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The Wingham Times, 1893-07-14, Page 2
THE nlj,I fines ',s,s1" FRIDAY, JC.ii,Y 14, 1803, Tim Liberal Leader. Mr, A. F,Piet ' •'e , i dr 'esi u taf t,i p e t ix di.l, d t i res Association, 1Vrititlg, of the Liberal Conveution tilos 'speaks of Mr. Laurier: "1 have had ninny r, AM TIMES, JULY 14, 1893a•. lie nemiug Telegraph Wires. se. writer U u inrt ofo daily le PP t a 1 er s . bars to young readers : You have all heard the humming and siugiug of the telegraph and telephone nine as opportunities of observing hint from you pass the doles along the street& the press gallery acid at patina fano- No doubt you have concluded A Dairy Town. tions. but I never saw iritis to better sdvailtatge than he appeared et the els New eome mewl men 119 emivt•Iltinfa. 11e is one of the must putt - 'nen AND 2 069 cows—nu-mu oourteoua and affable men in the pull- s1I+]wt tF 1,I1a, rllcarrrs or 'aim- Iia life of the country and possesses (ems tepee TIIC DEST CONDI be greeteet dairy town io New oyuk elate is probably Bovine in ehwarts county and contains 27,279 A Cow census of this town was observe the effect of his personality assessed at $1:4.50 per acre, for end lies votes and language p y o Ie sect .li.ir)'Intti's as oL`Iatiou by They seemed to balf expect to heart a 'r. Powell, treasurer of the They ociat on and dirPctar of the farmers pleitsaut-looking Frenchman speaking Mites, to obtain definite facts andslot ty and deliberately to them, while v Pick" t t hes v .. a S tt ,• cautiously u l o s 1 hro formation t u h uair y t inrelation on a.iot toco Y „ the .t of thorns and briars .of a language vhzg on a dairy, the, tel:Ionia of nes not , g e that ills matters tan ue, but when he went galloping along with as union facility as those of U4 who were brought up between the covers of an Bosnia) grammar from using more classic English than 96 out of every 100 English-speaking persons, it was ib surprise to those of whom I speak, and as he went from point to point souse of the better characteristics of Sir john Macdonald, diose personal ineguetietn, Its you know even in the dark days of his public career, was something remarkable. Many of the oele;ated had never seed Mr, Laurier before, and it was interesting to me to orfs, obt tined, dee, of produve and >altr of seine, The results have n publishedin a bulletin issued by 1&xymaii'a association and are tris y remarkable. The majority of the erasers net from $6 to $8 per acre or their whole farm and it Is probable hat toe laid wider cuttivstion and vailable for cattle support returns fly to per vane lire per annum. Lu and front plank to plank, laying down e iatsroduction to the bulletin Mr. the platform of the party, their sur• rwell says; prise went admiration to pride and ".[t is the practice in this town, unit from pride to enthusiasm. It was ire 'generally in the ennutry,to have to study, and Mr. Laurier tirade the greatest stroke of his career as a party e :cows carved in February and leader w arch, sell the spring; make of butter 2,000 captured the hearts of o long as satisfactory prices are oh- 2'000 representatives'sen torn every ainett, after which the butter is pack- part of the Dominion, to many of d battin ber firkins holding about 100 whom lie was little more than a name titin butt icil takes in all the summer trhough their never having seen hien, Always lay your table neatly whether 1 ske,aind tee dairy is sold iu the fall or He is a deligehtful speaker and was you have company or not. rly winter. The fall and early worthy of the applause he received. Dirty windows speak to the butter is packed in tubs holding passers- ItIt used to be said by oui conservatives by of the negligence of the inmates. to 55. pounds. On most furans the hods that the difference between fol- 0eam is