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The Wingham Times, 1893-07-14, Page 3
THE. WINGILAM TIMES, JULY 14, 1893„ 3 ij COLUMN, (00Natrf rr,Jal .itiY 'ruts Wiwi .)Xa1nuntkr.) "Per and •s nd fli)r?U'icncd .t� int vl Land," Well call bbe:itttention, of ,the inottlaers and sisters to the tats, that ,tho Woman's Munition Temper. once Union meats every Alonday atvithree o'oloole sharp, for one hour, at hits. tlolmt'a rootdonco, Pat- rick street. AS 'alike pe made welcome. Wo lipid annonahly aalpll meeting••:on.the last Montl1Y amt every month, except when,Athorwlee Advertisoci,rim Avhiclt•ineltin,t we, inxttaabhe public generally. As the Editor has khmdly ltivenaus+!part et his apace, for tine work, wu cele frienclq of ihe.eauee to tong! steins of interest on all mot* qubittbeas of the SAY to any of our member., ti What Hinders the ?Tictwgry? air ;WARY .'r, aTaillliaitlP, ----- Itead on W. 0. T. 'q'. dar�;•,..Jxule ,'d;,tain the Wtrlld's Tealtlperarrce,Jougreas, The temperance reform is •but a seg- ment of the irrepressible co*1 iiict Le, tweet). righteousness 'and•uurighteous- ness--^a oond.i.ot whieh,has marked the ages and cannot•cease, Instil truth is victorious audi.)sie whose right, it is shall neige. 'he hattle,is invoked by the reelpresence,of• God. ixl.:controlling the destintesof this wend. Not more certainly does the'�shore line of rock and sand .,;,hut ire the sea, with the mandate in ,once • from, the be infrang--�' :Thus .far .shalt thou go and no •farther' -'—than, does the -shore line' of omnipotence hedge•isrthe, ways of men and nations, and•hrin„cat last to.the .rewardts'of goodness .•and. • the losses af.evil :doing. The -.stable•con- tinent gdoes,taot ).•cause the. roar„ot•tht? impatient -surf, that beats :,ati its••udlg0', nor is tbe' etern&l kingdom oftif 4i1 responsobleifor ,,the fret of ,,passion, appetite ;and,$):n, that resists e;vetr•to blood sant: •revnluti,on tlle,t,thssone cg}ttlaat shall he aeetabilishod forever. No reform .is .►begun or .ssusttiesed by the tintii�ce•of the reformer, •.abut yby the preeenco.upon.yet contaotetl'hettle• fields, of rtwo.prumiples, roan .,aritnies and twoeawers:.that must.4a•opposed until once .IS ,sp{areme ,,,,)Ln ,suclb,,,p. struggle waisthis cotyyoCR0,9�,11 rppreaen> , three actios,.h�u:uiaa fact�tirs>ribus;,.belll: agreement, rand, those lr in ,1harmorn, • with its •divine ••baoligroun 1. 'IThese. three are: II. i 'bet prinei files `ta bfn defended; 72, 1i+oroale which prgnoune . one shzbbeite"att oh°tai th, and shout cis .., battle -cry .oif:augressive and ti.•ruceles,:,, warfare, ands f• [rhe.,r iethods employed to bring sutatiess. .VA. study of ,these , three is int °casting ban the light:,of: th4, question,, tttihiudero the victesse? it Two pfineitfltes ASO easily ogr,•easz al. bel1i,—petal a•bstinenuc fur the indi. vrdual'from tiseasloohnacs vended asae, rb legi nate cssemercia•t transaotiran, ., ug er sanction Iefllaav,rand total trahi F P . , i s. the rt�h fcitizen r ` b'f�on o _ t o any.ter ,. conduct a business -so, *beyond .ettes. tion, 1u1.rinlul ale .the -state, Metall , abstinence—right tbecar-rse it is.cafe. • and safe because it :is might,. is 'Abel point where our wltr(bogies with tinrl>i-', , - vidual destiny, amid iwtki's the issue, - with sedgy indnlieince ,inhere °lutist! t r made it wiser, he staid:: •'lflf thy right', , c.hand offend thee eott at•off and caotiitj ,u from thee It is hector •to enter into, ,e I.life maimed than hennas ).two hands Ito, a . be east into bell.” 1 rt II ib t cone. 1OEaterinl prosperity 'without con% science in control is "the lightning ex. Press whioll bears n •nation to destruct. Oen, Money at pain the kinedum of morals' mattes the 'only tr11e Nob poise of safety, This Otte, nothing is secular; even the