell at prices that
ir you. We hendle nothing but the
class of goods.
aas.—Our Black and colored silk is
I. known to be the largest and finest
ik in the town. Seemingly one half: ef
iglaana'a ladies bought silk bore this
4 and we want the other half to come
aaalk for Dress Silk or Novelty Silks
/Trimming Silks.
'teitier..—White Vests, Fancy Vests,
'ling Suits, Outing Shirts, Outing Shoes,
'SO IlatS, Airy Coats, Serge Suits, Light
eaawcar, Straw Hats, and everything
, inert in the hot days of June.
iso.. -20 dozen children hose at 504
$zen Gentn' Ties at 10c., at
WO on five acres
the profit, they kee
care and oultivatio
land away with e
they ask yon to ao
tion which can be
each month. T
'lamest of 00 perso
from e25 to 13500
President Halal
good things of Ca
Exchange, of Da
ticket to view
hundred dollars
0120 be poor whei
open and you
work to get the
to leave home.
get full partial'
The Canactl
This new and
periodical well
the high &am
first, It aims
instructive and
are practically un -
three hundred. dell -
a% year on fruits
CeliforniiaLand aria
Dayton, 0., control
land in. California,
&ate, pay taxes for
140 per acre on one
h year as your part of
'ng the balance for the
%hey give an acre of
oh 4 certificates. All
is to pay for the irriga-
done in small payments
y will send you the
s who last year received
n one year's investment.
on says: Half of the
fornia Land and Water
ton, 0., give a freereturn
he property end two
year. Why should any
such a chance remains
do not have and labor or
refits and do not have
Write them to -day and
toffered are generous. An enterteinment
will be given in the Owe hell in the eveto
ing. Admission to park, free. The
committees are ell t work, and it is ex -
posted the deaumatrat co will exceed the
'sardine Reporter,
Magazine for July.
most creditable Canadian.
intains in its July isssue
ter it has held from the
o secure interesting, and
imely articles of national
interest rather t immaterial which. appeals
merely to the 1 ers of artistic excellense,
and it succeed in a way gratifying to all
who have a patr otic regard for the country.
A popular scien article of great interest
f Lake Ontario," in which
f McMaster University,
t drainage ofLakes Huron,
io, then river valleys,
son River to the Atlantic.
article, "Our Forests in
11 -written, interesting and
or systematic conserve.
-tick; on "The Greatest
Ms, while it
rama of each man's life.
by. long ton
ship freights
defended the claim of.the
is "The 13irth
isle publish in auot
an account of the
township of Bovi
ers and. sisters am
in that tosynshi
engaged in the
rofitable. Any
tion on '4tifter m
t his grocery.
a- civilizing
is to be sure. .11
e citizens of our
re:date more and
er column of this
lairying carried on
a,Nesv York state.
s town, has several
two daughters re -
His brothers are
sarying, and find it
ne wishing any in-
king as cerried
a call on Mr. Gra-
Erie and Ont
through the Hu.
Danger," is a w
powerful appeal
tion. Attorney -
a thoughtful
Drama," the
minority in the
machine the lawn before the Supre
town are growing cio, eIsrns in the
Seat aft.
Mr. W. Prender ast, Mathematical
Master of the Collo,. late Institute, and
Catholic; church be e, on the llth iust.,
by Rev. Father Ke nody.
Booming t Trade.
12—Hay shippers
plaints about what
rt•ports' which are
ie high prices ob-
ngland anti France.
y .say, are very mis-
ppers and farmers.
he reports and comes
that their hay is
up their prices in
consequence:. The effect has been
that hay which would have brought
ing heggIng at 812 75, the local
market being overstocked. A. cable
from Havre a 'ew days eago quoted hey
at 125 francs, or about $26.50 per
ton, and an ther frum Newcastle
quoted 95 s •Ilings for hay, if fine.
Hay costing 14 per ton in Montreal
cannot be 1 d down an a British
market unde one hundred shillings,
so there does mt seem to be much
profit in eith r Havre or Newcastle.
Another lette from a London firm of
hay dealers q otes 120 shillings as an
outside price 'or some hay they were
negotiating f r and the higheet pries
known to ha% e beer) realized in Eng,
land for Oen dien hay this season is
130 shillings These are pure state-
ments of fact , and go to show that
the bootn rts above referred to are
misleading a a refer to retail prices.
