HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-07-14, Page 1VOL. 1117.
The hot weather is here incl you are
looking for cooler clothing of all kinds, we
have everything you want. In ladies' vest
we are showing a big range, different kinds,
weights and prices. Hoisery and glove
stook is complete. We have a beautiful
line of printed Irish lawns (exelasive to
this store) and widish make up very prettily
in dresses and blouses, our ehallies at 8 and
10 cents a yard, aro fine values and cannot
be beaten. We have slot of remnants we
want to get rid of.
For you men, we have n wide range of
negligee shirts in different colors and mater-
ials, underwear in all sizes, Balbriggan and
light weight natural wool. Grooeries as
Usual, fresh and well eseorted. Pune Leans
is hard to get now-a•clays, we have it.
Don't forget that this is the only place
where you can get s first-class tea for 85c.
Shop early and seam prompt delivery.
This store ciallek- at "vett' . •...
. Direct Dry Goods Importers.
Tus BEAM, June 22„ 189e.
Has aecidecl to again open a Dress and
Mantle making business, at her residence,
Edward street, near Pringle's pop works.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Apprentices
asarelago Licenses
Issikkby FRANK PATZRS011. No 23, Vie-
toria streenWinghana, Ont. No witnesses
—Dr. Sutolafr, Specf.ahst, will be
at the Queen's Hotel, Vingham, on
Xottday, July 17th, • From 11 a. m.
to 3 p. m. Take ncti Conculta-
tio free,
Mr. Wme Clegg is n ping hay to the
„ld Country via Neev Yet e. „.
, •
—'OIL TUE BOAAND Glues—Two glasses
of s da water for 5 cents at B.
' The 'brickwork el Dr.racdonald's new
mit Ilfibeen commence .
—CeAtit the Star Restarnant for a big
assortrent of emit. Jett, McKeever).
eylae,teae%.opaarer, oft town a few
aayege,d-44' is now iJi Tenwitter, we
' belitre. •
Priv* ttfOneys to loan on mortgages
at reasone,blelrate of interest. Apply to
tf JOIIN Nuns.
J. J. Meltillop, '4o has been eon -
ducting es boot and shoe stFro in town for
some time, closed bis storl on Monday, and
intends moving the st ok to some other
Airs. J. B. Fetid/son gen to Toronto
issweek to spend a fon( weeks with one of
e leading artists of tin t city, after ninth
1 she will take a trip up ti 'inserts Muskoka on
a sketching our. set •
—G T trams for: Toronto and net
leave Wingham et G.25 and 11,20 a m.
vjaW G 33 Division, end at 3.40 a in
n :and 3.45 p rn, via Clinton and Guelph.
Good eourfeetioue by all trains.
—Mr. A. K. Cameron, JLtte of the Wing.
nam, Post Office staff, a at his home ixx
Beaverton, Onte very ill mid not expected
•I to recover. no is serf 4ring from sorno
s Oroat affection.
In N.` Swat, o Galt, rePresenting
file Brown Bine. Co npany, who have
1IIII'SOVIeS at Rochester, N. y„ and Ridge.
'faille, Ont., has been se lug largo quantities
their stock in ,:thi • town and. vicinity
ring thci peat week r so,
firet-elass tailoring and cheap
tfd furnishings, try Webster ,k Co,
member the place. only two doors north
:1? the old Anna and between Rose' book -
:Sere and Pattereon's jewellery :bop.
number of Orals emen of town drove
to Luck:tow tn tend divine serviee
s their brethren o • that place, on Sun.
least. The sere co was held in. the
ihodist church, nd. Bev. John Mills,
dine pastor, proaclteq axi interestering
feis*euctive sermon 4i the ooeasion
• Borrie Vidette; Mrs. Jae. Crockery,
t'Z:ladevitt, Mich., ho has been spending
^els 10 of "ein own welting heis sister,
Jas. lading, le 1on Wednesday for
*Istflutra, where sl
• •
r Donald, L. 1)
-is*'41,ttitning hoic
vill visit 110/l son, W.