reots+in our harvests. stand in heaven's lioniPfieence ; Gott takes time and eternity both to deal with the individual, sod, so sends the rain on tho evil and • itegood. But He deals whit nations 'in time, and. when mischief is rframed into law, iniquity put into statutes, cities built by bloott, and revenues `:gathered by unrightec•Usness, a •i1 tion treads the path of doom. Call UR fanatics whoowill, but bow shall any overthrow these principles without overthrowing 'their divine foundations, and removing from supremacy the tlaroneof the Almighty? The principles to be defended standing thus the test, they should, succeed end dome to victory in the lives of our people and in the laws awiaieh • govern them. The in ndrtuneetis+zaot in these. Turn now .• to seek the forces which pronounce one -alaibboletli and sound the battle cry +oitthis •reform. Until the irrepressible .conflict between good and evil is ended sheresalii1t always be two forces at work in oiviia,ation ; one that makes for,rigkteousness and peace and. another for 'disquiet • and final disaster: Sometimes in the march of progress the 'battle !liner grow dim, san)etimes they are eh•arpiy drawn. This clear aouttitting'of rforoes domes from :est questions %which ` try the ►noral fibre at .great ,people, one of which is represented +bereto-day. The forces •).Halling •for •rsettletnent may be divided ,into 11. F'Principles expressedhi the 'thought .,life of the nation, and ta. iP>:ineiples •ex.pressed in the action oifili•ving ..men ant women. We have micire,of the ,first than the last afield et ahis :time. inn air is full of the abar dust df riewaind ideal spheres we defend, dint s tial floats in Intuitions and hypocritical . splendor above the hattle•;fielil, ii+►stead• of being a force upon. lit. Who . admissions of science, the iioeiitions,afilegililrt,'uon, the finding of judicial heights. the reports of students of,orime,the mauee•colored protests of charitable „t+ssoeiatiwns, the cordial sympathy of pd.litieat ,:parties, the expression ,in favtn of. temperance by the beer brewers' congress, the pointless arguments d� Inappnrtisan ;.a Two thunderies:4.8soln- �'ions of church:nssembiiss••--alisiningle and float' in nanny natiiiia)Agnwsis ten t ile shove the.r'ettl battle that•raixes iaelHw. ; The forces which 3rlesn tlliving no,'diers, ,tnd reral,action, Blas Isaac not acq large. We ,c',ane out.Af+:tbereea1m dt,abstrast opinions to searchifetf the concrete warrior;, and find that ilithe .,C. ntiet, the legIi*ilator, thei,jaad 1i,e,the humanitarian, the "poli ticiars-- ,and &aloe ob,uvoh)nan, have been content •With fiI ir>gg the air' with ttheories,etasoldztions tindw,innke that map:bide the•ligbtband licks the real arenl�' while shay never the act, be made at Ifloed tide, the tofne,.near enough sidle euga rmentrto other two enrtorsingsthe -view of the irelttlie jar of tee e�as fJiet ; and ashen Queen's beninh..,Andano vettdie supreme hay do stated where 'they mi;tlht;atleitt court, which ;as the' court nftrast resort he•outcorne, the vnte.wnss in ttasaininat hold sire favoc•oftthe vi},llacequ d against ox•SAYS ,just th oppataito of t1sa(rssolsir- the county. fir., Justice !f atterson, Mon •atvyrncicetrd into delle air. one of the ahte!t niernhets of the court, What then are the ,forces infield."? dill not hear' the :trgiainent, wend took ,f'tarthetry out and Highest up is • the no part in the jjuderent„ that his five Wcematas Christian Temperance Vrniou.it colleagues were: rs:nal1iulrlusl,y cif opinion lfiiare.isrthe enlistment ces.th : ti that, having rooted to the •otljecits of lt" ng i mW„ to abstain from all antoxicatin;' ielaa ttvo judges of tllie cotuait.tzf:).