HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-07-14, Page 5.Patti tire. at the Vilaeleld',d flair, Gesiaitae, July 10. floe destruction •by•fire of the cold storage .building at the World's Ir':lir grounds thio after. 'neon reeniting in the death of nearly 410 persons and threatened the distruc- 'tfern of the White City, The•stxuc- tttre'+wlts 250 feet tont; by ,150 feet wide and was coustruotedeentirely of •+stud eeoverad over with • staff. The naiu.body of the building wets , five -stories high. In too -.centre of this Bose the smokestack in the ellape•of a •cttpoia. It was at the top of this cupola that the fire was discovered. IMiptt Tits Tolima, 'Marshal Murphy saat•in.:a, call .for tallefire, companies to turn out. With abouts 40 of his men Captain i:1+ i•tzpat- wiok••climbed up the stay anaryiladders inside the tower to the ..balcony , and ifrom there ropes were lowered • to haul up the hose. Only nue hose Jlad••beeu ,hauled, up when a gust of wind.•oaused tile:;fle/nes to break out in an alarming manner about ten feet from the top of the cupola. Meanwhile :.the tire thail eaten its way down through the net •work of timbers inside -the • atrue iture and d'UNCONSCIOUe OF TtIlita uHANGER, ithe?firemeu were standing as it were, mot the shell of a burning volcano. 'The .fire bad been ht. -truing scarcely .twenty minutes and the firemen .were pulling and hauling at the •ropes, when ,suddenly the flames burst out around ,the•.base, of the cupola in •a .peefec +hall, 'So sadden and so furious offs the••outbreak and so terrible ewes _: he iepeotacle that for the ruument 1;the .crowd stood there i 'rmztA;tlsrlxED WI'rH tla5RQB. eStrougewen wrung their bands;iu a hysterical ,Manner, and snores oof twotne.u.fainted. All alike were:power- ,less to.aid the unfortunate Alen . im- prisoned on the balcony 15th from .,the grouted. ...All the ropes save .nue ,on the.norih -•side of the 'tower :,were -burned away in an itistanxt. ache ,hasecfnoas the chemical' engaine .twith- •stood:tit eebeet, however, and •spr•iugiug ;for ward; John. Davi caught IItold .of vit ;and•slid•.down to the mane recifeoflthe *warehouse, whet" tie faintest away. ale 'fame :.and vhands were terribly .burned,'.hut: the physicians sayihe .aids 'recover. •. i•'Et$ARFUL SCENES. Tlwo °f•.his fellow firemen atiternpted tto follo4h.it>yr, but before they .•were half ,sttty down the hose gave tattt;,anai •theildropped,into the seething mass Of sure rand were. lost and the multitude Wow gave.,utteraneo to a groan •of picketing ,horror. Another of .the i!su,prisoned:men started down tile acme ou Nee .nortb.side of the tower, And i:east ,rtl:tnost.reeched the roof when it gave sway, seal„he fell, striking oat this head. He wss ,instantly killed. There remained, according to the ,steno sof various speotatore, from 25 to 30 meson ou the tower. They were hopelessly .}3EtY0RL+I E• 1ACH OF HELI'. The longest ladder fell short of reachiaag theta ;by a full 40 feet. Death .of a moat awful ]rind was fast approaching. At this tarnibleenoment Capt. Fitz-, patrtcl;'e ,ta11 ,fossae .and white helmet, appeared in front of, the siren, who, were huddled ttogether on the narrow' balcony. appeared to he address- ing his heave &ollotwers. What he said will probably nevetabe known, for he alone of old the ruele aroundh im at that .luotnent escaped aline, and hes injuries are such that it is doubtful whether he will ever recover consciousness. As he ceased to -speak;. one of the men crept around the buming balcony to the east and returned a moment later with a rope. ft was nastily fastened tQ the railing around the baloony and thrown to the roof. (.)apt. Fitzpat- rick pointed to it. The foremost mail seized it and started to slide dowu,but, ere he was half way down the oruel flames rolled up, and he was Su'ALLOwno BY 'kII5 Aiwl= VOLCANO.. Another tried it and met the Ramo fate. One after mother five of the Men at this moment