HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-07-07, Page 7'1
. . .
on, Mother,' Capital. and Labor,
Oh, mo her, 1 want rny bonnet tied v• Rev. Joe At Todd, •writing iu the
My hat has lost a string l YiethOdist Review, New 'York, stiy.s t
Must 1 be Bobby Barnes' horse? "To (lett l'Itiltle the preche equlties
zts yoar pitty wing?
it Say, will you make 1.18 ellielten pie? between capital ged labor is a problem
Sornebod.y's hit my slate 1 fur the solntiou of which our eizilig.
See what an ugly rent, manuno,; eau') la nut yet ripe. l3at while we
1 tared it on the pee; may not he able to formulate the liw
Qh, mother, Marnie'e coming ill, of eqeity iti the case with exactneas,
With Moll and. Bess and Frecl; we can discover where it lies and up -
Can we have some cream and cake 'W -
proximately outline it, The gigantic
And send the boys to bed? irnsts, syndicates, and corporations of
the day have thernbelves elltnillitted
Dear mother, may I wear your shawl?
I'm goingfor a drive, one ot the most perplexing flietore of
It Charley should propose, mamma, the problem. It used to be. that, the
May I ask him in at five? capitalidt and.. manager were (me
Oh, mother, send those ohildren out, anti the same, but itt all these great
Tiley make such a fearful dincompanies the manager is employed by
I've ot my sermon well along, the stodkholders. The ernemit of pre -
As far as 'What is sin?'
And ea e't you bear in mind that imp fits due to inanageinent, therefore, is
Of strong tem for my head, a fixed sum w hush leaves the Intlance
And m x a few light rolls and bake? to be divided simply between capital
You. know I hate cold bread. and labor. Capital is entitled winter -
est and to nn allowan,;e for wear and
tear of plant, building, insurance, et c.
Deducting all these amontits the bal.
once should be divided among the
laborers. It is what their toil pro.
aimed, it belongs of right to them.
Not to be divided equally, but mutt.
ably, according to the value of each
utar,'s labor in producing the output."
Oh, mother, mother, should you cease
One little hour the care
That dayby da3, year by year,
For this dear brood you bear,
It seems the wheel of life must stop.
Rich mother love; I springs,
A free, sweet fountain,
and it lends
The commonest duty wing.
—Estelle Thomson in Home Magaeine.
Found a Rich Gold Mine.
Lower ,Torditn Bay, N. S., 3-u'y 3. Mr.
Samuel Locke, of this place, lute just dis-
covered a gold mine here that pluis out
100 per cent ef pure metal to the ton. It
was a rick vein of „sound health to which
be was restored. by the use of Dodd's kid;
nay Tills, and which he would not ex-
change for any other miee in America. All
het winter he suffered from kidney trouble
which would not yield to the presceiptione
of several doctors A. few month!, ago Mr.
Locke I eatei of the good work done by
Dodd'a kidney pills and tried them with
the invariable result. Today he is well
and thinks ne praise toogreat for this won-
derful remedy. ais neighbors are much in-
terested'in what the,, describe as a mar-
velous cure.
Editors All Know.
HA doosn't subscribe for the paper
Be has more papers now than he can
H" has no time to read except at
highta anti his eyes are so poor that lie
can't se
HA Can't afford to take them all, so
he takes none.
He doesn't like your paper anyhow.
It never has no news, rfor nuthin'
else much.
He can get the city weekly four time
as big as yours for the same price, amid
it's got lots of readin' in it, too.,
• He doesn't like the politics of the
the otl
off, you
He i,
eight y
paper 1
e'n ougl
and no
eielthor takes, it,, and he tads
el* one, and they kinder change
ot mad at the editor seven or
ears ago, and wouldn't take the
f it tees thn lest one ou earth,
iices to see a paper that haSsand
to be on one side or the other
t on the fence all the time.
uz running a paper, .13y Host, y,
bevere Abscess Cured,
D14All SIBS,—I had an abscess just be
bind my right ear, in A.uguat, 1801.
After suffering for three months, I began
to take 13. 13. 13., miter one mouth's use of
it I was very mum, better, and the abscess
entirely clieveipeered in .four months. 1
am certain that Burdock Blood Bitters is
an excellent remedy.
Fremexce lel. Seem, Selsgirth, Mere
For Over Fifty Yeare
S; °thine' Syrup has been used for over fifty
years by millions of mothers for their ohilaren while
teething with perfect suocont. It soothes the child
softens the gums, allays all pa,n, euros wind collo.
and is best remedy for Diarrhga.' Is pleasant to
the taste. Sold by Druggists in e ery part of the
Twenty-flY: cents a mottle. Its Value is
incalculable, Bo sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's
SoothInt, hyrup, and take no other kind:
Pruning of Children.
