HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-07-14, Page 4THE 1'1' Il l GHAM TIMES, JULY 14, 189 • t t shillings per Commercial Law in the College,. nail Culross. L WILL AM t q lIa 1 t ,• n S t e n r Mtel it 'nmany , otis uu. � i ,nlr interest �' osf.et nt o tt ? t eo t u deep The. a tr taken d tri 1 ,r has tLltvavtt tt t+ l ltttndred«ei;;Ut lees tluui for homy f.d tLh a 1 tL reset iu the ToNu Hall, Ca O q 1 ,. 'I t3 Slumbers L rant We wit'iShorthandDepartment. He spoee Tee tavater,, uue'«4t t, ' hate ... to tl f the saute uality. In all r'Frclos in the school, presented the medals of Iusut+utile t crop uv, t there is the p' 3 ill b ell Wed the 1 mf, demand for E1!' IST s and said 1 o th•tudei •' e' to traits It 1 It felt that there is of tyro great ane ine.,eae' • , present, except Dir" A.rmstrou'g, Mr, lase hope a� Present e ► that the tittle! Clerk, president, in the 'hair. ,rr , any chance of an early ohmage- in the i s i ttposition that affairs have now asatttned. , was u°ar at minty when any young maul The ntiuutes of previous meeting were — AND — t Thee week's market- were firm ; 058 or wouiau who wishes to succeed in t re+,i east pslp}rea i ala were offered,. and the business pursuits must have a know-, Little—liirklLttd—That abll applications on Canadian mml at nt best etut.le� three shillings ten pease to ledge of this tt attbject. Miss tTen lt�utled � r1entcr:stfnr esdtr,uiuwtiottta Carried, eleven pence, seconds three shillings six Dunkley, of Chl h , pence to eight pens per eitiat pounds. the gold medal of the Shorthand Ile-' Reid—Little—Thet lnaviug exeituiuol 21 1 — . pertinent, Ler total marks rn all subjects i apltiicaticus a:rd found theta satisfactory. '+�* �t m .0 x � E E�° APD CO Turnberl.•)' • i being 1078 out cf a possible 1200, .After i the President aur' Secretary are hereby •4 see. 3. , , u�. ,� us, . making all allowances for errors, her 1 instruoted to prepare and issue poticles for :let o'cries on t oxooreeson To Mo. is per nt 'DRUGGIST. I •+ c . speed in shorthand 780loots i same,•—Oarried. Jo tr i;:•at�nis,.- DI;Art SID, and in typewriting 98 per minute on; to claim for danisgew done to dwelling r�io I it is with feelings of sleep regret entirely new matter. Miss :lees Tacictt- house by lightning on the 1Gclt June, 1895, I b that the members of Court Order : berry, of Chatham, was a very close; was put in by Mr. Patrick King, of Lot 31 "fit 11 M. �3 °, - ®�' t berry, ;�0 000, Canadian of : second, thus winningthe silver modal. i Con 1, of the Township of Culross, Mr. p _�_.,..--- = Poreeters, have heard of the iu Her some is 1010 out of a possible 1300,111,1cleae, tiro inspector, having examined calculable loss you have sustained iu i and her speed in shorthauct 171, having j the building assessed the damage et 137.50, "the d:, ntlt of your Ueloted wife, and we I 1 Kirkland--alcIiague—That the.claien of S v `tl Eim q�" { an average oY 109 deduc per minute after , Mr, Icing, emanating to e5.00, for damuaof!Ia j ,l.)R •l , o .n ofsure ; ou that the deeeest sy tnpa• i al errors are deducted, on a three thy of every member of your Court is t minutes' test. 90 words per minute lyse to dwelling,' house, be now paid -=Carried, exte'1'lecl to you, in this the time of your s the best further record, beteg made by I Betd"llirltland—That the Treasurer sad bereavement. We trust He whoMr. Jeremiah Bosworth of class of'01, I PteY the followfug accounts, viz. Messrs has taker, her from your love and Unto ,stenographer for a New York house. Thurtoll sets P. Cumorou, for stationary, i on earth tor his eternal keeping may by j ���-obster, American Consul at Chat• 1 el 07. Secretary, for, postage to date, , 103, his comforting presence till the blank i hem presented the diplomas of the 1—Carried, 1DITORIAL NOTES. _ Little-Mcliague.--That this Boned do now adjourn to meet again at Teeswater Town Hall on the last Saturday of July, at 2 o'clock p, m.