sprang from the balcony to the roof and were kiIl- ed. Seeing his men ju►npiug to their doom, the .heroic captain seized the TOO and started down. A. ladder had been raised, but almost twenty feet from the end of the rope. Re jump- ed and caught on the end of the lad- der, Marshal Murphy, an old personal friend of Oapt Fitzpatrick, and who' has worked en the Ohicaao fire depart - Meat with lenge for a score of years, was on the' roof. Seeing there wad a chance to save his old comrade's lite he sprang forward and was soon at tlhp top Of the ladder. A MOM' o ADMIRATION AND I.:Hearht A iENICHT went up from the multitude. Itelow. The beroie marshal started back with his friend, but Was enveloped in flames, Witll the energy of despair he clutch. ed his ooutrede and Otis down the: ladder to the roof, whore be MI pros. trate, Both Murphy and Fitzpatrick were unooieoions, They wore ,lowered to the ground and taken to the hospital.. Scarcely 25 minutes had•elepsed since the fire was discovered,but so rapid had been its progress that the -entire tower was burned away and it VSLL, WITlt aN AwditiLiCi1t0St,I, eatryiug with it several .firemen alto were playing on the flatness wi•.Ui hose from the roof, There was a wild scramble to get off the roof, A large quantity of linseed oil was stored on the top floor, and when the tower fell it crashed through the roof to this inflammable fuel, and theiflalnleseolled up high in the air. An the firemen fled from the roof one of them :pinked up the mangled form of one of the unfortunates who bed .jumped from the balcony, and carrying it to the edge of the roof dropped at to the ground,thus saving it from• cremation. omeean's LOSS. The Dotniuiou of Canada loses about $3,500 by the .lire. Three hundred. boxes of fane•ehoese, a large quuntity of roots and vegetables, and sonic large Restigouchefftiver salmon, belonging to the Government, were stored in the building, and were, of course, a total loss. District Coutaeil, i$..'Jreof'.T. The District Council E. T. of T met In the Temperance Hall, .Exeter D. D., Bro. J. E. Tow in the chair After the preliminary exercises, busi nese was cowtneneeed. A •"communi cation was, read ee holding Count Demonstretlon when it was•.moved b Bro, Baker, seconded ,by 'Bro. ,Lewis that a committee be fornuedtto arrang a Convention of .the.ather Wemperauc organizations in the esennty, also tha the District Councillor coneut•unicet with the Good Templar.,.the,.,Sons o Telnperarice aaacl .the W. .0. T. U Carried. The repent •af'.the &Distrio Councillor was then read, ;;giving a very eucouragiug .revietw of .the ;pro grecs of the Temperance .can.se, als some good advice as to •future .work :The report of the :committee ttee .,on th distribution of reports and ,,paper .suggested that &,eewinitttee'beetormed in each Council to iprooere,subacribers for the "Weekly revel/lei” .and also to obtain tracts and distrt/rute them. .The report on T•emtperauee :was„ lrrven by,Bro. Muir, who stated .that i]1',50 .,was the number of Royal ,Teinplaars in this District and also •suEgested ttthat representatives be sent .to the meeting of the Grand. Comae!! and that Tem- perance speakers he,olttained tin orelea to make sure that every vote rfor lllro. /ethnical/ethnicalwould be polled.. the ,report on Coreerpondeuce and Memar;als was ;presented by Faro. Vaen,ater ,whoerp- .gested that we request the Grand °enncil,to memoralize the Il�Awinion it)ounci to change the ;taw of ;per,aoa having to be a wember of the Select .11Degree before they cars :holes otiice of !fi.,C. in ai.'i•oyal Degree. Bro. el. i1 . Smith, ofuhe Emerald 1°rio,prssea.tted a report on "The state of the Oevrl•er." He suggested that every Royal Tear - pier become a member of the Select Degree. It ,was moved and seconded that Bros. W H Kerr .Potter and • 31 y e f t °o" : t te`T-roe.