obtained by the gravity pro- lowing the two leaders when Edward Whateve•: you may choose to give ss, in some instances spring water Blake aid Sir Jotn McDonald were away, always be sure to keep your t 45 degrees to 48 degrees running, at the head of their respective parties temper. - ough the creamery continually, so was just the difference between follow- There is niuch more Injury done by 'tile ice is used yet, Where grain ing an ice start and following a band admitting visitors to ..invalids than is 6.as liberally fed there was the greatest wagnn. But, if you observe elle e'enerall that it is corked ray the notion of the wiud on the wires, and given it no further thought. But it its ion true that the singing is caused by the wind, and if you are at all observing you will uctice that often the humming sound is to be heard on a cold winter Morning when the awoke from the chimney goes straight up until it is lost in the clouds, and wheu the frost on the wires is as fuzzy and thick as a roll of chenille fringe. The wind has nothing to do with the h sound, and, according to au Aus* tralian scientist, the vibrations are due to the changes of the atmospheric temperature, eratt Ie and a r especially , qeC 11 through o u l i Y D the action of cold,as alowering tem- perature induces a shortening of the wires extending over the whole of the conductor. A considerable amount of friction is produced on the supporting bell. thus Inducing sounds both in the wires and in the poles. When this humming has been going ori birds have mistaken the %ounds for insects inside the poles, and' have been seen ro peck with their bills on the outside as They do upon appte and other trees. The story is told of a bear that nue took the humming noise as conning from a nest of bees, and clawed at the pole and tore away the stones at its base in the hope of finding the much coveted honey. Hints for the Household. 'aonorny and at least east." Of the 2569 cows in the town all rut four were Jerseys or had Jersey !toed in their veins. In every in- tance where the net earniugs reached WO per cow the animals were full deeded. The census shows conclu- ively that the better the animals; and e better they are eared for and fed. l Barrister, Ha,niltcn, says ; 'I exparieu will be assisted. e larger will he clic profit that can ced aImost immediate relief from tbeir use p For nick headaches." ASt. ]fiercer. -eon= Stewed Mushrooms If fresh, let d ,' made from them. The following tractor, Hamilton, says: Y'1 consider then: them lie in salt and water for one A gores show the remarkable conditions a very' nalnable remedy, and for surpas- hiur, then place them in a stewpan, i'I3icli this townsingmanyothers IB b & presents have p cents :tried."AI's Gas•. barely Cnvered ivitl, eo lee cart is now at the head of the party in power while the band wagon is driving the other way. A wonderful new combinetien is R. Stark's liettaache �.;,,a__,_,_ _._4 Liver Persons defective _ t when s '110 Boys. Mimi a boy is patient and persevere ing, and conquers diliiculties, it is a sigu he will make his mark in the world. If he worries,. and frets, and stews•it is a sign he is likely to die prematurely or live to little purpose. If he is in to hurry to spend each eoin as he gets it be will never be rich. bat a spendthrift. If he hoards up his pennies, and will net part with one ter ,any good cause, he is likely to be a miser. If he yes cttrefnl, economical and generous, he racy or may not be rich, telt he will have the blessing of God, and if he is a, .Christian who attends to his religious duties he will never want. If he is obedient to lois parents he bas the promises that bis daysshall� bnl o n iu the la ie land, If he b F is lazy, and indifferent, `ti>ad neglects his duties he will grow up a dunce and met -cannot respect flim. If he