+neral, drirokgs, reline, beer and eider included,... Globe. and to dont! in tn•y power c•,o discoatrl,;t-? tenaa2ee ,tbanse of and traffic in ta!:le, sante. County i3r id es.117tental E halistion, A decision has just been given. on An Atlantli Journal tells the follolqs an appeal to the supreme court of O nada with respect to the 4 bilities of county niunitipalatiee for the builds ing and maintorlaaioe ,of bridges, that is of very great importa.tcee tp,nlunit„I- pal corporations ti,erywhere, An the case of the village et New ]hamburg against the county +ef Waterloo, in wbicah the appeal -was heard a.tsOttawa last month, and f'udt,>ftnent pronounced last Saturday, the ',question to be de- tenanted was, how tthe i dth •of.a river Has yer got bit written? or strewn short ,d •ile ascertained .under. yes, the following following sections of the municipal act. Section r32 of the act provided Mat "the amity wounoil shall have exolusive jurisdiction over. 't all bridges crossing streams or rivers over one hondred feet iin'wicith, within the limits of any 'incorporated village in the county, and '•connecting any main highway leading through the county." Section 534 +provides that "tha uouuty couluoil shall cause to be built and maintained, ,in like manner, all bridges on any river or stream over one hundred feet in •width, within the limits of any incorporated village in the county., necessary to connect any main public highway leading through the countty :" The .courts •vs+ore galled upon to in- terpp+et these ttwe.sections it, an,aotion brought:lay the :village against the county to coompol the latter to ,ruain- tain a ibridge across a stream running throogh ithe village on the ground that the civet, ,at :the.point where it was spanned .lty the bridge, was over 11.00 feet in withth. The" bridge admittedly formed ,part.of a main highway leading throaagh'the conaty,:tso that on that issue both iparties.to the action .were agreed, Whey+were ,:also agreed as to the place ,where the stream should be measured, namely,..at the bridge site ; but, as to the pruper•,mode of meaaltre- went,, ;they ',were at • variance through- out. 'Was the measurement to be taken, :as ,contended r•by the village, from )theitop.of onei,bank to the other, or, wbiere the•banl,s swere unequal, in height, rfromitehe tap. ©f the lower bank to a point ontR,ilevel.with it in the op- posite ibauk; •car, trs •conieuded by the county., wasiit tube the measurement of titeiriver,in•its .natant' channslat high vllater:masrk,,that is, after eke 1.111011111f & CO., Prinriems, Toronto, spring ifdoods had Abated and eke stream glad 'resumed• its. normal condi- tion ? 5Fhis epistle ;sort of giustio s VIA PICT.thRESQUE'MACKINAc. was striibbornly contested in all tIao courts, and was ingseiiion•,ly argued 1w able eorancil on,botla,sidec. Mr. Justice Ferguson, mho tried the action, gave judgment in favor ofithe, village. Rini decision was reversed ,by the three judges oattlze(Qu een's -bench divisiondl court, wieioh were :unanimous in sue. twining ).the contention of the county. The court/of tipped twtts•e ually divid- ed in opinion, ttw° .of the learned judges of that court .going the length of holding that the measurements of the stream should, 'for:the, purpose of ing good ?tot/ of t1 negro named Safn, who .asked his toaster to do him a flavor the tithe% day. He said Roes, want you to write me a letter to my girl in Waco, Ml right Safi, Ill do it Has yer got de paper and de ink and de pen,.. salt? Yee, Sant, go ahead. Write Thotupson'Street, New 'fork. All right, All oh bit 1 Certainly, Whet 11aa yer got written1 nerd hit ter me, hhnRF. ' Thompson Street, Nlw York. Dat's right. Nt w write Milt s'e foe rteenf. Has yer got it down, toss, ahead; ? Yes. G'way boss. You tarn *lin'. Read bit ter ate, May fourteenth. . You has gotitdown all'right. Now, boss, read it all over