Shippers a so point out thst hay is
bought here y the short ton of 2,000
s sold on the other side
f 2,240 Th; steam -
are also very high, aver-
er 40 shillings, so that it
much calculatien to find
ay should bring on the
leo out. The shippers do
t they are not making
NI that the profits are
Montreal, July
are loud in the co
they call boom
circulated about
tabled for hay in
These reports,
leading to the sh
The latter reads
to the conclusim
wanted amct put
experience. "Tne
an illustrated artic
Montreal, is a mo
staking contributio
f Wingham far t thor
novel in informati
eulars. The im- "At the M
I . another illustrates[ a
on, would itnot
on to have the
istles, etc., cut
see to it that
eeds on their
daces as pro-
vement be the
Manitoba School question
e Court, enters a power -
ranee of isms, in his arti-
Schools." Rev. Prof. We
ore the improve- Clark's "Fiingsle 's Water BAbierr"' is• trit-
well kept plot o grass is to a resi- ten in the charmi' g style of that p:in6e-of
"Beit ever soh! mble," a home is Canadian literati se. Public School In -
improved by th attention given to specter Hughes, of' Toronto, in "Humor in
all details, • Abixt filo first thing the School Room, tells of many humorous
to a town will n. ice and comment incidents, mostly t$pparently of Canadian
the shade trees, awns and general : attle of Stony Creek,"
lliness that suer. nds its,. luau5es. e by E. B. Biggar, of
dnot follow the ;ine+ #:pimple t valuable and pain-
hing, but in sha a ti �kure and to Canadian history,
g, as well as in .generar ldil�oss, full of rnteres ghout, and much of it
n towns the size . n and treatment. Mr.
it in these ]Sari Tipton's A ruth of the Grand," is
tan only.b at inecl by mdi� d title, and treats artis-
t on the alartof :� householders tidall
y of the Grand Iver of Ontario as it
cussing this ques on appears at and befor its sluggish entrance
for the corpora into Lake Erie. "Ti Automatic Maid -of -
Weeds, Canadian
public streets, als
parties cut the
or take the cense
law. Let impr
'the day.•.
All -Work," by Mrs.
Ottawa, is very
Florence Ashton Fle
her powerful story,
well maintains the in
Altogether the numb
will no doubt meet w
Mien. The Canadian
ing Co., Ltd., Toronto
per annum.
Choice N
condition to supply
with new teas, at job
the time to seeure vo
of Thema,s K. Les
aoa of intense su
f age. The dee
as the ;laughter
Oak 'Mita day
Canada with
te County of Sime
ie was mulled
Lawrence. TI
minty in 1859 a
en the first cm
ott twenty-three
the death of a
n, Mr. Duncan
t week's Lis -
evening Mar.
ranee, Elm DJ,
oring, received
days of being
ased, Martha
of John Camp -
d, where she St. He
July, 1814. Rev. Mr. Andersou a
er parents in intend leaving next
e, living near months trip to the el
the following Jennie Todd Etc:compel:1i
e family came Arrangements sae be
d have lived on fng a public hall in the
years- Two of good committee, wbo ar
aging now o
'does not tak
about what
other side to
not large.
1,100 pounds do. Sol
common stook not
Sheep and lambs
one load cholee gee
wethers sold to $4.
very weak.
Hogs—Sig cars
graesee, 10o to 25o
lot of pigs and choi
heavy hogs, 86,50
aud stags, 85,50 do
eh demand.
Five ours on sale;
1 fat ewes and
n sale ; mostly
higher ; selected
'Yorkers, $6.70
Liverpool, July 10.—The cattle
naarket was very we k toectay. While
prices do not silo v any change the
general tone of the arket is easier,
5id. being the yer outside figure.
The receipts of Ame loan and Cana-
dian cattle are heavy and half fatted
home cattle eontinu to come in very
freely. Following a the range of
prices :
1893. SPRING
Are now opening up the finest
display of
Fittest steers . 11 to 00 in all the different departments of
Good to choice 10i to 00
Poor to medium ...... . 9 to 00. their large trade that they have ever
8* been able to place beforethe public.
Inferior to bulls
Torouto, July 12—Tr e at the Westeru
(tattle market was even worse, so far as
prices were coucerned, t an it has been
,s et. 'The only animals owing any real
yalue were calves, eve ything else was
dead. There would hay been hardly any
trade in exporters at all nly for about a
dozen =loads being ta n to fill space
contracted for on shipbo rd Moutreal.