S., for a few daps be -
Mr. P. S. Link'
tion to his residen
Revs, Crossley
services in Pert
Amgen Biel.
t •
ter is bending an addl-
e on Alice street.
nd limiter will conduct
ligin from July 10th t
4alCents Cash will pay for T
for new subscribers, till the end of
the year.
—Last week, the Airmen of the Street
Committee had the 1- rge stones en Joseph -
hie street broken.
gentleman fr
Glass Works, Toren
ting the stained
Episcopal church, ii
—A goodly numb
the Salvation Army
on the 12th inst.,
—American soney taken at • par for
goods in my JJfo, or will be discounted at
ten or cont.jf It HIM,.
opposite Bank of Hamilton.
—During the week, number of streets
n town have been greatly inaprovecl by
having the weeds Jnd. thistles on the
sides cut down and noved.
—Mr. J. C. leicOr °ken, student of Huron
College, London, is visiting in Winglism
end vicinity. He 'ill take charge , of the
services in the Ep copal church, Dungan-
non, cluing his 1 ida
—Ween,—.A. servant girl for general
housework. App y at Methodist Parson-
—On Saturday int, the joiner football
lub, of Listowel, rove over to Wingham
to try conclusions with a junior club of
this town. The gene was a hotly °metes
ed one, and, result cl in favor of the Lista% el
b s by a score of ive goals to none.
—Messrs. John nrray and Thos. Car-
uthers announce y hills that they aro
running the Wingl Om Foundry, ana are
prepard to do 11 kinds of repairing, as
tette'. Repairs o • binders, mowers,
three ing machin tea ays on hand.
n the Victoria Stained
, is at preaent put -
ass windows in the
of the members of
f town went to.Blyth,
companion by their
—Tenders aro a keel for doieg wood.- —Mildmay G
wor repairs oa t pnblie school. zie, of Wingha
int A. now sides alk is heitig laidon lirnS'eI ei,si,e
YTSr etcoMi
•tosephine street, nd it is 4 decided lass n
provement. • meeting last we
fannaers comnaei
—Brussels Pos : Wingham Band play- Wednesday eveni
ed a number of -ell rendered selections was fully 150
tohnetihmeasett.oet las Thursday evening after over 800 tons
Meltelo will take
OyeaftCts will. pay or TI
sebsoribers, till
the fe Trent The price paid is
thesna Ol load is paid as fa
.ett ; Mr. GeO, MeKen. 1 IL Musgrove, Wieghem, 'Slang up the
has decided to move his Manitoba Separate School Id Honaeltule
may, after the encourage- aspect of the weestion; Bev. fr, Thompson,
from the farmers at the of Kincardine, speaking on 'the social and
r. On Monday last the religious view; Rev. Mr. It ley, of Brussels,
ed hauling bay and on spoke an somewhat similn lines; Rev. Mr,
• g the amount delivered • Emboss of Adelaide, took p the political
• 1138. It ,is expected that view as to eeemptioos, r tenting a state
1 be sold here, as Mr, went which he made at ussels two years
11 that is brought in. ago, wick was then statby some to be
er ton, and as each false, pointed out its tru ss, must called ar-
t as it is unloaded, a teution to the bine b ok in proof of his
vill be put into air- assertion; Rev. Mr. 111eL n, of Blyth, also
e will be here in a made a few remarks, an the programme
position eor oper- was closed with cheers or the Queen, sec.
It would be hard to Rev. Mr, Higley, of 13Iyt ,was expected to
larger hay -stack address the meeting, but was unable to do
so, being conThe lodges of Lady Tru Blues wore also
nned to his louse by sickness,
present, The day passe off most agreeab-
flYee'unnogt.hing happening o mar the good.