What is Plue4,
A OF DI1INIU0NS enrc 'l
1.14LNIS11 reeKg,
is LW mie that -won
riglitiog With bettlibspt.
the swnrd is Welke..
Tee following are
definitions sent :
Moral backbone.
'hie power a mite has to say no
when he knows his wife v, ants him to
arty yes.
F:trles.suess tree from a
The chivalry of nature's knighthood.
That yittielt enables one, when t-
i utt ad Veral, 04011Mesitte,.• mat
k 1104 ed do , to HS.. and try another
The heart of a lion il the body of a
The best remedy fur ilispate.
The force which oliverui au ordi-
nary nrn into a hero.
Honest dariug without caring.
The essence of fear iu the presenee
of danger.
The courage to do the right thing at
the right moment.
Irrepressible stout -heartedness.
up when
simie of ilio best
That which keeps a man
he is down.
The offspring of courage and the
mother of StiOOGSS.
Moral grit.
How,owas's Pn.r.,s. —For the care
of deldlity, bile. liver and stomach
complaints this inuppreciaide medicine
is so well known in every pet of tht-
Some progreesive views . regarding world, and the curee performed by its
use are so wonderful, that it now
stands pre-eminent alcove all other
remedies, more particularly for the
cure of bilious and ti 'er complei ens,
disorders of t E Win net) , drnpsy, and
debilitated constitution. In these
diseases the beneficial elfeots of the
Pills are so permanent that the whole
system IS renewerl,t he organs of diges-
tion strengthened, and a free respire.
don promoted. They expel frorn,the
secretive organs mid the circulation
the morbid niatter which produces
inflammation, pain, fever, debility, and
physical decay—thus annihilating by
thew purifying properties, the viru-
lence of the must painful and devastas
ting diseases.
children are that they should not bu
thwarted, restrained or controlled—
that their individuality should be left,
free to develop and expand according
to its own nature. It is a•good thing
to be progressive, provi.eiug one is not
progressing in the wrong directiou.
Individual expansion, ahem it litter-
feres with the legitimate expanding of
others -4 est linable though humble -
minded adults, for example—is case
that ;mile loudly for iudividual repres-
sion. 11e tree that interferes with
the expeusion of other trees, which
are 011 the whole as valuable as it, is
the bolter for being pruned. it
needless to add that the priming should
he dom. sit the' proper time and with
tuntoet skill and care. If there.is
any right of a child which should he
most unquestioned, it is tile right—no
matter at what expense of expansion --
to thio bilk of delicate speech, a geutie
manner iNd a pure soul.
Girls, Don't Marry in a Hurry.
Young girl wait until you are at
least twenty -live before you marry.
All tastes change between the ages of
sixteen an thirty. The Looks you
read, the games you enjoy; the millin-
er's skill you trust to, ‚the friendship
you cultivate, ail are changing; why
Should nut the tastes and fancies of the
soul ? The age that feeds upon Airs.
Southworth and Mrs Holmes is vastly
unlike the age that, demands stronger
Mental food The hero that you are
ready to worship at I•igliteett will not
be a hero to you, oen chances to one,
itt twenty,eight.
Wait until yonr• tastes vettle and
the within you have found
their level before von lix upon mi no
alter hie destiny. For I tell you,
whether it brings • sorrow or joy, the
Choice you make is an irreVOS'ithie one.
The ino,m may go back and he a eres-
cent ere the drat quarter is reached,
the rose re -.enfold itself within the
calyx of the lord, Or the snitev noon
renew the freent,e4s of the 4:two bIt-
fur ilte cirole of the day i spanned
with greater ease than at woman col
tesnme the lightness of her maiden
es after the die of hor wedded lot
jg oggj, lattirg lemma of Health.
A right for Blood
Is what "Hood's Sarsaparilla vigorously
fights, and it is always victorious in expel-
ling all the foul taints and giving the vital
timid the quality and quantity of perfect
health. It cures scrofula, salt rheum,
boils and all other troubles caused by impure
Sayings of' Sages.
Small books Etrti read most.
The real giant is the man who
collies himself.
Doing good Will make yon richer.
than digging golf.
Many people pray most f rr the
things they teed least.
It easier to 108 with the crowd
than to walk by yourself.
Every time ti stingy Man 11 oks at a
dollar it shriuks his heart.
A. paper has beau started in Atlanta
milted the Soappin.; Turtle
He who would be strong to mind
must have facts for his diet.
It takes a fool It life time to find out
what; others clan see at a glance.
