HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-07-07, Page 11 w.....var,uresas OIL"..E.••• EgTEH )rld, requires back to hold he raised or, no springs to' ireaking inoWer set in line with r is independent wee guards 1)0 L4 „scitoon, ett. ,0 its merits. 13ee sample wisommt. .4 a"f".111k VOL. XXL --NO. 1116, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1893. TIMES $1 A YEAR IN ADVAN The hot weather is here and you are looking for cooler clothing of all kinds, we have everything you want. In ladies' vests we are showing a big range, different kinds, weights and prices. flowery and glove stock is complete, We have n beautifu line of printed. Irish lawns (exclusive t this store) and which make up very prettily in dresses and blouse% our challies et 8 and 10 cents a yard, are fine values and ea.mnot .he beaten. We have n lot of remnants we want to get rid of. For you men, we have a wide range of negligee shirts in different colors and mater- ials, underwear in all sizes, Balbriggan and light weight natural wool, Groceries as usual, fresh and well assorted. Pune Lunn is hard to get now -a days, we have it. Don't forget that this is, the only place where you tan get a first-class tea for 35c. Shop early and secure prompt delivery. This store closes et seven. ee;t4,' ORA & HISCOCKS, Direct Dry Goods Importers, Ta 33een, June 22, 1893. DRESS MID MANTLE MAKING. MRS. IYORN 1018,114 Has decided to again o e a Dress and Mantle making busbies a her residence, Edward. street, near P gle s pop works. Satisfaction guaranteed. • Apprentices wanted. 3m etarriagle Licenses Issued by Fri PATnnsoN, No 23, Vit- toria etreet,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses xequired. LOQ L xnws —Dr. Sine SIS'ecialist$ will be at the QueedJl bitotol, Wingham, on Monday, JU1& 17th, from, 11 a, m. to 8 p. ni,ako notice. Consulta- tion free.% —The fere from Toro o to Chicago h s been reduced from $19 t $12.45. • —Topsy B., Messrs. eattie Bros'. run- ning mare, won the ' on n race at Dur/aam, on Monday last. —Call at the Star Restaurant for a big assortment of fruit. Jas. McKeuvre. —The volunteers return reurnef1 from camp on Friday last fo. good spirits and consider- ably bone' —afe,11146, tithgow, int librarian of the • Wingham egeehenics' In titute, has re- , m.oved to lilusvale. His may friends ia town wine-111es him greatl —Private moneys to loaij on mortgages at reasonable eate of inte st. Apply to aee tf if Join Neglawns. , gr. Geo. McKenzie. as sold forty-five ''.e: ar loads of baled hey f r export to the '''' Old Country, and. is ba baling and ship- ping it. Each ear will ld. from ton to tiev nteen tons. Wm. Clegg has turehased a new lay press and is now bu y baling hay in the old agricultural bui ing, near the C. P. R. station. lie is al storing hay in the skating rink. --G T It trains for Toronto and . east leave Wingham at 0.25 a rn and 11,20 a re. via V G & B Division, and at 6.40 a en and 3.45 p rn, via Clinton [Led Guelph. ' • Good conueetioheby all trains. --Lerge quantities of old hay have been delivered itt town ti • past two weeks. Seven donate per to is the price being paid by bah the buy s, Messrs, McKenzie and Clegg. —Amoegst tie bitors who took exhibits at the Worl ing. The figures in points scored out of Gray, Atwood, 06; te el; 90; ;Tolin Mor Gray, Atwood, loyal°, 95; Wm. 7 astern Ontario °Ali - dale for their cheese 's Fair, are the follow- icete the number of possible 100 Jas. A. hu tellatityne, Lis- 'ison, Newry, DO ; Jas. 05,i Geo. MoDonald, bed, Molesworth, 93. The regular mo tidy meeting of the P. M. S. of the Presbyterian °lama, held in the lee are room, on Wednes- July 5th. T1 subject for the day South Amer! a, Mexico and Africa, interepting p pets en these subjects read by lltio Macdonald, on South lea; Miss tP. , verb on Mexico, and McLean, shi A. ries. Thera Was a good dance and a v y profitable hour was tha subk for August will be , Poole, Cor., d Japan. —Bananas 20 