, goodly sure of money
—The Presbyte y of Maitland will . el:dation, The machi
meet io the W gbani Presbyterian ; week or so and placed
church, on Tuesd y next, 18th inst, at . ation at the flax mill.
11 a. m. •' find in the Dominion 1
—The congregat one ot the Episcopal than the one now in Mi
t:repipe hauesorogftsofsiollie' —Mrs. R. Orr and M
r theirhavesecured the servic
and Methodist el
both negotiating fc
church edifices.
. Thos. X. Scott
s of Miss Pauline
, Johnson, the celebratec Mohawk Indian
—Oasis for good butter and eggs at R A Poot-Reacler, for an e tertainment to be
Graham's market grocery, ! held in the Town Hall, n Fidelity evening,
—The Wingham otball club went ally 21st. Miss Johnso 1 will be assisted
over to Blyth, on We liesclaY/ endplayed by Mrs. Orr, Mrs. Buds num, Miss Sparl.
the Cranbrook club, efeating them by ing, Mies McKenzie, ant Messrs, SVilsou
three goals to one. ! and Scott. The folio ing is the pro-
-Rev, Andrew M 'ab, of Itnox Col- gramme: Quartette, " en of Harloch."
logo, Toronto, a y susss man hig Mrs. Orr, Mrs. Buell non and Messrs.
spokeof by Profesprime, Professor
Wilson and Scott; read ng, "Beyond the
n s
Bine," Miss PanlineJo non; duet, ((Life's
Henry Drummond, r. Bonar and
Dream is O'er," Miss di ;Kenzie, and Mr.
others, will conduct he services in the
Scott; solo, (guitar ace mpapinsent) "Mar-
Piesbyteriais ohm on Sunday, July
guerite," Mrs. Buchan n; reading, "The
16th, morning and evening, and take
Cry of an Indian 't ife," Miss Johnson;
charge of the Bibi class at half -past
solo, "Rothsay Bay," s r. Scott; reading,
two in the afternoono
"As Red Mon Die," I iss Johnson; guar-
ketr,' We eight year tette, "The Dawn of y," Mrs. Orr, Mrs•
tett, eof Wingham Buchanan, Messrs. W son and Scott; duet'
y on Saturday last "When the Wind Blo
week's linen, from inflam- Airs. Orr and. Mr. Sco
he decease was not a very Miss Johnson; trio, "
y. The fune 'al, eennionaay, was Mrs. Buchanan and
tlefellows,members "Gioulio Banti," Mi
sslf4ted as bearers, Better Land," Mrs.
dee& the tuners( Girl's Reasoning,"
tette, "Soot's Wha I
—Charles Albert Be
15 son of Mr. Jas. Be
Town Plot, passed etc
after abo
largely attended, South
of his Sabbath school el
end Rev'. Mr. Wood co
—Dealers havo your garmeota made by s
Mies ?et. Johnston, regery block, opposite -1)
the Queeu's Hote Letest styles, good oe
work, always first-class fit. fr
a front the Sea,"
t; reading-, selected,
fernery," Mrs. Orr,
r. Scott; solo, (violin;
Sperling; solo, "The
rr; reaaing, "A Boa
Miss Johnson; guar -
le," Mee. Orr, Airs.
—The Kincardine eview of lest week Buchanan, Messrs. Ison and Scott.
aye :—On Saturdak 1 t Conductor Quirk
assed the nailenSen marked 50 ancl to Il•
edg Feneo. • . .
lebrate the event ' xvited a number of wine lliST WASH ..k:11) HURON eownsene
iends to his hospita le home on Lambton la11311,11* VS: Or 12.