froitn de berry beginnin', Thompson Street, New Fork, May fourteenth. Dat's right; Whew ! '1 say, let's, me' awhile, I'se tired, 1Vlwthead ashes like it was ).;winter split. E MI VO NU Unlocks ail the alged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys .and Liver, carrying off gradually witlioutAveakening the sys- tem all the impurities and,foul humors of the secretions; at the samestime Cor- recting Acidity taof the :Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, ,Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness oftthe Skin, Dropsy, Dimness ,:of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheuni„ (Erysippelas, Sero- fula, Fluttering of the:Heart, Ner- vousness, and Ge'iieral•Debility ;all these and many other similar Complaints yield to the ha py infiueuce of BURDOCK • BLOOD BITTERS. Far Sale b'j alb .Dettisre. THE LAKE ROUTE VerTHEWORLD'S FAIR Alcohol is 41 poison i'•13 the dictum cert .science, no matter hew ersuiconed ire gt.he doctored drinks of oamn erre. 1t1 cis ever the deadliest of iabHriegredtentic sin the cup of cursing, itatlependent of stlhe will and conscience itilalissrtihe power -to create an uncontrollable t).ppetite for itself This appetite once fixed a'nins the victim Jowly, initad_ and soul, until false to everts human relation he 'ine.ily shudders out of this world through a doorway over winch the einoaiangeable law is written, ''No drunkard shall inherit eternal Stife." Affeeted thus, the drinker banns each life;he touches in the present; curses thetfnture by the entailment of his shown and weakness upon the lives that spring from him; and is a blight upon the commonwealth, To say, therefore, that to drink alcoholics or not to drink them is a matter of opin ion, or :eclf-restraint, or taste lying quite beyond the eteroal ought of things, is false. To drink alcohol as a beverage is a sin per se, and smites the shining face of Truth with the brutal list of tappet tite, or flings at her feet the glove of teff -indulgence, and the one or the other is a calf to war, Bask of these vital reasons is another deeper yet, the value of the individual. Because of such value, divinely computed, We have the pian of salvation, the cross of Calvary and all we know of life immortal; any- thing. therefore, which attacks the soul Christ reckons priceless, crosses the pathway of divine justice and invites itsstrolle. Prohibition for the state is but the same principles in a different relation. Ruskin says, '1A nation has but one value, and that is human lift," The license policy de- liberately debauches this wealth of the human, And exchanges souls for rev. PLEDGE. 11,eoieninly promise, God he „she legislation, dee tneasuctecnnnt of the ariver should be anode sit iflood-tide. thus concurring lc: the opialion itaeld by CONCILLIDED NEx T win= . Wast Do You Tako Medicine for ? Because you are sink and want to get weld,, or because you wish to nr'a,eontinztally getting admiasaoaa elite prevent illness. .Chau remember. that the system b7 erroneous living, .un• Hood's Sarsaparilla canes all diseases caused by impure blood and debility of the system. It is not what its proprietors says but what Hood's Sarsaparilla wens, that tells the story of its merit. Be aura to get .Hood's, and only Hood's. iliOLLOWAY's Pluses —Impurities of the Blood.