HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-06-30, Page 8IVIcINDOO.
week we will offer some of the
values iuDrese Goode. Hast duality
ed French Dross Cools, worth al.25
20 pieces of ilea Wool Dress
Aix all the l .;eding colors, worth 50c.
Glia. Tltia mouth we are one of the
t alio surest bargain spots in the town,
bay in big lots and sell at prices that
you, Wo handle nothing but the
glees of goods.
Su.i.s,--,-Our 131 ok and colored silk is
known to be the largest and finest
k itr•t11e town, Seemingly one half of
it hitmz's ladiets bought silk here this
ug anti we want the other half to come
week for Dose Silk or Novelty Silks
d Talent Mg Silks,
Strstitt.•i,—.White 'Vests, Fancy "rests,
ming Suitt}, Outing Shirts, Outing Shoes,
afii:e , Fats, a i y Costs, Serge Suits, Light
TAO' .veer, Straw Eats, and everything
r c,;:n ort in the hot days of Juue,
Bruerm. 2G dozen children hose at 5c.;
0 dozen Gents' '.Cies at 10o., at
Seeo i'ouncd.
t. s,
M1ir • 1 clitor,--California is lovely a coun.
the sick get well and the poor get rich,
v,.' yelones and frosts are practically un-
ulawn. ' A hundred to three hundred doll-
asrs tier acro is made each year on fruits
t' ieith irrigation. The California Land and
n'W ter Exchange of Dayton, 0., control
arge quantities of land in California,
io:i7hioh then plant, cultivate, pay taxes for
' en years, paying you $40 per acre on one
Ala 200 on five acres each year as your part of
mire -profit, they keeping the balance for the
tc:tare and cultivation. 'They give an sore of
:Arend away with es,oh 4 certificates. All
'they'ask you to do is to pay for the irriga.,
;.i.lon which cantle done in small payments
• Frail _ month. They will send you the
of 90 persons who last year received
25 to 6500 on one year's investment
'tesideut Harriston says: Half of the
resood things of Calfornia Land and Water
d ' xchange, of Dayton, 0., give a freereturn
oucicket to view the property and two
ver dollars a year. Why shotil4 any
neme be poor when such a chance remains
g;ea and you do not have and labor or
-ork to get the profits and do not , have
b. leave home. Write them to -day and
cot fall particulars. A Canrroit sea.
„i. Dun
so`i Ur. Chas. Durni
insist with a heavy
a harming of his en
's5kld also about 75
rpa insurance. M
c Or Mr. Durnin as
Iarkine man.
`Mr. Wm. lllallou
ieh .iipatrick, of Ash
` t Ttie holy bonds of
Chicago, where
g;tisisting in erectin
tags and where Mi
Buren living for so
Voteere as separate 1
fino and returned
'Forae. Their many
Fails(nlimited happine
is ctr
dee C>r
'r alw
ik oar, Woe. Tate,
"our retied out au imp
i11, tico,vru, and is preps
;dein 6om:'. unity twit
+r giseploments.
yc i t$eesre. John Nee
tuns 'L 'in hates, visit
A pi'1 g
'felt , Canadian Order
iu.eeting on Monday
Von tort addresses, th
fxrrdi:tb vote of thank
pais Court has a bea
sing Bold their meetin
ttdta Underneath the h
bin, Jas. Hammond,
{ ps sed the eaw mill of
Mae, t town. A couple o
, of West Wawanosi,
ss last week by the
ne and shingle mill
inches of shingles;
oh sympathy is felt
e is au honest, hard
h and Miss Maggie
Id, were united in
atrimony last week
r. Mallough has been
the exhibition build -
Kilpatrick has also
e time. They left
ividuals some time
on Saturday last as
riends here wish them
from Shelburne, leas
meat show room in
d to supply the farm.
the very best farming
lands and R. Elliott,
Court Gorrie, No.
f Foresters, at their
evening Last. After
y were tendered e..1
by the members.
tfful hall in which
, which they own,
11 is a neat store,
.f Atwood, haze pur-
Mr, Jas. Martin, in
sons of Mr. Ham -
roh is a Credit to
as the body who
tiditorium is a fine
rtably seated with
basement are the
ibrary room, and
ttee rooms, besides
is well located and
titmice, being built
ill Will carry on th
he new Methodist
o, ora village as well
sht *ship, in it. The
mel and well and coni
rex seats. In th
trtt fllay nchonl room,
;moi' *lase ant] con
peahen. The enure!