—Carried. Amts.. An.11ISO, Secretary. Couuoil met in the Town Hall, June 30,.b, as per motioulof adjournment. •tlembers all present. The Reeve in the V p ° m f - waswinner minutes of last meeting read School teacher, � c}lair, The int Hold modal, takingacid approved. t October ord for the purpose i the prohibition nlebiscito i tv hen we garb attthe river, is it not { tbla 1500 Mr. 0 J. P' i Cs of Cbar- i A m oto that the loved 1 p with 1 op. Brunswick Douse t' F1lID-1X, JULY 14, 1.13. tithed by M. and airs, McKenzie till day- light ciid appear, We hope Mr, Jas. ltlrrcer is indisposed.1. p e it won't go herd with him, Mr. Jos.Weddel is again recovering from bis runtevey. Itis arm was badly fractured but is mprovtug slowly. Mrs, D, toss has gone for a trip to 1. )a• kote. Mr. and Mrs. Bit:knell, of Dupuville, are visiting at Kilveu Groye Veru. 1-I'aying is the work. I Business Department, and in a few well Ix epee of e Manatthe Government's i glade to your 7 ome, sweet surrounding you 1 chosou words showed very clearly that 'ere?nre of the Manitoba. s:boo' case to land your famil • with the sweet. influence . a Supreme Court will comp up for lot fatth and hope and making Himself, the uneducated man was the Uurden- en•,n * before the October term of the em j and the glories of the unseen a dearseoh e i bearer for his bettor educated brother. nearer to you because o ort'• 'nearer fere ou there, over in the beau- Rev. Dr. Battisby presented the medals IT nes been arranged that a ce Pro- of the Business Department. Mr. A. E. o of temperance workers for the Pro- ! tifiul land to which we trust your life's 1 Burch, of Terminus, a former public pr 1 Partner has ou 1F a not doubttheof the g nes or' Ontario wild meet ot Toronto � P ng, and 1 1608 marks out ot a •or 1 she is free fret pain and suffering, Yautz ug for - os: tom atiou from John Tauber be taken in January next. consoling to think a among 1 ins Cross, won the silver medal, aI was then lairs on the table, applying fa and lost she may meet yeti on the other (score of 15,8. The contest for third I damages for sheep Y T1IEBuffalo News states that a decision side? May the most High, who rules th I es eworried b dugs; but OM position was very brisk, Mr. A. E. Yates, there was uo dog tex the Council could not Luc 'mow. The joint committee of the severel societies of Luekitow, having appoiuted Friday, July 21st, 1303, a day to be set apart for decoration of the graves of the members of societies or their families buried iu the cemetery at Luekuow, all interested are requested to hand names of any deceased pereous' graves to any of the committee so that they eau make due preparation for same. Committee—Alex. Itoes; 1), M. Gordon b'f, D., Thos. Reid, John Soot:, Alex. Davidson, Wesley Moyes and Harry rierce. 1,1r. J, 0. Brown, the popular manager of the Lueknow Branch 'of the ]3ank of Hamilton, left for a two weeks visit to friends it. Dundee and other places in tite oast on Wednesday. 7:6rroxeter• A station of the Salvation Army has been opened in this place, with Capt, S. B. Neuert and Lieut. Tooke iu command. Mr. John Renwick, of the 18th conces- sion of Howick, raised au immense barn on bis premiseslast week. The size of the barn is 70x136 feet, with stone stables underneath. East Wawanosh• Mrs. Letson, rf Elmira, who was the s been given by the Treasury Depart- , universe, comfort and Sustain you in the of 'Washington, Mich., and Mr. W. J. see their way to nay for the loss sustained. guest of her sister, Mrs. S. Howlett, 13th out to the customs cases of Brooks hour of trouble, and"may you ever look 1 Duncan, of Plum Bridge, Ireland,scoring Morgan. The latter as collector re- Moved by Wm. Reid, seconded by J. J. to Him as a God. Who is too wise to err, j nearly equal for -chs honor, the former Johnston, that to the repairing of the