cents per dozen, lemons 15 to 25 cents a dozen at It, Him's. —Messrs, John 7turray and Thee. Car- uthers are runnin the foundry, and are doth g all kind e of epairing„ &c. —Miss 111eIntyr , of our Public School staff, lied charge the entrance and pub - lie school leaving e -aminations, in Wroxeter, last week. —Cash for good butter and eggs at It A Graham's market grocery. —The nem,' mo thly meeting of the King's Daughters nd Sons will be held on Monday, July 10th, at the Rectory, at eight o'c ek. All are w come. —Mr. Chas. Smi , who has been in the auk of Hamilton t Lucknow for some time, is now en ged in the Wingham agency of that pop lar banking institution. —The Wingham football team went over o Brussels on T reday of last week, and played a friendly 'tune with the club of that plate. The tme resulted in a win for our boys by on goal to none. 50 foronew subsoribers, till the eTnIatitosi the year. --Mr. Houston, "; :wipe' of the Clinton Public Sohool, had arge of the Entrance and Leaving Exam') Miens, in this town, last week. There w re seventy-seven wrote in the EXtrar100 AXIL 11110M011. —A. gentleman w in town on 'Wednes- day seeing what cot d be done in the way of getting up a joint stook company for the establishment of a it boot manufaetory. We have not lear ed how he succeeded. —Mildmay Gaze te : Mr. Geo, McKen- zie, of Wingham, is about to put up a hay press in Mildmay. e already has large quantities offered a $7 per ton. 0 perations will begin next we k. —Clearing sale o boots, shoes, &ea, from now until Saturda eveuing, July 9th. I will offer my entire stock at cost. This is no sham sale. Ti stock must be sold, as I am giving up busi ess here. J. S. lefeitmeor. le A.° Roe's trotter, splendid work lately cos, last week, she did a th good handling she' the season is over. Lauchlin, danghtet, of of this town., arrived eorgia, on Tuesday enied by her brother nvaleseing nicely. horses were entered oodbino races, Tor - lace this week. They in the 2.25 trot and .50 trot, and Walter Miss Garfield, as been doing SO/11 At the Hamilton rt mile in 2.21e. W will do better befor —Miss Maggie Mr. Jas MoLauohlin home from Macon, evening last, o,ccom Frank. She is now —Three Wingham in the races at the N onto, which take are: Miss Garfield pace; Wanda, in the G. in the 2.44 trot. —Now that the hot weather has come, people should come to the fountain ancl get a -fine drink of lemon sour, vanilla, straw- berry, raspberry, pine apple, giuger, ohoch- late, sarsaparilla or ice cream soda, one of the finest drinks in the land at R. Hem's. —The races of last week, drevi matched trottln Swarts' Walter Oros, 'Wanda, bei, Walter G. won th matched race. ed hands, it is sal —The Peterbo Peterboro', Ont., qtates. through Carladien Agriet RemeeMegazneee tabled offers ofy ing in the lax from the letter Columbian Ex rt Druesels, on Thursday all immense crowd, the race between Mr. J. B. G. and Messrs. Beattie g the great attraction• ee out of font henes in the nsidereble money choetg- o Publishing Co„ of as been sending into the mails two papers, The twist and The Ladies' ,These papers have ebn- icisteeibers sod- , est lags of words formed in the words "World's siticni'," The America, authorities have orbidclen their entrence, characterizing t e schemes as lotteries. —Another ca • load of Massey -Harris twine at T. L. jobb's. Prices right quality and quantity in length considered. Also all kinds of ineehinery repairs for the Mas' sey-Harris, Patterson, Wiser 0,ricl D. Max- well enatleines on hand. All kind of repair. ing clone to harvesting machinery. T. L. Jonn, —We have ready 1 the initial number of the Canadian Eng' eer, a bright monthly paper of 28 pages it id 40404 devoted to the cieebanieal, minin and other branches of the engineering Ir des. It is thoroughly Canadian in tone, very article has a prao- thud pnrposo, a it gives an immense amount of Canadia news of interest to the tram ceneerned. Is design and typo— graphical appetite co are not excelled by 3 any trade paper ye issued in this country. I Published by the radian Engineer Co., 8 onto, and tits Preset a Building, Montreal, itt one dollar a year. c —P011 T/IS Baum) autes,a,-Tivo glasses of Bode, wetee for 5 cents at R. Hits. —Rev.11. J. MfiLairmid,otIemptville will preach in qle Presbyterian church' on Sunday ne , —W», --A. servant girl for general housework. Apply at Methodist Parson- age, —Methodist Chirch Pulpit Topics for next Sunday: Mr ning, "The pure in heart" Evening, The folly of unbelief." 