HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-07-07, Page 5Tie Ray Crop.
PORTANT 8000E813oNti Wiinfotasson
Dominion day in this tovvn was
celebrated in a loyal Alta enthusiastic
manner by the roilidetts of Geilerich
and surrounding country, assisted by ;
a large contingent from' neighboritig f
reef, beeedeee, dinoctorl of the towns wbo.arrived by rail. 13y noon
Dominion Experimental Fa n, has between ?throb and our thousand
't.. issued the following eirealar. ; visitors had come to town. Aud the
elay is tee meet important ad vain, efterneen arein also brought a large,
ebb of all Canadian craps, al -k this number, During the forenoon a,
sear ow yield promises to hti most series of tfames were indulged in which '
abundant. The Pceratenin Eurim has included etacing, jumping, etC. It ;
led to increased demand in glade, the afternoon a very interesting game,
and it the incoming .orep be ogood of lacrosse .was played between the'
quality and well cured will ne ?ubt Stretforcletof Stratford and the Hurons
command high prices. of Goalettieh, which resulted iu
favor of did, latter by for goals to one,
The bio competition was another i
ititereetiingtfeature, and was carried
out to a sumeessful issue. During the,
day a large number of visitors and'
others avitiled themselves of the exel
()uremia on the lake by the atearner
City of Windsor. The day's doings
torminated.with a magnificent display
ef fireweeles,
LIaj eontaining a eoneiderable portion of clover is preferred in (pat
Britian, and this b3 mere difficato
care provably than lie.y comPed
chiefly of timothy.
Permit rue to draw the attentionf
farmers generally tfieegla your coltue
• to the method of curing thay, praeti4
at the Central Experimental Far
where, under the good manageine
. of the farm foreman, iit ,aas given el
.cellent results. It it& also 1 I find tli
TheuGood Templars.
. prectiee of oiany of the .*best fariner,,,
.,in Canada, .11.tosit kar alie, GRAND LODGIt SESSEOY—. ,
When the first flowereheads of ti ii
he zrealawleN on orercens,
eclover have aeout half %lettered cut t
is ff —
hay in the morning aftetothdew olf
e .‘eattallton,eJune 29.—The Grewel.
hand begin at 1 p. ne. to eineke uP v"4".eige of the , Independent Order ,
d famplars closed its amine/ Bee.
1 at 2.30 o'clock thiwimorning, The
feem.the finance committee ele
riericling,the salary of the grad
'itstry .for .the ensuing year to .he
was adopted, also that a per
\ tinted .2, cents per quartet. la
11 0411 trieral3ers, to proVide a milee
saliel ;for kilrand Lodge delegates.
Irrasiat.J.KE. Wilson, on heilita
91 \Luminance:A! o in in ittee, presented
and made a strong apped
to ..
Tread eireedge to make more
vig etiortsten the future to pro
beancileof the arden
coie.ii .cif 4 officers •esulted as
Another instance of the miteNtainty
life weeforcedetpotathe citizens of our
village on Monday.last, wileu Maeter
Free,Roseae boy of thirteen, was called
toithe great beyond. He had only
been ill a .short 'time With in-
ilanimatory rheumatism, the result of
amold contracted while oathieg in the
river About a, week aeo. The reinsure
were interred insthoKinlees cemetery
.on Wednesday ,afternoora.—Sentinel.
IOW to 'Getee.'"surainrit" Picture.
-Send 25 ,,Sunlight"Soap wrappers(wrap-
perbearing the words" W1y Does a Woman
Look Old Sooner Than a Mau") to Lever
Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St„ Toronto, and you
will]; receive by post A pretty picture, free
from Advertising, and well worth framing.
This is au easy way to decorate your borne,
e,soap is the best in the market and it
'wI1 only cost one cent postage to send in
thevrappers, if you eeve the ends open.
;Waite your address earetally.
'The death of Mr. Thos. Pomeroy oc.
,ourred at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
• Jas.\ Vittie, in this village, last Friday.
WIte.old gentleman was about 00 years of
ithge. and for the past few years has beou an
.alumst helpless invalid. He has resided
tin(Gorrie for a long time and was held in
theihighest respect.by, all who knew hiro.