hill Sed to acknowledge the Canadian and too good to be unkind. We ha- w i two marks. '1'he o ork of • leading Ly `opposite lot 16 Cons. 8 and 9, was left over these two students during the whole I last fall ou ntocouut of the lateness of the term was eacelleut, and as a result of 1 season, awl it is now reported in need ot their efforts special silver medals wore , repair, that H. DlcKay be authorized and 'desdele Association certificate as entt- g animals to free entry. The Washing- uthoriee upho'd the eolleetor',s rul- as Royal Temp -ars of Temperance Al hold their annual camp on the Is - d Park, Toronto, from Aug. 18 to g. 28. On Aug. 23 the question of One by one we shall gather, al re -ern wi 1 be discus"etl by te- ' Not as we have gathered here, seatatires of the various labor erg' na' Bowed and broken, but the rather En eternal youth appear. tions i.x Canada order arrangements Cot. de by Rev. W. Galbraith, the chair- Signedt. JOS EPI! on behalf of the Corur n of the to eat social problem cou ven- PETER HASTINGS. far been called upon to grapple with. held last fall in Toronto. GF.OP.C.78 Fo .T> Vs. Ho counselled them to look to God in r_H.g it HT GA iDE`;ER, the presidet.t Turnberry, June 29th,1893. all their difficulties and to seek divine he board oi' agriculture, stated to 1 that all things work together for good to those that put their trust in Him, and may you always look to him for help. One Of one our loved ones slowly awarded them. The Dr. closed his re-! iustruoted to have the sa ue put in good Pah beyond the bounds of time ; marks with some excellent words of condition.—Carried• Onsi by one among the holy I'advice to the students, reminding them Moved by H. McKay, seconded Win, Sing the victor's song sublime. that although they might now consider 1 Reid, that as the fence on the boundary line their troubles at an end, as they had ( Greeuock and Culross, opposite Enamel, earned their diplomas, yet the diffculties I Sarlou land,is ou the road allowance, that of life's duties still faced them and that he be notified by the Clerk to have it in these they would find greater remove3 as it obstructs travel by blocking obstacles than any which they had thus the road in the winter; he to have it re- moved by the 10th of October, 1893.—Car- rie d. Moved by H. McKay, seconded by J. J. Johnston, that as John Halle and others have petitioned to have the' hill opposite lot 6, coo. 14 and 15, and the road opposite lot 5 and G, con. 13, put in proper state of repair, that a graut of 015 be made to re- pair hill and 015 to repair road opposite lots 5 aud6,can.13,and thatPeter Kuutzhave the same done by public competition. — C,trried. Moved by H. McKay, seconded by P. aid and guidance in all their earthly ss representatives Monday that a i Closing Exercises at the Canadatroubles. The students then had earthly a - ontinuatice of the inspectic.0 ot the Business College, Chatham, Ont. ant duty to perform, Mr. M. had aclblas- ps of suei acted c tate is not c mutt - evidence again .t relpening ports for Importation of cattle for fescue g. 3position, he says, is the same as re the special examinations beg, n Gardener says he will be glad to ider any facts brought to bis notice. SNP bulletin says that crop to;,eon in Ontario improved consider - a lately and on the whole 'a satisfac t yield isanticipated. Farmers are in midst oi:, haying, and tine crop is tsually large. In many districts the age -of the fall wheat is comparatively ell and harvesting will eommence in e Brie eectiouswithin a week. Spring at looks well in the north and west, isbackward in the vicinity of Kings - Oats will be a good crop, and barley ens fair. Apples are satd to be a fat: - On Friday afternoon, June 30, the brother of the Principal, who bas esu closiug exercises of the above popular a member of the staff for the past two Bus' nese School took place at "College and one-half years, and who is about to Home," the magnificent residence of the launch out rn commercial business principal, Mr. D. McLachlan. The pro- college work for himself, was presented gramme was somewhat of a change from by the students with a well -worded the usual course followed on such oe- address and a handsome gold chain, casions,being earried out on the spacious showing the high esteem in which he lawn, which afforded an excellent op- was held by them. The College Litor- portunity to the students for payticipat- ary Society, through the medium of a ing in a cumber of popular games. The very choicely -v; orded address, expressed invitations were issued to the students their appreciation of the efforts of Mr. for 2.30 p. m. and from that time until 5 and Mrs. McLachlin in connection with p. in., the time was spent most delight- tee Society during the past winter, and fully in games, singing and other plena- accompanied the address with a meg- entries of a varied character, and while nificient banquet lamp and shade. In all enjoyed themselves there was yet r n occasional tinge of sorrow rather strangely commingled when the par,.W.- pants from time to time were reminded that on the morrow many would be com- pelled to say good-bye. In some case; the separation v, -wild only be for the short period of the vacation term. while in ethers it might be thetinal "farewell.' At five o'clock, the entire company sat down to the luncheon at the tables which were beautifully decorated with flowers and well sipplaed with delicacies of the season. Aft'r doing justice to the good things so bountifully provided by their host and hostess, the next thing in order was the presentation of the ,,diplomas anti medals to the members of the grad- uating class. Rev. Dr. Battisby presided -me after a few well-chosen remarks, the sp. alters were introduced. Mayor Martin vote the first. He referred in glowing te‘rms to the success of this school in r,articulrtr and paid a handsome compli- ment to business colleges in general. He -aur that the best proof of the usetulness of these schools was the fact that they lived and flourished without any govern- ment, support, while all other schools required such aid in order to exist. Tire next speaker was the Rev. Mr. 'son of Samuel Love, 5 line, was ]Dorn to meg a, t ri4Call, Town Inspector of Public killed at Rat Portage. Ile was a brake- August at 9 o•eaoek a. in., iu the town hall, apresented the diplomas of reeswater.. Carried, thS0110010, , Ile p 1 roan on the C. P. R. and spent several •tu Shorthand Department to the suc•1 years with this company. A wife and CHAS. BUTTON, Clerk. eesfui oraduates, giving a few words of I one son are left to mourn his sudden Lta2i side, encouragement to each. After referring ' nl departure. Nits, Love was a Miss Seal. A very successful pic•nfc Dices yield on to complimentary terms to the praetic, a deceased was 'a worthy young man a auspices of the , : e and excellence of theexaminetion The the 8th con., under „h p h. tuxo 'ea the esteem of all whoknew : School, ou Frida who enjoyea resb terian S�uuday Scho y n and 'Presbyterian ' t 1 exhlbi to I wipers, which are on r last. 1 htrii. lililateehnteh i Mr, john Ma tenzie hada ploughing hoe Mr. Geo. Paul, of Winnipeg, ie here on Thursday. Ile did not tee the boys BARING at a picnic, at Waterloo, r o, qu Dominion Day, the Hen. sed Laurier said;—"The Canadian tershadtheEnOise uiarltetbutthey also the American market. The 'tnien government say they are will 4,onegotiate atreaty of reciprocity in n1 produetsbut not in manufactures use they allege our manufacturers e t coin!ete with Americans. 1f 5is so, if manufacturers will be pre - led, but farmers benefited, then a must be made. If it has come to ce, said Mr. Laurier, my choice is I stand by the farmers ; (cheers; by the class waich compri.