street. A pleasant t me was spent with ;
speech and song ancl the jovial Conductor At the invitation f Mraealex. Keunedy,
was voted "health, ppiness and length of, agent for The Stint ord Hedge Fence Co.,
days." . , we, on Monday, 8rd uly, visited the head
'—Mr. W. A. H 'Court, of Danclurn investigatingoffice of the Complus for the purpose of
stittion, Northwest •Territories, a former the bu nen for ourselves and
resident of •Wirightten is in town spencline corporateto ascertain whereo sthe company was in -
some time visiting ft nds and Mao buying d, what pa nts, if any, they held
and whet
sante thoroughbred 5 orthorn Belle. He her a folic made unaer their
is extensively engage in needling, Etnci method of trestine t really is a good sub -
1 wishes to improve xis stock. He also stantial structure a cd :Is good looking as
wishes to buy several thoroughbred Polled represented. We w o shown through the
Angus bulls, • His re. li is located.. about . books of the cons any, ate government
195 miles northwest o Regina, and he has charter and patents. We warn shown con -
been quite successful Pee going there. He tracts for the eons r etion of 63,000 rods of
is pleased to note the progress W/41114111 ' g , n a ,. rwards driven to some
sainplee of complet
has inedo since he left here in 1881. .. • ; bodge 'fences which
• . we examined ver • arefully ancl admired
Muse CONGREGATIONAL . CtIE.Oti, very much. PI b •1xs show an immense
1Vserneraet.--W, H. Watson, Pastor. Susi volume of 1 siess; the stockledger con -
vices inch Sunday at 11 a. it, and 7 p. m.1 tains the '0.' ' : o ie shareholders, 32 in
Sabbath School and Bible Claes at 2.30. , number, se ostly far
Prayer Meeting eve* Wednesday 1 sPcotabin •and Pre
at 8 p. m. Christian Endeavor Friday : that the company N
evenings at 8 p. tn. All macro Welcome,: paid- up capital of $
Seats freed Strangers welcome. Sunday, on the system of spl
July 15111. Morning subject: "An Odd
mesasltfor doing the
h . ()rowel,"
, •
—The Orange en of the town and a
ergo number of itizens went to Blyth by
special train, on eanesday, to attend the
celebration of the attle of the Boyre, in
that place. They were accompanied by
the town band, an as they, merehed to the
station they preset ted a fine appearance.
Mr. Thos. Bel has just put in a heater
nd filter in bis 1 ctory. For some time
they have been hot ored: with sand getting
into the boiler, al d with this heater and
filter this will not emir again. The fac-
tory was shut clowi for over a eek while
the filter was being utiu, .anit the hands
• tad an enforced .oliday, notch against
their ancl Mr. Bell's vish.
—*Now that the hot weather lias come,
people should come to the fouttain and get
a fine drink of lemon sour, vanilla, straw-
berry, raspberry, pine apple, ginger, choch-
late, sarsaparilla or ice cream soda, one of
the finest drinks in the lancl at R. Hun's.
—On Thursday 0:
Instruction was hel
in town, under the "
3. A. Morton, D.
District No. 5. Th
51000, representing
southern part, of th
gree was exerrlpli
Cooke and officers o
Kincardine; tits ftec
A. G. McGregor an
lodge, and the -nth
C. Dames and odic
last week, a Lodge of
in the Masonic Ball,
irection of R. W. Bro.
D. G. M. of Masonie,
re was a good attend,
seven lodges in -the
district. The first (let
'oil by W. Bre, J. C.
Northern Light lodge, r"
na degree by W. Bro.
officers of Whit:auxin Mi
degree by W. Bro. th
73 of Brussels lodge. In
, y e to
ung Peoplo : "Sti tegy." Evening ; mon substantial and beautiful than any ! is•m: ;07.'1:n ligisi:niwile
Message, from. I 'eaven to a City re
issionary." ' enough to turn the largest aeriesteld. and I in the town of Essex,
peeseeted by the agents, being strong I
ce Boohoo Johnson, who will appear hi
1•i ' ---e - being very ornament . Wd therefore hey() ;
• • •
as wen metehew engenitd in Idl.h.A.