6mrnanding ap
ri ek.
Beige ve.
7'ha . rest Wawano h full show will bet
held at l el *rave on ' htrreilay (incl
day, September 2s1h a d Moth,
Ur, Geo, David h ts. ripe tomatoes
growing .in his garden,
Mr. Vlrnr, Wightmau 'a building a large
addition to his barna,
WJ:lteoli ref',
The Creamery here is being more
largely patronized than is most sanguine
supporters expected it vould be. More
than double the quantit r of butter was
made in May of this yea • than was made
in the same month last ear, and now
the make has reached pwards of 1,000
pounds a day«
. " 3owic1
Many of the older res dents of Uowiok
will be sorry to learn of t _. death of Sir.
Tunttuelsou Docherty wi ieh =erred at
Oak Lake, Manitoba, on uue 11th. De-
oeaeed w.as a reaideut of Howiok when it
was aimed a solid fore :t and removed
with his family to Maui •ha acme 13 or 20
years ago.
The annual picnic .1 S. S. No 3. anti
boundary public schools Howiek. will be
held in Mr, 'Thos. Ing s' busk on the
afternoon of July est Platforms and
swings will be erected I id all kinds of
genies participated in, all are cordially
invited to attend.
Grand Lodge,
Hamilton, Ont., June
mut session of the Gran
ads, Independent Order
opened this morning wit
the chair, :cud about 200
seating every section of
The auuual report of
Lawless shows a loss of
the year just closed. T
ship is 8,616, against 10,
nog of lest year, In th
Spence; te. C. T., the
was referred to as one of
steps in advance yet t
tario Legiel eture, and it
Dominion authorities w
in the near future. TA
work shows much progr
--an aclditic,n of fourtee
the year,
.O. G. T.
7.—The 40th an -
Lodge of Cab -
Good Templars,
F. S. Spence ie
delegates, repre-
Ontario, present.
Secretary Thos.
membership for
ie uet member -
at the begin -
report of F. S.
ntario plebiscite
the most notable
ken by the On.
was hoped the
uld do still better
report on juvenile
ss in this branch
new lodges for
l :nta
One of the me -slio
heard of in this lien of
carred here last week.' 1
the Lake Shore road, h
tion of carbolic acid, w
apply to his cattle, as
fly, and. placed the bo
with a small flask of w
going to his work in• tl:
ing very well, lie .w e
the liquor, but :mad
bottle and swallowed
poison before he disco
The unfortunate man
hour after swallowing
funeral took place on
largely attended.
Notwithstanding t
have been having for
nits have been co
The soboole in the
township held one o
came the Template
17th, and the. leasr
holding a monster
the let of July.
Mr. S. Gibson,
house decorator an
rushing business ab
time. Sid. is a hu
and don't you forge
The 'Masons of
the number of abo
service in St. Pau
Iast, when Rtv. B
Chaplain, delivere
Messrs. Jackson
order for a numbe
vests from the Ora
The next month
horses, cattle, &e.,
A woman name
ford on Saturday
who deserted h
went to Mitchell 1
and was followe
wife and three
rented ahouse in
band went to won
(;uehin failed tg t
tnyestigation shos
leaving his wife an
themtietves. The
for the family for a
i Cushin set out t
(husband. At Sebr
f that he was in Stra
there to look for him
ed up at last accouaits
be a 3ritish pension
him to desert bis,wite
ing aoeId'euts' ever
the country, oc.