reads clime 1 d I 1r 1 o~e o s rlw o trashy, all , V'five- cent �', .la paper, instead of bright, helpful literature, he will likely end his days iu prison or upon the gallows. If he Loves his religion and clinroh, and bis Sabbath school, he wilt be good and useful, and occupy en honorable posi- tion among mien. Are you patient, preserving, prayerful, contented, care- ful. and good? Are you trying to be ? --Exchange. Saturday, August, 19 is the date named as that on which the Home Rule bill is likely to pass the house of commons. The Times says the lords will throw it out before the end of the month. Yarliainent is expected shortly eftewards to aajourn until the end of October, when other business is to be disposed of. Early in 1804 the home rule 'bill is to be re -intro. duced in the commons. The Montreal Witness makes a dis- tinction rather neatly :� when it says : "The policy of the Liberals, at the present juncture is to foster and en- couraee horue bianui"acture, not to protect it. If you protect a child against the free winds° bf heaven, it clay indeed seem to be fat, but it will only he bloated, doomed to premature cosy. If you protect a manufacturer gainst the stimulus competition, ou may indeed distress the taxpayers y spoonfeeding him at their expense ut you will develop a. morbid growth f over productipn, 'combines and trikes which will in,the end ruin the manu.faeturers themselves.. y supposed, 1 When you dry salt for the table do a not place it in the salt cellars until it y is cold, otherwise it will, harden into a b lump, b nice to take; perfect harmless.threading- le --- - -d --' Mr. Wills Chief of Police,Woodstock, says; something a acetals should held it over "A sure cute every time." Aid. Farmer, sometl*in white, bywhich the sight There are 119 dairymen in the tciwn rho owe 2,569 cows, an average of ,eddy 22 cows in each dairy, bix re+ the sfnahest number in one dairy ad 44 the largest. Bat two men ave ever 40 cows in their dairies. `lie total value of hay fed was $.59, 47.61:1, or an average of $19.40 per )w. The total value of roughage tsti Hated by only a few) wile 1,333. There was feed $22,838.21 ;prth of grain, an average of $8 89 'arth per cow. which brines up the ist of keep per cow to $20 52. The dile of calves was (6.508) so low bee Luse many died of chronic diarrbeea id of pork $8,389.64 There were )14 *591,325 pound of butter at an rerag•e price of 25ic. per hound, or a eat of 6150,861.55. The .average eld of butter per cow was 230 guilds. The cost of butter per cow was 88,92, the average earnings per rev $64.16 and the average net in. tree per colo $35.24. The average •Tee of butter ranged front 16 to 26e. a itverage rest of butter per cow aro $18.85 to $47.11 and the wage gross income per cow $28.51 $101.13. But two daries averaged thug 20e. per pound for their but - r and tins low prier, was deft to Ialing their product too long. But dairyman reported the cost of irking butter pet cow below $20 and fro'.n school soon, and they'll be so iy' two above $40. Only four re- disappointed if they hear you have reed less than 640 as the average . ,ome per cow. There was one ilrymani whose cows brought hint an wraps of over $100, four between 690 k $100, eight between $80 and $90 20 between $70 and eine The has gone down into the town to try ton, Hamilton, says "I nave derived great them cook fur two hour time a sufferer from headache, biliousness fire. Dress with Cream The Western students who received ipiowas at the Guelph Agrieullural Conies the ether day were:—Jarnes tliin8an, Seaforth, $iron. .1. H. urns Kirk on t t ,Perrin, �� . C. Brooks iter, and Jet . Brantford, Brant; W. J. Brown, Dune s over a slow bovne, EIgin; Joseph Conn. Heathcote, benefit from them, having been a lone and ueuralgiet,"Mrs- Crist, Hamilton, Hour as you would oyster