—sKit," in the Tor Ito na1 save of close enough for t e smallest,
e TOW11 Hall, on uly 21st : • The every confidence in r commencliug to our f;
I 'Miss Annie nit, of
Sinn poetess is a very clover womitn."11- Or neighbors the adopti 1 of the hedge fence, i
t friends in team.
ice is exquisitely ten er, her facial power as it is snore substauti 1, more durable and i Miss Mettle Manun
aerie), and her gee urea graceful- and 'more ornemeittal than any other. Robert •
• 1 'Michigan, vs110 hes be
ling. It was with intense pleasure I Currie, lax -Reeve of est ISntwanoeld 1 at weeks with r0iativ
toned to her renderi g of her own beeuti. Robert Shiells, Depute Reeve of East Was : t° her 1105115 011 1‘1.0"
compositions', sox e of whieli seemed tv°11"h; W. IL Cretins! enk, Deputy Reeve '
. , Mr. rani nin. Geo.
plaeo minds. Ifor p .isionate dark face
nest beyond reach f our more common. of Turnhetry; Janice McCallum, East i
Weevanosh ; Robert i 1 , 0 larmm, Reeve, cytovl \ulitt.ttor Ea i‘itisl an d, -,.. t,a
expressed every shade of feeling. She was Huron; John S. MeDin Ild, Huron; Peter 1 1 ,as e s 10 net
a revelation to LOO. 1 er Indian •costume, McDonald, Huron; Ro ert Martin, Huron. 1 of leew Hamburg, an
--hell, son of Dr, Camp
which moat have cos an m
imensity, was rettact of 6 topic.
accurate ie every dent ,ancl most becoming The anniversary 1 visiting at the home
to its wearer. Miss Johnson now na Beene was celebratt by the Orangemen of ;
the Bettie of the IhsiviiZnpf.1-11:licsittbsabnoe
then thawed how in ensely sarcastic elle North Huron in the :Ringo of Myth, on : gone on a montlin
tau be, as well as ho pasionately devoted Wednesday last. T ere was an immense : onto and Picton,
she in to her own p1 ple, for all d which / straw& anti every h 1 el Wall taxed to its ' Miss Williamson
love her. I hope we shall soon see her utmost but as far a cotild be seen or heard, : ing iddischi iii tewu,
mein hi Toronto. everyone was wall tipplina. The lodges--! Mrs. Pethick and children, of London,
14 in number--gateyed in the park at 1.80 i are visiting at the neidoece of Mr, J. 'S.
A Caste t Sertutimet,
p. 111., wheii s pro ssion Was formed and i Smith.
When health is faagene in Consopeption, marched aroma e town, headed by two i 1)r. and 1%frs. Ilu ' rile, IV Mitchell, 'were
then sometimes only ease Ana comfort can brass bands, one e and drum beenl, Alia . the guests of Mr. td. Min. H. Davis for a
secured from the use of Scott's Einul. tseeompanica by e naval fifes and dvmus. few days during th weelt.
n. What is much bettor is to take this On the rennet to t le park, addresses were Miss May Snide
calcine in time to save your health. delivered in the f flowing order: Mrs A. Snider, of Trout
To completed fence wer
Misses Stewart, of
are guests of ali•s, Joh
1Viiss Emma Catnpin
for a month's vacation
ing in. Penetanguish
Georgian Bay.
Rev. E. W. Hughes,
calling on Wingbani
Goderich Star : T
Winghain, are open
Awu, the guests of
the Huron Hotel.
Mr. A.,E, Lloyd w
week and took a run
see the big tunnel.
The Misses Moore
Thos. Moore, town. a ho have been visit-
ing friends hi Tor
have returned house.
Mrs. Harris and M
etroit, Michigan,
sten, town.