r. James Dean, of
d prepared a solu-
ieh he intended. to
remedy for horn
le ou a shelf along
iskey. As he was
morning, not fee),
t to take a drink of
a mistake in the
7l hey Po That lyoepatr,
An niter lobe of hop i, not oharncteris
tic of Consumptives, r tough no other for
of diseaso is so feta!, r ulese its progress is
arrested by eve of o.) t'e Ernulaiorr•, which
is Cod L.iver Oil union es palatable as cream
Supreiuo Lod 'es A, 0, U, W ,
The b'eprQrne Zees of the lt. O. TJ, W.
Ayes held iu Turouto heat and part of this)
week. Considerable iutpot taut logielatiou
line beeu enacted. I. bas been decided to,
place the age limit : :E5 years, and that;
in. future uooue will .e ttclrailtted into the.
Order after attaiMe, that alto, After con-
siderable diseuasioe rat opteosetiou, it line
been decreed that au, one engaged iu'the
retail of Honors is nc t eit;;ible for mem-
bership. The tnexe til rule of assessment
for the next three ye,ra. for the various
jnrisdictious ii i be as fixed as follows :—
Peuusi•lvauia Geetel Lodge $30, Ohio fr30,
Ifentucky 830, Iitcitte. +t 8:50, Iowa »17, New
York 830, Ilifnois ta`y , Mut,ouri it27, frliu-
nesote $161. Wieuotisi 1 1426, Teutaessee 8'30.
11'iiohigau 810, Cali •oruitt ;r1;0, Georgia,
Alebama 630, ileus s 816, Outerio 116,
Oregon '28, alaesach eater 1G, Maryland
tt22, Ts au , e30, Ne tide 8`38, Colorado,
New Mexico and Ari'ona ,625, Nehraslta
O16, the Dakotas 616, Montana 1123, Wash-
ington ',F19, New.Ter
htr, David Balk g11,j res sold Iiia .farm 11893') + .;
n' to 1Vtr, WiHia.nt J o1v'1 , lr.
dr. and Mrs co.ai'ringle, returned :I
last Friday after a fey weeks absetioe
' at .roi.t .Bops), Whitby and others
plane s.
Mr. Jas Stru
iitlo: large barn,
large. strngture
l 59t men,
y 820, -British Col-
umbia $20, Mauitrba and North-west 816,
Utah, Wyviniug Arad ''daho 322, Delftware
316, the Supreme L age jnr'isdiotion $30.
It was decided to halt the next meeting of
the Supreme Lodge it San Francisca. The
following offieers we elected and instal-
led : Supreme triefste, wrokinau, Dr. 1). H.
Shields, of Haruibel, Missouri; bepreme
foremau,111r. Lewis, . Tiny, Chicago, I11.;
supreme recorder, ir. M. W. Sackett,
Mead ville, 1:'euu.; 5 Kerne receiver, Mr.
J. J. Acker, Albany, . X. ; supreme over;
seer, Mr. Jos. D. ltig"',of $Lusa::: supreme
guide, Mr. John 11Zilu ., ot Essex, Out. ;
supreme watc:hwau 'Ir. Iieuj. F. Geiger,
Detroit,Aioh.; sulue tie.tuedical examiner
Dr. William C. Ili hardsou, St, Limb)
Uselessness 0 Cituren Eerie,
.?What need for urch bells in this
age of cheap clo •its- and watches? .8
man who propounds
esu at the pains to
ty of a bell which
risk church is giving
andel perseverance.
ve Sunday evenings
f the actual effect of
this method of pr•moting punctual at-
tendance at worsi ip with the following
results: For the : •st few minutes after
the coinmenceme t of the ringing no
one appeared. A out ten minutes later
,people began to sl Iwly filter in, the ad-
vance guard bein a led -by three little
maidens of ianma re age, Who had the
sacred edifice all to themselves for at
least ten minut . s. For, ,the space of
twenty minutes t ere war not above a
dozen people in the chtirch,' most of
whom were chit ren, At twenty-fiv
minutes after the began to ':hurry u
in the next five m nutes, when the be 1
stopped, sixty-fiv• had passed in and
quantity of the they continued a oing so for another
Birmingham gentl
this question has.