and salt according to taste. Asparagus on Toast ; Tie a bunch b of asparagus up with ra soft string, then cut away the woody part of it, L says: No medicine or doctors did rn daughter any good until we used Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders; they have effected a complete cure." ;kis Keats, Hamilton, says; "Your powders have been the greatest blessing to fine," Price, 25 cents a box. Sold by alt medicine which is about one-half an inch of the 1 , butter and Grey; W, W. Cooper, Kippen, Huron; dr ey, rant; A. Imes, Princeton. Brant; E. M. this - and, Cairngorm, Middlesex; P. B. Kennedy, Sarnia, Larobtnn; R. A. ehman, Orillia, Simeoe; W. licOa1 s, and pepper Fred Dean H. 1 13 W dealers. bottom part, Place in a pan of salted N boiling +enter and .cook 25 minutes. How Trains are Run in Germany. gave ready seine slices of crusticss \f toast, dip each piece of toast in the E asparagus liquor. Batter while hot and Iay upon a heated di=h. Drain C LS TO LOAN. um, Guelph, Wellington; K. Mc- aughton, Walkerton, Bruce; I; . A teMordie Kippen, Huron; W. G. cI inz`ic, Fairview, Oxford, and A, Phirn,Hespeler, Waterloo. It is slow travelling in Germany, writes Jerome E. Jeroine. The Ger- man train does not burry or excite it- COUNTY FUN self over its work, and when it stops the asparagus and ar, svgs upon the _ it likes to take a rest, When a Ger- toast. Pepper, salt and butter genet- On the security of Cultivated Farm, Interest six Than train draws up at a stattou ever Ousl ,and serve at onso. percent, payable annually, Any .portion of the y principal may be repaid at any time the borrower body gets out and has a walk. The wishes. A11 expences paid by the County, No engine driver and the stoker cross over Matrimonial Sugi3estron. person escort tle CountyAuditors allowed to see mortgages or toknow too whom money is loaned. and knock at the station master'sQApperily toh, Aug,ath isa2, t o. �reasarer.o 1S M. HOLMES do8r It is becoming so i•ashionablego have i Qd The station -master comes out the bride's favorite colors appear hi her and meets them effusively, and then wedding decorations and the gowns of rood back into the house to tell his her maids that the following old-fash- ioned superstition, cherished by our bustles out Tend welcomes them effae "grandmothers, may prove a guide to siveiy, and the four stand chatting about old times and friends and the the bride of today; Married in gray you will go fa state of the crops. After a while, the r engine driver, during a pause in the away. Married in block you will wish your conversation, looks at his watch and says he is afraid set f back the station'nuiaster's wife w of 't hear self dead, of it. Married in green ashamed to be Oh you must stop and see my child. f seen, ren, she says. They will be hoose Id Ile must be going, but Married in red you will wish your. een here and gone away again. The engine driver and the stoker laugh, and say that under the eircam. etances they suppose they must stop ; and they do so. The second guard p who received $'101.13 per Cow and sell a dog, and the passengers cows that made 4,492 pounds stroll about the platform and smoke r; an average of nearly 293 -or partake of a light meal in the itsde of butter per cow. It cost refreshment room. Wheu.r p erybody; [per cow to make the butter which appears to be sufficiently rested, a fed him $77.13 per cow. move onward is suggestedBby the mains driver or the €uard, and d if all do theymean byare agreeable to the proposal the train at"t15` tide?ar & i�r Susie --Doti% yott, , �y s:'Ltg, dint n,n,lflu people who " rwu „ rt Easter Sunday., fn he first railway opened for traffic Ontario, was called the Ontario y says: l'tue happiness is:girncoe & Huronnow + Ivort#irgru railing something, not in , Division of the G. T. 11 and es � li who pursues