There were 17 oedema stuff came in
Tuesday, 6 on Sunday, a d there were 22
carloads of stuff on th market beside,
which had been held ov from last Friday.
Tuesday there were 307 sheep and hunbs
and 173 hogs, with ab ut 60 calves. A
good deal of stuff was h d over for next
market day. Some de• lers aave ceased
buying altogether.
Butchers' choice, per lb No to 4ac; Butch-
ers, medium to good, pe lb., 3 1-2c to 2ao ;
Bulls and rough cows, p r lb, 21c to no.
Hogs—Good straight t, per cwt, *6.40
to 6.50 ; Stores and ligh -fat, per ewt, 6 to
Sbeep—Butchers' sho , per head, a4 to
4.25 ; Spring lambs, per read 3.50 to 4.
The hot weather i
looking for cooler el
have everything yor;
we aro showing a bit
weights and priced
stoea is complete.
line of printed Trial ,
this store) and wide '
in dresses and Weirs
10 cents a yard, are
be beaten. We hay
want to get rid of.
For You men, we 1
negligee shirts in dif
ials underwear in al
weigbt natur
usual, fresh and wel
is hard to get not
Don't forget that th
where you Call get a
Shop early and SO
This store closes at
The Oongr
last,6th July,
made by the
with the chu
number of th
cream was p
very nice, enj
well as a nice
churela dept 1)
gregation, th
M. L. Campbell, of the lack of re,
musing, and Miss is now under
cher's conclusion of Clarke whom
rest of the first part. last and in lo
ter, things is '
gregation is sl
after another
that the servic
aation of Christ Ohnrch
ld a bazar on Thursday
to dispose of the articles
adies" Aid in connectiee
b. High tea -was pro -
to 7, of which a good
citizens partook.
s and -cream and lee
yable time was spent as
little snin towards the
ing realized. This eon-
igh sadly hindered by
ular Serviein in the past
he charge of Mr. E 0.
he Bishop appointed to
the parish in January
ring and hoping for het -
he future. The Oon-
wly increasing, as one
becoming convince
s are now permanently
is a strong one, and
h a wide appreci-
Magazine Publish -
Subscription a2.50
w Tetra.
McIntyre are inat
mines or societse
erg prices. Now is
eek on a three
country. Miss
s them.
ng made for erect -
village during the
in the hands of a
receiving Isaiah
sapholl, of Wh glmn, and Prof. section. Already over 100 has been sube
a the High School, Galt. Mrs. scribed.
haw long been a member of
ist chorea having been convert- Gigantic Dem
e of nineteen at services he'd in This very expressive
house and joined the Wesleyan on posters issued by Co
title hag be n for many years dian Order of Forest
nt of the Media., stratioo District No. 1,
ma received much ! their annual gatbert
in the services. Wedliesday,2nd Angus
r death she was ! will be run from Galt,
pressed. much joy Godeeleh, Wiarton an
urea hope for the intervening, points.
caring and kindly ; The stearner Monare
much toiler family has been seeurea te run excursious duriug such as
: the day, Signor De Alva oma family
id an attend
before It
hue and
in bet'
Pe was a
arel he
tO the
eading announces
rt Lakeview,Canit-
rs, that Damon -
0. 0. Fe will hold
g in Kincardine on
. Excursion trams
Stratford, Loudon,
Southampton and
magnificent pro.
s been arranged.
of the Beatty line
Nov. 28th.
preside. The
the same town
before Justice
The Oonne
just passed a I
person who h
going out on ti
otherwise ann
the highway, s
fine net exceed
imprisoned for
providing that
ing the dog ha
ow net by a ju
ilrt will be held at
ustice 'Meredith will
all Assizes begin in
cut Legislature has
that provides any
s a dog in the habit of
y those lawfully using
all be subjected to a
ng seven dollars, or be
ot more than ten days
weitten notice regard -
been given to the
tice of the peace.
Cheese Ma ets.
Little Falls, July 10. Cheese sales to.
day were 1,436 boxes t 8 cents, 66 boxes
at 8 1-8 cents, 3,014 bo es at 8a mute,
3,420 boxes at f3a cents,4 2 boxes at private
terms, 440 boxes on Qom iasion: 660 boxes
at 8 to 81 Gouts ; 110 pa kages of creamery
butter at 19fr to '20 cei ts ; 23 packages
dairy butter at 18 to 20 .ents.