Bev. .T. FL Moornotase is expeoted to open
•wassies of missinp .servics in St Stephen's
ashatch on July Otti.
tforks or tedder, and ,ceelt . up early
eenonah in the afterrioonedo permit of
:the work being completeid -.before the
.dew falls in the evening. (The cocks
are allowed to stand iandishurbed the
cnext day, but during ;the morning
following the bey sholialA elm spread
.gain to finish the dryitageand drawn
itoithe barn or staek heforeeevening.
ilf favored with fine we'etber the hay
Ise .curticl will be of eneeellent color,
eittelity and fragrance, arid mail com-
mand the highest prieep. :If the
weathei is unfavorable ea eliaesery keep
theebay n cocks until id. becomes fine
ifls.ity farmers adopt .the an of
allotringn the newleecut hay to dry at
eaae,.as it falls from the mowee Without
putting it in cocks. Such hay is
usually more or less bleadlied, and
does eeot retain the fine calor and
aromawhich distinguishes hay dfafirst
quality, and does mit conauiand ao
ready sea sale or so high a prtce.
Tim council met in Brno/WA: hotel,
Fordwcoh, June 21st, 11393, elursuatet
to adjournment. Memhers alljpresene
eecept Doig. 'The Reevenii thev
Gt.—Mr. ej. A. Madill, Bel-
G.‘eilor—tli.r. J. Egleaon.
G. .--Mes. F. S. Mammon,
G. atandent of Juvenile Tem-
Pla,,r7*. L. fdt.ott..
G. y—Mr.IThornas flawless.
G. er—M,r F. Metcalf.
k -T• —Mr. Z... Nlitchell.
iGeorge Butt, a !format° ninfirella
.3110eder, was run over by a trait* at
Windsor Saturday 'night and received
filev. Elmore &Terris, pestor of
Weimer Road Baptiet church, Toronto
as iproceedIng to the World's Fair on
his bicycle.
JULY 7, 1893,
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it Ispleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gontlyyet promptlyon the Xidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys-
tem effectually, dispelseolds, head.
aches and fevers and cures Imbitual
eonstipation. Syrupof Irigs is the
only remedy of its kind over pro..
doced, pleasing to thetaste and ac-
ceptable to the stornacIevompt in
its action and truly benefioial in its
effects, prepaztad. only horn.. the most
healthy an d.agre eable stibstan ces, its
many cxcellent qualities.commend
it to ell and have made -it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for:sale in 75e
kettles by all leading :druggists.
Any reliable ,druggisteilio may no
have it on hand will !procure it
peomptly forany one -Who. wishee to
Manufactured.only by the
ittalonsvILLE.SW. 31.E7SMIORK.
East "awanosra.
Ontario ) BY VIRTUE of a warrant issued. by the Mayor, under
Town of Wingham, ,, Corporate Seal of the Town of Winglime, to me directed, b
To wit: ) date the Twenty-third day of Juno. 1893, commanding me to
upon and sell the lands mentioned in the following lest, for arrears of taxes due th
hereby give notice that unless such arrears and all costs are sootier paid, Isbell pre
to sell said lands or so much thereof as may be necessary for the payment of the
and costs thereon, at the Council Chamber, in the said Town of Winghern,
TUESDAY, the Third Day of Dotoher, 1893
At the hour of TWO O'CLOCK in the afternoon;
No. Street. Survey,
Boland S Leet & Davis
Josephine W Foley's
McIntosh N P. Fisher's
of Land. Taxes. Costs, T
1-5 acre $ 3 26 $ 1 75
Part 1
47 67 6 60 :
1.5 11 72 4 26 1
22 ., 1.5 8 00 2 (30 113 ,
23 14
" 1^ 5 8 00 2 60 10
36 Scott 8
37 C. T.,,,Scott's 1,5 11 72 • 4 95 15
1.5 0 00 2 60 8
38 it 44 1.5 6 00 2 00
E. Bower's
it 24 feet 4 80 2 40 7
24feet 4 80 2 40 7
Leet & McKay's 1.5 10 07 5 10 21
Leet & Davis' 1.10 1 42 1 75 $
1-5 6 00 2 60 8
1-5 6 69 2 80 9
Treasurer's Office, Wingham, June 23rd, 1893,
4 Victories
38 Francis W
N half 92 Carling E
9 John N
• 13egs 'to announce to the people of Wingham aul
surrounding country that her stock of
The Collector of Gitstoins at StMrs, Loom, of Elmiri. is gueet of:
tford, Mr, John Hamilton, died k few
anights.iiince, aged 61. lie had 'wen
seellleotar for tiventyaseven years. A
6atatily.ofasix survive dihn. Sabbath School in the \tethodist,
ll isriok (eh urch wit I begin ..t 9 30 next.