r A r uef; the the first train was run on the 23rd of isfht know, teeter. June, 40 yearn ago. Married In blue he will always be true. Married in pearl you will live in a whirl Married in yellow you will be ashamed of the fellow. Slarried in brown you will live out of town. Married in pink your fortune will shrink It bas been arranged *flat a con- vention of temperance worker for the Province of Onto, rio will s meet at To. rant a on-• O.,to her 40, for the purpose of organising for the prohibtton plebiscite to be taken iu January next. Toe total membership of the Presbyterietl chur;li inCanada is 530,814, or an increase of 10,631 over the figures of last year, while the !con tribntioriefor all purposeataliiottnttd t to $1,396,171. CORM BROSI5 UNDERTAKERS, WIN GHAli2, ONT. ossaminsaumnammougammemm pialeand�y`teat iremedint eThiPre Application agreat and long•felt want among those who suffer from piles. It is a remedy of the highest merit, erecting and reliable. and has husitineiraac those have ed their Pixpxe A roslrrvs teas when other treatments fail to relieve, Testimonials furnished, Price 41. t'or sale by druggists, or, nan by on receipt ofprice. Snoxe, 3 , eutactueinChei84 Dundas treet, London, Oat, ITERATE BEANS tt'KtiV DEANS ale a new dice corm Oat entre tete 'worst watt of Harem* I)ebitfb' Loeb Vigor awl Mims Manhood; restorer for warms* of body or hand canoed by o a••'erork. or the errori or Ca- eeseeeof youth. This Remedy ab- solutely l older e,oiuteJr nowtnowtt:te ,sect otietie„tq caret when ,all o Titnar,eiui a banfeiledereeat,i raters. .old hydras. gists at u per pookage. or ds tar I6, or Nat soot eron receipt of Klee by San- Mit THE JAMES MDIC'1 NE 00., Toronto, mei Wow for pamphlet. Sold 1 — Wiazhain, Az HA)i(GT0 s. 01111)1AUE 411, Tho Taws Tomato. OI per $1GThTimis and Toronto Empire per year.. 7 Thu Tams And London Advertiser per year1 00 The Tangs and Loadotr gree Picas pet' year„ 1 76 The Tats and Siontr4ee herald per year1 00 The Tams and Montreal Witness per year1 76 The 7,aesene Moatreal k'andly Iferald and Star 1 70 Seduced rate#anti• all other weekly papers apes mentioned in this above 11,0, JOB PRINTING? JNCT UDINQ ensue Pamphlets, Posters, Dill 1 Hercds, Qireuiaae, 4c., &c., executed Mthe beat style of the aril, ab moderate prices, and on short notice. Apptnor address R. ETofmms O Tice, Wingiti tn,. LOOK HERE ! elingljamtialtsi It3 Pi/J]L;fii1l41>--, EYZRM TItTAA,)i 1114I0.1ING --AT THE—. TIME!9.-S.r'RIFtcE, JOSEPHINE ST WJ 1GRAlk%, 01 TAItI4, eunsolriptienpeace, $I120rY0iax,tatasivouee eleee TISIIIG RATES: Srloo• 1. lee i bingo 1 is nee l ii hyo One Columrx•-I-$tie 09 $0"r de Slit 0 �"'$...... Halt ;,6 CO 20 00 22 00 A D Quarter "4' ' 50 00 12 00 i 00 One knell' 200 _ �, op rrsranSQtnforseefoetlneet onand opieeschubt inasrtlonu. Local„liotioas.10e. per ..oe for Hist i JhhiS Wb IntereeEvery,.naonAtd idoBvoot•.r tilo�zyeoc,nh anrogeLd$ Fa dD e ae t, 1o ann 4, leas than 22e. ,r3e, per linefor each aubsee,uent IICLrtcnNo nee nonpareil, 4ieJermonth zJouseland body, Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 l$new,. x $ tee flss , tnwn to . b0o.r su a N bs non twee eq n h Thal will r•m s ba strictly Adhered to fi inl: per rates for lo advprtiaements, or foe lengpr pprJods. A.deertiawuente anis local notices without sPeoilln directionse,will l+o inserted tilt forbid end charged Aceordingib;. Traied"ory advertisements must We are scilla paid inadvance g Chang.,, sou contract advertisements roust be the otiiae l,y+ Wednesday noon, In order to appecit Belt Coal Oil at 12 1-2 thatw.eea,: cents per Imperial ga.