test the actual uti
the sexton of his i
to ringing with
On several susses,
he has taken note
ered his mistake. thirty minutes, w ion an equal number
my Lived about an entered the eacr.d edifice. Upon an -
the fatal .orae. The other occasion is patient observer
Saturday was and notes that from 4 e time the bell corn-
ule sed till it ceed about seventy per-
in, wh: •eas in the succeeding
e hot weather we fifteen minutes as many as one hundred
some time past, pre- and twenty erste ed, or nearly double
the number who ad gone in previously
ing thick and fast. to the stopping ;f the be11,---LondJn
eastern part ,of the I Daily News.
the 16th inst; then
1 Paramount, on the
us of Industry iutend
emonstration here ou
our popular .painter,
musician, is doitig a
ut hare, working full
tier by day or by night,
Tinton and vicinity to
t 180, attended divine
s church, on Sunday
I. H.. Fairlie, Grand
a splendid disoonrse,
ros. have received au
of Silk hats and white
gemen of Lucknow.
y fair, for the Sale of
will be held on July 5th.
Cushin was in Strat•
coking for her husband
in Mitehell. Cushin
oto Clivaon Last week
a few days after by his
small children, They
the town and the hut -
for Andrew Forrester.
rn up at his work and
d that he had Skipped,
family to Shift for
own authorities caredJ
hilt and then illus,
lock for her recreant
egvillo she was 'told
ord and she tent
but be bad not turn-
Cushin is said to
What induced
not known, but it
is surmised there was
one attraction in
Clinton that led him to".leavc hit Mtnilyr
English Spavin luiment removes all
hard, soft. or callou..d Lumps and Sem
tithes froir, horses, .food Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and swollen Throat, Uonghrt`
etc. Save 850 by use of oue bottle. Wake
ranted by Cbisholm'e drug store.
The Bishop
the following
mentioned :
Port Rowan
l3ervie ; Re
bank, and lie
curacy of All
Mr. Josep
in writing of
the liquor tr
tion be enact
tiivor the exi
the loss so ea
opposed to
thinks that
paints out th
ed to the tr
iudireetly to
Rev. Dr. -1
Won as past
When he
eve ming he 11
made the an
his in ten lion
lits health Av
perfect hype
'appeared to
the fact, L3
.resign with t
the ouurse of
the cougrega
to suit' them
again. He e
able to leave t
time he migl
thein an hon
deliver his •
hers3th sou„ raised a
80 * 50, lately. The
was..ireeted by about
f Rumbas appointed
lergywen to theaharges
ev, Arthur Shore, to
Rev, A. Moore, to
Ohms. Gonne, to Mill-•
. R, d, Freeborn, to the
Saints' Church, Wind--
iiyan, of Guelph, Ont;,,.
he putalio loss caused ley,
o, suggest that legis as),
d to :mess those who,
tense of the traffic ter
sed and to exempt all
he traffic. Mr. l ; yan
it is practicable. tae
igjustiee of those, oppoa.
flit having uirettt]y and
ar the bnrdenea which it
ild has resigned his pos-
r of the Bond street
1 ohurole, Toronto,
ascended, put Sunday
tened to the pulpit his
rest, and immediately
atonement that it was
o resign. He said that
s riot good, H e was e
'te in appearance. '14e
e well, but this was not
wanted rest. He would
e understanding that•iti
six months or a year if
on had not found a roan
e, would come back a-
id that he was glad to be.
heir feeling that any
t comp back and give
,st sermon. lie, would
alediotory next Suuday
KAT --Diol.
21st, by Rev.