1 left on Thursday
up the lakes, J ale -
no, Midland and
of „Adelaide, was
'riends on Thum -
e Misses Shaw, of
ing a few days in
rs. McCornaick, of
e in Forest this
down to Sarnia to
daughters of Mr.
to for some tittle,
„Brown, of Buffalo,
neices of Mr. W. F .Brockenshire, are
visiting at his home,
Miss M. IVIcIlwaie of Galt is visiting
her parents in Lowe .Witighacto, at pre-
Mr. Jas. Wilson spell the 12th Jnlywith
his friend, Mr. Jas. M Alpine, Brussels,
Mr. 3. Johnston, of
agent for the Massey -
in town on Wednesc
interests of Inc firm.
Mrs. 11. Elliott was
of days this week visiti
Mr. Jas. McAlpine, o
is the guest of
Mr. and Mrs
hs town viei
seen of several
one tiate.clerk
to sea the great
since be was a
Mr, D. N. 111
town on Monde
Ap adjourns
ham Presbyteri
in the lecture
Wednesday ev
auditors lately
books of the p
and report the
vemb6:r ist, 1
year up to Jan
report. After
considered, it
A vote of th
Vingliam friends.
Flynn, of St. Louis,
ing friends, after an
years. Mr. Flynn wee
the town, and is pie
regress thetown lets
onald, of Ilelmore,
, cm heftiness.
resbyterAan (March-
reeeting of the. Wiag
n Congregation Was he
can of the ehnreh.
ning, July • 12th, Dtv..
P., ia the chair. Tilt
ppointed to examine the,
w steward and treasuret
financial standing of thel
om january, 1888, to
88, with the close of each,
ary, 1801, submitted their
he report had been Pally
as unanimously adopted.
ks was tendered to the
auditors, and t e following resolutions
vere s bmitte carefully considered and Se
adopted, :
Moved by S. raeey, sicerelecl hy G. Me
Pere, that is meetiug deplores and sl
trongly depre ates the unseemly •and
nwarrantable • ssertions made by certain 1
ministers and •tilers, both on the floor of 2;
he Presbytery of Maitland and outside o
t, the effect that the deputation fvorn
he managers fi members of the Wing-
iam Session,sv waited on Mr. McQuarrie
n the fall of 1 8, "went to hien with a lie
n their neon t." The falsity of such
ssertions is el arly shown by the report ;'•
the auditor —Messrs. W. Hutton,
as. A. Cline nd W. 0. Stuert—dately
ppointecl to e mine and report upou the
°social stand ng of the congregation at
he time refer ea to, wherein it is toe/
Thinly, shown bat the affairs of: the con.;
regation wer
ne a much worse state th&t.
han the depu attenrepresentieclthenete•
nd the Presb tery of Maitland feliereby
espectfully a.red to enjoin yearn esest
f memaer the propriety of rennin
om further 'minding falsetto damaging •
ports e.bout he Wiugham coegteeatiou
any partic lar member thdreof. That
opies of ()solutions, togetnet '
1113 the abs not of auditors' report, be
rwarded to the Clerk of the Preelietery of
aitlancl, to e read before said Presbytery •
its first xneetiteg, mud isleo to Rev.
ector 1\20Q arrie.
Moven by ohn Ward, seconded by D.
therlancl, that, wherein, it teas come to
our knowlea e that unjustifiable and dams
Beutford, general o
saris Corepaywas
ooking niter the
n Listowel couple ae
g relatives. at
Brussels, was in le
toevn a couple of days, 11.81 week., visiting
Mrs. Helps, of Blyth, was in. gown on
liondey calling on frien :s. •
Mr. Spungeon Sheppa of Berli, was against mr,
visiting friends in towns bis wek. • mauy of th
Mr. R. McMatli is a, Milverton, this grounds of 1
week. •turbances in
employed on. the Bank o Haettliton build -
Mr. Joseph ;Smith, of • Toemito, who was eibSgrinei:at:
nig, summer before last, is in town this eharajer ai
week visiting friends. • e reports times S. S. and eh
dull in Tprouto this yea . then said (le
Min. Harrison, of T route Jmetio, is
friends in town.
