HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-07-14, Page 7„ THE WINGHAIVI TIMES, 'A:1)SO, ofRiggs, Aspsreetis tops are nice in an ',Me- lee. Eggs fried without ham ere hest done 114 a little fine olive die Toset epreed with plate de fore gras and covered with seranibled eggs is a fine gun dish, A squeeze of kerma. improves the scrambled eggs. It sliould be added while they are cooking. Cold fried egge can be used for salad or revainpea by dipping them in fritter better and frying. A tew drops of vinegar in the water for peashee eggs make thew set pro perly and keep the white from spreads ing, Stewed iotnetoess grated cheese and •a uouple of chopped up fined sausage iaa loe ettace to 'serve with fried eggs. .1.?resh eggs taloa from the shell and boiled hi half a mut of Sweet milk sea salmi. with s tit p•.pper, nuke a delicious hrettlifaet dish They should only euek tWo iiiwutis ILk UttiOQilIflg cream Tao Tooke Case. 3:0111W.I BAY, N. S., Itily 10. Mr. Samuel Locke, whose wonderful diseovery of a rich gold mute of pure health was mentioned in a despatch from here Wit week, has been doing good missionary work atnoug the sick au I militated of tii.e He has found inaaty also* of kidtiey tram. late, diab'&3,,ste&3,, and ihts alw om tys ro. mended Do•I Ll's kidney pills, which worked each a, grand cure la Lite owe C.L40. Tiie virtues of this remedy are becomitig widely known in this seotion and it has grown very popular. Mr. Lock6 Morn:led your corresponcleut that he was coustautly re- ceiving inquiries ouuoeruiag hut illness and the beneficial results of his we of Dodd's kidney pills. Ws itivariable reply is, that the pills are everything that is good. Enquiry shows that he inercliants find it difficult to keep a supply of the pills in stock, so great is the demand for theta. Always Dress torook Well. at Homo. Mrs. Glegg,'e habits of eeotiotny, in making a, eller!) distinction between the seem and seriular in reserving her best frstit for Sundays is oue that has many followers, even to the puha of getting the gientest satisffietion tfl the thoughts of the surprise that will be created after one s demise sty fitid- ing how much more beautiful were the laces found in the righthand drerwer (Aber wardrobe than auy she hats ever worn. The familiar 5.1re (3.1e41,6x in to »n.itty boisees is not counted as worthy of the honor • of even the fourth -rate decoration To Ise sure the Mrs. Gleggs of the present time have citanged the kind of froirt warn in the hours when society is supposed to stay at home. Hair has eiven place to paper, the unfurled looks being reserved for the outside. Eternal Vigilance Is the price of health. But with all our precaution there are enemies always lurk- ing about our systems, only waiting a, favorable opportuuity to assert themselves. Impurities hi the blood may be hidden for years or even for generations and sud- denly break forth, undermining health and hastening death. For all diseases Arising from initnire blood Elood's Sarsapa- rilla, is tile unequalled and utiapproached remedy. It is ION; of them all for it conquers disease. Mr. N. ankh), of Port Hope, who has retired from business in which he was anal tally sileoes-sful, writes Printer'e ink has been a etteeig factor with us, a powerful help in the fight. We have immense fatth in a reecleole, truthfai anti fregrinitly teem:eel ed- 'vertisement, put in a preiniaeut po- eitioe, in a good newpaper. In our opinion there is no other rondo of ad- vertising equal to it. There is no Money invested by the merchant that produces aad reproduces such golden results and nu permanent suecese can he achieved without it. For Over Fifty Years AN co sue Wett-Truen Rinotor.