-••.Ir,F.. "Fr THE WING 'AN TIMES,. AMY 14, L893.. Gtrr ee, A Song ,Cervine and, entertainment on .Friday evening, July 1.4th, in the Methodist .ohuroh, Gorrie, under the auspices of the Epwortlh League, to w•bigb all are ;nutted, .As this is the last 'service under the management of the ,present social committee no patna. will de spared to !nake it a pleasant mad 'profitable evening. A hearty welcome as extended to all. West Wawanosh. (On Saturday week, Alexander Woods, of the 12th concession, breath, ed his last. The deceased was a strong athletic young man, just in the prince of eiferan$'to:all appearance destined to see a ripe old age, but the frutlity of human nature and the certainty of the seripturat warning "in the midst of life .we are in death," was never more fo'soibly :illustrated than in this sad ease. 'IVIr. Woods had worked hard all•day at;ploughing and in the evening wasin the act of bitching the horse to the'buggytto go to Lucknow, when he was •soticlunly seized with a severe pain in his side, and after about seven hours•of•intense suffering, the spirit of the-strongg,robust man had passed to the .great beyond. The immediate oause•of death was the bursting of a blood vessel, and although threw doutorstwas there in a short time Both -.1 ing could be done for the unfortunate. man. 1He leaves a wife and three small.ehildren who have the heartfelt: sympathy of the whole connuunity int' their great bereavement. 1!k. Woods'. was only•in his 89th year; and was al man 'universally liked. Mr..tTohn Thowpsftn, 6, eon., had ti stack df •hay burned by Q,igltteting' later. The Masonic grand lodge ,afOanatia will.ineet.at.Ot•tawa on Wednesday, Jule ilio. Last year,more than 18,04e visitors' were 'reeeivod at the farts of the Ontariq Agricultural College. 0 The'Earl.df De:•by will :sail tfor • England ?from. Quebec on Saturday on; e the Serdiui•an. Mr. A. Miscatvpbell, M. P P, luta been renominated for the LegislazJ re by the tOonservatives of East Simone., Mrs. 1'41.aeQueen, widow of the late D. S. M.e.i ween„judge of the.aeuntty: of Oxford, died Sunday afternoon at at ripe old sage.• Mr. W ''MeQueen, B. A., of Breve- field, reve field, has theme appointed matheasaatassl; r' master off :Brookville Collegiate Institute. The direetors.of the World's Fain have appointed „A. JF. McLaren ,rxf: Windsor, s' le;ejudge of the cheese and: butter exhitatts during.July: In Back di; tCo's tile yard at Drayton; .on Tuesdayafternoon Ia obt. Patterecr:n; %Met his life through sisverel tons of .lay fol ting vet ,him. The damage: ibyy ;Friday cyclone in owais calculeted at $866,000. Total /number of de:atdts .reported 63 with leprore than a hundred iujtered. ?etaenale be a committee to arrange $wenty men ateti .women sof a yacht - subjects to bsdisctes 1atesG•aee t• sfin Party, were 'drowned of the r*atst coast of Engl.-tend on Sa�eurdny ing b ref District Council at beaforth, r,' y It woe moved send seconded that the thanks of the District Council be tendered to the Exeter people for their kindness atad also to the trustees of the lames street Methodist ehurch for the flee of the basement of the church for' the afternoon session. Carried, RtIssimn FLETCHER, District Secretary. 44444.4444.44444444411 Hew to Got a "sunlight” Picture. Send 25"Sunlight"Soap wrappers(wrap. per bearing the words"Why Does a Woman Look Old Sooner Than a Bean") to Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, tree from advertising, and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and it will only cost one cent postage to ,send in the wrappers, if you leave the cede open. Write your address carefully. The Sons of Scotland ore consider- ing the matter of a union. association from the camps in I{urnn and Br:uce,to hold Caledoniath games annually, the Ogee of meeting to be chosen eaoh year. A meeting of the delegates was held at Lucknow last week and another meeting will be held at Ripley in a few days to complete arran genients. The general cm -menthe of opinion in North Bruce is that Mr. H. T, Potts, of Arr.in, will be the tariff reform candidate for the House of Cenunon5 at the nett election. It is questionable if Mr. McNeil would pare tie face the nUtsic in that °Vent, So says the Port Elgin Times. ttie capsizing of tbe,ir boat i:1 a squall. Rebecca Wilkiusoe, of Brawusvalley Incl., says : "I heti been in a rlistresse, condition, for three years from Nervoud aces'. Weakness of the Stomach, Dv,'spensia atnd:Ifedigestion until my health -was gene. 1 had been. doctoring constantly without relief. 