of Teeswater, was
fonclay. •
S., of Harriston, VVIIIiiteeeted Little Bangui:ell*
on business. Pints will cure Headache, 13il1ousttes,n,
Sour stoned -f, etc: l'ry them (nee and
ntford vianing •her t th
yon wi . nee any o r ce etre,. a
aging etate ts are being eonstaatly made
M. Gordonai •character by
se oppos cl to on the
$ relation to tlie r scent dies
the churcno attaniptis are eke ;
• dannee hinain his busiee ts
it therefore resolved, by teas
who have known Mr. Gordo's
1 svovk connection evith the s
rels for the last fifteen years
leering atatoments are unjust,
untrue and t nfleserving,ana that in our °pint
ion Mr. D. ' Gordon is man worthy ed.
ers and all highly re- . .
visiting her parents and
ient men. We found
Mr. IL Thompson,
incorporated with a .
000 and held patents town on business, on
111r. D. Hamilton, V.
shing and en imple.
ll'aS in town on Monday
xle. The samples of
I Miss Mallagh is in Br
10 (Mr opinion much
—.knottier cen ell of Massey.Harrie 10
twine at T. L. Jobles. Prices right quality wc
awl quantity in length conidrd. Also tel
ail kinds of maohinery netters for tho Mae- lie
eysIleren, Patterson, Wisner and D. Mane „
well =chines on hand. All kind of repair- &i"
ing clone to harvesting mchinery. eh
T. L. Jame.
--A horst case at he Wellington. 'County
Caere excited can datable interest. Two
young men were se a by the proprietor of
e livery stable r damages sustainea
through injuriee nivea hy his horse while
in their charge. • he jrtry found for the
liveryleeper for o full amount stied for.
A point was br tight out clearly this
oase whioh should e more generally known
ana that is, when, horse, birea for a
eertaiii *wetly ti delver is liable for onlsr
such damages as ay bappert through his
negligence or fau hot when he goes be-
, yond the stivula ed tontract he takes all
• riske of &widn e that may litinspen tsl-
thOugh they may be inevitable and ocour file
Withont an, fault of hit, r)
respect and.
acity and el
esteem for his integrity, vers
istien charactr,
bo, at all drug stores.
ts been employed
r sane time, is . •
()dm is the EaMily )l,i2lAtit the
•Rosidestesode, this world. Iasteat cure i(at '...iprains and
BiOISIE. i3wie el imitelienn. Ask t
istowel, is visiting Sohron'P, rdigbith 01-e
sen, d•
Isilttii.".741r60-• Powders
of Cohenbleville, fere Safe atol sii,r4F,!"e:5(Cli hoe.
• •
n speadieg a couple "a•SZ'"'•
s in town, returned aPI rewtettelieelti„.:14141,.!:741:;.104.:,,!,.'e.!€14,
. , teetinioniale teetity to its in este, Seediere.
„eek am., goa0 011 I will positively be refinnitd il Heathitiskria;.,
view the cones o
Healing Balsadoes not do all that
t m claimed for it,
son of Reeve Land i Dr. litittg's ifelliotit ,•
llraster Wm. Camp- ens: is the great blood lima, • . It will
lea ce the blood pure and %, 5, it puree •
ell, offeeaitth, ate Cures dyspepsia end all ferrite of 13tometth
, . ^ . . .
f their uncle, Mr. H. sail liver trubles; It is the best -boy the
I best. Price one dollar a bottle, fax bottles
for five dollars.
and soo 'Matey hsve
isit to friends in Tor- Viriltiatits' Litt
af Ifinardine, is visit.
fihkimtotli'N , white
1/Pr. tkittgft liawdorsv
UV. 'liking's Re allot! Illotte44:
Are all reliable medicines- and the fere;•
formerly of this twa, case or moue -refunded,
, daughter Of Conductor prxetore guarntee satiefnetioa *vet