Theteowet of Olifeec (for eueton-isi gabber...in Nornoil elass lesson by th'*
purpose) is no more. I Its name fronel pastor. Subject.: ../anvine Rligion'
kad after Saturday hist is Niagara iviv„n to mono, l'abtic services at;
Faille. Elie G.T. R. adopts the new ease,
flexile •aleo. I
I Mr,s. R. Arta:utile, aff the 13th con -
E Campion, of Goderich, fell in a tit ilefilSiOn., on Suntiay ins% while return.
Mr. S. Howlett. of thy 18r1, conces,
Rion. Mrs. Lettion is A si...trt• of Mrs..
at the.Lielehamber house. Sarnia, la
Wedusedeen says the Past, He was
G. Mr A. H milton
Auer— a •
I right in a short time.
picked up and appeared to come to all
Messzs. Turnbull and
L —
ivlilling Oce,,,died ou Thursday at the
British eSeaforth, aged 51 years.
He was a native of Fermanagh county
Thirty thou Canac&es and
ether British emlejeets liseened to
addresses in Festival hall, at :Jackson
Park, Chicago, Saturday, in !tenor of
Dominion Duv.
Reproves to alip
reMe Grand • John Someville, of nhe Seaforth
0 . L. Scott, Mr. F.
chair. Minutes of last meeting, read!, metealf, orge Somme and Mr,
i Daws
and approved.
Moved by Mr. Graham, eecondech
by Mr. Ferguson, ehat Reeve and'
Treasurer be authorized to borrow the
necessary amount of money required
fur running expenses until the taxes
are collected.—Carried.
Accounts passed: John Zeirkee,
repairing scraper,,25c; Main Retta,
repairing culaernlot 30,con, 15, $3.75;
W. L-ouard, aseeiring culvert, lot 30
cons. 6, 7, $2; Diver Rogers, remov-
„nig W. Sbaw, indieetu, into Minto,
$5; 1?. Doiiegliv„ charity for W. Shaw,
4.a8, Men Meir, rent for road, $10;
1W. Sanierd,ibalance for cutting
30, coo, $4; Calvin Rogers, blanch on
Fordwieh and Evans bridges; $50.50;
John:Blanch, for gravel, $3.60; James
McDermott,statute Jabot returned in
1892, $7.60; J. Denney, qiarity, 10;
Cousin, for.gfavel, $6^ A. iNlar-
rill, for culvert,lot 32, 4onS.*9, $0; R.
Jameson, part pay for Gerrie bridge,
$000; S. Braden., read work returned
in '92, $12.50.
Moved by Mr. Gtaliam, seconded by
Mr Ferguson, What the council do now
adjourn to meet in •Lainneby's hotel,
Belmere. ou the third Wednesday 11*
WU. DANE, Tp. Olerk.
The regular meeting of the lIowick
Farmers' Mu -east Fire InStraLUW-1
Company was held in 'the C. 0 F.
hall, Gerrie, last week. 71 epplicatione
were aecepted, covering insurance for
$117,250, which amount is secured by
premium notes amounting to $5,862.-L0.
auftti mwaesettaorilisold the next ali-
ne proe
; to assess azapitation
tat.ot 12 tv,
planer on each
alculP.Iur 1"led. It is .stipulat-
ed, 'that w1)%cts are exganized,
3 cents a "lire to be returned
to the distr
kmissionaey work.