•- ? on, er a can containing the equivalent of five American ga .ions for 5Oe exclusive of pack- age.. - American Axes, 5oc.4.to 6,c, each: Crosscut Saws, 45c. to $x.00r per foot, We to -day reduce our' quotations on' Binder - Twine one cent per lb:. •A.CLINE &CO, Winghaur. WINGHAM STEAM PUMP VQR-KSI oNN!E6 EOPS, PROPRIETOR,. I wish to inform the pe sploof Wing - Maar and surrounding coo tay, that, as I have purchased the Steam Pump Works lately owned by 111:', H. Clark, 1 are prepared to supply all kinds of Wooden, Lift, Force & Iron Pumps And attend to the wants of- the public • in anything in the Pump Zine, As I hare a long experieenee in the business I guarantee ail my work, and if not satisfactory will refund the money. We also deal in ALL FINDS OF WIND MILLS. u” "Soft water cisterns made on short notice. Orders by mail promp0 attended to. 1). SI OWERS. Wingharu' TWO KINDS OF CUSTOMERS. CUSTOMERS. wzos A WAK n KIND. BUY PROM TRE City Fruit & Confectio ery Store Because they can get go ds that are right and up to the. Tines. ANOTnArt KIND ARE VAST ASLtEre . Rut they are waking up to :the feet that 1 can give them goods that wilt please them. Full fides of fruits, t+cner O seers Confec y r � �th APPLES BY THE BARREL. Agent for Parker's Dye Works. Canned goods of every description an waye on hand and my prices are as low as the lowest. Bow( the place, opposite the clew ink of Hamilton. ROST. Elias. s. It. ELLIOTT PROP1111004 AND Postern* to, Itik ckur.,I7, ` JOSEPHINE STREET, le on:wew • - Oxxnaio, TIT B., TOWLER.yiet Mabee College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario . --Coroner for County of Huron-- Ofilee•IUp-stairs, next to Mr Morton's office, 1Ving,, ham, Out, OrAic» Hers% 0 to 12 a. nn., 1 to 0 p. m., or -at Residence, Diagonal Street. ilt.. J, k. I,fELAItRIi, • pmemberQof the College ofP of Toronto and Sun,:eons of enteric., Officeand Residence. cornerof Centre and Eerier; stneets,.formerJy occupied by Dr. 13ethune. ' U::x It vANSTOAL. BARRISTER, iSOLICITOn,f Etc., Pel eatesnd Company funds to loan at lowest rate,. interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, tow, and farm property bought and old ONFIOE--Beaver Block Wisouan .7. A. MORTON' BARRISTER S.c , W ngham Ont, mEIER rr DICIONSO 14. W. C. MEYER O. C. E... L. Dicgrnse Y, B.A BARRISTERS AND SO t',/TORS, Etc., Title,.; Sot Bettors for Bank of 11 Iran. Commissioners fqr taking ng a tedv ni t s for Mn Who. Farm,yandVillage property bought sold. Money pr.funds) loaned on mortgage Security at b4 per cent Money invested for primes persons, upon the beg irt mortgage securities A'ifho,t any expanse to the lender. Lands for sale hi Manitoba and, the North.west. Ofifcc—I{cat's Block,,' Ingham. DENTISTRY.._ J S. JP/4011E, Ws:Jonas, zrad Yl.4sanufacturh,g C elluleid , $latera aeauite plates of the bostlnaterial as cheap as they ergs, be got 1n the Dominion, All weirk Warranted, Painless extraction of teeth by rice use of Electric. ity or 1'egetnb?,re Vapor. TangNor:ca.--I will extract teeth for 25 cents each. Brunsaiclt OFi•ICE; Iu the Beaver xanock, opposite tho douse, V(iz21 .1-1, Macdonald, L., D. S,, DENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK. Opposite the Queen's hotel, lringham. Will visit Gerrie 1st and 3rd M•ondayss of each month. ;Tome RITCHIE f el 4 GENERAL INSIJIIANCE AGENT `TAd 1-) Ja., Wr tenAt,, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, on, THE COIJN t Sales attended in anHURON. Moderate, y part of the Co. Charges JOHN OTJRItIE, Wivo>rau, LtOtesea AuOTtozellsrt POR Tile COUNTY or xvxprl All orders left at the Trains Wee promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable. TAMES HENDERSON,. Ltosssee AecTfO415St FOS COUSSMS Cod-MSiirrR014 alrb MI sales attended to promptiy and on the Shortest Xebec. Charges ssary arrangefl1ee( can be Made at' the Toots' elliee WiSOlIA)t je_)u. i2, J. ,10CAS11 6I. B, Toronto, ltembere Cellose Physic Surgeon, Ontario. s and Bi,taaavx = Motley to Loan bri Motes. Notes Discounted A REASONABLE; NA $L lfoucy ddvitnerd oh Ito e'awlth privllegc of paying at the end aI ony year. Notes aed accounts collected, Svor3ltorir.