50 ZerllitSesvCasalulbwsoill.1 pay for -11;0 ti1 TtgeHe In crosi the year, —Mr, Ed. T. Rol es, of the Clinton New Era, was married in St, Catharies on Wed. nesday of last week to Miss Louie Cole, of that oity. —Wanted, a pal of pea fowl, also, a pair of guinea fowl Apply to N oonoocac, Wingham. —E very pound -k eper who hereafter fails to make an annt al report to the Muni- cipal Clerk at the ei d of the year is liable to a fine of $10. —Rev. L. Perrin,I of Pickering., con- ducted the services of the Presbyterian church very accept bly on Sunday last. He also took part i4 the prayer meeting on Wednesday eve ng. — For first.olass tailoring and cheap gents'. furnishings, try Webster & Co, Remember the place, only two doors north of the old stand and between Ross' book- store mud; Petterson'e jewellery shop. —The fourth same concert in connec- tion with the Gemmel') ement of the Presby- terian Ladies' College Toronto, was lately held. Miss • Lottie fel:Kenzie, •daughter of Mr. Geo. McKe ie, of this town, took part, and the oronto World, in ts report of the oono t, has the follow- ing complimentary reference9; Miss McKenzie: Miss ottie MUCenzie's violin solo, "Adana," lowed. careful study, IVEiss McKenzie also read "A. Sister's :scheme" with that cm versational direct. ness ansl want of affeo tion too seldom 4 e with amo e' eitereutio ists. i A Very loyable lawn social was even by thes1VO;ing eople's Sooiety of Christian EndeaVer of he Presbyterian church, Wingliin, on Friday evening, ;rune 30th, on Mayor ordon's spacious lawn. All arrangement were very setis. factorily carried out, nder the able management of a very ell cient committee The fine grounds were onveniently tai off in groups, with tab' , chairs, settees, &c. There was a gre t profusion of beautiful flowers•—aiwa s So pleasing to lovers of the innocent and beautiful. Ice cream. strawberries bad cream, deli- cious cakes, proved a very attractive feature of the entertai mere A good display of Chinese 'antis as added con- siderably to the brillia cy of the scene. Social chat and sweet r iusic formed no unimportant part of th evening's pro- gramme. Every per on seemed to heartily enjoy themsel s. ---A meeting of tbe Association was lied °heather, this town, ,on There was a good att whoa! were : D. Mein president ; J. Wilson, president; J. E. Blinds urer ; P. Walker, L tary, and Messrs. B Shilling, law Staffa; Po Geddes, Lucknow, and After considerthle rou been transacted, paper P. Walker ou TUberci Wilson, on removal o were excellent papers, siderable diseussion, that the next Meeting ; forth, on the fitia of Oe —The annual finan Wingham Methodist el ending May 3.1st, 1893 It shows that the...incci during the year, with at the commencement '$4009.66, and the woe leaving a balance There were prucl d besides the ordinary church, $400 for addi $1103.38 for repairs condensed Sunday s given, its which it is tri male teachers, 11 fomal officers. %hero aro 11 lasses, with a continue 12, of theta) there are nfant class, 158 in the 88 in adult clergies. hip of the sehool is 37 ttendance of '225 T hoice books in the 1i 52 Church Street, T run Veterinary n the Council Wedueaday last. dance, amongst °sit, Brucedeld, Wing/nun, vice - 1. Clinton, ndesboro, seemSeaforth ; tune, Wroxeter ; ,larke,Godericia, ine business has were read by J. losis, and by J. a tumor. Both nd elicited con - It was decided be held in Sea - ober next ' 1 report of the larch, for the year as been issued. e of the church alence Ott hand the year was ditnre $1012.06, and of $87.01. ring the year, xgenses of the Tonal land and church. A ool report is d there are 10 • teachers, and 7 le and 15 female membership of persons in the ntertnediate and total member- , with/in average ere are about 300 reationable ddtrig at Wingham. The Methodist church of this place was the scene of very pretry weeldingt on Wednesday °ruing last, when Plorilla 0., elelos daughter of F Sperling, Esq„ o e firm of Gray,Y Sperling, salt manufacturers, united in naarri e to Mr. Wm. Homuth, of the ti lir of T. J. Homu Son, merchants, o this town. The rnony was perfo ed by the Be Sellery, B. D., an Rev. C. Pierson, of Klienburg, in the presence of immediate relativ s and friends 01 parties, as we'll as an interested eom of spectators. T e wedding march played by the re n estra, led by,T. A. ton, BarristeI-s5 be bride entered the Oh urch andyi given away by her father. She was becomingly attired in a rich dress of wh' e corded silk, trimmed with honiton lac and pearls, wore the usual bridal vel and orange blossoms and carded a bite bible. She was attended by het ister, Miss Louise, who wore pale blue ftri do sole and carried white roses, also by Miss Rom uth, sister of the groona, w o wore butteroup surah and carried ye ow roses, The grooth was supported by efr. C. Sherriff, of Toronto, and M , ji. S. Young, of Blyth, cousin of the b ide. After the ceremony the wedding pa •ty and guests retired to "Woodlands," t e handsome residence of the bride's fat er, where the wedding breakfast was s rvecl. The happy couple left by the C. Montreal, Ott eastern points, old boots and c Bente were nun them might b grand piano, father. Mr. an take up their res will be "at home' "Maple Shade," co streets. • rat G • oung was T. ,T, th 4 cere, v. S, B. A. friends in town and the Mr, and Mrs, Jolt bode sing, Miohigan, are v piny and vicinity. was Airs. Spooner, of C Mor- visiting friends in t peq, are visiting town. Mr. Thos. Axmstr few days in town Mr. Thos. Leslie. ola and valued fel Leslie, having been ding. Mrs. J Elder and Sunday with friends Met Rogers, of R. on the 2.40 train wa, Quebec, and at amidst showere of rice, egratulations. The pre- erous and costly, among t Mr. Thos. Leslie', g, Of Forest, spent- a eat week, the guest of r, Armstrong is an ncl of gr. and Mrs, guest at 11Nir wed, s, A. Murray spent in Whiteehurch. Atwood, is visiting icinity, this week. McCraeken, of Lan - siting friends in town, inton, who has been wn for some time, re. turned home this we k. Mrs. J. Forster an Misses Fraser Card spent Sunday 1 t in Goclerich. Mr. and. Mrs. H. earen were visiting friends in •Clinton er a few days, this week. Mr. L. Pearen spell wanosh, visiting frien Mr. Walter Vansto his parents in Kinoar Mr. and Mrs. D. Kincardine. Miss Sid. Eakins ha gone to Windsor on I Barbour to o an extended visit. 1 and William Miss M. Johns has ne to Chicago to once—Cer visit the World's Fair. Mr. D. Stew Mrs. and Miss Maggi Dallas are visiting reference to Meads in Detroit. property under Miss Jennie Elder is tome for the holi- lature. The for days, granted Mr. $t Mr. J. M. Henderson of Ethel, was cal- part of his pr aud a few days in 'Wa- s. spent Sunday with ine. gle Sundayecl in ation zneetin July Eth, 18i3, be grant Chamber for t e county Ireterinar,v As* Wilson to hay the fres we of tbe Oe Carried. Tho tatecl that 1.4 had hem n to state the se of Mr. Williams, ea man, living Victoria, street, who was able to pas is rent. Moved by A. Davie. seconded b T. Gregory, that having la Williams, 11 • Column grant the tai4. itilauszoir.5t0e. the Mayor in reference to Mr. Neel: ids asked what had be in referen to the opening of the 1 between Le poid and Williana streette John street o Victoria street. Mr. Brix: enshire said the ratter been referr 1 to the Street Coneu't they had d e nothin e tar