It is Ilard her at home with
people who never ma te n e •
not decide that he will al ways do
Health TJegal Notes. sump! re f Ch11411';11'1:411:.'1.11
:el. runuLD). amp!
1. wel's use in this min L34
be (donned out lt ,'Le the
t tot .1 y in town „veer
;;;n1 am. t
or Coal io.110,,, to al;sorb all the fluid 4
ory earth. wood ashes
t 4
Just to littnd, otaarlotti: 1:4 a
1: ,p..; r •
perts of t lie depeeit meet lie dimwit 4404 lo 1,1
npiel tile emitotile of 14 %ail r31 -ani
•jJ. 40• I
elottete d lily; ;mil lee cniitentei
removed rr 'in clip premises at leassmax,
nil)""r, I'll "1' 11010' Lb° 11501 (If WiliOli WA will sell at prices that ,lefy Corn- :;r41.
t a is
Mae. peetien. Also, ;1E14 elase . Neva •>r
8, From 1511 of "Alay to 1st of No.
veitiber 1 'ach year, clost•ts ehall he
thoroughly disinfected by adding to
the couteets of the vault, cesspool or'
reservoir, mice a month, ilot less than
two pounds of stapl-ail of copper, tits -
All kinds of
solved hp two pails of water, or other
Editable disinfectant, Dressed and Rough Lumber, Lath, ,
Barrels, Wood, &o.,4. No night soil b3 removed
MA Pima cure alt livor ills. 93e. Sent
ail on receipt of price by 0, I. good &
.potheoaCils, Liwil, Mas.s
is a great virtue to be able to act
s part in the comedy of the world
leave others to play theirs,
at 81,15 per Sq007 p, m
uare, ,1
quality guaranteed. m.
.1. in.
10.40, 111.
mrs. alva 'Young,.
Of Waterford, Out., writes, "'MY, baby was
very Hick with summer complaint, and
mottling would help him uutii I .priecl Dr.
Fowleien Extract of • Wild Strawberry.
which cured hitn at once. It is one of the
best remedies I ever used.
till deorderized, the material shall be
covered with a layer of fresh earth,
5. Garbage must be regularly re-
moved twice a we,,k. betw 15h
May and November.
6. Livery and other stables shall
keep stables and stable yards clean
awl shall allow no more than two
loads of Manure to anQuinitlate be-
tween ltith of May and lit of Novem-
No hogs shall be kept between
15th of May end the let of November,
except in pens 70 feet from any house
with floors kept free from standing
water and regularly. cleaned and dis,
Above notes are t Ai( ell from tie
Publiu mili li Act and must ins
observed 1.1 ntiFr pain Of lino or iniptis
oninent. Orti th,•se nott..s out and
paste tbein up where thee can iie seep
every day.
Every LIMY w.,rd! acquired is a
feather added to the ping of thought.
When the hest thitigs are nut postl-
ble, the best LIMY he made of those
that are.
Trouble at Kemp,.
Nil RS. W. H. 133.4.0W4, of NIelita. Mau.,
states that three If herchildren and
two others belouging te at neighbor, were
cured of the worst fortn of summer corn,
plaint by cue bottle of Dr. Fowler's Ex-
tract of Wild Strawberry, naturels specific
for all summer complaints.
Dr, Fowler's ElLtralst of Wild Straw-
berry cures cholera, cholera inorbus,
dice% dysentery. and all forms of summer
complaint, looseness of the howels, etc.
*Price 3,5 cents.
If you hat e built castles in the air
dna is hero hey belong ; if you
would nor lose your labor g" to work
and put fonioititi• es under them.
Williams' 'Royal Crown Remedy, greatest cure ou
ea rth, summit:0 to (11r41.seneral Nervous Debility,
liheu Neuralgia Parel„‘bis, etc.
Lot foi tune 011 hey worst. whatever
she wakes ns 14.1.e, so long es she never
makes us 103e OUr honesty Orli'
CI sTIPair'kn‘Nd:111's;:r.oncilial Balsam Will cureany Cough
Cold, Bronchitis or Asthma.
Th'e best of rill swirls is assiduity
use this wouderfel cheinie ;1. It will
eat its way throoeli e'. ery difil
Most of our misfortunes are more
supportarde thee the comments of oor
friends upon th; ni.
A. precious thing is all the tnore
precious to us if it has been won by
work of economy.
Considered. the nest.
Dian Sill, MAO can bear testimony to
your wouaerrIll remedy for the etomach,
.liver, bowels and bI .0d, B. 13. B. I have
used it es well as Burdnek fOr over
three eeays, when ne.cessary, and find
them the best remedies I have ever ueed
for coestipittien.
