HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-07-07, Page 2The 'tatting woman. Restoring Raredise.. ex Aakr4 513Ii r4r'l,EB, cli. 11 there is One pursuit that forms a WUlTE4$rf+ huh between human beings of different I sat in my e1p sy ch si t I stations and lladits, gardening is ger- One stormy winter night, fainly that occupation, for whether it free from cold, and fret from caro, be the vocation of matt or woman, it aeats tc I saw a pleasing sight. se fundamental a taste that 4, woman, dsit neer the stave t , it nlalces a cOmtnun ground upon w111411 Having her work in staid; all ottn meet with interest and sympa- Aiud being hale, alio fast did suit woolen hos= grand. While plying her needles fast and true, The stitches np ata fly, The thread elle pulled from a claps clue; Thha,tshe kept to supply. No sooner, than cue needle was full, Than ono frons. stitch Was free, Then,giving the thread bepull, The emptied filldid she; ,Across the tenger neat the'tliULnb, That is on her right liana,. `She kept the thread exactly plumb, lltt le • the need grand.. nd.. 'o10 l rand with that finger loop'd the stitch Utl011 the needle bright, '.fi',taeus trent !lie lett f it ant. teeti didfetch at h thy. It is the primal occupation of roan, the final result and joy of his C highest civilization. From the clod we come, to the clod we return, actu- ally and figuratively, our fashioning from the dust of the earth pointing plainly to the fact that man wasa graminlvorous creation, deriving his sustenance a neefru m the 'grams he rescued •�• from the tropic sands where he origi. hated, It is a theory of the historical philosophers that men first developed into civOzation in some rainless and unchanging region like Egypt, or the western slope of the Andes, and that there, under unvarying conditions of climate, he first established communi- ties, and tilled the soil—hence, possi- bly, this old idea of his evolution from the dust of the earth. He who loves his garden is in touch with his bind whether he filed himself, for on this topic all may meet, the Russian mujilt and the Ozer, the Egyptian fellah and the Bey, the Bri- tish traveler and the ))aimtes of Japan There have been gardens which have delighted the heart of man from Eden until this day. To be cast out from a garden was the curse of Adam, and THE WINGHAINI TAMES, JULY 7 a 1893, The Wor'ld's Moat Uaeiitl never. The Nile, probably, is the must wonderful river, in the world. It has made Egypt possible by turning an arid wilderness into the richest laud in the world. It has provided at the sitnle time an admirable pnmrnertial highway, and made easy the transpor- tation of building materials. The ancient Egyptians were thus enabled to utilize the granite of Assuan fo. r the splendid structures of hundred. gated Thebes and of Memphis, and even for those of Tanis on the Medi- terranean coast. At a time whenl people of the British Isles were clad ' in the skins of wild beasts a.. noffered human sacrifices upoa the stone altars the centre 'aa t !vas rue oft he D B gyp of a rich and refined civilization. Most of this development of Egypt was due to the Nile, which not only watered and fertilized the soil annual- ly, but was and i$ one of the greatest and best natural highways in the world. From the beginning of winter to the end of spring— that is while the Nile is navigable—thee north wind blows steadily up stream with suffi cientforce to drive sailing boats against the current at a fair paoe ; while on the other hand, the current is strong enough to carry a boat without sails down against the wind, except when its blown a gale. That is why aeoient Egypt did not need steam power nor electric motors for the immense com- merce that covered the Nile, nor for the barges carrying building material for hundreds of miles. 'ED rouud, on round, she on it wrought, 1 Till finished it became, Iihwing ribbed the logs length that is ought -- To the heel went the baek,seam. B. . hg's gets the highest price, i, waren hose; ti slways look real nice, .,.h at top and toe's. Long may she live, to spin, and kuit, And darn stockings too, teed, when 1w en Ial go m mit, I'orapair, ome - interesting Provincial x egares. Len's Thoughts About Women. A woman's feeling as. to home is - irlubbtng est year •,5 3 7C, 'Ms Tlhtsa and Toronto n1Qbeseeoler year.... 1 76 the Tanta and Toronto 1' pJ i 1PU i sa nothing of her native endolvth j1MS an 1 t'heT 11 Ad eetiser per year.. 1 0 usually more intense than fnan's, ttl I The Toms and London 1h•ocePteas per year,• 1 trd.. a 1u131aatt'eallltvealtt per year.... 100 stlj' ilu g;The Tows and Montreal Wituessper year,... 