•tes';S nt. of our population, without w he m can be no real prosperitv. b, t prosperity mattes all classes pros - twee, England, dispatch to the to Globe, date! duly 10th, saw s i, board of agriculture has issued er, which talus effect forthwith, ling the orders of April and Ji ne segregation slau'uhter for Can- ttle under special supervis cn• Itlhtlrawal of special prtvileir.r es nadian ttoc'r places them on tl 'e ting as Lrnite:l States and other Swan So Sons Edinburgh, in their reports say that as the restriction maintained an endeavor will to have Caualian Battle sent to instead of to Shiedall, the tor - much nearer to the pity. Al effect of the restrletiona, the ed by Can aim animals are concession, for some time, returned to her bona on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. P. James, of Mitchell, are visiting at lfr. R. James' this week. Haying is in full blast, and the orop is a very heavy one, A POOR ihri A hi indeed Is. ho whose blood is poor, who has lost his appetite and his flesh and seems to be in a rapid de. cline ; but Of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites can stake it rich again by restoring appetite, flesh and rich blood, and so giving him energy and perfect physical life, euros Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula and Bronchitis. IT iS ALMOST AS PALATABLE AS MiLK. Preposaared on by c Seat & ern ftwat41o, -- WING LIAM. Mo'1.fl) J Th. Wruomor, July 13, 1503 Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. 75 to Flour per 100 lbs, 75 to Fall wheat per bushel, 5s to Spring Oats, Barley Peas, Butter, tub do 11o11s, Eggs per dos. Wood per cord, Hay per ton, Potatoes, Wool H'> TILOR Clinton. Owing to the workmen not being able tc complete the new pipe organ in Rotten - bury St. Methodist church, the opening will not take place as previously announc- ed, and the recital intended for Monday evening, 17th lust,, is also postponed. The opening and recital will take place on the 23rd and 24th inst., when a rich musi- cal treat may be expected. • Wishes t Wingham an tailor shop SOUTH OF TAURANT, Patterson, wa r All clo 34 to 30 to 55 to 14 to 14 tO a tO 176 to 0 60 to 36 to 15 to 2 00 e0 84 u5 16 15 10 2 00 00 y 40 „2 oP H. WIN e to the people of y that he has opened a STORE ONE DOOR R. R. HILL'S RES - d lately occupied by M. Maker. ing made'; the latest styles. WO'' MA�SNI AND FIT GUARANTE T patronage of the public s• 'cited and. sa sfaction guaranteed. GEORGE H. IR `.IN. Brussels. Wingham, March 17th, 1893'. Mr Powell, of Blyth, purchased a car 1.-- It of butter .from Brussels The ants, I BARK WANTED. It Was shipped on Tuesday. The price paid was. 11 cents per pound. I The silver medal offered by the Editor of The Post to the pupil of the Senior 1500 CORDS HEMLOCK BARK Department of Brussels Public School with the highest average ,ix connection wanted at the Wingham Tannery. with the monthly examinations was won Kuntz, that as it is reported that the I b Frank,the eleven year old son of Jno. $ r 0 PER CORD bridge on the 25th side road, con. 7, is A rt n R, Smith. thebent being misplaced i ions the soma put right—Carried. Moved by Wi..tteid, seconded by Peter �3 . needing fixing, eu W Nightingale is proceediug with his Will be paid on delivery. Wm. Reid is hereby authorized to have act against the Insurance Companies to recover the amount of bis loss by fire • Parties peeling 15 cords or over, can iu February last. Some time ago the deliver half in summer anis balance in Kuntz, that a grant of $10 be made to Northern Assurance Co. offered to compro• repair hill ou the 30th aideroad, con. G, mise by paying one half the claim -against Messrs. McKay and Johnston let I and that DI Y them but the offer was promptly declined :.ud respect the same; also, $40 on side• and a few days ago Mr Hart, of the Stan- dard Bank, received instructions from the company to pay the whole claim with