MRS. GIlliGOlt, Owen Sound, Ont..
I i takes ustoms and incidents which are
No man can keep right who does
The malt who is rule.I by his feel-
ings will altveys travel in a zig-zag
We are not to blame for the lira
mistake we make, but we are for the
Noah was about the only man that
ever rim a cold Wet er Odillpitigil Soo-
niliOOSTIOES Cured,
GilNTIMIll>1.-1 have used Burdoelt1310oe
Bitters for biliousneee Pohl lind it the beet
remedy for this complituit, 1 used several
°there but they all failed to do me any
geed. However, it only reqtored two het -
i del of II. 13, B. to cure me completely,
'Sad 1 COX ten tdid it to all. Yours
truly, QVM. Rostatiox, Wallocebtirg,
1 The weak may be joked ortt, of any.;
thing but their weakness.
IIItch on human 'sod horses and all ant-
inalacared in 30 minutes by Woollord's
Sanitery Lotion, This never fails. War.
rautoa ab Chisholm's chug store,
Y q .
11)r rk`
ltb- of
:5 c T
kept aonstently lnI.ld,
cheap as the cheapest.
Wingllatu, June 1893.
gives Private Lessons h; Vocal Training, both In Staff
and Tonic -Sol -Fa Notation. Open for engagements
for Concerts or Church meetings. Tants moderato.
Apply at
MRS 11. mortitows,
24 Shuter St Witurhani
0;41)10W:in, UnD11.11,, Y,t0114, tit (1
" 1111.Val for Iiineardlii: 11 41
fer 7411 e1' -(lee .1.11 14
1007 "
London,4-11;• ton, «e ,
SI 45 "•.,
Scientific, American
Ag03?y for
D EIRE QA 1,13 2p AMTAL IKTest
For information and free rIandbook. write to
MUNN & CO., 861 nito.enwey, New weer.
Oldest bureau for securing patents in Areerlett,
Every patent taken, out by us is brought before
the public by anotice givenfree of charge bathe
urgedcirculation of any solentific pdper itt the
worm. splendidly illustrated. No intelligent
man should be without it. Weekly_S0 3.0 a
ruaBrzast 5111.52Ratsx, 3m6ointl3hrso. aAalavadyr.ea.s,0111,71U71,1,,r1r.
common place to moot men are the
opportuinties of great men,
True independence ia to be fonnd
where a person contraets his desires;
within the 'finite of his fortunes;
tnglish Spavin lettitneut removes all
hard, Hort. or Calloused Lumps and 13..era
Mee from horses, Blood Spavin, Nubs,
Splinte, Ring Bone, 'Sweeney, • Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and swollen Throat, Omaha,
etc. Save 650 by use of one bottle. War-
ranted by Ohisbolm's drug etore.
T., Peen; 814 contented Spirit. measure
your &sieve by your fortunes, and not
your fortnnes by your deAres,
Barmittirisu CURIO, IN A DA.r....South
‘kmerican Riteurnatte Cure of Ithetiouttisin
and Neuralgia radically mires in 1 to It
days. Its action upon the system Is re
markehle and mysterious. It removes at
()nee the tauee of the disease immediately
clieappeave. The first dose greatly brew,.
lite. 75 emits. Warratited at Obisholin's
drug Ater°,
lt may lie beautiful to soy nothin4
but mind of ths dead hut how intich
-1,0.0tm‘ to say nra man while living
%only whit you will feel at liberty to
say .after bis death,
° 1,teaV
•Aeoleet, .
eat %..--
CEA TiFIG g/5-'
"DEfir M.. 0'
Not only a i'elicf but a ourfor all kinds of
Harmlese. Contain no hurtful drugs. A
wonderful Compotind. Nice to take.
Sure dee*, to nein.
33t ouro you got STAMPS.
PREPAIllb BY t. STAM cumin
rse. taAseow usiv.nov, ScotLAND,
-- 1N ---.
25 0 E, art 11.11.0X. Held br alt 18ritagists
nuwetr 710711 contoolama
147olo1y for Vatorrii 111 tho
tort. 14asit,,,. to 01-a. Mid Clv
taoht by oalsgets er men ny 1111,11,
1!. 114. itatelutio.watten, raa.
---G 0
Cheap for KASE
AT— --
9 LovesStoves,v
All intending purchasers of stoves for A
winteilwill save money by buying from •
Having bought a very large variety c
"7 -
to choose from
1'ery stove guaranteed against breakage a
to give complite satisfaction.
D. SUTIEThilttialID.
Wingliani, October eltb 1111.