—Mrs. Win. low's Stealing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while toething, with perfect success. It soothes the child softens the gums, alive all pain, cures wind colic., and is the best remedy tor Diarrhcea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists in e% cry part of the Worlo. Twentv•iiro cents a nettle. Its value is incalculable. De sure and ask for Mrs. Winalow'S Seething Syrup, and take no other kind. List Setardey night about 10,30 Cullis' Bros saw -mill at Auburn was diseovered to be on fire, and it WaS totally deeroyed, together with ma, chinery and the whole amnion's -etoelt of beadine„ etsven, lumber, etc/ , etc, There was a small insurance on the building and Machinery, Loss be- tweeti and 8,000. The fire is supposed to have originated in the engine teem. Itebecett 'Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley Ind,. says: "I had been in a distresse, eorlition, for three yenrs from Nervoud nese, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health Was gene, 1 had beets doetorialg constantly without relief, 1 bought due bottle of South a.m. Olean Nervinn, 1,ich done Me more gooa than any 00w t ill of doetorieg X ever did in my life, 1 wield advise every weakly person taws tbiw valuable and lovely rem- edy.” bot -le will oonvinee you. Warranted at Chisholm's drug store. The Color end Q.11,ality or4gge. Food has a great itilluen i on he quality of eggs. Corn has t -fleet when fed liberally of causing the ileum to produce eggs with rich looking, (lark yelleiv yolke, While wheat fed ineteed of cora will yield eggs of a pale yeiLi w, The public) imagine the dark s tallow yolk eggs Are the isiehttat. They are not; the pale yolk eggs, if made so from a good, eosins) wheat diet, is triw .riellfiet, says the Baltimore Sun, en- therity for the following, Green food in the spring prodacee the dark yellow yolk. While food has considerable influence no the yolk of the egg it has little or none whatever on the color of the Shen. There are ct:ittrttlitisrivkbirtf313edoshotilleadt never s, lay and doutit11e:irtir that also invariably fay brown 8t,'il'4:e ones. An egg from a legliorn that was not white, and pure white IAD tilt would never Sie set by poultry fancier. A white egg from any of the Asiatic breeds would he a curiosity. Tile tinctive shape and color of the eggs of domostio poultry are as marked and estaMislied a feature ait is the ease With Wild bledS. Biliousness Guyed. Grame1tex,-1 have used Burdock Blood Bitters for biliousness ani find it the beat retnedy for this complaint. I used aeveral others but they all failed to do tne any good, However, it only required two bot - ties of.B. B. B. to cure me oornpletely, and I can renornmencl it to all. Yours truly, Wit. Rotaxsox, Wallaceburg. Exeter bee sold debentures for a loan of $10,000. at 6 per cent interest to the Ontario Mutual Insurance Co ter $101.40, Tee town therefore gets $440 more than the face value of the debeutures, This is an usasually high price for I Kris bonds that are payable each year. Severe Abscess Cured, DEAR SIRS, --4 had au abscess just be, bind my right ear, in August, 1891. titter suffering for three months, I began to take B.B. B., after one month's use of it I was very much better, and the absoesR entirely disappeared in four months. I am certain that Burdock Blood Bitters is au excellent remedy. 17r,oitE5CE M. Straw, Solsgirth, Man. Courtland Freeman Bridgeman, who shot his wife in Montreal, a few weeks ago, has been sentenced to 14, pears in St. Vincent de Paul penis tentless.. Encirunisu CURED /5 A DAL—South American Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures iu 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is re tnarkable and mysterious. ft remoVes at once the cause of the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly bene- fits. '75 cents. :Warranted at Chisholm's drug store. The queen's gold medal bee hee.i given by tbe Rosal Institute of British Architects to Richard M. Hunt ot NNW York City for his work in .coe- nectiou with the buildings of the Col- uni hien exposition, English Spavin Liniment removes. all hard, soft. or calloused Lumps and Blem ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stides, Sprains; 8ore and swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save 650 by use of one bottle. War- ranted by Chisholm's drug store. The law requires that a bicyele be given half the road. At Hamitlon a short time ago a farmer was fined $25 for failing to give way and running °vet a member of the bicycle club. .1.4...1.010104•=••••••••• Considered. the Best. DEAR SI/4-1 AlSO oan bear testimony to your wonderful remedy for tne'stomach, liver, bowels and blood, B. B. B. I have used it as well as Burdock Bills for over three years, when necessary, and find then) the best remedies I have ever used for constipation, MM. GREGOR, Owen Sound, Ont. Light -haired people ses rule, are longer lived than, the darkhaired. When is a roan not a man ?