A. Anderson,
to Miss Linz
Arch. Dicke* i, of Goderich.
alt,EI ilD..
ou--.In Goderich, on June
r. Ure, assisted by Rev. J.
r. A. M. Kay, of Stratford,
, eldest daughter of the late
bride's father
Jas. Malcolm
auth tcwusbi
Mr Samuel McKee
.L. G. Wood,
Charlotte, da
stoat, both of
ze—At the resideuce of the
ou the 14tH inst., by Rev.
Mr, Augus Green, of Amer-
, to lVfiss Maggie, daughter of
arta, of Culross.
eros—ln ', ernlierry, at
of tbe: bride's father, by Rev
Mr. John Nichol, to Miss
ghther ot Mr. William John-
Droirson— C rasox—Th Wroxeter; on June
15th, at the residence of the bride's par•
ante. by Rev. Mr. , Mr. Van Dick-
son, to Miss Newton Gibson, daughter of
A. L, Gibson, Esq.
MCTAaGAur-Barterm An --AL• 95 Ossing
ton avenue, Toronto, on June, 7th. by Rev.
B. Sherlock, W. 0. IileTaggart, B. A., of
Toronto, and formerly of Chiselhurst,
Huron county, to Mies Jennie Bartleman,
daughter of Mrs. P. Bartleman, Wiartou.
MoNaner—Lanz —In Clinton, on June
13th, by Rev. Mr. Diehl, Dr. McNally, of
Tara, to Miss Hattie Lane, of Clinton.
Bnnruoavr In Win ;hm
a, on 22nd of
June, Frodert Gladys, iufaut daughter of
Mr. A. Burkholder, aged 3 montus and 6
VZx - 1-L9 c111# i e
1 have just received a full supply of Christmas goods, consisting of
and Jewellery of all kinds and latest designs.
BIG BARGAINS Prom Now Till Christmas.
All goods bought far gash and we can sell as cheap at the cheapest anti
Herairiing Promptly Done and Sx tis faaeetion Guaranteed
'Give me a call.
Having bought out the Ambler Harness Business and started in his old stand
am prepared to furnish the public with everything usually kept in a harness shop
such as
i snake all my own Collars and guarantee satisfaction.
Givd me trial and I will use you right. m
SPRING 1893.
Are now opening. wa the finest .
play of
in all the different departments o':
their large trade that they have ever_"
been bile to, place beforeth.e public.
Comeand see the beautiful
in all the latesttints and textures that
the ' European and American markets.
offer the Canadian,. trade.
We offer great -attractions every
ttractions in
All goods marled in plain igu .°es
and at cut prices.
The Ano:1.0r Eouse,.
Having laid its a full stock tof
YARN S, eze.,
I am prepared to handle any quantity of wool.
octiallyy yours,
The Best in the World,
° - or the following reasons;
Ist—It is built entirely of the best malle4ble iron and steel. 2nd—lt requires
no holes to be drilled In butter Biel—It has no rod at the back to hold
obstructions end catlfee Choking. 4th—Tbe outside divider con be raised or
lowered at back or front, independent of lifters. 5th—/t has no springs to'
get out of order, 6tn—Esob lifter hag a guard stay, and brooking mower
gitards is ingpossibls. has movable clips, and can be set in lino with
tongue of inoohine; if cutter bar drags back. St,11--Each lifter ig independent
of the other 504 eat be raised or lowered in front, should mower guards be
out of line. Oth—The number of Machines sok) tiaiing the last season, en%
ables a large number of leading farmers of Ontario to testify to its merits.
Every machine IS warranted and given on test. Call and see sample
we ale
stook -
line of
this st
in dre
10 cen
want 1
ials, u
light •
is liar
This s
Tnit Bi
Has do
at the
tion f
been re(
on Mo
ably br
town ev
at reas
ar loa
ping it.
sev lite
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the old
the ska
leave V
and 13.4
Good c
pada b
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to el,