have fence the property ie having re to open the ane, He thought it would' better to g 14a1 advice on the matt before takie action. Mr. Greg ry thought the Council shortIld take action a the matter, as the Counei,1 controls all vets and lanes.. Moved by . Neelands, seconded by J. Romuth, tha this Council instriene ibis; Clerk to not ; y W. A. Johns. and Cha n the lane betwes 1 eopokli ad John and Victoria streetti d. rt addresse 1 the Council 211i Le exemptions on his f 11731 ecent Act of Ontario Legls1 (mail at it reeent mete her wart exemption 0111 ti,, pert), lying north of th ling on friends in tow and. vicinity, dri . Mr. W. G. Morrison, Principal of the r guest, As they undereteodj Wednesday Wards „ ,,i.41,04 4 except. askedeXemption of bi . ., , . ,.. . Toeswater Public, Soho° , was in town on about seven ac 'es arc ,L, ,.1 is resitleece mentioned a boudoir weanesday. and barn and on buildititi,' The Council), e gift of the bride's Mrs. Homuth return to Mr. F.. geLauchlin, of lletroit, Michigan, took no aation in he matter, as the by la dance in Wingham and is spending a few days i town visiting his in reference to tl exemptions had alrea,dy; parents and friends. been passed, but a stared. Mr..Stewart that' atter A ugust 1st, at ner John and Shuter i efr. John E. Davis, so of efr. 11. Davis, they would remit 'm a tist,firoportiort of Ihas decided to accept a s tuation at Sault his taxes. Ste. Marie, Ont., and . le for there week, railroad, at his r it. Mr. Stewa farm property ' carats. Mr. 3, Pletcher, 1 Paisley, land Mr., McNeil, of Paisley , were visiting Mr. Dawson, this wee Miss Davis, of his town, is visiting Sen,forth. Mr. J. E, Davi , having successfully pa sed all his exam nations, is now a fu fledged chemist id druggist. He was vis ing his parents 1, town, this week. Mrs. John Nee lids was visiting relatey in Brampton par of last and this Neeek,• Mr. and Mrs. s. Timmins, of Blue -'.-al left on Saturdae morning for Clevelan Ohio, where the will attend w Temperan convention, and viii join friends in Clev haul and then t ke in the World's Fair a Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. T. PI, Marks, with thei little daughter A lie, left Wingham by 0 P. R., Thursdae 29th, for their home a Christie's Lake. Lucknow Se inel: Mrs. J. 0, Kinoai and her S011 11X visiting friends in Wing ham. Lucknow Sont el: Mr. Leohlaa, efeLeal of Wingliam, a f '112or resident of Lucknow W1413 here on sday attending the Dis trict :efeeting of le Sons of Scotland, Seaforth Expo- tor ; Mies 1.13:11S3 Spar - ling, of Wingham was visiting the famil of Mr Wm. M. G ay for a few days thi week. this Mr. Neelands s .ke ineeavar of building a, sidewelk to Lowen Wee ham, and said the residents would g" 4.4,$Sistance. D. A.1 Town 1 The regular mont in Town Council was hel .• i last. Present 14.11,:e s- Reeve Brockenshire,a: ll• Towler, Hoinuth, Jar it son and Neel:Inds, Tho minutes of pre SS read and appovecl. The Mayor stated e, had been placed in h d, Hermiston, of Bel •Ce gentleman stated th 0. barrel flouring mill t tion ot receiving a fr taxation for ten yea r to be repaid In • with interest at six , Mr. Brockens1 ire •Aalsid. the town .shenia e. nen. make an approp iation.for ,ILS.taewalle, and; he thought the ham would. cont John Hanna reference to the geesrs.MeLeaa urged that ions meeting were and home all at a communication hands from Mr. A. Street Coinmi same. The matter ore, in which that The Counci he would erect 75- 1Vinghata on condi- selsuitella"17.1P1 otif°113f,Oro0n01, An utter 1 es of hope ' pull animal payments, Ho of Consu plait:04y 1 leer cent. The Council , of disease is s fat not having power t deal with the matter, arrested by 120 action was taker . d The Finance Co mittee reported, reconi- is CodLiv - mending payment fthe following accounts: W.