costs. The actions against the other com- panies will in all probability be tried at the Fall Assizes in Godericb. both cases these wet a complete surprises pearl, lots 10 and 11, sou. 11 and sa— to the recipients, but were replied to inj earried. suitable words. The whole company pried- by H. McKay, seconded by 1'. then started for the Rankin Dock where MoveKuntz, that the finance report of last council meeting and also of this meeting, as just read, be adopted --Carried. The following accounts were ordered to be paid : John Grenache, repairing culvert 30th side road, eon. 9. 55; Alex. McDonald, repairing road, 53; Thos. Green, road work re Cargill's lots, 51; James Mc. Gregor, building railing, lots 20 and 21, coo. G, 636.00 ; James McGregor, cedar for the Steamer City of Chatham was wait- ing to take them for a four hours' trip down the river. To say that the whole affair was very enjoyable would be pntt- ipg it very mildly. It was a grand suc- cess. Prof. Philp's junior orchestra, made up of the members of his own and Mr. McCaw's family, contributed in a large degree to the enjoyment of the occasion. This together with solos by culvert, lot `L7, con. 4, $3; Malcolm Pringle, friends and choruses by the students, 40 yards gravel, 52.80; Kroetcb ea Kramer, made the tune pass most pleasantly and a der plank, el 72; Kroetch dG Kramer, b. ought to a close one of the most unique entertainments ever prepared for such an occasion. The Principal and staff are certainly t.r be . congratulated for tarrying such a grand programme to so cedar plank, 54.80 ; Joseph Buckle. gavell- ing 51b sidero,ad, 525 ; Joseph Buckle, covering culvert, 65 ; Donald alcKiggau, 55 yards of gravel, $3.85 ; Thos. Melvin, repairing oolvert, 51; Joys McLaughlan, successful an issue. The College will reptairiuo bridge, lots 20 and 21, con. 6, re -open for the fall term on Monday, 514 ; Fred Campbell, fixing Formosa hill, September 4th. 530; Jobu Hardy, openiug ditch on bound. Morris. ary, Culross and Carrick, Culross share, Mrs. Alex. Campbell, of the 1st conces- 02.50; A. G. Stewart, priuting auditors' Pion, was stricken down with paralysis, reports and voters lasts, 5.5.40; Thos. on Monday last, and she has been very' Kelly, road work, 0. P. L., 51.50. low since. Moved by J. J. Johnston, seconded by On Tuesday night of last week Nelson Wm. Reid, that this council do now ad - ' t ga n ou Saturday the 12th eulogizing the work of the institution, he .;ave the class some wholesome advice 0 both a temporal f U tl and - spiritual Turnberry. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Rose and family, of Wiugham, have moved out to their farm on the Bluevale Boal, for a couple of months. The children are enjoying the freedom of the farm. Mr. R. N. Scott, of Galt, has been a guest at Mr. R. Maxwell's for a short time. He is a brother of Mrs. Maxwell. Mies Jennie Moffatt, of Galt, is also visiting at Mr. R. Maxwell's, She is a ueice of Mrs. Maxwell's. lir. Thos. Henderson raised an addition to his boar, the other day. Mr. Thos. Powell, of the 7th conces- sion, has raised his barn and is putting ,tope stables under it. The Voters' list for the township of Turnberry, for 1893, has been issued from the Teams office. Froin the list it is learn• ed that there are 355 persons in the town. ship qualified to serve as jurors; 520 en, titled th vote at both Municipal and elections to the Legislative Assembly; 133 entitled to vote at municipal elections only, and ri0'eutitled to vote at elections to the Legislative Assembly only. The total numbee of voters is 710. On Sunday last, the three year old daughter of Mr,J. Johnston, of the 611i con• cession,' was burned so severely that she died in a few hours. It appears that she Was in the kitchen alone, and was playing with the fire, when her clothes became ignited. Before assistance could be tee - tiered, the child was