176 or and star. 1;75 A happy Marriage is a new tie;;U1- niug of life, a new starting; point o� Hud usefulness, happiness . . No map ever lived a tight life wito had not been chastened by a worreau's love, strengthened by her eoursie and guided by her discretion, A bride. who wants the people to • 110 old husband; b _. think she has a good hush not go home to visit her parents until she has been married atleaat three months. On the whole, the women of Kansas (lit did themselves credit in repudiat- ing ran for Mayor of who Ii hS 7 lea ingt bele that city, A woman who has not bet- ter ter 'sense of the proprieties than to drive from precinct to precinct, nocom• P r- pauied by two brass Hands, and wear- ing ing $7,000 worth of diteouds iu her ears or on her lingers, deserves just about the treatment elle got. How would you feet if suddenly con- fronted with a picture of Martha Washington with a cigar between her teeth, or a photograph of Joan of Arc or St. Oeoilia, with a stogy an the cor- ner of her mouth'1 Would you feel that there was something wrong with a world that made it poesiblo for such a thing to exist. That's the way I feel etbJut cigarettes when thesuggestion is made that any woman. 1. like mea smoke them. that When a man Lindy a woman there is nothing too good for, he waints her to take him. Women in politics ri{1ay talk over the fence, Hut they won't 'sit on h. the struggle of fallen man ever since has been to repair that primal disaster. A hankering for an Eden is at the • TheTtnaeauaMontreal Fadialy @ pa not Reduced rates with alb other weekly papers. oi' mentioned in the above list, --' bottom of our weddering souls, and w e 1,ARDING FARM LANDS AND FARM ate ever striving to fashion it to our WAGES —THE ACRARGE OF STAPLEconce tion of the lost Paradise. The FIELD CROPS—BIG DECREASE IN VALUE 01 FARM LANDS. Ontario contains a population of 11 321. 1'htn area of the Prnviuce is 210,650 are inilue, or 140,576,000 acres. There were last year 8,080,200 acres .s staple field crop. ,502,040 acres pasture, 1,15,2.082 in fallow land, ill crops, lanes, building sites, etc, . 104,098 in orchards acrd gardens. The acreage devoted to staph Geld was divided as follows : Fall at, 936,522; spring wheat, G51,- 2; Harley, 499,225: oats, 1,8(31,469; • n• JOB 1111INTING, NOLUDING Boole , Pamphlets, PO ter5,. best. 1 IHeade, Cirenlata c„ ' rices, and;an sbst, style of the art,, at moderate p' nodeo. Apply or, aildras�LT.IOTT, lla Tixhts Obco,.lYi1! m, !r, LOOK _HERE l This laill LnterestEvery� body, A wonderful new combination is .R. Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders, nice to take; perfect harmless. Mr. Wills Chief of Polite, Woodstock, says: "A sure cure every time." Ald. Farmer, idea idea is common to all --tile expression Barrister, Hamilton, says : "1 export varies in each individual, if original forr almost I headacheete relief from theircone it inspires the owner, the garden will I tractor, Hamilton, sayq "1 consider them be original •; if conventionalities be I t d td fur surpas- dear to him, you will find formality iu h i12ry Gas , 73,073 ; peas, 774,, 32 ; corn (til i to you. ear), 181,463 ; corn (toed for silo) J There is no region where man's effort 403. 04 ' beans, I buck wheat, 125,1 , the arrangement of his flower beds ; the artist will interweave it with his taste and fancy, the poet will seek in it to embody his dream, the practical man will turn it into a potato field, the speculator will plant it with wheat a sentimentalist will fill it with roses and lilies, an aesthetic with sunflowers.ome And from whatever clime y yon will read the man m his garden, nor need an interpreter to explain him to reclaim the soil does not possess an 2¢9 potatoes, 145,763: mange' interest for all other men. No tale of con - reels, 22,026 ; carrtrts, 9,911 ;-, the march of conquering hordes cttptl- r of s 129 6`27: hay slid clover, 2,515, votes like the story of the founding tur- Brier Chronicles. Every time a man gets abused by other mea it strengthens his memory for names and faces. !' !