& T. Moore, NVO 'k on streets,waterworks 1 —Addit &c., $32.15 ; Wing aro Electric Light Co., 1 , lights for May, $3 .70 ; Wiegliata Electric( - Light Co., lights or June, $30.00 ; Win Patterson, chalet supplies, e1.50; Smith & Pethick, lawn en ver and oil can, $12.25 Y Smith & Pethiol stoue hammer, 75 cents s R. Elliott, pre: $1G; Dr. Tamle.n e re 'Mts. Fletcher, $5 ; charity supplies, 74; Alex. ou streets, 718.75; Jos. ing Jos. JohastoateboeLon- .50; Jas. Ballard, salary, J. B. Ferguson, salary, eon, salary, k'25; 3os. Coad, <, hos. Irwin, salary, 7741,45; gravel for streets, $J8.84; gravel fax pound, 73.09 ; , repairs for waterworks ion the report was adopted ts ordered to be paid. itten addressed the Counci putting tel in. hi of Bullard's house, in con o waterworks. 13. Towler, seconded by rochenshire, that the ques- t), telephone in the resi- Bullard and W. 11. Hutton place, be referred to the iittee to thoroughly investi- y meeting of the 'Wing .esiuents of seower ibute liberally. dressed the Council in.., pening of a street through & Son's mill yard. Re Council assume the steet, bstructions taken off the on Monday evening Gordon, Deptity- d Councillors Messrs me, Gregory, Daw- s le it in the hauls of the tee. then ad:on De ot 'Despair. Gerrie Vidette Mr. R. Elliott, editor o es and P. H. Ce 11. o r of Foresters, and Mr Treasurer of the sem 1, paid Court Gerrie ea alay etesaaanes lelcGaire, u, ef \\Ingham, spent in town visiting friends. n is home froni the the Whistle= Tea the Canedian Or. John Nelancls,1i1 Order, of Winghai oflieial visit on Mc. Teeswater News Sills and goKibb Finlay of last wee Mr, John Anders medical certific John Galbraith Campbell, wor • Bullard, corm,. 0 don Respite!, 1 selary, $10525 105 ; John Dic salary, ; John Gillespie John Gillespi 11. Steplienso 72.05. On me 1 awl the Amon. Mr. W. B. in reference to house and Ch ncetion with t • Moved by IN Deputy -Reeve tion of pinh, dencee of Chi or some °the Property 0 gete—Carried • gr. Jelin free use of th nestles?, dilly ingot the Hu Moved by W. Dr. Towler, Philo delphue Del tal Colleg, visiting friends in town ant vicinity. Mr. R. Nwton, f Prter's Rill, was visiting friends In own, on Seturday lat, Mr, Geo. Maas sh awl daughter raa, of Listowel, were ii town on Tuceday call - mg on feiends. MigEiStunele, of /russele, is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mi and gre. Jas. Mc- Lauchlan, of Shut Street, town. Mrs. Ale, Ing is is visiting friends in Eincerdine, this NI. ok. Master Gordon Mares is home from school to 'enoy his iolidays. Mr.Jhn Amide atid three children spent Sunday in Xincart Mrs, Geo. Mos hill, a, oat Sirntlay Mr, Zehn Vigli ne, ve, L. D. S., of Park. n town with friends, Ad family, et Whint. SO 0 011 ma aracterii- no other kern s s progress is tt's Emulion, w4I.4 palatable as creat.i., ......••••,••••••••••• onaj .oeal news on page 8. Williams' Little Ott a. leliort Pills will cure lieedeche, 13ento ,suss, • Sone Stomach, etc. Try them one: med. yon will not use any other, P. ice 25e. a box et all drug stores. ' Salmoni's Elagligh W7nte is the best Family LL,finern it, the world. Iestant eine for eprei.. end Beuise. Beware of imitations. Ask Salmon's English 'White Oils. D., Eing'S Worm Polvdeset are safe and sure. 2,5e. a box. fiestthlld's 'nettling Batsmun. will cure the wor.t cold. Aund yds of testimonials testify to its fa, its, Money will tiositively be refunded i i Reeling Balsam does tiot do . 11 that is claimed for it. Dr. 1ing's; fireelioal Diseo'v. ety is the great blood puritt .. It will make the Mood pure and keep it pure. Cures dyspepsia and all fotnie of stomach and liver troubles. It is the best; buy the " t• best. Price one dollar a bottle, six *bottles for five dollars. Dttittlelittn Pills. Hem), V. S., askd for the Counoil Chamber on Wed; th, in which to hold a meet. u Veterinary Asocitio. Brockenthire, seconded by iat the request of Mr. John glis13. White 011s. ifortui rowderes4 Uenthikid4silettllng I11• tisxtlzt. Or. Ofmcov. Are all reliable enedieities ',rioters gitaeantee stetiefteet 011110 or money reftunled