so severely burned that she died in a few hours. nature. , , hI Iiouston Esq Police blagis• visiting his brother -iia -law, Mr. Chas. tnean either but gave them full possession trate, who was formerly Lecturer in Gillespie, Viet his buildings at night sed were enter - winter, if desired, and same price will be paid. WINGI1AM TAitiliDier CO. Wingham, May 10th. 1893. ruse, Shoulder Braces, Chest and Lung Protectors. ,fl large assortment at very reduced prices. HAMILTON'S DRUG STORE. Central Telephone Exchange SALESMEN WAITED, To represent us hi the sale ot a choles line of IIARDr OANADr4N OnoMN Sroea. Experience n61 neresaary, Wo want roar workers and to all such ire offer a permanent situation at a good incortn with chance of advancement. As WO rioSS base AS -or 700 scree lander cultfvati0n, wo rat, klve our sales• men .'any superior advnnta es. We also desire to secure a good marlin your district to sell -the Itb'rAa'r Poo, for which we'have.the General Agency. This is something now and indispensable to 'the farmer errefruitsser. arowee. Send tor terms and.. tostlnranial d STOItiE-1 ivISI.LIN0TO:J, Nurserymen, t$'erOntte 4114• tf r1l .11ata ase- at the 'W Oimeu;O, July iq.. :l •by'fire of the oold store the World's ..Iat Fair n ro t > •need resulting in the di a persons and tbreatei tion of the White Cil ture,was 250 feet long wide and was coustruol 'wood .' covered over tl main •body of the bulli -stories high. In the mese the smokestack in .cupola. It was at the cupola that the fire was. IW81D15 THE Tg 'Marshal Murphy seri 41l4re companies to tel about, 4Q of his mea Oa iriok•'eliutbed up the stn inside the tower to the ;from there ropes were 1 up the hose. Only one ,hauled. up when a gust therfiarnes to break out planner about ten feet of the cupola. iv1oan rhea eaten its way dov net. work of timbers in mere and ',UNCONSCIOUS OF TI ,tlseldf remeu were stand .on'the shell of a bt 'U he .fire bad been b .tw•enty,minutes and th pulling and hauling at .auddeuly the Haines bu the"bass of the cupola tell. ',So sudden and the oa utbre k and so to 'spectacle that for th crowd stood there 'tTRANSFIXED WIT 'Stroug.men wrung t hysterical .. manner, evotvzen,fainted. All n ,less to.aid the unforti prisaned on the balm ,ground. ..All the rope the•torth -.side of t 'burned ',away in at loser -bons the chemic! .stood,thethett,t, howevi nforw ed John. Davie c tand•alid,,down to ttie everoliouse,-whorl he .'Elis rfatse .,and dllands .barned,''hut•the physic 'recover. . . vF.EARFUL Sol T.wo df •.his fellow fi, tto follottir,h.itli, but be b9.1lf .L}tiay down the he tlioy,lereeped,into the ifu,r•8 and were. lost an Wow gaveeutterance ,%tckening ,horror. A im,prisoned,inen start on tthe .no'L`.tb-side of had ,alrnost „reach ed tl game ,way,, and.:be fel head. He was ,iastani remained, according various spectators, frt ou dee tower. They .2•BWOODialtACH The longest Ladd reachia,lg them tby Deana .of a moat .,awf appros aliiug. At this termites., roto patrlek'e tall ,foam .a. appeared in front of, were huddled itogeth balcony. H•( .appear ing his brave folloswel will probably n.evertl alone of aid the wt•.ti:tl .fuoment escaped alieet are such that ib is dot wilt ever recover et ho ceased to "apes orept ground the be the east and returne( with a rope. It was tQ the railing around thrown to the roof. rick pointed to it. ' seized it and started ere he was half way fie Mee rolled up, ane SWALLOWED BY THE Another tried it a fate. One after a !nen at this mole the balcony to the ri ed. Seeing his men doom, the .heroic ca rope and started dots been raised, but ale from the end of the ed and caught on tl tier, Marshal Murphy, friend of Oapt Fitz has worked on the ( latent with hire for was on they' roof. 8 chance to save his he sprang forward a top of the ladder. , :ratty A SHOUT o.', AGEN aD went up from the The hereie marshal ilia friend, but was E