Utica, N. Y., July 10. Cheese sales, 500
13(mes at 8 cents, 424 bo es at si cents, 280
boxes at 8 3-8 cents, 3 800 'boxes at 8a
mita, 2,200 boxes at 8,5 8 cents, 818 boxes
at 81 cents, 1,294 boxe. on commission;
107 packages of creel ry butter at 20
to 20a cents. The mar et is strong and
Come and see the beautiful
in all the latest tints and textures that
the European and American markets
offer the Canadian trade.
We offer great attractions in every
All goods marked in plain figures
and at cut prices.
The Anchor House.
Tun BliAlt, June 22, :
Has decided to ageit
.idtrartle making bush
' Edward street, near
Satisfaction guar::
Issued by PRAlut P
Live tech markets.
—Six care on sale ; light butchere0
RI:STOOL—In East awanosh. on the
a 011.
DEACON -1n Bast 1 awanosh, on the 7th
inst, the wife of r Henry Deacon ;
inst., the wife of Mr Williatn McBride ;
KENNEDY.—In C nton, on July 10th,
ANDERSON —HAR At the Congrega-
tional Parsonage, Ingham, on Thursday,
June 200, by Re W. H. Watson, James
Anderson, to Mar Isabella Hardy, both of
D.RE SS .GOODS,...eze.
of the bride's fat er, Barrie, by tbe Rev.
Dr. Parker, on tl e 28th June, Mr. Freak
lacksou, of Barei , (second sou of Mr. John
jackson, Clinton, to Miss Lila Stephens.
bride's parents,
William Young,
beccit Kerr, of W
At the residence of the
est Wawanosh, on June
enderson, Mr. 'Alexander
Colborne, to Miss Re -
at Wavrattesh.
Iithe 8th inst., Ch ries Albert 13eekett,
eon of Mr. and vs. James Beckett, aged 8
on the Othinstant, Esther May, daeghter
of John and Margaret Johnston, aged 3
years and 8 months.
Having bought out the Ambler Harness Business and started in bia old stand,
am prepared to furnish the point,: with everything usually lept in a, harness shop
o Ode age of vapt
%toady be pleating
ye, ;easily taken,
and healthy in
Posacesing these
s tIM one perfect
"neetic known,
the tight rope, slack vvire,
etc., Wive been engaged. High Chief
Ranger 13ritton, of Gananoque,will deliver
an edam% and en behalf of the town
Mayor Darker will welcome the hosts of
viSitnrs. ie expected that a, crowd of
five or 812r thousand strangers will be
present. The sports 'wilt include teeny
new Ana startlieg fea,tures, and the prizes
I make ell my own Cellars and guaraatee satisfaction,
Give:M(3 a trial and I will use you right.
Itespeetiully yours,
The Best in the Worl d,
For the following reasons :
of soda water for 5
of fat sheep to W nn
—A, meeting of
luau; .0.0fd
et reed'
iltari here, is arab)
1.111:111Ill OW, while
" holidays.
cokattet the
morning reael...eveni
--A.merican man.
ten per cerit,
—Mr. George Hu;
lo,st for Liverpool, a
delivered to the W
petal by farmers in
bulk of tbe bark roc
Chaska and other
—Ladies, have ,
Miss AL Jot-Ingo:a
the Queen's Hotel
work, always first.
—Methodist Chu
nexaSunday. Morn
tian. Work." Banal
in its beariog on 51
:arid disasters that
.1.1t—It le built entirely of the best malleable iron and steel. 2nd—lt requires
no holes te be an cutter bar. 3rd—It baS no rod, at the back te hold
obstructions and muse choking. 4th—The outside di., titisr can be raieed
of lifters. 5t1 It has no springs to
get out of ,o ic1;4.-Ea f if a guara Aft !p.nd breaking mower
0 ettayable etip,,, and 01411 be set in lino with
tongop of mach drags back, littOr iS independent
of the other and'itten Irtatteed lowtered in front, shduld mower guards be
411—The number ef rnaehines sold duriug the last season, en..
bar of leading fanners oe. Ontario to testify to its merits,
ables lar
Eve hie is *arranted Iola given on test. CalI and see sample
the year,
—The second
published hy the
handiword., and sl
the many lines of
sold by that firm.
able institution,
ago, than gr
Got Srour Bible,
and you will se
gen vith a tent e[
hearts interean ti