�i �q, O. T. U. CAI am Einia -.18PU13L1S11ED-- 1 V;IW'I =PAT. MO1{NING —AT Trot --- t 5ilflull".$,.QrptoE, JOSEPHINE ST NyI1'101IAill, ONTARIO. i Subsa ri11ttosl pried, $1 per Year, in flatmates i1VE1tT1SING RATES: Space I l Yr• 10lino 1 a mo 1 1 mo iii OQlntnta $u0 00 est op 1 $20 OQ $ 0 Half " 85 00 20 00 12 00 6 0 Quarter. " : 20 00 12 00 7 00 4 00 300 200 1 00_ _04 __ 6( inch I Legal, other casual advertisements, So, per lithe for asst iustitttou, and 80. per lino for each subsequent insQrtten. Locate 1104/ es lOe. poi ..ne for first insertion, an 5c. per Soo for each subsequent insertion. •No logia notice wilt be charged less than 260, ofLost,Found,Strayed, Situations . DoteY , • tt atu tars A Q ! exceeding It is 1Ya rod ho8 1,6 Business Chances Wanted, t k and B c per month I nonpareil.Russ„1 t1'or that nonth,r10e. forSale, exceeding out$ linos, These terlus will bo strictly adhered to . Special rates for to advertisements, or for, ods, longer pan I Advertisements and local notices without specific; directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged,, accordingly. Tran=leery advertisements must paid in advance - 'ijTe are selling Changes for contract advertisements must bo I the onto Ity Wednesday noon, in order to appeal Best Goal Dal at •, 1-2 I that week IL ELLIGTT � ll L+ 1tRO111ITTOR A1n BQSLIBE1itrG cents per Imperial gal- ___ . _ �_x.__ __ �_ ion, or a can containing I Th ]i[ACDONALD, the equivalent of five JOSEPHINE STREET, American gallons for 50c., exclusive of pack- age. a very ualuab a rem y, 141 1 sing many others I avetried."I The home where each member has ton, Hamilton, says I have derived great learned to rule his or 'her own spirit is benefit from them, having been tt lout time a sufferer from headache, biliousness ( an ideal home. and neuralgia," Mrs. Qrist, .Hamilton, says: "No medicine or doctors did my daughter any good until we used Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders; they have effected a complete cure." Mrs Keats, Hamilton, says: "Your powders have been the greatest ,blessing_ to me." state, and the dtate a foundations are f the population, 1,103,471 is in nships; 122,425 in villages and ns and 886,979 iu cities. Jae assessed veld,: of townships Inst and r was $452,083,163, of tnwus ares $125,597,688 and of cities 7,721,261. the mile taxes imposed .amounted 4,599,613 in townships,$2,452,179 owns and villages, and $4,757,338 ;ities. here are 088,814 horses in tale viace valued at $55,812,920. cattle there are 2,0`29,140, of ich 787.836 are urlluh eiws, valued 45,548,475. here are 1,85Q,4.73 sheep and the ire of the same is $8,569,557. f pigs there are 096.974 and these Valued at $5,479,093. here are 6`28,504 turkeys geeo v sued 'worth 5,348 ; 445,154 tld1v15 at 4,396, and 6,005,315 other , value of which is $1,421,706. using the year ending 30th June there were sold or killed 46,955 laid by its plowshares.' In Egypt t to 1 great liver has been harnessed for the I was nuboay around andl looked pretty i to lonesome I guess, for the brakeman A curse is like ttlstone flung return on The vanity of human Life is lila: a river constantly passing away,yet con- stantly coming on. Most of our misfortunes are more supportable than the comments of our wieenatt, - - YY .11. TOWLE% M,D.C,31„ 3femberCollege Physicians and Surgeons„Ostarie American Axes, 50c. to 65C. .._.Coroner for County of Huron -- each. Oflice lip•atairs, next to Mr Morton's oftioe, Wing„ i ham Ont. Crosscut Saws, 45c. to $I.00 i 0.: °l, to 12 a, m., 1 to 6 p. nt., or at per foot. 1 Residence, Diagonal Street. '77UU��,R, J. A. 311ILDRUM, We to -day reduce our 3lember�of the C011OrO 01 Psi sicians. nor Graduate of Toronto utdtSuegnonslof' ds quotations on Binder \ost,,o,.0tfaoirioe, .andResidence—Cotner of Centreand Patrick'I'vtrine one ' cent per . foruteriyoocupiedbyDrBathunoWtsanaat • Wingham• ki I ONahlette Price, 25 cents a box. Sold by all inodicine friends upon them. dealers. The world is full of lion fighters,but The Crowd in the Railway Station. it is hard to fine people who won't run from a hornet. One Hold rainy night last winter, re- marked the drummer, as he wiped a ! Ideals which realized float in the e life mifld, string of perspiration beads from his land are not res will neck and face, I was left at a stuuli evaporate