1 bought one bott;Le of South Am- erican Nervine, which done me more good than away $50 'worth of doctoring I• aver did in my life. 1 would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely rem- edy." A. trial bottle will convince you. Warranted at Chisholm's drug store, Mr. Wilson Taylor, B. A., of the Stratf'trd Collegiate Instituto staff, has resigned the position of • hnathe- matieat master there, and accepted a better offer from the Chatham Board. Fairville, the suburb of St, John, N. B., which was nearly wiped ont by fire, a few months ago. was again the scene of a conflagration biauday. Some twenty biiitdiugs were destroyed. The Belleville intellit;encer is print- ing a listt of persons in the neighbor- hood who etre over 80 years, Forty, four names were in Saturday's list, those of Irish extraction leading, Bug. lish neat and Scotch third. leer over Plftyi Years As 050 Aso wsar,.Trtinn SEW:v .—Itrs. ;Vin. i10ty"s St.Othine Syrup hos boom used for over fifty yders by millions of mothers for tltelr chitoren while taethirr r, with perfectsueeess. It soothes the child soften* the guns, allays all pain, cares wh)d collo. And is thebest remedy for Dlarrhese. Is pleasant to, the tasty Sold by AruggiSts ht every part et the World, t entvfllve Cents a settle. Its value is lnealeulablo. 13o',onto and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Seething Syrup, and take no other kind, ONn I NJOYS Botts, the method and results evhen Syrup of rigs is taken; it is pleasant antlxefreshiug to the taste, andacts gentlyyet promptlyou the IEidneys, Livernnd Bowels, cleanses the sys- • tem effectually, dispels colds, head- oches,aucl fevers and cures habitual constipation, Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its hind ever pro d::tcea, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its xtfl''e ts, prepared only from the most alealthy' and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend. it to all and have made it the mast popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c 'bottles by all Leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not :have it on hand will procure it -promptly for any one 'who wishes to -try it. Manufactured only by the :C; L I1 ORRIA FIG SYRUP CO •T SAN t*RANCISCO, CAL. L.CAUISVILLE. KY. NEW 1r6 3IS.51. A sensational. ease took place at the ;Brantford Police Court Monday, when two men named :ironk and Donovan were charged with levying $10 black- mail lackmail from H. E. North The evidence showed that Mr. North, with a lady companion's was walking on the out- skirts of that city on Friday night •at 9 o'clock, when the accused accosted them and threatened to disgraoe the girl unless they were given $10. North was accompanied by one of thein down town to get the gooney, while the other held the young lady. ,North gave the pair a fictitiouseheque and subsegneetly had than arrested. The accused were°givens two months -each in jail. It is claimed that eronk •has been at this sort of thing for months, (Grants: Secretary Mason of the A. F. .and A. ii1., Canaan, has issued the following circuler letter to the brethren: I have much pleasure in 'informing you that as a result of 'further .correspondence with the aeneralrpassenger agents of the Grand 'Ohrunk.and Canadian Pacific Railways delegates•to Grand Lodge wit; receive a return•ti•xket free instead of one-third provided•that 300 delegates or over :are in attendance at Grand Lodge. ;;fire :North American 'dill Bonlda.mg Company of Stratford ask that town for e".:aemption from taxation foe ten •37ears and for free waeor fee the sane period, in ttou:ztdor,itntl, of real,w.iEdanT their works. `1'1;1- lee rte of tfie core - pasta ;amount lei $6011, not? the water rates Ito •`,',.''175 per .iu• 11.41 1444444.2444444 This worid-renowned Soap stands at the head of all Laundry and Household Soap, both for quality and extent of solos. Used according to diroetions, it does away with all the old-fashioned drudgery of wash day. Try it; you won't be disappointed. SUNLIGHT SOAP has been in use In 'Windsor Castle for the past 3 years, and its iuunidacturcrshave boon specially appointed sOAPMA.i 1PS TO TH.131 ov;1;Iter ANTE® PORE AND TO USICONTAIN CHEMICALS £wielia sit tiollt 11 .610 r LANDS FOR TAXE Ontario)BY VIRTUE, of a warz'ant issued by the slayer, mid Town of Wingliazn, ;Corporate Seal of the'l'own of Wingham, to ins directtad, h To wit: I date the Twenty-third clay of .Joon, 1893, commanding me upon and sell the lands mentioned in the following lines, for arrears of taxes due t I hereby give notice that unitise such arrears and alt costs are scow, t paid, 1 shall y to sell midlands or so much thereof as may bo nocessary for the payment of the and costs thereon, at the Council Chamber, in The said Town of Wingham, on No. 23 Part 1 21 22 23 36 37 38 4 N 'half 0 10 TUESDAY, the Thins Day of October, 1893, At the hour of. TWO O'OLOOR in the afternoon; Quanity of Land. Street, Survey. Boland S Leet to Davis Josephine W Foley's I9 olntoelt N 1'. >!'isber's 1-5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 24 feet 24 foot Leet & McKay's 1.5 Leet & Davis' 1-10 ,t 1.5 1.5 acre .. „ Scott S C. T. Scott's ,r .1 .1 1, Victoria S E, Bower's 44 rt Francis W 92 Carling E John N 4' 1-5 Taxes. Coats. 0320 47 07 11 72 8 00 11 72 0 00 0 00 4 80 4 80 10 07 1 42 5 00 0 09 $175 0 50 4 95 2 00 2 CO 4 25 2 00 2 00 2 40 2 40 5 10. 1 75. 2 2) 2 80 10 10 151 8i n 7 7; 21 8'! 9. JOHN DICKSON, Treasure] Treasurer's Office, Wingham, June 23rd, 1893. S A. WALLACE MILLINER, --�--w�, ding country that her stock of Begs;to a e to the people a .., surro liner)° is complete in,'1 the ia' est novelties in HATS, FLOWE FE HERS, R} BONS, L.' , CES, &L. ISS A. ALLACE, Meyer's Brick Bloc, \Vinghaut,''larch '>0th, 1803. TWELVE 10 to 20 per Cent. re- duetiom •on all ;SUM EU PRINTS. �...• IS SPECIAL REDUCTIONS. FAN CY ;'..A.RASOLS at actual COST PRIOE. Black and Colored GLOVES in Lisle, Taffeta and Silk at a reduction of 20 PER CENT. The balance of our 1 ;stook of Summer .DRESS GOODS Iy ,sway be.(nw'co t, A LADY'S FINE DONGOLA SHOE. reduced from $1.755 to 61.25. Tweed and Worsted, Suiting acid Panting Made to order at 15 to 20 per eent. less than any other house in town. SHOT SURA RS and FANCY le SPOT v A SI1.Ii`Sf, for Blousing and Trim- mings et greatly re- duced prreee. 1 Pure Linen TOWELS reduced to Se. each, Pure `''able Linens• from 20e., upward. ..+1011..7.11 CIRRtin., ,0.1., 204) Until for rll.•t. and Boys. No two alike. From 40c., up wards, woraYfrom $3 to $3 Fully heft of actual cost serine. RIBBONS and LACES et lower prices than any caber place in town. Lamensavericaftumbrecux All sizes in Men';; and Boyd' Fxney SUJ:iMEr, SHIRTS at cost and l=ss, Not arm. I. mammon ta N uslins and Curtain Nelt*4 will he cleared out at less thane cost previous to sit? Clc�ta]t- ulg. 1 . PATTERSON, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, 12173Ertg(UAEXPILIVII 9 CO AM" 3. have just received a full supply of•Christrnas goods. ennsistie•n of WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE hid Jewellery of alt kinds and latest designs. BIG BARGAINS GAINS Frohn Now Till Ohristm All goods bought ft,t cash and we tan dell as ant. at th . 1,e ellenpef, sliest IB•erltinlitg irtoknattly Doe neet1 Satisfaction Ouarant 't(xive roe e t;etll NI PAT"TERSON