—When he is a -shaving. Sizzard is the latest name for a hot spell introduced by the New-V'ork \Vorlrl. Itch ou human and hermit and all ani- mals cured in 30 minutes by liAroolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. War- ranted at fihisholin's drug store. Tile Order of Workmen of the World has been licensed by the Gov- ernment to tritilSttet en itesuresite business in Canada, Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry mires cholera, cholera morbus, rhos),, dysentery, and all forme Of summer compiaiut, looseness of the bowels, eto, • Price 35 dente, A mean man never knows Whrnn. he is meat), he only t links Wrest:If ceatioas, just ni a melt -sighted person seem to be looking far asvey, • rats. AL= stouites Of Waterford, Out., writes, "My baby was very sick with Stittinlef e011Itlittilif, and nothing week' help him until I tried Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, which cured him at °nee, Ib is one of the beet totneaies I ever used, MX 14 1893. 1.,*1' • •. What is et MttC4rtiM et%N.V4t W \NV OM t ,st" 'kW\ rsA13MV VA 1'. *1.74: ▪ N,<• • •.'. A S.k.i't.V:k 1+As:X. Castoria le Dr, Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other NarCotie substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Minions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cares Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorta assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas,. torts is the Children's Panacea—the Mother's Vriend. Castoria. ca,atoria in an excellent medicine for chil- dren. .1rothcr1 haTe repeatedly told RIO Of US goon ceect upon their children." Dn. G. O. 03Q00D, Lowell, Naas% "Castoria 13 CIO best remedy for children of whieh 1 ttn acquainted. I hope tho day is not far avant when mothers will consider tho real Interest of noir children, and use Cantoria in- strad of the various quack nostramswhieli aro dstroying their loved ones, by forcing, opium, morphine, seething syrup and other hurtful ilgis-ds down their throats, thereby sending there to premature graves." Drt, J. F. KINCRELOY, Conway, .Ar' Tho Ce=tra-ar.. Co=pczav, rra' Er.,Tal-WtilAR4faNZ4Wt717r7-4- Castoria. "Castoria LINO Well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." 11. A. Ancona, IL Ao 111 So. oxford St., lirooklyn, N. Y. "Our physicians in tho thildrou's depart- ment have spokou highly of their ouperi. once in their outside practice with Castoria. and although Ivo only have among. our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we aro freo to confess that tho merits of Costoria has won us to look with favor upon it." I.Tsrran HOSPITAL AND DISPENSARY, Boston, Hass. Ar..tx.s C. SIIITLI. Pres., ray rs.ftnot, New York- City. aZEIBEZElizziregzimgrzusma Smothering the Girls, Where have they gone to—the little girls, With natural manners and natural curls? Who love their dollies and like their toys, And talk of something besides the boys ? Asks Ella Wheeler Wilcox : and, true enough, where have they gone ? 1 tell you what it is, they have been moth- ered every day, hot witb villowe, like the poor little princess in the tower ; there is no wicked unele here. only the loving raother ; bat instead of . pillows, these mammas are piling on extra skirt breadths and extra pettis coats to hold out the breadths, extra caps to balance the lower fullness, and extra wide hat brims to shadow it all. Do yeti wonder the email soca wev inside of all this has hard w,o1; to live? 1 don't mean just the weight of meter - bile, though thtit's had enough fur the body, but worsts tih, the baby soul, pinched by the care end consoionsness of eleborate dressiog. imon the consolation the inirtow giros, end if before their teens oeir lite le girls I ly aside their dolliee,if they stend patient ly ender the dross-nieker's (mine, if their jolly playfellows are no Ioniser pet "the boys" but "bees,'' if they had rather waltz then play tag, whose fault is it 7—Bostou Traveller, SHINGLES, SHINGLES; gust to hand, a car lora t of Ne. 1 Briti6oltIldi;k1 which we will sell At prices that defy corn. petition. Also, firet.olase • NORTH SNORE SHINGLES zit 81,75 per square,. quality guaranteed. All hinds of Dressed and Rough Lumber,. Lath• : Barrels, Weed, Sse„ kept constantly ou hand. RAINING AN MATCHINI3 DONE cheap as the cheapest. Wingharn, June 7th, 1803. MoLBAN S SON. Tite Flee E. J. Flynn, Commissioner of Crown bends of Qiiebee, hes re. eeised tru oIjeii1 letter from the aeent of the d 'pertinent ot, GoStle, stating hat entil had horn discovered at Go)p Basin. iWilliams' Royal Crown Remedy, r.