—Te ensure health ibis ab- sola,tely necessary that the Maids and solids of the bunion body should be kept free from those impurities which Purely vegetable- $eon's farts -25c. Do Not Scold. For the sake of your children do not scold. It is a great misfortune to have children reared in the presence and under the influence of a scold. The effect of the everlasting cornplain- ing' and faultfinding of such persons is to malte the young who hear it un• amiable, malioious,and callous hearted, MA they receive tongue lashings as they are always getting the blame of wrong toning, whether they do it or not, they think they might as well do wrong as right, They lose ^11 Arabi. tion to strive for the favorable opinion of a fault-finder, since they see they always strive in ).vain. Tliva` a scold ig not only a rtllieante, bt*t a destroyer of the morels in children. wholesloni'e atmosphere, .or disordened stoohiteta. The only safe and certain way ttrexpel all impurities is to take Holloway's Pills, which have the power of cleansing any irregularities which their presence may have already produced in any organ. Holloway's Pills expel ail !rumours which taint or impoverish the blood, which they purify and invigorate, and give general tone. They are applicable to all alike —young or old, robtfst or delicate. Man Proposes. M.r. Shortpurse--What are we pay• ing that woman for washini Mrs. S,—A dollar a week. Hum 1 I can get a washing -machine for ten dollars, and 111 do it. Mr. Sbortpurse (a• month later) --allow does that washing•rachino work1 Mrs. S --Very nicely, but We rather expensive. .Expensive$ goy? The woman makes ms (biro a boy to help run it. Avoid the heat !.andsdust' by; traveling on the Floating PAIacesonf•.thienDetroit 8c Cleveland Steam Nanigation ...Company. Two, new steel passengge�r: steamers have just been built fox thisaUpperLake route, costing $300,000 eaclt,'nn'd are. guaranteed, o be the grandest, !largest, . safest and lastest steamers sin the ::Elites;' speed 20 • iles per hour, :riunning •:time. between e.Olovelaud, Toledoamd:.Chicago less than :00 hours. Four trips :per week between ;'Toledo, Detroit, Alpena,:Haekinac, Petos- tbey and Chicago. Daily .trips between rlIetroit and Cleveland; during July and `A;rngust double daily:service•wzll be rnain- +ttvcteed, giving a dayfight,ride across Lake 'Mit. Daily service 'between Cleveland rand 1'ut-in-$ay,, First-class stateroom ;acossanmodations and menu, . and exceed- iin�yy low Round Trill .Rates. The pala- 'tia •equipment, the 1vnurysfl'the appoint- ments makes traveling'on'.ticese steamers thoroughly enjoyable. !Senn for illus- trated, pamphlet. Addxess.A..A, Schantz, G•IP. 4„ Detroit ,SoCiereiandiBteam Nay. Co,,ii i etroit, Mich. etNaskq When we assert 'that odd's 'o,arsAlt.m. ofvAfx,s+ • ;,Kidney Pi Ctirr Backache, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all other .forms of Kidney Troubles, we are backer by the testimony of all who have used them. THEY tidal. TO STAY CU17Cb, By all druggists or mail on receipt of pried, so cents. Dr, L.A. Siuith & Co., Toronto. A Blessing to Every Uouset o1d,. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTME Timis rolnedic911are atogd the test or fifty years experience, end are I/l•051uneed Mu heat lb til Validly usu. --��•^- v Purify the blood, correct ell disorders or the LEVEE, STOMACH, KIDNEYS Alii) HOWES invaluable, in all complaints Incidental to females ef,.oit ulfet. Ts the only reliable remedy for bad legs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds, FOR BRONCHITIS, THROAT'S, COUGHS, iitiLDS, GOUT, ii.KKUbfATJSiI, (I,ADULAlt 1,1',1:I.Li:itli AMI ALL DISI A9ES IT HAS NO EQUAL Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late MO, Oxford Street, and sold by all Mledicine Vendors throughout the world, [ Purhasers should look to the Label 00 the .boxes and Pots, If the address not ti33 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. WINGHAM MARBLE WORK MESSRS. VANSTONE BROS,, of Kincardine have bought the Marble )3usfness of Air T T Watson, formerly carried oh by w Smyth. Parties requiring work in their line will do well by railing on them or seeing one of their agents bat purchasing. Yon +'Dl and our prices are way down, Our workmanship is