and disappear. station on a western branch road, to ' A great deal of steel is wasted on wait for four hours for the train that lodge swords which would have been There^ shovels. was to take me f,omolvtu�re•useful in picks and she .1 service of man, in ;holland he has fought the sea to win a foothold for his sturdy independence, a garden for his bulbs. With the Romans marched the culture of Europe, in the wake of their great armies sprang up the cereals and the trees of the forest. Caesar was no less a conqueror of the soil than of opposing armies. He carried in one hand the sword, in the other the life giving grain. To him, first of all, Britain owes the planting of her barren acreawith the elm itself. Dr. Walker thinks that noble tree may have been brought there by a ctueader. And strange fact in the history of men, his triumph is the triumph also of the garden-1ts seeds and nuts, its grains and flowers springing up in the footsteps of Alexander and Xerxes, of crusader and Spanish don, to flourish, and comfort long after the mailel hand that brought them was dust. Thus in the path of the oppressor came a blessing, "out of the strong came forth sweetness.” Here again that haman touch links us with the old warrior of the past, bringing home from Damascus a rose slip to gladden the garden of his eweetheart, a sprig of vine to commemorate the hulls of Palestine on the borders of some Eng- lish lake It is pleasant to think how the memory of his own garden made the Macedonian bring home to Greece the flowers that his master wrested from Darius. The rose from Persia, the lily of the farther East, are a bond of C'M101Otl interest between the old and the new ; between the mailed past and prosperous present. 3es worth 04,280,132; 436,352 cattle tit 515,079,135; 575,934 sheep valued at 40,190; 978,701 pigs of a value of $,775, - and 1,966,409 poultry worth 06,778,608. he total va'ue of farm lands is $615,- 471, 615;471, of buildings 9195,644,258, of imple- ts $51,003,020, of live stock 5117,501,495 ng a total of 0979,077,244. ten years farm lands have decreased aloe by nearly 617,000,000; buildings e increased by over 015,000,000; imple- ts by nearly 53,000,000, and live stock nsiderably over $14,000,000, the net t all around being an addition of 51.6,.. 0 116,- 0 in tiro value of farm property dur- lie decade. ' he average farm wages paid last year 15G for the twelve months with board, 253 withput; for the working season was the average per month with and 525.92 without board; domestic is averaged $6.21 per month. foregoing figures have been culled report ittued by the Ontaria Bureau striea. came up and tendered me his earn- the heavens, moat likely pathy for two or three nnintites before the heal of him who sent it. is train went back up the' road• The recording aneal never strikes a 11 said O what t Ibyvha Hard place, ain't it4 he said, loess n^ balance on his books around on the general dismalness. • I of a mgu on his gravestone. Rather, el responded; and worse i While seeking after' perpetual mo - when a man -has to wait havefsome corn - 'or four hours.1 tion Richard Arkwright revolutionized pany, he said encouragingly. Un well you may the cotton spillniug industry. Whet and I peered shout ole to see if anybody had arisen from the earth. I Well, he said slowly, as if making a 1 COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. calculation, you'll find in the station I On the security of Cultivated Farm, Interest six o the telegraph operator, the station I per cent, n payable y aeleoantct all)'. CV portion of the agent, the baggage mOster, the train 1 wishes. All oxpences pard by the County. No despatcher, the ticket -seller, the store- I person except the County Auditors allowed to see mortgaryes10 `Y`i HOor to know to whonLMl3t aned keeper, the accident insurance agent, the express agent the post master and i Ap fy,Co. 7 rensurar, Go orioh, Aug. Sth 1892. one or two ether officials. J. A� CLINE & CO, WING -HAI STFJ\A PUMP V'IQRKS, VANSTONE. BARRISTER, ,SOLICITOR„ Etc.,. Private and Company funds to Won at lowest rate . interest. No commission charged. Mortgages,,tow and farm proporty bought and old OFFICE—Beaver Block WEIMA t J. A. MORTON BARRISTER Sec , Dam, (fy110117LU, W ngltnm Out PROPRIETOR. I wish to inform the peopleof Wing - ham and surrounding country, that, as I have purchased the Steam Pump Works lately owned by Mr. H. Clark, I are prepared to supply all kinds of Wca Wlll:iusofl, of Brownsvailey says: "I hittltboen in a distresse, on. da'• throe years from liervoud aali,1;.1.5 of Lho ut.. wo-' 41, ISVSPOTlsvt Igeatiou until my 110altil eras gene. n clor:tering const:rutty without bo x;ttt ono bottle of Smith Ani- 4''it.c, which done rho lucre good lith/ +••urth of doctoring, 1 ever did , 1 would advise every weakly ternee this valuable peed lovely rem. trM Cli holm's drug convince bottle will you. store. 