-reetc*t r Ire on earth, guaranteed to pure general Nervous Debility, IRheuuntisni, Neuralgia I aralysis, ete. I The Philosoplii Begg.tr—H. dis. I played on his breast a I it) 4 worded a follows: De pothe ashaine 1 of sevine I me only a half penny—I atu b ind, Trouble at IVielita. AB,B. W. H. BROWN, of Shiite. Man., IV] Mates that throe of herchildreti and two others belonging to ameighbor, were cured of the worst form of summer coni. plaint by one bottle of Dr. Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild, Strawberry, nature's specific for all summer complaints. A long tight against pool• -r in Chicagowas decided les': week by the supreme court of Illinois sustaining the city ordinance against them, tiarkwell'S Bronchial DEWAR %VW cure t•ty Cuigh Cold, Bronchitis or Asthma. The Vamily Night. illake home the happiest place in the world for your ehildr, le Yon can by taking a little hit of your time and planning for their plerieure. make home so4attractive that your children will have no desire tn seek entertain. went outside, unless on some spenial occasion, and even then T should ars range to act:tympany them, and enter into their joys as one of them. Methers, and 1 would inelncle the fathers too, we do not.rnelize the im- portance of becoming companions nto our childrense-rnaking ourselves agree- able. Who in this life has ti greater claim on our attention then our child- ren I And Whet is of great moment, it will keep one hearts yontiger and hap- pier ; and hest of all, we are talking eta, children happy. When they have grown to menhood and womanhood, and the duties of life have dolled thern away- from their yotith, nftstiinee will their hearts grow wenn in the hallow- ed niemories of thildhood's rim's, at home with father and in'ither ; and how Much it will help them to make • the new borne also a little peradise for their own children 1 PROF. SCOTT, MUSICAL LEADER fill S3YIERIAN ClatfIGH gives Private Lessons in Vocal Training. both in Staff and Tonicael-Fa Notation. Open for etmegements , for Concerts or Church meetings. Terms moderate. Apply at MRS II, MORROWS, 4 Shuter St Wa.orrals •••••••••••onmnrom •••••••.1.111. riot only a relief but a ours ter all hinds of HEAD PAINS, SICK STOMACH AND B11-10USN8SS aernaless. Contain no hurtful dugs. A wonderful Compound. /lice to take. Sure death to pain. Bo sure you. ant STABO1'S. PnErAftie By R. STARK, M.U.C. P., CHEMIST FROM CitAteow UNISMISTY, SOCALASO, FOR THE R0 STARK MEDICINE CO* 25 talEivi.e. 4 box, SOld by alt nrtaaciaes Elltirell, bait Compound ti'4.411611t• oat cough Syrup. 'reqes Gcod, tee cum 11:1.4.441..fit in time. eruga•st1i at:G.Mr1.1'W;179-St Canadian Paola° Val? %%Bun. Trains arrlre and depart **101liorg : 10:43p. in • 14 tsar:4i; taaviso 113...... ....For Toronto ..—. 2;40 p, in ll p, in ror Te*swator t9r2:31 WIR,'"f„T.D4-7C TAfn,E, 'nova AT IVIV011Ail LEAVE WREN 0:5 a. in, 1'4linerston, Gnelph, Termite, eto.0:314, 1:20 00 1110 niaap. 0 7:60 1030 4.• nt. 00 mix rt,r Li.ne 11. ao in. for Kto 43.47 10.07 " s 11 Xe/.07 -AO:04.m London, &c., ale •s;Zop itt. 14 Clinton,64 OG Selsstifle American Agency far CAVEATt. cm21-8742A ND 1p AVATAgl tarps or COPYRICAINTSt eisU! For information and free ftendbooic write to hiIINN 00.. As hsoalowxr, Raw VOW* 330iveoryeett phautreennetfAreuseguurtibnyg upsatIsentitrsottinghAtrateeri4 the public by a notivo given free of onus° 115 111 tgientific 24,,mtvirm r.,ftyanootroniainnaanysoientifiopeporirt tht world. Splendidly illustrated. No Matt should he vrithout it. Weeklt' $3.1jo 4*. T*Siklinnisz, cm63.11tbrso. tsaAridisarne"kreiv3g1grIk 4L74ity, FOR THE BEST VALUE ORDERED CLOTHING, HATS, 01111.1 \1 11118 GO TO--- STER'S CAPS, siaLa 2, COLLARS, C LT Cheap for KASE!. --- IV B T to •tf:, ii':1514111110 ):` re All intending purchasers of stoves for winter:will save money by buying from D. SUTHEI Heaving bought a very 3rrg 781'14qy nf HEATING AND • rl—t• t 130 ellooso from )Very stove guaranteod e Ft breakage to give complete satizfacticri. StrTHED, AND. Wi Detain OctoberSth 191.. A.. -A.D.