unsurpassed. w, will use n hut the very best stock and by square dealing hope to secure a ltocral share of the public patronage. In T Watson, who has been running the business for the Nast year, will ropreseut us on the road. Call an I see our stock and prices. VANS': QNE BROS`. MCCOLL'S OILS E S lJ ARE THE BEST MACHINE OIL CHAMPION GOLD MEDAL OIL OF THE DOMINION McCollses C Y L I N E R OIL will. wear twice as long as any other make THE FINEbT NIGH GRADE OILS ARE, MANUFACTURED BY i4I% OLL BROS. & Coo, TORONTO, FOR SALE BY ALL THE LEADING DEALERS IN THE COUNT HALSTED SCOT T'BANK OF HAMILTON WINGHA•M. Capital, $1,250,000. Rest, $6gO,00t ;;It President—Dons E.TIIART. Josephine Street • - tJ°'haljly 'U ilt. Yice•President—A. G: ItAsisAY. J. h. ifArsr+sls,I AV. err, nirtno 'ori,9 mo,rmt roves:. Listowel TORN racemes., Cum. GnaX7.r, Gno Yoao)I, A.. Woof), A. B. Lams (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNEULL. Savings iianlg—Ifours,10 to 3 ; Saturdays, 1. Deposits of 51 and upwards received and inter'_. allowed. Special Deposits also received at outran rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United' Stat bought and sold Deposits Received • -and interest alloyed. Money Advanced. to Farmers and Buciriess'Mexi, On long or short time,, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Honey remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges, Special Attention € -iven to Col - !eating Accounts and 11 otes. gent: in Cnnad.a---The Merchants' 13an.r of Canada g lice 1lct;rs—Front 9 o. in, to 5 p. ns. A. E. SMITH, Agent OShlf'H COWIN, • Ctsur.'J'rrc Div. Covnr, Co. F URON.- AUCTIONEER, ISSUER OP MARRIAGE LICENSES Consussrovrn ire E. C. ,T., ETC. WROXETEa, °XT. .13. z4 ILLS ON , Ataasrx MJiYER i& DICKINSON, Solicitors. ZETLAND SAW MIL GEORGE TH1 MSON, Proprietor. Lumber o3 all kinds, First-class Shingle and Cedar Posts Car Load Orders a SpEciaita WOOD delivered to any pert 0 Wingham. TOrdertby'inail promptly attcndc to GEORGE `tkiOMISON, BOX1.25, Winghtats;P, I -Tow ratty persons know that Ripatis Tabules, now solargely advertised and used, are simply th favorite pi escription of their family doctor prepared in a scientific marline" and a form convenient for hand ling:, conveyance, preservation and use? In the great hospitals of the metropolitan cities, where the wealthy find better care than in their own luxurious homes,the ingredients of Ripens Tabules are administer ed to thouyauds of rich and poor alike with beneficial effect. They are the main dependence of the Mo,. eminent physicians in cases of derangements or the digestive organs, such as d y s e sia,eonsti ation bilin e 3r p la p an, wars. and other ills connected with the stomach, liver and bowels. For some years one of the principal hospital in New York City has used a formula, differing slightly from the common one, that has been fotixtd ffi unusual efficacy. Through of physicians its mission of has been so widely an rapidly extending that it finally seemed desirable to prepare the prescription in a convenient form, so as t make it available to tlhe whole public at a moderate price, and to announce the fact through the recogni medium for securing publicity advertisement in the columns of the newspapers of the land. This pas done, and now the tittle is not tar distant when every family of intelligence will be as certain titoss(4 supply of Ripans Tabules as a clock or a cooking stove. They Are already to be found on sale almost ev4 where, and any druggist or dealer will supply theni, A box, l ontaining six vials, is sold for 15 cents, and gross package, conta tiling four boxes, for $2. They will be sent by mail, ghost ).paid, to anyAddress am cip� of r'ieea by 17 Company., the TRi ane Chemical Coany`r o. I0r NSpruce St., blow York, ' � rs ,