- S1Etrdhitfa, <IRo , UozNZ oO. 1 'at 4 {CONiaiil;q'.;Q -zty erial 1Yiy0IiAAt; -"b'ar 004'e?std PiOwoond Nog to the fa O4, ttha ttentthoionWYoma e's Cbrie sharp toxone hear, every Ars. lIt to in'o .10 ri 3o hlse1Ae lgi Vhod aaunnty t spmt Monday of every ,nelrth,. except -wits advertise/1,4o Avhioh•aricetidg we la generate/ As the Editor has kindly piven•otan sora iteoms of interest ort salt moral nue day to any of our ulteebery, What liloders the liTi asx mutiny a'l'e IltAal'I%IeaP. Tt©t ry _. 410 V. n1. .i •r, rib,,.. t Woeld's 1psra,ncesCo; es 'marem s •b anentlie otef theperlrrencepresaforiblo icolt twseri righteousness ,. nd iI iii,. SZOss—a conflict wbich,hae iris ages and ceriilot•cease, ,until , motor;sus and the whose sigh shall neigh. fl"he hattle,i.s en the real .prexenee of. Gott inecat the destinieeof this world. Not -more certainly does line of rock and sand .shalt he tyitll the mandate i,i 'fouse fr beetieniag--: sheens . far .',,shall, and no farthel'L .than,;does t line' of omnipotence hedge, in of men ,and nations, and, brin to the etew.areltetif goodness losses of ,evil :doing. The -et tinent cdoesiz1ot 'cause the ro impatient surf, that beats :'ati nor is the reeterAi kingdom response:Werfor ...tee fret .of appetite .and.,stn, that resists blood and .revolution the l.411 o shall he .estab:lislted forever. No reform .is .,begun or by the artii e•of the reformer, the preselrteoe,To+tyet contest fields, of rMvo.prenniplss, tea and two ,piawers, tdi,tlt must, eh until t'an is -stl.prenie, eln. struggle aiii`t+h.is eonvoeati{9�nI1.i three ectiate,e h omen fac.t5rt; e1 agreert;tea,et,,aled• theles ,l$t in 1 with, its *divine •'bee) grow three are : 11. ?Mb pine defended; 1. I oade:e which one shlbheflstfi of,' tatth, ane battle -cry elrf:.aggresaive and warfare, auel.fi ; he,r~3Pthods to bila„ sutflabis ;tA stu.dy three is int/Eli:resting airs the li question, irhatibinelmee the v Two pfitneiples nee easily beddi,—_) al ad,sf:Ilneotyc for vzdua1--"from teat+,s.Zeotut> les ve le gi nate rewrnereiyat t u er aanctiontofand to hr ion of the rierht:of .,any e conduct a business -so, theyo tion, harmful 1w 'the •atal abstinence—right ebeear,se h and safe because et :is 'tight point where our wrtr:begins videai destiny, acrd .makes - with seltteindnlgeelce .2700 rmade it when he said:: ."tiff i:iland otfewl thee emit set-off from thee It is heozer -to fflife maimed than baainglt,,s .be cast into hell." Alcohol ie aat poison ik;'tile :science, no metier 10015' el >>the doctored drinks of •oofn rib ever the deadliest of the ri An the cup cleansing. £taii,e1 dile will and Conscience it iia ss -to Create an wecontrotlatbfl,. :i£®r itself This appetite aizins the �ICtinl ,t,c,dy, inti eturatil false to .every hulnan 'lnally shudders out of t through a doorway over t tsnoliangeable Iaw is wri drutrkard shall inherit rate. Affect©d thus, the drinker t Woke touches in the press theifstui:e by the entailrne Shaun rand weakness upon that sluing £rein hire; and upon the commonwealth, therefore, that to drink a not to drink them is a matt hell, or :self-restt•aint,or trite beyond the eternal things, is false. To drink alcohol as a 131 sin ,pee se, and smites the s of Truth with the brutal f tits, or flings at her foot tl seff.indalgenee, and the 0 other is a (tail to war. a Hack of these vital another- deeper yet, the individual. Because of divinely coulpuked, we h of salvation, the cross of 0 all we know of life inflno thing, therefore, which soul (7liriet reckons price the pathway of divine invites its stroke. I'rofiib state is but the same pr different relation. Euski nation hats but one v S due Bianca life,' The Helsel liberately debauches this Ionians and oxobanges Ji .w.: b.., , .. . .