1-i e That isn't so bad, I replied and told I w T•Y+s” him good night as he jumped for the last platform. Then I went into the dimly lighted station and looked about for pros, needy companions. 1 obody was visibly; except a sandy•hatred, freckle - faced man at the telegraph instru ment. Where are the others? I inquired, much surprised. Others what he answered, Why the others the brakesman told me were here! The telegraph opera- tor, the station agent, the baggage master, the train despatcher, the-- The man. at the instrument began to grin. What's the matter, 1 asked. That mischievous brakeman, lie said. He's the ons;, agreeable thing I've seen around here, I put in, in defense of my friend. Ile said those Inert EVERY DUSK EFFJ.CTIVE would be here until next train comes. And if persevered in will -And they will, said the man. Well, where aro they I asked with considerable asperity. i The sandy -haired man stood up and tapped himself on the Chests Them's me, he smiled; some in and sit down with us, t hours. four mortal a Ands did for errem l°elen i to Wriond Goes the story of the excellence of Hood's Sarsaparilla end what it has accomplished and this ie the stron'geet advertising which is done on behalf of this medicine, We endeavor to tell houestly what Hood's SarsaparillaSareaparilla is crud what it will do, but what it has done is far more important and far more potent. Its unequalled re- cord of cores is sura to convince those who bave never triers hood's learsttpatilla that it is an excellent medicine. Use whist talent you possess, The woods would be very silent if no girds sang there but those which sang best. It is not the greatness of a man's means that make him independent, 50 nineb as the smallllass of hie wants. CORNYN q Wooden, Lift, Force & Iron Polyps UNDERTAKERS , WIN GHAM, ONT. And attend the in anything in the Pump line. As I have a long experience in the business I guarantee all- my work, and if not satisfactory will refund the money. We also deal in ALL K ff S OF WIND MILLS �U��B1..2'v p' Soft water cisterns 'male on short notice, Orders by wall Hesitation and vacillation are two qualities which count for a good deal in the history of disappointment. Since yott can't guard your neigh 'box's tongue put a chock on it by renciptof 14'26 addring i e,o4 Wawfor iDan,Weisty Sold hr.. guarding what you pout into his ears,—"iwtinghain, , L. HAMILTON. Positively Care the Worst Cases For Sale by 'Alt Druggists .And. Wholesale by LONDON »nXG CO., 1..O tdlon Ont. promptly attended to. MEYER h DICKINSON, H. W. C. MEYER Q. C. 1 E. L. DICKINSON, B. A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc-. Etc., So, licitors for Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners for taking affidavits for Manitoba. Farm, Town and Village property bought and sold. Money (private foods loan c of cent cd on mortgage security at 6t Money invested for private persons, upon the best mortgage securities without ` any expense to the lender. Lands for rale in Manitoba and the North, west. Ofico—I{ent's Block, 14 Ingham. D, SHOWERS, Winghaiw e TWO KINDS OF CUSTOMERS, ky,iC,' R.vri BEANS • WIDE AWAI{E KIND BUY PROM THE DENTISTRY.-- J S. J E1OIIE, 11 tsuuan, Ia mantl Ctui•1 Celluloid Plates L 14714 y- ; Vulcanite plates of the bestinateriai 1 ns cheap as they can be got In the Dominion. All work warrant d. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Ertctri0. ity or Vegetable Vapor. each.Tout Norica,=1 will extract teeth for 26 contr. OFFICE: In the Deaver Block, opposite tho Brunswick House. Wrn. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DEti TIS7:. City Fruit & Confectionery Store Because they can get goods that are right and up to the times. ANOTHER KIND • ARE NERVE SEAleS aro a new dew artery that cote the worst eases of Nervous Debility Lost Visor and Palling Manhood; restores the weakness of body or mind caused by over -work. of the errors or ex - ceases of youth. '6hls Remedy an. widely cures the most obstinate cases when All other isAfailedevent* Sold drug, tt $i1 peikage dMx for I-5 0dntkarma b II-JAMBS ti$DIoINR OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's Hotnl,il'inghmn, Will visit Gerrie.1st and 3rd Mondays of each month, PAST enter But they aro waking up to the fact that Y can give them goods that will . please them, Full lines of Fruits, Oysters,Coiifectoaery,&c APPLES BY _TBE BARREL. JOHN 11I10I110, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT Wovonati, NUR ,pDEANS. Ja., Wlkanaal, a. . LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OP HURON. • Sales attended in any part of tiro Co. Charged Moderate. Agent for Parker's Dye Works. Canned goods of every description al- ways on hand and my prices aro as low as the lowest. Doiltforget tho place, opposite the new Bank of Hamilton. 11HILL J UIiN CTJRRIt, WxtionAar, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER Poll THE COUNTY OF 11UDON All orders left at the TIMES *nice promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable. JAMES IIENDERSON, LIOixXshtn AUCTIONEER VOR COUNTIES HURON Asa DttuC1r, Alt sales attended to promptly and on the Shelters Notice, Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All necessary arrangements can be made at the TOME' office INOIIAR ONT i1lt, lt, J. IdeASH, M. 13. Toronto, Members College Physielans and Surgeons, Ontario. BEton.tvts . . . • O1vrAnto Money to Loan on Notes Notes Discounted Atp REASOIstABLE IcATE 64le,i y advancrd an Mortgages a 51 pet cent wit privilege of 'paving at the end of any year. Not awl accounts aorieeted. UMW. MoINDOO. 13retRloak,—wlnaltama flirt. (coneec:rral,usdrive 1ydNOlrAtl 1,,yt 004fiDale lorif0[grid i! well call the attention, of the W to the tact, that dot=) Womall's'4ii° tome Union :meets :'e'; cry Tloaday; t sharp, for 0410 hour, at Airs. slain 4 rich street. Alt ladles are semmoat We hold a monthly except110 Monday of ovary advertised, fie •wlttrll meeting; we 4 generally As the EdtMO) i*s kiudiy'giver apace, for our work., we ask irioe y to airy et Ortomenobers. metal Rusuut'S ,co?` •Paonuu. State of Kansas has now olden kw in force for The Oli►c►igo.L ever rt Lai "There arc ferty.four 'Kansas' last wlntei d IA in which there was, no t a If there is a• -tingle been Union diet•:eau slice:veal, should liketto see it,andl '.. Dg,U NJUINNESs. •1`i0,.EN0 'English judges have. clared that to commit one is drunk. is but •ae crite.e. 13,e0e111ly at -,1.1 a mall 41amod. .Huurae011 tented to twenty gine, y, went far aeurdel'iu;;.lai trial was .asked .ou the man was drOu.lt .at , t! court refused to.grant; tf►n,p4ritld,that be.w.Il and 440 atot.rspous,iblt and ,held •that .be • wash tiers ,01 .Ilaind, t►itiit he•',i doing wrong -and tori✓Ja+ti1ll .Ln'. no exam) '. 411IA51Lv P.Su Weat l'Jly Tribune, Arn'e140a'l,jo,urrial, au the creel„ curttttlaulih dome fee leunMttlitu per with .rlvelsy.ttck qualities sevcliatY-Digi every •1314ylto.,0Y til deaths every Jay,30 18,01.00 44get,I,,.11eats,l chitdreu, .oedeli2.1301 SUU,,090 41ttt:h8, StVf keeps ill Mile uetuitlhi ly In Y1r2ntl, anis in daily„ s eve10-4faty 365 clays .in tile ye fluty Un 110iitlay the vase add.t0,111`II the murder Wive.s a year .lay, d11 bands„ 'Votes s this ;aarrtimsl.of..tr The _!ran Anilag the sl notes int Danaoresl for ,` ulv are ,the a Die •t ,'u dram ,h 4. L , sense. Wily shut d ty to open tt prist e 1eighboa'd and st • surphiseee all oth einiluenee and imp,!, tee' e' u4 R ards ; not on t ,,pauper de'etukars rtgit lawyer, the ,;;111erehant, the e,nd tt,e lateurer loutiruted Brun utarly to the ba 1 g preparation) ch ew matte the g be COn0aat is ..t'•1e311 auel yaw.; and tl .licetetl to toler of alluring ales :fill else world .povsellY • To,tlemora int pt:bion, t •passions of of R•degrade all htlmnailer for 111icatu,nr,ls to ililtboliCl* w .selfiiebncit]A, depths of h garb of rasp .the world fro .Vile pastil Rive abuse n bibitintl Nil maddened 11 kith an ent tions conVii end, probit the world 1 glorious cl' Shall we Christian ! apologise fl death -deal] producing. by a legal) despicable personal 1 triotic cttl times, 110 .I'oit Tl, of soda 'wI