The proposalt
a per Capita tax
of 1 cent a
(Pn eachl,ejevenile
Templar wae16et.
. ,
Go derich.
Your eorree
quit,. fully recd\ has not
the World
Is more
Furl the tripe; to
al than last wee
causing a strokV'eavY chases
On Walnesclay of last week, at St
George's church, Cayley Hamilton,
• herrister, of Regina, was married to
, Florence 0, second cleughter of Horace
Horton, Esq., ex -el, P. E L Dickinson,
barrister,of Witighannacted As grooms
n3an, and the bride was assisted by
groomMess Edith Horton, aitnet., Stet.eisit".. •
E ffect of ivhich ,13.thesis, the
criee iee a etak. .esteemed
na to some
t Peeling bark ;
ahnost every fariePlwoyozin:keplilit.teisossf.
Hay is a good i?
would he afirst e.1
latYo in%ros
Singles aro very
of buildings have*
many more sbouldifed and
a consignment froinl, believe
shingles will soon ti9i-uulliia
Mr. Jno. Ross rai
five feet higher and '4., abeUt
staldine nuderneath.7 titig
his hnnae, having raisifYiUg
Mr. njno. Nplreirtenliisoeui
bern on his
Dominion Day was
ealnaly. The band t,,ther
wealthy saints, while tli' th
attended the races. des
. Mr. McGrogan Sanie,
Augustine. , e .
. , .Mr. Treleaven and fain .
atd3elfast. .
• Mr, Foster and fatally '
areat r.:,t. Wrintife.
ies .Mie Wraith is
Miss Hamilton, sister ot the 1)101, „
the, bride and the following maidan, •'
honor: Nellie Garrow, May Willi
Dot Horton, Clara Reynolds
• Connie golt._ The bride wore a ha
some gown of cream bengaline, w
veil and orange blossoms; and the 'two L
bridesamide where arrayed in white- .8
serail, whilst the maide ef honor were
Attired in white Aga carried flowers. v
Th' presents were ininierOus and t
'Wee a S. Orowston
'Miss E, A. Marsden, wl
iting at Kelvin Grove tamer,. A. second charge, the
past year left for hex .mbezzlement of four sewing
iverpool, Englaild,ou July aehineseeomea froin 13rantferri, Ont.,
. Vancouver. d Constable Heffernan, of Walker.
The ltev. Mr, Crowle pre Arrived to take charge of the
ttledictory sermon a fOrtnig issler signified his
he Methodist church. He is fineness return, hut it questien
y the Bev. Me. Burton. e as to W it Gould be done, and
age vras adjourned.
At the Toronto Council .meeting
Monday, it was decided after loan dis-
cussion and nu meroue divisions to hold
a vote on August 2nd on the question
of Sunday cars.
Judge O'Conuor of Algoma was
presented with a gold watch and chain
by fellow citizens in Guelph the
'other night. idles O'Connor received
a handsome cabinet of silverware.
The, publishers of the city directory
of Chicago say that city is now the
most populous inAinerica beating New
York by 400,000. The 1893 estimate
of Chicago's population is 2,160,000.
A happy matrimonial event took
place on Wednesday last at the resi-
dence of W I? Wilson, .Seaforth, when
Miss Rosetta Rogers, sister of Mrs.
Wilson, was united to Robert Beattie
merchant of Seaforth.
A prolonged drought bas greatly
damaged the hay crop all over the
Province of Ne Brenswick.. Upland
hay is heading out end taming brown
and will yield much lighter than for
many years pat. All crops ere suf-
fern]; intensely; and in many -sections
wells are dryiug up.
David Faucett, a merchant from
Alliston, Simcoe county, is in jail at
Berlin for fraud, Under the pretence
that he had plenty of money, it is al-
leged,he purchased a large quantity of
goods from Messrs. Brown & Erb,
fornituee manufactures, of Berlin
though a travelling salesman at $600
It has sines been learned, however that
Monett is not worth anything.
Semuel Wissler, eharged with for-
gery at Walkerton, Ont. was arraign -
'ed before the United States cominis-
bag froze el:it/rein i•igb t arm
Ibrisiken !Icy 1)14 n ft; tivr, I tun itt of th
44.3,7. The sarcine Meanes,-. frightened
snif esteem te gt-ctibt. siHth La. shove
Mr.4$,..1). recently
pqrcita8.3i. dine tH.-reford hul
froin the it n toll; ittesei •df itt. P. A
lineestnee, .of \V est,ott„ 'r.thrt. 1i r. Well-
wood!,«'IIItfjpr4 '4Osl ill ('3..'e re warded
by the fareate, e 0. VilED ty.
i:E)21.tcenffh •
A large flax %H4' trOlOrte.411'::: to 3. &
J. Livingston. of Banden, was burned
to the ground :e at Monday after-
noon, toeetlier w, iftzt four tons
of tow, Value of towel, 411,000; con-
tents, $120. It, tene6ince n known.
The fire was caused by small boys....,.
Prim G illineeff
is complete in all the latest novelties in •
LACES, &o.
Meyer's Brick Blo
VtVin CY ham, Meath 30th, 189:3.
Year spring insease .cleareing, always is. Yon are surprised to
Glee carpets se • ansacis ,woera and a
the way the lace curtains have
I , • .uniotyse (a. •oar.coonterpanes, sheets and linens, nv •
thing, needs repticeaishing. We lhave made large purchases in all • t
3ines and can •ri,,v,e, you genuine surprise in the way of variety:
smoking. special line of Anearican goods, 471, 55 and 65 cents a
are always &head ,off 'Canadian goods in both quality and p
There are no less them ntamr news. WIle-eni they are gene we ,eannot tepeat them owing to late tariff clip.,
papers in Essex 1.10 0 I tty. tfor sale. The
. e•
on,es have had tt. ,,, to the... 'mall.
been o-vercrowdeil, , IA tale weaker In laco Outgo; Curtao ic: kt -Ilius::.
newepaper field in i inert •OottzltY has lIttalli
• We have the beet aseoceinent in town. 16 yards of gond art':
lin Vor one dollar and better lines at equally low prices. Double w
curtain nett in white, cream with taped edges from 10 to 40 cent
yard.. 1Lace curtains from 45 /dents to $8,00 a pair. Curtain pales t.
plete ,wi th ringiand brackeee for 25 cents.each. A line of carpet sweet
neweet,rnakes and latest improvements, at low prices. Come to br
quartews for your spring house furnishings.
__vtk.15)v SPECIAL% tp
14INkessi3OherMaies, , 4.
• 40), ., ,
t*ase •;,:
attic woatn
Is just now attracting the attention of elireenl buyers. A good r
l• at 5 andcents a yard, a special ease.. lot of regular 10 cent print, ar tin
and 8 emits a yard. You cannot get as good value elsewhere,
AMEMCA..1.N SA.T.EENS, guaranteed fast colors at 11 and
a yard. Delaine.s and challies tit all prices. Blank and colmed dres
in all the new materials and eliades.
Ladesarid Gents' Boots and Shoe's
Tn ail prices and styles. A special line of ladies' fine shoes in buttone'l
lace at 8•25, worth $1.75,
r Men's tine flannelette and sateen hlets in light or dark eGcts,
Gloves, Cellars and Cuffs for everybody. Ladies' underveS,
5 cts, each. I-foee, 3 pairs for 25 ets. Pure silk ribbon 3 Raids for.
Shittings and Cottonadps itt mill prices.
We carry the largest selection of FIELD AND GARDEN 81.1
in the county. A. car of corn to hand this week: of the following.'
ieties : Comptons'Early Pride of the North, limning Golden
Canada Flint, King ot the &riles, Red Cob, Mammoth &nborn SI
and Giant Prolific, Special prices in large quantities. All him •
Clover and Grass seeds,
1CQulicEsOP won VfiliNTDDI
Eighest price paid.
Make all you can out of your money by spending it with us.
/01/111401P ON MI/WI
'T. A. 2,4111.1 S
Virli\T GI -IA.,: